Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 23, 1927, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., September 23, 1927.
——The Ladies Aid Society of the
Methodist church will hold a cafateria
supper at the church Thursday, Oc-
tober 13th..
——The Amercan Legion Auxiliary
will hold a card party Tuesday, Sep-
tember 27th. Refreshments. Admis-
sion, 25 cents.
——The ladies of the St. John’s
Episcopal church have decided on
December 8th as the date for their
annual bazaar which will be held in
the parish house.
The Scenic, under the manage-
ment of Leo Toner, will continue to
show nothing but the best pictures
made. If you are a movie fan the
Scenic is the place to go.
——DMiss Virginia Robb, who has
been giving the sulphur baths so suc-
cessfully, in Bellefonte, for several
years was taken to the Centre Coun-
ty hospital, Monday, for medical
treatment and is now thought to be
slowly improving.
The Allegheny conference lay-
man’s meeting of the United Breth-
ren church will be held in the Park
avenue church, Johnstown, tomorrow
and Sunday. Rev. C. W. Winey, a
former pastor of the Bellefonte
church, will be the entertaining pas-
——Robert A. Wilkinson, thirteen
year old son of prothonatory and Mrs.
Roy Wilkinson, was taken to the Cen-
tre County hospital, last Friday, and
the same day underwent an operation
for appendicitis. He is geiting along
fine and will be out of the hospital
within three weeks.
The town of McClure, down in
Snyder county, stages an annual
“Bean soup” home coming celebra-
tion. This year it will be held
Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. It is in the
nature of an out-of-door fair and gen-
eral good time for everybody. Last
year there were 18,000 people there
and a bigger crowd is expected for
this one. McClure is just a little
town but guarantees all comers a big
——The annual meeting of the Cen-
tre County Hospital corporation will
be held in the court house in Belle-
fonte on Monday evening, October 10,
at 8 o'clock. Five trustees are to be
elected, each for the term of three
years. One trustee from each of five
districts, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are to
be elected. Districts 1 and 2 will have
no vacancies to fill. For further in-
formation see the regular notice in
the advertising columns of this paper.
——The government has announced
examinations for position of carriers |
and clerks in many Pennsylvania post-
offices. In the list are Bellefonte,
Bedford, Berwick, Ebensburg, Clarion
and Brookville. The examinations are
‘open to men and women from eigh-
teen to forty-five years old. Appli-
cations to enter the competitive ex-
amination should be made to the post-
master of the place they hope to
serve, if successful, and on or before
October 5, next.
Last Friday evening, as Robert
Jones, nine year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Jones, of north Thomas
street, was on his way home from
the Allegheny school building, he was
struck by a car on the crossing near
the armory and thrown with consider-
able force to the street, sustaining a
bad cut on the back of his head as
well as a number of contusions and
bruises. James H. Potter happened
along right after the accident and
took “Bobby” to a physician’s office
where his injury was properly attend-
ed to. While he is recovering he is
still under the . doctor's care. The
driver of the car that hit Robert
stopped for an instant then proceeded
on his way without being recognized.
—Last Thursday evening Mr. and
Mrs. N. B. Spangler, Mrs. Agustus
Heverly and another lady took an au-
tomobile ride to Lock Haven. On one
of the main streets they were held up
by a traffic signal and when they got
the light to proceed they naturally
lost no time in starting, but as they |
did so another auto came along from
an intersecting street and disregard-
ing the red light ran headon into the
right side of the Spangler car. Mrs.
Spangler received the full force of
the impact and, although she sustain-
ed no broken bones she was consider-
ably bruised and suffered from shock.
She was brought home and taken to
the Centre County hospital where the
shock she sustained developed into a
congested condition of the left lung.
Fortunately she has responded nicely
to the treatment given and is on a
fair way to recovery.
Unofficially word comes from
Huntingdon that Governor Fisher was
50 pleased with everything at the
Huntingdon reformatory, when * he
visited it on a trip of inspection last
Friday, that he had no hesitation in
saying that he was going to refer to
it as a model for other State institu-
tions. Without attempting to decry
or belittle the work of former super-
intendents the Watchman made the
prediction when James W. Herron was
selected to take charge of the reform-
atory that it was a wise selection.
