Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 24, 1927, Image 1
Beware fam INK SLINGS. —Commander Richard E. seems to be the kind of a Byrd who won't fly in the face of Providence. —On Wednesday we became con- vinced that summer is here. We saw the first parasol being carried on the street. ——The young clergyman who preached his first sermon before the President may be said to have “begun at the top.” ——Some of the midwestern world war veterans want information as to the conduct of two Chicago “disabled veteran” hospitals.” —Why all this discussion as to President Coolidge’s being a bait fisherman. He is just the kind of a person who would fish that way and, besides, he has plenty of fellows who are anxious to cut the bait for him. —The modern household is gradu- ally becoming electrified. Everyday some other new device that consumes juice has to be installed and every month the head of the family also be- comes electrified when he gets the bill for it all. —It is not often that a three days old infant breaks into the column, but the advent of one, Charles McCurdy Denithorne, prompts us to prophecy. Unless we miss our guess we are des- tined to see a great banker, who is its great uncle, turning handsprings all over the community. —Talking about subtle slams, we got one the other day. A merchant to whom we often go for meat when we contemplate a visit to our favorite trout stream inquired, last Saturday, ‘as he was filling our order for enough ham “for supper for two.” “Don’t you ever have fish when you go to your fishing camp?” —An effort is being made to inter- est Bellefonte in birth control. A lecture on the subject was delivered here Wednesday. Not having been invited to attend we are not prepared to say just what the lady’s ideas are, but we are right here to say that whatever they are nobody but those who have no use for them will pay any attention to them. —That young Norwegian minister- ial student who had a President of the United States in the congregation that heard his first sermon might never get very far in the ministry. If he doesn’t it won’t be because that service at Hermosa, South Dakota, last Sunday hasn’t been used to the limit as a vehicle to carry him along, on his ecclesiastical journey. —Having acquired a coat of tan it is reported that Jack Dempsey is now ready to fight his way back to the throne from which Gene Tunney top-- pled . him last September. Demp- ‘sey has about as much chance of win- ning back the heavy-weight cham- pionship as we would have. It’s the coin he’s after and his manager knows that the middle name of nearly every fight fan is Sucker. —The tripartite naval conference that is going on at Geneva is for the purpose of reducing the naval arma- ment of the United States, England and Japan. A great ado is being made of its pacific purpose. That's for the “gudgeons.” The rest of us have a suspicion that it is merely a plan to scrap a lot of perfectly good ships so that the builders can start right in at laying down a lot of new bottoms. —Now is the time to swat the fly. Kill the every poppa fly you see and save yourself the annoyance of hav- ing millions of his progeny pestering you when the sticky August days come. Incidentally, why not have a lecture on birth control for the flies. They need it more than Bellefonters do. The human population of this place hasn’t increased a thousand in the past two decades and the flies run up a couple of billion in two months. —We had business at an establish- ment along Race street, Wednesday morning. It was business that re- quired the services of the boss. Right in the midst of our job he dropped it like a hot cake, flew to a window from which we had noticed a fishing rod projected and, for a moment, acted like he was welcoming Lindbergh to our city. Then he calmed down and proceeded to haul in a fourteen inch sucker. The night before we had driven thirty-six miles to catch three little trout. That evening we drove six more and didn’t get a thing. We have windows just as piscatorially opportune as those of the gentleman who fishes from his but we’re always running miles away for things that are lying right at our own door. —-The position of H. E. Holzworth, candidate for nomination on the Re- publican ticket for County Treasurer, is giving the lawyers food for thought. Mr. Holzworth is now a County Commissioner and according to-an Act of Assembly in 1841, which has never been repealed, “no County Commissioner is eligible to election as County Treasurer until the expira- tion of one year next after the term for which they shall have been elect- ed.” You will note that the quotation from the Act of 1841 says: “shall have been elected.” Mr. Holzworth was not elected to the office of County Commissioner. He was appointed by the late Judge Keller, so that his eli- gibility to the office of County Treas- urer is probably dependent entirely on what interpretation the courts would put on that word “elected.” Sy CHIT , lr STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 72. BELLEFONTE, PA.. JUNE 24. 