BOALSBURG. . A little daughter arrived at the Nevel home last week. Mrs. Anne Patterson had her resi- dence wired for electricity last week. Cyrus Wagner, of Altoona, spent Sunday with his father, S. J. Wagner. Misses Ida and Mary Segner went to Philadelphia, Wednesday, for a visit with friends. _ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber, Edward and Miss Alice Weber, were visitors in town on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Meyer en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. John Kimport, at dinner, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tennis, of Scalp Level, enjoyed a week-end visit with their son William and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goheen and Mrs. E. R. Tussey spent Friday at the John B. Goheen home, at Rock Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Barner, of Maine, ar- rived in town, Thursday, for an indef- inite visit with their daughter, Mrs. 0. F. Smith and family. The annual Hess-Thomas-Everhart birthday anniversary was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hess, on Saturday evening. The women’s class of the Reformed Sunday school will hold their annual bazaar and chicken supper on Satur- day afternoon and evening, Nov. 19. Union Thanksgiving services will be held in the Lutheran church Wednes- day evening, Nov. 23, at 7:30. Rev. Moyer will preach the sermon and a union choir will lead the singing. The Woman's Missionary Society of Zion Lutheran church, Boalsburg, will hold their annual thank offering serv- ice on Sunday morning, Nov. 20th, at 10:30. The Light Brigade, a mission- ary organization of the children, will have part in the service. Rev. John H. Wagner, of Brooklyn, N. Y., will bring a home mission message. At this service the thank offering gifts will be received. We cordially invite all to the service. The Scenic THEATRE Where the Better-Class Photoplays are Shown Each Evening at 6.15 o’clock. Miss Crouse at the Robert Morton Week--Ahead Program This Saturday (Only) PARAMOUNT PRESENTS ZANE GREY'S “NEVADA” WITH GARY COOPER \ : Here is another one of those strict- ly high class western pictures that on- ly Paramount produces. Also Fox News and a Good Two- reel Comedy. Matinee Saturday at 2 : Only 10 and 25 cents. 0 Next, Monday and Tuesday PARAMOUNT PRESENTS WwW. C. FIELDS IN “Running Wild” Here is the funniest comedy that Mr. Fields has ever produced it was made for laughing purposes only. Also Paramount News-Reel and a hot two-reel Comedy. Matinee Monday at 2 p. m. Only 10 and 25 cemts. eee — Wednesday, _ Thursday and Friday Victor Hugo’s Immortal Classic “Les Miserables” This show needs no further introduc- tion to Scenic patrons and if you in- tend seeing it come early and get a good seat. Special admission prices. Children 25¢ Adults 50c Matinee Daily at 2 i I Odd Contradictions in - Famous German Writer Made miserable by fundamental con- tradictions in character, Heinrich Heine, a genius best remembered for his poems, cried: “I am tragedy—I am comedy.” Though he was prob- ably the greatest German poet of his century, the author of “The Lorelei” was constantly appalled by the vast ness of his vision and sought a firmer footing on other paths of expression. When he could curb his poesy he was a splendid journalist. While he hated despotism he was an ardent admirer of Napoleon. As a cynic his laughter still is remem- bered for its hilarity at sentiment, yet he was such a sentimentalist that his spurned love for his cousin gave ex- quisite wings to many a poem. He wrote history without method and philosophy with no crystallized phil- osophy of his own. The capricious quality that pervades all his writings lurks in even his tenderest poems. He shifts from Intense passion to careless mockery. His life, until his invalidism, was one agony of being jerked from poesy to materialism and back again. Yet when he was made helpless by paral ysis this strange man of contradic tions, who had been impatient and irritable in health, showed an extraor- dinary endurance and cheerfulness in the long years he spent on what he termed his “mattress grave.” He died in 1856 and lies buried in Paris.