And we feel certain that every year
his work among those who are unfor-
funate enough to be committed to his
care in the institution will result in
greater good and a higher per cent of
complete reformation than ever be-
fore. Mr. Herron is ably assist-
ed in his work by the assistant super-
intendent, A. B. Sutherland.
‘was lined with automobiles.
National Air Derby, on Monday, Iu-
teresting Event at Bellefonte
Aviation Field.
The national air derby, New York
to Spokane, Washington, proved a
most interesting event at the Belle-
fonte aviation field, on Monday, when
twenty-three class B ships stopped
here for five minutes or longer under
the rules of the race. As the ships
were scheduled to start from New
York at 5.30 o’clock in the morning
every road leading to the aviation
field, three miles south of Bellefonte,
fonte business. places, the public
schools and a number of industries:
were closed to permit everybody to
witness the flight of the birdmen, and
the result was one of the largest
crowds that has ever assembled at
the field.
The number of people present was
estimated at from eight to ten thous-
and. Harry Tressler threw open two
fields as parking space for automo-
biles and close to six hundred cars
were on his ground. A small number
of cars were parked in a field west
of the landing field, while every road
was lined with a string of cars, and a
conservative estimate of the total
number is fifteen hundred.
The weather was splendid and
though the first ship did not reach
Bellefonte until 9.27 the crowd ex-
hibited little restlessness and impa-
tience. In fact when the ships began
to arrive they came in quite rapidly
and by 10.15 thirteen planes had been
in, refueled and departed on their
flight to Cleveland.
Not a single mishap occurred to
mar the pleasure of the flight, or any
thrilling incidents to add zest to the
cccasion. Every ship made a perfect
landing and a splendid takeoff.
Robert F. Hunter, who was in charge
at the field, had an ample force of
men on the field to give prompt at-
tention to all ships and the most of
them were given a supply of gas and
ready to go at the drop of the start-
er’s flag.
The first ship to land on the Belle-
fonte field was No. 34, a Pitcairn
Fleetwing, of Philadelphia, but it was
followed very closely by No. 36, a
Waco 10, from Detroit, Mich., piloted
by C. H. Meyers. The latter took off
in five minutes but some slight ad-
justment to the Fleetwing’s motor
kept it on the ground for more than
twenty minutes.
No. 41, an Eaglerock, from De-
Moines, Iowa, piloted by Leslie Miller,
an old army flyer, was the third plane
to land, and made the record time to
Cleveland as well as Chicago for the
over night stop.
All told 25 planes were started in
the Class B race on Monday. Of that
number 23 landed and were sent out
from Bellefonte, one returned to
Roosevelt field and dropped out of the
race and one No. 40, a Waco 10, of
Kansas City, No., piloted by J. S.
Brock, was forced down at Ashland.
Pa., and dropped out of the race.
Bellefonte’s prize money of $250
will be forwarded to Major John T.
Fancher to pay over to the two pilots
making the best record between New
York and Bellefonte according to the
official time.
Bellefonte furnished free gas and
oil to all pilots desiring same, but
some of the fliers had arranged in ad-
vance for their own gas, so that the
stock Bellefonte had secured was not
anyways near all used, and there will
probably be a balance on hand in the
fund collected.
It might be interesting to note that
several Department of Commerce
officials were at the Bellefonte field
and all were particularly impressed
with the interest shown by the people
of Bellefonte in aviation and the
One of the planes entered in the
Class B flight, a Woodson monoplane,
of Olympia, Wash., was forced down
at Grampian. Clearfield county, last
Friday, on its way east. The owner
of the plane, Valentine Kephart, was
a passenger, and when the motor went
dead while in the air he jumped with
a parachute and landed safely. The
pilot, Fred Parker, volplaned down
but the plane was damaged when it
struck the ground but the pilot es-
caped injury.
Of the nineteen planes entered in
Class A, which were started at Roose-
velt field, N. Y., on Tuesday morning,
only six flew near enough or low
enough {o be sighted in Bellefonte,
and one of them, No. 12, a Pitcairn
Mailwing, of Philadelphia, came down
onto the Bellefonte field, took on gas
then departed for Cleveland.
A ———— ——————————
Married at Methodist Parsonage.