192 NO. 25. Kentucky Court Poinis the Way. The Court of Appeals sitting in Frankford, Kentucky, in a contested election case, pointed the way for the United States Senate to dispose of the claim of William S. Vare, of Phila- delphia, for a seat in that so-called august body. The court declared that “no election had been held in Louis- ville and Jefferson county in Novem- ber, 1925,” for the reason that “fraud and conspiracy made the proceedings gone through, invalid.” In that elec- tion the Republican candidates for municipal offices in Louisville and the county offices in Jefferson county were declared elected. A contest was entered by the Democratic candidates which has dragged through the low- er and appellate courts until a final decree was made June 14. In the course of the investigation the Republican respondents admitted that frauds had been perpetrated but not to a sufficient extent to change the result as declared by the return- ing boards. In answer to this aver- ment the Court of Appeals declared that “no election was held because of evidence of hiring and paying impos- tors to cast illegal votes, acts of vio- lence and intimidation and the carry- ing out in part, at least, of a scheme concerted by an inner circle of prac- tical men in the Republican organi- zation to get into the ballot boxes a sufficient number of false Republican ballots to insure seating of the Re- publican candidates, no matter what might be the result of the ballots law- fully cast.” This is precisely what the Vare ma- chine and the Republican organization did in Pennsylvania in the Senatorial election of 1926. Impostors were hired and paid to “cast illegal votes” for Vare and the other candidates of that party, acts of violence and intimida- tion were committed and to make the analogy complete the practical men who directed the corrupt operations have admitted that fraudulent votes were cast “but not in sufficient num- ber to overcome the majority return- ed for Mr. Vare.” In the Kentucky case the election was declared null and void, but that is only partial con- solation for: the candidates really elected and*eounted out. In the Vare case it is hoped the contestant will be seated. ——FEven if radio d' :s stimulate the growth of vegetation it will not likely be claimed that the carrots and cabbages are entranced by the voices of the announcers. en ———— er ——————.. Rivalry in Honoring Lindbergh. There seems to have developed a tense effort on the part of several cities to excell in bestowing honors on Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh. His reception in the city of Paris, it may be assumed, was spontaneous because it was hardly expected that other cities which he intended to visit in Europe would show equal enthu- siasm, and the Paris ovation was a whole-hearted appreciation of his achievement. But the city of Brus- sels, Belgium, revealed equal emotion and that of London expressed even with greater zeal the value of his achievement and the merits of his personality. Then it was announced that New York would “break the record” when he landed there on his home coming journey. It was at this stage of the proceed- ings that the spirit of rivalry was aroused. Bascom Slemp, of Virginia, who reads politics in the stars, con- ceived the idea that his party might gain advantage by having the first reception of the hero in the National capital and under the auspices of the administration. An invitation was cabled to the Colonel which, of course, he accepted because it was in the name of the President. and Postmaster General New assum- ed control of the enterprise and tried to convert it into a party affair with the result that it became mechanical instead of emotional. that New York might do later. In pursuance of this plan the post- master in every city in the country was urged in a form letter to invite every man and woman of social or commercial importance to go to Washington and participate in the demonstration or send a letter of con- gratulation to the hero of the aerial mail. The effect was not disappointing. Thousands of men and women went to Washington and other thousands sent the letters. But even at that the New York reception far surpassed that of Washington. In fact Colonel Lind- bergh estimated those of Paris, Brussels, London and Washington put together. That at St. Louis, which was the real home- coming, was necessarily less in size but not in enthusiasm. eee semi ——Commander Byrd tempers his courage with caution. In other words he “looks before he leaps.” | Heartening News from Philadelphia. i The promise of a reorganized and rejuvenated Democratic party in Philadelphia is welcome as well as Judge Gary’s Great Power. Judge Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the board of the United States Steel Corporation, is a marvelous magician. D. A. R. End Year's Work at May