Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 16, 1927, Image 8
Bemorrai in Bellefonte, Pa., September 16, 1927. EE ——————— NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——The annual Bazaar of the Luth- eran church, Bellefonte, will be held December 1st. ——Waring’s Pennsylvanians will be the dance attraction at Hecla park next Tuesday evening. - ——Attendance at the Bellefonte High school has increased to 421, of which number 194 are out of town or tuition students. ——County superintendent Glenn R. Rogers has announced the week of October 31st as the time for the an- nal teachers’ institute. ——The members of St. Mary’s Guild of the Episcopal church will hold a food sale Saturday, Septem- ber 17th, at the Variety Shop ——The trustees and directors of the Y. M. C. A. will hold a joint meet- ing at the Y. tonight to consider plans for the annual drive for new members. ——Now that the Bellefonte Acade- my and The Pennsylvania State Col- lege both opened for the fall session this week, football stories will soon be the order of the day. ——A box car loaded with lime, on a siding in the Pennsylvania railroad yards, caught fire last Saturday night. The car was hauled up under the water tank and the fire extinguished. ——-Mrs. Roy Uhl, of Pleasant Gap, has been substituting as teacher in the Tth grade of the Bellefonte public schools, in the Allegheny school build- ing this week, during the absence of the regular teacher, Miss Carrie A. Weaver. —Officials and employees of the West Penn Power company from Bellefonte, Milesburg and State Col- lege, with their families, about fifty in number, held a corn and wienie roast on the top of Nittany mountain, on Wednesday evening. ——Fred Crafts has resigned his position as foreman of the kilns at the Whiterock quarries, at Pleasant Gap, and has been succeeded by Ward Showers, one of the old employees of the company. Just what Mr. Crafts has in view is not known at this time. ——Daniel Barnes, who has been visiting friends in Bellefonte and at Hecla park for several weeks, became quite ill, last Thursday, and was taken to the Centre County hospital for treatment. His condition is now S0 much improved that he hopes to be able to leave the hospital and return to his home in Philadelphia within a few days. Caroline McClure and Regina Yerger both had their tonsils remov- ed last week. Caroline’s were taken out at the Clearfield hospital, while Regina was a patient at the Centre County hospital. John Kane, who had been operated on for appendicitis at the Centre County hospital, was dis- charged Tuesday and taken to his home on Logan street. : Contractor Lon Adams, of Du- Bois, was awarded the contract for the erection of the Spring township school building at his bid of $21,412.- 48, which does not include plumbing or heating, bids for these not vet hav- ing been awarded. The building will be one story and contain four rooms. It will be erected on the site selected in Pleasant Gap almost a year ago. ——Bellefonte friends of Rev. T. Ww. Young, for years chaplain at Rock- view penitentiary, will sympathize with him and his family in the death of his son-in-law, William B. Epley, which occurred at his home in Pitts- burgh three weeks ago as the result of cancer of the stomach. He is sur- vived by his wife and one daughter, Miss Isabel Epley, who is also well known in Bellefonte. Such an abundant supply of fruit, vegetables and various kinds of produce are being brought to the Bellefonte curb market every Wed- nesday and Saturday mornings that residents of the town cannot absorb it all, but the most of it is disposed of before the farmers leave for their homes. The average attendance at market is from twenty to twenty-five cars, trucks and wagons. ——Owing to the death, on Mon- day, of T. Clayton Brown the Scenic theatre, of which he has been the proprietor for almost twenty years, was closed until last night, and the showing of “Beau Geste” was post- poned for three days. It was put on the screen last night and will also be shown tonight and tomorrow night. “Beau Geste” is the greatest picture of the year and one worth seeing. ——The fifteen dollar hat put off by the Catholic Daughters of Amer- ica, on Monday evening, was won by Mrs. W. E. Crossley. The Daugh- ters realized from the hat the sum of $54.75, which will be applied to the thousand dollar fund pledged by the erganization toward the expense of tiling the sanctuary in St. John’s Catholic church. The fund now amounts to over nine hundred dollars. ——Next Monday will be the day for the big flight of airplanes over Bellefonte but you need not wait for that event to get good