Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 25, 1927, Image 1

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——Experiments with voting ma-
chines in Philadelphia have been sat-
isfactory, thus far, but the Vareville
voters have not been heard from.
—It’s an increase of taxes or a
questionable transfer of funds in Phil-
adelphia. In other words, it’s “be-
tween the devil and the deep sea.”
——The President serves notice
that whoever becomes Governor of
the Philippines will operate along the
lines laid down by the late General
—>Spain is preparing to rejoin
the League of Nations. The brief
period of isolation has convinced the
people of that country that the
League is worth while.
—Ruth Snyder and Jud Gray have
lost their appeal and must die in the
electric chair within six weeks.. It
is a sad ending of two ‘lives that
might have been very useful had they
not been enmeshed by sin.
—If it were ours to do we would
revoke the license of every motor
driver who fails to recognize the su-
perior rights of pedestrians on street
crossings. This thing of making un-
certain legs do the impossible to car-
ry one out of the way of inconsider-
ate motorists is getting on our nerve.
—It has taken us some time to
analyze it to our complete satisfac-
tion and, having done so, we want to
announce that it was the Klan in
Centre county that kept Lloyd Stover
in the office of Recorder We refer
to the matter merely because it is
our belief that the hooded organiza-
tion is a factor in county politics.
—Well, our Burgess is going to
“Big Bill” Thompson’s conference in
Chicago. He’s not going in an aero-
plane, however. As we said several
weeks ago, we wouldn’t do that either,
but we're not Burgess and, therefore,
have the right to question the ap-
propriateness of sending a foot and
rail emissary into a winged -sym-
—Colonel Eric Fisher Wood's with-
drawal as chairman of the executive
committee of the Republican State
Committee, admittedly to manage
Senator Dave Reed’s campaign for
re-election, presages a fight. It is
admission that former Governor Pin-
chot expects to be an aspirant for
the seat. What else could it mean?
Gifford and Cornelia are the only two
persons with barls and following
enough to make it necessary for any
organization candidate. in Pennsyl-
vania to have a personal manager.
—So much are we a slave to a cer-
tain diversion that right now we are
probably be writing next January—if
we are spared until then—than what
is timely to write about now. To the
first five readers who think they
know us well enough to divine what
is trying to chase all other thoughts
out of the old bean at this moment
and who send us merely the gist of a
mental flash that has been captured
for a three-line paragraph in.Jan-
uary, we will give a year's subserip-
tion for nothing. That ought to be
——Nothing is more hopeful or re-
freshing to us than 1mperturbable
American youth. Governments may
fall, quakes rock the rounaations of
the earth, panics paralyze business,
and moral decadence shock the social
structure, but what of that? Tze
happy, careless, joy-seeking age that
leaves the real treasures in memory’s
storehouse is the one that goes heas-
long into the pleasures of today
without thought of troubles tomor-
row. The Lyon boys of Buffalo are
typical. Yesterday they sent us this
story: Godfrey said to Billy: “I was
told today that there will be a short-
age of maple sugar in Vermont next
spring.” “Why?” asked Billy. “Be-
cause,” said Godfrey, “the Sap
chooses not to run.”
—One of the blessirvs we had to
be thankful for yesterday is the Red
Cross nurse. . Thankful, not only for
the service rendered but because or
the rare personnel of the servitor.
The annual enrollment for the Red
Cross will start tomorrow and if only
those to whose homes she has brought
relief and good cheer were able to
tell of it to those, who by reason of
good fortune are able to secure their
own nursing service, there would be
a wonderful response to the call to
enroll. God has given all of us much
to be thankful for. Some have been
more bles’t than others. If you are
one of those fortunates, remember to
give accordingly as you have re-
—The new Socialist treasurer of
the city of Reading says six thousand
a year will be enough for him. The
office is supposed to pay from fifteen
to twenty thousand a year and Mr.
Hoveter thinks that’s too much. We
agree with him. And agreement with
a Socialist is a rare occurrence for
this pencil to record. However, we
string along only with the idea that
some public officials take down more
than the service is worth. Inasmuch
as few Socialists, outside of the parlor
variety, know anything about life on
a six thousand a year basis we have
a suspicion that treasurer-elect Hove-
ter is playing to the galleries down in
Reading. If he wasn’t a “joiner” just
to get an office, he ought to be offer-
ing to do the work for nothing and
rely on the rest of the proletariat
to pass the hat to keep the wolf from
his door.
