Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 11, 1927, Image 7
Bruni idan. Bellefonte, Pa., November 11, 1927. EHS Matter of Retaining Youth, State of Mind ' Youth is a quality, a spiritual energy, and, properly speaking, there is no “old age,” but spiritual decay. "The foot less prompt to meet the morning dew” is no valid evidence of growing old, any more than to lose a leg In battle. Fussy physical activities are not the only tests of youth, Richard Le Gallienne comments in Harper's Magazine, The brain of Sophocles which gave us the greatest play at ninety, Is more to the point, as also that famous saying recorded of him, in reference to the cooling of the passions with the Tears, that to grow old was like being set free from mervice to a band of Ba Ygdmen. Because we grow wiser and stronger, less selfish and generally more useful to our fellows with the passage of the years is not to say that we have lost our youth. It only means that we have learned how to employ it. We do not run in every direction as we did. We know a little better what we are doing, or what we want to do; but the motive force that enables us to do it is that same energy which once drove us to make fools of ourselves at the beginning, and still provides the same s‘swift means to radiant ends.” Decay, disillusion, weariness; we mean these things when we speak of “growing old,” but we fail to realize that these are no necessary accompani- ments of the years. We may, unfor- tunately, inherit them, or acquire them, like bad habits, or through neglect of a proper care and exercise of our spir- ftual selves. Spiritual and intellectual laziness makes most people “old hefore their time.” If we lose interesf in life. life will soon lose interest in us; and ft is just as possible to achieve a preco- cious senility in the twenties as at gny later period of our lives. Important in Life Is “Trade” of Parenthood Parenthood is a difficult trade and should be studied; it is as much your business as your wife's to learn all you can of child nature; of things to be done and avoided if your experience with your child is to be a mutual bless- ing and a mutual delight, is the ad- monition voiced by John P. Gavit, in Children’s Magazine. If you think your own elders made certain mistakes in dealing with you it was only because they did the best they knew. never having studied this most difficult trade of parenthood. Begin now, during the babyhood ot your child, to be his companicn, chum and pal. It will reflect in your rela- tionship with him in the years to come, While it is important, in a way, what you think of him, it is more impor- tant what he thinks of you; he will know you better than you know him, for one of the most essential preoccu- pations of every child is the study of his parents. Largely upon the intelli- gence vit which you carry on your new job will depend the happiness and success of your son or daughter, Fearless Men Vanishing Human courage is of four distinet types, of which one is fast disappear- ing under education and industrial life. That is the conclusion of Dr, C. M. Wil son, of St. Mary's hospital, London, based on his psychological studies of soldiers and of people in civil life The vanishing variety, says Doctor Wilson in Popualr Science Monthly, is that of the person who actually feels no fear— rare in this age where there are So many things to be afraid of. Other types are of those who feel fear but hide it; those who show it but reso- jutely carry on; and, lastly, those who are so frightened that their fear is transformed into a reckless frenzy. like that of the small boy who whips the bully who goaded him to desperation. nome’s Legendary Tower The medieval Torre delle Militae, sometimes called the Tower of Nero. because of the legend which says that Nero stood on the top of it to look at the spectacle of the city in flames, has been opened to the public, writes the Rome correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor. The legend has, of ‘course, no foundation, and the tower is one of the feudal fortresses of the Twelfth century. A magnificent view of the city, however, can be obtained from its top. It was erected by the sons of Peter Alerius, a baron at- tached to the party of Senator Pan- dolfo de Suburra, on the site of a building called “Hostium Militie,” hence its present name. It leans to the southwest and was originally much higher, but the earthquake of 1348 brought it to its present dimen- sions. : Georgia “Crackers” Authorities differ as to the origin of the term “Crackers,” as applied to natives of Georgia, According to Olmstead, the nickname was applied to these people on account of their peculiar dialect, almost incomprehen: sible and difficult to report or de. scribe. Another theory is that the name was given because cracked corn formed their chief article of diet. In a publication dated 1835, it is stated that the “Crackers” received their name because they were accustomed to using a particular form of whip. which had a piece of buckskin at the end known as a “cracker.” FARM NOTES. —Feeder pigs pay on the dairy farm, —Sheep can use profitably a lot of waste feed around the farm. —Fall freshened, cows give more and cheaper milk and butterfat. —Milking ability is inherited. Raise the calves from your best cows. —Alfalfa hay is one of the best feeds available for breeding ewes. —The young hog will make better gains if he gets shade dring hot weather. —A dish rag is always dirty. One of these things should never touch a milk vessel. —The cattle feeder who doesn’t grow alfalfa hay is 100 years behind the times. —Bring the farm accounts up to date and begin to complete records on crop costs. —The size of the hog crop has a pronounced influence upon hog re- ceipts and prices. —The man who feeds the mother right will have no trouble in feeding the young litter of pigs. —Common salt, lime, phosphorus and iodine are minerals most common- ly lacking in live-stock rations. —If you have ten milk cows you need a silo, if you have no cheaper method to provide green stuff for them next winter. —The addition of chopped alfalfa hay and oilmeal to a ration of yellow corn and tankage for hogs greatly in- creases the efficiency of the ration. —Remember that straining removes only the coarse