Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 10, 1927, Image 1

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- —Reports of the Memorial day
observances in Centre county brought
to our mind more forcibly than ever,
it seems, the passing of the Grand
Army of the Republic Here and
there a few of them turned out to
see those who are taking up the torch
they have thrown down go through
the ceremonial that once was a great
annual event in the lives of “the boys
in blue.” There were so few any-
where, however, that one can scarce-
ly refer to the “thinning lines.” There
were no lines. The marching days of
the Grand Army are over.
Tonight, forty years ago seems
only yesterday to us. It is natural
that as time gallops on memories of
events in our youthful years become
most vivid. We are thinking of the
three special days that the veterans
of the Civil war claimed for their own
each year and celebrated in a way
that made them features in the calen-
dar for every individual of Centre
county. They were Washington's
Birthday, when always every Post in
the county served a turkey and oyster
dinner. Memorial day, when the little
folks gathered honeysuckles, peonies
and flowers of any sort they could get
to take to the Post room where
women gathered to weave bouquets
for the soldiers graves. Then the
parade and the speeches and the long-
ing for the next issue of the county
papers in which was published the
names of everyone who had contrib-
uted a flower. The third great day
was the one on which the veterans
held their annual reunion. It was
usually in August or September and,
as we recall it, the big picnic of the
year, even surpassing in point of at-
. tendance the Granger's . picnic that
was then holding forth on the top of
Nittany mountain. :
Always, the last reunion that the
veterans held at Spring Mills will
stand out in our memory. It was the
fast of the big ones, for reunions and
public picnics were just then begin-
ning to have their genesis and picnic
crowds were being split up. Today
the county has hundreds of such gath-
erings whereas forty years ago they
were very few and far between.
We drove to Spring Mills in a
buggy drawn by a spirited pair of
bays. As an over-all we wore the
linen duster that had been the crown-
ing achievement of our preparation
for the family visit to the centennial
in Philadelphia—it was a trifle small
but we wore it just the same—owning
a linen duster then was more conse-
quential than owning silk pajamas
to six inches deep and by the time
we reached the metropolis of Gregg
township cur eyes, nose, ears and
throat were secreting much of the
granulated acreage of Spring and
Potter townships.
Arrived at the scene of great
doings, we, as most little boys are,
were left to amuse our self about the
Spring Mills hotel where the team
was “put up” and dinner was an ex-
pectancy. The picnic was over on the
hill behind the Bibby house, but we
“wouldn’t be interested in that” be-
cause, in those days there were no
merry-go-rounds, ice cream cones or
lolly-pops.—nothing but a speaker’s
stand, a lot of people wandering
’round trying to discover what they
had come for, and politicians ready
to answer that quandary by telling
them where fences had to be built.
Well, being a good little boy, we
restricted or perigrinations to circling
the four posts that held up the roof of
the porch in front of the hotel. Many
came to the hostlery, but not all of
them left, because them were the days
when a licensed hotel had to stretch
its bar all over the map in order to
give everybody dust-down. In front
of the door that led to the bar was a
woman, rocking in the only comfort-
able chair on the porch. If she is
alive today she ought to have Wayne
Wheeler's job. We always have
thought she must have moved to Kan-
sas and later taken the name of
Carrie Nation, for what she told
every pilgrim from the arid woods
beyond the Bibby house was aplenty.
There the lady sat and rocked in the
only comfortable chair on the porch,
all the while berating the proprietor
who had provided the rocker and was
paying rent for the porch she was
reigning over. Though she blocked
the door to the bar and declared that
the “hell-hole ought to be burned
down” she wouldn’t budge an inch
because it was “a public house and
she had as much right there as any-
body else.”
The incident made a lasting impres-
sion on our mind. Often we think of
it and wonder how much the non-
drinking patrons of the hotels of the
old days owed those who patronized
the bars for the comforts they en-
joyed. Then three to five dollars a
day for a room and board was the
prevailing price in the better hotels.
Today one finds difficulty in getting
merely a room at such figures.
The wets no longer make up the
deficits that hotels incurred by enter-
taining the drys and many of the
drys were just as vehement in their
denunciation of the hotels that were
serving them at the expense of others
as was the lady of the rocker on the
porch of the Spring Mills hotel on the
day the annual reunion of the Centre
County Veteran’s Association sang
its swan song as the big: picnic of the
year in the county,
from . two. sue:
. 72.
Tyring to Work the Hero.