VOL. 72.
Too Fulsome Praise of Tariff.
In his speech at the Founders’ Day
dinner of the Philadelphia Union
League, the other day, President
Coolidge “paid full tribute of devo- |
tion” to the protective tariff. “With-
out the influence of a protective tar-
iff,” he said, “it would never have
been possible for our country to reach
its present stage of diversified devel-
opment with its liberal rate of wages,
its unprecedented distribution of
wealth and its high standards of lv-
ing. If these conditions are to be
maintained that policy will have to be
continued.” Later on he added: “Any
material reduction in our general tar-
iff rates would ultimately result in
drastic deflation of agricultural and
industrial values, in the rate of wages
and in the standards of living.” That
is a wide flight of fancy.
Previous to the Civil war tariff tax-
ation was levied only for the purpose
of raising revenue and never exceed-
ed a rate of three per cent. Yet the
Republican convention of 1860, in its
platform, ascribed to “the union of
States” the nation’s “unprecedented
increase in population, its surprising
development of material resources, its
rapid augmentation of wealth and its
happiness at home and its honor
abroad.” During that nearly a cen-
tury of progress and prosperity there
were no millionaires and few paupers.
The wealth of the country was fairly
distributed among the industrious
people who created it and no burdens
were placed on one class in order to
afford unearned bounties to another.
It was really and truly “a government
of the people, for the people and by
the people.”
After the close of the Civil war
the present system of exploitation
was introduced. Protective tariff laws
were enacted under the false pretense
of improving labor conditions and en-
forced for the purpose or “making the
rich richer and the poor poorer.” The
first high tariff law was enacted dur-
ing the war “for revenue only.” But
| it revealed to the exploiters the possi-
bilities of graft and plunder in such
a system and ‘has been carefully
nursed and progress] ressively . Increased
until it has become the most prolific
source of plunder ever imposed upon
a helpless people. Protective tariff
has never contributed a dollar to the
wealth and prosperity of the country,
but ‘within ‘a quarter of a century |
has robbed the ‘industrial ‘life ‘of the |
people to the extent of billions,
——The ex-Kaiser is said to be in-
censed because his sister married a
dish-washer. But at her time of life
it was probably the best she could
do, and besides her family is no Tong-
er in high standing. :
nt — ee ——————
Improvement in Party Platforms.
Senator Walsh, of Montana, who
presided over the last Democratic Na-
tional convention, has the right idea
of a ‘platform for the party in the
campaign of next year. In addressing
the National Women’s Democratic
League, in session at Washington the
other day, he said if he were to write
the 1928 platform it would be brief,
confined to controversial questions
only, so that “every one might be
tempted to read it.” That in itself
would be an important improvement
in the construction of platforms,
which are usually so long and tedious
that nobody reads them. But that
is not the most significant feature of
his platform scheme. He offers a.
more appealing proposition.
The first plank of the platform Sen-
ator Walsh would submit for popular
approval would declare for “farm re-
lief, including tariff reductions, con-
struction of the Great Lakes and St.
Lawrence water way project, and
rigid enforcement of the anti-trust
laws.” He would recommend a radi-
cal change in the foreign policy of
the government with the view of “re-
gaining a little good will from the
other nations of the world,” the re-
organization of the Federal Reserve
system, “because it has become an
agency in the hands of the very in-
terests it was designed to circum-
vent.” He would also recommend fur-
ther legislation “to restrict the use
of the writ of injunction in labor dis-
That farm relief will be a leading
issue in the coming Presidential cam-
paign is plain to all intelligent ob-
servers. But such relief as that pro-
vided in price-fixing and bonus-pay-
ing legislation is not the remedy that
appeals to clear thinking men and
women. The relief farmers need is
wider markets for their products and
lower prices for the commodities they
are compelled to buy in the operation
of their farms. A reduction in the
rates of tariff taxation will provide
both these essentials, High prices aa
farm products are of little value if
the proceeds of their labor is taken
from them to pay bounties to the
manufacturers of the implements they
use and the clothes they wear.
Women Voters Moving on Right
The Pennsylvania League of Wo-
men Voters, in session at Williams-
port last week, declared in favor of
legislation providing for a modern
county tax collection and assessment
system and for the adoption of vot-
ing machines in Pennsylvania. These
are worthy objects to strive for, The
existing system of assessments and
collection of taxes is not only archate ;
but palpably unjust. Voting machines
afford the only hope of honest elec-
tions in this State. But the political
machine with which most of the la-
dies who compose the Pennsylvania
League of Women Voters are uffili-
ated with is opposed to both these re-
form measures. Yet the ladies are
likely to support the candidates of
the machine as usual.
