Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 05, 1927, Image 3

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Bellefonte, Pa., August 5, 1927.
Has Long Been Regarded as
Symbol of Eternity.
Nafp e TER Pe
Of all the symbolisms that have
centered around the marriage cere-
mony of the past, perhaps none is
more interesting in all of its assocla-
tions and so vitally a part of modern
civilized life as the wedding ring.
The true origin of the wedding ring
may never be known, but the sacred
privilege of bestowing a ring upon the
betrothed bride has been traced to
the Roman practice of the Second cen-
tury B. C. Plain iron rings were first
employed for this purpose, but as early
as the Second century of the Christian
era gold rings came into use in the
ceremony of betrothals, In olden times
the circular form of the ring was ac-
cepted as a symbol of eternity, thus
indicative of the stability of affection. |
Constancy and heaven are round,
_ And in this the emblem’s found.
* 'A further reason for choosing the
#ing rather than some other object to
pind matrimonial pledges was that
anciently the ring was a seal by
which all orders were signed and
things of value secured. It was,
therefore, a sign that the person to
whom it was given had been admitted
into the highest friendship and trust.
In early Roman times it was the duty
of the bridegroom to deliver the keys
to his house with the ring at the mar-
There has been a great variety or
Jspinion among different countries re-
garding the proper finger for the wed-
ding ring. In certain marriage rituals
of olden times the ring was placed by
the husband on the top of the thumb
of the left hand. With the words “In
the name of the Father” he then re-
moved it te the forefinger, saying “and
of the Son;” then to the middle fin-
ger, adding “and the Holy Ghost.”
Finally the ring was left on the fourth
finger, with the closing word “Amen,”
The custom of placing the wedding
ring on the fourth finger seems un-
doubtedly to owe its origin to the
fancy that a special nerve or vein ran
directly from this finger to the heart.
The earliest record of the practice was
among the ancient Egyptian women,
who wore their wedding rings on the
left-hand fourth finger, as in the
Twentieth century.
In early Greek and Roman times
the ring was worn on the index finger,
as was the marriage ring in the Jew-
ish ceremonial. There it is also found
in the “Betrothal of St. Catherine,” by
Murillo, and the “Betrothal of Marie
de Medici,” by Rubens, A The index
finger also holds a ring in many wom-
_en’s portraits of the Fifteenth to Sev-
enteenth centuries, other fingers being
devoid of rings.
Queen Louise of ‘Germany wore her
wedding ring on the right-hand little
finger, while in the time of Queen
‘Elizabeth of England wedding rings
were worn on the thumb. This was
also the custom during the reign ot
‘George I of England and is attributed
to the exceptionally large
wedding |
rings favored by fashion at that time.
The early Anglo-Saxons wore the ring
pn the right-hand third finger.
Nature Has Equipped
Sea Bird for Firacy
The man-o’-war is a sea bird with a
body about the size of that of an ordi- |
nary barnyard hen, monstrous
long |
wings, spreading as much as ten feet, |
a long bill with hooked tip that makes !
a dangerous weapon, and tiny feet so
weak that the bird can scarcely was
With such equipment, ‘the bird is an |
.aecomplished aeronaut, circling and
diving in midair with lightning speed,
or hanging on motionless wings in the |
teeth of a gale without losing ground.
It gets its name from its habit of dash-
ing forth, after the manner of the old-
fashioned frigate ship, or fullsailed
man-o’-war in pursuit of a merchant
.man, and playing the villain’s part
with the peaceful ‘booby returning
home from the sea with.a maw full of |
fish for the powder-puff youngster or
the islet’s battlements.
