Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 21, 1927, Image 4

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    Denorraiiy atc
Bellefonte, Pa., October 21, 1927.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - -
“Teo Correspondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
notice at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50
Paid before expiration of year - 1.75
Paid after expiration of year - 2.00
Published weekly, every Friday morn-
ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte,
Pa., as second class matter
In ordering change of address always
give the old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be mno-
tified when a subscriber wishes the paper
discontinued. In all such cases the sub-
scription must be paid up to date of can-
A sample copy of the “Waatchman” will
be sent without cost to applicants.
For Judge of Centre County
For Sheriff,
For Prothonotary,
For Treasurer,
For Register,
For Recorder,
For County Commissioners,
For County Auditor,
Miscellaneous Business Transacted by
Borough Council.
Just seven members were present
at the regular meeting of borough
council, on Monday evening, the ab-
sentees being Mr. Reynolds, of the
North ward, and Mr. Flack, of the
Charles F. Cook was present and
made complaint regarding the action
of borough manager J. D. Seibert in
cutting an iron sewer pipe connection
that he had put in for connecting two
of his properties with the sewer on
Pike alley. Mr. Cook claimed that
he paid twenty dollars toward the
sewer when it was put down two years
ago and also paid for the tap, but the
latter had never been made until re-
cently. Mr. Seibert contended that
Mr. Cook had been given all the taps
he was entitled to and refused to pay
the $30 fee for the new tap and that is
the reason he cut it off. The matter
was referred to the Street committee
for investigation and report.
A communication was received from
the county commissioners relative to
the resignation of Herbert Auman as
tax collector, and suggesting that the
borough and county elect the same
individual as his successor. In this
connection written applications for the
appointment were received from Miss
Sarah M. Love and O. A. Kline, the
latter now collector of the school
taxes. President Walker referred the
matter to the Finance committee for
consultation with the county commis-
sioners and overseers of the poor and
report at a special meeting that was
held on Wednesday evening.
The Street committee reported var-
ious repairs and cleaning of streets.
The Water committee reported the
collection of $329 on the water tax
The Finance committee requested
the renewal of three notes aggregat-
ing $2830 and also the execution of
new loans totaling $4000 to meet cur-
rent bills.
The Fire and Police committee re-
ported that the seventy-two fire hy-
drants in town have all been tested
and repainted, and that all are in good
The Village Improvement commit-
tee reported that the street markers
have arrived in Bellefonte and are
ready to be put up in locations to be
designated by the Street committee.
Mr. Brouse stated that a resident on
Quaker hill, named Bailey, was anx-
lous to have a sewer connection but
the sewer is on the opposite side of
the street from his house, and he
wants council to lay the sewer across
the street to the curb. President
Walker stated that he believed that
was the usual method and he referred
the matter to the Street committee
with power.
Mr. Brouse also reported to coun-
cil that the Bush estate, with a view
of improving the entrance to the Bush
house, desires to move the electric
light standard now owned by the bor-
ough and use it as one of the supports
for a marquee to be built out over the
pavement. They will pay for the
standard and will substitute sufficient
light around the ceiling of the mar-
aquee to compensate for the removal
of the borough light, and will also pay
for the light. The matter was refer-
red to the Street committee wih pow-
Bills totalling $4053.91 were ap-
proved for payment after which coun-
cil adjourned to meet on Wednesday
——A few evenings ago James K.
Barnhart and Oscar Zimmerman
drove over to the Seven mountains to
catch sight of a deer, if possible.
They stopped in the vicinity of the
Sun Set club and Walter Gherrity’s
retreat and counted sixty-eight in a
short timd. They saw only three
bucks, however. There were seven in
Walter’s corn field and that would
look as though they are as fond of his
corn as they are of his potatoes.
Candidate for County Commission-
er, is a son of Charles and Anne
Spearley and was born in Snow Shoe
on Christmas day, 1871. His mother
having died when he was very young
the home was broken up and the chil-
dren had to strike out for themselves.
John found work and a home on the
farms in Buffalo Run valley where he
went to school and worked so diligent-
ly as to win the helpful interest of all
who knew of his struggle. For 15
years he was a farmers’ “hireling”
then he had grown big enough for a
man’s job and sought work at the
Taylor ore mines where he labored for
three years for 80 cents a day. Always
on the look out for something better
a job at a dollar a day in the Belle-
fonte stone quarries appealed to him
and he worked there for eighteen
months then joined the force at Wag-
ner’s Roopsburg mill where he stayed
until he rented a Reynolds farm and
went back to the soil. Later he
bought the farm and resided there
until building his present home in
Bush Addition, Bellefonte.