But it is gratifying to learn that
the League is on the right track. A
modern system of assessment and col-
lection of taxes will eliminate from
the political equation one of the most
offensive elements available to the po-
litical machine, and the adoption of
voting machines will make corrupt
voting much more difficult and in-
finitely more dangerous. The pro-
posed reform in the method of assess-
ment and collection of taxes will
probably be more difficult of achieve-
ment. It will require new legisla-
tion on the subject and though candi-
dates for Senator and Representative
in the General Assembly may profess
to favor it before the election they
will be subject to the orders of the
bosses afterward.
The question of the adoption of vot-
ing machines is more directly under
control of the voters and the League
of Women Voters may help it along
amazingly. The General Assembly has
reluctantly adopted the 'resolutfon
submitting it to the voters. The value
of the measure has been impaired
somewhat by the provision making it
optional in counties. The sections
most in need of the machines may
refuse to accept them and thus in
State-wide contests control elections
by fraud as heretofore. But the trend
is in the right direction
tion of the pending amendment at
the election next year may mark the
beginning of the end of government
by fraud in Pennsylvania. That is
something worth while.
Melidl Lp gh lL HT
——Which recalls the fact that a
more or less conspicuous guy named
Belshazzar also gave a feast.
Interesting War History.
In a preface to a new war book, en-
titled, “The American Reinforcement
in the World War,” about to be is-
sued, Newton D. Baker, who was Sec-
retary of War in President Wilson's
cabinet, reveals some interesting facts
which have been subjects of contro-
versy ever since. Among them is the
authorship of the draft law. Resort-
ing to that method of recruiting an
army at the beginning was new and
elicited a good deal of popular com-
plaint. The idea was variously at-
‘tributed to President Wilson, Secre-
tary Baker and others, and it was
nearly as bitterly condemned as it
was widely discussed. Major General
Hugh L. Scott, who was at the time
chief of staff of the army, was the
author of the plan,
At the beginning of the war Great
Britain undertook to recruit its army
by voluntary enlistments. The draft-
ing system had never been employed
and was repugnant to the people of
that country. But after an experience
of two years it was found impossble
to keep the ranks filled and the draft
was resortegl to. When this ‘country
entered the conflict the authorities |
were afraid of a similar break-down
if the volunteer system were depend-
ed upon, and General Scott proposed
the “selective draft” to Mr. Baker,
who submitted it to the President and
it was promptly adopted. “Have the
law drawn at once,” the President told
Mr. Baker; “so that 1 ean refer to it
in’ my message as ready for consid-
Mr. Baker also states that neither ;
Great Britain nor France expected a
large force of men from this country.
Marshall Joffre, of France, expressed
the belief that we might furnish 500,-
000: men and when Balfour, of Eng-
land, and Viviani, of Paris, visited
Washington soon after the declara-'
tion of war by Congress, they asked
for immediate financial assistance but
had no expectation of a large force of
men. General Pershing was chosen
to command the force “because of his
robust health, energy, his tact and
self-restraint, in addition to his mili-
tary ability shown in the punitive
expedition into Mexico after the Villa
border raids.” This is real history
and in the course of time all the truth
will be known.
———Anyhow Bill Vare will have his
picture in Smull’s as a Senator, but
the price will be rather high.
and the adop- |
! : The Colonel Wood Dinner.
-_ “Belshazzar the King made a great
feast to a thousand of his lords,” to
| pay the tribute of his appreciation
of: their fidelity to his person or their
complacency to his vices. Similarly
a thousand of the political friends of
Colonel Eric Fisher Wood gave a
great feast, the other evening, to ex-
press their recognition of his ability |
3 a party manager. The feast of |
Ishazzer turned out rather bad. A !
‘mysterious writing on the wall of
the festal chamber, according to the
sacred historian of the event, “the
King’s countenance was changed and
his thoughts troubled him so that the
joi ts of his loins were loosed and
his knees smote one against the oth-
At the feast of the friends of
Colonel Wood there occurred no such
dramatic incident but there were
more or less reasons for troubled
, thoughts and shaking joints when the
function was transformed into an
ovation to William S. Vare. The
| Colonel proved that he is a “game
, sport,” however, by declaring infer-
-entially that he doesn’t need help
for the reason that he has already
‘been amply rewarded by State con-
tracts while Vare is in deep trouble.
