Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 20, 1927, Image 8
Bellefonte, Pa.,, May 20, 1927. NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. T — The old covered bridge that spans Beech Creek, on the “back” road to Eagleville, has been closed to traffic because of its unsafe condition. ——The wedding of Ray S. Noll, manager of the White Rock Quarries Co., and Miss Julia Coffey of Lock Haven, has been set for Thursday, June 30th. ——DMr. and Mrs. Paul Sheffer are receiving congratulations on the birth of their first child, a son, born Sat- urday night at a private hospital at State College. ——Miss Dorothy Mallory, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mallory and Marvin Rothrock, a clerk at Rockview, will be married in Belle- fonte, on Wednesday, June 22. ——Dr. J. Coburn Rogers has pur- chased the Holz property on Spring street, and it is said, will convert it into apartments. The consideration is reported as having been $17,500.00. The Rev. Homer C. Knox, of the Methodist church, will preach the baccalaureate sermon to the graduat- ing class of 1927, Bellefonte High school, on Sunday evening, June 5. ——The Otterbein Guild girls of the United Brethren church will hold a bake sale at the Oriole store, on High street, on Saturday, May 21st. Pies, cakes and candies will be on sale. : ——M. Ward Fleming, Republican candidate for Judge of Centre county, was a guest on Monday evening of the State College branch of the Re- publican council of women, at a meet- ing in that place. The Penn State Freshmen will be the Academy’s baseball opponents, on Hughes field, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. This should be a splendid game and lovers of the sport should go out and see it. ——According to a Department of Agriculture ruling cattle in Walker, Miles and Benner townships, this county, were put under quarantine on May 4. No animals can be taken in- to or from the area until the quaran- tine is lifted. ——O0. D. Eberts has sold his coun- try home and general store business at Martha Furnace to Mrs. Mary Me- Govern, of Tyrone, who with her son William, took charge on Wednesday and will open a modern tea room and eating place for automobile tour- ists. Harry Menold, director of manual ‘training in the Bellefonte High school, has received a very flat- tering offer to accept a similar posi- tion at Pittston, Pa., but his ability to accept it will depend largely upon securing his release from the Belle- fonte school board. Banker J. Malcolm Laurie, of Houtzdale, * left’ for San Francisco, €al., the latter part of last week, where he will sit as one of the lay delegates from the Huntingdon Pres- bytery in the general assembly of the Presbyterian church, which will con- vene in that city on May 25th. Trout fishermen are not fur- nishing much copy for the newspaper writers these days. Of course we realize that the weather has been somewhat against making successful eatches, then again it may be that modesty prevents the successful fish- erman from bragging about anything that he dces get. So far, however, we have failed to hear of anything worth bragging about. ——Now that the Academy min- strels delighted a large audience last night the minstrel dance in the ar- mory will be the big attraction to- night. ‘Miss Pittsburgh’ will be thé guest of honor and she, alone, should be sufficient attraction to draw a large erowd. Music will be furnished by that splendid dance organization, Johnny Buck’s orchestra, of State College. Tickets, $3.00 per couple. ——Three nurses were graduated at the annual commencement exer- cises of the Centre County hospital training school, held in the court house last Friday evening. They were Miss Helen J. Bohn, Miss Bessie Me- Donald and Miss Margaret R. Long- well. Rev. Reed O. Steely made the address. On Saturday evening the graduates were given a reception at the Brockerhoff house which was at- tended by twenty-eight members of the nurses alumni association. ——Just because ground has been broken for another motion picture theatre in Bellefonte is no excuse for not going to the Scenic to see the movies shown there. A dozen new theatres would not make any change in the Scenic program. Manager T. Clayton Brown has the distributor of all the best producers under contract and their pictures are furnished to only one theatre in towns the size of Bellefonte, so that to see the best pic- tures the Scenic is the place to go. Foot-misery is about the most annoying of the minor troubles that we are heir to. It is caused by many things, but