Meeting. Already over a month of the sum- mer recess of the Bellefonte chapter heartening to the voters of that po- litical faith throughout the State. There have been before him sorcerers, necromancers and conjurers who have Many leading Democrats of the city | amused millions and fooled a vast are co-operating in a movement “to | number of people by tricks and de- place before the Democratic voters at | vices which seemed to be a result of the September primaries candidates | Supernatural forces. In this harm- who have a broad and genuine inter- less and entertaining procedure the est in the welfare of the city and late Houdini was the acknowledged party.” Beginning with the office of A master, though there were many oth- Mr. Slemp | The object of | their endeavors was to beat anything ! it as greater than | Mayor capable and fit men will be named for every office to be filled at the ensuing election, including council- men and magistrates. In recent years no effort has been made to elect any city or county officers other than those which have minority represen- tation. If the Democratic voters were limited to the nomination of candidates it would have little meaning in the minds of Democratic voters outside the city. But they have in mind something much better. They intend to organ- ize in each of the forty-eight wards a strong force to canvas with the view of increasing the registry and thus bring to the polls on election day the full strength of the party. In addi- tion to that splendid achievement they will so zealously and efficiently guard the polls that a correct count and honest return of the votes will be practically certain. That may not re- sult in the election of their candidates 100,000 votes. Now there are less than 25,000 registered Democratic voters in the city, and a considerable Democrats in order to qualify for the minority offices and thus the better serve the corrupt Republican machine. It is not possible or even probable that in the face of the increased popu- | lation of the city the Democratic strength has dwindled to the meager proportion expressed in the registry. The fact is that thousands of Demo- cratic voters, having given up hope, neglect to register and thus lose their right to vote. The new organization may remedy that. : St —— A S——————————. ——1It is encouraging to learn that will not result in war. many people could summon up suffi- cient fortitude to view with com- placency a good, hard knock on the Soviet government. The Voting Machine Amendment. The proposed organization for the purpose of improving the electoral system of the State is entirely justi- fied in making the adoption of a con- stitutional amendment for optional voting machines in Pennsylvania part of its purpose. “Half a loaf is mental law is “a step in the right di- rection,” for wherever the voting ma- chines are used honest elections will be had. But it would be unwise to place too much dependence on this ex- pedient as a specific for our political ailments. That is, it will give no as- surance of honest elections of State- wide candidates. Districts without frauds. The resolution to be voted on at the election of 1928 provides for voting machines only in districts where the majority of the voters want them. The result is likely to be that they will be asked for only in election districts where they are not needed as a pro- tection against fraud. A proposition to adopt voting machines in Philadel- phia and Pittsburgh would have about the same chance of success as a snow ment contemplated in the resolution of Senator Davis, of Scranton, would have accamplished the desired result and the one we will vote on next year was adopted for the reason that it will not. The Davis resolution provided for compulsory use of the machines and if it had been adopted the elections in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh would have been as honest and the returns as fair as in any district in Centre county, and everybody knows that all or nearly all Centre county electior.s | are fairly conducted and honestly re- | turned. But the pending amendment ought to be adopted, notwithstanding | its deliquencies. For a time its ad- | vantages will not be realized but in | the end the decrease in the expense of | elections, the expedition in returns and the convenience in voting may | force even those opposed to honest elections to ask for the machines. | ——H. L. Menckin, famous New | York “Columnist,” is willing to have Mr. Coolidge declared King. Obvi- { ously Mr. Menckin is not very partic- ' ular about such things. but it will secure better government. . Nearly half a century ago the Dem- ocrats of Philadelphia polled about ‘widely separated cause and effect re- number of them are registered as ‘ers who served the purpose of the art, if it may be so called, which was to amuse the patrons and raake mon- ey for the operator. Judge Gary is not in this class, however. He does wonderful things but