Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 29, 1927, Image 3

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    Demorralf ach
Bellefonte, Pa., July 29, 1927.
Rheumatism is one of the common
maladies which many people suffer
from at certain ages and in some
cases both at the early stages of life
as well as during the latter part of
Rheumatism appears in general in
in two different forms, acute and
chronic. The acute rheumatism is be-
lieved to be due to a bacteria infec-
tion. It is generally regarded as a
streptococcio. The serious membranes
are particularly affected. y
The diet for this particular dis-
ease consists of, in the early stages,
a liberal use of water. Fruit juices
should be freely used and any sort of
thin gruels. Potato soup, which has
been flavored with a yeast extract, is
excellent for sufferers of this disease.
The vegetable purees of all kinds
should be used in large quantities and
freely. The reason why this particu-
lar food is beneficial is because the
alkaline salts which they contain have
a neutralizing effect upon the acids in
the system.
Any form of constipation should be
carefully attended to, since the colon
must be kept free from putrefying
matter. Large quantities of fruit,
green vetetables and any green, leafy
vegetable should be used in the diet
every day to supply the human sys-
tem with vitamins, lime, iron and
other minerals which are so essential
to the neutralizing effects of the dis-
ease upon the human system.
In cases of acute rheumatism one
should avoid the use of any form of
cereals as much as possible. If used
at all, a whole-wheat cereal may be
used sparingly. Such wholewheat cer-
als as come prepared from the entire
grain should be used as a food in the
case of acute rheumatism. Bread
should not be used at all, but potatoes
may be used to replace the bread sup-
ply. This sort of diet will gradually
reduce the tendency for the develop-
ment of the disease.
In chronic rheumatism there have
been many theories as to its origin.
Very often, it has been associated
with infection of the teeth and ton-
sils. This, however, has not always
been found to be the cause. It is
more generally believed today that
the real seat of the trouble is in the
colon. Those who suffer from infec-
tion of the colon are subject to chronic
rheumatism, and in most of these
cases it will be found that the stool
has a putrid or foul smelling odor. It
is then highly important to so reg-
ulate and adjust the diet as to free
the stool from the foul and offensive
odors. The sufferer from chronic
rheumatism should have a movement
of the bowels at least twice a day.
‘This may be stimulated by the use of
bran in the food, mineral oils, agar,
plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits,
lettuce, celery and other foods which
. cause the intestinal tracts to function
There has been a general belief
that people who suffer from chronic
rheumatism should aveid acid fruits.
This is a fallacy and appears to be
wholly unfounded, and instead of
‘avoiding acid fruits, such as apples,
oranges, ete., they should be used
quite freely. The acids of the fruit
are assimilated into the system and
when absorbed into the blood com-
pletely change, so that the products
into which they change hecome a neu-
tralizing agent to the products form-
ed by the waste tissue. It is these
products which accumulate rapidly in
cases of chronic rheumatism. Mush-
melons, watermelons, canteloupe, hon-
eydew melons are very efficient and
excellent foods in cases of rheuma-
tism, because they tend to neutralize
or alkali inthe blood and all the tis-
sue fluid. The canteloupe is especial-
ly valuable in this respect and is one
of the best of the fruits for a person
-suffering from rheumatism. Potatoes,
turnips, beets and all other vegetables
may be used freely and should be used
in the place of bread and cereal. In
fact, one who suffers from chronic
rheumatism should be very careful in
the amount of bread and cereals con-
sumed. It is better to avoid the use
«of them as much as possible.
Sometimes the sufferer is highly
benefited by restricting the diet so as
to eat less food. Those who suffer a
great deal from rheumatism should
avoid the use of coffee and tea, as
these beverages interfere with the
elimination of waste poisoning. A
caffineless coffee may be used under
the advice of a physician.
Foods which contain a large amount
of sodium have a very fine reaction
in relieving the sufferer since this
particular product gradually dissolves
and excretes the poison. Apples, for
instance, contains a fair quantity of
sodium; strawberries, asparagus,
beets, cabbage, carrots and especially
celery, which should be eaten freely
and almost daily; Roman lettuce is
especially rich in sodium. Other
kinds of lettuce have also a fair quan-
tity of sodium; radishes, spinach,
Swiss chard, tomatoes, watercress,
butter, all contain large quantities
of sodium and are exceedingly valu-
able foods for chronic rhreumatism.
Meats, cheese, and condiments such as
pepper, salt, vinegar and other spices
should be avcided. Whole rice may
be used as a cereal; nuts should only
be eaten rarely.