most common is in-grown nails. Countless people suffer with them needlessly, for right here in Bellefonte there is manufactured a simple little remedy, called “No-Gro- In,” that rarely fails to correct the trouble without the slightest pain. I¢ you can’t get it from your local drug- gist, or shoe dealer send fifty cents to W. H. Garman, Bellefonte, and a package will be mailed to you. | THIS WEEK'S COURT A WET SESSION. Volstead Law Violators Predominate in Cases Disposed of. The regular May session of court convened on Monday morning with the Hon. James C. Furst on the bench and the various court officers in their usual places. This court was somewhat different from courts held heretofore by rea- son of the grand jury having met Monday of last week and passed on all the bills of indictment submitted to it by the district attorney. On Monday morning, after hearing a few motions and petitions, the court went over the list of civil cases for trial next week and all on the list were marked for trial. This is unusual, as there always are continu- ances and settlements, but every case on next week’s list is marked for trial. The first criminal case that came up for trial on Monday forenoon was that of the Commonwealth vs. Floyd Johnstonbaugh. Prosecutor, A. C. Rockey. Indicted for adultery. The testimony in this case was short. After the second witness for the Com- monwealth had testified the defendant changed his plea from that of not guilty to that of guilty, and was sentenced to pay the costs of prosecu- tion, $250 fine and six months in the county jail. Commonwealth vs. Prosecutrix, Agnes Cole. Charged with a statutory offense. The defend- ant plead guilty and the usual sen- tence was imposed. Commonwealth vs: John Kisinsky. Indicted for violation of the liquor laws. Prosecutor, J. C. Wedekind. This case was from Rush township and grows out of the same transac- tion which resulted in Alexander Roach being sentenced to the peni- tentiary sometime ago on a shooting affray. The defendant is a foreigner, does not understand a word of Eng- lish but related that he was not the maker of the liquor but that it was made by Mr. Roach while he stayed at his place, which was largely ac- quiesced in by the prosecutor. The defendant plead guilty and the court suspended sentence upon payment of costs and gave the defendant six months in which to settle. Commonwealth vs. Burton Tooey. Charged with assault and battery and threats. Prosecutrix, Florence Tooey. This case was from South Philips- burg, and was an action brought by the wife against the husband for an assault committed upon her. It was tried on Monday afternoon and re- sulted in a verdict of not guilty, but the defendant to pay two-thirds of the costs and the prosecutrix one- third. Commonwealth vs. B. H. Savercool. This case was from State College and two cases were tried at one time. The indictment in one case was for oper- ating a motor vehicle while under the influence of liquor. The other indict- ment had two counts, one for posses- sion of liquor and one for transport- ing liquor. Prosecutor, A. E. Yougel in both cases. The testimony on the part of the Commonwealth averred that complaint was made to chief of police Yougel that the defendant was operating a motor vehicle under the influence of liquor north of the bor- ough of State College. That the chief wént out with a friend in a taxi, found: the defendant in his automo- bile with a passenger, that he ordered him out of his car into the taxi and had his friend drive the defendant’s automobile. That he took the defend- ant to the office of a physician at State College who pronounced him under the influence of liquor, where- upon the prosecutor lodged him in prison and preferred ‘the charge. That upon examination of the defend- ant’s automobile after it had been taken into State College borough he ‘found a jar containing moonshine whiskey. The defendant and his wit- nesses averred that he and his pas- senger had been to Bellefonte, and his passenger had become consider- ably under the influence of liquor and he was trying to induce him to start home and that he took two small swallows of whiskey from the jar to get his passenger to start home to State College. - That the passenger put the quart jar in his coat pocket and that the defendant did not see it thereafter and that the whiskey had not been in the car before he was taken out of it and that he, the de- fendant, was not under the influence of liquor. The passenger admitted that he, the passenger, was very much under