not with the aid of supernatural forces or occult agen- cies. purpose of these militant | For example, the other day in his New York office and in the presence | of an audience which had no thought of amusement, Judge Gary “waved his hand over a glass sphere on his desk” and by that simple gesture set in motion the vast body of machinery ! in the great steel plant of the corpor- ation at Homestead, near Pittsburgh, ! several hundred miles away. As the ; judge waved his ‘hand over the glass sphere, current was passed by tele- | graph line to Newark, New Jersey, by short wave radio to Pittsburgh and through a telegraph line to Home- stead where it closed a switch, thus starting the steel mill in operation. It may be worthwhile te mention that | the glass sphere on Judge Gary’s desk was lined with. silver. The public is informed, through the newspapers, “that this amazing and sulted from an ingenious electrical circuit devised by the Westinghouse engineers.” This fact detracts from Judge Gary in some measure the glory of achievement. But the judge ! doesn’t need the support of even so marvelous an accomplishment to prove his superiority to all rivals as a D. A. R. has passed. The members can rest on the oars of past accom- plishment and look forward with pleasure, anticipation and calm con- fidence to the ensuing two years’ ex- ecution of the chapter’s work by the officers unanimously elected at the May meeting, viz.: Mrs. William Frear, regent; Miss Lucretia Van Tuyl Simmons, first vice regent; Mrs. ! James C. Furst, second vice regent; | Mrs. P. B. Brenneman, recording sec- : retary; Mrs. John Gray Love, corres- ! ponding secretary; Miss Janet Harris | Potter, assistant corresponding secre- | tary; Mrs. N. B. Spangler, treasur- ler; Mrs. John L Olewine, historian; Miss Olive B. Mitchell, registrar, and { Mrs. Austin O. Furst, Mrs. W. | Wayne Rogers, Mrs. James I. Thomp- son, Mrs. Charles W. Stoddart, Mrs. {John Curtin, Mrs. P. H. Dale and | Miss Anna Allison McCoy directors. | The reports of the national con- | gress at Washington, D. C., given at this meeting by the local organiza- tion’s two delegates, Mrs. W. G. Chambers and Miss L. V. T. Simmons, were exceedingly clever. Mrs. W. G. Chambers’ view of that large congress of between three and four thousand women, from every State in the Union, was scintillatingly humor- ous and poignantly ~ discerning. Miss Simmons’, comprehensive and justly balancing. Their auditors could marvel that there was so little creaking of the ponderous wheels of a machine of organization so vast; they could smile at the quoted apos- trophies of some of the speakers as they seemed to feel impelled to laud that overwhelming assemblage. Those hearing the reports were im- pressed with the science, art, inter- national situations, yea, even politics, discussed there; and then, too, they necromancer. It is well known that | ®XPerienced disappointment to see by a wave of his hand and without the | that vanity and liking for pomp and help of a silver lined glass sphere he ! show were still evident in the 1927 hat. by the same. process. he has' has fixed the price of steel for the | whole world. It is equally certain! National congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution. This resume gives just a slight hint at what the Belletont hart enjoy- the crisis between Russia and Poland Still a great better than no bread,” and the inser- | tion of such a provision in the funda- machines would probably continue the | hosen Senators in Congress, Gover- nors of States and controlled the work of Legislatures. ——Fifteen wagons lined up at Bellefonte’s curb market, last Satur- day morning, and chief among the delicacies offered were home grown strawberries. Most of the fruit was exceedingly nice but growers report that the crop this year will be a short one. The early blossoms were frozen and the hard rains later played havoc with the crop, so that it will not be nearly as productive as that of last year. rl ———————. Arrests Made on Smuggling Liquor Charge. On the charge of attempting to smuggle liquor to inmates of the ' Rockview penitentiary Patsy and Joe Carmello, of DuBois, were arrested last Saturday and at a hearing before {Squire Abraham Houser, of Benner township, on Tuesday afternoon, were held in $1000 bail for trial at court. | Being unable to furnish bond the men ' were sent to jail. ‘an automobile stopped on the road ‘leading through the prison grounds and one was seen to deposit a pack- | rage in a pile of logs. After they de- "parted an officer secured the package ‘and found a pint bottle of grain al- ‘cohol. Identification of the men was ' made through the number of the tags on the car. 1 | ——Some unknown individual got ball in gehenna would have retaining | 2Vay With one of the airmail trucks . its form. The voting machine amend- | at an early hour on Monday morning. | | When the night force came off duty, that morning, they parked the truck ‘as usual