Malcolm Romeiser, of Niagara
Falls, and Miss Ruth Rogers, of In-
diana, Pa., but who has been filling
the position of technician at the Clear-
field hospital, were married at the
Methodist parsonage in Bellefonte, at
six o'clock last Friday evening, by the
pastor, Rev. Homer C. Knox. Im-
mediately following the ceremony
they left by eutomobile for the bride’s
home in Indiana.
The bridegroom is a son: of Mrs.
P. M. Romeiser, who prior to her mar-
riage was Miss Mabel Cowrick, of
Bellefonte, and together they motored
from Niagara Falls to Clearfield, met
the bride-to-be and came to Bellefonte
for the wedding. Following the de-
parture of the young people Mrs.
Romeiser remained in Bellefonte as
an overnight guest of Mrs. Joseph
Massey, going to Williamsport on Sat-
urday for a visit with friends.
Mail Pilot Harry Chandler Killed in
Fall of Passenger Plane.
Harry Chandler, who for seven
years has piloted airmail planes be-
tween New York and Cleveland and
Cleveland and Chicago, was crushed
to death in the crash of a big pas-
senger plane near New Brunswick, N.
J., about 2:40 o’clock last Saturday
afternoon. The ship was a ten pas-
senger Fokker monoplane, built in
Holland, with a Bristol-Jupiter motor
and was owned by the Reynolds Air-
ways company. It was used for sight-
seeing trips in the vicinity of New
During his layover at New Bruns-
wick Chandler was piloting the plane
and taking up sightseers. On Sat-
urday afternoon he took up a load of
seven men and women and two chil-
dren. He flew at a height of about 500
feet and had flown a little over a mile
when the motor went dead and the
machine crashed to earth, striking an
apple tree in the fall. Chandler and
five passengers were killed and all the
others badly injured.
Chandler was a veteran in the air-
mail service. His first service as a
pilot was between New York and
Cleveland. He was then transferred
to Chicago and flew between Cleve-
land and Chicago for several years
then was sent back on the eastern leg
of the route. He was not only a care-
ful and expert pilot but one of the
most thoughtful for the men who
worked on the various landing fields.
At all landing fields it is necessary
to keep a record of the flight of the
night ships, and when they do not
stop it is sometimes almost impossible
to hear them pass if they are flying
high. Chandler almost invariably
zwoomed down in flying over a field
so that there could be no doubt about
his ship. It was Chandler who, on
a night last spring, zwoomed down
over Milesburg as a signal to the peo-
ple of the town that there was a fire
in the village.
Chandler had one narrow escape as
a mail pilot. While carrying the
night mail from Hadley field to Cleve-
land, on the night of August 6th,
1925, he ran into a dense fog in the
vicinity of Bloomsburg and was com-
pelled to land in an oats field. In
taking off again a wing of his plane
struck the top of a tree and was cata-
pulted into the Susquehanna river.
Chandler was pinned in the wreckage
with his head just above water and
after he was rescued refused to go to
the hospital until he saw that all the
mail he carried was removed from the
wrecked plane.
A Chance to Enter the Naval Acade-
my of Annapolis.
Hon. J. Mitchell Chase, member of
Congress from this District, angounc-
es that arrangements have been ‘thade
with the U. S. Civil Service Com-
mission to hold a competitive exam-
nation on October 15, 1927, for the
selection of one midshipman for the
Naval Academy in 1928. Owing to
gressman Chase has decided that this
will be the fairest plan, as it will give
every candidate an equal chance.
sylvania District; physically sound,
and between the ages of 16 and 20.
The examination may be taken on
the above date at 9 o'clock, either at
the post office at Clearfield or Brad-
as certified to Congressman Chase by
the Civil Service Commission, will be
nominated to
trance examination later on.
As the Civil Service Commission
must be notified net later than Octo-
ber 1st of prospective candidates, it
is requested that all candidates notify
Congressman Chase of their intention
before that date, when they will be
furnished with further information.
Please be sure to state whether you
intend to take the test at Clearfield
or Bradford. Ardress all communica-
tions to Hon. J. Mitchell Chase, House
of Representatives, Washington, D. C.
Four Prisoners Nabbed in Attempted
Escape from Rockview.
