Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 16, 1927, Image 5

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    Real Estate Transfers.
. Joseph D. Thomas et al, “Adm. to
Lida R. T. Sager, tract in Bellefonte;
$9,600. ;
Clarence L. Dumm, et ux, et al, to
E. Lloyd Rogers, tract in Walker
Twp.; $1,500.
Charles E. Frank, et ux, to Willis
E. Weaver, tract in Ferguson Twp.;
Rachael J. Weber, to Mabel C.
Jenkins, tract in Howard Twp.; $1.
Kyle M. Alexander, et al, to N. R.
Bishan et al, tract in State College;
Lee T. Richards, et ux, to Norman
5 Richards, tract in State College;
G. Edward Haupt, et al, to Mrs.
Emma L. Rapp, tract in Bellefonte;
Daniel W. Diehl, et ux, to Samuel
S. Diehl, tractin Walker Twp.; $1.
Samuel S. Diehl, to Daniel W.
Diem, et ux, tract in Walker Twp.;
John Nolan, et ux, to John Stoke,
et ux, tract in Rush Twp.; $900.
W. S. Maize, et ux, to Ruth Bailey,
tract in Millheim; $250.
Roy M. Decker, et al, to School Dis-
trict of Walker Twp.; tract in Walker
Twp.; $600.
Lehigh Valley Coal Co. to Annie
Sestenchak, tract in Snow Shoe Twp.;
Andrew Gregg, et ux, to Harry A.
Peters, tract in Boggs Twp.; $5,000.
C. Otis Cramer, et ux, to Earl L.
Mofitt, et ux, tract in State College;
M. H. Van Zant, et ux, to F. B.
Scott, tract in State College; $1.
J. D. Keller, et ux, to M. H. Van
Zant, tract in State College; $1.
Frank D. Gardner, et ux, to Ellis
H. Bierly, et ux, tract in Ferguson
Twp.; $300.
Mary H. Allen to J. H. Warner,
tract in Benner Twp.; $1.
Emma Caldwell, et al, to R. LeRoy
Byran, et ux, tract in Boggs Twp.;
Harriet R. Smith to Sidney J. Poor-
man, tract in Bellefonte; $6,500.
Arthur E. Adams, et ux, to Rowena
Crawshaw, tract in Philipsburg; $10.
Rowena Crawshaw to Arthur E.
Adams, tract in Philipsburg; $1.
Paul Houser, et ux, to Daniel F.
Houser, et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $4,-
Emma Rapp to Cyrus F. Hoy, et
ux, tract in Bellefonte; $1.
Bessie Sauers to Fred D. Osman,
tract in College Twp.; $600.
S. R. King, et ux, to B. K. Edmunds,
tract in Millheim; $50.
Oscar N. Long, et ux, to B. K. Ed-
munds, tract in Millheim; $200.
Mary A. Gramley, et al, to B. K.
Edmunds, tract in Millheim; $90.
Philipsburg Coal and Land Com-
pany, to Andrew Haruschak, et ux,
tract in Rush Twp.; $409.20.
Ray Bragonier to Duke Fravel, et
ux, tract in Philipsburg; $150.
Political Advertisement.
oF DEEDS in Centre County
( Democrat )
I Solicit Your Vote and Influence
Political Advertisement.
Lyman L. Smith
of Centre Hall
For County Treasurer
Subject to the Decision of the
Democratic Primaries
Rm ——
John T. Harnish
For County Treasurer
Next Tuesday will be Primary day, and at that time
the voters of Centre County wil
1 be called upon to make
nominations for the various county offices.
On the Republican ticket are four candidates for:
County Treasurer, and the people must select the man
they wish to fill the office the ensuing vear.
The name of John T. Harnish, of Boggs township, will
head the list on the ticket.
Mr. Harnish was born in Milesburg and all his life
has been spent there and in Boggs township.
He has al-
ways been a hard working man— carpenter, builder, con-
He has been a Republican all his life, has served as
precinct chairman and never before has held an office or
had any other favor from the party to which he has given
such steadfast allegiance.
His honesty and uprightness have never been ques-
tioned, and he has the education and ability to make an
efficient county official.
. These are facts which should be carefully considered
when you go to the polls on Tuesday.
To make sure that your vote is cast right look for the
heading, “County Treasurer,” on your ballot, then put a
cross following the first name as follows:
John T. Harnish
Political Advertisement
Oh, Yes! Call Bellefonte 432
W.R. Shope Lumber Co.
Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing
inches along centre line of Alley said line
being 5% feet from and parallel to Gar-
age building on adjoining property to
Thomas Street; thence North 38 feet to
a post on land of Pennsylvania Railroad
Company; thence East 137 feet 5 inches
along property of Pennsylvania Railroad
Co. to the point, the place of beginning:
Thereon erected a Blacksmith Shop and
frame building formerly used as Carriage
Shop, and a third building erected under
THEMS OF SALE: 109% cash on day of
Sale; 40% on confirmation and delivery of
deed, and the remainder of 50% payaole
one year after date of confirmation, same
to be secured by Bond and Mortgage on
the premises at 6%; Provided, the pur-
chaser may pay cash in full upon delivery
TATE.—In the Estate of Mary Ellen
McQuistion, late of Bellefonte
Borough, County of Centre, Pennsylvania,
Under Order of the Orphans’ Court of
Centre County made September 14, 1927,
the undersigned Executor will offer at
Public Sale on the premises the herein-
after described premises on
at 1:30 o'clock P. M.
Said premises being all those two cer-
tain tracts or pieces of land situate in
wicker carriage in good condition.
Ogden 0
Inquire of Mrs.
7 34-2¢
Heverly Apts. Bellefonte.
At a Reduced Rate 20%
m-286m J. Me. KEICHLINE, Agent
the West Ward . of Solotonie Borough, of deed.
ounty o ‘entre an tate o ennsyl- GEORGE R. MEEK, Executor.
vania. Bellefonte, Pa. IRA D. GARMAN
at the South-east—corner of the Frame At the same time and place all the
House erected on the premises hereby des- | house-hold goods of Decedent, which in- 101 Seuth Eleventh Bt.
cribed, said corner being the same as the | clude some very excellent pieces of early PHILADELPHIA,
South-west corner of Brick House on prem- | American furniture, will be offered at pub-
ises of M. D. Kittell; thence along the East | lic outcry. 72-36-3t : i 1
Sle of frame house North r Jogroos ast Have Your Diamonds Reset fa Patios
5 feet an inches to the Northwes - 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWEL!
corner of said Brick House, thence North —Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
73 degrees West 1 foot 2 inches to point;
thence along said lands of M. D. Kittell _— = Ee
North 1614 degrees East 43 feet 9 inches
to a Stake 12 inches West of the West side
of concrete walk; thence North 915 de-
grees West 104 feet and 1 inch to a point
1 foot South of the South side of Garage
Building and 1 foot West of the West
side of the prolongation of the Concrete
Walk aforesaid thence South 8215 degrees |
Bast 15 feet 101% inches to a point on the
Concrete Walk aforementioned and 1 foot
South of the Southeast corner of the Gar-
age building; thence along the East side
of said Garage Building North 8 degrees
Bast 17 feet 53% inches to the Northeast
corner of the Garage Building at an Al-
ley; thence along the South side of said
Alley 711% degrees Hast 4 feet to centre of
Post at Western line of lands of Potter
Hoy Hardware Company; thence North-
west along the Western line of lands of
said Potter Hoy Hardware Company 5
feet 6 inches to a point on centre line of
Alley, said centre line of Alley running
51% feet from and parallel to the aforemen-
tioned Garage Building; thence in a West-
ern direction along the centre line of Alley
75 feet 6 inches to a point on Thomas
Street; thence in a Southern direction 204
feet more or less along East side of Thom-
as Street to Southwest corner of afore-
mentioned frame House on corner of High
and Thomas Streets: thence in an Easterly
direction 21 feet along High Street to the
Southeast corner of said Frame House,
the place of beginning;
Thereon erected a two-story double
frame house and a frame building used as
a Garage.
NING at a point 4 feet East of Northeast
corner of a Blacksmith Shop located on
Railroad Street. said Shop being on the
Northeast corner of these premises; thence
in a Southern direction for 84 feet to a
telephone post on corner of lands of Pot-
ter Hoy Hardware Company; thence in a
Northwestern direction along property of
said Potter Hoy Hardware Company for
108 feet and 2 inches to a point; thence
Southeast along property of Potter Hoy a—
Hardware Company for 8 feet 6 inches
to a voint five feet six inches
North of post on corner of property of
Potter Hoy Hardware Company and that
of M. D. Kittell; thence West 75 feet 6
On Saturday, October 1, We Open
ur Annual Sale
A Great Big Grab Bag
mis has ae
Political Advertisement.
ates na wy rv rn . = pk 4
To Build Up---Not Tear Down.