The frightened booby squaks and
dodges, but it cannot escape the
threatening pirate bird; so in despair
it disgorges in midair and makes its |
escape, while the man-o’-war dives
like a plummet, recaptures the morsel
before it drops into the sea, and makes
for its own youngster atop the islet or
lies in wait for another encounter—
National Geographic Magazine,
Summer Games for All
“Athletics for everybody,” is the
. slogan of the public recreation depart-
‘ment of Manila in its campaign to
have everyone In the city take part
in the summer vacation program that
has been outlined. Not only will all
‘playgrounds be kept busy, but many
events will be held outside. Bankers,
messenger boys, clerks, students, boot-
blacks and newsboys and others have
been invited to take part, and no en-
trance fees will be charged. Volley
ball, basket, playground ball and ten-
nis tournaments will be held, and
playground instructors are organizing
fleld and track teams to be entered in
a city athletic league. Silvester Tor-
ress, playground instructor, expects to
have most of the men, at'least, of the
city actively interested in the .cam-
-paign for better health.
Faded Signs Tell Past of Many
Birmingham, England.—English vil
lages in agricultural sections are often
more than 1,000 years old, and bits
of their history are often written in
quaint signs which have survived for
many centuries.
Next to the church, the inns and
smithies are usually the oldest build-
ings in the villages which have not
been engulfed by industries. Before
the days of railways and motors the
smithy was the center to which ev-
eryone had to go both in peace and
in war. ee ?
Inn signs are particularly useful in
tracing the history of villages, as they
often show the seals or insignia of
lords under whose protection the vile
lage thrived in past ages, and fres
quently indicate the past characte
of the neighborhood.
But the purely fanciful signs are
even more interesting than those
which have historical background.
One sign, which used to be very coms
mon on old English inns, was tha
“Five Alls.” The sign represents the
king, “who governs all”; the bishop,
“who prays for all”; the lawyer, “who
pleads for all”; the soldier, “who
fights for all”; and the laborer, “whe
works for all.”
Although many individuals in direct
line of descent link the present vil«
lagers with their ancestors before the
Norman conquest, the villagers of to-
day often know little about the his-
tory of their communities, and search
of village records often yields little
information about the early struggles
of the tiny communities which are
made up of low brown cottages
screened by trees and vines.
Says He Has Found
Lost City of Ophir
London.—After a search lasting 20
years, a British naval officer, Com-
mander C. Crauford, declares he has
discovered the lost lands of Ophir,
whence the queen of Sheba brought
to Solomon her magnificent gift of
33 tons of incense, spices, gold, jewels,
apes, peacocks, pearls and other valu-
ables. Lecturing to the United Services
institute recently, Commander Crau-
ford said he found the city of Ophir
exactly where it ought to be—in Ara-
bia, about 400 miles east of Aden.
The city, with its ruined temple ot
God, is now little more than ruins,
which have been visited by many
seamen and political agents, he said,
but they have never identified it. The
commander suggested that excavations
on the site would be richly repaid,
and said that the land, which was
minerally wealthy, should be devel-
“Phe city is ideally situated,” he
said. “It has a harbor to the north
and has a river which gives wharf
space for a seaport. But a thin ribbon
of coral sand is drawn across the har-
bor mouth, It is this strip of sand
that strangled the life of Ophir. There
is great wealth in Ophir still.
“Palestine now is the Palestine ot
King Saul, It lies in our power to |
develop the land to the prosperity of |
Solomon. There are gold mines and |
precious stones in the ground, a ver.
itable Transvaal there.”
a |
French Alchemist Again |
Reports Making Gold |
Paris.—I'rance’s modern alchemist, |
Jollivet Castelot of Douai, again is |
sure he is hot on the trail of the |
famed but unfound philosopher’s stone |
with which the ancients believed base |
metals could be transmuted into gold.
This alchemist asserts his process
of producing gold synthetically now
is commercially profitable.
Out of six grams of silver, two ot
sulphur of antimony, one of orpiment
and one of tin, he affirms, he has pro. |
duced ten milligrams of gold.
He melts the metals, he says, heat |
ing them to 1,100 degrees Centigrade, |
and a complicated process ends in pre. |
cipitating the gold.
The addition of tin, he says,
improved his earlier process. Ha
claims that besides the gold, almost all |
the original quantity of silver is re.
