Bellefonte, Pa., September 30, 1927. EE ————— FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. DAILY THOUGHT. And the heart that is soonest awake to the flowers, Is always the first to be touch’d by the thorns. —Thomas Moore. . —Among the new notes for fall transparent velvet, soft and rich and as suple as silk. “Tweed for the sports wear is al- ways good,” “and it has the appear- ance of being so well bred. Checks are very good this year as are wool challis. For morning wear dark col- -ored cotton is very practical and very good looking.” . “Sheerness is the outstanding note in fall fabrics. Even wool dresses are transparent. Wool georgette is very new and so smart. In colors, brown is best for sports wear. Brown and blue are the best fall colors. Grey is good for anyone who can wear it, |] but since so few can it will never have the vogue of the other colors. Black is very, very good.” “Slenderizing lines should be sought after by most every woman. It is better to choose slenderizing dresses than to do without the things you like to eat over a long period of time. Slimness and zealous preservation of youth are the aims of every American ‘woman.” Reptile skins, lizard and alligator are good in shoes as is the grey gun- metal. Much costume jewelry is worn. Rhinestone flowers ‘and lots of gold jewelry, necklaces, choker col- lars and bracelets are worn, Simple buckles are used as trimmings. —The newest fashion for milady of charm and youth for the coming yo ter season is a reversible dress. In others words the dress, front or back, can be worn either way with equal grace. It was introduced here by Ralph Moni, Chicago designer at the semi-annual convention of the Fash- ion Art League. Most of the models in the parade which showed the new creations wore skirts at least two inches below the knee. —The new cloth and fur coats for Fall are practically interesting, but perhaps the couturers have been most successful with the coats which are of cloth, fur trimmed, which they have designed to meet the demand for a chic and serviceable coat of more ver- satile uses than that which is entire- ly of fur. Such delightful fabrics are used—the new angora wool jersey, velveteen, broadcloth, duvetyne ba- quette and other new materials, They are successfully combined with such furs as badger, shaved lamb, broad- tail, nutria, beaver, wolf, caracul and fox, and in design and silhouette fol- low the vogue for sophisticated sim- plicity. Lavishness in fur trimming is tabu, but the collars are large and the cuffs deep. « All the new dark shades of the smart full colors are used, and though most of the topcoats are full length, there is an increasing vogue for three-quarter length coats. —For many people peas and beans are just vegetables. They are care- lessly included in the menu on the assumption that people must eat vegetables, especially if they eat meat, in order to balance their diet. And nothing is easier than to reach for a h can of peas or a can of beans. These articles of diet have their place, but too often they are out of place in the family dietary. Lamb chops and green peas or roast lamb and green peas are common food com- binations. Dietetically this is almost the same as eating roast beef and lamb at the same meal. These leguminous vegetables are very high in protein. In the dried state they are even higher in protein than meat. In the fresh state they have the advantage of containing a liberal quantity of vitamins. They supply bulk and a certain amount of iron and calcium, and in that respect they are superior to meat. These foods should be used more generally as meat substitutes than in combination with meat. One caution is to be observed with regard to the lack of vitamins in can- ned peas or beans. It is, of course, very easy to supply this lack by in- cluding cabbage, oranges or canned tomatoes in the daily dietary; but it is not entirely safe to add canned peas to the diet on the assumption that because it is a “green” vegetable it is holding the diet safe with re- gard to vitamins. The canning pro- cess is so complicated and varies seo in different plants that it is impossible to say how much destruction of vitam- ins takes place in the preparation of canned peas and beans. Vitamin A is somewhat resistant to heat. The principal vitamin in these leguminous vegetables is Vitamin B. None of the legumes are rich in Vit- amin C. The degree of destruction of vitamins depends not only on the degree of heat applied but the dur- ation of the heat and the supply of oxygen. Vitamin B is peculiarly sus- ceptible to heat in the presence of oxygen, but less so when oxygen s absent. The very fact that these questions are raised regarding the influence