Those who suffer from rheumatism
should spend a fair amount of time
outdoors or sit in the sun. Sunbaths
seem to have a very beneficial effect
upon this malady.
It is fairly well recognized today
that diseased tonsils may be the cause
of rheumatism. There are fifteen or
twenty forms of germs which live in
the human mouth and various kinds
are found in the tonsils. These ton-
sil infections cause terrific constitu-
tional disorders and may permanent-
ly injure an individual. Sometimes
the removal of the infected tonsils
will not cure rheumatism because the
human system has been so thorough-
ly invaded by the disease.
It has also been discovered that
rheumatism may be caused by the
teeth. Frequently, decayed teeth or
bad teeth cause an infection in the
system which results in rheumatism.
Those who suffer from chronic rheu-
matism should be sure that they are
not carrying dead teeth. Occasional-
ly large fillings in teeth will cause
the teeth to become dead and infected.
The X-Ray is very useful in this re-
spect to discover teeth which are
causing difficulty. If teeth or tonsils
are the cause ~f rheumatic conditions,
the diet will not, of course, be of any
material assistance in relieving the
human system of the rheumatic con-
dition.—By Dr. Daniel R. Hodgson.
Why Bees Swarm.
Bees break up housekeeping by
swarming for one of nature’s three
reasons, according to Charles N.
Greene, State Apiary Inspector, Penn-
sylvania Bureau of Plant Industry.
First, to replace an old queen; second,
to provide room for rearing new
brood; third, to provide storage for
incoming nectar.
Mr. Greene has found that bees ex-
ercise real foresight before they
swarm. They load themselves with
honey which is taken from open cells,
so that they will not have to go hun-
gry in case they are not successful
in promptly finding a new home.
Bees usually fly only a short distance
after leaving the hive; they have been
known to hang on a limb of a tree for
24 hours before leaving for a more
appropriate home. By the time they
are ready for their second flight, they
have very little food left and being
lighter, they fly a much greater dis-
tance, often a mile or more.
“The most peaceful way to recover
them is to make sure they are not
hungry.” Mr. Greene says. “Feed
them all the honey they want and
they will not sting. The best sub-
stiute for the best honey and always
available is granulated sugar water.
“The bees should never be hived in
an old hive. Secure a modern mov-
able frame hive, one that meets all
the requirements of the State Bee
Law, and place it near the swarm.
Shake the bees into a basket and then
place a few of them near the entrance
to the hive. Once a few have entered,
the rest will follow like sheep. The
queen goes with the bunch but rarely
leads them.”
All Roadside Stands Must Meet State
Beverage Laws.
All roadside stands and small drink-
dispensing places must meet the re-
quirements of the State Beverage
Laws the same as large bottling
plants, asserts Dr. James W. Kellogg,
director-chief chemist of the Pennsyl-
Tonia Bureau of Foods and Chemis-
These State laws have been enacted
to protect the health of the people in
every possible way. They prohibit the
placing of ice directly in soft drinks
for cooling purposes and likewise
make it illegal to use polluted water.
“Special agents of the Common-
wealth are paying particular atten-
tion to the method of bottling and dis-
pensing, soft drinks this summer,” Dr.
Kellogg says.
“All bottling plants are being visit-
ed periodically to make sure that con-
ditions are sanitary, that bottles are
thoroughly cleansed, and samples are
selected for examination of the chem-
ist to determine their composition and
sugar content. Roadside booths and
other small stands dispensing drinks
are being given especial attention to
make sure that the drinks are free |
from ice and that polluted water is
not used. The inspections also in-
clude the home made drinks offered
for sale such as root beer, which are
required to be made and dispensed in
a sanitary way.”
A Year, and All Centre County Cattle
Will be Tested.
Considerable tuberculin testing is
being done in Centre county at the
present time. Last week the 60 day
re-test was made in Miles, Walker
and Benner townships with a very
small percentage of reactors. Four
new townships are also being tested
at this time: College, Gregg, Penn
and Haines townships.
At the present time there has been
eight complete townships tested in
Centre county and when these present
townships are completed over half of
the county will have all of the cattle
tested for tuberculosis. ~The re-action
has been very small as compared with
other counties in the State running
approximately 4%. At the present
rate of testing Centre county should
be completely tested within the next
After the county qualifies as an ac-
credited area with less than one half
per cent. reactors the county will be
tested every three years by the State.
This will mean a lot to the dairymen
of Centre, as all sections of the coun-
try are demanding T. B. tested cattle
and T. B. tested milk.