material from milk. It does not reduce the bacteria count or remove the finer particles of dirt. —Quality milk brings the best price and makes satisfied customers. The main essentials are cleanliness, prompt cooling, and holding at a low temper- ature. —Keep the ram in the barn during day and feed him some bran and oats to keep him in good vigorous breeding condition. Turn him out with the flock at night. —Where succulent materials which will produce odors or flavors are fea to cows, the proper methods of proce- dure is to feed such products shortly after milking. —Demand for good horses is in- creasing, according to State College livestock men. Many farmers in the State are buying purebred stallions and registered mares. —It is poor economy to purchase cheap utensils. A good quality of utensils, with smooth sides and bot- toms, will do much to improve the quality of dairy products. —Brood sows should not be fed for at least 24 hours after farrowing. If fed the sow may become restless and trample on the pigs and the little pigs may scour or acquire other diges- tive disorders. —Select some of the finest apples in your orchard for the State Farm Products Show at Harrisburg. There is no better way of checking on the care given the orchard the previous season than by selecting show fruit. —A¢t this time of the year, many flocks of pullets will develop a slight cold, which if not cared for will re- sult in roup. When the first indica- tion of cold appears, try adding three ‘MOW TO SOLVE A CROSS-WORD PUZZLE 6—Poverty stricken 10—Capital of France 12—Disorderly demonstration 14—Part of “to be” 16—Intertwined - 18—Feudal landholder 20—Kind of fish 23—Conserved 24—Sailor 25—English school for boys 27—One of the simple machines 29—Jumbled type 30—Across 32—To caper 34—To pay in advance 36—Inhabitants of the capital Italy 38—Rambles 40—Exact 41—Preposition 43—Benches 45—Pair working ig harmony 47—Meshed material 49—To fear : 51—Arid 62—To retain 54—African member of Ethlopian race 56—Street (abbr.) 57—To post 61—A repast of 69—Hurts 62—Utters words 2—Skyward 3—Animal’s foot 4—QGod of love 6—Opponent 7—Conjunction 8—Lubricant 9—Base 11—To cut off 13—To ensnare 16—Gas engine 17—At no time 19—Falls in drops 21—English sea port 23—County of southwestern Ergland 26—Roman historian 28—To send in 81—Acted wildly 33—Trussed with laces 34—Heavy board 35—To long for 87—Approaches 39—Precipitous 42—To thrive 44—Scandinavian legends 46—Folk tales 48—Same as 45 horizontal 50—To fall in drops 53—DPastry 55—Single 58—Note of scale 61—South America (abbr.) ————————————— teaspoonfuls of chloride of lime to each gallon of drinking water. —Ventilate the storage cellar whenever it can be done without rais- ing the temperature. If the floor is concrete it may be well to dampen it to prevent shriveling of the fruit. —Make out a crop summary for i your farm, giving acreages and yields ‘of all crops. Compare these with the average of the State and of the best ' farm in your community, say from management specialists of the Penn- sylvania State College. —Last year during the first three weeks in November, the peak of egg prices for the year was reached. Each year the peak seems to be a little earlier than in previous years, anc this brings out very forcefully the fact that eggs produced during the late summer and fall rather than those laid during the winter are the money makers. —The use of protein supplements with corn has long been advanced by leading authorities. Since tankage is Solution to Last Week’s Puzzle. Bois POORER SIH|A C|O|L DIRT HAIN OlLDEEB|OIO[T|Y NOBEP IL EIA TERE FERF|| EBL [EOIN ' ISIL |A|NIDEERIOIT SILIAINDIEIRERZE ClA[TI|O EIR A|TIEEEBICWI|E|D TiEPEB AIT EIDESER ERRRIAKIEIDERP E S|IPIAIRIEISETII |[E ! one of the best of the purchased pro- tein concentrates it has, for a number of years, been used very extensively by practical hog feeders and research men. The results obtained by feeding corn and tankage under the ordinary conditions have been so uniform that for years the combination of corn and tankage has been considered the standard cornbelt ration. Bush Arcade Bellefonte, Pa. Children’s Shoes Sturdy FOOTWEAR in common-sense lasts for active and growing feet. children in your own neighborhood have proven the extra service this FOOTWEAR gives. Repeated tests by he eorreet letters are placed ian the white ces this pussie will spell words both vertically and horizontally. The first letter in each. ie . Be Fe te a LETS Talk wir The Figures the white apnces up te the first black square to the right, and a number undoes “yortical” defines a word which will li the white squares to the mext black one : : : bolew. No letters me in the black spaces. All words used are dictionary words, " : Be ated er he Soaianny, initials, teckuical terms wig obees were Impressive CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 1. 1 2 [3 [4 6 [7 18 ast week we published a condensed 0 11 5 15 Statement showing Resources and Sur- ; bilities. el y = aL plus over Liabilities wal 3 2 [Tas The Figures were Impressive. 25 26 27 28 29 Why not safeguard your estate by nam- 30 3 3 =3 ] ing this Bank your Executor. Individual Ls ir i 57 Executors are often inexperienced Individ: - ; ual Executors may die. = The Bank is a 38 39 I 40 continuing Institution. 41 [42 [M43 44 [M45 4.6 7 q 50 51 . ° T71 Fe le | The First. National Bank 52 5. 54 ¢ 56 BELLEFONTE, PA. 57 58 59 61 ol 62 oe rel Aaa aati a ee) @ (©, 1826, Western Newspaper Union.) 1—A beggar intizontal; 1—Condition Neiet), ween wars Never Get Discouraged. ra SANNA) a a e brave and never get discourag- ed. Work with a will and have the determination to save for a good purpose. Maintain an account » with this Bank. z Wd Os PANVUAEANNA Me ARNANVONAN VA MCAN TN) 3 per cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA. J ERMAN MEANNNIR INA AR] MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM RQ (el oe I ESAS IA MA A ACR AA NERA A ANY) "Ne Your Boy Warm and Healthy orp pa - “ Keeping your boy well and warm- ly dressed is not, such a big prob- lem as you might imagine—that, is, of course, if you come here to get, his clothing. We do all the initial work by pro- viding the proper selections from which you may choose just what you like—at a moderate cost, too. FAUBLES §