Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 17, 1927, Image 1

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—Be of good cheer. Summer will
' eventually tire of lingering in the lap
of winter. ;
—If newspaper accounts of the re-
ception are true New York certainly
hit the ceiling in its frenzy to wel-
come Lindbergh.
—The Coolidges are safe and, we
. hope, - comfortably located
Black Hills of South Dakota. They
- are to spend the summer there, far
from the turmoil of Washington but
close to the delegates Calvin desires
most to land.
—John W. Davis, our candidate for
President three years ago, sailed for
Europe on Tuesday. Before embark-
ing he said: “Hope springs eternal
in the Democratic breast.” John’s a
wise guy. He gave the exact reason
_ why so many people voted for him
in 1924.
. —Jerome K. Jerome is dead and
the head-lines in the metropolitan
papers call him a “humorist.” We
have no desire to snitch the flowers
from the graves of the departed but
if Jerome was a humorist then we've
got to admit that crape-hangers are
. not as dolorous as we have thought
them to be.
. —The deliverance of Capt. Nunges-
ser and Maj. Coli seems like a mira-
cle. Unheard from for a month and
nine days they had been given up for
, dead, monuments to their memory
were being planned and benefits for
their families were under way. Then
they walk out of the woods of Quebec
and assume the role of live heroes
with Lindbergh, Chamberlain . and
—The staff of the Carnegie Foun-
dation has set out to make study a
_ major sport in our colleges. We say
it has set out to do so, but the Lord
only knows where it will land. Who
could conceive of fifty thousand peo-
ple paying five dollars per to see
eleven men from Yale and eleven
from Princeton contest in mental
- gymnastics through four fifteen min-
ute periods? Study will never be a
major sport at any American college
as long as its coaches draw down
more than its president and its
athletic teams have to commercialize
their sports in order to maintain their
recreational facilities.
—The President’s latest bid for
popular favor is his recent call for
_ higher wages for labor. Everybody
would say: Amen! to that if he had
- made clear just what he meant by
labor. If it was unskilled lahor he
was pleading for . we. join: in the
Amen! for unskilled labor is getting
less than half as much per hour as
skilled and much of the skilled labor
is getting more per hour than those
who furnish it with employment.
The President's utterance was only
grand-stand play, however. He can
get more for common labor if he
wants to. All he need do is tell the
tariff beneficiaries that he will advo-
cate a cut in their schedules unless
they give more of the tariff’s unearn-
ed increment to their employees. He
hasn’t the courage to do that.
—The political pendulum has been
swinging back and forth so erratically
in Centre county that nobody seems
to know just what way the Republi-
can judicial cat’s going to jump. One
week there is nothing to the nomina-
tion but Judge Furst. The next week
we hear nothing but Fleming talk.
Lately, however, rumors are sifting
into the effect that with each sweep of
the tide of popular favor a few more
supporters are swept up onto the
Fleming jetty than onto that of the
sitting Judge. We don’t know and
we give it only for what it is worth:
Gossip tells us that Judge Furst has
a mill-stone about his neck in the
person of the new dispenser of
patronage in Centre county. It, gos-
. sip, leads us to the conviction that the
hired and fired armies in Centre coun-
ty are going to decide the issue and
‘at the present stage of the battle it
looks as though the fired army has
more supporters than the hired one.
—An incident that occurred in
Washington on Sunday convinces us
that it was not wholly due to Ambas-
sador Herrick’s coaching that Lind-
bergh did the right thing in every
emergency that confronted him in
Paris. His comportment there and in
Brussels and London is the talk of
the world. The very simplicity and
naturalness of the young man were so
impressive that they almost wrote a
new dictum into the ethics of diplo-
.. matic procedure and because his con-
duct was so unexpected Ambassador
Herrick was generally credited with
tipping him off as to what to do. On
Sunday Lindbergh and his mother
went to church in Washington with
President and Mrs. Coolidge. All the
way from the temporary White House
to the First Congregational church
crowds lined the streets and cheered
him to the echo. There was no sign
from him that he either saw or heard
them. In that moment Lindy was the
idol, not the President of the United
States, but he remembered who -he
was riding with and what his errand
was ‘and knew, because he has had
good home training, that there are
times and places for everything. A
. man who makes a bally-hoo of his
procession to church isn’t the kind
in the |
It is believed that the north building
who would have done what Lindbergh ,
VOL. 72.