Mine Has Been a Constructive Campaign for Judge.
From the day of my appointment as Judge of Centre County by Governor Fisher,
I have adhered strictly to the following principles:
To wage a constructive campaign;
To make a clean, honorable contest;
To keep continually in mind and respect the honor and dignity of the Courts of
Centre County;
To refrain from personalities of any kind, and to impress upon my friends that
they do likewise;
To bear in mind, always, that this is and should be a friendly contest, and one in
which there need not be, and should not be, cause given for a single unkind word or
thought regarding other candidates;
To carefully avoid doing anything that might justly give any Republican the slight-
est reason to refuse to loyally sup
pen to be:
To keep always before me
publicans of the whole County
cheerfully and graciously abiding by their decision;
To make no pledges other than those to the people, themselves;
To enter into no secret deals or bargains in return for votes;
To conduct my campaign, in every respect, upon the same high plane as I view the
position to which I aspire.
I prefer to consider as unfo
candidate is nominated his friend
long to the principle of tearing down,
My Personal Thanks and Sincere Gratitude are Extended to All
It has been my wish and desire to ca ly u
as possible, without neglecting or sacrificing my duties in the Courts.
My Pledge to My Party is to Support the Nominee
port the nominee for Judge, whoever he should hap-
the realization that this nomination is one for the Re-
to decide, and that my first obligation is to them by
unded any and all rumors that unless some particular
s will bolt the Republican ticket. h 1
and certainly not to my policy of building up.
Such reports be-
e to call personally upon as many Republican voters
Everywhere that
I have been I have been treated most courteously and with the greatest kindness This
kindly consideration accorded me
memory as the finest feature of my
derstanding of the needs o
My Pledge as Judge to the People is Prompt, Efficient Service
from upon all sides always will stand out in my
life. It has given to me a closer knowledge and un-
f every section of the County.
I stand four-square upon my record, not only in the Courts of Centre County, but
also in the Courts of Elk and Clinton Counties.
I stand squarely, without reservation, for strict enforcement of all laws, fearlessly
and impartially.
Do Not Fail to go to the Polls on September 20—-Mark your Ballot for Judge Furst
My aim and desire have been, and will continue to be, to do everything possible to-
ward effecting a solidly united Republican Party.
With these principles as my guide, I can say truthfully and sincerely that IT have
kept faith with the Republicans in the County into whose hands I willingly entrust my
I have not committed a single act, nor have my friends done so to my knowledge or
with my consent, for which I need apologize to anybody.
With my conscience clear on this vital feature of the campaign, I have consistently
refused to dignify idle gossip with denials. It is gratifying to state that my friends
fully endorse this policy and joined loyally in its enforcement.
Personally, I always have taken the firm stand that one could and should engage
in politics only upon the same high plane as marks his private or professional business.
t strife by arousing prejudice as to race, religious creed or color is to sow
the So fom on It means tearing down. My campaign has been utterly free
from such methods. : ; :
1 look upon the Republican Party as being big enough for everybody. But I do not
believe that there is either room or place within the Republican Party for hatred
or malice. :
The high office of Judge is too sacred to be attained by other than upright, honor-
able procedure. I am sure that the great mass of the people join with me in this belief.
1 cannot be shaken in my confidence that the people themselves will determine who
shall be the Judge of Centre County strictly upon the basis of training, experience and
Be that as it may, however, I will stand openly and above-board for the Republican
ticket. My friends will do likewise. I am justly proud that I can vouch for their en-
thusiastic loyalty to and for the Republican Party.
Many well-meaning persons assume that their votes are not needed and do not
take the time and trouble to go to the poles at primary elections. It is the duty of every
citizen to vote. Every citizen should meet this duty of deciding at the primaries who
shall be the candidates at the general election. ; .
1 am making a personal appeal to every Republican that he or she make it a special
point to vote at the primaries on September 20th. The Judge is chosen for ten years.
If, after closely scrutinizing my record on the Bench, you believe that I have demon-
strated my ability and efficiency, and if my official record and my platform of principles
meet with your approval, I respectfully ask, and personally will greatly appreciate, your
vote on September 20th. Sincerely,
James C. Furst Bd