Deworraic atch Bellefonte, Pa., July 22, 1927. Chemists at State College Tell of Gas- oline from Coal. The world-wide problem of what nations will do when the rapidly dwindling oil supply gives out, is be- ing thrashed out this week at the Pennsylvania State College where scores of the leading chemists of the United States and some from Europe are assembled for the third week of the Institute of Chemistry being con- ducted on the college campus by the American Chemical Society. Gasoline from coal is being made successfully, it has developed in this series of lectures which started with addresses by Professor Hugh S. Tay- lor, of Princeton University, Dr. Eric K. Rideal, Cambridge University, England, and Dr. Hans Tropsch, lead- ing investigator in this field in Ger- many. The expensc of production is naturally higher than from petroleum, but the process is accepted as practi- cal and will supply gasoline from coal as long as the world’s coal supply lasts, which is estimated to be as high as 200 years at the present rate of consumption. As chemists produce better grades of gasoline, automotive engineers are developing the compression in the en- gine cylinders. Thirty to fifty miles per gallon have been predicted for the future as not impossible. Other features that developed dur- ing the second week of the institute included the divulging of new methods for treating silver and other metals to prevent their tarnishing or rusting as the case may be. Hundreds of millions of dollars are lost each year in industries and homes through cor- rosion of metals. Scientists have found some methods for combatting this great waste through combination of two or more metals to make an “al- loy” through the “marriage” or fu- sion of atoms of the different metals. It also developed that research has ‘become so important to industries that they cannot obtain a sufficient supply of well-trained men from the colleges. There is more work to be done than they can find men to do it. Cause of Automobile Accidents. With the weekend toll of automo- bile fatalities reaching alarming pro- portions, the Keystone Automobile Club sounds a warning to drivers based on a survey of motor accident causes. . . “We have found,” says a statement by the club, “that many so-called ac- cidents are due to carelessness, heedlessness, stubbornness, hoggish- ness, or a combination of these high- ly undesirable qualities. The soon- er the dangerous minority of drivers come to a realization of their respon- _ sibilities, the better it will be for the great body of careful, lawabiding motorists, who are forced to share the censure visited upon all car own- ers when public horror is aroused by automobile killings. “Examples of careless operation of cars are encountered on the high- ways almost hourly. In this category is the ‘one-arm’ driver and the driver who ‘points.’ There are numerous instances on record of collisions due entirely to a driver losing sight of the roadway while he points out places of interest to occupants of his car. “The 'diiver of ‘wobbles’ is an- other source of danger. His car, usually moving at slow speed, invit- "ing cars’in'the rear to pass, suddenly -swerves across the center of the high- way. Quick application of brakes by the driver following sometimes, but not always, averts smashups. “Another menace to highway safe- ‘ty is the hog who holds the center of the road, turning a deaf ear to the “tooting horns of cars in the rear. “Congestion, with consequent danger, results, and what should be a pleas- ant drive in smooth-flowing traffic becom2s a nerve-wracking, exhaust- inhaling procession. “Courtesy and consideration by the - dangerous minority will unquestion- ‘ably make the roads safer for the careful majority.”—Perry County ‘Pemocrat. Keep Pedestrians Off All Highwayss. Roadways 120 feet wide, well light- .er at night by electricity or possibly by some method yet to be applied, such as radioactive substance, will, if present trends continue, be policed throughout their entire lengths by “stop” and “go” lights, according to W. C. Markham of the American As- _ sociation of State Highway Officials. Instead of speed limits of 40 miles per hour it is predicted that all mo- torists will be required to maintain some minimum figure, such as 25 miles per hour, and, failing to do so, they may be arrested for obstructing traffic. A pedestrian who risks his own life and the peace of mind of drivers by crossing opposing traffic may be sub- ject to a sentence in jail if he escapes the morgue. In congested areas, Mr. Markham believes, pedestrians and vehicle traf- fic will be separated, and probably second-story sidewalks will come into use. As partial evidence to support these predictions, Mr. Markham points out that during the last ten years much improvement has become evident in road conditions, and especially in the last few months. The Lincoln high- way in Pennsylvania and Indiana is being widened to 40 feet. The Boston Post road is being widened to 36 feet. Wisconsin and Illinois are building several four-line pavements, each 20- foot strip kept within its bounds, pre- venting the cutting in either from op- posing or accompanying traffic. In order to cross the Wacker drive in Chicago the lowly pedestrian is forced to steer through 14 lines of autos; but in the not distant future an escalator may whisk him over or + under the street. —Subscribe for the Watchman. | DAGGER IS FOUND IN UR 5,000 YEARS OLD Hilt Made of Lapis Lazuli With Studs of Gold. London.