Beware Watdpan. mmm INK SLINGS. —Well, we didn’t win the first lap in the Susquehanna base-ball league, but we've got as good a team as any of them and the second lap runs until Labor day. —1It is not surprising that the Black Hills are palling on the President. The attempt to transplant a being so indigenous to New England soil wasn’t justified, even by the exigen- cies of politics. —If there is any sanity and power of concentration left in us we’ll find it out after tomorrow. The fishing season closes then and our one ex- cuse for procrastination, dereliction and general neglect of everything will have been snatched away until next April. —In this race for the Republican nomination for County Treasurer Charley Long, of Spring Mills, is worth keeping an eye on. We have been told that he has something more than advantageous location back of his candidacy. Centainly it can’t be the preferential finger of the new boss. —This young Mr. Stillman must have loved his humble, back-woods bride very genuinely to have given her a million and a half as a wedding dower. Let us hope that her new estate will not turn her head so that she will not be the good wife that this democratic youth undoubtedly de- serves. —Mr. Ford might have thought his apology to the Jews well timed, since it was made just on the eve of the disclosure of his new model car. Henry reckoned with the wrong host, however. It was the poorest business gesture we have known him to make. The Jews don’t have to ride in Ford cars. Their sagacity made that a Gentile ordeal years ago. —Last week we heard nothing but of Fleming’s strength. This week all our inforrmation has been to the effect that Judge Furst is going to get it—the Republican nomination for Judge. All the winds, political and otherwise, have been vagarious this season so we shall essay no guess on the outcome of this pretty contest until the early hours of Sep- tember 21. —Attorney Carr, of Philadelphia, gave it as his opinion in Harrisburg, on Wednesday, that “the official acts of the Governor of a State are above the jurisdiction of courts.” The mat- ter under discussion was the legality of the Governor’s action in appointing four Republicans on the Philadelphia board of registration. Had the chief ex- ecutive of Pennsylvania happened to have been a Democrat we wonder how - far above the jurisdietion of courts Mr. Carr would have thought him to be. —The consolation we get out of the unexpected outcome of the recent Dempsey-Sharkey fisticuff is the dis- inclination of the sports-writers to dethrone Tunney. We make predic- tions about nothing that we are not fairly well up on—and the doings in the squared circle are certainly one of them—but notwithstanding Jack’s rather surprising showing against ‘Sharkey we opine that Tunney will “take” him in September much more handily than he did at the Sesqui a year ago. ' —William B. Wilson is of the opin- ion that a mere recount of the vote cast in Pennsylvania last November, for Senator in Congress, will not sat- isfactorily clear up the charges that Mr. Vare secured his election by fraud. The proposal has been made that the vote be recounted and hoth ‘sides pledged to abide by the totals. Mr. Wilson would be very foolish to join in such an agreement. The real fraudulency of that election was not so much in the ballots actually in the boxes as it was in the phantoms and repeaters who put them there. —Good Lord, what they won’t do to get space and make a “build up” for President Coolidge. Bait fishing and clowning in cow boy chaps, having worn out they had him pushing a ‘mired wagon out of the mud on Sat- urday and judging butter on Tuesday. Anybody could lend a hand at getting a wagon out of a rut, but when it comes to judging butter—well, that’s different. We remember that once ‘the head of the dairy husbandry de- partment of a great American college awarded first prize for gilt-edge but- ter to an exhibit of oleomargarine that had been slipped into the show by Andy Palm, of Meadville. —On Tuesday, before the world’s great minds in chemistry, now as- sembled at the Pennsylvania State College, was exhibited a living model gowned in a bridal costume that was wholly synthetic. That is, the fabric of the dress, veil, underthings, slip- pers and even the bouquet of orange blossoms had been made in the chem- ists’ laboratories—from wood fibre—- instead of from products of the cotton fields of Louisiana, the silk worms of China, the flax and pelts of animals and the hot-houses of the florist. The incident drew passing notice in the metropolitan papers. Not one in a thousand who read it will think of what real significance laid hidden in that news story. To us, if we had any investments in securities of in- dustries, the business of which might be effected by these substitutes, the incident would be admonition to keep very close tab on their market action. C7 (mn zr A enacral vo [¢ YA RO fans STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. NO. 29. VOL. 72. BELLEFONTE. PA... JULY 29. 