Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 28, 1927, Image 4
Demon Walden “Bellefonte, Pa. October 28, 1927. EE EE ES STR, P. GRAY MEEK, - - - So Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real meme of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further notice at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance. - - $1.50 Paid before expiration of year - L175 Paid after expiration of year - 2.00 Published weekly, every Friday morn- ing. Entered at the postofiice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class matter In ordering change of address always give the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the paper discontinued. In all such cases the sub- scription must be paid up to date of can- cellation. A sample copy of the “Waatchman” will be sent without cost to applicants. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. For Judge of Centre County W. HARRISON WALKER. For Sheriff, HARRY E. DUNLAP. For Prothonotary, SAMUEL C. HERR. For Treasurer, LYMAN L. SMITH. For Register, BENJAMIN F. BOAL. For Recorder, SINIE H. HOY. For County Commissioners, JOHN 8S. SPEARLY. C. M. PARRISH. For County Auditor, 0. J. STOVER. H. E. GARBRICK. MONTHLY MEETING OF D. A. R. The winter series of monthly meetings of the Bellefonte Chapter D. A. R. was auspiciously begun at eight o’clock on the evening of Oc- tober 6th when Mrs. D. H. Hastings and her sister, Mrs. Frank McFar- lane, cordially welcomed more than eighty members to the Hastings resi- dence on north Allegheny street. It being the first meeting of the the fiscal year the program was crowded with business. The minutes of the previous meeting contain- ed a digest of committee reports given in May, 1927, and also a resume of last year’s work and an account of the Constitution day celebration of September 17th, 1927, when, at the unveiling of a “marker” at the grave of a Daughter (Mrs. Mary A. Alli- son Rishel) of a Revolutionary sol- dier (Matthew Allison), Rev. W. C. Thompson, minister of the Bellefonte Presbyterian church, drew the atten- tion of the assembled chapter mem- bers, their guests and the friends and relatives of the “Real Daughter” to a poetically imaginative picture of the experiences of one who had been the daughter of a ‘Revolutionary soldier, the wife of one of the war of 1812, and the mother of one of the Civil war. The secretary, Mrs. P. B. Brenne- man, of State College, read, too, the minute concerning the after supper addresses on the Constitution of the United States delivered at the Nit- tany Country club by the Hon. James C. Furst and Mr. John G. Love. Con- cerning that of the former, it was noted by one of the State College delegates to the Thirty-first Penn- sylvania State conference at Bedford Springs, Judge Furst’s discussion of his sub- ject was to have ante-dated, both from the informative and interest- holding viewpoint, hearing the same subject by the Hon. Thom- as J. 'Balddidge, Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, at the final evening meeting of the State conference. Mr. Love's treatment of his theme vividly im- pressed upon the memory of his hear- ers the matter of the secrecy found necessary in the making of the fund- amental or organic law of the United States. As the most of the committee chairman reported prospective activi- ties it may be more fitting to delay an account until the “prospective” be- comes the “actual,” and to let it suf- fice to say that for the Memorial day committee Miss Janet Potter reported that the graves of forty-eight Revolu- tionary soldiers were marked with Betsy Ross flags on May 30th last; and that she also announced that Mrs. H. C. Valentine, the promoter, and in- spirit custodian, of the chapter’s ceme- tery “gate fund,” had approved the transfer of the balance on hand, about $325.00, to the chapter’s Student Loan Fund. That the members might be the better fortified against the ordeal of reports of the annual State Conference they partook of unusually abundant, varied and tooth-some viands, and grantad the delegates a month’s res- pite. Real Estate Transfers. Lawrence Nugent, et al, to Joseph McKee, tract in Snow Shoe; $2,800. Joseph McKee, et ux, to Ira G. Hall, tract in Snow Shoe; $2,000. Phoebe Ellen Krebs to Robert B. Gates, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $350. Edward J. Green, et ux, to Alfred Justice, tract in Spring Twp.; $425. Elizabeth Spotts, et ux, to Ira T. Behrers, et ux, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $1. John R. Zerby to The Kulpmont Gun Club, tract in Gregg Twp.; $1. John R. Zerby, et al, to The Kulp- mont Gun Club, tract in Gregg Twp.; $900. Boggs Township School District to Clarence Lyons, tract in Boggs Twp.; $475. that to have listened to’ that on | S. C. HERR. Samuel