Four prisoners made an unsuccess-
ful attempt to escape from Rockview
penitentiary shortly after eight o’clock
last Thursday evening. They were
Leslie and William Molyneaux, twin
brothers of Lycoming county; Hamp-
ton Boyd, of Philadelphia, and Floyd
Goodstall, of Bradford county.
Officials of the penitentiary were
given a tip on the attempted escape
and had a cordon of guards on hand
to nab the men just as they crawled
through a hole they cut in the barbed
wire stockade south of the prison
building. The men were brought to
the Centre county jail but up to this
time have refused to plead guilty,
claiming that they were not off of the
prison grounds. It is remored that
two other inmates were in the collu-
sion to escape but as they had not
made a move to crawl through the
hole in the wire they were not charg-
ed with attempted escape, but will be
watched quite closely at the penitenti-
Woman’s Club to Meet.
The Woman’s club of Bellefonte
will hold its first meeting for the year
on Monday, September 26, at 7.30 p.
m,, in the director's room at the High
school building.
A large attendance of the mem-
bers is urgently requested. After
the business meeting a social hour will
be enjoyed and refreshments will be
served in the cafeteria.
take the regular en- |
Proposition Made to Council to Dis-
pose of Ashes and Garbage.
Only six members were present at
the regular meeting of borough coun-
cil, on Monday evening, notwithstand-
ing the fact that it was the first meet-
ing in five weeks. President Walker
being among the absentees J. M. Cun-
ningham was chosen to preside.
Robert F. Hunter was present and
explained to council that he has been
working on a project to establish a
gas plant somewhere between Belle-
fonte and State College, possibly in
the vicinity of Pleasant Gap, for the
purpose of supplying gas for cooking
and house heating purposes to resi-
dents in Bellefonte and State College
and all intermediate points, and he
has his proposition in such shape that
he asked council to grant him a six
months option on a priority right for
a franchise. Council granted the
option and referred the matter to the
special committee and borough solici-
tor to look into the matter of the
franchise of the Bellefonte Gas com-
pany to determine whether it still had
any legal equity, now that service
had been discontinued for nine years
and the plant scrapped.
R. F. Stine appeared before council
and submitted a proposition to gather
and haul away all the ashes and gar-
bage in the town for the sum of $250
per month. As there is no ordinance
covering the removal or disposition of
garbage the matter was referred to
the Special committee.
The Street committee reported var-
ious repairs, cleaning of streets and
cutting weeds, and the collection of
$90.00 for sewer connections and $3.00
for cleaning walks.
The Water committee reported
some minor repairs and the collection
of $5.00 from the Main show, $12.25
on the 1924 water duplicate, $66.50
on the 1925 and $1218.25 on the 1926.
The committee also
water taxes still outstanding are $84.-
55 on the 1924 duplicate, $660,42 on
the 1925 and $3609.92 on the 1926,
making a total of $4354.89.
The Fire and Police committee re-
ported that so far there has been no
watchman or policeman on Bishop
street to contract motor traffic while
the children are going to and from
school, and suggested several of the
older students be supplied with a
badge and delegated as traffic police-
men. The matter was referred to the
committee with power.
The Finance committee asked for
the renewal of notes totaling $21,100
and new notes for $1500 and $5,000,
which were authorized. The commit-
tee also reported that the borough
duplicate for 1927 is ready to turn
over to the tax collector. The tax
amounts are as follows: Borough,
$20337.82; street, $20337.82, and in-
terest, $1017.72, a total of $50853.36.
A communication was received from
the R. C. Miller company, of Mill-
mont, Pa., inquiring as to the possi-
the large number of applicants, Con- | Pility of leasing the brick building at
: the Phoenix mill plant for the estab-
lishment of a shirt factory. Mr. Cun-
,ningham stated that he had rented
: brick building is taken.
month in which to store a carload of
but the furniture could be moved into
the main building any time if the
The matter
was referred to the Water committee.
Bills totaling $5629.86 were approv-
Those receiving the highest grades, ©d for payment, after which council
Grand Jury Found 26 True Bills, Ig-
nored Eight.
The grand jury, in session last
week, completed its labors on Thurs-
day and were discharged. In its final
report the jury stated that they had
acted upon 34 bills of indictment, 26
of which were returned as true bills
and 8 ignored.
