Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 23, 1927, Image 6

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    Bellefonte, Pa., September 23, 1927.
Races in Malta Speak
Same Tongue as Christ
There is still in this world a race of
pedple who speak the same tongue
that Jesus and His apestles used in
their ordinary everyday talks to the
people, says the Christlan Sclence
This spoken language was “Ara-
male” We still may find languages
and dialects which have descended
from Aramaic.
To find today in the pure Aramaic
practically identical te the colloquial
fanguage that Jesus used we must go
to the island of Malta.
Even there the traveler must not ex-
pect to hear it in Valletta. The people
of the seapert have long had inter-
course with the Italians and the Eng-
lish and their language has changed
Travel inland to those compact
cities of stone—to Zeitun, to Musta
with its enormous dome, the third
largest in the world—there one hears
not the Anglicized, not the Italianized
speech, but pure Aramaic. There also
one sees a race cf people of not only
similar speech, but of similar appear-
ance and of similar character to the
“chosen of our Lord”—“devout men
and women who serve God daily.” One
an well imagine while living among
‘these people what Andrew, Peter, John
and Matthew must have been like.
Many races have held so-called do-
‘minion over these islands, but ncne
‘has succeeded in implanting its lan-
Lucky Discoveries of
Vast Mineral Wealth
Tin is worth about $1,470 a ton. At
North Dundas, in Tasmania, a nugget
of the metal has been found which
weighed 5,400 pounds, and was almost
pure metallic tin.
Copper often occurs in nature in a
pure state. A solid block of this metal,
‘velghing more than a ton and a half,
‘has just been found in South Africa.
The most wonderful discovery of the
kind was made in the Andes, at the
back of Peru, where, at a height of
14,000 feet, there has been found a
mountain of copper ore a mile long
and half a mile wide,
Silver is sometimes found in great
masses. Most of us have heard of
Cobalt, the miracle silver city of
northern Ontario. One day, in the
spring of 1903, two workmen quar-
reled while at work on a rough rail-
‘way track made for hauling lumber.
High words led to blows, and one
man flung an axe at the other. It
missed him but struck a bowlder,
splitting it in two and showing up in
its heart a mass of glittering white«
mess. It was a lump of almost pure
That spring Cobalt had four small
shacks, but six months later there
avere more than 5.000 inhabitants,
Judicious Coughing
Whe English clergyman who, in he-
#luning his sermon, asked the congre-
gation to cough only at the end of sen-
tences, was heard, let us hope, in com-
parative silence. His idea was a good
one, and it is capable of extension.
The bronchial audience so often in at-
tendance at operas and concerts might
well cough, but it can usually be con-
trolled, except in severe cases by a
little will power.—Philadelphia In-
Plants Given New Life
Faded flowers and plants are being
revived by artificial sunlight in Lon-
don. One restaurant has a “sunlight
lamp” for the benefit of sickly plants,
and bouquets of patrons are refreshed
while they dine. A wild orchid re-
turned to bloom after eight hours of
the healing rays.
Cortez’ Great Victory
Cortez, on July 7, 1520, decided the
fate of Mexico by his victorious battle
at Otumba. After subjecting the
neighboring provinces he marched a
second time against Mexico, which,
after a gallant defense lasting several
months, was retaken.
Longest Bridge
The world’s longest highway bridge
1s across Mobile bay in Alabama. It's
the Cochrane bridge, stretching for
ten and half miles and costing $2,500,
“000. It eliminates part of the ferry-
ing that tourists along the old Span-
Aish trail had to endure.
The Wrong Object
What riches of mind and spirit are
‘we allowing to run to waste in the
talents of our youth through urging
-and ever urging them, not by our
‘words, but by our examples, to go
after the money prizes of life.—Bos-
ton Globe.
Mental Mustache-Cup
“What mest men need,” says the
author of “The Philosophy of Things,”
a recent book, “is a mental strainer to
keep out second-rate thoughts.” This
should hearten the man with “a mind
like a sieve.”—Farm and Fireside.
Famous Navigator
John Cabot was an Italian navi-
gator sailing under the English flag.
His native name was Giovanni Cabot
and he was born in Genoa. He re-
moved to Venice at an early age,
where he acquired citizenship.
(© by D. J. Walsh.)
a lovely old house surrounded
by an iron fence with scrolled
gateways. The house and the
iadies had come into being at that
period when exclusion was the thing.
Very proper, very sedate, but, secret-
ly, very romantic were ‘the Misses
Russell. They would have died be-
fore they let any one know that the
wonderful electric victrola played
anything but sacred music and grand
opera. Alone with the aid of the soft-
est needle they reveled in jazz and
that order of music which may be col-
lectively designated under one title—
“Oh, come, my sheik, to my waiting
arms!” It was the same with their
literature. The bookcases were filled
with classics, the library table
groaned beneath weighty reviews, but
behind a cushion was kept the
naughty novel that made Emilie and
Minette forget that they were waxing
old and must behave accordingly.