192%. Governor’s Blunder Wilful and Wick- ed. Though abundance of evidence was presented to Governor Fisher that Albert H. Ladner Jr., of Philadelphia, is and has been for at least eight years a Republican, and though the ; law creating the Board of Registra- tion Commissioners for that city dis- tinctly forbids the appointment of four Republicans on that board, the Governor has commissioned Mr. Lad- ner and three other Republicans. It may be true that Governor Fisher was misinformed as to the party affil- iation of Mr. Ladner. get the misinformation from Demo- | crats of Philadelphia or elsewhere, and he had plenty of time between the date of appointment and the issuance of the commissions to correct the mis- take he was led into by persons not Democrats. He certainly knew Lad- ner’s politics when commissioned. Therefore the conviction is inevit- able that the violation of law by the appointment of Mr. Ladner was both a wilful and wicked act and the un- avoidable impression is that it was for the purpose of aiding William S. Vare and his corrupt political ma- chine in their vicious purpose to con- tinue the practice of illegal voting and false counting which gave Mr. | Vare the Senatorial nomination and a bogus Wilson at the general election last year. If the Governor had been sin- cerely opposed to ballot frauds in Philadelphia he would have promptly withdrawn the appointment when he obtained conclusive evidence that Mr. Ladner is not a Democrat and that appointing four Republicans was a gross violation of law. The critics of the press and public in this matter have been entirely too polite to Governor Fisher. Those who have protested to him directly, as well as those who have publicly discussed the subject in print and speech, have uniformly exculpated him from an in- tent to violate the law. If he had, when the truth was spread before him, withdrawn the appointment of Mr. Ladner or one of the other Re- publicans named, he would have been entitled to this, charitable appraise- ment of “Mi& blunder. But in isuing commissions to four Republicans, nearly a week after the facts were laid befor him, he simply revealed the regrettable fact that it was not “an error of the head” alone but a delib- | erate purpose of the heart. ——Henry Ford may become as ex- pert in making apologies as he is in building popular priced automobiles. Wise Suggestion to Boroughs. The president of the Pennsylvania Motor Federation, Mr. Richard C. Haldeman, of Harrisburg, in a timely letter addressed to the burgesses of the several boroughs, suggests that borough authorities refrain from pur- chasing expensive control lights until after the Department. of Highways has designated the “arterial roads,” under the motor law enacted during the last session of the General As- sembly. The new law authorized the Secretary of Highways and the may- ors of cities to “establish boulevard stops on certain streets and high- ways.” According to the chief engi- neer of the Department of Highways many of the traffic signals now in use will be unnecessary after the new code becomes effective. This is a wise suggestion. The traffic problem in cities and towns has become not only intricate but ex- pensive. pointed public expectation, and good or bad, they cost a lot of money. The natural and proper desire of munici- pal authorities to avoid accidents has influenced many cities and boroughs to invest in these devices and indulge in experiments along the lines of safety. If the provisions of the new law will make some of these signals unnecessary it would be wasteful to purchase them now and discard them in the course of four of five months when it becomes effective. There are less expensive methods of building scrap heaps. Any expedient that will consider- ably decrease the number of automo- bile accidents is cheap enough to any community at the price it costs. But expensive devices which fail of their purpose are not worth anything, and experimenting with them is a futile gesture, The highway officials and the Motor Federation officers are in agreement on this point, and the ac- tion of Mr. Haldeman may save the boroughs of the Commonwealth a great deal of money. The plan ex- pressed in the new code may not ful- fill expectations and in that event the experimentation with signal devices and the expense attending it will have to be continued. But the facts will be fully developed in a short time and it is safe to wait. But he did not ! majority over William B. | Various signals have been dvised, many of which have disap- . : Commission to Fool People. { When, during the recent session of ‘the Legislature, Governor i yielded to the demands of the Mellon- | Vare partnership on the question of ballot reform legislation, the insincer- | ity of his professions on that sub- | ject stood revealed. The people ‘of Pennsylvania demanded honest | legislation against ballot corruption, rand in his inaugural