It is openly charged, and apparent-
ly with good reason, that the Wash-
ington reception to the heroic young
aviator, Captain Lindbergh, to be
held on the plaza fronting the Wash-
ington monument, is the beginning of
an effort to attach him to the third
term enterprise. In other words it is
the purpose of the shrewd politicians
directing this undertaking to capital-
ize the deserved popularity of the
young airman and entice him to en-
list under the Coolidge banner in the
contest to destroy the most cherished
tradition of the country. The plan
seems to be to induce him to be the
Republican candidate for Congress in
the district represented by his father
for ten years, and thus make Minne-
sota safe for the machine.
Bascom Slemp, of Virginia, is said
to be the originator of this idea. The
President had arranged to leave
Washington on Monday, June 13th,
for his summer vacation in the Black
Hills. - A programme for the few days
preceding that event had also been
mapped out, and what is known as
the “semi-annual business meeting of
the government”. was scheduled for
Saturday evening, June 11th. That
was about the time Captain Lind-
bergh was expected to arrive in New
York and be received with elaborate
ceremonies by the Governor of that
State and the Mayor of the city. Mr.
Slemp conceived the notion that such
an arrangement might redound to the
advantage of the Democratic party
and induced the President to abandon
his programme and invite Mr. Lind-
bergh to land in Washington.
The elder Lindbergh, during all his
service in Congress, was affiliated
with the Progressive party and was
twice the nominee of that party for
Governor of Minnessota. His most
industrious opponent in these cam-
paigns was Frank B. Kellogg, now
Secretary of State. Commenting on
this fact one of the Washington cor-
respondents says “old Lindbergh got
back at Kellogg for he had consider-
able part in knocking the Senator out
and sending Henrik Shipstead here in
his place,” “It Would he unsafe to as-
“that bes ‘of “the attitude of
his father respect to politics the
son will entertain an aversion to the
Republican machine, and it is certain
that Mr. Slemp hopes he will yield to
temptation and fall in line with the
Coolidge cohorts.
——One of the latest developments
of the prohibition amendment is an
increased activity in the search for
antidotes for snake-bites. In the
good, or bad, old times we all knew
what to do in such emergencies.
Charlie Snyder's Retirement.
The retirement from the public
service of the State of Mr. Charles A.
Snyder, of Pottsville, under what is
known as “the Retirement Act,” has
provoked a good deal of comment.
Some of the comments are jocular
and some censorious, but in which-
ever class they may be placed they
are interesting. Charlie Snyder has
been so long in public life that he has
become an institution rather than an
individual and whatever concerns him
is “news.” This accounts for the wide
publicity that has attended his with-
drawal from the State service but not
“from the State pay roll,” to quote
his own language on the subject.
‘There is some ‘difference of opinion
as to the amount of money Mr.
Snyder will draw from the State
Treasury, in the form of pension,
from the date of his retirement to the
end of his somewhat picturesque life.
There is also a lamentable absence of
information as to the cause of his re-
tirement. As we understand it, the
law provides for. retirement of em-
ployees on account of time of service,
physical disability or superannuation.
If it was on account of time of service
it would be necessary to calculate
from the date of: his first service in
the General Assembly, and Senator or
Representative in that body is not
classified as a Stage office.
It would be absurd to say that the
debonair Senator or General, which-
ever title he prefers, has been retired
on account of mental or physical dis-
ability. He enjoys the best of health
and his mind is as keen and clear as
his person is appropriately adorned.
The only other reason under the law
is superannuation and his youthful
appearance and agile movements for-
bid the imputation that he is an old
man. A more exact and comprehen-
sive statement of his case would have
helped the average citizen to appraise
his claim to the pension he will get,
whether it be $1800 a year, or more
or less. But that ig'left to conjecture,
rete lions
A convention of social organi-
zations which will assemble in Buffa-
lo, in October, proposes to analyze
families. It is nof clear what that
means, but it may prove of great
a cman a sin - ™
| Coolidge Not Entitled to Credit.
The other day a brief Associated
Press dispatch from Washington in-
| formed the reading public that “set-
‘ tlement of the receiver's account in
| the Doheny oil case, under which
| more than $11,000,000 in cash and
Liberty bonds accruing from the sale
of oil from the Elk Hills, California,
| naval reserve, is turned into the Fed-
eral treasury, was announced by Sec-
| retary Wilbur.” It will hardly be
claimed that this vast gain to the
| public funds is ascribable either to
the economy or the efficiency of the
| President. It would be more accurate
to say that it has been acquired in
, Spite of President Coolidge. He
i would gladly have had it go in anoth-
' er direction.
