Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 18, 1927, Image 3

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    Bellefonte, Pa., November 18, 1927.
Your Health,
The First Concern.
Bread Energy Producing Food but It
Must be Supplemnted by Prop-
erly Balanced Diet.
White bread is perhaps the most
important article in the American
diet, because of its extensive use. If
is our principal energy producing
food, as a carbohydrate food, and so
in the average meal, makes a contri-
bution for which it would be hard to
find an adequate substitute. Whole
wheat bread, rye bread or graham
bread, to be sure, may be substituted
for the sake of maximum nutrition by
those who prefer as many do, the
taste of the white bread.
Experiments have fairly well re-
moved grounds for the charge that
white bread is less rich in elements
good for the human system than its
brothers of the bread family. What
experiments have proved, on the con-
trary, is that all wheat breads are ex-
ceedingly important and valuable in
the diet, but that no wheat bread is
sufficient in itself to sustain lide
properly. Man cannot “live by breaa
alone,” in the literal sense. This
statement is not an argument against
eating bread. ¢
We can safely eat plenty of bread
with excellent results if ‘we combine
it with other foods that will give a
properly balanced diet and that will
supply certain elements that bread
itself lacks.
Fruit and the leafy vegetables fur-
nish the proper balance for bread in
a meal and not only will we find this
kind of meal satisfying to the palate
but we may feel assured that we
have supplied our system with all
that the most princely income could
buy. A little meat added to the above,
not too much and not at every meal,
will make a perfect diet.
The protein of either whole wheat
flour or white flour is not of a type
sufficient to flourish the body since
wheat protein is deficient. The pro-
tein of bread must be supplemented
with either a meat or proper veget-
able protein before the proper protein
nourishment is assured for building
muscles and other tissues.
Also wheat flour does not contain
enough inorganic salts (mineral salts)
to meet the needs of growth and
health. In the case of lime, for in-
stance, a person would have to eat
ninety slices of white bread to obtain
sufficient lime for his body’s needs. 1t
would be absurd therefore to de-
pend upon bread for lime, - when
leafy vegetables will supply it.
Milk also supplies it in a large pro-
portion. Although bread is one of the
chief articles of diet there is never
enough eaten at any one meal, or at
any one time, to assist very greatly
the human body in growth and main-
tenance. Bread is an energy-produc-
ing food. We need tn look to it for
that, an important enough contribu-
tion, and not look to it for those ele-
ments that come properly from other
According to Dr. E. C. McColium,
of Johns Hopkins University, wheat
flour also is deficient in a certain sub-
stance, as yet unidentified, which will
give satisfactory nourisnment to any
human being for any great sength of
time. This unknown substance may
be found in butter fat, and so bread
requires supplementing with some-
thing containing the substance found
in butter fat. Thus it is seen that
the tradition which weds “bread and
butter” is justified by dietetic analy-
Undernourishment may come about)
from a diet which is restricted too
closely to bread. The diet consisting
almost entirely of “bread and coffee”
three times a day, which prevails in
some sections of the country, is not
safe and is not to be recommended.
This statement is not a criticism of
bread, but merely a recognition of
fact that no food is in itself perfect.
Milk comes nearest to being the per-
Garden Idea Fostered
by English Merchant
In Piccadilly, in the center of Lon-
don, the mother of gardens came into
existence many years ago, according
to the Christian Science Monitor.
was at Hatchard's, the well-known
bookseller and publisher, in 1804, that 'mia. This disease was first discover- di
John Wedgwood gathered his friends
together and unfolded a plan to “fos-
It Shoot a Rabbit,”
: Rabbit Disease Not Imminent.
Quite a number of people have be-
come considerably worked up over a
recent article published in The Coun-
| try Gentleman, entitled “When You
the article dealing
with a strange disease called tulare-
ed in Utah several years ago, and was
i called deer-fly fever. Investigation hy
ter and encourage every branch of , 2 8Sovernment bacteriologist develop-
horticulture” and to “collect every in-
formation respecting the cultivation
and treatment of all plants and trees.”