—A wonderful five thousand- year-old golden dagger was one of the many treasures of Ur described by Prof. Leonard Woolley, head of the British Museum section of the Anglo- American expedition which has been excavating the neighborhood of the birthplace of the patriarch Abraham. The flight of time is vividly depicted by Woolley in his latest report to the British museum when he emphasizes that many of the expedition’s finds date from a period “more remote in time from Nebuchadnezzar than Neb- uchadnezzar is from us, and 2,000 years or more older than the treasures of Tut-Ankh-Amen with which thev challenge comparison.” The excavation work has just been closed for the “season,” partly owing to lack of funds, but Woolley and his fellow-scientists strongly favor more extensive examination of the ruins for, as he says, “The further we go back the more elaborate and the more fin- ished seems to be the art of Sumeria.” At the end of the expedition’s fifth season archeologists and historians are now able to picture in detail the civilization of Mesopotamia in 3500 B. C, and “what is truly surprising is the wealth and the high level of the culture of that remote time.” As regards the dagger referred to, Woolley declares the hilt is made of one piece of deep blue lapis lazuli decorated with studs of gold; the blade is of gold, sharp and bright; the sheath, also of gold, is plain at the back, but in front covered with an exquisite design in filigree, With this was found a golden reticule also dec- orated with filigree, containing a tiny tollet set, tweezers, stiletto ard spoon, all In gold. They were at least five thousand five hundred years old. Seals of Kings. dxcavating the ancient cemeteries during recent weeks the expedition found cylinder seals of no fewer than five early kings, of whom three were unknown to history. It was when the excavators got below the two thousand-year-old graves that they made the best discoveries, for below these they found three thousand two hundred-year-old relics and, still lower, graves going back to 3,500 years be- fore Christ. The earliest graves were the richest, chough naturally not all the treasures they once contained had survived the passage of time. There were no rock- cut chambers, hermetically sealed, such as preserved the woodwork and even the linen fabrics in Tut-Ankh- Amen’s tomb. In a land formed en- tirely of river silt, the ancients but dug a hole, laid at the bottom of it a square of matting, placed on this the body, draped likewise in a mat, with round it such offerings as they could afford, spread another mat over all and then filled up the pit again. “Naturally after 5,500 years,” says Woolley, “much has perished. Wood may have left a film of brown color in the soil, black tinder may represent the tasselated garments or the shroud of the dead, but that is all, Silver is generally reduced to powder, cop- per may survive, or may become green dust or splinters, the very bones of the man himself may have vanished; only gold remains untouched by time.” But although much has gone a vast deal was yet found to throw light on the earliest period of Mesopotamian history. During the last month of the expedition’s work not a day passed that did not produce at least one gold object; vessels of pottery and stone; copper tools and weapons, beads and amulets turned up daily in bewilder- ing numbers and every now and then there was a special prize in the shape of some unique monument of art. A Gaming Board. One such remarkable treasure was 4 gaming board. The actual wooden board had long since decayed, but the fncrustation which had covered it re- mained in position in the earth, It was a difficult and lengthy task to lift without disturbing them the hundreds of tiny bits of inlay that composed it, but this was done at last and now it needs only to reback and clean the mosaic to possess again, just as it originally was, this royal “chess board.” The edging of the board is of moth- er-of-pearl, the border of mother-of- pearl, ivory and lapis lazuli, The squares, divided by strips of blue lapis and red paste, are of shell engraved and inlaid with red and blue in geo- metrical designs. Woolley says it is indeed a triumph of ancient crafts. manship. incomes in U. S. Increased Billion Dollars in 1926 New York.—Total income in the Jnited States among its 110,000,000 inhabitants was $78,649,000,000 for 1926, compared to $77,313,000,000 for the preceding year, the National In- dustrial conference board reports, If the value of all goods and serv- (ces produced in the country last year had been evenly divided, every man, woman and child would have received $671.43, the report says, Pays Tribute Andorra.