When Senator Walsh, of Montana,
was investigating the conspiracy by
which the Secretary of the Interior,
under the Harding administration,
with the approval of the Attorney
General, had sacrificed this valuable
“oil pocket” to the Doheny organiza-
tion, the Coolidge administration
which had succeeded the Harding
administration offered no help in the
difficult work, but on the contrary in-
terposed every available barrier. to
shield the perpetrators of this great
crime against the country. Secretary
Fall, having secured his share of the
spoils, had resigned but Attorney
General Daugherty and Secretary of
the Navy Denby were still in office
and full enjoyment of the friendship
and support of President Coolidge.
The effect of this official relation-
ship between the President and the
culpable officials was to make the
work of exposure more difficult. If
Senator Walsh had abandoned the in-
vestigation on this account, as the
late Senator LaFollette, who origi-
nated it, had done previously, the
Doheny corporation would have con-
tinued the drain of the naval oil re-
serve until it was exhausted and the
| $11,000,000 paid into the National
treasury, the other day, would have
gone into the pockets of Doheny and
his associates. Besides, if President
Coolidge had militantly taken the side
of the people at ‘the-erucial times
the conspirators would have been
sent to jail instead of being acquitted
by the distriet court.
——Airman Chamberlin didnt
reach Berlin but he got into Germany
and beat Lindbergh’s distance record,
and that is something worth-while.
—r i —————
Safety in Industrial Life,
Mr. Charles A. Waters, Secretary
of the Department of Labor and In-
dustry, has set out to make the in-
dustrial life of the Commonwealth as
safe as possible. In an address be-
fore a convention of the various
trades in Philadelphia, the other even-
Ing, he said: “One of the aims of the
Department will be safety in indus-
try. We want to maintain health and
safety in Pennsylvania industry be-
cause we know how essential are such
measures to the welfare of the State,
If we cannot get 100 per cent. safety
we will get the maximum permissible
under modern conditions.” That is
certainly a worthy aspiration if ap-
Proached in proper spirit.
Of couse this purpose of the Secre-
tary will involve additional expense,
His plan is to increase the number of
inspeetors and compensation refunds
and have them classified in the inter-
est of efficiency. “By increasing the
appropriation,” he said, “I will be
permitted to reorganize the inspec-
tion bureau and thereby cure some of
the ills complained of due to inaceur-
ate inspection. I shall be enabled to
increase the number of inspectors.”
In other words, Mr. Waters is per-
suaded that accidents in industrial
life are mainly due to delinquencies
in the inspection service and that in-
creasing the number of inspectors
will remedy the evil.
Incidentally the increase in the
number of inspectors in the Depart-
ment of Labor and Industry as well
as the increase in the forces of other
departments augments the already
large force of party workers through-
out the State. With thousands of
men and women in the Highway De-
partment, 2
other thousands in the
Health Department and still other
thousands in various other depart-
ments, the dominant party in Penn-
sylvania has command of an active
army equal to the majority returned
for it at every election. Mr. Waters
may be an exception to the rule but
most of the department heads are
more concerned for ‘party success
than for industrial
mp A eseessm——
-———Now that the President, after
a review of the warships, expressed
full satisfaction, it may be assumed
that “the country is safe.”
: ————
——Aviation may be said to have
“arrived = Mussolini manifested in-
terest in the prospect that Chamber-
lin ‘might fly to Rome,
safety and effi-.
~ An esteemed contemporary ex-
Presses an opinion that President
Coolidge selected the Black Hills of
South Dakota as the seat of the sum-
mer capitol because of his desire “to
i rub the evidence of his eastern origin
somewhat off his exterior.”
seems to be a superstition in some
sections of New England that people
of the west are prejudiced against
| easterners for no other reason than
| that they live east of, say the Ohio
river. Mr. Coolidge, who is some-
what provincial, may share in this
foolish notion of many of his neigh-
bors, but as a matter of fact there is
no such feeling in the “wide open”
spaces of the west, and if there were
could not be removed by such an
i President Coolidge had a much
ore subtle reason for locating the
summer capitol in the Black Hills.
The four or five States contiguous to
the point chosen for the vacation resi-
dence of the President will send a
considerable number of delegates to
the Republican National convention.
and the crafty politicians who are
underwriting the third term adven-
ture are anxious to corral that bunch.