address Gover- nor Fisher promised his personal and | offical influence in that direction. In pursuance of his interpretation of , that pledge he sponsored four meas- ures of doubtful value. At the in- | stance of Vare and Mellon, however, he afterward consented to the defeat of the most important of them and the substitution of a commission to revise all elections laws. With the Governor's consent, and ! subsequently his approval, the Gener- | al Assembly passed a joint resolution authorizing him to name five mem- bers of a commission, the president mittee on Elections of the Senate and the Speaker and chairman of the Elections committee of the House, ex officio, completing the body. The other day the Governor announced his appointees and to say the public was surprised, is a conservative i statement. The chairman of the Com- mission is Francis Shunk Brown. Mr. : Brown, is Mr. Vare’s personal attor- (ney, and with president pro tem. Schantz, of the Senate, and Speaker Bluett, of the House, as parliament- ary experts, it may be called a Vare hand-picked bunch. There is only one Democrat of State-wide acquaintanceship on the commission. Judge Shull will do all | that is possible in so hopeless a sit- uation to get something of real value | for the people out of this body. But {it was never intended to make im- | provements in the election laws of the | State. It was conceived as an exped- iient to postpone reform ballot legis- ‘lation for a time. Mr. Mellon wanted Ino law that will interfere with his ! plans to re-elect Dave Reed, of Pitts- burgh, to the United States Senate next year and his purpose was achiey- ed the moment the resolution creft- ling the Commission was signed by the : Governor. And the projectors of the scheme imagine they have fooled the people. | rr —— Ae —— that whiskey is not an antidote for snake bite but the Volstead law robs this fact of its importance to fisher- men. Fisher Again Flouts the Law. In the appointment of Registration Commissioners for Pittsburgh Gover- nor Fisher has expressed the same in- difference to the spirit of the law that characterized his selections for the same service in Philadelphia. In the Philadelphia appointments he named four registered Republicans recommended to his favor by the , Vare machine. That was in direct conflict with the letter of the law which declares that not more than , three of the same party may be ap- pointed. In Pittsburgh he appointed four men selected by Senator Max Leslie, but one of the four is regis- tered as a Democrat. The difference | is without distinction. The Democrat chosen by Leslie is a servile tool of the Leslie machine. The other Democrat named for serv- ice in Pittsburgh may be fairly rep- . resentative of the real Democrats of the city but he was not recommended 'by any Democrats. His _Sponsors are Senators Harris and Coyne, Republi- cans, and though they are not affiliat- ed with the Leslie machine they are not militant opponents of the meth- "ods of that piratical organization. The | ‘real Democrats presented four names from which to select two commission- | ers. But neither of them was chosen, | probably for the reason that Leslie | wants as little interference with his | political operations as possible. With four commissioners completely sub- ! missive to his will the “strip” boss | may carry on as he likes. | In any other communities in this or |any other State such a flagrant ex- at the election. Mr. Charles Flinn, is a son of the late Senator William Flinn and was appointed by Governor Pinchot, which made him anathema to the machine boss. But his high standing in the community and his record for efficiency should have se- cured his reappointment if the inter- ests of the public had been given any consideration. But with Governor Fisher, the Mellon-Vare partnership and Grundy public interest and effi- ciency are of little consequence. ——It is suspected that the “big navy boy” is responsible for the fail- ure of the arms parley at Geneva. pro tem. and chairman of the Com- . ——A Chicago scientist declares | | pression of contempt for public opin- | ion would be resented by the voters who has been displaced, is a Republi- | can but not of the Leslie brand. He : | Sacrificing Labor to Greed. The strangle hold which the cor- Fisher porate interests have on the State of | | Pennsylvania is revealed in the re- . cent order of the Insurance Depart- ment discontinuing the differential be- tween the rates of the State Work- ‘men’s Insurance Fund and those of the other insurance organizations car- 'rying casualty insurance. Ever since . the creation of the Workmen's Insur- -ance Fund the so-called standard com- panies have been striving to get the differential abandoned on the ground that it is an unfair discrimination against competing companies. leader in this effort has been Joseph R. Grundy, head of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Casualty company, and, incidentally, sub-boss of the