—This tiny Pyrenean re. public’ of 5,200 inhabitants has just paid its annual tribute of 1,400 francs (about $56) to its two “co-princes,” the President of France and the Ro- man Catholic bishop of Urgel, Spain. For 649 years Andorra has paid tribute and enjoyed undisturbed sovereignty. 1,500 Miles of New Roads. Harrisburg, 1,500 miles of new road will be un- der construction by and under the di- rect supervision of the State depart- ment of highways during the next two years, Samuel kckels, chief en- gineer of the department of highways, announced today in making public the department’s program. In addition the secretary said that at least 350 miles of worn out roads will be surfaced and resurfaced with- in this period, if the same percentage Spork is completed during 1927 and 1928. The appropriation of $5,000,000 for county-state aid work, which is to be matched by the counties, is expected to result in the construction of 200 miles of highways, according to the program. An appropriation of $3, 000,000 for payment of township re- wards will be used in assisting town- ships to provide durable road con- struction and in the building of bridg- es. It is estimated that road work in which the county bears the entire cost but which the department supervises will total 150 miles at a cost of more than $7,000,000. The sum of $10,000,- 000 has been set aside from the motor fund for replacing 200 miles of worn out pavements in the next two years with highways of a durable type. The department also plans filling in 165 gaps of three miles or less in length, totaling 130 miles, which will provide a minimum of 1,000 miles of hard surfaced road. The cost of this work was placed at $5,800,000. During the two year period $6,000,- 000 has been set aside for the con- struction of 125 miles of roads on pri- mary and secondary systems entirely financed by the State. The depart- ment has also set aside $7,000,000 as a special aid fund to be matched by the counties on the same basis as State aid, which it is estimated will provide for construction of 200 miles of road. Approximately 60 miles of primary and secondary road is to be constructed from a reserve fund in excess of $4,000,000 which has been carried over from past years and in addition more than 400 miles of road construction on contracts carried over from 1926 will be completed at a cost of $15,000,000. Quarter Million Pounds of Wool Pool- ed in the State. Starting at West Chester the tour- ing horticulturists inspected the co- operaive packing house there which has a wide reputation for its success in the handling of locally grown pro- ducts. From there the tour turned toward Kennett Square and the Du- Pont greenhouses. The first day in- cluded a visit to the Delaware Agri- ou vl Experiment Station at New- ark. Cooperative pools have marketed nearly a quarter of a million pounds of wool up to date, W. B. Connell, sheep and wool extension specialist of the Pennsylvania State College, re- ports. Twelve pools have disposed of the fleeces from 16 counties, with a dozen more pools to be sold. ing in the State. Beaver, Butler, and Lawrence county shepherds pooled 60,000 pounds at New Castle. An average price of 39% cents a pound was received by the growers. This was 4 to 6 cents more per pound than local dealers oftered them, and the 1500 farmers experienced the ! pleasant sensation of having more than $12,000 come jingling into their ! pockets which would have gone else- i where if there had been no such mar- keting facilities. The wools were in good, clean condition this year, and both farmers and buyers are very happy over the way things have gone, Connell says. Veteran of the Turf Earl of Coventry, believed to be the world’s oldest race horse owner, has just celebrated his eighty-ninth birth- day at his home in England. He is one of the most famous figures on the turf. He has been a member of the Jockey club of England for 67 years, a peer for 85, and winner of the Grand National two times, and has seen 60 Derbies and as many Ascots. His beautiful home, Coombe, was built by the Brothers Adam, famous for their architecture and Interior decorating. and nothing has been altered since their death. One of the brothers died while the dining room was being deco- rated, and the room was left uncom- pleted, his drawings still lying un- touched as he left them. One of the tables will seat 40 people. Strange Beast Terrorizes A mysterious beast that walks on its hind legs is terrorizing natives In the Kenya colony of India. It has killed a number of blacks, and the “Nandi bear,” as they call it, Is in- spiring more fear than a lion. No white hunter has seen it, but Kanya's acting game warden, who examined the tracks, agrees that it walks on its hind legs. It has been described as being a strange species of lion, or even gorilla, but natives believe it is a hitherto unknown member of the hyena family that climbs trees, One report is that it has cream-colored hair, iong tapering feet, with huge claws, and long nose covered with hair to the tip. It is sald to roam only at night. Wider Highways Needed. Wider