Bargains! Bargains! Like a Field of Gold Tr VALUES ALMOST BEYOND BELIEF AT FAUBLE'S GREAT Sale bring a Chorus of Praise from Hundreds of Satisfied Buyers RIPPING UP OUR P ICES The Trumpet Of Economy Sounds a Shrill Challenge HERE YOU ARE MEN STESON ad MALLORY HATS Never before priced this low. Ev- ‘# ery desirable shape and shade—Snap Brims, Welts and Fedoras. Entire stock included. GENUINE x MALLORYS Regular $7 and $8 STETSONS $5.35 Your Choice of all $2.00 Shirts Every Man will Put in a Supply of Emery Brand SHIRTS Collar to Match, Neck-band and Collar Attached Shirts in all the wanted sizes and fabrics. I ie + + 1.19 139 239 SACRIFICING OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF WINTER UNDERWEAR Fall, Winter and Summer Weights included in this Sweeping “let-go0” ‘of our entire underwear stock 79¢ Selling out all $1.79 $2.00 Underwear... $1.19 Your Choice of all $2.50 Shirts Your Choice of all $3.50 Shirts ............ Selling out all $1.00 Underwear... Selling out all $1. 50 Underwear... Selling out all $2.50 Underwear... TO ENTHUSIASTIC BARGAIN SEEKERS Men’s Solid Leather Work Shoes The famous sturdy built Lion Brand Work Shoes. Sizes 9 and 10 only. A good $3.00 value anywhere. $1.95 Men’s Fleece-Lined Union Suits A Fine Quality Winter Weight Gar- ment. A regular $1.75 quality offered special at this sale $1.19 Men’s Wool Mixed Union Suits Regular $2.50 values, part wool a=d fine combed cotton suits. Perfect fit- ting, comfortable and durable. $1.65 SPECTACULAR Values in HIGH GRADE wits ad Overcoat; EVERY CARMENT IN OUR VAST STOCK GOES BOYS’ ALL WOOL OVERCOATS Parents should see these overcoats. It will prove profitable for you to buy the boy a coat now for this winter and next winter's wear. Our en- tire stock is on sale—not one garment reserved. *fou’ll have to agree—this sale is really worth your while. VALUES TO $7.50 34.35 Boys’ Suits VALUES UP TO $14.00 Here’s your chance to clothe the youngster for some time to come at a mighty big saving. Fine all wool suits, sizes 14 to 17 only. Norfolk style coats and knicker pants. A rare value, $385 Brand New Suits The double-breasted suits, the single-breasted suits, collegiate style suits, conservative style suits. Striking striped patterns, soft-color tone suits. New tan and brown suits. Three-button style suits. Two- button style suits. Unfinished worsted suits. The newest twist fabrics. Newest cassimere fabrics. Fine pencil-stripe worsteds, and so on, and so on. Single-breasted overcoats. overcoats. herringbones. Favorite box-style o'coats. overcoats and checks. Conservative style o’coats. novelties, and so on, and so on. All $25 and $27.50 ALL $35.00 Suits IIR: Suits J) |= Overcoats Overcoats ALL $37.50 A ALL $450 . Suits 7 3D Butts NE Overcoats Overcoats tAUBL BELLEFONTE, PA. Latest Style Overcoats Double-breasted Utility winter overcoats. Very dressy overcoats. Big winter-style ulsters. Velvet-collar overcoats. Tan and gray overcoats, plaids and Extreme styles in o’coats. Plain colors and = Men's Suits We've closed our eyes to cost prices on these suits to turn them into money quickly. In this group you will find Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Griffon and other nationally advertised brands. Wonderful all-wool fabrics, desirable garments, but not just the last notch in style. Nearly all have narrow width trousers. *9.75 Genuine Crown $2 Overalls Here is a value you'll never beat! An exceptional full cut, heavy grade 220 weight blue denim overall. All sizes