State ‘administration. The ostensible purpose of the Workmen’s Insurance Fund was to enable wage earners of the State to get insurance for the protection of their families at the lowest cost pos- sible. An appropriation of half a million dollars was made to start the enterprise and a survey of the field led to the fixing of the rate ten per cent. less than the rates of other companies. As was expected this differential enticed most insurers to use that perfectly safe vehicle for protection with the result that rival concerns engaged in the business for profit only found diminishing returns on their investments. They at once organized a lobby to influence the authorities to abandon the differen- tial. Insurance Commissioner Taggart gives various reasons for presenting ‘the standard insurance companies .a substantial gift next New Year's. | One is that the Workmen’s Insurance Fund has been making too much mon- ey. He says that the original capital borrowed from the State was repaid long ago, and that since 1918 the pro- fits of the fund have amounted to up- | ward of $1,000,000. If the purpose of the fund is to give wage earners insurance as cheaply as possible that would be good reason for increasing the differential rather than abolishing it. Asamatter of fact the real and only reason for the discontinuance is to put money in the treasury of Joe Grundy’s Casualty Insurance com- ' pany. : ! Councilman Harry Flack will Not Run Again, Borough councilman Harry Flack | has decided not to be a candidate for re-election this year in the South ward. He has served three terms, or twelve years, and is of the opinion that that is long enough for any man. Mr. Flack has made a good, conscien- tious councilman and as chairman of the Fire and Police committee has dis- charged his duties with the utmost fidelity to the borough and the various interests his committee represented. His decision not to be a candidate will mean the selection of another man and friends of Robert Kline are urg- ing him to make the run. Mr. Badg- er will be a candidate to succeed him- self and it is likely Mr. Garbrick will also be a candidate for a term of two | | years. In the North ward the term of John S. Walker will expire with this year. He has also served for some years and while he is not especially keen on being a candidate again will probably yield to the desire of his friends and stand for another term. In the West ward John P. Eckel’s term will’ expire with this year and while he is not overly anxious to serve another term will do so if the voters want him. The last day for filing nomination papers is August 16th, so there is still plenty of time to make decisions. ——Aimee Semple McPherson, the Los Angeles, California, evangelist is on the front pages again. She and her mother are in a row over who controls Angeles Temple, where Aimee attained notoriety as a sky- : pilot. The incident provides another peg on which to hang the argument that these women have been seeing the Gates Ajar through the eyes of the collection plates. ——The President is growing weary of his Black Hills environment. The fish are not biting eagerly and play- ing cowboy is not congenial amuse- ment. ——The world production of dia- jmonds increased twenty-eight per | cent. last year. That ought to be | encouraging to the wage earners. | ——Secretary Mellon announces his purpose to buy a large estate in Mon- 'aca. Maybe he has designs on the | “Bank of Monte Carlo.” ——According to current gossip of recent years a good many Frenchmen ‘and some others “want the scalp” of Georges Clemenceau. | Mr. Vare Overlooks Some Issues. From the Philadelphia Record. William S. Vare’s statement that | the Senate committee on Privileges { and Elections should at once take pos- session of all the ballot-boxes used in the late Senatorial election in Penn- sylvania and proceed with an immed- late recount of the contents thereof ; bespeaks a laudable desire to procure as early as possible an official com- ; putation of the vote by which he (claims election. But Mr. Vare’s as- ' sumption that such a recount would | clear away “all the partisan and de- ‘magogic charges or inferences that rhave been fathered by those who | have sought to create a doubt as to { the bona fides of our State election” [involves an oversight. | _ There is more at issue, as we un- i derstand it, than the number of bai- | lots in the ballot-boxes marked for { Mr. Vare. There is some question as | to the means by which he obtained i the support implied in those ballots. | There is some question as to the | means by which he obtained the nom- ination for the disputed office. There is some question as to the legality of | many of the ballots which contribut- 'ed toward his election, and as to the | propriety, if not legality, of his ex- | penditure of large sums of cash in | his primary campaign. | Mr. Vare cannot dismiss these mat- | ters by characterizing them as “part- isan and demagogic charges or