While a resident of Benner town-
ship he filled almost all of the town-
ship offices creditably. He was tax
collector of the township for fifteen
years and settled every duplicate but
two in full. The two he was compell-
ed to ask for small exonerations in
because of conditions over which he
had no control.
Mr. Spearly is married and has five
children; he with his family being
affiliated with the Evangelical church.
His record as one of the commis-
sioners ~ during the past four years
speaks for itself. He should be re-
elected because an experienced man is
reeded in the office. Otherwise all
three of the officers would be strang-
ers to its duties and it is not well for
private or public business of such a
nature to fall into hands wholly un-
acquainted with its conduct.
—Ruth Elder admits that she said
a little prayer as she was donning
her life-saving suit that stormy Wed-
nesday night when it seemed almost
certain that her plane would fall into
the merciless Atlantic. It might not
have been an eleventh hour appeal in
Ruth’s case, but the world is too full
of scoffers who go to their knees in
suppliance to the only real Helper
when they see fate writing Finis on
the wall.
Our Candidates for Commissioner.
Candidate for Commissioner of Cen-
tre county is a native of Cambria
county, but has lived in Centre so long
that he has become a very highly
respected adopted son. He was born
in Ebensburg and is a son of the late
J. D. Parrish, a well known contractor
of that place.
As a boy he learned the printing
trade and spent six years as a com-
positor in the shops of Ebensburg.
Then he decided to become a pharma-
cist and entered the Philadelphia Col-
lege of Pharmacy in Philadelphia.
Working in a store in the city all the
while he was studying he was gradu-
ated and returned to Cresson to con-
duct a store of his own. Later he had
stores in Altoona and Bellwood and in
1889 came to Bellefonte to open the
business he has conducted ever since.
Mr. Parrish is one of our town’s
best known business men. He has
been actively engaged here for nearly
forty years so that there has been
ample opportunity for the community
to know him and appraise the sterling
character that is his... We want a
business administration in the Com-
missioner’s office. It is the work-shop
of the County. All the other offices
are routine: work but the Commis-
sioners have new problems to solve
every day. Roads are to be improved,
bridges built, supplies bought and a
budget made so that taxes are levied
only in sufficiency to meet the obli-
gations made.
When, through his sense of duty, a
business man offers to take a position
that pays as little as the County Com-
missioner’s office does it seems to us
it is good business to accept the offer
As a matter of fact the Commissiofi-
er’s office ought to pay the highest
salary in the court house. If you had
a business running into hundreds of
thousands of dollars yearly you
wouldn’t think of putting a thousand
dollar man in charge of it. It is only
when sound, successful business men
like Dr. Parrish feel it their duty to
make a sacrifice for the public that
the County gets the benefit of their
The late A. J. Griest was a business
man. William H. Noll Jr. was a
business man. Who can say that the
county ever had better Commissioners
than they were.
Let us elect Mr. Parrish and try an-
other one.
Nittany-Lions Wallop the Quakers, at
Saturday was a day of upsets in
football prognostications and one of
the most startling was the decisive
victory of Penn State over the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania at Philadel-
phia. Just a week previous State had
been downed by Bucknell and U. of
P. had won a splendid victory over
Brown, so that by all manner
of reasoning the Quakers had by far
the best look. But when they met
on the gridiron, on Saturday after-
noon, State outplayed her opponents
at every stage of the game, although
it was not until the third period that
she was able to cross the Quaker’s
goal line. In the fourth period two
more touchdowns were made which,
with two goals from touchdown,
made the score 20 to 0 in favor of
the Nittany lions. This was State’s
first victory over the Quakers since
1923. Today State will go to Syra-
cuse where tomorrow they will test
their merits against Syracuse Univer-
The Bellefonte Academy met its
first reverse of the season, at Greens-
burg on Saturday, when the Pitt
Panther Yearlings won the game by
a 12 to 7 score. Hood, who for sev-
eral season’s was the Academy’s
flashy fullback, played the same po-
sition with the Pitt Freshmen and
made one of the touchdowns against
the Academy. Though they lost the
game the Academy played good foot-
ball and the defeat was not at all dis-
The Bellefonte High school eleven
journeyed to Mount Union and played
the High school football team of that
place, on Saturday afternoon, win-
ning by the score of 30 to 0. At no
stage of the game was the Bellefonte
goal line seriously threatened.
