Pemorvaiy alc, Bellefonte, Pa., June 17, 1927. - A LF AR ES I, STEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——John W. Beals, of Philipsburg, “thas been appointed a state factory in- spector in the Department of Labor --and Industry. A little daughter was born to ‘Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Payne, on Mon- day, who has been christened Molly Mathilde Payne. The annual commencement at ‘#4he Huntingdon reformatory will be held next Wednesday, with exercises -at 2 and 7:30 o’clock p. m. Mrs. H. C. Yeager has resum- ed her newspaper work, being now the reporter from Bellefonte for the Gazette and Bulletin, of Williamsport. Sixteen applicants for American «citizenship will be heard at a session «af maturalization court to be held be- Fore Judge Furst next Monday morn- “ing. ——George Bartko, of Rush town- ship, was arrested last week for vio- lation of the liquor laws, and at a ‘hearing before ’Squire Hancock, in Philipsburg on Monday, was held in $1,000 bail for trial at court. Because of the close proximity «of the carnival to Hughes field head- mmaster James R. Hughes has kept burly guards on duty, night and «day, to see that no undesirables take za free bath in the swimming pool. Rev. Edwin H. Romig preach- sd his farewell sermon in Faith Re- - formed church, at State College, on . “Sunday evening, having resigned his pastorate there to accept a call to - the Tabor Reformed church, Philadel- ~ hia. : The Ladies Aid society of the Lutheran church of Pine Grove Mills will hold a bake sale of fresh bread, pies, cake and other delicacies, in the . new paronsage building, tomorrow {Saturday) afternoon and evening. Proceeds will be devoted to the church repair fund. ——Governor Fisher, on Monday, appointed W. R. Gallagher, of Houtz- «dale, as a member of the board of trustees of the Philipsburg State hos- pital, to take the place of State Sen- ;zator Harry B. Scott, who was declar- @d ineligible to serve because of being a member of the State Senate. Last Saturday morning a car «driven by Mrs. Harry McElwain, of Wmionville, and another by Harry “Miller, of Yarnell, collided at the “Junction of North water street with the state road, shaking up the occu- wants and considerably damaging both «ars. Fortunately no one was injured. Tuesday’s Philadelphia papers ~announced the acquisition by the Unit- af Gas Improvement company. of the Day antl Zimmerman Inc., interests, which cover property interests in four- “#een States. The principal offices of Day and Zimmerman are in Philadel- phia and the present secretary of the -acompany is Charles A. McClure, son wf James I. ‘McClure, of Bellefonte. it will “probably be several months before the complete amalgamation “thas been perfected. A small force of men’ began work, last Friday morning, on tear- ing down the two old houses on what ‘Es known as the Longwell property, on North Spring street, but now own- eed ‘by Horatio S. Moore. Just what will ‘Ibe erected there when the old houses “have been torn down is not definitely "known but it is rumored that it will tbe an apartment house. The new Yuilding, whatever it is, will be set back to conform with the property Eine of the other houses on that street, According to present plans “Ivan Walker., trustee of the estate of Mary C. Harris, deceased, will mail «hecks to creditors of the Centre ©Cesunty Banking Co., next week. “These will represent the fund in trus- ‘tee 'Walker’s hands the distribution of which the receivers of the Banking “Company contested on the ground “that it should have been made by “them. The ruling of Judge Albert ~Johnson legalized the distribution by Mr. Walker, however. The total amount to be disbursed is approxi- ‘mately $80,000. It will require about 950 checks, the largest of which will be for $999.96 and the smallest for 13 cts. . The distribution will repre- sent about 15% of the defunct bank’s “Hrdbilities, Last Friday evening residents ~of east High street were considerably alarmed over the appearance in that Hocality of four men, who they de- . scribed as roughly dressed and strang- ~«grs, and they appealed to the police and sheriff Taylor for protection. The men had been seen two nights in suc- cession, along about eleven o’clock, and while they had made no hostile mmoves their presence in that locality was deemed a menace by the resi- dents. Consequently chief of police Dukeman, sheriff Taylor and “Chuck” . Shuey went out along the cemetery * to investigate. They had no trouble ‘rounding up the quartette of young - ymen, who were almost at the limit of “ ttheir patience. They were all from "Hetla, and the brother of one of them " “has-a lady friend on