__ BELLEFONTE. PA.. JUNE 17, 1927.
Capitol Construction Work to be |
The expressed purpose of Governor
Fisher to hasten the construction of
what is to be known as the north
office building in Capitol park, Harris-
burg, is commendable. When the new
capitol building was designed a trifle
more than a quarter of a century ago,
it was believed it would supply ample
room: for the activities of the State
government for a century at least.
More than fifteen years ago this ex-
pectation proved futile and within
that period of time enough money has
been paid in rentals for space for use
of the several departments to pay for
the additional buildings contemplated
in the plans subsequently drawn by
the late Arnold W. Bruner as neces-
sary to properly conduct the business
of the State.
The south office building, now about
completed, cost in the neighborhood
of $5,000,000. Four years were spent
in the construction and the work was
performed during a period of peak
prices for both labor and materials.
may be completed in less than two
years, and though it will be an exact
replica of the other it can be built
for $3,500,000. Its completion within
the two years will enable the State to
house all its agencies of administra-
tion instead of having them scattered
about in Harrisburg at great expense
in the way of rentals. - The quarters
now occupied by the Department of
Public Welfare and the Public Service
Commission cost nearly as much an-
nually as the interest on the propose
building would amount to.
. The General Assembly, at its last
session, appropriated $1,000,000 to
start the work, which will serve the
purpose. But piecemeal method of
construction implied in that act is
neither economical’ nor wise. For
that reason Governor Fisher has set
about to devise a plan to finance the
undertaking in a more expeditious
manner. “Construction work on the
new building will be vigorously push-
ed to give Harrisburg and Pennsylva-
nia a building they can well be proud
of,” the Governor declared, the other
day, and ‘he added, “we intend to es-
tablish a ‘new record for State con-
struction on the new building.” That
will be fine and if it is free of graft,
as well as expeditiously. built, all the
better. :
——Mexico “goes the whole hog.”
By government decree all the clocks
in that country are to be set forward
an hour for the whole year.
Usual Fight on Tax Reduction.
The stage is already being set for
the usual contest between the leaders ,
of the major parties in Congress on
the question of tax ceduction. There i
is perfect agreement on the main |
question, which is that with a vast and ,
annually increasing surplus business
interests and national safety demand
a decrease in the revenues. But there |
is a wide difference of opinion both as |
to the amount and the form of the de- |
crease. Senator Reed, of Pennsylva- |
nia, personal representative of Secre- |
tary of the Treasury Mellon, and pre- ;
sumably spokesman of the President |
on the subject, would limit the cut to |
$300,000,000 while Senator Simmons,
speaking for the Democrats, demands
a reduction of $500,000,000.
The books will show a surplus at
the close of the present fiscal year,
the 30th of this month, of upward of .
$600,000,000, an increase of more than
$300,000,000 over that of last year.
The President has publicly stated that
some of the sources of this surplus
may not be present next year but has
failed to specify which will default.
In the absence of this information it
may be assumed that there is not
likely to be a considerable falling off
and with a practically certain surplus
of approximately $600,000,000, a tax
reduction of $500,000,000 cannot be
harmful. If the Democratic pro-
gramme had been adopted last year
the people would have been relieved
of the considerable unnecessary bur-
dens which were imposed upon them !
by the compromise then adopted.
There is also a great difference in
the programmes as to the form of the
tax cut. Senator Reed, speaking for
the Republican party and the admin-
istration, proposes to cut the tax on
incomes of upward of $75,000 in half,
on those of $25,000 to $75,000 a trifle
less and on those under $5000 not at
all. The Democratic schedule would
i leave the rate on the big income alone
and make the cut on small incomes
and corporations’ incomes, which are
shifted to the consumers, thus doub-
ling the burden of taxpayers of small
means. Both favor the repeal of the
inheritance tax and most of what are
known as the “nuisance” taxes, which
include automobile and similar levies.
Fighteen church denominations
distributed $8,014,737 to ministerial
pensioners during 1926. f
| the plan suggested by the committee
Deserving Adventure in Politics.
The creation of a State-wide organ-
ization “dedicated to the dual pur-
pose of reforming the election system
and protecting the ballot” is the most
deserving adventure in the political.
life of Pennsylvania in recent years.
Such an organization has been sug-
gested by a number of influential men
and women of Philadelphia, and it is.
to be hoped that it will he cordially |
and generously supported by the peo-
ple in every section of the State. It
is to be absolutely unselfish and non+
partisan, and as Thomas Raeburn
White and Roland S. Morris are
among the sponsors, and the other
members of the preliminary commit-
tee are men and women of the same
type, there can be no doubt of the |
sincerity of purpose.
