Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 18, 1927, Image 1

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    EE ——————————
- —It is to be hoped that the Socialist
government in Reading - will not be
disappointing. Pe
—Colonel Lindbergh is now a Mas-
ter of Science in Aeronautics and a
constantly increasing popular favor-
_ —Some Philadelphia doctors have
started a movement to reform office
chairs and users of the chairs will
wish them success.
- —Up to this moment we had utter-
ly lost sight of the fact that only
thirty-seven days intervene until
Chrismas. Shop now.
—The attempt to assassinate Obre-
gon in Mexico City on Sunday failed,
fortunately, and the voters still have
one candidate for President.
—Mayor-elect Mackey of Philadel-
phia has gone to Europe on a vaca-
tion and Boss Vare will likely form
the cabinet in the meantime.
—The recent developments in the
Fall-Sinclair conspiracy trial may re-
sult in some reforms in the methods
of detective agencies in the future.
—The Democratic candidate for
Governor of Kentucky was defeated
because he is opposed to horse racing.
Thus political issues are increasing.
—The King of Hedjaz has automo-
biles built to carry twelve wives. If
he drives the car he is likely to have
all sorts of trouble from the back
. —We of the champagne taste and
the beer pocket-book look on the gen-
eral reference to next Thursday as:
“Turkey Day” with much the same
zest as one approaches a dish of
“mock turtle” soup.
- —The Philippine Islands press and
the Pennsylvania newspapers are a
unit in favor of General Frank R.
McCoy for Governor of the Islands.
If President Coolidge will adopt their
view it will be unanimous.
. —John Curtin, Dr. David Dale and
Willis Shuey have returned from their
two week’s outing in the Seven Moun-
tains, with 14 pheasants, 1 turkey, 5
rabbits and 4 grey squirrel. The
small bag can only be accounted for sn
one of two ways: Either game was
unusually scarce or Willis stayed in
camp most of the time. :
—Since Senator Borah thinks the
prohibition question should be para-
mount in the next presidential cam-
paign we suggest that the Republi-
cans name a wet Protestant and that
the Democrats persuade Al Smith to
run as a dry Catholic. Such an align-
ment, to our mind, would produce
more political “strange bed-fellows”
than this or any other country ever
saw. i iy ata os
—Among other things we are go-
ing to write about in that ephemeral
day that is our refuge in precrastina-
tion is the campaign that has just
closed in Centre county. We have
been in fairly knowing touch with the |
political situation in Centre county
for forty-one years and we recall only
one other contest that might have
contributed as many dainty morsels
for gossip as that of 1927 has done.
—We’ve got dollars to bet against
doughnuts that Ruth Elder, who is
Lyle Womack’s wife, didn’t really
mean what she said when she gave |
him that goodbye kiss as he was em-
barking for their home on the Canal
Zone. Ruth thought she was sincere
when she said “I'll come back, dear.”
But she doesn’t know humanity like
those observers who have seen so
many heads turned by less than she
has to resist.
—The foot-ball season would be an
utter failure for us if its close didn’t
produce a Philadelphia sports writer
to essay the role of conjuring up a
better rating for Penn than her per-
formance on the gridiron indicates.
Ed Pollock, of the Ledger, a very
clever writer, is now so busily engag-
ed in pushing the Red and Blue into
position of runner-up for Yale that he
doesn’t hear the rest of the eastern
foot-ball world laughing.
~The Hon. Clinton D. Howard, who
lectured here Monday night, got him-
self into somewhat of a peccadillo
and was hoist on his own petard by
one of his auditors. Mr. Howard was
speaking on the prerogatives of .the
American Constitution when a gen-
tleman, who possibly had a very good
reason for doing so, got up to leave
the church. The orator was rather
persistent in urging him to remain
and must have realized that his chick-
ens were coming home to roost when
the departing gentleman audibly ex-
plained his departure as “exercising
my prerogative under the constitu-
—The London Evening Standard, a
paper that has always prided it-
self on its good English, takes ex-
ception to the insistence of American
purists that “It’s me” is improper.
The Standard bases its argument on
the premise that language was; long
before grammar undertook to explain
it, and changing linguistic facts is
quite outside the province of gram-
marians. While we don’t propose to
inject ourselves into any highbrow
discussion we can’t resist the tempta-
tion to suggest that the American idea
of language ought to be based on the
American ideal of majority rule. If
such should be the application we win.
For millions more here say “It’s me”
than “It is 1.”
VOL. 72.
