Bemorni ata Bellefonte, Pa., November 11, 1927. County Correspondence PINE GROVE MILLS. John Taylor made a business trip to Philadelphia last week. Dr. R. M. Krebs spent Thursday on a buisness trip to Altoona. Mrs. Thomas Fishburn was a Clear- field visitor over the week-end. A new heating plant is being in- stalled in the Methodist church here. Miss Elizabeth Goheen, of Bailey- ville, was a caller in town on Friday. A. S. Bailey is confined to the house as the result of an attack ot indigestion. Robert W. Reed is now on a fair way to recovery from a recent attack of pneamonia. John F. Saucerman was in Belle- fonte, on Saturday, attending to some legal business. Miss Emma Carper, of Niles, Ohio, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson. J. C. Corl and wife motored down from Juniata and spent Sunday with relatives in town. Miss Sara Wieland, of State Col- lege, spent Saturday with her par- ents in this place. Mrs. Virgie Meyers spent the latter end of the week with her grandpar- ents, at Gatesburg. Lee Krebs and wife, of State Col- lege, were over Sunday visitors at the W. E. Reed home. Paul McWilliams, one of Spruce TCreek’s up-to-date farmers, spent Fri- day afternoon in town. : Mrs. Mary Priest has returned home from a prolonged visit with friends in Philadelphia. Dr. and Mrs. Pierce, of State Col- lege, were callers at the M. C. Wie- land home, on Saturday. Miss Edith Sankey attended the funeral of her friend, Miss McCoy, at Centre Hall last week. George P. Irvin purchased a pair of mated fillies, at the horse sale at ‘Centre Hall, on Saturday. Mrs. Sadie Kreps is improving very: nicely, at the home of her niece, Mrs. Margaret Henry, at Tyrone. Rev. J. 0. C. McCracken and wife, of Juniata, spent Saturday at the old family home in the Glades. Hon. J. Will Kepler and Geo. Wie- land both shot ringneck pheasants, on Friday, and will have them mounted. Mrs. J. Max Kirkpatrick and son Jack, of Centre Hall, are both patients in the private hospital, at State Col- lege. Mr. Otto has taken over the J. F. Rossman store, at Rock Springs, and will soon be ready to open for busi- ness. Mr. and Mrs. John Tyson, of Lewis- town, were guests, last week, of Mrs. Tyson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Meek. td ‘ Mrs. R. T. Hafer as guests, the latter end of the week, Mrs. Fred ‘Wolf and Mrs. Lodie Young, of Mill- heim. A. F. Smith, one of the successful farmers down Pennsvalley, spent Sat- urday afternoon among old friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glenn and Mrs. Charles Strouse returned, last week, from a month’s trip to Oklahoma and ‘Texas. Prof. H. I. Bartges, a teacher mm ‘the Washington, Pa., high school visited his old home the latter end of ‘the week. Mrs. Nannie Walker, who has re- covered from her recent illness, Is visiting friends at Pitcairn and Wil- kinsburg. Raymond Davis was discharged from the Centre County hospital on Friday and is convalescing at his ‘home here. Samuel E. Fleming was a Sunday visitor in town, and reported Mrs. Fleming’s health as being somewhat impaired. Lloyd Shuey and wife spent several days in Baltimore, last week, visiting ‘their son Virgil, who is the in U. S. army in that city. George E. Meyers, of Boalsburg, ‘was here during the week looking after the condition of the musical In- struments in this section. The regular monthly meeting of the Ferguson township Brotherhood will be held in the Methodist church Friday evening at 7:30 o’clock. Believed to be on a fair way to re- covery from a serious illness Mrs. W. F. Ertley suffered a relapse, several days ago, and is again quite ill. The ladies circle of the Lutheran church will hold a social and bazaar in the I. O. O. F. hall on Saturday, No- vember 19, afternoon and evening. George Bell and wife and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Musser took a motor trip over the Seven mountains, on Sunday, and through the Kisacoquillas val- ley. P. O. S. of A. camp, No. 620, of this place, has accepted an invitation to attend a meeting of the Bellefonte camp on Friday evening, November 18th. Gilbert Fleming, who spent four months as a patient in the Me- Clain sanitorium, at Kansas City, Mo., has returned home much benefitted in health. Bobbie Everhart, who recently un- derwent an operation for appendici- tis, at the Centre County hospital, was discharged and brought home on Sat- urday. Misses Helen Moore and Ruth Mil- ler, of Altoona, spent several days last week at the home of their grandfath- er, P. S. Dale, who is slowly recover- ing