— Kansas City Star, : Odd Form of “Prayer” Brought Needed Rain Desperate after a month of drought im what was supposed to be the rainy season, the peasants in Changhsintien recently dressed up two men like fish and marched them down the street. pouring water on them all the way. This is a new method of praying for rain. it worked, too! For that night Pe king and neighboring towns were drenched in a frightful storm. Noth ing like it is ever seen in New York. A peculiar sort of lightning, flashing continuously here and there and ev- erywhere, and thunder keeping up a constant “put-putting” sound feature the storm. Lakes come into existence everywhere. The storm seems some- how symbolic of the approach of threatening nationalist troops. Strangely, the Pekingese prayed fou rain in earnest, too. In White Cloud temple, outside Hsipienmen temple. and at Hsiszu Pailou, coolies. old men and priests burned beasts and bowed incessantly. They followed the ancient rain-praying rites. But the inhabitants of Changhsin tien zre believed to have found a new niethod of rain praying in the fish paride. People. in Peking had not heard of it before—Brooklyn Eagle. A:aimals’ Color Sense Ihe colorful world of green grass and trees, red meat, brownish-gray mice and yellow dogs is all just gray to cats, according to Prof, F. M. Gregg of Nebraska Wesleyan university, who experimented with the color sche of unight-prowling animals. Dogs and raccoons also luck color perception he finds. In his experiments the ani mals were taught to recognize various color combinations, They learned that when certain colors were shown they could come up and expect to be fed. When shades of gray corresponding in brightness to the different colors were substituted for the brilliant rainbow hues, the animals apparently noted no change in the dinner signals. The dog, a fox terrier, was quickest to learn, the cat next, and the raccoon the slowest of all, Vital Part of Tree fhe stem of a tree, also called truna and bole, is the main axis extending from the roots to the crown, or to the tip in case of an unbranched stem. Tree stems range from long to short. straight to crooked, and from erect to prostrate. An examination of cross-section of a stem will show bark. wood, and pith, says the American Tree association, In the central pari of the stem is the pith. About it is the wood, which in many trees can be divided into the darker heartwood and the lighter sapwood. Between the wood and the bark is a thin layer known as the cambium. This is the most vital part of a tree, for it is here that all new wood and bark are made up. Death to Mosquitoes £fforts to find a poison that will kil the mosquito larvae and not harm fish have been successful! in France. Here: tofore all poison designed to spread over breeding places of mosquitoes has been harmful to other life, but the new compound will not only spare the fish, but will be harmless to aquatic plants or warm-blooded animals, it is claimed. It is a formaldehyde com. pound that can be applied with sand Dark Rubber Lasting for rubber articles that are likely to be exposed to sunlight, rubber of the darkest color will stay “alive” the longest. Recent experiments In the rubber laboratory of the United States bureau of standards, reported by Pop ular Science Monthly, have demon strated that the shade of rubber goods has much to do with thelr durability Not a Chance No man under thirty is & match i» mtelligence for a woman of twenty.— American Magarine. - Many people think that a train Is kept on the rails by the flange or rim that 1s on the inside edge of the wheel. This flange steadies the car, but does not keep it on the rails. The rail is slightly rounded on top, as is the rim of the car wheel, so that the wheel does not rest squarely on the rail. The outer circumference of the wheel is smaller than the inner and the wheel rests on the inner slope of “the rounded rail. In running the wheels press outward because it is easier for them to run along the smallest edge and on top of the rail By pushing outward and exerting the same force in opposite directions the wheels keep each other balanced and on the rails. Germ-Proof Upholstery Odors of such common plants as cloves, thyme, wild verbena, geranium and cinnamon will protect automobile upholstery against germs, an English expert has discovered, Upholstery in which quantities of the plants have been mixed remains germ-proof for eighteen months to two years. He found that the odor of cloves would kill microbes in thirty-five min utes, while cinnamon killed some species In twelve minutes. The es sence of chnnamon was fatal, he claims, to typhoid-fever bacteria after twelve minutes.