east High street «on whom he was calling. The five young men came to town together in a car and naturally four of them had to wait until the fortunate young man said good night to the fair damsel on east” High street, and this accounted for their loitering in that neighbor- ‘hood so late at night. It is needless 4 say -the young. men were not ar- «rested. BIG CLASS GRADUATED AT STATE COLLEGE. | Annual Commenceemnt This Week Drew Large Crowds. Following the usual preliminaries i Two Prisoners Leave Rockview in Prison Car. Two prisoners made their escape from Rockview penitentiary on Sat- urday afternoon, in one of the prison cars, and thus frustated all attempts LEMONT PEOPLE PROTEST i CHANGE IN STATE HIGHWAY. Don’t Want Town Eliminated from Traffic to State College, | Lemont people are considerably of house parties and dances the an-'y, 41.) them with the blood hounds agitated over the proposition of the nual commencement exercises at State : College began in earnest on Sunday ' with the baccalaureate sermon, de- | livered by Rev. Donald B. Aldrich, of ' a the Church of the Ascension, New| recently purchased by the prison man- agement. The men were Lee Barr, aged 24, and George D. Roberts, aged 29, both of Cambria county. Both are expert State Highway Department to not only shorten the route to State Col- lege but eliminate the dangerous "curves in and adjacent to Lemont by , constructing a new roadway north York city. In the evening the band |. hanics and were .working in the Of the town.. The new, route, which gave a sacred concert on the campus service, Dr.. Fraser Metzger, a form- er Penn State chaplain, being the' speaker. , Alumni, class meetings and various other events made of Monday a busy day. The alumni banquet was held in the evening as well as the com- mencement reception and dance. The graduation exercises, on Tues- day morning, were characterized with | the formal induction into office of the’ new president of the College, Dr. Ralph D. Hetzel. Governor John S. Fisher was present and Bim | | ed the oath. GOVERNOR GIVES OATH. | When Governor Fisher arrived at! the campus gateway he was given a military salute by the mounted Troop A, 52nd Machine Gun Squadron of the , National Guard, and a military guard attended him at all times. The Gov- ernor joined Judge H. Walton Mitch-' ell, president of the board of trustees, | and President Hetzel in the academic | procession that wound its way over | the campus to Old Main, healed by the college military band. Following the invocation by Dr. Fred Lewis Pat- . tee, Judge Mitchell formally inducted Dr. Hetzel into office. and the oath was administered by Governor Fisher. The inaugural address then followed, | after which the degrees were granted bv schools, and commissions awarded 38 graduates as U. 8S. Army reserve officers. | The election of alumni trustees Sat- | urday resulted in the returning to the hoard of J. G. White, New York, and the placing of two .new members, W. L. Affelder, Pittsburgh, and Boyd A. Musser, Scranton, each for three year terms. Delegates from county indus- trial and agricultural societies re- elected C. J. Tyson, Floradale; John | A. McSparran. Furniss, and W. P. Rothrock. State College. Frank P. Willits, former State Secretary of . Agriculture, was also elected by this group, : The graduating class this year num- bered 575, one of the largest in the history of the College. Graduates from Centre county were as follows: Harry I. Bartges, Horatio S. Buck | Jr.,, Miss Margaret M. Buck, John E. i Erb, Miss Frances L. Forbes, Miss Cora M. Foster, Miss Harriet C. Fos- ter, Miss Helen B. Foster, Miss Eliz- | abeth R. Frear, Justus A. Garrison, | George L. Haller, Arthur S. Hodgkiss, | Miss Charlotte R. Hoy, John E.| Klingman, Horton R. Knoll, John M. | Krumrine, Arthur V. Kunes, Miss Mary L: Liebenderfer, Miss Marian A. | McLaughlin, Miss Sarah A. Meyer, Johnson B. Mitchell, James R. Mus- ser, Eugene M. Pearce, Mrs. Dorothy , P. Rigby, Gerald C. Romig, Lawrence | C. Rosenberry, George H. Son Leon B. Skinner, Paul E. Stephens, Gilbert M. Strunk, Alfred M. id B. Carl Wharton, Philip H. Wynne, Marion L. Davis and Nelson D. Zim- merman, all of State College; William H. Keller, George J. McNichol, Ham- ilton O. Smith and William B. Troupe, | of Bellefonte; Paul E. Corman, of Co- burn; Harry L. Detwiler, of Smull- ton; Charles ‘R. Keatley and E. E.! Williams, of Fleming, and Theodore R. Russell, of Philipsburg. ! Where Academy Football Players Will Go Next Fall, | Bellefonte football fans were all het : up, last fall, with the splendid record of the Bellefonte Academy team and naturally will be interested in follow- | ing the careers