of the canning process on peas and beans justifies classifying them as unde- pendable sources of vitamins and war- ants the precaution that more thor- oughly dependable sources of vitam- ins should be relied upon for protec- tion of the diet. This is not a criticism of these ex- cellent foods, but rather a plea for using them more consistently and and even more widely than at pres- ent. They are valuable sources not only of protein but of mineral. It must also be remembered that the protein in legumes may be deficient in the amino-acid cystin, so that they should not be relied upon as a sole of protein. A certain amount of cereals or milk in the diet would make up for this lack. With this precaution, these legumes could often be used as the mainstay of a meal in place of meat or fish. It should be explained in relation to canned tomatoes, that the canning process does not affect the vitamin content, presumably on account of their acid reaction. Canned tomatoes, like oranges, must be regarded as safety-first factors in the diet. SS ——— A ———— Post-War Relief. William Fortune, Red Cross na- tional representative, pledged contin- ued assistance to needy veterans. He announced the Red Cross had spent $400,000,000 for war-tim= relief work and $50,000,000 since the war for needy ex-soldiers and their families. The post-war work of ths Knights of Columbus among soldiers was out- lined by Dr. J. Calalhan, supreme treasurer. He said the K. of C. spent $43,000,000 in the work, most of which was educational from which 315,000 soldiers had benefited Mrs. Walter Davol, East Provi- dence, R. I., was elected chapeau na- tional of the “Eight and Forty,” wel- fare organization of the Legion's women’s auxiliary. Sh2 succeeds Mrs. Freda Kramer. Vice presidents were elected as fol- ows: Mrs. Frances Laughlin, Or- lando, Fla.; Mrs. Alyse Gill, San Francisco; Mrs. Marian Doob, Oak Fark, Ill.; Mrs. Frank Nesbit, Paris; Mrs. Dudgeon, Walch, W. Va.: Mrs. Mary Kohlas, Washington, D. C. Reorganization of the administra- 1:'n of the national defense of the United States was proposed and ap- proved today by the Legion conven- tion. The Legion adopted a resolution fa- voring the organization of a Jepart- ment of national defense in which there would be four divisions, ore each for the army, navy, air service and munitions. Each divisen would have a separate chief under a de- paritmental secretary, who would be a meraber of the cabinet. Stands Along Highways Reaping Gold- en Harvest. Farm produce to the value of more than 32,116,000 per month is sold di- rect to motorists from roadside mar- kets in the rural districts of the Unit- ed States, the American Road Build- ers’ association reports. The new market for fresh products has grown to a $25,000,000 annual business for the farmer with the spread of the good roads movement. The figure includes only the pro- duce purchased direct from small stands operating along the highways, usually by the small truck farmer. The sale of fresh eggs, milk and but- ter to urban residents who drive to the farm to secure their fresh foods would easily bring the figure to more than $50,000,000 annually, according to the estimate. The use of modern highways to im- prove the marketing facilities of the farmer will be one of the subjects dis- cussed in detail at the 1927 convention and road show of the American Road Builders’ association. Marriage Licenses. Jesse Johnson, of Wilkinsburg, and Frances E. Schorr, of Curwensville. Joseph Ayers Johnson and Eleanor May Chandler, both of Bellefonte. Philip Crider Holter and Edith Weber, both of Howard. Paul Franklin Stover, of Aarons- burg, and Mary Elizabeth Weaver, of Rebersburg. Lawrence Albright, of State Col- lege, and Mary Hettinger, of Mill- eim. Dorris E. Eckley, of Bellefonte, and Virginia D. Daughenbaugh, of Miles- burg. Earnest M. Snyder, of State Col- lege, and Ruth Grace Curvan, of Al- toona. Clifford Clark and Iva B. Graffius, both of Philipsburg. Simple Way to Prove Truth of Old Saying Jur community chuckles over this story of our old grocery-man who caught a eanny customer in her own net. Mrs. McKinley came into his store one day with a pat of delicious-look- ing butter, and sald: “Mr. Paul, I have some butter here I would like to exchange for some other. You see, a mouse fell into my sour cream jar and drowned. TI took it right out and the cream wasn’t hurt, but knowing of the accident, I can’t eat the butter, Won't you give me some in its place? Other folks won’t know about the _mouke, and what you don’t know doesn’t hurt you.” “I shouldn't like to disoblige an ola customer,” Mr. Paul replied, and tak- ing the butter, disappeared in the rear of the store. There he carefully re- wrapped the butter in another paper, took it to the front, and handed it to the woman. rs. McKinley thanked him volubly, and he said reflectively. “Yes, yes, it is quite true that what you don’t know doesn’t hurt you."