—Popular Mechanics Magazine, rm ——————— A —————— Real Estate Transfers. Elizabeth B. Hartman to T. B. Hartman, et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $4,000. Moshannon Lodge No. 3459, Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, et al, to Trustees Annette Council Junior Mechanics No. 782, tract in Philips- burg; $2,400. Willis S. Williams, et ux, to Thom- 2 J. Fleisher, tract in Potter Twp.; 1. Thomas J. Fleisher to W. A. Reiber, tract in Potter Twp.; $300. Zofia Puhalla, to Helen Puhalla, tract in Snow Shoe Twp.; $1. Helen Puhalla to Zofia Puhalla, tract in Snow Shoe Twp.; $1. Elsie Kramer to Annie Liale Brooks, et al, tract in Centre Hall; $2,800. Nellie L. Gehret to Margaret M. Gehret, et bar, tract in Bellefonte; $1. Eva R. Gross, et bar, to James E. Houser, tract in College Twp.; $1,850. Boyd R. Miller, et ux, to Clara T. Bateson, tract in State College; $1. Clara T. Bateson to Boyd E. Miller, et ux, tract in State College; $1. Fred P. Auman to “The Connyng- ham Rangers,” tract in Gregg Twp.; $450. Phi Sigma Kappa Association to Theta Chi, of Penn State, Inec., tract in State College; $1. William W. Curtin, et ux, to Oscar J. Harm, tract in Bellefonte; $1. Richard B. Thomas to C. S. Thomas, tract in Potter Twp.; $1. H. B. Frankenberger, et ux, to Charles L. Frankenberger, tract in Gregg Twp.; $1. Ralph E. Cable, et ux, to Edna B. Hassinger, tract in Millheim; $1. Alfred H. Chandler, et ux, to Ellis L. Orvis, tract in Bellefonte; $1,000. "Meeps Car on Rails = i ! ‘ i ! Ellis L. Orvis, et ux, to Hester E. Chandler, tract in Bellefonte; $1,000. John E. Bowmaster, et ux, to W. H. Thompson, et ux, tract in Howard Twp.; $1. Charles L. Frankenberger, to N. B. Frankenberger, et ux, tract in Gregg Twp.; $1. J. L. Spangler, et ux, to H. F. Al-: ters, et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $300. Elizabeth Fulton, et al, et bar, to Elizabeth Anne Shay, tract in Miles- burg; $1. : . Samuel J. Wagner, to Carl O. Phil- ips, tract in Boalsburg; $200. F. P. Guisewite, et ux, to James W. Guisewite, tract in Haines Twp.; $1,- Nancy J. H. Mattern, et bar, to Irvin L. Thomas, tract in Half Moon Twp.; $250. : William Tressler, et ux, to E. T.: Kellerman, et ux, tract in Coleville; $1,549. > Ethel Van Stavern, et bar, et al, to Elizabeth Klinger, tract in College Twp.; $5,000. Eugene R. Lederer, et ux, to Harri- son H. Arnold, tract in College Twp.; $8,000. E. P. Weaver, et ux, to T. B. Charles, tract in State College; $950. omms— mma NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Leari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, to me directed, will be ex- exposed to public sale at The Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1927. the following property: All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate and being in the Township of Spring, County of Centre and i i i i | | | State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de- scribed as follows :— BEGINNING at a corner of land now or formerly of John Hoy’s Estate, on the line of land of Rowland C. Irvin; thence along line of land of Rowland C. Irvin and land of A. O. Furst North 67 degrees 20” Rast 211 and 76-100 rods to a post; thence along land now or formerly D. Grove South 23 degrees Fast 202 perches to stones; thence along land or formerly of Reuben Valentine’s estate and George Valentine South 62 degrees West 425 perches to stones; thence along land now or late of P. and W. Barnhart North 29 degrees west 100 perches to stones; thence along land of John Hoy’s estate the fol- lowing courses and distances:— North 64% degrees East 122 perches to a post; thence North 221; degrees West 14 perches to a post; thence North 64 and one-half de- grees Fast 105 perches to a corner; thence North 251 degrees west 113 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 413 acres and 124 perches net measure. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Allen Sheldon defend- ant and W. G. Runkle, terre tenant. Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock P. M. f said day. ied E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Bellefonte, Pa., November 15th, 1927. 72-45-3t | T1-16-t£ LUMBER? Oh, Yes! Call Bellefonte 432 W.R. Shope Lumber Co. | Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing EVANGELICAL CHURCH The Bellefonte Evangelical church will hold a financial rally day on Sun- day, November 27th. Rev. G. C. Ga- brie, pastor St. John’s Evangelical church, Williamsport, will be the spe- cial speaker, and the Imperial Quar- tette of the First Evangelical church, Williamsport, will render special music for the occasion. Rev. Reed O. Steely, who, on ac- count of the critical illness of Mrs. Steely, has not been in his pulpit, in the Evangelical church, since October 17th, will have charge of the serv- ices Sunday, November 20th, when the regular program of the church will be observed. WOMAN EATS ONLY BABY FOOD 3 YEARS “For 3 years I ate only baby food, everything else formed gas. Now, thanks to Adlerika, I eat everything and enjoy life.”