Claude Herr was born at Salona, Clinton county, in 1877. He is a descendant of the Herrs who set- tled in what is now Lancaster county in 1719 and most of whom have fol- lowed agricultural pursuits ever since. Claude’s father, Martin Wilson Herr, turned to educational endeavors and his ability in that direction was rec- ognized by important positions. He was once a teacher in the Bellefonte Academy, principal of the schools of Renovo and county superintendent of Clinton county. He fell from a cherry tree and suffered a broken neck which paralyzed him from the hips down. A hopeless invalid for ten years he was unable to do anything toward the sup- port. of the family, so at the age of 12 Claude struck out to work and help. With his brother he tried farming for seven years, then an uncle helped them to start in the mercantile busi- ness in Salona. There wasn’t enough business for two so Claude became book-keeper and weighmaster for the Bellefonte Lime Co. at Salona. When that plant closed be came to Belle- fonte, in 1906, to become time-keep- er and shipping clerk at the Armor Gap operations of the American Lime and Stone Co. When he quit there to form the grocery firm of Herr and Heverly he was superintendent of the operation. Four years ago he accept- ed appointment as clerk to the board of County Commissioners and his splendid record in that office speaks for itself. Mr. Herr is married, has a family of children and is a devout christian ! gentleman. He is a member of the | official board of the Bellefonte Metho- | dist church and for years has been a {leader in all of its work among men, ‘especially. | We vecord in all seriousness our thought that Bellefonte hasn’t a | cleaner man, morally or mentally. | His election to the. office of Pro- ‘thonotary ‘would be of. great:value to the new board of County Commission- "ers as he would then be near enough 'to greatly assist in tiding them over |the first year of their term, which is |a very trying time. Having been i educated in the schools of Salona and lalso of the Central State Normal ! School at Lock Haven and in gaining | the valuable practical knowledge from | responsible positions he has held has ‘amply fitted Claude to fill the office . of Prothonotary of Centre county for which he is a candidate at this time. Hunting the Money Stolen by the Molyneaux Brothers. Last week the Watchman told of ‘the frustration of the Molyneaux brothers evident attempt to escape from the Centre county jail where they are being held on the charge of ‘attempted escape from the Rockview ' penitentiary for robbing a store at | Masten, Lycoming Co., of $2700, not a ‘cent of the money having been re- . covered. i One of the men is married and it ‘has been the supposition of officials [that he had the money hid at his ‘home on Roaring Branch, Lycoming county. Last week, according to the Williamsport Sun, several men went to the Molyneaux home and demanded of Mrs. Molyneaux that she tell them where the money was hidden, stating that her husband and his brother would soon escape from the Centre county jail and would need the money to get away. Mrs. Molyneaux pro- tested that she had no knowledge of the whereabouts of the money where- upon, it is alleged, the men beat her into unconsciousness then made a getaway. Mrs. Molyneaux was so badly injured that a physician took her to Williamsport for treatment. Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop prices on all kinds of rubbers is less in price than any mail order house or shoe store in the United States. 42-1t Mrs. Julia Shuey, of Lemont, underwent a rather serious operation, on Wednesday, at the private hos- pital at State College. The open season for small game will begin next Tuesday and hunters this week have been busy laying in a stock of ammunition. Marriage Licenses. Albert McGary, of Coalport, and Martha Bennett, of Philipsburg. John Molitoris, Jr. of Stafford Springs, Conn., and Marie Hudak, of Philipsburg. LeRoy R. Davidson and Alma C. Miller, both of Milroy. fer, both of Bellefonte. Samuel Lyons Jr. and Lila M. Shaf- SINIE H. HOY. Candidate for Recorder of Deeds in Centre county, was born on June 19, 1871, in Benner township and is a son of the late H. K. and Mary Fishburn Hoy. His birthplace was on a farm and on a farm he remained until 1923. He had two brothers and five sisters. When a boy Mr. Hoy attended the rural schools of Benner township and polished off his education at Penn Hall Academy. For five years thereafter he taught school in his native township during the fall and winter and assisted his father on the farm in the summer. In 1906 Mr. Hoy purchased a farm which he successfully operated until 1923. Not only was he capable of at- tending to the work on his farm dur- ing this time, but he accommodated his