The temporary committee, compos-
ed of twenty Republicans and Demo-
crats in equal ratio, has addressed a
letter to 500 men and women of Penn<
sylvania asking them to contribute
to a fund of $50,000 to finance the en-
terprise, the money to be collected
Concerning the Extra Session.
The expectation of an extra session |,
of Congress some time in advance of
the usual date of assembling, based
on a statement made by Senator
Smoot, of Utah, after a conference
with the President, -has been some-
what impaired by a subsequent dec-
laration by Mr. Coolidge that he had
“made no definite decision” on the
subject. There are good reasons why
an extra session might be called. The
Mississippi flood situation needs at-
tention, the deficiency bill, defeated
by the filibuster to shield Vare at
the close of the last session, ought to
be passed in order that the courts
may function, and the necessity for
tax reduction before the opening of
the Presidential campaign all cry out
for an extra session.
Senator Smoot is chairman of the
Senate Committee on Finance and is
anxious to get the tax reduction bill
on its way. One of the clearest head-
ed politicians in the country, he real-
‘izes not only the importance but the
necessity of decreasing the tax bur-
by contributions in smaller sums from#dens during the first session of the
citizens in ‘sympathy with the moves
ment. The object is “the creation of
public sentiment which would secure
from the next State Legislature a
substantial improvement in the elec-,
tion laws; assistance in the enforce-
ment of these laws and the bringing.
to justice of those who might violate’
them, and the conduct of a campaign
to assure the adoption of the voting
machire amendment at the general:
election next year.”
So long as the millionaire corpora-
tions, bankers and manufacturers are
supporting selfish and corrupt politi-
cians in corrupting the ballot the only
hope for honest elections lies in the
thorough reorganization of the better
element of the electorate to repeal
their malign influence in public life.
The creation of such a force is not on-
ly possible but entirely feasible, and
should appeal to every voter who fav-:
ors honest elections. It may be that
a greater fund than that named by
‘the conmittee will be necessary to ac-
complish the result, but the achie
ment will be worth dll it costs"
us hope that the respense will be
prompt and generous.
——The late Russel Sage was an
export in dodging expense bills and
his widow’s estate is running true to |
form in = escaping an income tax!
charge of $1,500,000. i
Hard Boiled Republican Boss. |
In politics, as played in Pennsyl- |
vania, there are bosses and bosses. |
The late Senator Quay was an “easy”
he had chosen for Governor, or any
other office that had patronage to dis-
friendly, he allowed full latitude in
selections. The late Senator Pen-
rose was an “amiable” boss. He
with men loyal to the organization
and willing workers in the cause. But
he never put other restraints on the
appointing power or required the
adoption of his personal choice. It
is true that the appointment by the
Governer of an open enemy provoked |
a “roar” that was heard from the!
Delaware to Lake Erie.
But the present boss of the party, !
chairman W. L. Mellon, is a “hard- |
boiled” master. When the General |
Assembly organized last January he
selected the officials of that body from
the president pro tem of the Senate
to the pasters and folders of the House
of Representatives. Even the com-
mittee assignments in both chambers
were made under his direction. In the
selection of the ‘Governor’s cabinet his
voice was loud and controlling. No
important legislation could be enact- '
ed until it had his approval, and the '
Governor as well as the Legislators
were obliged to yield to his caprices.
Ballot reform : legislation, the most
important work of the session, was
mutilated to meet his perverted meas-
ure of merit.
For years it had been the privilege
and duty of the Governor of the Com-
monwealth to select the managers of
the several charitable institutions of
the State. As a rule the only recom-
pense which those faithful men and
women received for their arduous but
benevolent efforts was the conscious-
ness of doing well." "Partisanship was
rarely if ever considered in the selec-
tions. But the new boss has revolu-
tionized the system and usurped the
power of naming persons to discharge
the duties of these honorary offices.
The other day the public was inform-
ed, through the newspapers, that Mr.
Mellon had gone ' to Harrisburg to
“confer” with the Governor on these
—-—Probably the fifty per cent in-
crease in the='tariff tax on Swiss
cheese, recently ordered by the Presi-
dent, is a levy on the holes.
Seventieth Congress. He is also wise
to the fact that the measure has “a
rocky road to travel.” The contest
for the Senatorial seat fraudulently
claimed by Bill Vare, and other dis-
turbing questions are likely to occupy
‘the time of the Senate for so long a
period that the revenue bill may fail
altogether and the best claim of the
Republican party for a continuance in
power be lost.