It might be interesting to note that
the much heralded Lock Haven High
went up to Altoona, on Saturday, in
gaily bedecked cars, to take the scalp
of the Altoona boys, but lost the game
6 to 0. Just a week previous Belle-
fonte downed the Altoona eleven 27 to
6, and now the question arises as to
the comparative strength of the Lock
Haven and Bellefonte teams for their
annual game at Lock Haven on
Thanksgiving. Bellefonte won last
year’s game and is going to make a
hard try to turn the trick again this
year. Up to the present the locals
have not lost a game. Tomorrow they
will play the Catholic: High, of Al-
toona, on Hughes field, and it is due
the players that a large crowd be
present to cheer them on to another
Pheasant Flies Through Window of
L. A. Schaeffer Home.
On Tuesday afternoon the maid at
the L. A. Schaeffer home, on east
Curtin street, was badly frightened by
a crash of breaking glass in the upper
part of the house. Afraid to go up-
stairs to locate the cause she decided
to go out and take a look. On the
north side of the house she discovered
a broken window, a large pane of
glass being smashed almost to smith-
ereens. Securing a long pole the girl
managed to close the shutters on the
window then went over to the Rankin
home and recounted what had hap-
Miss Lillian Rankin went along
back with her and together they
went upstairs to investigate. Going
to the window they found concealed
behind the curtain a pheasant, the
bird having flown through the heavy
glass window, and had not yet recov-
ered from the stunning blow of the
impact. Miss Rankin and the maid
put the pheasant in a box and that
evening gave it feed to eat. Wednes-
day morning the bird was released by
Mr. Schaeffer and it lost no time in
flying back to the mountain.
——Boys or young men, on Wed-
nesday night broke about thirty dol-
lars worth of windows in the High
school building, presumably while
! oldest office holder in Centre county,
| and probably in the State, died at his
'home in Decker valley, Potter town-
ship, at 6.30 o'clock on Wednesday
morning as the result of a general
breakdown, though he had been ill only
a brief time.
| He was born in Decker valley, near
where he died, ninety-three years ago
and all his long life had been spent
in the foothills of the Seven moun-
tains where he farmed the old home-
stead. He was a staunch Republican
and in 1887 was elected county com-
missioner, serving one term of three
. years, being defeated for the nomina-
tion for a second term in 1890 by
{ James B. Strohm. In 1917 Mr. Decker
, became a candidate for jury commis-
| sioner on the Republican ticket was
! successful and was re-elected in 1921
land 1925, hence had served in that
office almost ten years. He was an
enthusiastic hunter and during his
"long life had killed upwards of one
{ hundred deer. He was a member of
i the Reformed church at Tusseyville
and a good citizen in every way.
He was twice married, his first wife
| having been Miss Martha Pfoust and
his second Louise Rockey, both of
i whom preceded him to the grave. Sur-
viving him, however, are the following
' children: Miss Alice Decker, at home;
Ella, wife of B. Franklin Boal, of
Peru; Martha, wife of Robert Pierson,
of Altoona; Thomas, of Milroy, and
Logan, of Shamokin. He also leaves
one sister, Mrs. James Weagley, of
Spring Mills.
Funeral services will be held at the
Reformed church at Tusseyville to-
morrow (Saturday) morning, at nine
o’clock, burial to be made in the Tus-
seyville cemetery.
Il Ih
LONG.—Mrs. Amelia Long, widow
of John B. Long, for many years a
resident of Philipsburg, died on Tues-
day of last week at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Harvey Dornblazer, at
Penfield, near Philadelphia, following
an illness of some weeks.
She was a daughter of David and
Mary Parsons, and was born near
Unionville, in Bald Eagle valley, on
July 23rd, 1851, hence was in her sev-
enty-seventh year. She was a direct
descendant of Thomas Parsons, the
first white settler in Bald Eagle val-
ley. In March, 1868, she married
John B. Long, of Ontario, and after
a few years spent in Bald Eagle val-
ley they located in Philipsburg where
Mr. Long became a prominent lumber
operator. He died in 1917, but surviv-
ing Mrs. Long is her daughter, Mrs.
Dornblazer, one sister and a brother,
Mrs. David E. Dunlap, of Columbus,
Ohio, and Jonathan Parsons, of State
The remains were taken to Philips-
burg where funeral services were held
and burial ede on Friday morning.
| I
CONFER.—Mrs. Mary E. Confer,
widow of Henry Confer, died on Tues-
day of last week at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Horace Schenck, in
Howard, following an illness of some
weeks with a complication of diseases.
She was a daughter of John and
Nancy Gardner, was born in Howard
and lived there most of her life. Her
husband has been dead for some years
but surviving her are the following
children: Delbert Confer, of Tyrone;
Charles, of Niagara Falls; Robert and
Hensyl, of Howard; Walter, of Cleve-
land, Ohio; Mrs. Alonzo Henderson;
Mrs. Maude Lass and Mrs. Verna
Gross, of Niagara Falls; Mrs. Horace
Schenck, Mrs. Fred Bechdel and Miss
two brothers and four sisters, Edward
Gardner and Mrs. Alvin Pifer, of
Haven; Mrs. Samuel Smith, Mrs.