— |
Twin Runaways |
New York.—The Rosenberger twins |
of Brooklyn, aged five, have run away |
from home 11 times now, |
a policeman has found them,
faces as like as their sailor suits,
Each time
their |
Briton Makes Bunga-
low of Air Liner Cabin
Lon don.—Everyone knows
that most English houses of
any antiquity at all generally
boast a small collection of
spooks, but it is believed that
no house on these islands is
quite as “shady” as the sum-
mer home of Capt, G. H.
Leverton, in Wallington, Sur-
Through it roam the shades
of 10,000 travelers who have
flown over the city of London
in the Vimy-Rolls Royce air
liner of the Imperial Airways.
After the big plane had out-
liveq its usefulness flying from
London to Paris, Captain Lev-
erton bought it and turned the
roomy cabin into a bungalow.
Cheagside First Home
of Great British Bank |
How came the bank of England to |
be built? And why the appellation
“The Old Lady of Threadneedle
Street?” Mr. H. Rooksby Steele, a
well-known London architect, supplies
the answers in an article on the archi-
tectural history of Britain's bullion
house. Many think that Sir John
Soane, the wizard of Lincoln’s Inn-
fields, built the bank. His are the
girding walls, but in the raising of the
fabric three other names—those of
Sampson, Taylor and Cockerell—have
to be joined. Mercer's hall, Cheapside,
was the bank’s first home; but a
quick move was made to the Grocer’s
hall, in Poultry, and it was not until
1752 that the foundation stone of the
present bank was laid. George Samp-
son was the first architect, and it is
curious that no building, other than
the bank, can be attributed to his
hand, a writer in the Cleveland Plain
Dealer comments. In the cornice ex-
tending the fall length of the build-
ing, Taylor sculptured an excellent
figure of Britannia, some years after
the completion of the building. “This
carving, the ‘trade mark’ of the bank,”
writes Mr. Steele, ‘“‘was probably the
inspiration for that trite appellation,
the ‘Old Lady of Threadneedle
Street.’” Taylor added to Sampson's
building, and in 1870 the Gordon riots
led the directors to fear that the ad-
joining church of St. Christopher-le-
Stocks might lend itself as a danger-
ous vantage point for a mob, so pow-
ers were obtained, the fabric was
pulled down, and more extensions
were made.
First Rude Telescope
Evolved by Accident
When the son of a Sixteenth cen-
tury spectacle maker in Holland
picked up some spectacle lenses in his
father’s shop one day and happened
to hold up two of them, one in each
hand, he was surprised on looking
through both lenses to see the weath-
ercock on a neighboring church
steeple greatly enlarged. Excited by
this discovery, he ran to his father
and told him what he had seen. The
father immediately took the two
lenses and repeated the experiment.
The result confirmed his boy’s report
and the father set to work at once,
fixing two movable lenses on a board
—an idea suggested to him by the
varying view he had obtained by mov-
ing the lenses in his hands—and thus
the first rude telescope came into
being. Shortly after the news of this
discovery had leaked out, a friend
wrote to Galileo in Italy describing
the contrivance of the Dutch optician
and it was from this description that
the Italian inventor built the tele-
scope that made him famous—New-
castle Weekly Chronicle,
Cape Horn
Gen. William T. Sherman wrote 1x
nis Memoirs that Cape Horn was an
island rounded like an oven, “after
which it takes its name (Ornos)
oven.” However, he was in error, for
the Spanish word for oven is “hornos,”
though it is pronounced without the
«p” sound. The island to which Sher-
man referred is known as Horn island
and the actual cape is only a portion
of the island, says the Pathfinder
Magazine. But the cape did not get
its name because of its resemblance
to an oven. It was named for the
Dutch navigator William Schouten van
Hoorn who, with Lemaire, doubled the
cape in 1616. Horn is an anglicized
form of Hoorn. In Spanish it is
called Cabo de Hornos. No wonder
Sherman was misled, for literally Cabo
de Hornos would mean cape of ovens;
that is, it would according to the form,
did it not have a different origin.
