Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 29, 1927, Image 2

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    Demorvali, Watchman,
— ——
Bellefonte, Pa., April 29, 1927.
Rome and It’s Wonders
Ey Rev. L. M. Colfelt D. D.
Above ground Rome is a curious
and wonderful city, a city so often de-
molished and rebuilt that the foun-
dations of the most ancient buildings
are now found when excavated to be
some forty feet below the general lev-
el of the present city. Very interest-
ing are the few fragments, of its an-
cient architecture remaining, the Pan-
theon once filled with Pagan Gods,
the Colosseum in which gladiators
fought not with gloves but weapons
to the death, the arena in which the
Christians were thrown to the tender
mercies of the lion of Africa, the re-
mains of the Mamertuiel prison in
which Paul was chained to a Roman
soldier yet taught liberty to mankind,
the Roman Forum where Senators
sat, Cicero orated, and Cataline de-
fended himself and Caesar covered
himself with his mantle as he exclaim-
ed et te Brute! the Arch of Titus built
by Jews spared from the distruction
of Jerusalem on which is sculptured
the only representation extant of the
Ark of the Covenant, the aqueduct
which stretches its dead body across
the Campagna, the more modern Cath-
edral of St. Peter, St. John Lateran
with its Pilate’s Staircase whose mar-
ble steps are worn deep by knees of
ascending penitents, Santa Maria
Maggirra a gem of unimagined ex-
quisiteness, the Sistine Chapel with
its last Judgment of Angelo and its
chapters of Creation, the Vatican with
its stanzas of Raphael, the castle of
St. Angelo with its Sinister history,
the Pincian Gardens, the Tarpeian
Rock, Capitoline Hill, these and a
thousand cbjects beside would take a
volume to describe. But subterraneau
Rome is yet more astonishing. Be-
low her ancient streets in obscure
vaults whose darkness is now lighted
by naught but phosphorescent fires
we peer about for the tokens of the
« . . . primitive Christians who burrow-
ed in these humid and gloomy caves
of the earth and “kept the faith”
which gave ‘vitality to the human
conscience and enlightenment to the
world. There remains only a memory
of that upper population whose power
once governed the world. Of the in-
stitutions they organized we see but
faint traces. Broken walls, a few
arches, some columns, half legible in-
scriptions, mutilated statues, things
looking like the spoil of a terrible
tempest, these are all that remain of
the Caesars who conquered so many
provinces. But beneath all the splen-
dor and power of Pagan Rome lay the
The only temple permitted to
Christian worship entered like the
dens of wild animals and peopled
by some- humble sectarians, who
possessed for their only power Prayer
for their only victory martrdom. Oft-
en tortured in the drunken orgies of
the Capital, cast among the wild
beasts of the Colosseum when appre-
bended, burlesqued by Lucian, ridicul-
ed by the most admired writers, with
the whole power cf Rome arrayed
against them, who would have dream-
ed of the final victory of these believ- |
ers in the crucified Jesus. For arms
they had the glad tidings of “peace
on earth and good will to men,” for
riches their faith, for power their
resignation, for legions, the legions of
martyrs, for property, the tombs. The
Roman law protected before all the
places of sepulture. The same Em-
perors who persecuted the Christians
as believers respected them as propri-
etors. By means of this superstitious
respect of Pagans for property the
Christians obtained a home for their
worship and a resting place for their
dead entire in the sepultures. Thus
dead and deposited their ashes in vases
of marble or porphyry. But the
Christians believing not only in the !
immortality of the soul but also in the
resurrection of the body buried their |
dead entire in the sepultures.
the cities of the dead assumed propor-
tions as colossal as the living and be-
reath the palaces of Rome there soon
With streets CrOSSWays, squares
stretching toward the four points of
the horizon a city of the dead which
notwithstanding quickened the new
spirit destined to destroy Rome and
to build on her ruins another civil-
About ‘four miles eastward of Rome
between the via ‘appia 'and-the via.