the influence of liquor and that he did not know anything about the condition of the defendant. The gentleman who drove the defend- ant’s automobile to State College had noticed nothing particular about the defendant nor had he noticed any liquor in the car. The case was submit- ted to the jury on Monday evening and on Tuesday morning they rendered a verdict of guilty on a charge of oper- ating an automobile while under the influence of liquor, and not guilty on the other charge but to pay the costs, Victor Devlin. sentence the court called the attention of defendant’s counsel to the fact that the verdict in operating the motor vehiclz contained the statement that he was also guilty of possessing liquor the counts in the other indictment. Counsel for the defendant took the position that the verdicts were ille- gally rendered, the jury had been allowed to separate and the verdict could not now be properly corrected {and appended to the proper charge but when the defendant was called for ' and moved the court to set aside the verdicts and grant a new trial, which | was forthwith granted and the de- fendant ordered to enter into bail. Commonwealth vs. George Mec- .I Closkey. Prosecutor N. R. Lamare- { atx, chief of police of Philipsburg. (Indicted for assault and battery with {intent to commit a statutory crime. The defendant plead guilty, and after some discussion sentence was sus- pended upon payment of costs, and the: defendant given three months in which to pay. Commonwealth vs. Sam Cartwright and Dolly Hendershot. Indicted for breaking, entering and larceny, pros- ecutor, Ernest Vinton. This case was from Rush township. The prose- cutor is the owner of a farm which he occupied during the summer by him- self and family and is away during the winter season. That he found people had occupied this house, used | up the beds and ate food that was left at the house. That he subsequently learned that these defendants were the occupants. This case went on trial Tuesday forenoon and shortly | before noon a verdict was rendered of not guilty. Commonwealth vs. Marcella Beals. | Indicted, first count, possession of , liquor for beverage purposes. Second count, selling liquor. The testimony lon the part of the Commonwealth , Showed that Thomas A. Buckley, a i member of the state police, had visit- ed the home of the defendant at Julian on April 2nd, at about 11.30 a. .m., and alleged that he bought two i gallons of whiskey from her. That he took the whiskey to Lock Haven, a sub-station, where he labelled it and i locked it in his trunk and subsequent- ly delivered it to the chemist at Bellefonte, the whiskey being in four different containers. The defendant strenuously denied the sale, stating that she had never seen Buckley until at the time of the hearing before the Squire, and produced her book in which she kept the time of the men who were working for her in making repairs about the premises, which showed that on the second day of April at 11.30 they ate dinner with these working men and one of them was produced who swore that he did not see Mr. Buckley and that no one had calied at the defendant’s home, The defendant also produced her daughter and her son:in-law “who swore that they were at the home of i the defendant on Sunday, the 3rd of [4 and that Mr: Buckley was not | there on that day as he claimed to have been as they were there about noon. The case went to the jury on Tuesday afternoon and resulted in a verdict of not guilty. Commonwealth vs. Daniel Straw, prosecutor, Corporal Davis, located at the sub-station at Lock Haven. This man was indicted on two counts, one for selling to Thomas A. Buckley two quarts of whiskey and subsequently when the premises of the defendant were raided a ten-gallon keg of moon- shine whiskey was found. The de- fendant is a man 67 years of age and entered a plea of guilty on beth in- dictments. Sentence was suspended on the indictment for the purchase of the ten-gallons of whiskey upon pay- ment of costs but Straw was sen- tenced on the other indictment to pay the costs of prosecution, a fine of $150 and three months in the county jail. Commonwealth vs. Howard Walk. Indicted for violation of liquor laws, prosecutor, Albert Davis. The case was tried on Tuesday afternoon and a verdict was rendered of guilty as indicted. Commonwealth vs. Mrs. William Matts. Indicted for violation of li- auor law, prosecutor Albert Davis, The defendant who lives near Hannah Furnace with her children was charg- ed with having sold liquor to one Thomas Buckley, a