highways, especially near the large cities, must be built in the United States or the development of the country may receive a severe set- back, according to the American Re- search foundation. “At the present rate of increase, we may have 30,000,000 passenger auto- mobiles, busses and trucks on the roads within a few years,” the bul- letin declared. “Public enterprise meantime moves with paralytic slow ness in providing road room. Mercer and Crawford counties pool “It is estimated that good roads now save the highway users $750,000,- Pa.,—Approximately ; gawas $ 000 a year. Motorists pay the bulk of road building expenses but prob- ably profit the least by it. Land values have been enormously increas- ed by highways, the benefits extend- ing to farmers in remote sections. With the growth of our cities more and wider highways in their vicinity are a vital necessity, not only for pas- senger traffic but to facilitate the transportation of food and supplies into the population centers.” POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. PRESIDENT JUDGE. We are authorized to announce that W. Harrison Walker, of Bellefonte, is a can- didate for nomination on the Democratic ticket for the office of President Judge of the courts of Centre county; subject to the decision of the voters of the county as ex- pressed at the primaries to be held on September 20th, 1927. To Democratic Voters of Centre County :— I am a candidate for the office of judge of your courts, subject to your decision at the primaries September 20, 1927. incerely yours, RBY FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce that Harry E. (Dep.) Dunlap, of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for the nomination on the Demo- cratic ticket for the office Sheriff of Centre county, subject to the decision of the Cen- tre county voters as expressed at the pri- maries to be held on Tuesday, September 20, 1927. We are outhorized to announce that Elmer Breon, of Bellefonte borough, will be a candidate for the nomination on the Democratic ticket for the office of Sheriff of Centre county, subject to the decision of the Centre county voters as expressed at the primaries to be held on Tuesday, September 20, 1927. FOR PROTHONOTARY. We are authorized to announce that Claude Herr, of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for the nomination on the Demo- cratic ticket for the office of Prothonotary of Centre county, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters as expressed at the En mary te be held Tuesday, September 20, FOR TREASURER. We are authorized to announce that Ly- man L. Smith, of Centre Hall, will be a candidate for the nomination for County Treasurer subject to the decision of the Democratic voters of the county as ex- pressed at the primary to be held Septem- ber 20, 1927. We are authorized to announce that D. T. Pearce, of State College Boro., will be a candidate for the nomination for County Treasurer subject to the decision of the Democratic voters of the county as ex- pressed at the primary to be held Septem- ber 20, 1927. FOR RECORDER. We are authorized to announce that Sinie H. Hoy, of Bellefonte, is a candidate for nomination on the Democratic ticket for the office of Recorder of Centre county, subject to the decision of the voters of the county as expressed at the primary to be held Tuesday, September 20, 1927. We are authorized to announce that D. Wagner Geiss, of Bellefonte, Pa., is a can- didate for nomination on the Democratic ticket for the office of Recorder of Centre county, subject to the decision of the voters of the county as expressed at the primary to be held Tuesday, September 20th, 1927. . We are authorized to announce that D. A. McDowell, of Spring township, will be a candidate on the Democratic ticket for the office of Recorder of deeds of Centre county, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters as expressed at the primary on Tuesday, September 20, 1927. COUNTY COMMISSIONER We are authorized to announce that John S. Spearly will be a candidate for the nomination for Ceunty Commissioner on the Democratic ticket subject to the decis- ion of the voters of the party as expressed at the primaries on September 20th, 1927. We are authorized to announce that John W. Yearick, of Marion township, will be a candidate for the nomination of Coun- ty Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters as expressed at the primaries to be held September 20, 1927. ee —— eames aes Republican Ticket. PRESIDENT JUDGE We are authorized to announce that M. Ward Fleming, of Philipsburg, Pa., is a candidate for nomination for President Judge of the Courts of Centre county sub- ject to the decision of the Republican voters of the county as expressed at the primary to be held September, 20, 1927. We are authorized to announce that James C. Furst, of Bellefonte, Pa., is a candidate for nomination on the Republi- can ticket for the office of President Judge of the Courts of Centre county; subject to the decision of the Republican voters of the county as expressed at the primary to be held September 20, 