Ardeatine under heaps of all sorts of
debris and close to cypress groves
which deépén the melancholy of the
landscape we descended into the Cat-
acombs of San Sebastian and entered
the immense labyrinths in which the
primitive Christians hid themselves
the sepulchral furrows in which were
planted the first germs of the Chris.
tian religion! Instinctively our imag-
ination transported us to the ages of
persecution. In the dark Caverns we
seemed to hear the religious Psalmody
half repressed by terror and to behold
the arrival of those who brought the
remains of the martyrs collected from
the refuse of the circus to deposit
them in their tombs and raise altars
whereon burned the mystic lamp. We
took but little interest in the artis-
tic controversies which the Catacomb
have exeited among those learned in
Archaeology. We did not see in the
paintings inspirations of ancient art
or of the new faith. We did not see
the heaven that Ozinam saw in the
eyes of the worshippers, nor the spir-
ituality of the middle ages in the
frescoes of the Catacombs. But pic-
tured on fresco and sculptured on
stone we did behold the first tentative
efforts of the Christian imagination
io Saghion its eoeeDtipns of jhe sun
oring power of the gospel o e
Son of God. Forms are con-
tracted with grief and lips sigh
with sorrowful desire. How long!
How long! They seem to cry plain
tively. And as if in answer we see de-
picted on the walls the anchor as the
symbol of hope, the crook of the good
shepherd, the lamb resigned to the
holocaust, the ship of the church de-
fying all tempests, the mystic vine
whose branches overshadow the world,
the divine woman walking upon the
water of the sea with her child in her
arms, the star on her forehead, the
supper a frugal meal and one nourish-
ing to the soul, the resurrection of
Lazarus coming forth from the sepul-
cre, revivified by the divine word
which fell upon his mouldering fiesh
and awakened it to a new life as the
gospel kindled anew the old world.
The first thing that astonishes one
on descending into the tombs is the
gigantic labor of those who excavat-
ed them without having either the
mechanical or chemical means of our
civilization. The galleries placed
one above the other, there are as many
as five stories of tombs, their disposi-
tion preserving a careful regularity,
reveals a perfectly conceived and ma-
tured plan. Even the nature of the
soil has received scientific attention.
They have carefully avoided the
chalky formations and all places that
easily retain water or are subject to
moisture. They have dug the tombs
and temples in soft granular stone
volcanic but consistent, stone forged
by creative fires and suitable for dur- |
able building. The monuments tell us
that the circumstances of the church
of the Catacombs were those of ex-
treme poverty, oppression and danger.
There is nothing to intimate a sense
of wrong, nor a desire of vengeance
against man nor a murmur against
God. Here is a stone bearing the ex-
pressive words “In the 5th, before the
Kalends of November slept Gorgon-
ius friend of all and enemy of none.”
Another bears an epitaph that much
disconcerts that dictum of Dr. John-
son when he says thai matrimonial
quarrels must come but it is well to
defer as long as possible the first
“Cecilius the husband to Cecelia
Placedina, my wife of excellent nem-
ory with whom I lived with never a
quarrel. In Jesus Christ, Son of God,
the Savior.” Such is the evidence that
in the first centuries, the home had
already felt the kindly influence of
Love to Him in whom all the families
of the earth are to be blessed.
Standing before these toms and Th
asking what do they reveal as to the
spirit of the church in the first three
centuries they seem to speak with
silent eloquence of a community which
dwelling amid the licentiousness of
Pagan Rome and amid continual per-
secution and danger had some how
been brought under the influence of
a spirit that shed on their komes a
new tenderness, on their suffering a
sense of triumph, on their relations
with God, a strange confidence and
giveness. Here is one Epitaph which
breathes an exultant faith in relation
with God a strange confidence and
cheerful submission. Deserving cone
having left your relations you will en-
joy Immortality and Eternal life, “Al-
bana wife, our Divine author gave you.
A temporary rest is granted you bur-
ied in peace. Placus her husband set
up this.” Such was the belief of the
early-ehristians. They laid down their
dead knowing that the soul was living
in peace and the body reposirg till the
day of resurrection. And this faith
of a resurrection made the meanest
Christian at the bott)m of these cay-
ens feel that he carried about with
him a glory far above oll that the
nroud city above could confer en her
caiefest favorite, Caesar never dream.
ed that the hand which wrote veni!