entertainment. Go to the Scenic any evening during the week and watch the motion pic- tures and you will find plenty of in- teresting amusement. The class of pictures shown at this popular place of amusement cannot be seen any- where else in Bellefonte. They are the best pictures made by leading man- ufacturers, and if you want to see them all you should be a regular. EVERYTHING READY FOR THE NATIONAL AIR DERBY. Thirty Ships will Start in Class B, All of Which will Stop in Bellefonte. Robert F. Hunter, who is in charge of the arrangements for the handling of the Class B ships which will take part in the national air derby from New York to Spokane, Wash., next week, - has every preparation well under way and anticipates no hitch when the ships arrive here next Mon- day. According to latest advices about thirty ships have been entered in Class B. These include the lighter commercial planes with a limited cruising radius. All of these ships are required to stop in Bellefonte, providing their pilots reach here. As most, if not all, of the pilots have never flown the course it is possible some of them may become lost and obliged to come down before reaching the Bellefonte field. : During the past week four or more ships have set down on the old avia- tion field because the pilots were un- able to locate the new landing place. As a means of avoiding mistakes on Monday a huge arrow, one hundred feet long and six feet deep, with a circle on the end, painted white, has been placed on the hangar on the old field, the arrow pointing toward the new field, and having painted on it in three foot black figures and letters “2 M.,” meaning two miles to new field. The limestone circle on the old field has also been completely obliterated. To a Watchman reporter Mr. Hunt- er stated that instead of paying out $500 in prizes Bellefonte will furnish only two prizes, one of $150 and one of $100, to the two pilots making the best time from New York to Belle- fonte, and also furnish free gas and oil to all planes needing a supply. The contract for the gas has been given to Mr. Smith, of Lock Haven, who will have an 800 gallon tank truck on the field with a good supply of five gallon buckets for quick hand- ling. There will also be a drum of mobiloil. Mr. Hunter has appointed all the necessary committees which in ad- dition to the general reception com- mittee will include a public safety committee, with burgess Hard P. Harris as chairman. The duty of this committee will be to see that the field is kept clear of spectators, for the double purpose of facilitating the landing and taking off of the planes and the safety of the public in gen- eral. The Burgess will have on his com- mittee five or more state policemen and probably a squad of extra police. The field committee, which will in- clude the force on the aviation field, will have charge of refueling and rendering any service needed to the ships while they are on the field. The timing committee will take the official time of every ship on its ar- rival and when it leaves, Ships are only allowed a five minute stay in Bellefonte, anything over that will he taken off their flying time. here will also be a committee com- posed of representatives of all the newspapers in Centre county, as well as some from Blair, Clearfield, Clin- ton and Lycoming counties. Ribbon badges will be given each member of all the committees which will be recognized by the policemen in charge. While the public will not be per- mitted to crowd onto the field there is plenty of room in fields adjacent to the landing field to accommodate everybody who will be there, and will afford a better general view than if they were on the field. Latest advices from the managing direction of the air derby are that the ships will be started from New York at 5:30 o'clock, weather permitting, and if they get off at that time they should begin to arrive in Bellefonte at 7:80. Robert H. Hunter is in charge of all matters pertaining to the derby in Bellefonte and he will appoint as a general committee on reception the hundred or more Prominent citizens who are contributors to the fund. As this committee is not vet made up it is impossible to give a list of the names. Other committees appointed include the following: Field and Starting.—Forrest W. Tanner, Earl Kline, Miles Davis, John Hines, John Woods, George Tanner, Samuel Weaver, Glenn Griffin, Robert O. Graham. Fuel and Service.—George Carpeneto, John Rossman, Willis =. Wion, Elliot Lane, Horace Hartranft, Francis Craw- ford, John J. Bower, J. T. Storch, Budd Snyder, John P. Lyon, J. O. Heverly, Charles R. Beatty, Jack Houck, John B. Payne. Time Recording.