friends by crying their sales, and in 1911 was elected a member of the Centre County Board of Auditors and was an auditor for Benner township for several years: In the spring of 1923 Mr. Hoy be- came a resident of Bellefonte. Four years.ago he was.a Demoeratic ¢andi- date for Recorder and won the nomi- nation, but was defeated at the’ gen- eral election by the small majority of habit. . As a young man Mr. Hoy was He has always been.a staunch Dem- ocrat and consistent worker for his party, having accepted victory and defeat in a gentlemanly way and has always carried on with his party suec- cess foremost in mind. * Mr. Hoy was married in 1894 to Blanche Dale and reared five sons to manhood. One son, Joseph; died on December 13, 1926, at the age of twenty-one years. The other four are all successful in their chosen profes- sions. ‘ We are all more or less creatures of habit. As a young man Mr. Hoy was tidy and. thorough: going. He: carried these traits into his farm work so effectively that his farm, buildings and home attracted the attention of every passerby for the reason that the fence-rows were always clean and no unsightly accumulation of junk left the impression that the farmer was slip-shod or careless.’ Such habits are important qualifica- tions in the office he seeks, where it is necessary to have orderly and neatly kept records. They are far more important than many of you know. A visit to the Recorder’s office and an inspection of the books there would convince many of vou that it is more than important, that there is a crying need for an officer who will keep the records of Centre county in such orderly condi- tions as will insure their being as legible fifty years from now as they may be today. Vote for Sinie Hoy for Recorder. He is an intelligent, capable man and writes a regular copy-book hand. Academy and State Both Won at Football Last Week. The Academy football team motor- ed to New York city last week, where they played the Freshmen of New York University and won by the score of 7 to 0. The Penn State Varsity played Syracuse University at Syracuse and for the first time since the two in- stitutions have been meeting on the gridiron, was able to win. The score ‘was 9 to 6. It was the first time, also, that State ever scored on Syracuse. Tomorrow will be alumni homecom- ing day at State College and the Lions will have Lafayette as oppon- ents on Beaver field. The Easton team is one of the strongest in the east and on Saturday suffered its first defeat in three years, so that the game tomorrow is likely to be a thriller. Another football attraction at State tomorrow will be the annual game between the Bellefonte Academy and the Lion Cubs. Football relations with the Acade- my date back further than any rival of the Lion yearlings, and, until last year, Bellefonte had never been able to down the freshmen. In the 1926 game, however, the Academy team trounced them 27 to 6, the lone touch- down coming on a fumble when Mil- ler, now a varsity halfback, scooped up the ball. That touchdown was the only one made by the Lion yearlings all season. With a vastly improved squad this fall they hope to get back into the winning column with the Academy men. ~The Watchman gives all the news while it is news. LYMAN L. SMITH. When it comes to setting forth what lifetime, in order to array their quali- fications before the voters, we might say that Lyman L. Smith, of Centre Hall, Demcratic candidate for coun- ty treasurer, like John §S. Spearly, missioner, has had perhaps the toughest time of any in the battle of the “survival of the fittest.” Mr. Smith was born at Centre Hall in 1870 a son of Israel and Mary M. Luse Smith. His father died when he was. four years old and his mother being unable to support the family, our subject was sent to the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eman- uel Smith, at Farmers Mills. There “Smithy” as he was dubbed, attended country school in the winter and helped his grandfather on the farm in the summer. Subsequently his grandparents moved into Centre Hall and Lyman went to the town school, while he spent his summer va- cations working about the country on farms. When “Smithy” was fifteen years old, his grandparents died, leaving him alone. Fortunately for him, his widowed mother was again married and she settled in Centre Hall, and henceforth “Smithy” had a home. At the age of twenty-one years, he had visions of becoming a carpenter and set about learning the trade. He se- cured work as an apprentice with Howard Homan and remained three years. : At the age of twenty-three years Mr. Smith was married to Edith S. Foreman, sister of David Foreman, ty, and went to housekeeping at Cen- tre Hall. business and this led to a travelimy ‘agency for the International Harvest- fully