The founder of the House of Hatch-
ard, John Hatchard, was in sympathy
with every project that made for the
good and enlightenment of mankind.
It was a suitable place for this soclety,
the mother of many affiliated societies,
to begin its world-wide operations. The
room where the first meeting took place
no longer exists, as the building has
been rebuilt since that time, but a
portrait of John Hatchard still hangs
in the comfortable lounge that forms
the shop. The picture shows the in-
tellectual nature of the man. ‘The
windows facing Piccadilly and the
wooden seat that in summer time is
placed in front of them carries one
back to a time when the rush and noise
of the London streets was less than
at the present time. There Is an air
of leisure and other-worldness that is
very pleasant to those passersby who
long to forget the hurrying feet and
noisy sounds of crowded thoroug?
fares, ”
The society did not receive its royal
'ed the fact that the disease was found
in chipmunks.
Its development in human beings
was caused by contact with the diseas-
ed parts of rabbits.
The article in question paints a
grisly picture of this disease, and
states that traces of it have been
found in 26 States! that it travels
through the unbroken skin by contact;
that there is no cure, but that it may
be prevented by handling the rabbit
with rubber gloves and by thorough
The article itself carries no intima-
tion that the disease is general in its
scope, but excerpts were copied by
newspapers throughout the State, and
some alarm has been felt by hunters.
The State game commission has
made an investigation of conditions
both in this State and in the west,
i whence come the rabbits which are
imported into Pennsylvania for breed-
ing purposes, and has failed to find
trace of a single case here or a re-
port of any cases from those who fur-
nish Pennsylvania with its breeding
and re-stocking rabbits. in
i There seems to be no basis in fact
for any general application of the
charter till 1809, which set forth that ‘ban on rabbits, as it seems little is
its aim was the Improvement of horti- | known of the disease and instances
culture, ornamental as well as useful.
Well has it carried out its resolutions
Present-Day Almanac
Traced to Old Greece
tar back In the days of ancient
greece it was the custom to announce
the first day of the month either
through a herald or placards pasted
on the city walls.
These placards
were known as kalends, or kolendae, !
from the Greek, “I call or proclaim.” i
‘The book of accounts referring to the
days of the year was known as a
calendarium, hence the word calendar. |
Excavators at Pompeii have discov-
ered a square block of marble which
served the Greeks as a calendar.
Each side served as a record of three
months, Each month was headed by
the proper sign of the zodiac, and con-
tained astronomical, agricultural and
religious information.
Tracing back the origin of the worn
almanac, Verstegan, the famous old
lexicographer, says:
“Our ancient Saxon ancestors usea
to engrave on certain squared sticks
about a foot in length, sometimes more,
sometimes less, the courses of the
moones of the whole yeare, whereby
they alwaies certainly tell whatt new
moones, full * moofes and changes
should happen, as also their festival
daies; and such a carved stick they
called al-mon-aght; that is to say, al-
mon-heed, to wit, the regard or ob-
servation of all the moones, and hence
Is derived the name almanac.”
Families and Happiness
{ have learned that the happiest
~seople in the world are those who are
happily mated and have large families.
Although they do not say, as a rule,
that they are happy, 1 often see the
envy in other people's eyes. They
work hard, apparently not knowing
how disagreeable are the tasks thrust
on them, and without caring how much
their labors made them tired. When
the evening comes, they carry home
the profits of their toil and lay them
on the laps of the women who love
them. Perhaps, somewhere in the next
room, a baby is crying. I might find
it disturbing. They think it the most
beautiful music in the world. —Hannen
Sweffer in London Express.
Times Change
The candidate dropped into town in
the old flivver he teamed about in the
country districts in order to show
that he did not feel above the common
"You don't expect to get any votes
nere, do you?” questioned one of the
party managers.