state policeman. She plead guilty and was sentenced to pay the costs of prosecution, $150 fine and three months in the county jail, but the prison sentence was post- poned on condition that the costs will be paid forthwith. Commonwealth vs. Mary Liner. In- dicted on two accounts, possession and sale of whiskey. This case was likewise from Taylor township, and while there was considerable contro- versy over dates, ete., defendant was finally convicted of possession and was sentenced to pay a fine of $100, costs and spend thirty days in the county jail. Commonwealth vs. Harold Stanton, violation of the liquor laws. Defend- ' ant plead guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine of $150, costs and three months in jail. Three other liquor cases are yet to be heard as well as the case of invol- untary manslaughter against Jim Harris, of State College. This case grows out of the killing of a man in an auto accident at Rock Springs sev- eral weeks ago, when Harris was the driver of the car. Geranium Sale. The annual geranium sale for Me- morial day will be held at George Mil- ler’s hardware store beginning Wed- nesday, May 25th. Potted plants of all kinds, vinca vines and cut flowers will be on sale. 20-1t ——Up until April first 2745 dog county. Sr ——— A e————— ——If you do not see a yellow sign i in the window of the Bellefonte stores , this will indicate that they do not ‘give out free porch rocker tickets. . 20-1t 11.00 o’clock until late in the after- | NEW SEWER ORDINANCE PASSED BY COUNCIL. | — i Price of Tap Boosted. from $10 to $30 and $60 Dollars. | The most important piece of bor- ough legislation put through at the : regular meeting of borough council, ‘on Monday evening, was the passing ‘of an ordinance boosting the charge for sewer taps from $10 to $30 for a single house and $60 for a double house. The ordinance has been under consideration for some time and when , brought up for final action on Mon- ‘ day evening was opposed by Mr. Cun- 'ningham, who expressed the belief , that charges for taps should be based 'on the amount of sewage carried from a building instead of on a double, or single house. He declared that hotels, boarding and apartment houses should pay more than a pri- ‘vate residence, etc. When an aye and nay vote was taken seven members | voted in favor of the ordinance and : Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Flack against it. Mr. Cunningham request- ed that his objections be recorded in the minutes. When council convened four resi- dents of Reservoir hill, Malcolm Young, Harold Benner, Blair Conevy and Ernest Benner, were present, the first two to ask for a sewer extension to their houses and the last two for both water and sewer to new houses they intend erecting on Burnside street. The young men averred that they would only pay ten dollars a tap for the sewer, but were informed by president Walker that they would have to pay what council would decide on, if they got the sewer. In the meantime, the sewer request was re- ferred to the Street committee and the Water request to the Water com- mittee, . The Deitrick—Dunlap Cadillac com- pany presented a permit from Har- rishurg for the putting down of a gas tank and the installation of a pump at their garage on the corner of Bishop and Allegheny streets, and the matter was referred to the Fire and Police committee. The Logan Fire company presented two bills totalling $60 for the repair of their hook and ladder truck which was damaged in a collision with an automobile while returning from a fire. The bills were referred to the Fire and Police committee for investi- gation and report. : The Street committee reported dig- ging ditches for several sewer exten- sions and miscellaneous collections to- talling $11.75. The Water committee reported re- pairs to meters, laying a water line extension on west Lamb street, mis- cellaneous collections of $121.68 as well as $25 on the 1924 water dupli- cate, $14.50 on the 1925 and $333.50 on the 1926, a check for which was turn- ed over to the secretary of council. " The Finance committee recom- mended that exonerations of $46.83 on the 1923 borough tax duplicate and $783.49 on the 1925 duplicate re- quested by tax. collector Herbert Auman be allowed, and council ap- proved the recommendation. The committee also recommended that the tax millage for 1927 be fixed at the same rate as last year— 10 mills for borough purposes, 10 for street and 5 for interest, and council so ordered. Council also authorized the renew- al of a note for $2000 and