In their inspection of the county
buildings the jury recommended
a number of repairs and improve-
ments at the county jail.
At the court house they found the
library in a badly smoked condition
and recommended that the room be
cleaned and an entire new heating
system installed. The main entrance
to the court house and the upper cor-
ridor were found in a bad condition
owing to a leaky roof, and they rec-
ommended that the roof be repaired.
Also, all the walls in the court house,
offices and vaults should be cleaned.
The jury found the vaults in the pro-
thonotary’s office so crowded that
they recommended that more room be
made, and that better accommodations
be furnished for the county superin-
tendent’s office, and that a separate
office be furnished for the county vo-
cational director.
The committee also recommended
that a fan system of ventilation be
installed in the jail and that more
humane quarters be established for
female prisoners.
Potter Township Cattle to Be Tested
for T. B.
Word has just been received at the
Centre County Agricultural Extension
office, from Dr. Ira D. Mitterling, of
Hollidaysburg, Pa., that testing for
tuberculosis in Potter township will
begin on « Monday, September 26th.
This means that all herds in Potter
township will be tested. The next
townships on the list to be tested will
be Taylor and Worth.
SE —— i ———————
The Annual fancy work, apron
and food sale of the Presbyterian
church will be held in the chapel the
afternoon of Thursday, December 8th.
reported that !
PE eee eee
—Dr. David Dale has been east during
the week, on a business trip to Philadel-
—Mr. and Mrs. James H. Potter will
leave for Atlantic City today expecting to
spend several weeks at that resort.
—Miss Elizabeth Hazel. of the class of
1928 Penn State, is in Johnstown doing her
rquired senior work, of twelve weeks
teaching. Miss Hazel motored over a week
ago with her father M. F. Hazel.
—Miss Rebecca Rhoads, of Washington,
D. C. has been with Mrs. Irving Foster, at
State College, for a part of September, vis-
iting there with her many friends through-
out the county and in Bellefonte,
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shivery and their
daughter Mrs. Shay, drove to Stormstown,
Tuesday, to attend the funeral of their
cousin Thomas Wilson, who was buried
from his home west of Stormstown, Tues-
day afternoon.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swartz, of Ypsil-
anti, Mich., have been spending a part of
September with relatives in Pennsylvania,
and while in Bellefonte during the past
week have been house guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Swartz and Mr. and Mrs. James
—Mrs. A. B. Sutherland, of Huntingdon,
has been a guest this week of Miss Wini-
fred M. Gates, at her home on north
Spring street, the latter giving a bridge
dinner at the Hublersburg Inn, last even-
ing, in honor of her guest. Five tables
were in play.
—Dr. Edith H. Schad arrived in Belle-
fonte, Saturday, from Pittsburgh, where
she had been with friends since coming
east from Toledo, several days before.
Dr. Schad is back home for a month’s
visit and will be a house guest of her sis-
ter, Mrs. Frank Warfield, during the time
she spends in Bellefonte.
—Mrs. R. Wynn Davis stopped here,
Sunday afternoon, enroute home to Wash-
ington, Pa., from Blossburg, where she
had been with Mr. Davis attending the
funeral of his mother. Mrs. Davis, who
before her marriage was Miss Ethel Get-
Candidate must be of good moral : the building to the Moose for $10 a
character, residents of the 23rd Penn- | furniture for the remodeled theatre, |
tig, was in Bellefonte but for a short time,
looking after some business interests.
—William B. Wallis will be here for the
week-end with Mrs. Wallis, who has been
spending the summer in Bellefonte with
her mother, Mrs. J. Will Conley. Mrs.
Conley is advertising her house for rent
furnished, but as yet, has made no defi-
nite plans for the winter, while Mrs. Wal-
lis anticipated returning to Pittsburgh, to
join Mr. Wallis.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nichols drove in
from Aspinwall Saturday, bringing with
them as motor guests. Mr. Nichols’ par-
ents, who were here from California for a
visit with their son. The party made an
over night visit with Mrs. Nichols’ par-
ents, J. Theodore Cherry and the late Mrs.
Cherry, making the return drive to Aspin-
wall, Sunday afternoon.