infer- ences,” and he should be as anxious to have them sifted as he is to have the ballots recounted. Whatever may be the response of the Senate com- I mittee on Privileges and Elections to | the Vare request, if any, we have rea- son to believe that the Senate itself intends to go further into all the cir- cumstances of Mr. Vare’s application for admission to that body than a committee can go through recount- 1 ing the vote of the general election. State’s Election Methods. From the Wilkes-Barre Record. { The Election Law Commission appointed by Governor Fisher is | charged with the task of looking into the laws of this State and other | States and making recommendations the 1929 session of the Legisla- {ture. The appointments follow the {plan inaugurated by Governor Pin- {chot when he named. seventy-six ‘suggest radical _impr. ents to the method of conducting elections. { The only citizen named on the new commission who was a member of the Pinchot commission is Guy W. Moore, | publisher of the Wilkes-Barre Record. The new commission has the op- ; portunity to go over the whole ground and suggest vital reforms that have been shunted aside. When it has form- ulated its recommendations it will be necessary for the newspapers with in- dependent inclinations and for various civic organizations to create strong public sentiment. It will not be pos- sible to eliminate all fraud from campaigns and elections but there ars ways by which improvement can be effected over what has been done. The ballot box stuffer and the crook can be restricted more than at pres- | ent. A majority of the people want ‘clean, honest elections but the small ‘minority of citizens in alliance with the crooks has managed to stave off ‘real reform. It remains to be seen what the new Commission will do and in what manner the public will back up its findings. 1 A eee ere. Small Farms and Small Apartments. | From the Philadelphia Inquirer. { About two-thirds of Pennsylvania’s : 200,000 farms contain less than a hundred acres. The big farm is dis- integrating. The number of holdings comprising more than a thousand acres has shrunk measurably in th= {last half century. With 244 listed in 11880, the total in 1925 had dwindled to 114, or less than half. Perhaps the same explanation is to be seen here as in the case of large estates—the help problem. Acreage figured in only two digits is about the maximum that may be ‘tilled today with the minimum of hired workers available. The size may have in- creased slightly in the last twenty vears owing to the substitution of gasoline and electricity for human power, but the increase is far below the days when the land was virgin. To this slight extent the farmer has an advantage over the family that tries to run an old-fashioned mansion. The farmer can increase his produc- tion with the aid of mechanical de- vices. But all the ingenious domestic appliances of the present century have not made it easier to obtain ser- vants for housework. The few-room apartment and bath have become a necessity, but the one-horse farm is not vet in sight. Half of the agri- cultural enterprises in this State com- prise between twenty and ninety-nine acres. , Can We Remember War? From the Harrisburg Telegraph. Diplomats fear war between Eng- land and Russia. War will not be so easily brought on as it once was. It used to be a game around a table, ar- ranged and played by diplomats. The people will have more to say about the next war. Public memory is short, but it is not short enough to have lost the lesson which the deaths of 18,000,000 men made vivid. . prominent citizens of he State to SPAWLS FROM THE KEYTSONE. —A community chest is being advocated | at Mauch Chunk in order to do away with scattered charity drives. —Tossed thirty feet by a passenger train | when his truck was reduced to splinters jon a grade crosing at Espy, Conrad Hess, {a Wapwallopen merchant, brushed himself | off and Tefuygd 9 be taken to a hospital lor a doctor.” Ff landed in a large mud- hole and said he was only slightly bruised. | —Entering the Shenk and Tittle Sport- | ing Goods Store, 313 Market street, Harris- burg, shortly after ten o'clock Saturday right, by prying in a transom over the front door, in plain view of any passerby, burglars jimmied the company safe, got $63 in cash, and helped themselves to mer= chandise valued at approximately $1,000. —Jacob Hoepstine, 52 years old, of Pottsville, dropped dead on Sunday on his front porch. He was regarded as the most powerful man in that section, was six feet tall and weighed 350 pounds before heart trouble developed. He was a veteran of the Spanish-American war and a brother of Captain James W. Hoepstine, Second ward alderman. —A fire which was discovered in a bag- gage car on the Lehigh Valley passenger train enroute to Wilkes-Barre last Fri- day causd a $15,000 loss to the express car and cargo. The flames were discov- ered at Glenn Summit station. Trainmen uncoupled the car from the train