—Capper’s Weekly. Real Cause for Marvel “We marvel,” said Hi Ho, the sage c# Chinatown, “at the splendors of those who have gone before us. How much more would we marvel could we know the splendors yet to come.”— Washington Star. Carloads of Coal The largest electric light and power company in the country burns a car- load of coal every eight minutes un- der its boilers to make steam with which to generate electricity for its customers, Albatross Lives Long Little information has been com. piled concerning the longevity of wild birds. It is known, however, that the albatross is a long-lived bird, living from 25 to 50 years. ee Pet Cat Made Model for Artist's Lioness When Sir Willlam Richmond, the artist, was a small boy his mother took him to St. Paul's cathedral to hear the singing, and he was disap- pointed because everything was so cald and colorless. He said to his mother suddenly, “Perhaps one day I shall decorate this place!” and we can imagine how she smiled at the thought of Willy coloring the walls with a bor of chalks. But the boy's dream came true, for somebody else thought with him that the interior of the cathedral needed color and decoration, and in 1890 Richmond, then a famous painter, was entrusted with the work of designing mosaics to cover the roof of the choir. The westernmost of the three sau- cerdomes in the choir vaults repre- sents the Creation of the Beasts. Richmond had a favorite cat which loved him so much that she used to attend him even while he had his bath, and when he got out she would crouch down and lick his great toe adoringly. She was not beautiful or valuable, but the grace of her attitude so charmed the artist that he decided to use it in his great work. In a panel near the Creation of the Beasts there may be seen Adam between a lion and lioness. The lions are so true to life that when they were shown to a Zulu chief he started and involuntarily raised his hand to stab. But the lioness is really a little tame cat lick- ing her master’s foot.—London Times Good Definitions, but Not Dictionary Terms Anyone can go to the dictionary for definitions, but in no dictionary will be found quite so good a definition of “gossip” as that given by a child who on being asked what the word meant, said, “It's when nobody don’t do noth- ing and somebody goes and tells about it.” Amid a collection of droll or witty definitions accumulated from time to time through newspaper reading, the following seem worthy of repetition: “Dandy”—*"a football for men and a pincushion for women.” “Snoring”— “Sleeping out loud.” “Bachelor”—"a man who has lost the opportunity of making some woman miserable.” “Ty- rant”—*one who kills worms lest they turn.” “Nothing”—*a bunghole without a barrel around it.” ‘“Truth”—*‘“the only thing that can’t be improved upon.” “Polite interest”—*"listening to things you know all about, told by one who knows nothing about them.” ‘‘Canni- bal”—“one who loves his fellowmen.” ] “Caution”—*the dark lantern of en- terprise.” “Smiles”—"“laughter’s pho- tographs.” Out of the Ordinary The deepest coal mine is near Lam: bert, Belgium, 3,500 feet deep. The biggest dock is at Cardiff, Wales, and the strongest electric light is at the Sydney lighthouse, Australia, while the largest lighthouse is at Cape Henry, Va., being 165 feet high and 8 feet thick. The oldest college is Uni- versity college, Oxford, founded in 1050. The largest library, the Na- tional, in Paris, contains more than 5,000,000 volumes. The largest thea- ter is the Paris Opera house, covering three acres. The largest bronze statue, that of Peter the Great, in Leningrad, weighs 1,100 tons. The biggest stone statue is in Japan, 44 feet high. The laruest college is in Cairo, with more thn 15.000 students and 500 teachers. I :ascus has the honor of being the | MNdost eity., Distance in Solar System Take a farmer's tield and place in it a two-foot globe to represent the sun. In a circle 82 feet away is a grain of mustard which represents Mercury, the planet nearest the sun. The earth is a pea 215 feet away, and the planet Saturn is a small orange in a circle two-fifths of a mile distant. This is the astronomer Herchel’s il- lustration of distance in the solar sys- tem, so in a measure we can compre- hend them. In reality Saturn is 886, 000,000 miles from the sun, compared with the earth’s 93,000,000 miles. Even when the earth is closest to Saturn that planet is 793,000,000 miles away. —Detroit News. Parts of a Tree When we look at a tree we can recognize