—Mrs. Emily Worrick, who has been a
resident of Bellefonte for twenty-years,
sold her home and household goods last
week and, with her four children, departed
for Philadelphia, on Wednesday. They
expect to make their home permanently
in that city where Edward, the oldest son
who graduated from High in June, will
probably enter Drexel Institute for a
commercial course,
—DMiss Margaret Hutchison, of Howard
street, entertained her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Nettie Hutchison, of Warren, and
the latter's three sisters over Sunday. The
ladies, Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. Emma Me-
Kenzie, of Beaver; Mrs. Carrie DeYong, of
Greensburg, and Mrs, Harriet Russell, of
Kane, were motoring through Pennsylva-
nia and stopped here from
until Monday morning.
—Mrs. Earl C. Tuten spent the after-
part of last week in Centre county, the
time being divided between her sister
Mrs. Harold Kirk in Bellefonte, the Amos
Cole family of Lewistown, whose guests
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk and Mrs. Tuten were,
at the Nittany country club and at her
former home at Philipsburg. Mrs. Tuten’s
visit home from Harrisburg, at this time,
was made principally to vote Tuesday at
the primaries.
—Mrs. J. C. Harper, of Howard St., en-
tertaining a very unusual party on Sunday.
It was a group of six brothers all cousins
of Mrs. Harper, who were born in Penns
valley and are now living in Lock Haven
and Williamsport. They are Harry, Thom-
as, Edward, James, Torrence and John
Livingstone. The men are all married but
were motoring without their families and
spending a day or so renewing boyhood
memories of familiar Centre county scenes.
—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fleming, of
Altoona, with their two daughters, and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ‘Fleming Jr. of
Akron, Ohio, were in Bellefonte for a
week-end family party, at the Thomas
Fleming home on Reynolds Ave. Miss
Katherine, the elder daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Fleming, is a senior at
Goucher College, Baltimore, and when
graduated will enter an art school in New
York, to complete her preparations for an
interior decorator.
—Edward H. Miller, of Philadelphia,
is making one of his frequent visits home.
He is a guest of his brother and his wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Miller, of east High
street. When we saw Ed arrive last Sat-
urday, with an overcoat on, we just
couldn't get the idea because it had been
so hot here all week but by evening we
found out that there was wisdom in his
apparel for he was right in ahead of the
cool wave that set in. He expects to be
here for a few days longer.
—The Misses Vida and Grace Wetzel,
both graduate nurses of the Centre Coun-
ty hospital, with Miss Rose Lambacher,
drove in from Akron, Saturday, in two
cars, for a weeks visit with the Wetzel
families in Centre county. Expecting to
leave Bellefonte late this week, they will
stop enroute home at Johnstown and Som-
erset, where they will be joined by the
Misses Wetzel's parents, the Rev. and
Mrs. Frank Wetzel, who have been visiting
with some former parishioners in that
section of the State.
—Lieut. and Mrs. Wm. H. Fielding, of
New Dorp, Staten Island, have been visit-
ing friends in Centre county since Satur-
day, when they motored here from their
home. During the fore part of the week
they visited Mrs. Fielding’s sister, Mrs.
Boyd Williams, at Shiloh, and are now
at her old home at Pine Grove Mills where
they will remain until starting on a tour
to Watkins Glen and then down through
the Cumberland valley. Mr. Fielding is a
lieutenant of police in New York city and
as he has a twenty-two day vacation and
a new Reo, which he says is a real
“Flying Cloud” he didn’t know just where
the trip would end.
—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sager, of Belle
fonte, and Philadelphia, are here for Mr.
Sager’s vacation, occupying their home on
north Thomas street. Mrs. Sager bought
her childhood home, the Isaac Thomas
property, when it was sold recently at
public sale.
—Mr. and Mrs. Clement Dale, of Pleas-
ant Gap, left yesterday morning for a ten
days visit with NMvs. Dale's niece, Mrs.