—Robert F. Hunter, R. Russell Blair, Theodore Arter (of Altoona), W. Frederick Reynolds, Charles E. Gates, B. L. Weaver, Thomas B. Beaver, H. A. Brockerhoff, A. H. Sloop, John G. Love Esq, W. H. Brouse, Robert S. Walker. The Press.—George R. Meek,’ C. I. Gates, C. RH. Dorworth, Herbert Beezer, Charles FT, Mensch, T. H. Harter, John W. Smith, A. C. Derr, Cecil Walker, Ralph T. Smith, Paul M, Dubbs, Leo Toner and 4 moving picture party; C. G. Aikens and A. J. Zimmerman, of State College; John Hosterman, of Millheim; 8. Ww. Smith, Cen- tre Hall; and representatives from the Philipsburg Journal and Ledger, Altoona Mirror and Tribune, Lock Haven Express, Williamsport Sun, Lewistown Sentinel, Tyrone Herald and the Mountain Times, of Howard. Medical Emergency.—Drs. David Dale, John Sebring, M. J. Locke, Coburn Rog- ers, J. L. Seibert and LeRoy Locke. Finance.—Frank W. Crawford, John M. Bullock, J. 0. Stutsman. Public Safety.—Burgess Hard P, Harris, State policeman and special deputies. | { | | Governor Fisher Here on Wednesday Inspecting State Institutions, Governor Fisher made a record in- spection trip through Centre county, on Wednesday. Accompanied by his | private secretary, Capt. Howard Rig- by, Arthur C. Townsend, and statis- tician of the party, and Secretary of Forests and Waters Charles E. Dor- worth, the Governor came here from Lock Haven at one o’clock, spent two hours at Rockview penitentiary, mo- tored to State College and inspected that institution and also listened to the greetings of the town’s Business Men’s association, then came to Belle- fonte for an inspection of the Centre County hospital, arriving there a few minutes after five o'clock. Advance announcement stated that the Governor would be at the hospital at 5.30, consequently when he arrived almost half an hour earlier compara- tively few people were there to greet him. But he went right ahead with his work of inspecting the institution and by the time he had given the hos- pital a pretty thorough once over quite a crowd had gathered there, in- cluding most of the members of the board of trustees. The nearest the Governor came to expressing himself in connection with the hospital was when Dr. M. J. Locke thanked him for approving the appro- priation granted by the Legislature, and he replied that he was glad to do it; The Governor and party went on to Huntingdon the same evening so as to be on hand bright and early yesterday morning for their inspection of the institutions there, ye D. A. R. to Unveil Marker of Historic Grave Tomorow., Tomorrow, “Constitution which marks fortieth anniversary of the framing of the Constitution of the United States, Bellefonte Chapter, D. A. R. | will unveil a marker at the grave of | a daughter of a Revolutionary soldier. it is that of Mary Allison Rishel, daughter of Matthew Allison, in the Mt. Bethel cemetery on the highway, two miles east of Lamar, Clinton county. The ceremony will take place at 5 o’clock in the evening and will be public. The Rev. Wm, C. Thompson, pastor of the Bellefonte Presbyterian church will make the address and fol- lowing the exercises the Daughters and their guests will motor to the Nit- tany Country club for supper. Later in the evening they will hold their anniversary meeting at the club. Part of the brogram will be an ad- dress by the Hon. James C. Furst on the Constitution and following him dis- trict attorney John G. Love will speak—perhaps “in lighter vein.” € annual state conference of Pennsylvania daughters, which will Herbert Auman to Resign as Tax Col- lector of Bellefonte. Herbert Auman, tax collector of Bellefonte borough, has resigned as collector of the school taxes and has declared his inteneion of resigning as collector of all other taxes in Belle- fonte, although he has two years yet to serve on his second four years’ term to which he was elected. Mr. Auman gives as his reason the difficulty in cleaning up back dupli- cates and the school code’s require- ment that old duplicates must be cleaned up before a new one is turned over to the collector. Mr. Auman has been tax collector six years and uncol- lected taxes as shown by the lost auditor’s statements are as follows: County and State........000.0 0 ..$ 5638.72 Borough .......... 00 000 00 19563.33 POOP... ep a sei hai 2848.37 School ..... sevians tres ade i ty . 6487.99 Total... 