—Mrs. M. Gunn. Even the FIRST spoonful of Alder- ika relieves gas on the stomach and removes astonishing amounts of old waste matter from the system. Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better. No matter what you have tried for your bowels, Adlerika will surprise you. Zeller’s Drug Store. December a lx6 5 © 9 © 10 4 vat 15 1617 295 2% 5s) i ‘Hunter’s Book Store UR STORE is filled again with Good Gift Merch. andise for CHRISTMAS OUR MAJOR LINES NO Books, Box Papers Christmas Cards and TOYS have never been better. Christmas Cards range in price from 1c. each to $1. each Everything in Books from the 5c. Picture Book to the $3 Gift Books Call before our Line becomes depleted. Order Personal Greeting Cards early. $4.00 wv Sunday Excursion PITTSBURGH Sunday, November 20 Leave Bellefonte Arrive Johnstown ... * Greensburg .. * Liberty “ RERURNING Pittsburgh ..occeeverrersressesees East Liberty. ve Greensburg .. at Trip 1 4 5. . 8. 6, gion eer 2252 BRRER Leaye pons 2868 oY Pennsylvania Railroad stomach and ' ——The Watchman gives “all the news while it is news. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR RENT.—House on 8. Spring St. Bellefonte. Inquire of Mrs. T. CLAYTON BROWN 44-tf like new. Price $10.00 Inquire of J. M. Fulton, at the Maytag Bellefonte. Fi SALE.—A water power Washer, store, -45- OR SALE.—Red Star Oil Burner. Excellent condition. In- Sullivan, 72-45-3t quire this office or BE. N. 254 8. Gill St., State College. OST.—On Sunday, Nov. 6, between Bellefonte and Centre Hall, a large, tan suit case containing ladies’ wear- ing apparel. Reward if returned to G. I. OR RENT.—The Mrs. J. Will Conley Purnell, Bellefonte, Pa. 72-45-1t F home on Logan street, possession to be had immediately following the sale on Nov. 19. 42-1, ms sete mr m—— Free sik Host Free Mendel's Knit Silk Hose for Wo- men, guaranteed to wear six months without runners in leg or holes in heels or toe. A mew pair FREE If they fall. Price $1.00. YEAGER'S TINY BOOT SHOP. '72.32-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, OR SALE OR RENT.—Residence and F garage at 203 east Linn St, Belle~ fonte. Taquire of UGH N. CRIDER, 112 So. Harvard Ave. Ventnor, N. ¥, FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate 20% te. 71-286m J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent Range, 6 sm——— R Dry Cleaning | and Pressing Phone Stickler & Koons : 8 West Bishop Street Bellefonte, Pa. aR 72-37tf 1 Sh Eee eee ie ee la anaes oor 4 Ls c= 1 2 BUY A USED CAR 1 a oN : fi pl That Carries an 0. K. With It a 5 i lc Small Monthly Payments i i . . i Drive While You May Io | | eo Lic ] Open Day and Night I oh : Lh I 5 Down Payment fT Ic 1925 Overland Sedan 4 door, Balloon eqnuipment - $200.00 or] BY 1925 Ford Roadster. - - - = - = = 6000 Uo nl 1927 Chevrolet Coupe, Shows but very little service - 190.00 Uc = 1926 Chevrolet Sedan, Fully Equippe “ie 170.00 Fb Lo 1925 Chevrolet Touring - - = - - = = 120.00 LE A 1927 Chevrolet Truck, With 110” body - = = = 170.00 Ue, US 1925 Ford Coupe, With ruxsteel axle ~- - - - 140.00 [It fc 1924 Chevrolet Truck, extra good tire = - - - 68.00 1 20 1924 Buick Roadster, Fully Equipped, Four-Wheel Brakes 140.00 5k BF 1924 Chevrolet Sedan, Duco Paint - - = = 100.00 Ue Uo 1927 Dodge Sedan, Fully Equipped - - = -,25000 fd Uc 1924 Ford Coupe, Completely Overhauled - - - "80.00 SH 3 1926 Ford Touring, Fine Looking Car - - - 50.00 Lg US] 1926 Ford Roadster, With Steel Box, Balloon Equipment 100.00 Uc US 1923 Studebaker Sedan, Light Six, Execllent condition 120.00 it Uc . IE Jl ® u ie Extra Special Pl =n = Sh Open and Closed Models, consisting of Fords, Chevrolets and Overlands— Prices Ranging from $20.00 up to $75.00 B= No repairs needed. All Cars mechanically overhauled; well tired and checked thoroughly before leaving the garage. : Decker Chevrolet Co. BELLEFONTE, PA. Corner of High and Spring streets. é is now being done by the “Early Birds.” gladly hold any purchases for you until the Holidays. Diamonds and Watches Buying for Christmas We wih a a a A Ss A Eh ER a A ie Le oe TIANA SOS AS PIN RAIA ANANSI INIT GW WN § { bought early, and our popular payment plan, make $ your purchasing of these lovely gifts possible. F. P. Blair & Son JEWELERS Bellefonte, Penna. sad