Katherine Moore, at Cuyahoga Falls, O.,
Mrs. Moore had spent a part of the sum-
mer at the Dale home at Pleasant Gap,
only recently returning to her home in
—Among Mrs. Richard Lutz's house
: guests within the past week, were Mr. and
i Mrs. Uriah H. Housel,
their daughter
' Mabel, their son Malcolm and his wife,
Saturday |
and the latter’s daughter, Jean. The party
drove over from Altoona a week ago, for
an all day visit with Mrs. Lutz. On Mon-
day some New Castle friends, including
Mr. and Mrs. John Clapper their daughter
Priscilla and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Riden
were Mrs. Lutz's guests for the day.
————— er —————
Walker and Fleming Win Out at
Tuesday’s Primaries.
W. Harrison Walker will again be
the Democratic candidate for Judge of
the courts of Centre county this year,
having been nominated at Tuesday’s
Primaries over W. D. Zerby by the
flattering majority of approximately
two thousand. He will have as his
opponent on the Republican ticket M.
Ward Fleming, of Philipsburg, who
received the nomination over Judge
James C. Furst by more than seven
hundred majority.
The Republican contest for Judge
was naturally the outstanding feature
of the primaries and resulted in quite
a heavy Republican vote being cast
In that party’s strongholds. In Belle-
fonte both the Fleming workers and
the Furst supporters exerted them-
selves to the limit to get out every
possible vote. In the North ward
there was considerable contention in
the morning, which at times threaten-
ed to develop into unpleasantness,
when a number of Republicans were
confronted with the fact that they
were registered as Democrats, Poll
books were secured and it was dis-
covered that the registration was an
error in copying and most of the men
and women so registered were finally
permitted to vote.
In the Republican judicial contest
former Judge Arthur C. Dale did not
cut much of a figure, as his total vote
was only 408. Had he remained out
of the fight and all of his votes had
been cast for Judge Furst that gen-
tleman would still have been 300
short of the Fleming vote.
So much interest was attached to
the judicial and county contests that
the local ticket in the borough was al-
most lost sight of. But the only con-
test of any moment was that for
overseer of the poor, and the present
incumbents, Alexander Morrison and
Thomas Fleming, won out with hand-
some majorities.
The complete returns in the county
are published elsewhere in this paper
and reference to them will show the
successful candidates in each party.
—————— ee ———————
Lewisburg Fair Next Week.
One of ‘the oldest and most consis-
tent fairs of the State is the Union
county fair which will open Septem-
ber 27th—Oct. 1 with $5000 worth of
Stake racing has become a promi-
nent and successful feature of this
fair, and with sixty-two entries of the
fastest horses in this section, and real
racing, things should be more than
interesting to the grand-standers, es-
pecially with just as many entries in
the class races.
Arlin’s seal and diving act, now
playing Pottsville, Reading and other
fairs, will be one of the outstanding
numbers among the free acts, which
with the excellent racing should sat-
isfy the most exacting for an after-
noon entertainment.
The Otis L. Smith Shows will af-
ford plenty of diversion on the mid-
way, and Lester W. Brown, secretary
will be glad to furnish any desired in-
formation pertaining to the above
———— fp ——————
——The Bellefonte Academy foot-
ball season will open tomorrow when
the Beckley College eleven, of Harris-
burg, will meet the Cougars on
Hughes field at 2:30 p. m. Accord-
ing to advance reports the visiting
eleven has a number of former col-
lege studes in its lineup, and this will
afford a splendid opportunity to get
an idea of the strength of the galaxy
of stars now practicing in the Acade-
my squad. While there may be no
Hoods on the team there are a num-
ber of very promising players and
coach Magee feels confident they will
give a good account of themselves.
————— A ———
——Seventy-nine members of the
"Tri-County council, American Legion
auxiliary, held their regular quarterly
meeting at the Hotel Philips, in
Philipsburg, last Wednesday. The
principal talk was made by Mrs. F.
B. Emery, of Williamsport. The busi-
ness session was held in the morning
while the afternoon was devoted to
a social meeting at the Legion home.
nm —————— re —————
——The American Lime and Stone
company is circulating a bulletin
descriptive of the danger of careless
handling of blasting caps, and the
necessity of keeping them out of the
reach of children.
——————— A —— ———
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
Corrected Weekly by OC. Y. Wagner & Co.
Wheat - - - - - = - = = $125
Rye - - - - - = 1.00
Oats - - - - - - - 40
Corn - - - . - 1.00
Barley - - - - - - 50
Buckwheat - - - - - 90