Next Best Thing
it was a country town, and at &
meeting of the leading merchants it
was decided that the fire company and
appliances available were not sufficient
for a place of such importance. They
therefore decided to form a supple
mentary company and, having enlisted
several members, consulted the chiet
of the fire department as to what was
to be done.
“Well,” said the chief, “let us sup
Jose there were two fires in the neigh-
borhood and all our available men
were called to one, do you think you
could manage to put out the other?”
“Well, we couldn’t do that, but wt
ould keep our fire going till you came
pack from the other.”—Pittsburgh
Skill That Becomes Art
The attainment of proficiency, the
pushing of your skill with attention to
the most delicate shades of excellence,
is a matter of vital concern. Efficiency
of a practically flawless kind may be
reached naturally in the struggle for
bread. But there is something beyond
—a higher point, a subtle and unmis-
takable touch of love and pride be:
yond mere skill ; almost an inspiration
which gives to all work that finish
which is almost art—which is art.-
Poland’s Capital
Warsaw was the capital of the an
cient kingdom of Poland, and later th
chief city of the Russian province of
that name. The peace settlement of
1919 re-established Poland as a sov
ereign state with the republican form
of government, and Warsaw is the
capital. It has a population of 700,
000, one-third of whom are Jews. Ii
is an important railway center and is
the first place in what used to b:
southwestern Russia.
Specimens Decked Out and
Sold as Kings.
Cairo, Egypt.—The American gold
brick and Brooklyn bridge salesmen
have a match in the Egyptian souve-
nir vendors, the local police report
According to complaints received by
the police the mummies of humble
Egyptian slaves have been decked out
in regal trappings and sold to gul-
lible tourists as authentic mummier
of pharaohs and Tutankhamens.
The sums paid for faked muinmies,
it Is reported, have in some cases rur
into thousands of dollars, Ld
To the natives the jest is a mert
one, for mummies in Egypt are as
plentiful as potatoes in Ireland. In
many districts the natives dig them
up and use them for firewood.
It is therefore a simple and profit
abie matter for a nimble swindler to
dig up the mummy of some forgotten
slave, transport it to his workshop
and deck it out with a few gilded
scarabs, inscriptions and amulets. It
is then presented to the English or
American traveler as a rare old ERe-
meses or Aminhotep.
Sometimes, to make the deception
more convincing, the redecorated
mummy is swathed in chemically
stained linen, carefully buried again
and exhumed in the presence of the
prospective purchaser.
There has been a brisk trade in the
renovated mummies. And the profits
were large. Sometimes as much as a
thousand dollars was obtained for a
mummy which had cost about $20 to
fake. But the high profits have tempt-
ed amateurs into the game, whose
faked mummies from bones of animals
have become so numerous that the
matter has been brought to the atten-
tion of the police, and tourists are
being warned of the dangers of col-
lecting mummies as souvenirs of thelr
visit to Egypt.
This Church Steeple
Here Before Columbus
Tacoma, Wash.—St. Peter’s Episco-
pal church, the oldest in Tacoma, has
a steeple which is perhaps the most
venerable in the nation. When Co-
lumbus discovered America the steeple
was 619 years of age, its concentric
rings Indicate, thus it is today 1,054
years old.
The pioneers of the Pacific North-
west used what nature provided, and
so members of St. Peter's church con-
verted a great tree into a steeple,
With the announcement of the se.
lection of Tacoma as the western ter-
minus of the Northern Pacific rall-
road, Bishop Morris came here to
establish a church upon land covered
by large trees. One was cut off 48
feet above ground and the church con-
structed around it. The opening serv-
ice was on the ninth Sunday after
Trinity, in August, 1873.
Lacking a bell, Mrs. Theodore Hos-
mer, Sunday school teacher, wrote
some time later to her church in Phil-
adelphia and soon cne was received.
Tvy covers both the church and its
steeple now, but the bell still tolls its
message atop the ancient tower.