in its make-up three prin- cipal parts. They are the roots, the stem, and the crown. The roots com- prise that part of a tree that is usu- ally found below the ground, says the American Tree association. Such trees as the spruces, the hemlocks, and the pines have roots that tend to spread and lie close to the ground. These shallow-rooted trees are, as a rule, not windfirm. Other trees, such as the hickories, the oaks, and the walnuts develop a long taproot. These trees are firmly anchored and rarely uprooted. Time to Laugh Biftkins was suffering from liver trouble and the doctor told him that if he laughed fifteen minutes before each meal his condition would improve, One day in a restaurant, while Biffkins was having his little laugh, a man at the opposite table walked over to him and said in an angry manner: “What the dickens are you laughing at?” “Why, I am laughing for my liver,” said Biffkins. “Well, then, I guess I had better start laughing too. I ordered mine half an hour ago.”—Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph, . {ARE YOUR CHILDREN IMMUNE? {in which there were no deaths from “Animals are valuable property, but are not children more so?” asked Dr. Theodore B. Appel, Secretary of Health. “It is a strange fact that in the past years some citizens of Penn- sylvania have been more interested from a health standpoint in their livestock than in their own children,” continued Dr. Appel. “As late as fifteen years ago Penn- sylvania lost hundreds of thousands of hogs and millions of dollars through the ravages of hog cholera. The Ag- ricultural Department has succeeded in eradicating that fatal disease in its epidemic form. This result was at- tained by the use of a curative serum, a preventive vaccine, by quarantine and by the cooperation of the citizens themselves. Diphtheria was formerly one of the major child-killers in this Common- weath. But fortunately science has developed a weapon against this dis- ease which the Department of Health has used with most satisfactory re- sults. Diptheria as a health menace to child life is to be eliminated. That is the State’s aim. The accomplish- ments since 1921 are shown in the marked decrease in deaths from this cause. In that year the death rate per 100,000 was 22.5, while in 1926 it was only 8.7. Last year there were nine counties diphtheria, Twenty-four cities and boroughs and three townships with a population of over 10,000 also report- ed no deaths. In the year in which the Health Department’s campaign began, there were 20,000 cases. In 1926 there were only 819—a splendid achievement! What has been the reason for all this? 600,000 children have been giv- en toxin-antitoxin, not including the cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, where many more thousands have been immunized. Worth while? No one can deny it. But even so, many parents this year will be careless in this most vital business of preven- tion. School season is here again. With the invaluable assistance of the phy- sicians in this State the Department has again started on its anti-diph- theria campaign. Those who live in country districts are to continue to look after their animals in a careful way so as to protect them from disease, but they Decker Chevrolet Co. should .insist upon .at least. the same amount of protection for their chil- dren 4 they do for their blooded s Those who live in cities are urged te use as much energy in proving to themselves the advantage of the Schick test and consequent compara- tive claims of the automobile manu- facturers as to the respective merits of their products. Diptheria toxin-antitoxin i tically a sure prevention against the disease. Your child may not need it, but find out. The Schick test, a per- fectly harmless and painless proced- ure, will inform you. Just remember this: if your child gets diphtheria it will likely be your fault if it has not been protected by toxin-antitoxin. Don’t run this chance. Help the Health Department to help your child. Give it protection against matter how young. What was done in protecting hogs against hog cholera can also be ac- complished and is being accomplished in protecting children against diph- But you must help.” diphtheria, no theria. is prae- ——The “Watchman” is the most readable paper published. Try it. Legion to Meet at San Antonio. Paris—San Antonio, Texas, was def- initely chosen today as the American Legion convention city in 1928. With this issue definitely decided launched a determined campaign to secure the 1929 convention for Detroit. cities making a bid for the 1928 con- vention were Miami, Fla., and Louis- ville, Ky. Los Angeles made a bid the Michigan delegates for the 1930 convention. At a caucus of