The friends of Governor Lowden have
been confidently counting on these
delegates: to form a nucleus around
which to gather a force sufficient to
defeat the nomination of Mr. Cool-
idge. If a brief period in the Black
Hills will lure the mountaineers to
allegiance the President’s action is
‘Besides there will be a number of
United States Senators elected in that
“neck of the woods” this year and it
is hoped that the summer capitol in
the Black Hills will help the Presi-
dent’s party in this important respect.
It'is a fragile basis for expectation
but “a drowning man will clutch a
straw” and the interests which im-
agine that another term for Mr. Cool-
| idge is essential to their prosperity
are in a desperate frame of mind.
Moreover, if the purpose is “to rub the
wt change its spots and a Vermont
Yankee will have no greater success
jin an effort to look like a modern
A recent ruling of _the Attorney
General of the State has affected sev-
eral of Governor Fisher's recent ap-
pointments. It is held that members
of the General Assembly and Senate
may not serve as trustees of state in-
stitutions. This has affected Sen.
Harry B. Scott’s relations with the
cottage state hospital at Philipsburg
with which he has been so helpfully
connected for years. While the Gov-
ernor appointed Senator Scott to the
board the commission will not be is-
sued because of the Attorney Gener-
al’s finding. There are some who
think that the recently discovered
legal inhibition was dug up for the
purpose of punishing certain party
men who had not been for the Gov-
ernor. We are not of that opinion.
However Senator Scott's party affilia-
tions in Centre county might be he
has been too useful to the Philipsburg
institution for any enemy, however
blundering, to ‘venture punishment of
him by such means.
————— et ———————
——A box car off the track at the
sharp curve on the Lewisburg and Ty-
day morning, held up the Lewisburg
passenger train so that it was two
hours late in reaching * Bellefonte.
Passengers, the mail and Philadeljhia
papers were brought to Bellefonte by
automobile. :
SE — i ——————
——A new acquisition at Rockview
penitentiary is seven bloodhounds,
purchased at Winchester, - Va, at
a cost of $500, The bloodhounds were
tried out, last Friday, for the purpose
of trailing two gasoline thieves at
Spring Mills, and trailed the men di-
rect to their homes. -
———— et ————————
——When the American marines
reached Tientsin they sang, “Hail,
hail, the gang’s all. here,” _ but. the
Chinamen probably didn’t understand
the significance of that salute.
——South Dakota has sent Presi-
dent Coolidge a license to catch trout
in the streams of that State. What
he really wants is a licence to catch
votes for a third term.
——We are doing our best to de-
velope real sympathy for Mrs. Widen-
er in her loss of $50,000 worth of jew-
ghey. We never carry that much jew-
——The Hahnneman medical col-
lege has held out a long time against
the co-ed system, and the yeilding the
other day is a triumph for women.
—— eee.
——The “Watchman” is the most
readable paper published. Try it.
Reasons for the President’s Choice, |
Game as a Crop.
From the Pittsburgh Post.
With a view to assisting sports-
men’s associations, owners of coun-
try estates, and others who may be
interested, to stock their land with
the birds and mammals sought by
hunters, the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture has issued a
treatise on the subject of “game
farming.” Instruction is given con-
cerning the methods that should be
followed if there is to be a new crop
of animals every year to replace those
that have fallen before the gunners
the previous season. The information
should be of considerable value in
States in which the game resources
have been seriously depleted and
where hunters depend on their own
efforts to restore the supply. But
in Pennsylvania there is little need
for such activities on the part of pri-
vate individuals because the Common-
Wealth itself is doing the work so
well. 2
As is well known by sportsmen,
more than half a million hunters go
gunning in Pennsylvania every au-
tumn and take prodigious toll of
game. Not even in the wildest and most
unsettled States are so m deer and
bears killed as in Pennsylvania. Yet,
vidence of his eastern origin off his
rone railroad, at Axe Mann, on Tues- to
notwithstanding the enormous slaugh-
ter, the supply of game continues so
large that it has become necessary to
kill some of the creatures out of sea-
son to protect farmers: from their
ravages. Within the past. month,
for example, six deer were killed in
the neighborhood of Cook Forest be-
cause they were damaging crops.
