PE . — eo or for this week-end 3 Hundreds of them are expected to ' occasion will be given at the Sunday share in the attractive entertainment chapel by the Rev. Dr. H. C. Luccock, > 1 Tr ~ . Mothers will be guests of hon- fonte, vice-president of the associa- | Penn State. | tion. A special sermon suited to the representative of the International WW. A. Pelle, of New York, 4 Bible students’ association, has been engaged to deliver a lecture in Noll’s programs arranged by the students New York City, contributing editor hall, at Pleasant Gap, on Sunday, and college officials. They will be of the Christian Advocates. welcomed at a meeting of the asso- ciation of parents of Penn State on ——The highway department is Saturday morning by Dr. Ralph D. this week oiling the Bald Eagle val- Hetzel, president of the college, and ley road between Milesburg and How- Mrs. M. Elizabeth Olewine, Belle- , ard. SCENIC- -3 Nights (QA POTN A BIR OND 00) SBIR 05 NIN Next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Oo Oo “Lest We forget” Mother “Say it with Flowers” ! May 8th, at 3. p. m. ,on the subject, “Where Are the Dead?” The public is invited to attend and hear this in- teresting lecture. No collection. {| mmeFor-the convenience of peace officers the registrar of motor vehic- les, at Harrisbury, has instituted a twenty-four hour service, so that calls or inquiries about stolen cars can be made at any hour in the day. For Sale.—A mahogony library ta- ble and two sewing machines—-a Standard and Eldridge. Inquire at this office. 18t PLEASANT GAP. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dunkle, of State College, were callers at the home of J. T. Noll, on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Showers, Miss Ida Kauffman and Herbert Showers made a trip to Oscecla Mills on Sun- day. Miss Helen Schrefler, nurse in| training at the Centre County hos- pital, spent the Sabbath at her home in our town. Miss Helen under observation in the County hospital, returned Thursday evening. Noll, who has been Centre home on | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DMINISTRATRIX’S = NOTICE.—Let- ters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of George H. Musser, late of Boggs township, Centre county, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to same will please make payment, and those having claims against the estate must present them, duly authenticated, fe] -— San Sh for settlement. Lc MARIA C. MUSSER, 7 Administratrix, 5 Gettig & Bower, Bellefonte, Pa. | = Attorneys. 2-18-61 | Bp FL XECUTRIX'S NOTICE.—Letters test- 55) amentary upon the estate of Eloise | IT, Meek, late of Bellefonte bor- Lh ough, deceased, having been granted to Ue the undersigned, all persons knowing I themselves indebted to same are request- Ue ed to make prompt payment, and those = having claims against said estate must ie present them, duly authenticated for set- I] tlement, Ue Mrs. WINIFRED B. MEEK MORRIS, 1 Executrix, 5420 Ellsworth Ave., | pn ems IE $4.85 oH Men’s Dress Shoes L | $4.85 oe i FREEMAN-BEDDOW Dress shoes for men are unequaled in quality at prices from $6.00 to $7.00 but sold at Yeager’'s for $4.85 | YEAGER’S TINY BOOT SHOP | BELLEFONTE, PA. i | — K. L. Noll, of Jersey Shore, and his ' mother, Mrs. Boyd Noll, of Zion, spent a brief time among friends in our town on Saturday. Seven girls of the High school silver medal, in the contest to be put on by the local W. C. T. U. Pleasant Gap Myr. and Mrs. Sinie Reish and son, of Williamsburg, visited for a few days at Harry Bilgers; Mrs. Reish | and Mrs. Bilger being sisters. The Civic club entertained a few guests at their regular meeting in the Sunday school room of the Meth- odist church, on Tuesday evening, May 3rd. . Mr. and Mrs. Manna Kline, and Mr. and Mrs. William Ott, of Belle- fonte, were callers at E. K. Kellers, on Sunday. Mr. Keller ir seriously ill due to old age. The hat sale and social affair held in the Methodist church, by the mem- | bers of the W. C. T. U. on Friday ; will . compete. for. the’ | 100 California Privet The best Hedge Pant + $6 per 100 HALF MOON GARDENS IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 10] Seuth Eleventh St. PHILADELPHIA Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum ' § 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMELEM JEWELRY | Bf FIRE INSURANCE 0 At a Reduced Rate 20% i a May 9 7c. each in} TS DRT Atl, THEATRE STATE COLLEGE Monday and Tuesday May 10 Matinees at Two Evenings at Six Farewell Appearance of Waring's ‘Pennsylvanians’ Your last chance to hear them previous to their en- tering Musical Comedy... Monday Picture: Raymond Griffith in “Wedding Bells” Tuesday Picture : lo a eee ASCENT Ea a A ol — I= Se Co =] DE. SAS I an SRS a] =) Sana] = 0 Ee Es 0 B L Ee Marie Prevost in “The Night Bride” night, proved a social as well as n266m J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent financial success. It also put the ; from names of six new members on the — Em roll Leite BH 2 kid ee ——————————————— | Musical Program Changed Daily Mrs. Leslie Miller, of Woodlawn, . / Jalf Moon Gardens Beaver county, who has been with | HORO Be OPE Te her mother, Mrs. Rebekah Wolfe, at and Life Reading I ; S . Aaronsburg, since Mrs. Wolfe's re- Full Information. Ie Special Prices: Adults 50c. Children 25c¢. £ ; Sent Hinges, spent a Tew hours iy Send dime and birthday. = 21 i er husband’s mother, Mrs. Jack Noll, 7 ir : i on Sunday, enroute to her home in J MOJAVE : Uo UEELE EEE LE SUSE 8p 0 Or | re Rr A o Beaver county. 72-15 4 Box 791 Indianapolis, Ind. nai2nan2n=2n2n2n2nanananananiananananaial=Aenansiens QO: Se Will It Save Your Life This Year IT IS YOUR HOSPITAL You Can Help Make It a Better Hospital New Equipment is Needed It is Indispensable SLOGAN:- Everybody Your Best Insurance Will You Do Your Part? During the past year the Centre County Hospital cared for 390" patients who were critically ill—doubtless saved many—If one life was saved the total expense was justified YOU CAN MAKE IT MORE EFFICIENT THAN EVER ‘Membership Drive begins May 12, on National Hospital Day. See a member of the Woman's Auxiliary and enroll every member of your family. One Dollar Each