Anthracite Congress Interesting but
The anthracite co-operative con-
gress which sat and presumably de-
liberated at Shamokin last week was
an interesting enterprise even though
it failed somewhat in achievement.
Almost everybody east of the Alle-
gheny mountains is concerned in the
anthracite industry and the purpose of
the congress was to promote its pros-
perity. Recent regrettable events,
such as miners’ strikes and operators’
lockouts, have impaired the success
of the buisness to a menacing degree
and the congress was called with the
hope of devising means to restore it
to health and vigor. Herbert Hoover,
the necromancer of commerce and in-
dustry, was summoned from Washing-
ton to lay the lines for its proceed-
Governor Fisher was the first
speaker after Mr. Hoover and he
promised to approve an act to repeal
the anthracite tax law and expressed
dom represented here will be able to
find the way from present depression
to a healthy state of business activ-
ity,” rather a handsome bouquet but
of little practical value. Then Mr.
Warriner, head of the operators’ or-
ganization, suggested advertising the
virtues of the fuel, which secured him
a head line in the reports of the pro-
ceedings. - Mr. Lewis, president of the
United Mine Workers, created some-
thing like a panic on the floor by pro-
testing with some vehemence that the
mine workers were not responsible
for recent strikes.
Various methods were suggested to
accomplish the purpose for which the
congress was assembled. In addition
to the obviously wise plan of liberally
ing methods, better co-operation be-
tween mine workers and operators
and better co-operation between pro-
ducers and retailers, were suggested.
But not a word was sald in favor of
the only process which can possibly
achieve the purpose of the congress.
The supreme reason for the diminish-
ing use of anthracite coal is the ex-
reach of the average wage earner in
the country. I 8 ah)
——Texas Republicans threaten to
vote for Coolidge in the coming Na-
tional convention whether he “choos-
es” to run or not. Texas Republicans
want to retain favor as long as pos-
ee —— ees —
Bitter Fight in Congress.
If current newspaper comment is
to be taken as a symptom the com-
ing Congress will be the theater of an
intensely bitter fight over the ques-
tion of electric power. More than two
years ago Governor Pinchot urged the
Legislature of Pennsylvania to enact
legislation that would protect this im-
of power from the grasping control of
monopoly. Since then Senator Norris,
of Nebraska, whose championship of
edged, brought the matter to the at-
tention of the United States Senate.
It is now said that Senator Walsh,
lar rights, will urge Congressional in-
vestigation of the subject during the
coming session.
There can be no doubt that a move-
ment is in progress to monopolize, by
corporations, to centre control of the
electric service in a very few big
corporations, and it is equally certain
that in the event the purpose {is
chot’s idea was to prevent or avery
this danger by legislation vesting in
thority over the production of, and
charge for, electric current. It will
in mind he refused to approve char-
ters for several electric corporations
and mergers of some already charter-
ed. Soon after the expiration of his
term these restrictions were removed.
The plan outlined by Senator Nor-
ris, and which Senator Walsh is said
to have adopted, is to place electrical
production and distribution under con-
trol of the federal government. The
erable if it were possible to procure
unity of action among the States. So
would be better even without this un-
ity for the people of this State. But
Federal control is better than no con-
trol, and Senator Walsh is too wise a
lawyer and too good a Democrat to
recommend to the public a policy that
would work evil rather than good.
The purpose of organizing the monop-
oly is already in progress and. the
sooner it is checked the better.
Not Surprising but Disappointing.
The result of the election in Phila«
delphia is not surprising. The ma-
jority for Mr. Mackey, the Vare
candidate for Mayor, may be a tri-
fle larger than most persons expected,
but that is not a matter of great im-
portance, Money is a potent force in
politics and the Vare machine had
millions to spend whilst the opposing
contingent was unable to collect
confidence that “the strength and wis- |
advertising, better mining and operat- .
orbitant price charged consumers.
‘of tax or strikes the’
price of cite has soared to an
altitude ~ that has put it out of the
portant and rapidly increasing source :
the public interests is widely acknowl- :
an equally zealous defender of popu- |
mergers and consolidations of electric .
achieved the users of electric power ,
be victimized. Governor Pin-
the several States a supervisory au-
Pinchot plan would be infinitely pref- |
far as Pennsylvania is concerned it |
mon cause in an effort to perpetuate
the misgovernment of the city in or-
der to share the advantages which are
to be obtained by favoritism to one
and protection to the other. It is a
sad state of affairs.