Of course the President gave Sen-
ator Smoot ample reason for his state-
ment thst an extra ‘session would be
called. The Senator is far too wise
a politician to make such a statement
without - complete authority. Likely
Mr. Coolidge expected the Senator to
keep the information to himself -un-
j til released by the White House, and
the publication was disappointing.
But the disappointment is hardly an
excuse for practically branding the
Republican leader of the 3enate as a
prevaricator. Some men would re-
sent such an aspersion, and if Smoot
would take it into his head to adopt
course it would-be bad for the
third term ambition of Calvin Cool.
idge, which is not quite safe at pres-
ent. : ;
——The man who made the remark
that “there is nothing new under the
sun,” ought to be alive now and he
would undergo a change of mind.
Especially had he been interviewed
on Monday by W. H. Garman and his
sample of congealed liquid air. The
sample was only a small slab about
six inches long, two and a half inches
wide by three-quarters of an inch
thick, but he claimed that there was
“boss. That is so long as the person sufficient congealed frigidity repre-|T:
sented in the small parcel to supply
an ordinary refrigerator for seven-
; pense, selected subordinates who were (teen hours. It represented a temper-
ature of 140 degrees below zero. The
liquid air is entirely devoid of mois-
ture and if it has all the cooling prop-
insisted on filling the minor positions ' erties represented it will revolution-
ize refrigeration methods, especially
if it can be commercially manufactur-
ed to render its use general and eco-
——1In demanding that expenses of
the government must be kept at the
, resent level President Coolidge “is
addressing the galleries.” He made a
similar statement a year ago and the
expenses increased many millions.
——The Philadelphia subway
scheme will provide for an underway
walk for pedestrians. This is entirely
proper. That city is governed by
the “underworld” population.
——Marconi, inventor of wireless
telegraphy, was married. in Rome last
Sunday. He may now direct his in-
ventive powers to framing excuses for
domestic derelictions.
rm —— A e————
——French troops have been with-
drawn from the Sarre valley by order
of the League of Nations, thus re-
moving a cause of irritation that
made much trouble.
——-The Governor made 500 ap-
pointments in one day.recently. If he
keeps up that pace Mr. Mellon's
troubles will soon be ended.
Captain Richards, of Lebanon,
is also an air hero. Though eighty-
four years old he flew from Philadel-
phia to Washington to greet Colonel
The President is still driving
the caution car on high gear. With a
$600,000,000 surplus in sight he hesi-
tates about reducing revenues.
-——Centre Hall Camp, No. 889, P.
0. S. of A., will hold Mémorial serv-.
ices at Sprucetown at 7:30 o’clock on
Sunday evening, June 19th. Rev. Ha-
zen will preach the sermon. A full
turnout of members is desired.
NO. 24.
President and Budget.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Congressmen would like to reduce
taxes; that is always popular. They
would like increased appropriations;
that is always popular with some lo-
cality or class. Almost everybody
wants more money from Congress for
something he—or she—is particularly
interested in. But the President has
no glad hand for either. Both are
likely to feel that he has a marble
heart. :
But we hail with great satisfaction
one evidence of broadening of the Re-
publican horizon. Among all the Re-
publican speeches and documents we
believe that the President’s address
on Friday was the first time that any
Republican has taken notice, even by
implication, of the enormous reduc-
tion of the public debt during the last
vear and a half, or a little over, of
the Wilson Administration. The
amount was over two billions of dol-
lars. The President doesn’t specify,
but he does what no Republican be-
fore him has done; he takes the start-
ing point in reduction from its high-
est points in August, 1919. All oth-
ers have started with March 4. 1921.
The world began for all Revoublicans
with the inauguration of President
Harding. We are now permitted to
know from a high Republican source
tha debt reduction began more than a
year and a half before Mr, Harding
was inaugurated, and’ by considering
the debt statement at the peint where
Republicans have always begun ‘it is
possible to see that debt reduction was
more rapid in the last part of the
Wilson Administration than at any.
time since,” But, of course, the reven-
ues have been reduced in later years.
The President is extremely conserv- |.
ative; it will seem. to many persons
‘competent to judge that He is too ¢on-
servative. The $600,000,000 surplus
of the year now approaching its end
is, he says, no basis for appropria-
tions or tax reduction; there were rey-
enues of a non-recurring’ character.’