1927. We are authorized to announce that Arthur C. Dale, of Bellefonte, Pa., is a candidate for the nomination on the Re- publican ticket for the office of President Judge of the courts of Centre county, sub- ject to the decision of the Republican voters of the county as expressed at the primary to be held September 20, 1927. TREASURER. I hereby announce that I am a candi- date for nomination as the Republican candidate for Treasurer of Centre County, subject to the decision of the voters of the party as expressed at the primaries to be held Sept. 20, 1927. Your influence and support is earnestly solicited. JOHN T. HARNISH Boggs Township. PROTHONOTARY. We are authorized to announce that Roy Wilkinson, of Bellefonte, Pa., will be a candidate for the nominaton on the Re- publcan ticket for the office of Prothono- tary of Centre county, subject to the de- cision of thee Republican voters as ex- pressed at the primary to be held Tues- day, Septmber 20, 1927. Used 7 Small Ford Sedan - Chevrolet, 1924 Sedan, Ford 1924 Coupe - Oakland, 1924 Touring, Dodge, 1924 Touring Chevrolet, 1926 Coupe us show you. “With an O. K. Down CONVENIENT TERMS Special Sale! 2 Ford Tourings, no starters - Ford Ton Truck, solid tires - - thoroughly over- hauled shows very little wear - International Truck, 1924, 2 condition, new paint new tires - dition, cheap to quick buyer Overland, 1923 touring - - - We have the car you want. Come in and let (Open night and day) Decker Chevrolet Co. BELLEFONTE, PA. =] EEL Elle El EUS El ELE eUSlElSUclUClIElUc USS n2ni=2ni=2n2n=2n=2ni2nNi2naSnan=SnSni=iia M2 NSNNS UTS al le Ue Ue esd Bat led I=2nlar” Cars That, Counts,’ - Payment, $5.00 5.00 25.00 = Ue US NI2NI2N2NISNUSN SNS USNS UST EEE EEL EL EEL EL ELSE EL ELLE Oh 275.00 25.00 ton, in A 1 450.00 =] lel Ue UST U2 USMS SUS wonderful con- nna2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2nanan2nani=anana2ni2nai. iia, 50.0 50.00 375.00 LE Ele el elUclUSlUelELUeUclUelUeUClUSiel= icc SUSUcUCUS US] Fad = to FORTY THEATRES AND ALL SHOPS TIMES SQUARE \ Much traveyy Cred b Rooms $2 50 with Bath $3.00" up Send Postal For Rates and Booklet W. JOHNSON QUINN, President 2 OY wome Without one ) — . NEW. YORK CITY JUST OFF BROADWAY! AT 109-113 WEST 45 ST! i. 5 Or / TEAC Al BEY Yr 5 ~ in = I =): 5h ay Sl ot 10 TUBER ar wens SEN fo 3) ny ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney-at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. ¥ . : Duly KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at- tention given all legal business en- trusteed to hiis care. Offices—No. 5, East High street. 57-44 M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention. Offices on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y fe 3 RUNKLE. — Attorney-at-Law, Consultation in English and Ger- m an. Office in Crider’'s E Bellefonte, Pa. gers Bxciapge SE PHYSICIANS R. R. L. CAPERS. OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte Crider’'s Ex. 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his resi- State College 66-11 Holmes Bldg. dence. D. CASEBEER, Optometrist. —Regis- tered and licensed by the State. . Eys examined, glasses fitted. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced and lenses matched. Casebeer Bldg. High St., Bellefonte, Pa. T1-22-tf VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday, Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op- posite the Court House, Wednesday after- noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Bell Phone 68-40 Feeds We Keep a full stock of Feeds on hand at all times. Wagner's 229 Dairy $48.00 Wagner's 329; Dairy $51.00 Made of cotton seed meal, gluten and bran. oil meal, FOR THE POULTRY. Wagner’s Scratch Grain per bu...... $2.60 Wagner's Poultry Mash per bu...... $3.10 WAYNE FEEDS We sell all of the Well Known Wayne Brands of stock feed Wayne's 829; Dairy, per tonm,........ $54.00 Wayne's 829 Dairy, per ton,......... 50.00 Cotton Seed Meal, 439, per tom,..... 50. Oil Meal, 849%, per ton............ .. 58.00 Gluten, 23%......... tees svesrrrinnnes 48,00 Alfalfa ..... ...... c0c0iiei yh 45.00 Brag ........... sencssesise sass sanane . 88.00 MIAANNES ........00 00. 00.00 hill 42.00 Mixed Chop .......... .... c0eeee.i. 44.00 50% Meal SCrap .c.coccsceeaionsece. 4.25 60% Digester Tankage............. 4.28 We are making a wheat food Breakfast Cereal, 4lbs for 30c. Try it. Sold at all the groceries. Use “Our Best” Flour. b. Y. Wagner & Go., Inc 66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA. Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces BOIS AF APA AA AAA AST Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished 66-15-tf. STE Fine Job Printing A SPECIALTY at the WATCHMAN OFFICE There is no style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this office Employers This Interests You The Workman's Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes insurance compul- sory. We specialize in placing such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. It will be to your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON. + Bellefonte 43-18-1yr. State College