Pennsylvania’s - resources of wild
life have been restored and are be-
ing maintained by a form of the very
“game farming” which the Federal
authorities” are advocating, and they
might well have derived some of their
information from our experience. The
State has been stocked with animals
brought from other parts of the coun-
try and - released in sanctuaries or
preserves, where hunting is forbidden
at all times but frem which the game
has easy egress to the surrounding
territory. The increase in the hanting
license fee, authorized by the iLegis-
lature at its last session, is e tpected
to yield the Game Commissi £$375,-
000 additional each year, amd ‘the
Rigney Ls to be S ovoid to the pur-
chase of more serve for gar
‘Propagation and as PO ame
grounds. :
With the prospect that in a: compar-
atively few years hundreds of thous-
ands, possibly millions of acres in
Pennsylvania will be utilized exelu-
sively for the promotion of hunting,
there is little incentive for private ef-
forts along that line.
—— ff ———————
Peace with France.
From the Harrisburg Telegraph.
President Coolidge is said to be
deeply interested in Briand’s sugges-
tion for a pact of eternal peace be-
tween this country and France. It is
right that he should be. . There is
nothing impractical in the Briand pro-
posal. course, there might come
a time when such a treaty would be
brushed aside. The people of Ameri-
ca or France, although it is highly
improbable, might become the victims
of ambitious governments, or vicious
nda or mistaken patriotism,
and take up arms one against the
her: But the existence pt seh 3
ol peace as is proposed would
be a strong deterrent. Also, it would
be a fine example for other nations,
and ho doit would be followed by
other suck :
Whether either the American
Foundation Treaty or that proposed
by Columbia University be accepted
1s not important. Probably the Sen-
ate would desire to do its own treaty
framing, and France, too, would have
be consulted. The exact form is
not a matter for popular debate at
this time. The thing is for the people
to show such interest in the proposal
that it will be a very live issue when
Congress convenes,
Captain Lindbergh has done much
to restore America Jo favor in France.
Our search for Nungesser and Coli,
whether successful or not, will do
much more to further that good feel-
ing. A friendly acceptance of the
Briand proposal would clinch the
thing. It is not a matter to be treat-
ed lightly. There is no reason why
France and America should not
pledge eternal good will.
many things in_common.
sacrificed for the other. The dif-
ferences over debts were largely
those of misunderstanding. The polit-
ical marplots of France have had
their day. It is true that statesmen
of both countries gave attention to
cementing the restoration of good
feeling now so evident.
We have
Each has
It Was High Time.
¥rom the Washington Post.
The safety of -the British Empire
requires that the British Government
should check - the inroads of the de-
stroyers. It is astounding that a gov-
ernment so well equipped for gather-
ing accurate information should per-
mit an enemy to establish himself in
the heart of London, where he can
co-operate with Moscow headquarters
and -all communist outposts through-
out, the British Empire in the cease-
less work of undermining the British
‘Government. A break between Great
Britain and Russia. is inevitable. The
wonder is that.the British Govern-
ment. should allow itself to be hood-
winked so long.
- —During a heavy storm on Saturday
night, lightning set fire to a building af
the Woodland mine, near Mahaffey, Clear-
field county, and while attempting to ex-
tinguish the blaze, Fred. Patterson stepped
on a live wire and was electrocuted.
—Stricken with a heart attack while
canoeing on Perkiomen creek, at Spring-
mount, © Montgomery county, William
Maurer, 21, of Oreland, toppled from the
frail craft and drowned before belp could
reach him. James Smith, of Springmount,
recovered the body with a grappling hook.
—While the Glen Rock High school
baseball nine were practising, Russell
Stermer, left fielder, hit a ball, whiek
struck a sparrow which was flying across
the infield. Most of the players thought
the cover had dropped off the ball, but the
dead bird was picked up to prove that the
almost impossible had happened. zc
—M. A. Walbeck, 66, road supervisor. of
West Wheatfield township, Indiana coum-
ty, hanged himself to a rafter in a wagon
shed at his home, after telling his wife he
was leaving for court at Indiana. He was
one of the best known residents of South-
eastern Indiana county. He leaves a
widow, two sons and a daughter. :
—Appointment of Dr. George P. Donehoe,
of Harrisburg, frmer State librarian, as
historian in charge of the compilation of
Pennsylvania's activities in the World
war, was announced last week by Gover-
nor Fisher. Much of the data has beem
gathered and it is proposed to assemble
the record of all Pennsylvania partick-
pants in the war. B
—Five hundred and fifty loaves of bread,
60 pounds of butter, 150 pounds of picnie
ham and 3,000 pickles, to say nothing of
plenty of other eatables, will be served
when the Rescue Mission picnic of BE. J.
Berquist is held at Cascade Park, Beaver
county, June 23. The food will be served
by 30 men and 225 women under the
supervision of Berquist.