vidi viei! would be lifted up and wave
a palm on a brighter field. None of
the Emperors ever cherished an ex-
pectation that the brow thai were
the imperial honors would shire here-
after with a more illustrious crown,
Put the unknown and unlettered
Christian hiding in the depths of the
Catacombs glowed with the convie-
tion that his very ‘bedy was sacred
and that wien all the dignitiex of
Rome were laid low his nead now hid-
den from the light wouic be lifted
amid the radiance of the Celestian
city. These meraorials «f the church
of the Catazombs reveal that ihe
Christians churcin of the first three
centuries was one of extreme sim-
plicity in spirit, doctrina, ministry and
universal brothericod, with a happy
trust in the mediation of ihe Son of
God, with a ritual devoid of unitation,
of sensuous Pagan ceremonial and with
the calm hope that for the dead final
peace was eternally sure. After gaz-
ing upon that church that comes forth
to meet us as it were in her grave
clothes we ascended to the light of
day with a feeling of adoration of
that wise.and silent providence which
has preserved through the ages this
indubitable testimony of the structure
and outlines of the primitive church.
We may rejoice in the consangunity
in the sense of our oneness with
Christ’s earliest followers. Church of
the Catacombs; thou art our church!
Martyrs of the Catacombs! We are
partners with you in the simplicity of
Christ, your Lord is our Lord, your
faith is our faith, your baptism is our
baptism, your God is our God and your
Father is our Father who is above all
and through all and in us all.
How to Use the Flag.
Printed by request of Bellefonte Chapter
D. AR.
The Flag should be displayed only
from sunrise to sunset.
The Flag should be hoisted briskly
and lowered slowly.
The Flag should be displayed fiat
whether indoors or out, when not on
a staff,
When displayed horizontally or ver-
tically against a wall, the Union o1
blue field should be in the upper left
hand corner.
When draping of red, white and blue
is desired, use bunting.
When rosettes and festoons are
wanted, use bunting—never the flag.
The Flag should be displayed above
and behind a speaker on a platform
when hung flat.
When on a staff it should be at the
speaker’s right.
The Flag should never be used to
cover the speaker’s desk or to drape
over the front of the platform.
When unveiling a statue or monu-
ment the flag should not be used as
the covering for the statue or monu-
Cook forest is now virtually a State
park, the culmination of many years
of hard work by a number of prom-
inent citizens interested in the pres-
ervation of this Last of the Giants
of the Forest. All that remains to
be done is for Governor John S. Fish-
er to affix his signature to the bill ap-
propriating $550,000 for the purchase
of the tract.
Monday night the bill passed the
State Senate unanimously, the vote
being 48 to 0. The bill was originally
sponsored in the house by Represen-
tative Charles F. Armstrong, of West-
moreland county, and passed that body
Wednesday of last week, after the
Legislature had been shown moving
pictures of the tract taken by the Cook
Forest Association. The "bill was
sponsored in the Senate by Richard S.
Quigley, of Lock Haven.
In speaking of the tract, the Pitts-
burgh Sun of Tuesday has the fol-
lowing to say, which, except for a few
humorous passages, is fairly accur-
The measure provides for an ap-
propriation which is to be added to
a sum of approximately $100,000
which has been raised by the Cook
Forest Association, an organization
which has been working intensively
for nearly three years to awaken pub-
lic interest in the tract. The action
taken by the Senate is the culmina-
tion of a movement which started
many years ago to acquire the Cook
woods, by all edds the finest and larg-
est stand of virgin timber, especially
pine and hemlocks, in the east. Some
of the trees were standing when Co-
lumbus discovered America and are
so great in their proportions as to be
natual curiosities.
Upon the signing of the bill by the
Governor and the formal action of
taking title to the 8,000 acres on
which the forest stands the tract will
become a State park of unique char-
acter and greater proportions than |
anything of the kind now existent.
e aim is to preserve the forest
which occupies portions of Clarion,
Jefferson and Forest counties, for all
time and for the use of all the people.
Two great highway systems approach
the tract, one from the east and the
other from the west, and through it
passes the Clarion river, a stream of
great beauty. The picturesque old
town of Cooksburg occupies a central
location. During the last 18 months
more than 25000 lovers of trees have
visited the forest. Many of these
stopped at the little inn maintained
through the offices of the Cook For-
est Association, for the convenience of
the public.