00 in veel. $34538.41 Of course some of the above has probably been collected and paid over since the auditors’ statements have been published, but the total would probably be not over twenty-five per cent of the above. Mr. Auman, of course, his old Aupiicates so that whoever pired term will duplicate. The big reason given by Mr. man for giving up the collection of the school tax is the fact that he al- ready has a cash deposit of $3500 in a New York bank as guarantee to his bonding company for the collection of jall taxes and now they demanded an { additional deposit if $2500 before is- suing him a bond. This he considered {beyond his limit and last week noti- [fied the school board that he would | resign as collector, At a special meeting of the school i board, on Wednesday evening, Orian i Kline was elected as collector of the [ school taxes to fill out the unexpired term of Mr. Auman. ——— Sa iL Two More Prisoners Escape, Recap- tured and Sentenced. | Shortly ofter the noon hour, last Thursday, two more prisoners made their escape from the Rockview peni- tentiary while at work on the big im- pounding dam in McBride's Gap. The men were Harry Flory, sent up from Monroe county on May 11th, 1926, for five to ten years for highway robbery, and Lester Sinclair, sentenced in Chester county on May 17th, 1927, for two and a half to five years for the {larceny of an automobile. The two | men had been transferred to Rock- | view about two months ago. Flory was caught on the public highway, near Spring Mills, early | Friday morning on information fur- | nished by Henry A. White, of Centre | all, M7. White was cr ai ‘way to convene this year at Bedford Springs, | Spring Mills to see a doctor and pass- on September 20, will be attended by the head of the national society, the president general, and several nation- al officers. On Wednesday, the 21st, the president—general, Mrs. Alfred Brosseau, will address the conference, -— Patrolman Amend Must Face Court Trial, Among the bills of indictment pre- sented to the grand jury this week were six growing out of the alleged assault of Robert Taylor by State highway patrolman Glen A. Amend, on the night of July 23rd, on the high- way near Pleasant Gap. It will be recalled that the alleged assault took place when Mr. Tayler was endeavor- ing to persuade his wife to go home, and Amend is alleged to have inter. Hizkway fered and beat Taylor over the head | with his revolver nasty cuts. Taylor swore out a warrant for the inflicting several arrest of the highway patrolman and when sheriff E. R. Taylor attempted | to place him under arrest, it is alleged that Amend resisted and the sheriff struck him. The result was the high- way patrolman had both the sheriff | and Robert arrested for assault and two other young men arrested for | interfering with an officer in the per- formance of his duty, while sheriff Taylor retaliated by having Amend arrested for assault. After hearing all the testimony in the various cases the grand jury ig- nored all the bills with the exception of the one against patrolman Amend for assault, in which Robert Taylor is the prosecutor. eer esa Union Missionary Meeting. The Women’s Missionary society and the Woman's Missionary auxili- ary of the Presbyterian church will unite in a meeting in the chapel on Friday evening, September sixteenth. Miss Lulu Patton, of Warriorsmark, who recently returned from China, will address the meeting. Miss Pat- ton has spent a number of years on the field in China, having gone as a missicnary from the Huntingdon Presbytery. All women interested in missions are cordially invited to at- tend. eae ie ii ——DMrs. Fred Lewis Pattee, of State College, died on Tuesday morn- ing in a hospital at Franklin, N. H., following an illness of some months. Prof. and Mrs. Pattee spent the sum- mer in Newfoundland and two weeks ago Mrs. Pattee was taken to the Franklin hospital for treatment. On Saturday her condition was slightly improved and her husband returned to State College for the opening this week. Mrs. Pattee’s death, however, necessitated his return to New Hamp- shire on Tuesday. ¥ {ed a young man lying alongside the | road, who he believed to be one of the escaped prisoners. He telephoned the road toward Centre Hall. - Sinclair ‘was captured at Mifflinburg Friday ‘night. He evidently had bummed a | ride at least a part of the way in pass- | ing automobiles. | The two men entered pleas of guilty | before Judge Furst, on Monday morn- | 'ing, and were sentenced for jail break- iing, Flory being given five to ten , years and Sinclair two and a half to five. Judge Furst told the men that when they were returned to the peni- | tentiary they were to make it known to { the other prisoners that most of the ‘men who escape from Rockview are ' caught and severely punished. | oe | Three Rochester, N. Y., Men Arrested for Drunkenness. Robert King, William O’Brien and | Richard Drumphy, three men of | Rochester, N. Y., arrived in Bellefonte which was pasted a placard, “For | Road Supervisor, 19th Ward, Charles If the men were out elec- tioneering they got quite a way from | the base of their operations, and im- | bibing pretty freely they were all arrested on Saturday evening and placed in the borough lockup on a charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct. The car was driven out and parked on the driveway in the pump house enclosure. On Sunday morning when the men had sobered up they took account of stock and discovered that they had only one dollar between them. They promptly communicated with friends in Rochester who telegraphed them $25.00. Twenty dollars of this amount was paid to burgess Hard P. Harris and they were released on Sun- day night, leaving at once for Roches- ter. ————— {ee ——— September Grand Jury in Session this Week. The grand jury, summoned to pass upon the bills of indictment for trial at the September term of court, con- vened on Monday morning. Of the twenty-four men summoned only eighteen responded to their names when the roll was called, excuses hav- ing been granted R. T. Bloomquist, W. H. Braman, David Chambers, John C. Hartley and George S. Snook, while one, Theodore Heaton, had died since his name was put in the box. Lincoln E. Swartz, of Walker township, was appointed foreman, and district attorney John G. Love bad a list of approximately fifty bills ready to present to them for their de- liberation. : | , down whe found Flory walking up the | : i two younger daughters, Sara and Frances, | NEWS PURELY PERSONAL, —Mrs. James B. Lane has had as a buest this week, Mrs. John Bloomer, of Huntingdon. —Mrs. Waterman is in Bellefonte, visit- ing with her brother and his wife, Col. and Mrs. W. F. Reynolds, at their home on Linn street. —George H. Davis, of Scranton, son of Lieutenant Governor Davis, was a guest over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs, Toner A. Hugg, at Milesburg. —Dr. M. A. Kirk went to Pittsburgh, Tuesday, to represent the Royal Arcanum of Bellefonte, at its State convention in session there this week. —E. C. Musser, local superintendent of will be required to clean up | : ; : Ill, and Mr. and Mrs. may be appointed +o fill out his unex- 2 : 3 3 ! 2], NM . in Bellef: last start in with the 1927 Laure Minn.,, were in Bellefonte as | Lutz, Au- | to see some friends before returning home. penitentiary and two guards were sent | the West Penn Power company, spent last week at Bedford Springs attending the an- nual convention of the Pensylvania Elee- tric association, returning home on Satur- day. —Miss Louise A. Carpeneto, who has spent the past six months with friends in Genoa, and traveling in Italy, is now on her way home, expecting to arrive in Bellefonte some time during the latter part of the month. —Miss Mary F. Bogue, state supervisor of the Mothers Assistance work in Penn- sylvania, was in Bellefonte to preside at the regular monthly meeting of the board, held in the McCalmont & Co. offices, Wed- nesday morning. —Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones, of Osman, Carleton Perry, of | week visiting their cousin, Mrs. Richard going from here to Buffalo, N. Y., | —Miss Overton and Miss Hill have both returned to Bellefonte, to resume their | work at the Academy. Miss Overton came from Atlantic City, where she had spent two months at the seaside home for erip- pled children, and Miss Hill from her home in Norwich, Conn. ——Miss Margaret Brockerhoff is here, from Philadelphia, to spend the fall and early winter with her uncle and brother, Dr. Joseph and Henry Brockerhoff, at the i home on Bishop street. Miss Brockerhoff only recently returned from Nova Scotia, where she had been for a part of the sum- mer. —The Misses Sallie and Bessie Linn are here from Williamsport spending a part of the month of September in Bellefonte, as guests of their sister and brother, Miss Mary H. and Henry S. Linn. Mr. Linn is now in Atlantic City, having gone east Monday, to join a friend there for the week. —Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Musser arrived home Sunday evening, from a ten days motor trip te the eastern part of the State, their objective points being Philadelphia and Reading. From these two cities they made a number of motor visits with rela- tives, living in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania. —Mine host John Holt of the Union hotel at Unionville, with his daughter Miss Sara, drove to Mt, Carmel on Sunday and remained until Wednesday. They went down as guests of Mr, Holt's hunting party to enjoy a clam bake