of the individual players. . Ten men who played with | the squad last year have completed , their course and will enter college next fall. Franklin Hood, the star of the team, will go to the University of Pitts- burgh; Leonard Schnuppe, John Dreshar and Theodore Rosenzweig will enroll at Carnegie Tech; Albert Gaudet, Jerry Nemeseck and Hargld Williams. to New York University; Lew Mutzel to Penn State, Gordon Hinkle to Bucknell, and Paul Brogley to the ‘Southwestern Methodist Uni- versity, Dallas, Texas. While ten players from the first squad seem a lot of men to lose the Academy will. still have an abundance of football material for next fall’s team, as more than thirty players are now in sight. . A Great London Preacher Coming to Pennsylvania. Sunday school folks in Centre coun- ty will be glad to learn that they will have an opportunity to hear Dr. F. B. Myers, the great London preacher. The State Sabbath School Associa- tion has arranged with Dr. Myers to address the state convention, which will be held in New Castle on October 12, 13 and 14. Centre county is already laying plans in that convention and hopes to be represented by twice as many dele- gates as ever before, and anyone de- siring information along this line, can secure the same by addressing our county president, C. C. Shuey, Belle- fonte, Pa. . Thursday, June 30th, is the closing date for porch rocker tickets. 24-1t ke a car and drive to the peach orchard, about a mile from ade, and bring in an inmate who was working there. The men took a car bearing license number 572 and left down to Roopsburg and took the back road by the way of the slaughter houses to Bellefonte. But they didn’t come into the town, turning around on the road and driving back to Roops- burg went west on the Buffalo Run road. Barr was sent up for three to six years for receiving stolen goods, breaking and entering, and Roberts got a four to eight years sentence for breaking and entering, larceny, re- ceiving stolen goods and bigamy. The automobile was found on Mon- day, in the vicinity of Moun- tain Lake park, two miles west of Duncanville, where it had been abandoned by the escaped convicts. | Rockview authorities sent a man to! Blair county, on Tuesday, to bring the car back to the penitentiary. Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop sells Men’s work shoes at $2.85, better .in quality than shoes sold by the mail order houses for $3.50. 24-1t Bad Boys Desecrate Graves in Union Cemetery. Visitors to the Union cemetery, last Saturday morning, were astounded at the discovery that several of the stone markers at graves along the avenue leading out to the new part of the cemetery had been overturned and a numbar of graves otherwise desecrat- ed. At first it was thought to have been the work of an intoxicated auto- mobile driver but an investigation disclosed the fact that such was not the case and that it was evidently the work of bad boys. In fact, the au- thorities have a well grounded sus- picion as to the identity of the mis- creants and just as soon as sufficient evidence can be obtained the boys will be arrested and punished. : Bellefonte has a number of crim- inally mischievous boys, boys of good families, who persistently indulge in the habit of trespassing on other peo- ple’s property, destroying and steal- ing flowers and garden truck. Some of these boys are known and unless their practice is stopped it is only a question of time until ‘they will find themselves in the clutches of the law. a il seen Guaranteed’ solid leather work { shoes, $2.85; Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop. 24-1t Mrs. Lloyd White Injured in Auto! Accident. Mrs. Lloyd White, of Spring town- ship, was painfully injured, on Sat- urday evening, in an auto accident out near the Triangle filling station beyond the old aviation field. The Whites live on the road leading to the new airmail field and on Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. White and children were motoring in to Belle- fonte. As they came out onto the main Nittany valley highway their car was hit by a car from Newberry, containing five men, who were on their way home from the auto races, at Tipton. It is said that the White car had already crossed the road and was on the right side headed toward Bellefonte when hit, and that the Newberry car was on the wrong side {of the road. Mrs. White was thrown from the car and painfully cut and bruised, though it is not believed seriously. She was holding a two year old child in her lap and it escaped without a scratch. None of the other occupants of the car were injured., Both ma- chines were considerably damaged. Children’s Matinee