—Robert C. Auten, of Liberty Twp;,
Montour county, is entering upon his
fiftieth year as a justice of the peace and
is believed to be the oldest justice in point
of service in the State. Commissionéd
May 2, 1878, by Governor Hoyt, he haa
been re-elected eack term and has found
A new commission awaiting when the pre
vious one would expire. T
—Facing charges of manslaughter in
connection with an automobile accident,
Charles Negel, 45, of Zelicnople, Butler
county, committed suicide on Saturday.
Negel's car killed Victor Rice, and ser-
iously injured Floyd Flinner, on the
Beaver-Zelienople road on May 28th. A
week later he turned a shotgun on him-
self, blowing off the top of his head.
~The body of Bernard J. Naughton, 42,
of Renovo, was found frozen in a cake of
ice in an ice tin in which he had apparent-
ly fallen head first, while discharging his
duties as night werkman at the Jones ice
plant at Renovo, some time early Thurs-
day morning. Investigation disclosed the
fact that the man had met death by
drowning. He leaves a widow and three
children. : ’
—Four prisoners escaped from the
Bradford county jail on Monday night
while preparations were being made to
take them to the eastern penitentiary.
‘They are Joseph Pickett; of Towanda, and
Raymond, Fred and’ Harvey Buck, of Ki
mira, sentenced for larceny. They es
caped by sawing through the floor of the
Jail, dropping into the cellar and breaking
out a wndoy. crete Re
—Charles Williams, of New Haven,
Conn., was arrested at that place by Ser-
geant C. E. Kauffman, of the Pennsylva-
nia state police, charged with having as-
sisted in robbing the Elysburg Bank Jan-
| uary 3, when $1300 was stolen. With Wil-
liams was arrested another man named
Beorii, and police say they answer the
description of the two men who robbed the
Conshohocken Bank of about $15,000. :
—While seated on a table with a cel-
luloid comb, Edward. 2-year-old son of
Joseph Lynch, of Georgetown, Luzerne
county, thrust the comb over the top of a
kerosene lamp on Saturday night and a
moment later was enveloped in Hames;
and the comb a torch jn his hands. The
child’s head, hands and body were so
severely burned before the flames eould.
be extinguished that-he died a short time
after being admitted to Mercy hosptal, at
Wilkes-Barre. . :
—Leon G. Myers, district manager of an
automobile ageney, at Huntingdon, is
being sought on charges involving embez--
zlement and forgery, which may aggre-
gate $100,000. A warrant for his arrest
was issued following his disappearance
last Thursday. Cashiers of two local
banks on Friday called on six of Mayers’
supposed victims and learned that certaia
notes and other papers were forgeries.
These amounted, it was said, to $40,000.
Myers is reported to have lost heavily im
the stock market. : :
—The will of Mrs. Minerva Covode
Rupple, widow of Judge William Rupple,
of Somerset, bequeaths $10,000 to Trinity
Lutheran church, the income of which is
to be paid to the congregation annually
and the principal at such time as it may
be decided to erect a new house of wor-
ship,, The sum of $1,000 is bequeathed
the Somerset volunteer fire department,
&500 to the Children’s Aid Society and
$500 to the Community hospital. These
bequests are in compliance with a request
of the late Judge Ruppel.
—Shaner Mock, aged well-known
Chester county farmer, was the vietim of
a peculiar accident last Friday morning.
He was milking a cow when the animal
kicked over the bucket: The farmer was
quite peeved but contented himself with
uncomplimentary remarks toward the
animal. But when the bucket kicking
stunt was put on a second - time he
doubled his right fist and gave the cow a
haymaker on the hip. Theré was a loud
crack and at the Chester county hospital,
to which institution Mock hurriedly was
taken, it was discovered he had sustained
a compound fracture of the wrist.
—Tony Mangiola, 42, last of three
brothers residing in West Seranton—two
of them having died of bullet wounds
within the last eleven months—is in hid-
ing somewhere in Scranton wth a bullet
wound in his left lung. = Mrs. Raffaela
Simon, 33, who is said to have confessed
to shooting him when he called at her
husband’s store Monday ‘night and brand-
ished a gun, is in custody at police head-
quarters on a charge of felonious wound-
ing, while her husband is held as a ma-
terial witness. Mangiola’s getaway is con-
sidered remarkable in view of the fact
that the bullet wound in his side is con-
, Sidered by physicians serious enough to
prove fatal.