that the party staged on the thousand acre fruit farm of one of its members. =Mrs. T. B, Budinger and her two daughters, the Misses Blanche and Helen, left Saturday to return to St. Petersburg, Florida, after spending four months at their home in Snew Shoe. Mrs. Budinger went by train, while her daughters motor- ed down. St. Petersburg has been the winter home of the Budinger family for many years. —Mr. and Mrs. William S. I'urst with their both students at Smith college, were in Bellefonte for an over Sunday visit with Mrs. A. .O. Furst, at her home on Linn street. Mr. Furst and his family, who left ! Tuesday for the return drive to Overbrook, are just back from their summer home on Lake Winnipesaukee, —Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Taylor, of | Akron, Ohio, and their two children, and Samuel S. Taylor of Bridgeport, Conn., were house guests of Mrs. Henry Taylor within the week, the men having come to Pennsylvania at this time to attend the funeral of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Chas. Taylor, of Huntingdon, making their visit back home with their mother from there. —Mrs. Nathan Kofman, who came home from New York ten days ago, was accompanied to Bellefonte by her son and daughter, Max and Freda. Max had been 4 patient in the Roosevelt hospital since spring, while Freda was returning from an all summer visit with relatives. Mrs. Kofman has made frequent visits with her son, owing to the seriousness of his condition. —Mrs. Susan Fisher, of Milesburg, cel- ebrated her ninety-third birthday on the 27th of August by accompanying her daughter, Miss Ella Devy, to Millersburg, to attend a three day reunion of the Gray- bill family, of which they are both mem- bers. Mrs. Fisher being the oldest of the clan and the sole survivor of her gener- ation, gave her the position of honor guest, which from her personality and the grae- iousness of her manner she could fill with a dignity given to few women. Mrs. Fisher and her daughter went to Millers- burg by train but were the motor guests of friends on the return home. —Among Mrs. Woodecock’s guests this week, who stopped in Bellefonte while motoring through central Pennsylvania, were Mrs. Merrifield, of Scranton, her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. McDermott, of Hazleton, and their three children. The party, accompanied by Mrs. Woodcock, spent their time while here visiting our places of interest which in- cluded the aviation field, with a stop at the Spring and a look at the trout. Mrs. Woodcock’s two brothers, Joseph and Wilson Forbes and Mr. Morehouse, also spent a short time with her, stopping en- route home, from a motor trip to Canada. —Miss Sara Stevenson arrived in Cen- tre county last week, ending a six days drive from Colorado, where she had been at the U. 8. General hospital at Denver since returning to the States from Manila. Miss Stevenson, who has been transferred from Denver to the Walter Reed hospital in ‘Washington, D. C., was accompanied on the drive by two friends, both from the east. The Misses Sara and Betty Stevenson had been together in the service of th U. S. Government, since the opening of the war, until the latter resigned and returned in July, to her home at Waddle, where they are now having a family house party. Mrs. Ellis Keller and her daughter, Anne, are up from Williamsport, as members of the party being entertained by Mrs. Keller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson. —Miss Helen Beezer with Miss Geraldine Noonan as a motor guest has been in West Virginia during the past week. Their plans will bring them back to Bellefonte today, ... ; Loi —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lowrey with their daughter and son, Miss Belle and Russell, stopped in Bellefonte this week enroute home to McKeesport, from a motor trip through Virginia. —John L. Knisely, of Bellefonte, George Glenn, of State College, and Robert Smith, of Centre Hall, have been at Niagara Falls this week, attending the National conven- tion of postmasters. —The Misses May and Isabel Nevling, of the personnel of the American Lime and Stone Co. offices, are at Ocean City en- joying their two week's vacation with their father and sister, who have a cottage at that resort. —Mrs. R. 8. Brouse and her son, R. §. Brouse Jr., went over to New York Sun- day for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Topelt, Mrs. Brouse will be there indefinitely, while Richard expected to return in a week or ten days. —Miss Martha Geiss and Miss Evelyn Troup went to Philadelphia yesterday, the former to resume her studies at Temple University and