at Spencer’s Show Tomorrow. A spacial children’s matinee will be given by the Spencer exposition shows exhibiting on Beaver’s field tomorrow (Saturday), at two o’clock. All child- ren of Uellefonte are invited by Mr. Spencer to be his guests. ~All rides and shows will be open and the ad- mission for all children will be five cents. Other attractions will also be given for this special matinee and a big crowd is expected. Two weeks more to save porch rocker tickets to get a chair free. 24-1t ——During the commencement week at State, Judge H. Walton Mitchell, of Pittsburgh, was presented with a gold watch and an engrossed parch- ment by the alumni association. The honor was in recognition of his twen- ty-five years of service ‘as a trustee of the institution and the only alum- nus to become president of the board. ll ae Ll Thursday, June 30th, is the closing date for porch rocker tickets. 24-1% the stock- v r | prison garage. About two o'clock on | has already been’ charted and survey- which was followed with a vesper, Saturday afternoon they were told to . ed, provides for a cut off from the ‘ present state highway at a point near where the road now goes into Houser- ville, this side of Lemont, and thence ! on almost a direct course over the hill 'to connect with the present road at : for the peach orchard, but they never ; OF near the Evergreens, this side of i went there. When they got down onto | State College. the Spring Creek road they drove | This would probably shorten the road to the College about a mile and would also get rid of the dangerous curves this ‘side of Lemont as well as the short turn in that town. But Lemont people protest that the building of the proposed cutoff would naturally take the bulk of the traf- fic that way and would be det- rimental to the business interests of | the town. As a matter of protest they are now circulating a petition . for signers which in due time will be | presented to the State Highway De- partment setting forth their right in i the matter and protesting against the | construction of the new road. Just what the outcome will be remains to be seen. Down Nittany valley the Depart- ment has decided to eliminate the stretch of highway known as “Dead Man’s Curve,” below . Hublersburg, where several fatal accidents have oc- curred. This work is now under way. | “Down Bald Eagle valley a stretch ‘of a little over two miles of road will be built to complete. the road between Howard and Mill Hall, while one or , two bad curves will be eliminated on i the road between Milesburg and Cur- tin. | The short stretch of highway over the Seven mountains has been com- pleted and that road is now open to traffic, so that motorists are not com- pelled to travel the long, hard detour in use last summer. Out on the highway between Snow Shoe and Kylertown, Clearfield coun- ty, the road is now completed from Snow Shoe to the bridge over Mo- shannon creek, while work is in pro- gress from the creek to Kylertown. It will be two months or longer be- fore it is completed, but in the mean- time traffic is open over the old road- way, as the new highway is being con- structed over a different route. Swiniming Pool and Tennis Courts on Hughes Field. ‘The mammoth swimming pool has been the scene of much pleasure and enjoyment for several weeks. There is an influx of water daily which makes the water in the pool all that can be desired. Tickets can be pur- chased of the caretaker at the pool that will provide six: baths for $1.00. Many of thése tickets are sold every season. © : The five tennis courts on the ath- letie field are in fine condition and are open to the public. A season ticket can be purchased of William Waite for $3.00. Those not purchasing tick- ets will be permitted to play by pay- ing ten cents a set. Regular holders taking friends must pay ten cents a set for their guests. These courts will be kept rolled and marked by the caretaker. Entrance to the courts will ‘be ‘at the gate next to the west end of the bath house. The regulations regarding the use of the courts will soon be posted. Mr. Hughes gives warning that those de- siring to bathe in the pool must pay the price of twenty-five cents for a morning, or an afternoon or an even- ing swim. Additional Appointments Made by Governor Fisher. During the past week Governor Fish- er has made many more appointments but so far has confined himself to the boards of various State and semi- State institutions. In fact, so far he has. only been using his pruning knife and has not yet put his axe to work in trimming out the undesirables in the: great army of State employees. In appointing the board of trustees for the Laurelton