Farmer Does Good Turn,
and then Picks Up $50
Detroit, Mich.—Garwood Lanzeman,
« farmer living near Brown City,
Mich., saw a horseshoe with protrud-
ing nails lying in the middle of the
road. Thinking that he would save a
motorist the misfortune of a puncture,
wanzeman got out of his car and wad-
sd through the mud of the road to
salvage the shoe. As he was about to
climb back into his car with the luck
emblem he saw a pocketbook half bur-
ied in mud. The purse contained $50
in bills,
Man, 77, Regains Sight
After Twelve Years
tondon.—After being blind for 12
sears, James Donaldson, seventy-seven,
suddenly recovered his sight. The
first person he saw was his son, whom
he did not recognize because he had
grown bald. Twelve years ago, while
Donaldson was out walking, every-
thing “suddenly went black.” His
sight returned the other day just as
suddenly and unaccountably as it had
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
Smallest Testament
A copy of the New Testament which
is smaller than a postage stamp and
is said to be the smallest book in the
world is owned by G. A. Wiltsher of
Hereford, England. The book, which
measures eleven-sixteenths of an inch
by nine-sixteenths, was discovered in
a curio shop on the continent. It Is
printed on Oxford-India paper, and is
enclosed in a small metal case, the lid
of which is fitted with a magnifying
We are authorized to announce that
W. Harrison Walker, of Bellefonte, is a can-
didate for nomination on the Democratic
ticket for the office of President Judge of
the courts of Centre county; subject to the
decision of the voters of the county as ex-
pressed at the primaries to be held on
September 20th, 1927.
To Democratic Voters of Centre County :—
I am a candidate for the office of judge
of your courts, subject to your decision
at the primaries September 20, 1927.
De eely yours,
We are authorized to announce that Harry
E. (Dep.) Dunlap, of Bellefonte, will be a
candidate for the nomination on the Demo-
cratic ticket for the office Sheriff of Centre
county, subject to the decision of the Cen-
tre county voters as expressed at the pri-
maries to be held on Tuesday, September
20, 1927.
We are outhorized te announce that
Elmer Breon, of Bellefonte borough, will
be a candidate for the nomination on the
Democratic ticket for the office of Sheriff
of Centre county, subject to the decision
of the Centre county voters as expressed
at the primaries to be held on Tuesday,
September 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that
Claude Herr, of Bellefonte, will be a
candidate for the nomination on the Demo-
cratic ticket for the office of Prothonotary
of Centre county, subject to the decision of
the Democratic voters as expressed at the
Primary te be held Tuesday, September 20,
We are authorized to announce that Ly-
man L. Smith, of Centre Hall, will be a
candidate for the nomination for County
Treasurer subject to the decision of the
Democratic voters of the county as ex-
pressed at the primary to be held Septem-
ber 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that D.
T. Pearce, of State College Boro., will be a
candidate for the nomination for County
Treasurer subject to the decision of the
Democratic voters of the county as ex-
pressed at the primary to be leld Septem-
ber 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that Sinie
H. Hoy, of Bellefonte, is a candidate for
nomination on the Democratic ticket for
the office of Recorder of Centre county,
subject to the decision of the voters of the
county as expressed at the primary to be
held Tuesday, September 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that D.
Wagner Geiss, of Bellefonte, Pa., is a can-
didate for nomination on the Democratic
ticket for the office of Recorder of Centre
county, subject to the decision of the
voters of the county as expressed at the
held Tuesday, September
primary to be
20th, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that D.
A. McDowell, of Spring township, will be
a candidate on the Democratic ticket for
the office of Recorder of deeds of Centre
county, subject to the decision of the
Democratic voters as expressed at the
primary on Tuesday, September 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that John
8. Spearly will be a candidate for the
nomination for County Commissioner on
the Democratic ticket subject to the decis-
ion of the voters of the party as expressed
at the primaries on September 20th, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that
John W. Yearick, of Marion township, will
be a candidate for the nomination of Coun-
ty Commissioner, subject to the decision
of the Democratic voters as expressed at
the primaries to be held September 20, 1927.