In their youth they had been con-
sidered too proud for the young men
who might have taken a fancy to
them, for their parents had been of
the high-nosed order. And when the
time came when they might have
chosen for themselves nobody wanted
them. So they had arrived at middle
life unmarried, but teeming with a
desire for the one thing that had been
withheld from them—romance.
“My dear,” Emilie said to Minnette
one morning just after Bessie, their
ugly but efficient maid, had placed
their breakfast before them. “I notice
that our new neighbors have arrived
next door. I can see from where I sit
that the shades are up and people
moving about. There! They are just
coming into the dining room for
Minnette turned to look and saw
through the large double windows of
the nearby house two men sitting op-
posite each other at the table and be-
ing awaited upon by a third man who
was evidently a servant.
“Oh, my dear!” Minnette breathed.
“Just look at that young man! He
is perfectly handsome.”
Discreetly screened by their lace
windows the two women gazed at their
next-door neighbors. The young man
was handsome in a stunning black-
and-white way. He seemed full of
vigor, too, for he talked a great deal
with many gestures. Smilingly his
companion listened. This other man
might have been the father of the
first, for he was plain and white-
haired and looked uninteresting. I'he
servant, too, was elderly and plain.
But the Misses Russell were only at-
tracted by the delightful younger
“We must make their acquaintance
invite them over to dinner,” Min-
aette said.
‘Poor things, without a woman in
-ne house! T think I will have Bessie |
take them a tin of her incomparable
biscuit for their lunch.” murmured
Bessie wus reluctant to present the
siscuit but at last she was persuaded
to do so by Emilie’s bestowing upon
her the gift of an old gown she had
found that morning in the bureau
drawer—Ilandsdowne, eighteen feet
around, and of a gorgeous crimson
color, It was a relic of younger days,
and Emilie thought that it might be
dyed into suitability for her hand-
maiden, but Bessie loved red.
she returned with a courteous mes-
.age of thanks from the older men.
So far, good.
Jor a long time the Misses Russell
nad been wondering who would rent
the vacant house next door, which was
to be let furnished. Mrs. Tucker, who
owned it, had lost her husband and
gone to live with a married daughter.
The house was very cozy and the
Misses Russell had been certain that
only nice people could afford to live
there, but people with children or
dogs—or depredating cats! The fact
that the household was of the gentle-
manly, unoffensive kind predisposed
them in favor of their new neighbor,
Jhat afternoon as Miss Emilie was
weeding her garden she heard a slight
cough and saw the handsome new
neighbor smiling at her over the
fence. He had a gift of red roses for
her and when, rather fluttered, she
entered into conversation with him he
immediately took her into his conti-
dence. His name was Harold Fred-
erick Delaney, and he was writing a
book entitled “Metaphysical Aspects
of the Universe.” He was interested
in the Einstein theory of relativity,
and thought that the extensive use of
explosives in the last war had made
our planet change poles. So deep was
he and with-all so charming that
Emilie lost her head as well as her
heart immediately.
The next morning Minnette had a
similar experience, «only she received
white roses instead of red. The con-
versation was along the same lines
and she literally fell for Harold Fred-
erick head over heels.
An invitation to dinner followed
and the Misses Russell had the time
of their life feeding their darling. Mr.
Bowker, whom Harold called Uncle
Hop, they didn’t like at all. But Har-
old filled their eyes,
The weather was beautiful and
aever had the Misses Russell spent so
much time in their garden. No soon-
er did they appear than Harold ap-
peared s'so. He sat with them on
the ben « and talked about his book
and love. He had wonderful ideas
about love, and sometimes he illus-
trated his theories by gently pressing
the hand of either lady.
And now strange feelings began to
possess both women, Minnette thought
that if it was not for Emilie she
might be so happy with Harold, and
Emilie believed that Minnette stood
in her way. Each had lost all sense
of perspective. Each saw in Harold
only the ideal of her dreams, the cul-
mination of every hope and longing.
Each loved him, and each was jealous
of the other. :
This jealousy grew and grew until
it began to interfere with their lives.
Minnette urged Emilie to go visiting.
Emilie urged Minnette to take a va-
cation at a popular resort. Minnette
sneered at Emilie’s nose and Emilie
sneered at Minnette's eyebrows. They
ceased to enjoy their food, their mu-
sie, their friends and their home, As
for Bessie her life was made miser-
able between them, :
The air was scented with secrets.