in the square near the First | National bank, but the truck was not | there when the day force looked for | it at seven o’clock. | ————— { —Colonel Lindbergh has had a | strenuous life since his landing in | Paris a month ago but has come through it all without a blemish. Now that the excitement is over he will encounter the acid test of be- havior, ——At a meeting of the State as- sociation of mutual fire insurance com- panies, held in York, Pa., last week. John S. Dale, of State College, was elected third vice president. ——Vice President Dawes may not be able to write the rules of the Sen- ate but he seems to have hypnotized the 1918 class of Princeton. ——Americans have $13,000,000,- war debts, which makes some of us anxious about collections. The alleged smuggling attempt was made on June 13th when two men in 000 invested in Europe besides the | ‘ed when the Misses McCurdy, Mrs. . John Porter Lyon, Mrs. H. Laird Cur- | tin, Miss Janet H. Potter, Mrs. C. M. | Dinges and Mrs. John Love were its hostesses at the Brockerhoff house on | the evening of May fifth last. ' Doctor Gets $250,000 Verdict for Loss of Sight. A news dispatch from New York, under date of June 20th, contained the following item which will be read with interest by some of the older people of Bellefonte. | Dr. Joseph G. Yocum, of Middle- town, N. Y., victim of an unusual ac- cident in an interborough subway { train which caused total blindness, re- i ceived a verdict for $250,000 in the Supreme Court today in a damage suit against the Interborough Rapid Transit Company. The verdict was said to be the largest ever rendered in New York county in an action to recover for personal injuries. Dr. Yocum sued for $500,000. There will be an appeal. Dr. Yocum, who is 50 years old, was formerly a surgeon at the Skin and Cancer Hospital and the { Presbyterian Hospital. He came out unscratched from the World War, in which he performed more than 3300 “major operations upon soldiers. The accident occurred December 21, 11921. A bolt becoming detatched from | some of the mechanism on a train on { which Dr. Yocum was a passenger struck the surgeon in the left eye de- i stroying sight. A sympathetic con- dition developed in the right eye which also became blind. Dr. Yocum testi- | fied that his income before the acci- dent was $150,000 a year. Since the "accident he has been receiving $400 a week on accident insurance policies. The Dr. Yocum referred to above .is the youngest son of the late Hon. | and Mrs. Seth H. Yocum, at one time residents of Bellefonte. In 1878 the elder Yocum defeated the late An- drew G. Curtin for Congressman in ‘this district and served in the 46th | Congress. Older politicians will re- i call it as a memorable campaign. Con- gressman Yocum built and lived in the country house north of Bellefonte ‘now occupied by G. Edward Haupt. | The family left Bellefonte in the mid- (dle 80’s and of the four sons Dr. Yo- cum is the sole survivor. Shortly before the noon hour last Saturday, while George Keller- {man was engaged in making repairs {on the electrical apparatus at the | plant of the American Lime & Stone | company, he came in contact with a 220 volt wire and it was some seconds before he was released by a fellow- workman. When the contact was broken Kellerman reeled and fell from a scaffold on which he was standing onto a concrete floor six feet below. He was hurriedly taken to the Centre County hospital where an examination ; disclosed the fact that he was not ser- {iously injured. ‘| SPAWLS FROM THE KEYTSONE. —Catching in a ball game without wear ing a chest protector, resulted in the death of Charles . Morrow, 22, of New Castle. Morrow was struck above the heart by a foul tip from the bat of an epposing play- er in a twilight game last Thursday night. Death was reported almost instantaneous. —John Williams, alias “Red” Swartz, who was arrested in Connecticut several weeks ago by Sergeant Kaufman of the state polce after months of search, was on Monday sentenced to from 10 to 20 years in the eastern penitentiary, $1,000 fine and costs for robbing the INlysburg National bank. : —Herbert Weir, 28, an orderly in the Philadelphia General hospital, faces a 10 to 20 year prison sentence, following his plea of guilty to second degree murder, on charges of beating to death Henry Wetzel, a T6-year-old patient at the hospital. Wetzel died April 13 as a result of the beating. —Max Klein, 43, of Morrisville, Pa., after he was shot through the 'shoulder by a highwayman on Monday, ran into his inn on the Lincoln highway near there for a revolver and then chased the high- wayman down the road. He did not catch him. Klein's wound was treated at a Trenton, N. J., hospital and Klein then returned to his inn. —While members of the Ladies choir of the church of the Good Shepherd, in Scran- ton, were singing at services on Sunday night a sneak thief gathered up their pocketbooks that had been left in the vestibule and made his