—————————— eee.
Republican Ticket.
We are authorized to announce that M.
Ward Fleming, of Philipsburg, Pa., is a
candidate for nomination for President
Judge of the Courts of Centre county sub-
ject to the decision of the Republican
voters of the county as expressed at the
primary to be held September, 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that
James C. Furst, of Bellefonte, Pa., is a
candidate for nomination on the Republi-
can ticket for the office of President Judge
of the Courts of Centre county; subject to
the decision of the Republican voters of
the county as expressed at the primary to
be held September 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that
Arthur C. Dale, of Bellefonte, Pa., is a
candidate for the nomination on the Re-
publican ticket for the office of President
Judge of the courts of Centre county, sub-
ject to the decision of the Republican
voters of the county as expressed at the
primary to be held September 20, 1927.
I hereby announce that I am a candi-
date for nomination as the Republican
candidate for Treasurer of Centre County,
subject to the decision of the voters of the
party as expressed at the primaries to be
held Sept. 20, 1927.
Your influence and support is earnestly
Boggs Township.
We are authorized to announce that Roy
Wilkinson, of Bellefonte, Pa., will be a
candidate for the nominaton on the Re-
publcan ticket for the office of Prothono-
tary of Centre county, subject to the de-
cision of thee Republican voters as ex-
pressed at the primary to be held Tues-
day, Septmber 20, 1927.
Rooms $2.50
With Bath $3.00 §,
Send Postal For Rates
and Booklet
Much £ NEW YORE CIty
travel| avored by Women AT 109713 WEST 454 ST.
Ng Without sco, x \
— t.
ae py Crier?
Seka =
ER JUD we wen EN
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. 51-1y
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business. en-
trusteed to hiis care. Offices—No. 5, East
High street. 57-44
J M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Offices on second floor
of Temple Court. 49-5-1y
ie RUNKLE. — Attorney-at-Law,
Consultation in English and Ger-
man. Office in Crider’s Exchange,
Bellefonte, Pa.
Crider’'s Ex.
8. GLENN, M. D.,, Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa, Office at his resi-
State College
66-11 Holmes Bldg.
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis-
tered and licensed by the State.
Eys examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced
and lenses matched. Casebeer Bldg., High
St., Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-tf
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by
the State Board. State College,
every day except Saturday,
Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op-
posite the Court House, Wednesday after-
noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9
a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Bell Phone 68-40
We Keep a full stock of Feeds on hand
at all times.
Wagner's 229, Dairy $48.00
Wagner's 329 Dairy $51.00
Made of cotton seed meal,
gluten and bran.
oil meal,
Wagner’s Scratch Grain per bu...... $2.60
Wagner's Poultry Mash per bu...... $3.10
We sell all of the Well Known Wayne
Brands of stock feed
Wayne's 329 Dairy, per tom,........ $54.00
Wayne's 829 Dairy, per ton,......... 50.00
Cotton Seed Meal, 43%, per tom,..... 50.00
Oil Meal, 34%, per ton.......ccc00es 58.00
Gluten, 2300. .cereseescestesssccssncene 48.00
AHA i... etrnesritsasv eres 45.00
BIFAR secerescrceccttiessesccssoscsas 38.00
MiddHngs ........oce0cenveeenncnnnns 42.00
Mixed Chop .oc.cieveveccninvinsonnen 44.00
50% Meal SCrap .....ccocceceeennes 4.25
60% Digester Tankage........ocen. 4.28
We are making a wheat food Breakfast
Cereal, 4lbs for 30c. Try it. » Sold at all
the groceries.
Use “Our Best” Flour.
G. Y. Wagner & Go., Ing
66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA.
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished
Fine Job Printing
at the
Thera is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Call on or communicate with this
This Interests You
The Workman's Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes insurance compul-
sory. We specialize in placing
such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Bellefonte 43-18-1yr. State College