a new note for $2000 to meet current bills. The Fire and Police committee re- ported receipt of a rebate of $9.75 from the American La France Fire Engine company on materials pur- chased by the fire companies. Mr. Emerick asked the borough manager if he had a record of the exact cost of putting down the sewer extensions he is now working on, and suggested that records be kept for future reference. The borough manager said he could give exact costs when the sewers are completed. Mr. Brouse, of the Street commit- tee, reported that residents of north Allegheny street have signified their willingness to put down pavements as soon as they are given a grade, and this they will arrange to do soon. Mr. Brouse also reported that the committee had made an inspection of the streets that needed top-dressing and to do the work will require 10656 gallons of oil.and 444 tons of crushed stone, at an approximate cost of $3,000. The committee was instruct- ed to get bids on both oil and stone, ascertain how soon the work can be done and report at next meeting. Mr. Eckel stated to council that the Pennsylvania Railroad company has put a stop to all travel over the bridge south of the station and resi- dents on both the north and south sides of Spring creek would like per- mission to put a footbridge across the stream. The matter was referred to the Special committee. | The report of the borough auditors for the year 1926 was submitted to . council and on recommendation of the | Finance committee it was accepted rand an order made for its printing and distribution. i It was at this juncture in the pro- ceedings that the new sewer ordi- nnce was taken up, and passed. Bills totalling $2852.82 were ap- proved for payment after which coun- cil adjourned. ' ' ——The porch rockers have been for beverage purposes, being one of licenses had been issued in Centre shipped to the Bellefonte merchants ; who have been giving out the tickets, ‘and you will be able to get your chair “at the Y. M. C. A. in a few days. 20-1t ——Everything for your porch box, hanging basket and flower bed at Halfmoon Gardens. 17-4 ' NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Mrs. Clayton Royer has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. J. Wagner, at Boalsburg, for a part of the week. —Mrs. James C. Furst returned home last week from Danville, where she had been a patient in the Geisinger hospital. —Mrs. C. W. Roberts, of the Garman house, left on Monday for a two week’s visit at her former home in Philadelphia. —Mrs. Gregg Curtin and her little son returned to Bellefonte, Tuesday, after a three week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Sill, at Lansdowne. —Miss Eckert, superintendent of the Centre County hospital, has had as a guest this week, her mother, Mrs. Lucinda Eckert, of Lock Haven. —Herbert Beezer went to Philadelphia Saturday for his new Studebaker car, which he is now driving. His old one was bought by Ralph T. Smith. —Mrs. Jennie Holter Curtin returned to Centre county, Wednesday, from Fort Worth, Texas, where she had been for seven weeks visiting with a cousin. —Dr. and Mrs. Fred Seidel were over from Hazelton during the week for one of their frequent visits with Mrs. Seidel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Willard Barn- hart. —Henry 8. Linn was at Lewisburg Wed- nesday, having gone down for the funeral of his cousin, the late Phil B. Linn, who was buried from his home in that place, Wednesday afternoon. —Mrs. Shipley, who spends much of her time with her daughter, Mrs. Rhinesmith, at the Bush House, has gone to Dawson, Pa, where she will be with her two daughters and a son until July. —Miss Annie Miller returned to her home at Salona, Tuesday, after spending the winter in Bellefonte with Mrs. R. GQ. H. Hayes. Miss Miller's’ present plans are for being in Salona during the sum- mer. —Mrs. Austin 0. Furst and her daugh- ter, Mrs. John Curtin, who went east, Saturday, have been visiting since then with the famiiies of Mrs. Furst's sons, William S., John and Walter Furst, near Philadelphia. —Mr. and Mrs. Wade M. Cruse. their two sons and daughter. motored up from Allentown in the beginning of the week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Cruse’s mother, Mrs. Krape; it being their first trip to Bellefonte in a number of years. -—M. A. Landsy went down to Philadel- phia, on Friday evening, and brought Mrs. Landsy back to Bellefonte on Tuesday. The latter had been in the city a month or more under the care of her physician and has now almost entirely