in all parts of the county. At present Lyman is a commission merchant in hay, straw, potatoes and other farm products. Four years ago the Democrats nom- inated him to the candidacy for the office which he now seeks, but at the general election, he was defeated. That he is now deserving of some rec- ognition is beyond question. That he is well qualified is also undenied. Four years as councilman at Centre Hall, has given him the confidence necessary in a public office. He is a member of the Reformed church, where for several years he has held the office of deacon. He is the father of one daughter, who 1s a graduate of Bloomsburg Normal. She has taught in the schools of Boals- burg, Spring Mills and is on her seventh consecutive term at State College, in a grade school. Howard All Set for Hallowe'en. Preparations are being made for the big Hallowe’en celebration to be held in Howard tomorrow evening. The parade will form at the old school building on Main street at 7.30, and proceed east to the borough limits; turn and go west on Main street to the Diamond, thence south on Walnut street to the M. E. church, thence again to Diamond and then south on Walnut street to the John Lyons’ resi- dence, turn and proceed to new play- ground where parade will terminate and where the judges will award prizes. Prizes will be awarded for the fol- lowing costumes: Best historical, best impersonation, best ladies’ costume, best gent’s costume, best rural cos- tume, biggest farmer’s family, fun- niest costume, most original costume, best wild west costume, most aristo- cratic costume, poorest person cos- tume as well as several others to be announced later. These prizes will be presented by the various business men of the town. The parade will be followed by var- ious events, such as boxing and wrest- ling matches, old-fashioned cake-walk and square dancing. Other entertain- ment features will also help to pro- vide something for every minute of the time. Refreshments will be on sale during the evening. A larger crowd than Howard has seen for some time is anticipated. ——Oscar J. Harm on Saturday purchased the home of the late Mrs. M. C. Harris, on east Linn street. The property had first been put up at pub- lic sale but the highest bid received was not acceptable and after the sale was adjourned Mr. Harm made the purchase. political candidates have done in their ; Democratic candidate for county com- | former Prothonotary of Centre coun- There he was in the dray business, ! then in the coal, grain and implement ' er Co. which he represented success-' street to the C. C. Lucas store, turn’ on Black street and thence to Grove SHOWALTER.—Harry A. Sho- walter, a native of Centre county, died quite suddenly at 2.80 o’clock, on Mon- day morning, at his home in Ridgway, as the result of a stroke of apoplexy. For some time past he had suffered with high blood pressure but was around on Sunday as usual. In the evening he was sitting in his room reading when he suddenly complained about an intense pain in his head. Almost immediately he lapsed into unconsciousness and died at the hour above named. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Showalter and was born near State College on April 6th, 1891, hence was 36 years, 6 months and 18 days old. He had been in the employ of the Keystone Power company (now the West Penn,) for a number of years and was recognized as one of the most dependable and efficient men in the Ridgway office. He is survived by his wife, his parents, now living in Wilkinsburg, and one sister, Mrs. . Thomas O'Neil, also of Wilkinsburg. Funeral services were held at his “home in Ridgway, on Tuesday, after ' which the remains were taken to the home of his parents, in Wilkinsburg, where final services were held and burial made on Wednesday afternoon. fl : HEWITT.—Mrs. Georgiana Test Hewitt, wife of H. H. Hewitt, died at her home in Philipsburg on Wednes- day morning of last week, following a lingering illness. She was a daughter of James and Eleanor Hancock Test and was born in Philipsburg on July 20th, 1850, hence was 77 years, 2 months and 29 days old. All her life was spent in Philipsburg where she had the love and esteem of a large cir- cle of friends. In February, 1869, she married Mr. Hewitt, and he survives with the fol- lowing children: Mrs. J. S. Hoffman, of Altoona; Mrs. J. G. Hipson, of East Orange, N. J.; Mrs. Henrietta Mec- Closkey, at home, and Edgar H. Hewitt, of Philipsburg. She was a lifelong member of the , Methodist church and the funeral services on Saturday afternoon were in charge of Rev. S. B. Evans, assist- ed by Rev. Ralph Illingsworth, burial being made in the Philipsburg ceme- tery. fl Il | STRUNK.