It is not certain that the subscribers
{to the expense fund of the feast are
: as completely reconciled. Those rep-
j resenting sections whieh voted over-
| whelmingly against Vare may enter-
{tain a resentful feeling that they
have been deceived. :
Colonel Wood made a speech in
which he served notice of his resig-
nation of the chairmanship of the Ex-
ecutive committee and Mr. Vare
spoke in his usual bombastic manner.
But Senator Dave Reed was easily
the comedian of the occasion. He
said “the question of seating Mr.
; Vare ‘is far bigger than the person-
alities of either Mr. Vare or my-
self, but that it is one of the great-
est crises of the American constitu-
tion.” What absurd bunk to hand
out to a thousand presumably adult-
‘mindéd men and women. If ratify-
ing-a stolen election is necessary to
the constitution this country
/is in grave danger. The dumping of
Lorimer a few years ago refutes the
“challenge. ;
| ——It may make a millionaire feel
| big to treat a subpoena with con-
tempt but at the price Mr. Blackmer
paid the elation is expensive.
| Vare Hopes Vanishing.
As the date for the assembling of
Congress approaches the ‘“cock-
suredness” of Mr. Vare’s friends that
he will be admitted to the “partly-
stolen and partly-purchased” seat in
the Senate, which he claims, is van-
ishing. Senator Norris, of Nebraska,
j leader of the insurgent Republicans
i of the Senate, says he is “persuaded
(that Vare and Smith will never be
| permitted to take their seats in the
, Senate.” Other Republicans, many
.of them adherents to the administra-
tion, are “anxious to dodge another
i Newberry issue in the 1928 Presiden-
| tial campaign,” for the reason that
, they know it “would not only affect
. the national ticket but would serfous-
ily jeopardize the numerous Repub-
lican Senators up for re-election.”
The plan of attacking the claims
of the “gold dust twins,” Vare and
Smith, agreed upon by the Demo-
cratic and insurgent Republican Sen-
ators, is to offer a resolution, upon
their appearance to take the oath of
office, to refer their credentials to
either the Slush Fund committee or
‘the Standing Committee on Priv:-
leges and Elections. Only a majority
vote will be necessary to adopt the
resolution and the majority is cer
tain. Senator Norris will take the
initiative. He has expressed a pref-
erence for the Slush Fund committee
for consideration of the question but
| has strong faith that in the hands
1of either committee the result will
be the disbarment of the fraudulent
claimants, onlin
who voted for the admisston of Sen-
ator Newberry, of Michigan, in the
face of evidence of scandalous corrup-
tion and excessive expenditure of
money, have since been retired to
private life. The considerable num-
ber of Republican Senators who as-
pire to re-election next year are
wisely apprehensive of popular indig-
ination in the event they follow the
{example of the supporters of New-
jberry. The right-thinking voters of
the country are not willing to have
popular elections for Senator con-
verted into auction swes, and the
| seating of Vare and Smith would
| clearly indicate the presence of such
a danger. For these reasons the
friends of Vare are growing despond-
——Philadelphia public opinion is
{ now being turned toward a city man-
' ager,
Nearly all the Republican Senators 5
27. NO, 46,
The Village Survives.
From the Philadelphia Record.
In view of the general impression
that all the young folks are leaving
the rural districts to go to the city,
it is interesting to notice that the
village still maintains its existence
and shows no signs of disintegration.
Through the country are scattered
countless thousands of small towns,
frequently located well in the interior
and at a great distance from any siza-
ble city at all. These were settled, or
at least founded, a long time ago. It
might be thought that since cities
are constantly growing and devouring
more and more territory these towns
would be drained of population.
But instead of disappearing the
average small town has calmly main-
tained its existence, not always grow-
ing rapidly, perhaps, but not losing
ground either. Now and then a new
house goes up, or a new business
opens its doors to local employees,
or a new store brightens the main
street with its attractive display.
Some of the residents take up lives
in the faraway city, but others move
into the town. These may be either
city people who are satisfying a life- |
long wish to live in the country, or
they may be farmers who have sold
their acres and retired to spend their
late years in the sociable atmosphere
of the village. :
So the life of the place is renewed,
refreshed and invigorated. Near the
city, of course, real estate subdivisions
inflate the little settlements, and they
grow out of all recognition of their
former selves, going well along the
way to becoming cities - themselves.