from a serious illness. The men’s bible class of the Pres- byterian church at Baileyville were royally entertained at the Ed Isen- burg home, in that place, last Friday e . Mrs. Isen , as hostess, served choice refreshments in a lav- ish manner. Jack Collins came over from Clear- field for the Odd Fellows meeting, on Saturday evening, and remained over Sunday as a guest of Roy Barto and family. John D. Dreiblebis last week pur- chased the Shuey farm, near Houser- ville, for $4000. His son, John J. Dreibelbis, will take charge of the farm on April 1st, 1928, The stork made his tenth visit to the Charles T. Homan home during the week and left a chubby little boy whom the daddy hopes to see grow into another good Democrat. Miss Helen Behrer, accompanied by a school friend, came up from the Lock Haven Normal and spent the latter part of the week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Behrer. While out motoring, last Thursday evening, Frank Krebs was caught In a blinding snow storm, missed his bearings and crashed into a tree on the sidewalk, considerably damaging his car. None of the occupants, how- ever, were injured. Rev. Gearhart and wife, of Free- burg, spent the early part of the week as guests of Prof. A. L. Bower- sox and family. They noted many changes in the twenty-two years since Mr. Gearhart was principal of the grammar school here. The lumbering buiness in this sec- tion is petering out and lumberman E. E. Ellenberger will quit the saw mili and go to farming next spring on his own farm, near Graysville, better known as the James Oliver farm. The present tenant, Lloyd Frank, will retire from farming. Dogs are almost daily chasing deer on Tussey mountain and should be rounded up by a good dog catcher. Last Thursday two dogs chased a big deer off the mountain into the stream on the Branch and had it by the throat when they were driven away. The deer was so nearly exhausted it could hardly make its way to the mountain. A tracking snow fall, last Thurs- day, put new energy into the small game hunters and those who were fortunate in bringing home turkeys were Royal Kline, a fat hen; W. D. Johnson, a nice gobbler; Vare Gear- hart, a 20 pound gobbler; Harry Reed, George Reed and Fred B. Tate, gob- blers; George Dreibelbis, a hen; Car- ey Shoemaker and Will Corl, gobblers; Ralph Judy, an 18 pound gobbler, and i James: Keller a hen. M. C. and George Wieland got their limit of rabbits and squirrel while the Pine Grove club brought in twenty rabbits the first day. Land of the Onion It is said that when a ship Is ap- proaching the island of Ceylon deli- clous perfumes are wafted to the mariner’s nostrils long before the shores come into sight, so luxuriant is the growth of flowers on the islands. Other travelers assert that a ‘similar statement is true of the island of Ber- muda ; but in the modern instance the fragrance which meets the sailor’s nos- trils is not that of delicious flowers, but of the more humble, useful and nv tritious onion. The Bermuda farmer often raises lilies for the New York Easter market, but his mainstay is the onion. The | Bermuda onion is the best in the world Nothing so good is raised in the Unit- cd States. Every year we {import onions from Cuba and the other West Indies, and even from so distant a place as Egypt, but no onion takes the place of that of Bermuda. Forgot the Rule “Grammar is a most confusin’ thing,” remarked Cassidy to his friend. *I is I’ or ‘It is me.'” “I can give you a good rule on that,” returned his friend. “Just say over to yourself this rhyme. ‘It is I, said the spider to the fly’ and there ya are.” A few days later the friend met Mike and inquired if the rule had been of any help. “It would have been but for wan thing,” replied Cassidy. “I couldnt for the loife of me remember whethey your rhyme was: ‘It is I, said the spi- der to the fly, or ‘It is me, said the spider to the flea.’ ”—Boston Tran- script. Not So Big Hall Caine was the guest of honor at a literary dinner, and it fell to Thomas Nelson Page to introduce him in what the reporters are fond of calling “a few well-chosen sentences.” : Just before rising to do so, Page passed his menu card to Caine with a request that he autograph it. “After you have spoken,” whispered Sir Hall. “No, no—do it now,” said Page, Caine obeyed, and later he asked his ntroducer why he had been in so great a hurry to obtain his signature. “Well,” said Page, “If you must know, it was because I wanted to be able to say truthfully that I had read something you had written,” “Knowledge” and “Wisdom” How it comes to pass 1 know not, and yet it is certainly so, there is as much vanity and weakness of Jude- ment in those who profess the great- est abilities, who take upon them learned callings and bookish employ- ments as in any other sort of men whatever; either because more is re- quired and expected from them, and that common defects are inexcusable in them, or rather because the opinien shey have of their own learning makes them more bold to expose and lay them- sclves too open, by which they lose and betray themselves.