State Village the name of Mrs, Robert Mills Beach, of Bellefonte, a member of the old board, was dropped from the list. Nelson E. Robb, of Bellefonte, was appointed a member of the board for the Selins- grove Epileptic Colony. The complete board for the western penitentiary is as follows: Edwin C. May, Dr. William T. Root, Rev. Charles R. Zahneiser, George H. Flynn and James H. Hoeveler, of Pittsburgh; John B. Montgomery, Aspinwall; William B. Rodgers Jr., Bellevue; William E. Sankey, Carrick, and George Hankin Jr., Wilknsburg. Sunday School Association Officers. At the recent convention of the Centre county Sunday school associ- ation, held in Philipsburg, the fellow- ing officers were elected for the en- suing year. President, C. C. Shuey, Bellefonte; first vice president, Dr. I. IL. Foster, State College; second vice president, S. Ward Gramley, Millheim; third vice president, A. G. Katen, Philips- burg; recording secretary, Darius Waite, Bellefonte; coresponding secre- tay, Mrs. M. H. Brouse, Bellefonte; treasurer, L. W. Stover, Millheim. NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Mrs. Wm. G. Weiler and her son, William“ Jr., were guests ‘of friends, Sun- day, on the drive to York, Pa., where Mrs. ‘Weiler and the child will visit until July. —Mrs. Robert 8. Walker spent last week at Wellesley college attending commence- ment, having gone up for her class reunion. Mrs. Walker graduated there in the course of physical training. —Mrs. William McClure, Charles Wag- ner and H. E. Walters have been among those from Bellefonte who entered the Clearfield hospital within the week, to be under the: care of Dr. Waterworth. : —Mrs. C. H. Young, of Harrisburg, and her three children, are planning to spend the month of July in Bellefonte, with Mrs. Young’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Kirk. Mrs. Young, before her marriage, was Miss Lois Kirk. —T. Clayton Brown went to Clearfield, Monday to resume the treatment under Dr. Waterworth. His condition now is so much improved that a recovery from his recent long illness is thought to be but a matter of a short time. —Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Kirk returned to their home at Rowes Run,Wednesday, accompanied by Mrs. Kirk's mother, Mrs. D. I. Willard, who will visit with them for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk had been at Penn State for commencement. —Charles E. Aull, of Middletown, Ohio, was among the State boys back for com- mencement. The reunion of the class of 02, of which he was a member, was held at the Nittany Country club, Saturday evening, fifteen of their men being present. —Mrs. Edwin Earle Sparks, who since: leaving State College has made her per- manent home at Pedricktown, N. J, is an- ticipating spending the summer in Wis- consin. Mrs. Sparks will go west late this month and will be at Ephriam, Door coun- ty, during July and August. —Miss Kay Diffendorf returned to her home at Mt. Vernon, N. Y.,, Monday, fol- lowing 21 two weeks visit here as a guest of ‘Miss Virginia Hughes, at the home of ‘her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Hughes. Miss Diffendorf and Virginia were room- mates and are now Sophomore’'s at Beaver college, Jenkintown. ' —Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Curtin with their two children, Betty and Harry, drove in from Pittsburgh for the week-end at the Country club and to make final arrange- ments for coming to Bellefonte the first of July for the summer. The Curtin family will occupy the home of the late: Mrs. George F. Harris, on Linn street. —Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Grove, with ‘their two daughters, Eva and Isabelle, and son Albert, and two grand-daughters, Betty and Anne Laurie, left last Saturday to drive to Wysox, Bradford county, for a weok's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Grove's elder son, Edwin and his wife. The house party at . Wysox included the entire Grove family. Sr Sn —Willlam Kirby Jr., only son of Mrs. William Armstrong Kirby, of Baltimore, spent the week-end here with his grand- mother and aunt, Mrs. Hammon Sechler and Miss Anna, at their’ home on Linn street. “Rill” came up on Thursday re- maining in Bellefonte until Monday. Mrs. Kirby will make her visit back home later in the summer. Ter —A letter this week to the Harry Clev- enstine family from Harry Peters, of the U.'S. Navy, is from Chefou, China, wheré Harty is on the U. 8. §. “Preston,” one of the vessels sent to protect the Americans and their interest in China. Harry has not bean home since October, his furlough then being just prior to leaving on this cruise to the Orient. : : —Members of