Miss Troup to spend her vacation there and in the eastern part of the State, with friends. —Miss Kitty White, Mrs. Loraine and Mrs. Holt, of Philipsburg, were among a party of ladies from that place that mo- tored over here, Tuesday, to see “Beau Geste.” It is needless to say that they were disappointed at finding the Scenic closed. —Thomas King Morris Jr., came here from Pittsburgh, Monday, to spend the second week of his summer vacation with relatives in Bellefonte, King’s mother, who had been back home for a month returned to Pittsburgh Sunday, having driven out with friends. . —Miss Mary Musser, who left Bellefonte two years or more ago, to make her home at Miami, Florida, is now convalescing there from an attack of typhoid fever. Miss Musser has been manager of the Henrietta Towers, an apartment hotel at Miami, for the past year. —D. F. Runkle, of Spring Mills, was in town during the fore part of the week, having been called here as a witness before the sitting grand jury on a case originat- ing in his home territory. Mr. Runkle didn’t like the job as he shuns getting mixed up in anybody's troubles. —Mrs. Richard Lutz entertained some cousins from the west, last week, the party including Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones, of Osman, Ill, and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Perry, of Laurel, Mont. After spending several days in Bellefonte they continued their trip on to the Atlantic coast where they will spend a part of September. —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore their daughter Mrs. W. H. Dahl, of Minneapolis, and Nevin Noll, drove up from Philadel- phia, Tuesday, called to Bellefonte by the death of the late T. Clayton Brown. Mrs, Dahl came east on account of the illness of her uncle, Mr. Brown. and had been visit- ing with her parents in Philadelphia, while Nevin Noll is now located there. —Mrs. David R. Forman returned Lome, on Wednesday afternoon, from Warm Springs, Georgia, where she has been since the first week in July with her daughter, | Miss Lois, who was taken there for treat- ment following almost a year’s illness. Miss Lois’ condition has improved to that extent that she voluntarily told her mother that she could return home, as she felt that she is now able to get along without | her personal care. Be Eckley—Daughenbaugh.—Dorris E. Eckley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eckley, of Coleville, and Miss Vir- ginia D. Daughenbaugh, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Daughenbaugh, of Milesburg, were married at the Evangelical parsonage, at 8 o’clock Saturday evening, by the pastor, Rev. Reed O. Steely. Mr. Eckley is em- ployed at the Bellefonte silk mill and is an industrious young man. The Walier L. Main show did not draw a record crowd at it’s ex- hibition in Bellefonte, on Tuesday, as the big top was not anyways near full at either the afternoon or evening show. Possibly the threatening weather in the morning had its effect in keeping some people away, but the management admitted that it is too late in the season for record crowds. According to some people who wit- nessed the show, it was not up to its standard of excellence. Acts were cut short and most everybody appear- ed tired out with the long grind of the summer season. The show went to Mount Union from Bellefonte. a ——The Public Service Commission has refused to give its approval of the sale of the Citizens Water com- pany, of Philipsburg, to the Pennsyl- vania Water Service company. The Citizens Water company supplies wa- ter to Philipsburg, South Philipsburg, Chester Hill and portions of Rush township, Centre county, and Deca- tur township, Clearfield county. It is cne of five companies in. the central part of the State that the Pennsyl- vania Water Service company seeks to absorb. SE ————— et ne— ——“Beau Geste,” the greatest film of the year, which was to have been shown at the Scenic Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, was postponed be- cause of the death of T. Clayton Brown, the lessee of the theatre. It is now being shown and can be seen tonight and tomorrow night. It is a picture you will never forget and that is the reason we advise all to see it. r————— el —— Sale Register. SATURDAY SEP. 17, at 1:30 p. m. at resi- dence of Mrs. Emily Worrick, N. Thom- as St, Bellefonte, all kinds of house- hold furniture and real estate. S. H. Hoy, Auctioneer. 35-2t A — A fp —ee————— Bellefonte Grain Markets, Corrected Weekly by O. Y. Wagner & Co. WHS .- - i: np =a- S105 Rye - - - - - - 1.00 Oats «= « ~ a wile B50 Corn - - - - - 1.00 Barley wut onus aimig O0 Buckwheat - - - - - 90