! But though the candidates of the
j Vare machine were all elected by
large majorities the real purpose of
the Vare machine has not been ac-
complished. Mr. Vare’s selfish and
sinister ambition to completely con-
i trol all the departments of the muni-
cipal government may have been ful-
filled. But the supreme purpose of
Mr. Vare in this instance was to con-
vey to the Senate in Washington and
the country at large the belief that
the bogus majority given to him
in Philadelphia last year was an hon-
est expression: of the political senti-
ment. The majority for Mr. Mackey
is approximately 100,000 less than
to that received by him last year
and that figure expresses the fraudu-
lent votes cast for Vare.
| The hope of the managers of the
i Vare machine was that the election of
his hand-picked candidates this year
by majorities equal or nearly equal
to that received by him last year
‘would entice the Senators to believe
that the Vare majority was an honest
one. Influenced by this expectation
the Vare machine collected and dis-
bursed at least a million dollars in the
alleged purchase of votes and bribing
voters to support the Vare ticket.
Even if the figures of this year had
been made to equal those of last year
this result would not have been
achieved, for court records have al-
ready shown many frauds last year,’
and unless the courts are
in the vote this year.
| "~The Soviet government of Rus-
sia has‘ been operating for ten years’
and only - a few thousand ' persons
have been murdered for disagreeing
with the authorities,
Early Start of a Good Fight.
It is not too early to begin an active
campaign for the support of the pro-
posed constitutional amendment pro-
viding for the use of voting machines.
The vote of the people on the question
will not be taken until the general
election next year. But the opposi-
tion will be vigorous and the methods
employed against the amendment will
be devious. The hope of success lies
in education and that is a slow pro-
cess. The merits of the proposition
must be clearly presented and con- |
stantly kept in mind. Clubs must be
enough to meet the legitimate ex-!
penses of the contest. The capital-
‘ists and the bootleggers made com-:
influenced many frauds will be shown
FONTE. PA.. NOVEMBER 18, 1927.
Many Wiil Jump When the Plum Tree
sho is Shaken.
Rumors are already rife that there
is sure to be a scramble when the
newly-elected county officials shake
the plum tree. Judge-elect M. Ward
Fleming will probably figure to a
great extent in the juciest plum of
all, his successor as referee in bank-
ruptey in Centre county. Mr, Fleming
has held this position ever since it
of the late Judge Henry C. Quigley,
when he resigned to take the oath of
office as Judge in January, 1916, and
recommended Mr. Fleming as his sue-
cessor. While the appointing power
lies with federal judge Albert W.
Johnson he will likely be guided by
Mr. Fleming’s recommendation. And
it is only natural to suppose that he
will recommend a Republican and as
there are only four Republican attor-
neys at the Centre county Bar, and
one of them is district attorney, we'll
leave our readers to guess who the
fortunate one is likely to be.
Judge Fleming will also have to
appoint a court stenographer (which
will probably be Gilbert S. Burrows,)
a court crier, court messenger, four
tipstaves, a board of road and bridge
viewers, and a private secretary to
look after his office affairs.
The new board of county commis-
sioners will have two clerks to appoint
and an attorney for the board. The
sheriff, the prothonotary and the
treasurer will each have an appoint-
ment to make and it is rumored that
all of them would like to have the
same individual.
possible it will naturally leave an op-
ening for two others and it goes with-
out saying that there will be enough
willing candidates on hand when the
time comes.
——e— ——
——It is said that President Cool-
‘idge has reproved Senator Fess, of
LOhio, for persisting in the belief that
he may be “drafted.” But it may be
noticed that the rebuke was of a very
mild type.
__~ Strong Evidence of Crime.
i A NE 2 or Cmca p
Former Secretary of the Interior,
Albert B. Fall, and Harry Sinclair,
acy to defraud the government in the
lease of the Teapot Dome oil reserve,
continue to flout the law and the courts
' Following the court order declaring
a mistrial of the case the grand jury
began an investigation of the state-
ment that at least one of the jurors
+had been tampered with. As a result
of this investigation it has been de-
, veloped that a force of detectives op-
;erating under the direction of the
{ Burns detective agency, of New York,
had been “shadowing” the jurors al-
‘most from the beginning of the trial.
{It is believed these detectives were
employed by the defendants or by Sin-
clair, 2
| The significance of this surveillance
depends largely upon its source. Of
itself it is unlawful, as well as un-
ethical, but unless a base purpose is
. shown, hardly criminal. If the rea-
As this will be im-
defendants .on the charge of conspir- |
NO. 45.