the women’s aux- iliary, vice presidents ated. The action was tantamount to |. election. The nominations: Eastern division, Mrs. W. H. Speek- Central di- man, Wilmington, Dela.; vsion, Mrs. A W. Hinderman, Wap- ello, Ia.; Southern division, Mrs, W. Petersbrg, Va.; H. Thomas, ern division, Mrs. C. K. ings, Alaska. Candidates for the presidency with the election tomorrow, included Mrs. C. E. MacGlassen, Lincoln, Neb., and Mrs. Boyce Ficklen Jr., Washington, Va. Wyoming; were nomin- —Subsecribe for the Watchman. BELLEFONTE, PA. Phone 405 Satisfied Customers is Qur Motto Special Time-Payments 1919 Cadillac “8-cyl.” run 12000 miles Two 1913 Chevrolet Tourings (overhauled) each 75 1925 Overland Sedan - 1925 Star Touring, 4 new Tires, winter Top 1924 Ford Sedan, new paint job - 1923 Nash Touring - - 1924 Oldsmobile 6-cyl. Touring, completely overhauled - 1925 Ford Roadster - 1924 Essex Coach, wonderful condition Studebaker Special Six - 1924 Chevrolet Coupe, with Rumble Extra Special 1927 Chevrolet Roadster, very late model 1924 Mason Road King, 114 ton Truck - 1926 Chevrolet Sedan—Bumper, Snubber— fully equipped - 1926 Chevrolet Coupe—low price 1925 Chevrolet Touring Ask about the 10% offer. Other Cars at Prices to Suit the Buyer. Seat 1922 Chevrolet Coupe, all good Tires 1924 Chevrolet Touring Corner of High and Spring streets. 185 225 160 150 125 135 175 75 150 11 Other West- ing, Rawl- Northwestern di- vsion, Mrs. Belle Simpson, Juneau, uch Py traveling wispol) Rooms $2 so With Bath $3.00 oe Send Postal For Rates and Booklet W. JOHNSON QUINN, President by women escort, |K JUST OFF AT 109713 WEST \ mens 1f SL 3 SHC NAMI — G3 Sim i p=" \ =I - LL a Se 4 a s TIMES SQUARE NEW YORK CITY 2 4ST, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney-at . Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in _ all courts. Office; ‘room 18 Crider’s Exchange. 51-1y J KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney-ate Jaw, Belifonter Pa romp ate ention a trusteed to hiis en Moe Noness enc. High street. M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro«’ fessional business will receive prompt attention. Offices on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y 3. RUNKLE. — Attorney-at-Law, Consuitation ia Suglish Jud Ger- man. ce rider's Exchan Bellefonte, Pa. 55.8 E—— care. Offices—No. 5, Fast 57-44 em PHYSICIANS R. R. L. CAPERS. OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte Crider’s Ex. 66-11 8. GLENN, M. D,, Surgeon, State county, Pa. State Coll Holmes Blig, Physician and College, Centre Office at his resi- 35-41 dence. D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis- tered amd licensed by the State. Eys examined, glasses fitted. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced and lenses matched. Casebeer Bldg., High St., Bellefonte, Pa. : -22- VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday, Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op- posite the Court House, Wednesday after- noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a. m. to 430 p. m. Bell Phone 68-40 — Feeds We keep a full line of all kinds of feeds at the right price. —— Wagner’s 22% Dairy Feed $49.00 Wagner’s 32% Dairy Feed $52.00 Made of cotton seed meal, oil meal, glut- en and bran. Wagner's Scratch Grains per H. .. § 2.80 Wagner’s Poultry Mash, per H.... 3.20 Wagner's Pig Meal, per H. ....... 2.80 We handle a full line of Wayne feeds. Wayne 829% Dairy Feed, per ton. .. $54.00 Wayne 249% Dairy Feed, per ten. 50.00 Wayne Horse Feed per H. ...... 2.60 Wayne Pig Meal per H, .......... 2.80 Wayne Egg Mash per H. ......... 3.40 Cotton Seed meal 43% per ton ..... $54.00 Oil Meal 84% per ton ............. 58.00 | Gluten Feed 23% per ton ......... 43.08 Alfalfa Find Ground per ton ..... 45.00 Bran per tom . ... ....c0 00h ane. 38.00 Middlings per ton ... ............ 48.00 Standard Chep per ton ... 48.00 Meat Meal 50% per H. ... ... ..... $4.25 Digester Tankage 60% per H. .... $ 4.25 When you want good bread or pastoy Use “Our Best” Flour. 0. Y. Wagner & Go. Inc 68-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA. Caldwell & Sou Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces ILS ASA AAAS AAPA Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished 66-15-tf. Fine Job Printing A SPECIALTY at the WATCHMAN OFFICE There 18 no style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this office Employers This Interests You The Workman’s Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes insurance compul- sory. We specialize in placing such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. It will be to your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON. ! Bellefonte 43-18-1yr. State College