Mitchell and Charles Gardner, of
Berwick. Burial was made in
Schenck”s cemetery on Friday after-
il I
DUGAN.—Mrs. Susanna Beck Du-
gan, widow of John Dugan, died on
Sunday morning at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. B. Frank Deitrick,
Bellefonte, following a brief illness.
For some time past she had been mak-
ing her home with her son Charles, at
Lakemont, Altoona, but came to
Bellefonte on a visit, became ill and
died on Sunday.
Her maiden name was Susanna
Beck and she was born in Pennsvalley
seventy-five years ago. Her husband
has been dead a number of years but
surviving her are the following chil-
dren: Mrs. B. Frank Deitrick, Belle-
fonte; Edward and Simon Dugan, of
Pleasant Gap; Mrs. Mary Venrick, of
Centre Hall; John H., William and
Charles D. Dugan, all of Altoona.
She also leaves one brother, James
Beck, of Penn’s Cave.
Funeral services were held at the
Deitrick home on Tuesday afternoon,
burial being made in the Bellefonte
Union cemetery.
ll Il
SMOYER.—Miss Lucy Catherine
Smoyer passed away last Saturday,
at the home of her brother, James
Smoyer, on east Beaver street. She
had been a sufferer with hardening
of the arteries for several years but
had been critically ill only ten days
prior to her death.
She was a daughter of William and
Susanna Smoyer and was born at
Runville on March 22nd, 1857, hence
had attained the age of 70 years, 6
months and 24 days. The greater
part of her life was spent in Boggs
township but of late years she had
made her home with her brother in
Bellefonte. In addition to her brother
James she is survived by five sisters,
Mrs. Dora Rine, Mrs. Allen Baney
and Mrs. Tillie Woods, of Bellefonte;
DECKER.—John D. Decker, the
Mrs. Mary Shank, of Mount Eagle,
and Mrs. Alice Yeager, of Jersey
Rev. A. C. Thompson, pastor of the
Methodist church at Unionville, had
charge of the funeral services which
were held at the James Smoyer home
at two o'clock on Tuesday afternoon,
burial being made in the Advent
cemetery, in. Boggs township.
Harshberger, a native of Centre coun-
ty, died at an Altoona hospital last
Thursday morning, following an ill-
ness of ten days. He was a son of
Mr. and Mrs Henry K. Harshberger
and was born in Pennsvalley on Oc-
tober 27, 1894, hence was not quite
33 years old. He had been a resident
of Altoona for ten years. Surviving
him are his wife, his father, now liv-
ing in Altoona, and the following
brothers and sisters: Wiliam, Henry,
Maxwell and J. Edward Harshberger,
Mrs. D. R. McCool and Mrs. Garis,
all of Altoona, and Mrs. Grover
Weaver, of Centre Hall. The remains
were taken to State College on Sun-
day afternoon where funeral services
were held and burial made in the Pine
Hall cemetery.
Many Deer Killed by Farmers for
Property Protection.
The State Game Commission, on
Monday, announced that during the
month of September farmers of the
State killed 141 deer as a matter of
protection to their farm crops.
Several weeks ago the Watchman
published an item of one farmer on
Spruce Creek who has killed during
the past few years thirty-nine deer to
keep them from destroying his crops.
In one day recently he killed three,
two bucks and a doe.
As an idea of how destructive deer
may become is a story told by Walter
Gherrity about the deer over in the
Seven mountains. He avers that they
almost ruined his potato patch. Not
content with eating the tops the deer
would paw the tubers out of the
ground and eat them, too. In order
to protect his crop Mr. Gherrity was
compelled to construct a wire fence
around the patch to keep the deer
Under the law farmers have the
right to kill deer caught in the act of
destroying their crops and are en-
titled to keep the meat as remunera-
tion for their loss, but they are re-
quired to notify the game warden of
every deer killed Up in Spruce
Creek valley, it is said, so many deer
have been killed that the farmers
could not use all the venison and some
of it was fed to the hogs.
Notwithstanding the depredations
of the deer, however, hunters general-
ly protest against the ruling of the
State Game Commission to employ ex-
pert marksmen to kill the surplus
does. They aver that the hunter who
pays his license fee for the privilege
of hunting should be given preference.