A Row Over Taxes on Estates.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Automobile and amusement taxes
engaged the Ways and Means commit-
tee for a portion of the week, but the
subject that gave the mest trouble
was the Federal tax on estates. The
demand for its abolition was not only
strenuous, but of magnitude. Indeed,
so insistent was it that certain mem-
bers of the committee, obstinate ad-
- Vocates of the ghoulish levy, quite lost
was awarded him through the grace : their heads in their resentment. They
charged that a powerful lobby was at
work; that the expenses of some of
the witnesses were paid. Yet the op-
ponents of the existing law comprise
President Coolidge, although, of
course, he does not appear before the
committee; Secretary Mellon, innum-
erable chambers of commerce and
boards of trade and buismess inter-
ests generally. Representatives of
State Legislatures were there.
The tax is vicious in the extreme.
The Government, a Te resorted
it except temporarily in case o
emergency. It really belongs to the
individual States. There is a sinister
motive back of its retention since the
war—an effort to compel States to in-
crease their rates in order to take ad-
vantage of the rebate allowed by Con-
gress. Franklin Spencer Edmonds, of
the Pennsylvania Tax Commission,
managed to hold the attention of the
committee because his attack on the
Federal position was so strong that
he could not be sneeringly sidetrack-
as so many others had been. He
asserted that it was a mistake to put
a misfit straightjacket around the
States; that any proposal by Congress
to collect money and give some of it
back to States in order to coerce
them into the adoption of a certain
policy was detrimental in the extreme
and without warrant by the Consti-
tution. f
i That a fierce battle is imminent on
the floor of the House and Senate over
the Federal grave raiders is apparent.
. The Ways and Means Jeommittee 1s
‘divided. A group of Western Sena-
tors has held a confah nnder the
guidance of Borah, the Wild Man of
Idaho. He insists that reveal will be
“~ught to the last, and says of the tax
that it is “one of the most just lev-
ies.” Well, he would. rah.
: But we dispute the fustness of the
(tax. It is anything but that. It isa
| species of highwaymanship: 6f which
| the Congress of the
‘ought’ to be thorouchly hamed. It
is sheer robberv. ‘ It is fhe meanest,
most contemptible tax ever devised.
i Very Unlike His Dad.
, From the Philadelphia Record.
. It ig rather diverting to read that
the implusive (but no longer youth- |
ful) Colonel Theodore Roosevelt
threatened on Tuesday, in a campaign
ress to some New York Republi-
1 can women, to eliminate Governor Al
Smith from the political map if he
did not promptly reply to some vague
_ insinuations previously made by this
mighty warrior, and at the same time ;
, to recall that this terrible threat was
made on the day following the scath-
ing indictment by the United States
Supreme Court of the corrupt and
| fraudulent deals between Albert B.
| Fall and Harry F. Sinclair invelving
the Teapot Dome oil reserves. It will
be remembered that at that time
. Roosevelt was Assistant Secretary of
the Navy and that, in the absence of
Secretary Denby, he played a part,
organized, pablts meetings held and SOMable suspicion that the defendants ' although a minor one, in the shocking
literature provided. These things re-
quire time, talent and money but
they ought to be available in view of ©d-
the purpose in mind.
The recently formed Pennsylvania
Elections association held a meeting
,in Philadelphia, recently, for the pur-
pose of setting the campaign in mo-
i tion. Representatives were present
from meny sentions of the State and
the Philadelptia Committee of Sev-
enty gave assurdnce of earnest and
active ‘help in the work; Among the
reasons given for the measure it was
said that it would be impossible with
the use of voting machines to have a
discrepancy between the votes cast
‘and those recorded. That the use of
machines would obviate the long and
tedious processes of computation and
the errors, willful and otherwise, in-
cidental to the slow computation as
| Hes for fraudulent returns.
' The strongest arguments that will
, be brought against the amendment
{ Will he the initial expense of procur-
ing the machines. On this point the
conferees stated that “voting ma-
chines will save money for taxpayers.
Not only are voting machines cheaper
in the long run than the huge ex-
penditures for printing ballots. Great
Suns are wasted annually on urused
ballots. Literally tons of ballots were
unused in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh
and Scranton alone at the recent
primaries and this waste will be
avoided if voting machines are used.”
There can be no denial of this state-
ment. But the greatest saving will be
in avoiding the cost of election of-
ficers and machinery.