The" estimated surplus: for the fiscal
vear soon - to ‘begin "is $338,000,000,
but he deducts from that $133,000,000
as non-recurring receipts and limits
the possible tax reduetion to $205,-
000,000. But if this surplus is so
used no margin is'left to increase ex-
penses, and the Presidéntiwarns Con-
gress that it must net think of in-
creasing the disburs ly
By the time Congress" shail .meet
we shall know a good deal more than.
we do now about the finances. We
may very well remember that all the
estimates of revenue in these recent
years have been exceeded. ' By De-
cember we shall know exactly what the
surplus of 1927 was, whether it was
just under $600,000,000, or whether
it was a good bit over. Even in the
last few weeks of a fiscal vear esti-
mates have been substantially exceed-
ed. We shall also know what the rev-
enues for almost half the coming fis-
cal year will have been. Lats
The President refers to large and
unexpected demands upon the. Treas-
ury which may arise. But the public
[reasury is not exactly in the condi-
tion of a private business. There is
always the taxpayers to fall back up-.
on, and it has generally been regard-
ed as wiser public finance not to raise
money in anticipation of possible de-
mands, or to carry large surpluses
of idle funds, but to meet unexpected
emergencies by temporary measures.
Furthermore, it’ is by no means
necessary to reduce the public debt
by a million, or a billion and a quar-
ter, annually. It is niee to reduce the
debt rapidly, but it is net essential
to keep up the present pace. The
President himself has spoken often
enough and urgently enough of the
importance of leaving as much money
as possible in the citizen’s pocket. A
temporary emergency can be met by
temporary means, and if the flood con-
trol to which the President alludes
should cost 50 or 100 millions that
amount might be stopped out of the
payments on the public debt without
serious results.
iia as
The Moscow Orgy.
Irom the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
The orgy of executions reported
from Moscow has shocked the
whole world. It is a further evidence
that Russia under Bolshevism is not
fit to be received into the comity of
civilized -nations. - A- revolutionary
Government which, after ten years,
has to resort to terrorist methods
shows ‘not only weakness and inef-
fectiveness but a fundamental and in-
excusable criminality. If the Bol-
shevists hoped in this way to give
proof of their power to the outside
world, they have merely proved them-
selves execrable - psychologists. But
perhaps .the main idea was to make
an ‘impression on their own . people.
So there is a suspicion that these may
have: been “newspaper executions.”
At least one of the victims has been
“executed” in this manner before.
The world is inclined to extend its
sympathy to the Russians. But what
is thought of a people who will
tolerate a Government so fraudulent,
weak and criminal ? i
——The committee in charge of
making arrangements for the annual
.convention of. the Central Pennsyl-
vania district firemen’s association,
which this: year wil be held at Du-
Bois, August 10th and 11th, has com-
piled a long list of prizes for compet-
itive events which total $1465.00 in
- —His first mistake in 20 years as bot-
tom .man at Pennsylvania Colliery cost
the life of Michael Gonbeck, aged 42, of
Mount Carmel, last Saturday. He stum-
bled when turning and was crushed be-
tween a car and side of the mine, sustain-
ing two broken arms and a crushed chest.
- —Believed to have been caught in a
whirlpool when she ventured too far out
in the stream while bathing in the Rays-
town creek at the Narrows brdge, seven
miles west of Everett,’ Evelyn Brunnet, 18,
of Mill Run, near Central City, Somerset
county, was drowned shortly after 5 p. m.
last Thursday.
—While playing bridge on the first floor
of the residence of City Treasurer R. M.
Keiser, at Wilkes-Barre, Thursday night,
the valuables of sixty guests in the wrap
room upstairs were taken by a sneak
thief. The women, who were the guests
at a card party given by Mrs. Keiser, lost
their purses, wraps and other articles. -
—Struck on the head by a batted base-
ball during a juvenile game which took
place near his home Wednesday afternoon
of last week. William MecAlonis, 11, of
Girardville, suffered a fractured skull,
from which he died at the Ashland
State hospital early on Monday morning.
This is the first baseball fatality in that
section for the season. :
—The office of the American Oil Co., in
Reading, was robbed on Sunday night of
its safe, a 100-pound steel case containing
$000 in checks and about $350 cash. All
that was left in the office of the safe was
the door knob and part of the frame, bat-
tered off with a heavy railroad sledge
found on the floor. Police believe it was
hauled to the country for dynamiting.