Pleas from every section of the
State have reached members of the
Legislature to have them vote for the
bill. That their response was appre-
ciated was witnessed Tuesday when
letters, telegrams and personal con-
gratulations were being showered on
Senators and representatives, espe-
cially those making the appropria-
tions committees of the two branches. |
While the bill reached the Legisla- |
ture rather late in the session, but
a few days in advance of the dead
line for presentations, it has proven
popular from the first. The work in
its interest opened with the showing
of a film to the members of the house
and Senate.
not had a serious setback.
The support for the measure came
from hunters, fishermen and plain
lovers of the outdoors. Civie organ-
izations said a kindly word and old
lumbermen, anxious to see some real
relic of Pennsylvania’s great woods
preserved, added their voices. In-
fluential members of the State's legis-
lative body caught the spirit, with
the result recorded Monday night.
Officers and directors of the Cook
Forest Association include Samuel Y.
Ramage, Taylor Allderdice, George E.
Benson, Thomas Liggett, Homer D.
Williams, Henry M. Brackenridge,
Howard H. McClintic, John M. Phil.
lips, Arthur E. Braun, Frank L, Har-
vey and others. Mr. Liggett, secre-
tary of the organization, arranged for
the presentation of the bill and a
committee of prominent Pittsbu
business men, including J. P. Nichol-
son, appeared before a committee of
the house two weeks dgo in connec-
tion with the measure.
While the primary aim has been
to save the trees which could not be
replaced at any cost there are many
spots of rare scenic beauty which
will be automatically acquired. The
forest is a refuge for game of all
kinds. Its floor is covered with the
finest and rarest of mosses and in
the glades are to be found practically
every wild flower known in the State.
Pennsylvana Dairymen to Meet at
State College, May 6.
The Pennsylvania Dairymen’s As-
sociation will hold a meeting at State
College, Pennsylvania, in the old chap-
el on Friday evening, May 6, begin-
ning promptly at 7 o'clock.
An interesting program of timely
subjects has been arranged and it is
hoped that many dairymen from Cen-
tre county will avail themselves of the
opportunity of attending this meeting
and visiting the College.
On the day following, Saturday,
May 7, occurs the Penn State dairy
exposition an annual event staged by
the dairy students of the College, This
will include a. eattle show, Judging
contest, fitting and showing contests
and other interesting events. In ad-
dition to the opportunity of seeing the
show there will be an opportunity of
joining a tour of some of the col ege
departments and go over some of the
field experimental plots. There will
also be college athletic events in the
latter part of the afternoon including
a baseball game between Penn State
and Syracuse University.
The dairy students annual banquet
will be held Saturday evening and
visiting dairymen. are invited to stay
over for this event. In case room | 000,000
reservations are desired notify R. H.
Olmstead, 68 Dairy Building, State
College, Pa.
Since that time it has |
With a determination to again set
a record for total entries in connec-
tion with their June 11th classic, the
Altoona Speedway Association recent-
ly sent a representative to the West
Coast to make a complete check-up of
the available cars and drivers. Muy.
L. E. Frey, vice president of the Al-
toona Association was elected to rep-
resent the management. Upon arrival
at Los Angeles where the majority of
, the drivers are preparing their cars
for the hard season of racing, Mr.
Frey immediately called a conference.
Since the racing starts in earnest
next month, it was desired to discuss
many detailed matters, the outcome of
which resulted in the speedway official
securing a maximum roster of pros-
pective drivers,
It was the general concensus of
opinion that the June 11th event,
which represents the start of the sec-
ond year of the present type racing
motors, would be exceptionally fast,
The development of the late motors
has been most unuswal. This fact
brought forth the stamp of approval
of the qualification speed of 125 miles
per hour for the June meeting here.
It was learned at the meeting that
several changes in the personnel would
soon become effective. Those named
in the contemplated rearrangement in-
clude the following. Cliff Woodbury
forms a new combination with Fred
Comer, and enters a team for compe-
tition. Harry Hartz, crowned champ-
ion of the past season, will vie with
Eddie Hearne 1923 champion in an ef-
fort to attain team honors. It was an-
nounced that Al Melcher wil drive his
maiden race in Altoona, following the
formation of recent partnership with
Charles Haase. Louie Meyers as well
as Tony Gulotta will be independent
contestants. George Abell and Cliff
Bergere are also listed among the late
Altoona will again provide four qual-
ification days, in which to select 18
of the fastest starters from a possible
field of twenty-five entries.
——— LL
Some Cook Forest Facts.
