Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 25, 1927, Image 5
Scenic Theatre Each Evening at 6:16 Miss Crouse at the Morton Organ WEEK AHEAD PROGRAM ~ This Saturday Only PARAMOUNT PRESENTS : FLORENCE VI Cammy sr and “THEODORE VON ELTZ” in “One Woman to Another” Man to man or woman to woman— what's the difference? Love makes the world go round, laughter makes it akin and a combination of both—well, all sorts of things can happen—and do! Here is a romantic comedy, some- thing entirely different from anything vet given Miss Vidor. It has that romantic interest that everybody loves, with plenty of interest that everybody loves, with plenty of laughs thrown in for good measure. Also a clever two reel gloom chaser and Fox News Reel. Matinee 2 P. M. As Usual 10 and 25c. Next Mon. & Tues. PARAMOUNT PRESENTS “Soft Cushions” With “DOUGLAS McLEAN", SUE CAROL”. Here is Doug as a dashing young ad- venturer who invades the Sultan’s harem, falls in love with the favorite beauty and has a thousand and one hilarious adventures while trying to win her. It's a down-to-the-minute comedy played against the unique, colorful background of the Arabian Nights. _ Also a clever two reel comedy and Paramount News Reel. Admission Only 10 and 25¢ and SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION Your opportunity to see for the first time in motion pictures just how the famous Buick automobile is made. This is in 3 reels and we feel sure it will entertain all picture fans. The Cadillac garage, through the courtesy of Messrs. Deitrich & Dunlap, have furnished us ‘with this treat free of charge. No extra admission. Nox Wad, & Thurs, DE MILLE PICTURE CORP. PRE- SENTS ROD LA ROCQUE and “PHYLLIS HAVER” in “The Fighting Eagle” ‘The Adventures of Gerard” by Conan Doyle. A glittering romance of love and adventure in the memorable days when Napoleon ruled Europe with an iron hand and held the World in awe-—when brave French- men bravely died to serve his vaulting Taken from ambition—when love of country, in-| trigue, bravery and daring were the passports to glory and fame. A screen production de luxe, packed with genu- : ine drama, thrill, expectancy and deep , appeal. Also Screen Snapshots and Fox News Reel. Matinee Wednesday Only, | 2P. M. Admission 15 and 35¢c. : » . Coming Attractions | “Richard Dix” in “SHANGHIED ABOUND” | “Fred Thompson” in “JESSIE “JAMES” “CHANG” Bebe Daniels in “SHE'S A SHIEK” | And truly a wonderful Xmas Holiday Program, Watch for Announce- ments. | umbrella I had there. AARONSBURG. Miss Sara Bower is driving a new Chevrolet coupe. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Bower had as recent guests Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, of State College. Morgan Otto will spend the Thanksgiving week-end . with family relatives in Williamspart. Miss Martha Smith recently pur- chased a player-piano and will doubt- less get much enjoyment out of it during the long winter evenings. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Orwig and fam- ily motored to Hartleton where they spent a few hours with Mr. Orwig’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Orwig, both of whom are invalids. Mr. and Mrs. William Baine and daughter, Emma Charlotte; Miss Sara Burd and John L. Stover meo- tored to Altoona, recently, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Nevel. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roush spent the week-end in Williamsport, guests of Mrs. Roush’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stover. A new niece was the attraction, it be- ing the first girl in the family. Mr. and Mrs. George Kern and sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Samuel I. Gettig, of Madisonburg, spent Wednesday at- ternoon of last week in town, Mr. Kern attending the Guisewite sale, while the ladies called on their many friends. Mrs. Jerome Stambach, of Johns- town, has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Crouse the past ten days. Miss Mabel Crouse came up from Sunbury, on Saturday, to spend the week-end at home and see her aunt. After spending the past few weeks here as the guest of her cousin, Mrs. John Mohr Otto, Mrs. Harman Haupt left on Tuesday for Atlantic City, where she will remain indefinitely. While in town she was the guest at a number of dinners given in her honor. Mrs. Fred Rachau, of New York city, spent a week here with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Guise- wite, who had a sale of their farm stock and implements, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Guisewite and grand- daughter, Mae Bower, motored the same day to Franklin, where they visited until Wednesday with the Wilt families, The Willing Workers class of the Lutheran Sunday school was enter- tained at the home of Mrs. J. D. Winklebleck, with a program, as fol- lows: Song prayer, “Thanksgiving,” Mrs. Crouse, the Misses Laran Burd and Ardrennee Winklebleck and Mrs. H. E. Hosterman. “The Harvester,” by Mrs. J. D. Winklebleck. “Ques- tions,” the