—————— lp e——————
——Those who expect a definite
declination from Coolidge will be dis-
employed the detectives is verified
turpitude would be clearly establish-
The detectives, having refused
reveal their employer, some of Sin-
clair’s employes and business asso-
! ciates were subpoenaed. Sheldon
| Clark, vice president and general man-
, ager of the Sinclair Refining com-
pany, refused to testify on the ground
that his evidence “might incriminate
him.” Henry Mason Day, another of-
ficial in the Sinclair enterprises, re-
fused to give evidence for the same
| There could hardly be more con-
_vincing proof, though it be entirely
circumstantial, that Sinclair is direct-
.ly responsble for this flagrant insult
to the courts and outrage of justice,
perpetrated almost within the shadow
of the dome of the capitol. The In-
centive is plain. The evidence of the
be remembered that with this purpose well as diminishing the opportuni. conspiracy was presented in the Dis-
, trict court and upon an appeal from
the judgment of guilt has been affirm-
by the Supreme court of the United
, States. Conviction in a criminal court
made a long term prison sentence in-
'evitable and Sinclair hoped to avert
| that through the medium of a “hung”
jury or mistrial. Such obvious flout-
| ing of the law is without parallel in
, the history of American jurispru-
——An esteemed contemporary
| thinks the ambition of Senator Willis
of Ohio is a joke. To return the
, “Ohio Crowd” to Washington would
be a national tragedy.
——Only a few hunters have been
shot thus far during the present sea-
son but a few is enough to show too
much carelessness.’
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
: scandal that hag been unearthed. Un-
| der such circumstances it might nat-
urally be expected that the ex-As-
[sistant Secretary would move ean-
tiously in making serious charges
against other men, but no such re-
straint puts a curb on his tongue. Ap-
parently he cannot forget the terrible
beating he received from Governor
Smith when he aspired to the latter's
position in 1924, .
The incident is interesting because
| it reveals how unlike his distinguished
father is this Roosevelt of the same
name. He appears to be without po-
litical poise of judgment and to look
for advancement principally on the
strength of his. name. In this he dif-
fers radically from the sturdy youth
who, disdaining such an advantage,
fought his way from one post to an-
other until he finally attained the
Presidency. The New York World is
not too severe on the son when it de-
clares that “he makes up in brass
what he lacks in brains.”
——The West Chester preacher
who declares he will stay “until hell
freezes over” is likely to ‘need both
an overcoat and linen duster.
——After Mayor Thompson, of
Chicago, gets King George “into the
clear” he might take Mussolini and
thus stage a real battle.
——The homing pigeons made a
record for efficiency during the world
war according to the biological sur-
vey in Washington. :
——Charlie. .Schwab’s Riverside
Drive palace is for sale but it is safe
to say the sheriff will have no part in
conveying the title.
Thus far Curtis, of Kansas, has
not taken the place of “favorite” in
Aa ER RE, Wi Fn —
—Amos Eberly, Lancaster county farm-
er, to date is the 1927 champion potato
grower. His yield of 651.4 bushels om u
measured acre is the largest reported so
far this year to E. L. Nixon, potato dis-
ease specialist of the Pennsylvania State
College and founder of the famous Key-
stone 400 Bushel Potato Club.
—Leonard G. Yoder, a lawyer and at-
torney for the Berk’s prison board, has of-
fered every prisoner in the county jail a
dollar if he attends religious services after
his release. Yoder was the speaker at the
weekly service and told 75 prisoners in at-
tendance to get divorces of the kind for
which no lawyer are needed—from John
Barleycorn and bad company.
—A practical joke caused the death of
Michael Garnis, 39, at Chester, last Friday.
Two fellow workers in a dye house put
what they thought was a lump of salt-
peter in a cup of coffee which Garnis
drank. It turned out to be a deadly poi-
son. The workmen, Richard Stewart, 18
and Harold Swope, 19, were held without
bail for hearing in police court.
—Mrs. Sara Patterson, aged 31 years, of
Huntingdon Furnace, was burned and the
family home destroyed early on Sunday
in a blaze caused by an overheated stove.
Mrs. Patterson was rescued after her
clothing caught fire. She is in the Altoona
hospital with severe burns of the chest,
both arms and hands and both legs. Three
children in the home were saved with min-
or burns.