the Otto family who came to Bellefonte from Niagara Falls, on Sat- urday, to witness the graduation at State College of Hamilton Otto Smith, included Mrs. Morris Otto, Mrs. Edward Hill, better remembered as Miss Mabel Otto, and her son, Hamilton Hazel, and Miss Helen Otto. They motored down from the Falls and left on the return trip Wednes- day morning. Ty —38ir Esme Howard, British Ambassa- dor to the United States, with his wfe, Lady Isabella, were guests of Col. Theo- dore Davis Boal, at his home at Boalsburg on Saturday night. The Ambassador is in poor health and fearing the excitement that he knew would attend the welcome home of Col. Lindbergh he left the nation- al capital early Saturday’ morning and motored to Harrisburg, coming from there to Boalsburg. He was enroute to Massa- chusetts on his summer vacation. —Capt. W. H. Fry, who has been some- what under the weather, at his home at Pine Grove Mills, for several months, has so far recovered that he started for Union- town, on Monday, to attend the annual State encampment of the G: A. R. Here's hoping he can weather the clomate condi- tions of the season as well as the bustle and excitement of the encampment and return home none the worse for the trip. Because of his going the Watchman is short his usual breezy letter this week. —Mrs. Philip Beezer and daughter, Miss Helen, with Mrs. Earl Kline as a motor guest, left Bellefonte on Tuesday morning to drive to AKron, Ohio, where Mrs. Beezer and daughter were among the wedding guests at the marriage, on Wed- nesday, of Miss Elizabeth Steinkirchner, to Wallace W. Zeigler. The Steinkirchner family were former residents of Philips- burg. Mrs. Kline went direct to Cleveland from Akron, where she will be a guest until her return home, on Sunday, of Mrs. Joseph Ceader and daughter, Mrs. G. Max Gamble. —Miss Eloise Schuyler, of Philadelphia, is contemplating spending the greater part of the month of July, with her friends in this locality. Miss Schuyler will first go to Williamsburg, then to Hollidaysburg for a visit with Miss Florence Love, and from there to Spring Mills, to be Miss Mabel Allison's house guest, while visiting with friends at her former home in Centre Hall and elsewhere over the county. Miss Schuyler had been an instructor in the schools of Philadelphia for a number of years, but recently was transferred to the High schools, of Overbrook. —Bellefonte visitors over Sunday in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. David W. Stinson and two children, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Clayton C. Johnson, of Waterbury, Conn. Mrs. Johnson will be better re- membered as Miss Jennie Crittenden, while Mrs, Stinson, before her marriage was Miss Lillian Crittenden. Mrs, John- son had gone to Cleveland for a visit aft the Stinson home and the entire party were enroute to the Johnson home in Con- necticut, stopping over Sunday in Belle- fonte to see Mrs. Ardell and daughter, Mr«. Harry Curtin, at Curtin, as well as ! their various friends in Bellefonte. | Dorworth in Harrisburg, yesterday, —Mrs. Charles E. Dorworth joined Mr. for the wedding of Miss Mary Fisher, the Governor’s . daughter. —Mrs. Sarah Brown is arranging to come here from Merion about the first of July, to be in Bellefonte for an indefinite time on her annual summer visit. —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lowery, their daughter, Mrs. James Parsons, and their son Russell, were in from McKeesport this week for the funeral of the late J. M. Bricker. —Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Struble left, Wednesday afternoon, for Wyoming for a | visit with their eldest son, Leland, and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Struble made the same trip seven years ago. —Miss Ellen Shoemaker will be home from Flourtown, Pa., next week, for a vis- it with her mother, Mrs. T. A. Shoemak~ er. Her vacation is taken at this time, that she may attend the Mallory-Roth- rock wedding. —Mrs. D. O. Etters came up, Wednes- day, from Philadelphia, called to Centre county by the death of her brother, Luther Musser. While in Bellefonte she has been a guest of her brother and his wife, Mr, and Mrs. G. Fred Musser. —Miles Royer, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Royer, was in Bellefonte on Sunday between trains, with the Royer family. Miles has just finished at the Carnegie Tech. and was leaving to locate permanently at Loraine, Ohio. —Mr. and Mrs. Trood Parker and their three children have been over from Clear- field this week, on one of their occasional summer visits with Mr. Parker's moth- er and sister, Mrs. Alice Parker and Mrs. Morrison, at their home on