class. Reading, “How to Study the Bible,” Mrs. J. E. Burd. Song, sentence prayer, “Are You Thankful?” Mrs. Harry Ocker. “My Bible and 1,” Miss Cora Haines. Scripture enigmas, the class. A num- ber of names were mentioned and re- quests made for the meaning. The class joined in repeating the Lord’s prayer after which they left for their respective homes. Real Estate Transfers. Beech Creek State bank to Rev. Reed O. Steely, tract in Curtin Twp.; $405. : John McKivinson, et ux, to Hamill Holmes, tract in Patton Twp.; $100. W. H. Ghaner, et ux, to Hamill Holmes, tract in Patton Twp.; $25. William Weber, Exec.,, to Balser Weber, tract in Howard; $1. Balser Weber to William Weber, tract in Howard; $1. Joseph Thomas, Adm., to C. Arthur Thomas, tract in Bellefonte; $700. A. C. Confer, et ux, to Clyde S. Confer, tract in Gregg Twp.; $2,000. ——Get your automobile plates as well as your Christmas gifts early. Planned City of Refuge In 1824 an idea occurred to the late Maj. Mordecai M. Noah, a distin- guished Israelite of the city of New | York, then editor of a prominent po- litical journal called the National Advocate, that Grand island, in the Niagara river, would make a suitable asylum for the Jews of all nations, whereon they could establish a great city and become emancipated from the oppzession bearing so heavily up- on them in foreign countries, The city of Ararab, which he contemplat- ed founding for this purpose, never developed after a series of failures end disappointments on his part. Can You Beat It? One of our friends dropped in the other morning. “I'm going to tell you,” he said, “about the meanest man you ever heard of.” “Some stunt,” said we. “Listen,” said he. “I was driving over town in Wednesday's rain and saw a good-looking man plodding along sans umbrella. I held up and asked him to ride. He accepted. On Congress street he said, ‘I'll get out here,’ 1 let him out. A little later i looked back in the tonneau for the That had gone too.”—Portland Evening Express. TOOK SODA 20 Y FOR GAS—STOPS NOW “For 20 years I took soda for indi- gestion and stomach gas. One bottle of Adlerika brought me complete re- lief.”—J. B, Hardy. Adlerika relieves stomach gas and sourness in TEN minutes. Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowel, it re- moves old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Let Adlerika give your stomach and how- els a REAL cleansing and see how much better you feel. It will surprise you! Zeller’s Drug Store. EDISON’S NEW INVENTION FIRST IN SCHOOL’S UNIQUE MUSIC TEST Tona! Beauty Wins in Curtain Com- petion at Mill Valley Before Mt. Tamalpais School Authorities. . The purchase of several music re- producing instruments recently came up for consideration at the Mt. Tam- alpais high school, in Mill Valley, California. The authorities fully realized the importance of their decision on the school’s work in musical instruetion, for the excellence of which Mt. Tam- 2lpals enjoys a widespread reputa- ion. The board determined that neither personal preference nor hearsay evi- dence should influence their choice. Recognizing the power of well-known names frequently to color an indi- vidual’s judgment, they resolved to make a test of instruments which should be nameless to the hearers! Accordingly, makers of the fore- most music-reproducing instruments were invited to send samples of their products to the school for a compara- tive test. The various instruments were assembled, concealed complete- ly behind curtains, and identified to the hearers only by number. This arrangement guaranteed a choice which was entirely impartial, the decision being made solely on the evidence which reached the hearers’ ears. The decision was not based on one comparison, but seven! After seven complete comparisons of the entire group, the unanimous opinion was in favor of Instrument Number Five, as giving the most perfect tonal re- production, while second choice fa- vored Instrument Number Two. The results are of interest to every music lover. = Instrument Number Five proved to be the new Edisonie playing Edison Records, while Instrument Number Two revealed itself as the new Edi- sonic equipped with an attachment, playing needle-type records. As. the local Edison dealer, Mr. Harter, Harter’s Music Store, re- marked, when told of this test: “A sweeping victory, and no wonder! The interest already displayed in the new Edisonic in this vicinity con- vinces us that Mr. Edison has achieved the ultimate in music-repro- ducing instruments. Every day, more people are asking to hear ‘close-up’ music!” NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE.—A water power Washer, like new. Price $10.00 Inquire of J. M. Fulton, at the Maytag store, Bellefonte. 72-45-tf. OR SALE.—Red Star 0il Range, 6 Burner. Excellent condition. In- quire this office or E. N. Sullivan, 254 8. Gill St., State College. 