escape. The matter was reported to the police, but the exact amount of money in the missing pocket- books has not been determind. -—Fire of undetermined origin on Mon- day leveled an abandoned buggy plant of the Mifflinburg Body company used for storage, destroyed a double frame house owned by the company and badly dam- aged a three-story brick building former- ly housing the Howard Hopp carriage factory, but vacant for the past year. Damage is estimated at $40,000. —The little village of Farrandsville, in Clinton county, built around the Harbi- son-Walker brick plant, which was closed some time ago, is offered on the auction block for $30,000, site, seventeen houses, a $10,000 school house, a church, a railroad siding, a water system, and the site, is all included for that price. The Lock Haven Business Men's Association have offered a premium of $100 to any member who will secure a bidder for the place. —A statement endorsing a school for aldermen and justices of the peace was issued on Monday by Alderman C. C. Dunn, president of Berks County Magis- trates’ Association. In a report several days ago, the Berks grand jury recom- mended such a school for justices and aldermen to teach them how properly to prepare bills of indictment and other court papers. One justice sent in seven warrants for a single offense last week, the grand jury's action following. Clearence Edgar Bilby, aged 25 years, of Jersey Shore, could not remember how many times he had been arrested when questioned by Judge Harvey W. White- head, of Lycoming county, before whom he appeared Monday morning to enter a plea of guilty to the charge of burglary and larceny. The young man did recall }-that he had served a term in the reforma- tary and one in the penitentiary on burg-’ lary charges. Judge Whitehead sentenced the defendant to serve from one to two vears in the eastern penitentiary, pay a fine of $50 and the costs of prosecution. —Raymond Ooks killed himself at his residence at Walnut Bend, Franklin coun- ty, on Sunday night in the presence of a neighbor whom he had asked to come to his home to see him do the act. Oaks was . 37 years old and is said to have been crazed by drinking 56 bottles of home brew, a pint of alcohol and four cans of canned heat. On Sunday morning he drove his wife and five small children out . of the house with a shotgun. In the after- noon he sought his family but could not find them. That night he asked a neighbor, Willis Atkinson, to come to his house. He then locked the door and placed a revolver to his forehead, carrying out his last words, “Here I go,” by blowing his brains out. — The identity of two men arrested in connection with the murder of William McCorkle, prominent Mapleton business man, whose bullet-riddled body was found near the William Penn highway eight miles east of Huntingdon sub-station on Friday, by state police who have been investigating the murder. The pris- oners, who are formally charged with murder, are Louie Riggio, 43, and Mike Conte, 38, both of Mapleton. McCorkle was accustomed to carry large sums of money on his person in addition to valuable diamonds. The circumstances of the killing showed McCorkle had been shot four times. his left leg broken, and his body dumped into a ditch and conceal- ed with bushes. —J. W. Fox, treasurer and trust officer of the Safe Deposit bank, of Pottsville, on Monday morning pleaded. guilty to em- bezzlement and false entry in the Schuyl- kill county courts and was sentenced to two years in jail for embezzlement and two years for false entry. Thomas F. Hopkins, receiving teller, also pleaded guilty to misapplication of funds, but sentence in his case was deferred until next Monday owing to the fact that he is at present seriously ill The total short- age In the Fox case was $130,000, with restitution by property turned over to the bank of about $42,000. The bank is also protected by a $50,000 surety bond. The misapplication of funds by Hopkins is placed thus far at $2,900 but the examina- tion has not been completed, it was an- nounced. —After being absent from Latrobe 40 vears, Frank Wilkins, 73, called on several persons there to pay small debts which he had contracted and had not paid before he left and went to all parts of the coun- try. Wilkins said his conscience had been bothering him and that he wanted to pay the bills. Wilkins walked into the office of Attorney James B. Weaver and an- nounced that he wanted to pay a bill of $24 he owed to I. D. Pores before leaving Latrobe. Weaver, who is a relative of Pores, accepted the money and gave the aged man a receipt. Wilkins entered a drug store and paid $10 which he said he owed to the brother of the druggist. He also paid $6 to the druggist for a debt which he said he owed John MacMillan, who is dead, and who was a relative of the drug- gist. A short time later Wilkins fell on the street and was taken to the Latrobe hospital unconscious, suffering from an in- jury to his head. . *