and has- tily took it to a nearby water tank, where the flames were extinguished, but praecti- cally nothing but the wheels and trucks were left. —George C. Walker, 53, prominent Snyder county farmer, committed suicide early Monday morning at his home in Beavertown, using a 12 gauge shotgun. His wife, returning home, found the body of her husband lying in the living room of her home. Walker had been despond- ent over ill-health, having suffered a breakdown 19 years ago, resulting from infected teeth from which he never fully recovered. —Action has been taken for the holding of a special election August 30th, when residents of Lock Haven will vote on a proposal for the issuance of bonds for the erection of a new school building. Dr. Nelson P. Benson, superintendent of schools, told the school board that there has been a steady increase in enrollment annually and that the increase probably would continue making the erection of a new building necessary. —Max Ludwig, Pittston, must pay $2,- 000 to George Wassel under a verdict re- turned by a jury. Ludwig sold a rifle to two boys, 13 and 14 years old, who wound- ed Wassel's daughter while on their way home with the new weapon. Wassel sued Ludwig, alleging he was responsible for selling the weapon to a minor. At the first trial Wassel got a verdict of $1,800 and at the second trial $2,000. Judge Coughlin refused to set aside the verdict. —A bolt of lightning accompanied by thunder, which nearby residents described as sounding like a temfu explosion, wrought irreparable damage to the steeple of the Evangelical Lutheran church of the Good Shepherds at York, Pa., during an electrical storm early Saturday morning. The steeple was ripped from the apex to the cornice above the brick work and thence through the masonry of its Gothie arches down to the Pato ses of the base. The tower was so weakened that it will have to be torn down. —Death sped downward from a cloud- less sky to take the life of a Kimberton Montgomery county, farmer. Herman Mosteller, 45, was shocking wheat when suddenly and without warning a lightning bolt struck him on the head. The farmer fell to the ground dead, his clothing burn- ed completely off. Two hired men nearby i carried Mosteller to his house and sum- i moned a physician, but the doctor said he ! had been instantly killed. There was only | a single stroke of lightning and no thun- | der. The sky was hazy, but no cloudiness was visible. —William Lieby, 42, silk worker, was arrested early Monday morning at his home in Allentown, and with his seizure the police feel certain they have the man who has several times smashed windows in Bethel Mennonite church. Leiby’s ar- rest follows a close watch that police have been keeping on the church for several | weeks since it was first damaged by some- | one who threw soda bottles through the ! windows. Early last week the culprit eluded watchers and hurled a wrapped brick through a plate glass door. Leiby will be sent to the State Hospital for ex- { amination. —Clifford A. Shannon, charged with em- bezzling $19,500 in stamps while he was as- sistant cashier in the Bureau of Internal Revenue, at Pittsburgh, was on Friday held undér $10,000 bond for the September grand jury at a hearing before a United States commissioner. Shannon was unable to furnish the bond and was remanded to jail. Agents of the Intelligence unit of the Treasury department were investigat- ing Shannon’s reported claim that others were implicated. Shannon was quoted as declaring he would “raise a racket big enough to move the roof off the federal building” when he was brought to trial. —Mrs. Wiliam Burfield, of Wharton, Potter county, finds she can pick berries in her field at the same time bears are engaged in the same occupation without endangering her peace of mind nor her personal safety. But both Mrs. Burfield and her co-laborers stick to their own side of the busy patch during the opera- tions. A portion of the Burfield farm pro- duced a large crop of wild strawberries which served as magnet for three bears who are vegetarians and ordinarily harm- less. Mrs. Burfield went to the patch om various occasions and picked strawberries while the bears were also busy. Neigh- bors for miles arund went to the Burfield farm to witness the spectacle. —Three-fourths of Irval Brandt's week- ly salary of $20 will be paid to his bride of six months, the Marquise Frances Ade- laide Eleanor Felicie de Tourneur, of Or- oissier, France, under an order of the court issued at Pittsburgh on Monday. Counsel for the Marquise said they were married while Brandt was studying French in a school conducted by the plain- tiff. They eloped, he said, and lived in New York largely on the Marquise’s mon- ey. When her funds were exhausted, he alleged, Brandt deserted her. Brandt's home is in Pittsburgh. The Court ordered Brandt to pay back rent on a New York apartment in which his wife said she had furniture valued at $4,000. She sued for support.