—Willis Beck, 30, a battery supply sta-
tion proprietor of Nazareth, Lehigh coun-
ty, chose a somewhat unique method of
suicide, it was reevaled yesterday with the
dscovery of his body in a small coupe in
the fair grounds. at Nazareth. Beck had
twisted the exhaust pipe of the car so that
the fumes poured into the car through a
‘hole in the flooring. The windows of the
little car were then tightly closed and the
engine started. 1 :
—When Charles Trotter, 76 years old,
went to the Lancaster county poor house
for admission as an inmate he met at the
door of the institution his wife, Bertha, 73,
whom he deserted fifty-six years ago. The
woman, who had been in the institution
since 1871, recognized Trotter who desert-
ed her as child wife. She went to the poor
house when she became ill from worry
over her abandonment and the death of
her infant child. : :
—John Falls, 9, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Falls, of near Beech Creek bor-
ough, burped. his right hand severely
while playing with fire at his home Thurs-
day night. His mother wrapped the in-
jnred member in a cloth saturated with
turpentine, and the boy getting too pear
the kitchen fire, the bandage took fire,
burning his hand to the bone from the
wrist to the ends of his fingers. It is
doubtless if the hand can be saved. LL
A near panic occurred . in a .Wilkes-
Barre barber shop one morning last week
when a snake ten. feet in length crawled
ot of an opening in-the brick wall Men
sceambled from the barber chairs and
rushed into the street with lathered faces
and aprons around their necks as barbers
scattered in every direction. When, Po,
liceman’ Pesavento, who wis called, enter-
ed the shop the snake had crawled back
into the wall and has .not been seen since.
—8everal convicts on duty in the boiler
room of the Western Penitentiary -at
Pittsburgh, aided firemen early on Tues-
day in fighting a fire which broke out im
the novelty shop on the first floor of the
main building. The flames were confined
to that shop and were extinguished after
a two hours fight with a loss of about
$3,000. Scores of defectives and city police
sped to the prison when the fire alarm
was sounded to be on hand for a possible
attempt at escape.
‘—Kxplosion of 400 quarts of nitro Glye-
erine at Lick Hill, near Butler, on Thurs-
day. cost the lives of two men, while hos-
ptal reports indicate that two, at least, of
the score injured, may die. Three houses
were demolished by the blast, several oth-
ers were badly damaged, telephone poles
were ‘torn down and gas lines broken.
Preliminary estimates placed the property
damage at more than $100,000. The ex-
plosion occurred when a rear wheel of a
truck carrying the nitro glycerine to a
storage magazine slipped from the high-
way into a small ditch.
—After warning his two small child-
ren to keep away from a tree which he
was cutting on his farm near Kembles-
ville, Chester county, on Friday, John A.
Kirk, aged 46, stumbled and fell beneath
the tree when it toppled over, receiving
injuries which resulted in his death two
hours later in an ambulance that was tak-
ing him to a Philadelphia hospital. He
receved a punctured lung, four broken
ribs and a fractured arm in the accident.
When one of the trees was about to fall
he warned his children, Mary and John,
Jr., who were watching him. As he start-
ed to run away he tripped on a rock, and
he was pinned to the earth by the heavy
—A small gold medal awarded for mer-
itorious service in the Johnstown flood of
May, 1889, is awaiting a claimant at the
capitol, in Harrisburg. When Joseph
Bates, paper baler, reached the bottom of
the paper bim he saw a small sparkling
object. He picked it up and found it to be
a medal. On the bar to which the pend-
ant was hung is the name “A. N. Me-
Innes,” while the pendant says ‘Presented
for valuable service rendered-Johnsiown
Flood.” Mr. Bates said that a check fail-
ed to disclosed any one by the name of
McInnes in the State service at the capitol.
He is at a loss to know where it came
from and how it came to be with the waste
paper, but if Mr. McInnes can be located
the medal will be turned over to him.
— Breaking into the H. Fisherman shirt
factory at Quakertown, Pa., early on Mon-
day, some person or persons destroyed
12,000 finished shirts, valued. at $12,000,
by throwing a dark acid over them. Two
one-gallon jugs used to earry the acid
were found on the factory floor. One hun-
dred persons are employed in the plant,
which will be reopened Wednesday. The
culprit left no clew. State police and Po-
lic Chief Harry Rhoades, of Quakertown,
are conducting a thorough investigation.
No insurance was carried on the merchan-
On January 28 the plant was partly
gutted by fire, when smoke and water
caused a loss of $15,000, origin of which
was undetermined. No cause can be as-
signed for the attack on the plant, as there
have been no labor or other troubles.