Hunters’ Licenses.
The proposed increase in the hunt-
ers’ license fees to $2 will prevent the
normal yearly increase in the number
issued unless present expectation of
officers of the game commission fail.
The bureau of publications announce
that it has ordered the printing of
533,000 license tags for the 1927 sea-
sor, the same number as was printed
in 1926. Of this number Clarion
county will receive 4,800, Armstrong
7,500, Venango 7,500, Warren 5,000
Butler, 8,100, Cameron 1,000, Clear-
field 11,800, Elk 4,800, Forest 1,400,
Indiana 8,100, Jefferson 7,400.
-—The Lincoln highway between
New York and San Francisco, 3,142
miles long, has been improved on all
but 41 miles of its entire distance.
The entire length is uniformly mark-
ed will characteristic signs.
—The Lincoln highway, one of the
first major highways to be construct-
ed in Pennsylvania, continues to stand
at the head, among the highways of
that State, and the chances are that it
always will stand at the head.
Free Rides May End Up in
Jefferson City, Mo.—Despite the
fact that only a small percentage of
“highway hobos” are criminal, they
are a menace to motorists because
there is little organized police protec-
tion on Missouri's roads. T. H. Cut-
ler, state highway engineer, in a
warning to tourists, says that the
number of ride seekers has doubled
or trebled in the last three years.
Travelers, elite and rough, were not
slow to discover a cheap, enjoyable
transportation as Missouri's high-
ways became more heavily traveled.
Sometimes a motorist would carry
them a long distance and the time
required would not be greatly in ex-
cess of that of de luxe passenger
trains. It was not long before the
blind baggage and empty box car
were forsaken in favor of the back
seat of a comfortable motor car, To-
day “Weary Willies,” hijackers and
adventuring youths hail motorists fo»
Youths Learn to Sponge.
“Many young men,” Mr. Cutler
said, “who ordinarily have paid rail-
road fare are tempted now because of
the success of others to sponge off the
motoring public.
“The habit of picking up strangers
on the highway should be discouraged,
for it is not only increasing the num-
ber of tramps, but it is fraught with
much hazard to the motorist. It af-
fords unexcelled opportunity for rob-
beries, assaults and murders, as fre-
quent newspaper accounts testify.
“The experience of a road con-
tractor about a year ago Is well to
the point. Traveling along route No.
50 toward Kanmsas City, he met an
elderly woman, poorly dressed, head
covered by a huge sunbonnet and a
basket of clothes under her arm. To
all appearances she was carrying
home a day's washing. The con-
tractor stopped his car and invited
the woman to have a ride. Without
saying a word she climbed In beside
him. He had not driven far when he
glanced downward and noticed a
large-sized man’s brogans. Immedi-
ately he suspected the washwoman’s
garb was a disguise.
Gets Rid of Woman.
“Reaching the top of a hill and ob-
serving that he had a long descend-
ing grade ahead of him, the contractor
abruptly stopped his car a little be-
yond the crest, saying he believed his
rear tire had gone flat. His emer-
gency brake was not working, so that
he would have to use the foot brake
to hold the car.
“He asked the ‘woman’ to get out
and look at his rear tire. With a
little show of hesitancy the woman
set her basket down, alighted and -
started toward the rear,
In an instant the driver released
the brake, threw in the clutch and
started down hill as fast as he could
go. When he reached the next town
he stopped to examine the cnntents
of the wash basket. Lifting a big blue
gingham apron, he found the sole
contents of the basket was one large
navy revolver, loaded for business.”
Hunt for Mammoth
Shifts to Oklahoma
Washington.—The trail of the pre-
historic American elephant has led
from Ilorida to Oklahoma.
or. James W. Gidley, paleontologist
of the United States National museum,
has just returned from a partly suc-
cessful search for elephant bones to
complete a great mammoth skeleton
being assembled for exhibition pur-
poses. Near Alva, Okla.,, he found
portions of a small elephant which
were of considerable scientific inter-
est, but of a different species from
the composite skeleton which the mu-
seum experts are mounting. This
particular variety of mammoth came
from Ilorida and attained a huge size,
twice as large as the ordinary ele-
phant of today.
A prehistoric relative of the arma-
dillo, probably a hitherto unknown
species about as large as a cow, was
among skeletons unearthed by Doctor
Gidley in Oklahoma.