© “Yes. Why not?” replied the sur
prised pol.
fect food, and yet no adult “would
think of living on milk to the extent
of restricting his three meals a day to
it. Bread does carry out efficiently
for the human system the part that
Nature assigned to it, but it does not
do everything.
The value of milk is being recog-
nized by bakers of good white bread.
The milk content supplies certain ele-
ments that add to the nourishing
qualities of the bread. For this reason
I strongly urge the use of bread that
contains a liberal quantity of good
wholesome milk.
White bread, being light and
spongy, invites by its texture, proper
chewing, and also a proper chewing
of the foods eaten with it. Chewing
our food is one of the important ad-
vantages that stands to the credit of
bread in the diet.
White bread is pleasant to the eye,
and pleasant to the taste. Its place
in diet is justifiably a high one. It
will undoubtedly remain one of the
principal articles of diet through the
ages to come. People will learn to
eat it in meals that are proverly bal-
anced; then the things that have been
said against white bread, and which
ought to have been said against the
lack of balance in meals, will have no
basis in fact. When we thoroughly
understand these facts, white bread
will bear its part as “the staff of life”
without being asked to bear the whole
burden -of maintaining life.—By Dr.
Daniel R. Hodgdon.
————————— ly fpr ————.
——The Watchman gives all the
news while it is news.
“Well, the fellow that’s runnin’ ag'in
yer dropped down on us yesterday in
an airplane an explained that he
called on his way to Paris and our
folks give him a dinner.”—Portland
Evening Express.
Breaking an Egg
The slightest tap against a hard sur
«ace is usually sufficient to break the
shell of an ordinary egg. If, however,
pressure is exerted gradually at each
end of the egg it Is often impossible
to break it with the bare hands. The
United States bureau of standards re-
cently decided to find out just how
much pressure would be required to
break an egg in this manner. A pres-
sure of 51 pounds had to be exerted
cn the testing machine before the shell
of an egg gave way.
Real Fresh
«de had dined in a restaurant far to
the north of New Orleans and felt that
the excellence of the meal merited
some praise,
“The finest steak I've ever tasted.
he told the proprietor.
“It ought to be,” was the somewhat
disconcerting reply, “for it came from
one of the finest two-year-old Jerseys
uw this section; you'd never have had
steak from her If she hadn't collided
with an automobile yesterday morn-
cited in the original article are from
widely separated communities, indi-
cating that the disease is not general-
ly prevalent among the rabbit fam-
It is altogether probable that if the
disease were present among eastern
Fire Insurance
Does yours represent the value of
your property five years ago or today ?
We shall be glad to help you make
sure that your protection is adequate
to your risks.
If a check-up on your property val-
ues indicates that you are only par-
tially insured—let us bring your pro-
tection up to date.
Hugh M. Quigley
Temple Court, Bellefonte, Pa.
Dependable Insurance
rabbits at all, it would be known by
the game protectors, since diseased
animals died five days after contract-
ing the bacteria, and tests made show
pat jt is highly communicable among
ral y :
The game commission is keeping a
close watch for any appearance of the
isease, and if it should show up, the
commission would probably take all
necessary steps to safeguard the pub-
lic health.
Diseased rabbits can be detected by
a multitude of white spots on the
liver. The article cites but one in-
stance where any considerable num-
ber of rabbits had the disease, and
the west, this disease being known in
Washington as rabbit fever, and ap-
pearing regularly when the rabbits |
began to come in.
Women May Escape Serving on Jury.
Washington.—District of Columbia
women can escape jury by using the
famous “I do not chose” expression of
President Coolidge, Chief Justice Mec-
Coy of the Supreme Court ruled yes-
S KLINE = WOODRING.—Attorney-at
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. ractices im
all courts.