But farther away the contributing
factors to continued existence are
some extremely modern developments
which one would hardly suspect. The
country depends upon the automobile;
the country people learn that it can
take Shem away From their isolation
and provide that temporary escape so
necessary to a tranquil existence.
Very well, then, what need to move
away permanently from a familiar
and pleasant location, where the fam-
ily is comfortably settled? If they
wish to go anywhere for a change
there is the car. xe
Then, of course, radio is another
influence, for it brings to 2
a full meast sens
; ) information Ww DINE-
times has its monetary valne.. and
also a vit of that sophistication that
is most prized of all. Electric ma-
chinery both in the home and in the
farm buildings makes existence more
pleasant and less arduous, and the
telephone connects friends and rela-
‘| land.
|1to the grain elevator.
| acre of young timber.
«fond year thinning and he plans to con-
- | tinue. the. work “every
—Ralph Rothrock, 20( is in the Mifflin
county jail charged with forgery. Roth-
rock was paroled several weeks ago by
the court when he was up on another
charge of forgery. u
—The job of city treasurer in Reading
pays $500 a’ year and fees’ make the office
worth between $15,000 and $20,000. William
C. Hoverter, Socialist, treasurer-elect,
thinks $6,000 is enough salary for any job
at city hall and all over that sum he
intends to turn over to the city.
—Frank Laubschr, a farmer residing at
Swissdale, three miles from Lock Haven,
has discovered oil oozing from his farm
But thus far he has rejected of-
fers made by interested speculators to
lease his land or agree to putting down
an oil well on a royalty basis. .
—Members of the Spring Hill Grange,
in Bradford county, recently held a field
day at which time they landscaped the
grounds around their hall. Native ma-
terials were planted. The men did the
work and the women prepared a sumptu-
ous dinner for the whole group.
—Milton E. Reese, 23, fell fifty feet
to his death at the north plant of the
Lancaster iron works on Sunday. He was
at work atop a steel framework when he
lost his balance and plunged into an fron
tank below. Reese was to have married
Miss Margaret Long, a nurse, on Wednes-
—When J. H. Dunkleberger, of Lycom-
ing county, had a new well drilled, the
stream which fed the A. C. Durrwachter
well, several hundred rods away, was
tapped and later went dry. Mr. Durr-
wachter was compelled to sink another
shaft, drilling to a depth of 108 feet
to obtain a sixty-four-foot level of water.
—William. Murphy, 32, of Erie, asked
last week to have his job changed from
the ore unloading machines at the docks
He reported to
work . Monday on his new job. Monday
night he was missed and when the trap-
door in the side of the elevator was
opened Tuesday his body was found
buried in the grain.
—Robert Lawyer, age 12 years, of Ty-
rone, will probably lose his left arm
as the result of a shooting accident when
he was shot by a young playmate who
pointed a 45-calibre revolver. at him, the
bullet striking young Lawyer in the left
arm just below the shoulder. A number
of young lads were playing “Indian”
when the accident occurred.
—While walking out a dark passageway
of an apartment building in Ambridge,
where he attended a sick child, Dr. E.
J. Aten was slugged by an unknown as-
sailant, knocked down a flight of steps
and suffered a compound fracture of the
left leg. The man did not attempt rob-
bery, but ran away. It is believed by
the police he mistook the physician for
another man.
—John H. Stoltzfus, Berks county
farmer, thinned one acre of his young
timber last winter. He put seventy hours
of labor on the job and got fifteen cords
of pole wood ready to saw. The wood
was worth at least $3 so he got $45 worth
of wood for his work and has a better
This was his sec-
© Jacob H. Moul, well "known resident
of York county, will round out his fifty-
fifth year of continuous services as a
teacher and superintendent of Mt. Car-
mel Sunday school with this calendar
year. For more than a quarter of a
century he has been teacher of a class
of young ladies at that school. He has
Taking these things into account,
the vitality of the village is less
puzzling. It has survived the era of
change and mastered a difficult situa- |
tion by adopting the changes itself in- |
stead of resisting progress. The Unit- |
ed States is still full of small towns,
and it is safe to predict that this
fortunate circumstance will continue
in force for many generations to
$100,000 For Ruth.
From the Pittsburgh Post. '
When you take a pretty girl and
add the glamor of almost flying across
the Atlantic you have an object of
intense public interest. It is not sur-
prising, therefore, to learn that Ruth
Elder has been signed to appear on
a vaudeville circuit for one hundred
days at the very handsome figure of
one thousand dollars per day. No
wonder she didn’t hurry back to Bal-
boa with friend husband. !