—Montaigne, never can remember whether to say ‘It Centre County Jail Condemned by Welfare Department. The Centre county jail has been characterized as almost the worst jail in the State by Mrs. E. S. H. McCau- ley, head of the State Welfare De- partment, in a recent scathing letter to the County Commissioners, and copies of which letter were sent to Judge James C. Furst and sheriff E. R. Taylor. Mrs. McCauley went further and ordered that all female prisoners now confined in the county jail be transferred to the Allegheny county workhouse at once, and direct- ed the court that all women who may hereafter be convicted of crime be sentenced to the Allegheny county in- stitution until such time as the coun- ty jail shall have been put in condition to harbor them. The present quarters for female prisoners in the jail was the cause of the most drastic denunciation on the part of Mrs. McCauley, but she also condemned the present heating and lighting systems, lack of proper sani- tary facilities, the absence of a per- mant wash tub in the jail for the prisoners’ use in washing their cloth- ing, and various other defects. The present jail was built in 1847 and at that time the builders made no extra provision for female prisoners, possibly because they had no women criminals in those days. In later years, when it was found necessary to provide quarters for women two cells at the western end of the corridor on the second floor were partitioned off as a woman’s compartment. Both wood and an iron door separate the compartment from the cells of the men but they are not sound proof and to gain access to the women’s cells it is necessary to pass through that portion of the jail occupied by the male prisoners. There are only two cells in the women’s compartment ana it is only a few weeks ago that four women were confined therein at ony time. Now, however, there is only one fe- male prisoner, Annie Sokolosky, and she is such an old-timer that she is well able to take care of herself at any place or in any kind of company. In her letter Mrs. McCauley was very emphatic in complimenting sher- iff E. R. Taylor and the members of his family for their excellent care and consideration of the prisoners in their charge during his term of office, which she characterized as exception- ally good considering the many de- fects in the county prison. The County Commissioners aver that : they have made about the only tm- | provements during their term in office that have been made in years. They have also under consideration a plan for creating a woman’s ward out of one of the large rooms in the sheriffs residence but it is hardly likely that anything along this line will be done right away. The fact that John A. Way, recently appointed to take the place of Howard Holtzworth, restgn- ed, will hold office only until January 2nd, 1928, and that the term of James W. Swabb will also expire at that time, will probably deter them from assuming any responsibility for mak- ing any changes or improvements ai the jail; and Mr. Spearly will doubt- less prefer to wait until an entire new board is in office before any ae- tion is taken. In the meantime, Anne Sockolosky, the only woman prisoner, is not mak- ing any fuss about being transported anywhere else. ——John A. Way, who was sworn in as County Commissioner Novem- ber first as an appointee to succeed Howard E. Holtzworth, resigned, has been in office less than two weeks but avers that it has been long enouge for him to discover that the best kind of a business man would be none to good for the office. In fact, he avers that the salary should be increased to a figure that would justify business men in becoming candidates in the fu- ture. ——The Watchman gives all the news while it is news. P.1L. Beezer Estate..... Meat Market 34-34 YOUR THANKSGIVING BIRD. We have the Thanksgiving turkey you want. It is a bird! It has youth and the weight to meet your requiremnts. Drop in our butcher shop right away and select yours