72-45-3t S of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, to me directed, will be ex- exposed to public sale at The Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, :1927. .. the following property: All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate and being in the Township of Spring, County of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de- scribed as follows :— BEGINNING at a corner of land now or formerly of John Hoy’s Estate, on the line of land of Rowland C. Irvin: thence along line of land and land of A. O. Furst North 67 degrees 20” East 211 and 76-100 rods to a post; thence along land now or formerly D. Grove South 23 degrees East 202 perches to stones; thence along land or formerly of Reuben Valentine's estate and George Valentine South 62 degrees West 425 perches to stones; thence along land now or late of P. and W. Barnhart North 29 degrees west 100 perches to stones; thence along land of John Hoy’s estate the fol- lowing courses and distances:— North 64% degrees East 122 perches to a post; thence North 221 degrees West 14 perches to a post; thence North 64 grees Fast 105 perches to a corner; thence North 251 degrees west 113 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 413 acres and 124 perches net measure. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Allen Sheldon defend- ant and W. G. Runkle, terre tenant. Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock P. M. of said day. HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue writ of Levari Facias of a issued out E. R. TAYLOR, Sherifr. Sheriff's office, Bellefonte, Pa., November 15th, 1927. 72-45-3t What would be more appropriate for the Kidlet than 2 or 3 nice Sun- Tub Dresses, a couple of Voiles, an Ever-Fast Dress, 4 or 5 of them for the cost of one ordinary ready made. GARMAN'S, FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate 20% 71286m J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent Consider a nice Linen Square, Tow-, el Sets, Shaving Sets, Suspenders, Garter Sets, Outing Night Shirts and Night Gowns, Silk Hose, Silk and ‘Wool Hose. GARMAN'S. FOR Dry Cleaning d Pressing Phone Stickler & Koons 8 West Bishop Street Bellefonte, Pa. 72-37tf {better Cards. of Rowland C. Irvin | and one-half de-' MBER? n-16-te Oh, Yes! Call Bellefonte 432 W.R. Shope Lumber Co. Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing EE SEAS, We are unable, owing to the size of our room, to display all of our goods. We have them—the styles and prices that appeal. We sell the goods that tells the tale. Just give us a chance. If you buy it at GARMAN’S, it’s right. TOYS IN ENDLESS LINE, Anything choice, pedes in all the styles. at all prices. ask us. Veloci- Kiddy Kars Shoo Flys, Doll Carts, Hockey Sticks, Archery Sets, Engines, Magic Lan- GARMAN'S. Sleds, Croquet Sets, terns. FOR YOU WIFE—Material for 2 or 3 Dresses——a Rayon, English Print, Fasheen, Crepe, Sun Tub, Ever Fast, Satin, Silk, Jersey, Wool Crepe, Flannel. We carry the largest as- sortment in the city. Customers say 80. GARMAN’S. Hunter's ....5o0k Store.... (hristmas Cards == Before they were made in America WE sold them. We sold them first when they were made in London, England. This FACT OUGHT to give us some selling prestige. We stock three of the best lines in America—Gibson, Volland and Buzza:’ No store can show you |The Price Ranges From 1 Cent to $1.00 Each If you enjoy buying Cards that have been rightly selected, buy them from Your Stationery Store ‘ —the store that helped to found the Card Business—and did not | “‘move in’’ to enjoy the profits. BE SURE OF A MERRY CHRISTMAS BY JOINING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOL- LOWING CLASSES: CLASS 25 with three per cent. interest, added if all payments are made regularly or in advance Bellefonte Trust Co. Bellefonte, Pa. ; i PAY CHRISTMAS CLUBHERED) Members paying 25 cents a week for fifty weeks will receive ........ I idea $12.50 CLASS 50 Members paying 50 cents a week for fifty weeks. ‘will ‘veeelve ............ 00.0000 ET $25.00 CLASS 100 : Members paying $1.00 a week for (fifty 4 weeks Will TeCelVe ..c..vciveeiarnrninrsnreaes $50.00 | CLASS 200 : Members paying $2.00 a week for (fifty ; This Store has Always Been weeks will receive .................. 0.0 $100.00 | the Home of CLASS 500 ; Members paying $5.00 a week for fifty 3 weeks’ Will Tecelve ...c..civ.iicvnnrvareraaiss $250.00 | —_ rr RA no onl tl | a 8 ‘Easy Chairs and Other Gifts Sa — Sa | RA So many gift suggestions | oh crowd to the fore when you come here = Christmas shopping that the difficulty | | US comes in deciding which to choose. = oe Our aid in this problem is yours to command. LE SASS Coggswell Chairs, covered in fine quality Jacquard, Velours and Mohairs . . . $27.50 to $90.00 Sr UE SA =n Les EEE EEE EEE EEUU SELES EEE EE Le I en i =! SASF Ue i p= I SAS ran I —- | — Ue = wo U jr-) 5s W. R. Brachbill Spring Street...... Bellefonte, Pa. Established 1841 Ley SISAL A Large Display of Smokers’ Cabinets Suitable for Gifts SASH Uc == A A A RR RY RR RR A RR RR RR RR RR RR RU Fe i r=; ] = g =r =] 1s SAS ot led pit - te