recovered her health. —Mrs. Thomas Jenks, of Philadelphia, was among the recent visitors to Belle- fonte, being here to spend several days with her mother and sister, Mrs. George Lose and Mrs. Gilbert Boyer. While here she was a guest at the Boyer home on Bishop street. —Mrs. Ardell, of Binghampton, N. Y., has been with her daughter, Mrs. Harry H. Curtin, at Curtin, for the past week. Mrs. Ardell is a native of Bellefonte and lived the greater part of her life here, leaving to make her home elsewhere after the death of her husband, the late John Ardell. : —Mrs. L. L. Lambert arrived”here from Johnstown, Wednesday, to spend the re- mainder of the week in Bellefonte as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Willis M. Bottorf, of north Spring street. At the termina- tion of her visit here Mrs. Lambert will go to Lewisburg for a ten days visit with Mr. Lambert's daughter Alice, a student at Bucknell, and at her former home at Mifflinburg, where Mr. Lambert will join her. » —Miss Lillian Sheffer, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sheffer, left on Monday night for New York as a delegate from the Alpine Club of Pennsylvania to the Seventh National convention on’ State Parks. The convention, which will be in session all week, is being held at the Palisades Interstate Park, N. Y. Miss Sheffer was a former state forester and has always been actively interested in anything pertaining to the work. —Mrs. J. Will Conley and her daughter, Mrs. William B. Wallis, arrived in Belle- fonte Sunday night to open the Conley house on Logan street for the summer. Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Wallis have lived in Atlantic City since leaving here last fall. Mr. Wallis, whose work is now in the east, joined them there for the week-ends. Mrs. Wallis expects to spend the greater part of the summer here with her mother, but is now planning to return to Pitts- burgh in the fall. —John R. Bartruff came up from his home near New Bloomfield, on Monday evening, to be here for the funeral of the late A. C. Mingle. Mr. Bartruff was look- ing better than he has for some time and also said that Mrs. Bartruff has recovered entirely from the nervous breakdown she suffered last year. He is spending the most of the week here visiting old friends and went down to Howard, Tuesday even- ing, for an over-night call at the home of his wife's sister, Mrs. Samuel Bower. —The departure of Mr. and Mrs, Ormsby D. Eberts, of Martha Furnace, for their new home in Tyrone, last Tuesday, means a4 permanent loss to Centre county of a family prominently identified with our citizenry for many generations back. They have sold their home and business at Martha and gone to Tyrone because they have a married daughter living there and another in High school at that place. They have considerable property interest in the town as well, and a garage, 116x32, under construction on one of their lots. Mr. Eberts does not intend, however, to run the garage. It is only an investment. —The out of town people here, Tuesday, for the funeral of the late A. C. Mingle, included Gross Mingle, of Riverton, N. J.: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mingle, of Aarons- burg; Albert Mingle, of Coburn; Mr. and Mrs. George McCormick, of Potters Mills ; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meyer and the Misses Mildred and Myrtle Mingle, of Newport, Pa.; John Bower, of Aaronsburg; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hoffer, of Willshirve, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Hoffer, Miss Katherine Hoffer and Kinble Hoffer, of Norristown ; Mrs. Henry Bitner, of Lewisburg; the Misses Louise and Anna Hoffer, of Phil- ipsburg; Jacob Meyer, of Boalsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith, Miss Grace Smith, Mrs. Odenkirk, Frank Fisher, D. oO. Boozer and William Shoop, of Centre Hall; John D. Meyer, Mrs. D. J. Meyer and Mrs. Harry Jenkins, of Tyrone: Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Achenbach and their son Guy, of Lock Haven; H. J. Thompson and V. N. Stencer, of Curwensville, $1.00 Makes You a Member. There are many friends of the Centre County hospital at dis- tant places, outside of the county who will not be called upon by a membership drive solicitor. All these friends and ex-Centre coun- tians, reached by the wide circu- lation of this paper, who feel a desire to be one of the hospital corporation members and thus help the institution on its way to a larger service, may forward membership dues of one dollar or more