The thorough exploration of Okla.
noma for animals of past ages was
urged by Doctor Gidley. He stated
the state was rich in rock formations
containing evidences of the life of
500,000 years ago.
frenchmen Draw Line
at Colored Umbrellas
Paris.—Light-pink and vivid-purple
nats caught on with certain vivacious
elements of Parls’ male population,
but an umbrella maker who tried to
sell them colored rainsticks had his
trouble for his pains. No one bought,
and he is having a large supply dyed
a sober black.
Early-season predictions that bril
dant coloring would mark male cloth-
ing for the year have been realized
only in,part. “Sardine blue,” a rath-
er hright effect, and several more or
less intensive browns and mauves
found a good many buyers. But few
persons indulged in the pinks, purples
or other more vivid colors.
What Next?
Princeton, N, J.—New nonstop rec-
ord for peanut rolling: Walter E.
Wirner of Brooklyn, a Princeton stu-
dent, pushed one with his nose a
quarter of a mile in 56 minutes 40
seconds and collected five fish from
each of six doubters.
—A total of 10,628 miles of feder-
al aid highway were completed in the
United States during the fiscal year
ending July 1, it is announced by the
bureau of public roads of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture.
—An extensive campaign is being
conducted in India to build roads for
the accommodation of motor bus
transportation. Great areas in India
lie between railroad lines and have no
efficient transportation system.
We are authorized to announce that
W. Harrison Walker, of Bellefonte, is a can-
didate for nomination on the Democratic
ticket for the office of President Judge of
the courts of Centre county; subject to the
decision of the voters of the county as ex-
pressed at the primaries to be held on
September 20th, 1927.
To Democratic Voters of Centre County :—
I am a candidate for the office of judge
of your courts, subject to your decision
at the primaries BeBiomber 20, 1927.
incerely yours,
‘Wa are authorized to announce that Harry
E. (Dep.) Dunlap, of Bellefonte, will be a
candidate for the nomination on the Demo-
cratic ticket for the office Sheriff of Centre
county, subject to the decision of the Cen-
tre county voters as expressed at the pri-
Juaries to be held on Tuesday, September
We are outhorized to announce that
Elmer Breon, of Bellefonte borough, will
be a candidate for the nomination on the
Democratic ticket for the office of Sheriff
of Centre county, subject to the decision
of the Centre county voters as expressed
at the primaries to be held on Tuesday,
September 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that
Claude Herr, of Bellefonte, will be a
candidate for the nomination on the Demo-
cratic ticket for the office of Prothonotary
of Centre county, subject to the decision of
the Democratic voters as expressed at the
Pimary te be held Tuesday, September 20,
We are authorized to announce that Ly-
man L. Smith, of Centre Hall, will be a
candidate for the nomination for County
Treasurer subject to the decision of the
Democratic voters of the county as ex-
pressed at the primary to be held Septem-
ber 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that D.
T. Pearce, of State College Boro., will be a
candidate for the nomination for County
Treasurer subject to the decision of the
Democratic voters of the county as ex-
pressed at the primary to be held Septem-
ber 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that Sinie
H. Hcy, of Bellefonte, is a candidate for
nomination on the Democratic ticket for
the office of Recorder of Centre county,
subject to the decision of the voters of the
county as expressed at the primary to be
held Tuesday, September 20, 1927.
‘We are authorized to announce that D.
Wagner Geiss, of Bellefonte, Pa., is a can-
didate for nomination on the Democratic
ticket for the office of Recorder of Centre
county, subject to the decision of the
voters of the county as expressed at the
primary to be held Tuesday, September
20th, 1927. 3
We are authorized to announce that D.
A. McDowell, of Spring township, will be
a candidate on the Democratic ticket for
the office of Recorder of deeds of Centre
county, subject to the decision of the
Democratic voters as expressed at the
primary on Tuesday, September 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that John
8. Spearly will be a candidate for the
nomination for County Commissioner on
the Democratic ticket subject to the decis-
ion of the voters of the party as expressed
at the primaries on September 20th, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that
John W. Yearick, of Marion township, will
be a candidate for the nomination of Coun-
ty Commissioner, subject to the decision
of the Democratic voters as expressed at
the primaries to be held September 20, 1927.
r—————— eta.
Republican Ticket.
We are authorized to announce that M.
Ward Fleming, of Philipsburg, Pa., is a
candidate for nomination for President
Judge of the Courts of Centre county sub-
ject to the decision of the Republican
voters of the county as expressed at the
primary to be held September, 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that
James C. Furst, of Bellefonte, Pa., is a
candidate for nomination on the Republi-
can ticket for the office of President Judge
of the Courts of Centre county; subject to
the decision of the Republican voters of
the county as expressed at the primary to
be held September 20, 1927.