—In memory of the late Dr. H. Freeman
Stecker, for many years a professor of
mathematics at the Pennsylvania State
College, Ormelle Haines Stecker, his wi-
dow, has authorized the establishment of
a scholarship. It is an award of $50 in
cash to be given each year to that member
of the junior class in the School of Liber-
al Arts who attains the highest marks in
‘—Squeezing through a window six in-
ches high and 28 inches wide, Richard J.
Little, aged 22, Williamsport, escaped from
a cell in the upper tier of the Lycoming
county jail on Monday night and still ts
at large. He was being held for Court
on charges of robbing a filling station near
that city and a detainer charging him with
desertion and nonsupport also had been
ledged against him.
—An unmasked young man forced N.
Maderos, night manager at the Crystal!
hotel, in Reading, into a linen closet when
Maderos was alone, and robbed the safe ot
about $500. The man engaged a room and
Maderos unlocked the safe to get change
for the guest’s advance payment, the
stranger covered him with a gun. When
the sounds of the stranger's operations
ceased Maderos emerged and found strang-
er and money gone.
—Emmett W. Pytcher, for 21 years al-
derman of the Meadville Fourth ward, was
on Monday evening convicted by a jury oi
a charge of larceny. The direct charge
was the conversion to his own use of $500
placed in his hands as cash bail. Some
years ago Pytcher was subject of a coun-
cil investigation for irregularities, when
friends helped him to restore several hun-
dred dollars said to have been held out il-
legally. Pytcher was formerly a railroad
man and lost a leg in an accident.
“~The - disaster of November 26, 1926,
when six men were entombed by a flood
in the Lehigh Valley Coal company mines
at Tomhicken, five being rescued alive
after eight days of imprisonment, was re-
ealled when Mrs. Mabel Smith, widow of
Charles Smith, the sixth prisoner, started
suit against the Lehigh Valley Railroad
for $50,000 damages. Smith’s body was
found after six months of pumping. She
sued the railroad instead of the coal com-
pany because, she claims, the railroad
changed the course of a creek which broke
| through its new banks and flooded the
| mines.
—Henry N. Reist, county agricultural?
agent of Warren county, since 1915, will
assume the duties of agricultural econom-
ies extension specialist at the Pennsyl-
! vania State College this week. He sue-
ceeds Howard @G. Niesley, who recently
was chosen assistant director of agricul-
| tural extension work in this State. Reise
is a native of Lancaster county. Gradu-
ated from Penn State in 1913 he taught
agriculture in a Minnesota high school for
two years before going into county agent
work. In 1923 he earned a higher degree
in agricultural economics at the Univer
sity of Wisconsin, +
—EKEngineer J. E. Slattery, operating a
Reading train between Pottsville and
Tamaqua, on Saturday saved Daniel Fee-
i ley, year-and-a-half-old son of Hugh Fea:
i ley, New Philadelphia postmaster, from
drowning. As Slattery’s train was pass-
ing the lower section of New Philadelphia,
he noticed the child fall off a chair and
tumble into a creek. Applying the brakes
immediately he brought the train to a
stop and pulled the child out. The young-
ster was unconscious, but will recover.
Some years ago, John Slattery, a brother
of the engineer, saved another child from
drowning in much the same manner.
—John, better known as “Corporal
‘Irish’ ” Hummel, of Lewistown, was
crossing the tracks of the Milroy branch
of the Pennsylvania Railroad at grade at
Dorcas street, on Saturday, when the Sun-
bury passenger train struck his automo-
bile, knocking off three wheels, rolling it
over and over, and sending it to the junk
yards. Hummel escaped uninjured. Hum-
mel went through the World war, seven-
teen months in France, and got out with
impaired hearing. He had a three-ton
flask fall on him on the moulding floor of
the Standard Steel works a year ago, and
got away with the loss of a foot. He was
elected justice of the peace Tuesday with
an overwhelming majority, and Saturday
adds another page to his adventures.
—The rich and poor, the halt and blind,
even the preachers, were eating chicken
at Lewistown, over the week-end. There
never before were so many chickens in the
history of Mifflin county placed on the
festive board. Five hundred and seventy-
one boxes of dressed chicken were broken
in a wreck on the Pennsylvania Railroad
at’ Longfellow on Tuesday. The poultry
was en route from Glasgow, Ky., to New
York and was refused on account of the
delay incident to’ the wreck. Sergeant
Davis, of the Pennsylvania Railroad police,
was instructed to sell the chickens for
whatever he could obtain, so he fixed the
price at three large ones for $1. The price
was well within the reach of all and they
went like hot cakes. The birds were froz-
betting circles.
en and wrapped in tissue paper.