Bishop street. —Mrs. Richard Lane and her four chil- dren are guests of Mr. Lane's mother, Mrs. James B. Lane. The party drove in from McKeesport, yesterday, and at the expiration of their visit will be joined by Mr. Lane, who will accompany them home. —Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hartswick and their son Willard and his family have been spending the week with Mrs. Glenn Sutherland, at Ambridge, and with Har- old and Leroy Hartswick, at Baden. The party will return to Bellefonte on Sun- day. —Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Stitzinger, who left a week ago on a trip to Florida, drove in from New Castle Thursday, to leave their two children here with Mrs. Stitzinger’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Johnston. Their visit south will include a trip to Cuba. —Miss Florence W. Love returned from Centre Hall Tuesday, to spend the remain- der of the week in Bellefonte. Sunday she will be the driving guest of Mrs. M. A. Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirk, to Hollidaysburg, terminating a month's visit in Centre county. —Miss Daisy Wynd, who has been a guest of the Calvin Troup family ‘this week, left yesterday morning for her home at Tunkhannock, Pa. William Troup, of the class of ’27, Penn State, ac- companied Miss Wynd, leaving to accept a position with the Carbondale Machine Co., at Carbondale. —Dr. and Mrs. George P. Rishel, of Philadelphia, drove to Bellefonte last week and were guests from Thursday ‘until Monday of L. A. Schaeffer and his daugh- ter, Miss Helen, at their home on east Curtin street. Much of their time while Kere wis spent in visiting with their rela- tives in Centre county. hid Py mite —Mr. and Mrs. James W. Herron and their two children, Jean and James Jr, drove over from Huntingdon Thursday of last week for the party given by Mrs. David Dale and Mrs. John Curtin at the Nittany country club for their daughters, Anne and Caroline. The entire younger set of the town were the guests. —Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stutsman have with them their daughter, Miss Ruth, who came in from Detroit this week, for a visit with her parents, at their home on Curtin street. Mr: Stutsman also ar- rived home this week from Memphis, Tenn., where he had been representing the Bellefonte Kiwanis at the national con- vention. —Leéanore, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Morgan, went to Wilkes-Bar- re, Sunday, with cousins of the family, going from there during the week to Boundbrook, N. J., where she is now with Mr. Morgan's sister, Mrs. Davis. Mr. Morgan is among the Shriners from Belle- fonte attending the convention in Atlan- tic City, this week. —Miss Mira Humes, with Mrs. Charles ilmour, Miss Katherine Allison and Miss Sarah Caldwell as her guests, motored to Lewisburg, Wednesday, for the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Marr Baker, widow of Phineas Baker, who was taken there from her home at Swarthmore for burial. Miss Humes and her party remained with rela- tives in Lewisburg over night. —Among those from a distance who were here for the funeral of the late WH. K. Keller, of Pleasant Gap, which was held on the fourth inst., were Dr. and Mrs. U. 8. G. Keller, of Madison, Wisconsin. Dr, Keller is the only surviving brother ‘of E. K. Keller. They arrived here Friday, but were compelled to return home imme- diately after the funeral because of urgent professional engagements of Dr. Keller in Madison. —The Hon. John T. McCormick, of State College, was in town Wednesday looking after business matters that neces- sitate his frequent trips here. The Mec- Cormick’s had another of those wonderful family reunions last week. All of Mr. McCormick’s children and grand-children were home again and to make it a com- plete affair the brother and sister of Mrs. McCormick were also there in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Hewes, of Erie, and Mrs. Margaret Hutchinson, of this place. —Miss Margaret Noonan, of New York City; Dr. and Mrs. Delaney and their son, also a physician, from Williamsport, and Mrs. Melvin, of Corning, N. Y., have all been in Bellefonte this week, called here by the illness of Mrs. James Noonan, who suffered a slight stroke Monday. Miss Margaret Noonan will remain in Belle- fonte until her mother's condition justi- fies her in returning to her work in New York; Mrs. Noonan's sister, Mrs. Melvin, will then return to Bellefonte to be here indefinitely. j —————————— Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat - - - - - - $1.35 Rye - - - - - = 1.00 Ooats - - - - - - 40 Corn - - - - - 1.00 Barley - - - “iil 80 Buckwheat - - - - Om 80