Emilie had found a tempting poem
nestling among the roses Harold gave
her. Minnette had heard him sigh as
he gazed into her eyes.
Ultimately so much excitement
proved too much for Minnette and
one morning she could not rise for a
sick headache. She suffered all the
more because she knew that Emilie
was enjoying Harold alone in the gar
At last she crept down pale and
wretched to meet her triumphant
rival. No. Harold had not inquired
for her. “He cares only for me,” Em-
{lie might have added.
This was too much for Minnette and
she returned to bed. It was three days
before she could arise. Meanwhile,
Emilie tripped on the foolish high
heels she had recently adopted and so
jarred herself in falling that she
could not leave her room for the same
length of time. As for Bessie she
would neither receive Harold nor car-
ry messages for him,
Pale and sorry, the sisters were sit- |
ting together in their living room on
the first evening they were able to be
downstairs when Mr. Bowker entered.
“I have come to bid you farewell,”
he said in a dignified manner. “We
are leaving on the ten o'clock train.
The time has come when I can no
longer manage my charge, and his
guardians have ordered him placed in
a hospital for an operation.”
“Your charge?” gasped Minnette.
“Harold. It is a very sad case. He
was injured in a football scrimmage,
a blow on the head and he has not
been rational since. But they think
by removing a piece of the skull—"
There was more, but neither lady
heard it. They endured, however, un-
til Mr. Bowker departed.
“Well,” Bessie said as she came in
to throw another stick on the fire,
“we are going to be rid of that luna-
tic next door. I'm clear out of pa-
tience with his carryings on. Making
love to me with his roses and poetry!”
“To you!” Emilie whispered.¢ ..-
Bessie snorted.
Triumphs of Science
Increase Life’s Span
Now the claim is made that our
scientists are about to fight the germ
that causes consumption with a rem-
edy furnished by the bacillus itself.
In other words, from the poison it
puts into the blood, which the scien-
tists at Berkeley say they have dis-
covered and isolated, they hope to
make a serum that will repeat the
triumphs won in other fields. This
gives point to the recent assurance
that the span of life is growing far
beyond the threescore and ten for-
merly allotted us. Indeed, we are
told that the meager few who reach
the century mark are but the advance
guard of the multitude to reach and
pass far beyond that record in the
near future. To the triumphs already
won, in case the first redoubt has
been carried by some invading dis-
ease, must be added the greater tri-
umphs of preventive medicine. The
report of the Rockefeller foundation
acquaints us with a wonderful work
they have accomplished in that di-
rection, not only in this country, but
all over the world. The dry pages of
the usual report turn out to be an in-
spiring booklet of great deeds accom-
plished. Here as elsewhere an ounce
of prevention is better than a pound
of cure. All workers engaged in
making broad the pathway of health
and longevity—and they are to be
found everywhere now—insist that
optimism, cheerfulness, throwing off
worry and fear as you would a dis-
carded garment, and the cultivation
of the right mental attitude toward
disease is of the utmost importance.
Where disease claims one victim,
worry and fear claim a score.
We are living in a wonderful age—
in fact, we are just beginning to live
as the Creator intended us to. It has
required untold centuries for man to
gain his present vantage ground. He
is just beginning to assume his right-
ful authority over the many ills to
which flesh is heir. We will learn to
grow old gracefully when double our
present tale of years has rum its
course. And we will need these add-
ed years to gain even a passable
knowledge of the wonders and beau-
ties and mysteries; the, at present,
little-known forces of the universe in
which we have been placed. —Los
Angeles Times.
His Trouble
Cashier—You don’t look well lately!
Butter Clerk—No; I can’t sleep at
night on account of lung trouble,
Cashier—Nonsense; your lungs are
all right.
Butter Clerk—Yes, mine are; the
trouble is with the bay's,
When the eerrect letters are placed im the white spaces this pusale will
spell words both vertically and herisemtally.
The firnt letter in each werd ie
indicated by 2a number, which refers te the definition listed below the pussle.
Thus Ne. 1 under the column headed “horizontal” defines a word which will m
the white spaces up te the first black square te the right, and a number uniler
“yertical” defimes a word which will 211 the white squares to the next black oie
below. Ne letters go im the black spaces. All words used are dictionary wo
'exeept proper mames. Abbreviations, slang, initials, technieal terms and obso-
'lete forms are indicated im the defimitioms,
Zz [23 [4 56 [7 [8]
3 : 10
1 12,
4 [15 I J 17 [13
79 20 [21 22 [23
24 5 26
pe 129 30
3 32[33] [BEF PB 3% | [37] [8p HO
41 42 43
44 45
46 I 47
43 49 5052 53 5:
55 56
57 58
(©, 1928, Western Newspaper Union.)
Horizontal. Vertical.