from among the many we have for other cusutomers who depend upon us for their choice turkeys, fowl and meat cuts. Telephone 450 Market on the Diamond Bellefonte, Penna. Send Postal For Rates and Booklet W. JOHNSON QUINN, President Mn \ A £7 = = _{a#P — il = a | my ily | (Ih AY i! SENDING PICTURES BY TELEPHONE Ba Telephone scientists in- vented amachine forsending of-town calls to nearby points just like local calls is, to you, a more tangible result. pictures over a telephone wire. Telephone research—to improve your telephone service—gave it birth. From this same effort have come Television, Vitaphone, Radio Telephone, Public Address Sys- tems, Radio networks, the im- proved phonograph, and medical aids bik as the Audiphone, Audi- ometer, and Electrie Stethoscope. All these things grew out of studies and experiments to make your telephone service better. The fact that you can make out- A newly developed high speed service to more distant points is another. The whole American nation, and Canada and Cuba—and now parts of Europe and Mexico— have been brought into your home or office. Because of ceaseless study and experiment, your telephone ser- vice—your every-day use of the telephone—is today more de- pendable, more accurate, more highly personalized, and is greatly increased in scope. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA J. H. CAUM, Manager ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney- Law, Bellefonte, Pa, Pros i all courts. Offi Exehans rts. Office, room 18 Oy KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorne -at= Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at- rustesd rok given all legal Dusiness en- care. ces—No. 5, Eas High street. Ne. 5, 5744 M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention. Offices on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y x RUNKLE. — Attorney-at-Law, Ww Consultation in English and Ger: man. Offi y Bellefonte. Pa. ce in Crider’s Exchange: ’ PHYSICIANS R. R. L. CAPERS. OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte State Coll Crider’'s Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bldg, 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his resi- dence. 35-41 D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis- tered and licensed by the State. Eys examined, glasses fitted. Sat isfaction guaranteed. © Frames replaced and lenses matched. Casebeer Bldg., High St., Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-tf VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday, Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op- posite the Court House, Wednesday after- noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Bell Phone 68-40 Feeds We keep a full line of all kinds of feeds at the right prices. Wagners 22% Dairy Feed $50.00 Wagners 32% Dairy Feed $53.00 Made of cotton seed meal, oil meal, glut- en and bran. Wagners Scratch Grains .......... $52.00 Wagners Poultry Mash .......... 60.00 Wagners Pig Meal ................ 56.00 We handle a full iire of Wayne feeds. Wayne 829% Dairy Feed .......... $57.00 Wayne 249% Dairy Feed ........... 538.00 Wayne Horse Feed ................ 52.00 Wayne Poultry Mash ............ 64.00 Wayne Pig Meal ................. 56.00 Cotton Seed Meal 43% ............. $52.00 Oil Meal 34% .............c...ccr.s 56.00 Gluten 2807... ......... ci us iieess 48.00 Ground Alfalfa ...... ............. 45.00 BPR os iiiiiesstrerersiionivisianad 36.00 MIGRlngs J... .......o.o indi 45.00 Standard Chop ...........ce00venne 45.00 Meat Meal 50% per H.............. $4.28 Digester tankage 60% ............. 4.23 When you want good bread or pastry Use “Our Best” Flour. We are the exclusive agents for the GOLD COIN FLOUR. A high grade of Spring wheat. G. 1. Wagner & Go., Ing 66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA. Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces srt tPA NSF Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES ‘Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished 66-15-tf. Fine Job Printing A SPECIALTY : at the WATCHMAN OFFICE There is no style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat- isfactory menner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this office Employers This Interests You The Workman's Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes insurance compul- sory. We specialize in placing such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. It will be to your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON. Bellefonte 43-18-1yr. State College