We are authorized to announce that
Arthur C. Dale, of Bellefonte, Pa., is a
candidate for the nomination on the Re-
publican ticket for the office of President
Judge of the courts of Centre county, sub-
ject to the decision of the Republican
voters of the county as expressed at the
primary to be held September 20, 1927.
I hereby announce that I am a candi-
date for nomination as the Republican
candidate for Treasurer of Centre County,
subject to the decision of the voters of the
party as expressed at the primaries to be
held Sept. 20, 1927.
Your influence and support is earnestly
Boggs Township.
We are authorized to announce that Roy
Wilkinson, of Bellefonte, Pa., will be a
candidate for the nominaton on the Re-
publcan ticket for the office of Prothono-
tary of Centre county, subject to the de-
cision of thee Republican voters as ex-
pressed at the primary to be held Tues-
day, Septmber 20, 1927.
1996 ’
1924 2
Used Cars
When we Recondition a used car, the work
is done by Experts—to the regular Factory Stand-
ards of precision and excellence, using genuine parts
Come to Our Garage to Buy the Car
"You Want at the Price You Want
Satisfied Customers is Qur Motto
Ask about the 10% offer.
Coupe, Like New
Coupe New Paint
Small Deposit and Time Payments. i
1924 Chevrolet Coupe - - - - - $ 140.00
1925 Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck - - - 375.00 i
1924 Cleveland Sedan “Low Price” - 200.00
1923 Chevrolet Sedan - - - - - 150.00 Yq
1924 Chevrolet Sedan “Duco Paint” 225.00 SR
1925 Chevrolet Roadster - - - - 250.00 Sh
1925 Chevrolet Sedan - - - - - 450.00 Sn
1027 Chevrolet Sedon -. - - - - 550.00 el
1926 Chevrolet Coupe - - - - - 415.00 =1
1925 Ford Dump Truck - - - $ 200.00
10 other cars as low as $35.00.
Decker Chevrolet Co.
Corner of High and Spring streets.
AT 10913 WEST 454 ST.
b— »
) o
Send Postal For Rates > =
and Booklet
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. 51-1y
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business en-
trusteed to hiis care. Offices—No. 5, East
High street. 57-44
J M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Offices on second floor
of Temple Court. 49-5-1y
3. RUNKLE. — Attorney-at-Law,
Consultation in English and Ger-
man. Office in Crider’s Exchange,
Bellefonte, Pa. 58-5
Crider’s Ex. 66-11
8. GLENN, M. D,,
Surgeon, State
county, Pa.
State College
Holmes Bldg.
Physician and
College, Centre
Office at his resi-
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis-
tered and licensed by the State.
Eys examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced
and lenses matched. Casebeer Bldg., High
St., Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-tf
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by
the State Board. State College,
every day except Saturday,
Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op-
posite the Court House, Wednesday after-
noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9
a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Bell Phone 68-40
We Keep a full stock of Feeds on hand
at all times.
Wagner's 229, Dairy $48.00
Wagner's 329, Dairy $51.00
Made of cotton seed meal,
gluten and bran.
oil meal,
Wagner's Scratch Grain per bu...... $2.60
Wagner’s Poultry Mash per bu...... $3.10
We sell all of the Well Known Wayne
Brands of stock feed
Wayne's 329 Dairy, per tonm,........ $54.00
Wayne’s 829 Dairy, per ten,.........50.00
Cotton Seed Meal, 48%, per ton,..... 50.00
Oil Meal, 34%, per ton............. . 58.00
inten, 2800... .visiiveserit ovens .. 48.00
Alfalla ...........cc000000000. +. 45.00
FIBPAR «evscssnesiena. Vsieseisena nnn nos . 88.00
Miadlings ..................cc000c 0. 42.00
Mixed Chop ......................... 44.00
500) Meal SBCrAD ..cceeeersncvsnsees 4.25
60% Digester Tankage............. 4.25
We are making a wheat food Breakfast
Cereal, 4lbs for 30c. Try it. Sold at all
the groceries.
Use “Our Best” Flour.
b. Y. Wagner & Go., Ine
66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA.
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
RS ST i i i
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished
Fine Job Printing
at the
There 1s no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Call on or communicate with this
This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes insurance compul-
sory. We specialize in placing
such insurance. @ We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Bellefonte 43-18-1yr. State College