—Mrs. Rebecca Jane | Strunk, wife of Charles Strunk, died at her home in Howard on Wednes- day morning of last week, following | an illnes of some weeks. Her maiden name was Jane Graden and she was born at Mill Hall a little over sixty- nine years ago. In addition to her husband she is survived by the following children: ! Miss Mary Strunk, of Bellefonte; Mrs. ‘Nora Lighthamer and James Strunk, of Howard; Mrs. John Fowler, of Pittsburgh; William, of Williamsport; ! Arthur, of Howard and Mrs. Eldred Pletcher, of Altoona. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Mary Smith, of | Northumberland. | Funeral services were held at 10 (o'clock on Friday morning by Rev. A. T. Moyer, burial being made in the i Schenck cemetery. 1 ll WYLAND.—Benjamin F. Wyland died at his home «t Howard on Octo- ber 14th following a stroke of paraly- sis sustained three days previous. He was a son of Daniel and Stacia Wy- land and was brn near Milesburg, on September 2nd, 1852, hence had reach- ed the age of 75 years, 1 month and 4 days. He married Miss Blanche Comer who survives with five children, Herbert Wyland, of Altoona; Mrs. Ray Kunes, Lester Wyland and Mrs. Bessie Bryan, of Howard, and Mrs. Clyde Corman, of Bellefonte. He also leaves one brother, David Wyland, I cf Akron, Ohio. Funeral services were ‘held at his late home in Howard, on Monday of last week, by Rev. J. F. Smith, burial being made in the Ad- vent cemetery, in Boggs township. | t | | PASSEL.—Mrs. Sarah Ann Passel, wife of Thomas Passel, died at her home in Philipsburg on Tuesday of last week, following a long illness. Sarah Ann Houdeshell and she was born in Snow , Shoe on January 20th, 1874, making her age 53 years, 7 months and 28 days. She is survived by her husband and a five year old son, as well as the following brothers and sisters: John Houdeshell, of Curtin; Mrs. John Webb, of Windber; George, of Le- Contes Mills; Frank and Jacob, of Cato; Mrs. Daniel DeHaas, of Julian; Mrs. Nora Blake and Mrs. Ernest Vinton, of Philipsburg. Burial was made last Thursday in the Philipsburg cemetery. ; I il GINGERICH.—Mrs. Barbara Anne Gingerich, wife of Samuel Gingerich, died at her home in State College, on Tuesday of last week, as the result of cerebral hemorrhages. She was a daughter of Joseph and Mary New- man Carver and was born in Belle- fonte in 1855, her age at death being 72 years, 6 months and 24 days. In addition to her husband she is sur- vived by one son and a daughter, Milton Gingerich, of State College, and Mrs. Ollie Halderman, of Cole- ville. She also leaves one brother, John Carver, of State College. Burial was made in the Houserville cemetery last Thursday. Her maiden name was ——If you are a movie fan, and sixty per cent. of the people in Belle- fonte are, go to the Scenic to see the best pictures. The films shown there are all topnotchers and the highest class that can be secured. Mrs. Rena Sayre, of West, Virginia; | Mrs. Charles Travel, of Monument; Scenic Theatre HOME OF BELLEFONTE’S GREATEST PHOTOPLAYS Each Evening at 6:15 Miss Crouse at the Morton Organ WEEK AHEAD PROGRAM This Thurs,, Fri, & Satur. DEMPSEY- TUNNEY OFFICIAL Fight Pictures Taken in Chicago at the Soldiers Memorial Field and considered to be the best fight picture ever filmed. Round for Round, Hit for Hit is shown as well as the noted 7th round which: is shown in slow motion. Matinees Thursday and Friday (ONLY). The Feature picture for THURS- DAY is “Billie Dove” and “Lioyd Hughes” in “THE STOLEN BRIDE". For FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Lewis Stone” and “Priscilla Bonner” in “THE PRINCE OF HEADWAIT- ERS.” Regular admission prices of 10 and 25¢. Next Mn, Toss. & Wo. FIRST NATIONAL PRESENTS Greatest of lovers since the world began! From country lass to the deli- cate delights of Paris. Her fragile feet picked their imperious way along a. pathway of broken hearts. Men feared her because she was so beautiful; but one forgot fear, fortune and the city’s gossip to bring her the first tender love her young life had known. Mil- lions have thrilled to this stage hit of a century. Only Norma Talmadge could bring it so forcefully to the- screen! Regular admissicn price of 15 and 35c. Matinee Daily at 2 P. M. Next Thursday & Friday “Time to Love” “RAYMOND GRIFFITH”, “VERA VORONINA”, Wm. POWELL,. JOSEPH SWICKARD. Another one of the high silk hat: comedian’s photoplays packed full of comedy and all the action you would expect. Also a good two reel comedy and the Famous Paramount News Reel. Coming Attractions “BREAKFAST AT SUNRISE” Constance Talmadge. “ROSE OF THE GOLDEN WEST™ “May Astor, Gilbert Roland”. “THE GORILLA” “Charley Murray” “HELEN OF TROY” Maria Corda, Lewis Stone. “SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS” Molly O'Day. “A TEXAS STEER” “Will Rogers” “LOUISIANA” Billie Dove “CHANG” “ROUGH RIDERS” “HULA” “TWO ARABIAN KNIGHTS” “LES MESERABIES”