to Ralph Mallory, Secy. of the Board of Trustees, Belle- fonte, Pa. A membership certi- ficate will be mailed in acknowl- edgment. —Harry T. McDowell, of Howard, was in town yesterday. Harry, once so fre- quent a visitor here, comes but rarely now, so that his friends are doubly glad to see him. —W. G. Hoffer, who is here from Will- skire, Ohio, having come in with his wife for the funeral of the late A. C. Mingle, awakened a lot of dormant memories in our brain yesterday morning. In 1882 Will was the “devil” in the Republican of- fice in this place and those were the days when the devil in a country printery got the devil for everything that went wrong and lots that didn’t. Leaving here in 1884 he went west and tried it in Kansas, Illinois and several other States before he finally settled down in Willshire, where he is now post-master and manager of the local telephone buisness. He sold his printing plant a short time ago, because of the press of other and more attractive engagements. Lucas—Custer.—A belated wedding announcement is that of William J. Lucas, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lucas, of Halfmoon Hill, Bellefonte, and Miss Marie Custer, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Custer, of Cone- maugh, who were married at the Evangelical parsonage. Bellefonte, on Saturday, April 30, at 2 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. Reed O. Steely. Im- mediately following the ceremony the young couple motored to their future home in Johnstown where Mr. Lucas is employed as a painter and paper hanger. Rockey—MecKinley. —C. Roy Rock- ey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rockey, and Miss Sarah E. McKinley, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William McKin- ley, both of Fillmore, were married at the Evangelical parsonage, Belle- fonte, at eight o’clock last Saturday morning, by the pastor, Rev. Reed O. Steely, the ring ceremony being used. The young couple went to Blairsville on a brief wedding trip. The bride- groom is one of the industrious em- ployees at the Titan Metal company, Bellefonte. ——Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shuey this week received a letter from Dr. and Mrs. W. R. North, mailed at Paris, France, and containing the very de- lightful information that they would sail shortly for home and expect to reach New York either the latter part of this week or beginning of next. They will go direct to Syracuse, to be present at the annual commencement exercises of the Syracuse University. Dr. and Mrs. North went to China as members of the Syracuse mission in the fall of 1923 and in the more than three years they spent in China they have had some wonderful experiences, but there is little doubt but that they will be glad to get back to the United States. . TS Gems You have to eat, you have to live, so why not spend your money in Bellefonte and get a beautiful porch rocker free. 20-1¢ Porch Rockers Now On the Way. The beautiful porch rockers which the Bellefonte merchants, members of the Business Men’s association, are giving away with one hundred dollars worth of merchandise purchased from those merchants who have the yellow sign in the window, have been ship- ed and are now en route to Bellefonte. If you have porch rocker tickets to the amount of $100 you can get your chair as soon as they arrive. They will be taken to the Y. M. C. A. where the distribution will be made. 20-1t. ————————— i e——————— Mississippi Relief Fund. Following is Bellefonte’s contribu- tion to the Mississippi relief fund to date. Previously subscribed ........... $1783.27 Bellefonte Christian Sci. Soe. .... 10.00 Willing Workers, Lutheran church 5.00 Titan Metal Employees ......... 64.00 QO. MM, Parrish Jo. iernss 1.00 Mrs. A. Wilson Norris ........ 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Tressler .... 3.00 Mrs. Harry Keller ............ 10.00 do S. Royer. .......... 0.0 0 5.00 John MH. Beck .,.,.. oh 10.00 Charles 8. Smith ........... 1.00 Mary © Struble 0... ...0..0... 5.00 Howard T. Struble .............. 5.00 $1912.27 Umbrellas and Chairs Repaired. Have your worn or broken umbrellas recovered or repaired. Chairs recan- ed and made like new by George Glenn at his shop at the falls on Wa- ter street. 17-4¢ ——A free porch rocker ticket giv- en away with each fifty cent purchase in Bellefonte. 20-1t Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat mn - - - $130 Rye - - - - - - - 50 Oats - - = oa Eb - - 40 COP ii Timi wi te a - 8 Barley - le - - - - 70 Buckwheat . - - - - 00