But the engagement of Miss Elder
on a contract that will total $100,000
brings home with new force the finan-
cial sacrifice which Celonel Lindbergh
has made. If Ruth can drag them
into the theatres at a rate to warrant
So neat a sum—what would “Lindy”
do at the box office? Or better yet—
the country’s largest auditoriums
couldn’t accommodate the crowds if
they were to team up, and put on
an act together.
Nobody can doubt for a moment
the sincerity of Lindbergh’s interest |
in aviation. He has given proof posi- |
tive that he places its progress above
personal advantage. In fact, this is
so true that his friends are fearful
that his altruism will be carried to
an extent that will deprive him of
some of the deserved fruits of his
great exploit.
Vare’s Seat in the Senate.
From the Harrisburg Telegraph.
Thoughts turned to William S. Vare
at times last night at the Colonel
Eric Fisher Wood testimonial dinner,
as they will be for the next fort-
night on Mr. Vare’s seat in the Unit-
ed States Senate, a precarious emi-
nence for the gentleman from Phila-
delphia, and one which some of his
fellows of the senior house are not
inclined to permit him to occupy. But
Mr. Vare has had a way, ever since
he and his brother began doing things
in Philadelphia, of getting what he
wants, and there are seers who ex-
pect to see hin thoughtfully regard-
ing the serious visage of Vice-Presi-
dent Dawes from that section of the
Senate until recently graced by ‘the
presence of George Wharton Pepper.
Of course, there are likewise many
forward-looking souls’ who say that
Mr. Vare has just as good a chance at |
the Senate as Mr. Smith, of linois, |
and complete this wise comment with |
a hearty guffaw in their sleeves. i
i learn the modern dance steps.
it was part of the parish program to
; at present among his Sunday school schol-
ars some of the grandchildren of former
—A dancing school, where all the lat-
test steps are to be taught by competent
professional teachers, is the newest ad-
. dition to St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal
church, in Pittsburgh. The Rev. Waldo
Amos, rector, said the church hall would
be used every Friday night for the young
people of the neighborhood who desire ro
He added
make the church interesting for young
folk. Those who enter the dance class
will pay nominal dues to defray the ex-
penses for an orchestra and instructors.
—Within a short time after the Dauph-
in county court ordered her separated
from her 12-year-old daughter, Mrs. Cora
Wike, of Royalton, was prevented on Mon-
day from committing suicide by jumping
into the Susquehanna river. County de-
tective Yontz halted the woman after he
had persued her from the courthouse. The
court earlier ‘in the day ordered Mrs.
Wike to be separated from her daughter.
The girl followed her mother to the riv-
er bank screaming and threatening to
jump into the stream after her. Mrs.
Wike lost custody of her daughter after
Judge Wickersham held she was not x
proper person to have charge of children.
—Unable to open the safe after binding
and gagging John Mason, the watchman,
at Miller Brothers’ bakery, about 2
o'clock Thursday morning, six armed ana
masked bandits stole a truck from the
bakery garage on which they hauled the
safe away. State police several hours
later found the safe in the woods near
Tamaqua, blown open and the truck de-
stroyed by fire. The loss was about $5,000
in securities, but what worries the Millers
the most is that the safe contained all
their insurance pelicies, State licenses for
their 14 delivery trucks and other valua-
bles. At least one of the thieves un-
doubtedly was familiar with the bakery,
for he took a key from a hook to open
the gas station, so that they could fill
the tank on the truck before departing.
This was the fourth time in a year that
the safe was robbed.
—Suffering for some time with an inch
long point of a surgical instrument
lodged in her lung, Miss Olive James, of
Blue Ball, a teacher in the Spring Valley
school, was rushed to the Jefferson hos-
pital, Philadelphia, where the object was
removed with little difficulty by Dr. Jack- -
son, famous for his skill in removing for-
eign objects from the throat and lungs.
By means of the X-ray, it was found that
the object had lodged below the seventh
rib. ' An instrument was pushed down
the patient’s throat to the place where
the point was lodged, and’ it was drawn
out, relieving Miss James of the great
distress which she had been suffering,
Miss James had been treated by a Clear-
field physician for an obstruction in her
nose, and in some manner the point of
the surgeon’s instrument became detached
and was drawn down into the patient's
left lung.