And their argument seems well found-
Daniel LeRoy Snavely, the ex-
conviet of the Huntingdon reforma-
‘tory and the young man who is blam-
ed with assaulting a little girl in Penn
township, Centre county, was arrested
in Erie county, last Thursday, and
taken back to Huntingdon for iden-
tification as the man who had com-
mitted the assault in Centre county
as well as other crimes in Huntingdon
and Blair counties. After being iden-
Nellie, of Howard. She also leaves tified by one of the boys assaulted
Snavely made a complete confession
and will be tried in Huntingdon coun-
Howard; Mrs. Jennie Trexler, of Lock ty.
——A Hallowe’en social will be
held at the United Brethren church on
Friday evening, October 28th. The
public is invited to attend in costume.
Admission 10 -cents. Refreshments
——Don’t borrow your neighbor's
paper to see what is going on. Sub-
scribe for the Watchman.
Penn State More Than Paying Back
What the State Gives It.
Penn State’s service to the farm-
ers of the State was pictured vivid-
ly recently by Dean R. L. Watts. He
explained the threefold service of the
School of Agriculture in terms of men,.
grain, and money.
In 1906, after the usual period of
instruction, the college graduated
Charles F. Noll, who promptly en-
tered research work. Three years
of testing proved that a new wheat
yielded five bushels to the acre more
than any other variety. Had the work
stopped there, Pennsylvania 44 would
not have been very beneficial to the
However, the extension workers
carried the good news of this new
variety out into the State. In 1921
the experiment station distributed
2500 bushels which were sown on 1,-
500 acres. In 1919 and in 1924, gov-
ernment surveys of wheat varieties
and acreages showed a remarkable
increase in the use of Pennsylvania
44. The 1924 survey revealed 22.8 per
cent. of the acreage growing the Penn
State wheat. Since then the good
qualities of the wheat have brought
still wider use so that fully one-third
of the total area now is growing “44.”
This amounts to 350,000 acres, the
dean declares. If the increase of five
bushels still obtains this means a to-
tal of 1,750,000 more bushels than
would be possible with the old types.
Conservatively, this number of bush-
els is worth $2,000,000 without any
additional expenditure by the farm-
ers. During the next two years, the
dean says, the net additional earn-
ings of the farmers due to this var-
iety will be at least $4,000,000, a sum
equal to the last legislative appropria-
tion to the college for the two years
1927 to 1929, and which included $1,-
000,000 for buildings. Penn State is
more than paying its way, for this
is but one of many examples of serv-
ice in teaching, research and exten-
Pfoust—Barto.—William Raymond
Pfoust, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. C.
Pfoust, and Miss Thelma F. Barto, a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barto,
both of Pennsylvania Furnace, were
married at State College, at four
o’clock on Wednesday afternoon of
last week, by Rev. C. W. Rishel, pas-
tor of the Methodist church. They
were attended by Prof. C. M. Barto
and sister, Miss Helen Barto.
Immediately following the cere-
mony the bridal party motored to the
home of the bride where a delicious
wedding dinner was served at 6.30’
o’clock, a number of invited guests
being present. Later in the evening
the calithumpians made their appear-
ance and gave the young couple a
rousing serenade. Mr. and Mrs.
Pfoust will take up their residence at
State College where the bridegroom is
employed. .
Under a decree handed down by"
Judge Furst, in the local court, the
widow of William J. Mallory who died
in Rebersburg, April 29, 1921, will be
entitled to share in the estate amount-
ing to $50,000, left by her late hus-
band. He made his money mining in
Arizona. In his will he did not men~
tion his wife, so his relatives contest-
ed her right to a share on the ground
that she had deserted him.
Will Rogers, mayor of Holly-
wood, cowboy and comedian, was in.
Bellefonte Wednesday for ten min-
utes. He was a passenger on an east
bound plane that stopped at the local
field to refuel. ;
—Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
mm m——
Dress Materials
All the Leading Materials—Satius, Ray-
ons, Crepes, Serges, Jersey Cloths, Eng-
ish Prints, Pongees, Fasheens, Percales, Ging-
hams, Etc.
Hand-Decorated Parchment Lamp Shades
for Table, Floor or Bridge Lamps.
We will make for
you, by our own artists, any design or color scheme to
match any lamp base you may have, or to correspond
with any color effect you may wish.
Everyone is Howling for
Another Grab Bag
We will give it to you.
and Good, Big Grabs are being ‘‘grabbed”
for every 75 cents spent-
Try Your Luck—A Diamond or a Watch May Be Yours
Values bigger than ever in this last grab bag, and
your money’s worth is absolutely guaranteed.
Jewelers . . . . Bellefonte, Pa.
It is now selling—