Jo Tamas sels he sh
9—At another time (arch.)
10—Having wings 11—Hackneyed
12—Malleable material
14—Reverential fear
24—Number of years
25—Pertaining to heat
26—Period of time 27—To soak
28—To consume 29—To force open
30—Young woman introduced to so-
ciety (short)
38—Falsehood (slang)
41—Part of “to be” 42—Bellowing
43-—Same as 26 horizontal
34—To flow out
44—Danced ¢6—Geometrical figure
46—Insect 47—To employ
48—Muck 523—To guide
55~—English school for boys
56—Branches of learning
57—Expired 58—Point of a story
Solution will app:
6—Eccentric rotating piece
6—Beerlike beverage
7—In a manner determined by fate
8—Period of time
14—At a distance
156—Salary 17—To father
18—To knife 20—To shuffle along
21—S8till 22—Scamp
23—Unlawful taking away of per-
sonal property
21—Information 32—Persia
34—Black variety of hard rubber
86—Island in Pacific
39—The rainbow
38—Thigh bone
40—Pret. of bid
50—Extinct flightless bird
51—Finish 62—To bend
583—Prefix meaning three
54—Established (abbr.)
ear im mext isswve.
A ——————
Massachusetts has a law which re-
quires that every driver of an auto-
mobile shall carry insurance, how-
ever, there is one man who will not be
able to avail himself and others of
this protection, under that law, since
the Board of Appeal has served no-
tice that it will not require any in-
surance company to continue carry-
ing insurance on any one who is
caught driving a car while under the
influence of liquor.
Whatever views may be held con-
cerning the prohibition law, there is
{no room for a difference of opinion
regarding the “personal rights” of
drinkers to assume the responsibili-
ties of driving a car while under the
influence of alcohol. With a mount-
ing toll from motor accidents, and
| the situation being aggravated by an
increasing number of cars, it seems
‘only a question of time when the
drinking driver must be ruled off the
. road.
Should the law against “drinking
and driving” be fully enforced, and it
comes to a choice between the use of
one’s ear and the desire to drink, the
indications are that the car would
receive first choice, particularly
among the younger generation of
Fayette County Team Sets State Pull
A new State horse pulling record
was established at the Dawson fair
recently when a pair of grade Belgian
brood mares, owned by Clarence M.
Wilkey, of Connellsville, pulled 3000
pounds on the drawbar of the Penn-
sylvania State College dynamometer
the full required distance of 273% feet.
This team, weighing 8505 pounds,
was driven by C. B. Wilkey. Both
mares are with foal and made 13 pulls
during the afternoon. When they ex-
exrted the championship effort they
still were not forced to extend them-
The record broken at Dawson was
2975 pounds made by a 38335-pound
team of grade I'ercherons, owned by
R. A. Grimes, Duke Center, at the
Smethport fair the previous week.
This team, in establishing the new
mark, topped by 25 pounds tractive
pull, the record established at Watts-
burg the same week by a 3466-pound
pair of grade Percherons, owned by
Corry Fur Farm. At the beginning
of this season the best state pull by
a team of over 3000 pounds weight
was 2925 pounds by a Cook-Anderson
Lumber company team at the Beaver
fair last fall.
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
Too Much
Excess Uric Acid Gives Rise to Mans
Unpleasant Troubles.
UTHORITIES agree that an ex-
cess of uric acid is primarily
due to faulty kidney action. Reten-
tion of this toxic material often
makes its presence felt by sore, pain-
ful joints, a tired, languid feeling
and, sometimes, toxic backache and
headache. That the kidneys are not
functioning right is often shown by
scanty or burning passage of secre-
tions. Thousands assist their kidneys
at such times by the use of Doan’s
Pills—a stimulant diuretic. Doan’s
are recommended by many local peo-
ple. Ask your neighbor!
Stimulant Diaretic to the Kidneys
Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. ¥.
Whether they be fresh,
smoked or the cold-ready to
serve—products, are always
the choicest when they are
purchased at our Market.
mt rurern mae
We buy nothing but prime
stock on the hoof, kill and re-
frigerate it ourselves and we
know it is good because we
have had years of experience
in handling meat products.
Orders by telephone always receive
prompt attention.
Telephone 450
P. L. Beezer Estate
Market on the Diamond
Hugh M. Quigley
Successor to H. E. FENLON
Temple Court
Bellefonte, Penna.
Ohl.ches-ter 8
Ells in Red ad Gold metallic
Take no other, B
Singh Enema
known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
You Can Buy Shoes
Here With Confidence
We use every bit of our buying skill in se-
lecting our footwear that will give more than the usual meas-
That we have been successful is proven by
every day wear tests given these shoes by the men of this
ure of service.