Exhiay Office, room 18 Crs
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given all legal business en-
trusteed to hiis care. Offices—No. 5, East
High street. 57-44
M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Offices on second floor
of Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE.—Attorney-at-Law, Con-
sultation in English and German.
Office in Crider’s Exch
fonte, Pa. ange, Belle
that was in Utah, where the ailment Pills in Hed 3 metallic
was first studied. The article also | 16) 2 Wel Fars oo chant Bue Eibbon PHYSICIANS
cites an annual affliction among Biase Ar SH rn
Washington butchers who handled the °° years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable R. R. L. CAPERS
carcasses of rabbits shipped in from SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE OSTEOPATH.
Orders Ex. 61 Hee College
"YOUR THANKSGIVING BIRD. || WW * sorveon’ Mail" Sbysiclan and
P. L. Beezer Estate..... Meat Market
We have the Thanksgiving turkey
you want. It is a bird! It has
youth and the weight to meet your
requiremnts. Drop in our butcher
shop right away and select yours
from among the many we have for
other cusutomers who depend upon
us for their choice turkeys, fowl and
meat cuts.
Telephone 450
Market on the Diamond
Bellefonte, Penna.
Send Postal For Rates
and Booklet
h R
lng he a
t X {qr : LC J |
LL [o)
Fs -
fa) Ell | Sims
oa [HL AD OF SE a
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[3 Fill
T° thousand people —
scientists, mathematicians,
technicians and their assistants—
inthe Bell Telephone Laboratories
are constantly studying the human
They study methods and materials
for projecting it over a wire or
through the air.
They study your telephoneservice
—and how to make it better.
Your present-day service has
been developed in this greatest
industrial laboratory in the world.
Thousands of other experts are
in operating methods and prac-
Years of ceaseless effort have
brought the whole range of
your telephone service to its
present high standard.
The developments in out-of-town
service to nearby points, and the
high speed service on calls to
more distant points—
These are evidences of the new
era which constant research and
study have brought to telephone
J. H. CAUM, Manager
county, Pa. Office at his residence.
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regls-
tered and licensed by the State.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction = guaranteed. Frames replaced
and leases matched. Casebeer Bidg., High
St., Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-tt
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by
the State Board. State College,
every day except Saturday,
Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op-
posite the Court House, Wednesday after-
noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9
a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Bell Phone 68-40
Feeds :
We keep a full line of all kinds of feeds
at the right prices.
Wagners 22% Dairy Feed $50.00
Wagners 32% Dairy Feed $53.00
Made of cotton seed meal, oil meal, glut-
en and bran.
Wagners Scratch Grains .......... $52.00
Wagners Poultry Mash .......... 60.00
.| Wagners Pig Meal ................ 56.00
We handle a full line of Wayne feeds.
Wayne 82% Dairy Feed .......... $57.00
Wayne 24% Dairy Feed ........... 53.00
Wayne Horse Feed '................ 52.00
Wayne Poultry Mash ............ 64.00
Wayne Pig Meal ................. 56.00
Cotton Seed Meni 43% ............. $52.00
Oil Meal 34% ......oiviviiciinsnnes 56.00
Oluton 28% . viii viii idivis 48.00
Ground Alfalfa ...... ............. 45.00
BPR coovriveenereisdrssnrivsnsinms vue 36.00
BMURNDES. . .coovvviieinnensrsscssiee 45.00
Standard Chop ..............ccee.. 45.00
Meat Meal 50% per H.............. $4.25
Digester tankage 60% ............. 4.25
When you want good bread or pastry
Use “Our Best” Flour.
We are the exclusive agents for the
GOLD COIN FLOUR. A high grade of
Spring wheat.
6. Y. Wagner & Go, Ine
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished
Fine Job Printing
at the
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory maaner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Call on or communicate with this
~ Employers
This Interests You
The Workman's Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes insurance compul-
sory. We specialize in placing
such insurance. We ins
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Bellefonte 43-18-1yr. State College