It is the outstanding remnant of
7500 acres.
It is one of the very few places
where the primeval white pines can
be seen. No fire has been on the prop-
erty. It has every species of tree,
plant and wild life indigenous to its
Pennsylvania cannot make a bet-
ter investment than in the establish-
ment of a State park at Cook forest.
It will earn millions of dollars and
‘much of health, education and pleas-
ure for her people.
California and Florida each earns
approximately five hundred millions
of dollars per annum from the tour-
ist trade. Cook forest will bring mil-
| lions of dollars into Pennsylvania
{ which would never be here if it were
| destroyed. As an evidence of its
growing popularity twenty-five to
| thirty thousand people visited Cook |
{ forest during the season of 1926.
Western Pennsylvania gives large
jury. It is fitting that the Legislature
should supplement the contributions
“of the people with a sum sufficient to
make of Cook forest a State park for
. the use of all.
Well directed outdoor recreation
, today means less sickness, crime and
| State activitity and expense for hos- {
| pitals and courts tomorrow. The “No -
i Trespass” sign and polluted waters
{ have made it difficult for the indus-
trial population to find recreational
areas. Cook forest is the most con-
| venient opportunity for several mil-
| lions of people.
State parks are a necessity—not a
luxury. As our leisure time increas-
es and our life becomes more artifi-
cial, they are a matter of vital import-
rr — esses e—
Many entertaining explanations
tions that affect us. Even though the
number thirteen has been accounted
| potent of ill since the ‘days of ancient
| Babylon, its modern significance is as-
| sociated with the fact that at the last
! Supper, thirteen were at the table. |
There is 2 tradition to the effect that
the last one seated was Judas Iscariot,
‘although no one of the four Gospels
mentions this detail. The fear of
thirteen at the table remains one of
the strongest common superstitions.
Friday is an unlucky day to being
a thing; so runs the ancient injunc-
tion. Has the ill luck anything to do
with the fact that the Crucifixion oc-
curred on a Friday? It probably has.
Fear of the day, however, did not pre-
vent Columbus from sailing on Fri-
day; it did not keep land from being
sighted on Friday, or prevent the
Pilgrims from entering the harbor of
Provincetown on Friday. We take it
as a matter of course that when a per-
son sneezes, we should say “God Bless
You.” But the fact is, this phrase was
part of a prayer instituted in the pon-
tificate of St. Gregory the Great, at
a time when the air was filled with
such astringent substance that those
who sneezed died instantly. Some
people are confident that the reason
why the aspen leaf quivers so is be-
cause the Cross was made from its
wood.—From Everybody's Magazine.
——————— Ap ————————————
Ninety Million for Roads.
During the next two years Pennsyl-
vania’s motor vehicles and operator’s
registration fees will total approxi»
mately $50,000,000. The State will re-
ceive approximately $7,000,000 in fed-
eral aid. State Treasurer Samuel S.
Lewis estimated the gasoline tax at
$21,000,000. The new 1 cent tax on
gasoline would bring this up to $30,-
500,000. Local authorities and miscel-
laneous collections will bring in $4,-
000,000 or $5,080,000 additional. The
total, therefore is greater than $90,-
,000. cent is available for
road work except the sum needed for
interest and sinking fund on the two
bond issues.
- RA———— as
“Penn’s Woods,” and contains about |
financial support to the State treas- |
have been offered of certain supersti-
Will H. Hays, in a statement today
on the progress of the campaign un-
der his direction by the Presbyterian
Church, U. 8. A., for $15,000,000 for
pensions for its old and disabled min-
isters, announced two gifts of $100,000
each and declared that causese of
Christianity “furnish the most satis-
fying opportunity today for generous
giving by the very wealthy of the na-
A woman walked into the office of
Andrew W. Mellon, treasurer of the
pension fund, recently, and placed
$100,000 in gift-edged securities on
the desk with the annoucement that
it was her gift to the fund, while a
northwestern lumberman has pledged
$100,000, Mr. Hayes said. At the re-
. quest of the donors, their names were
not revealed.
Mr. Hayes announced the total to
date in the campaign as $9,200,000 as
the result of completed campaigns
east of Illinois, with drives in 14
States from Illinois to California now
getting under way, the entire national
campaign being scheduled to end about
the middle of May.
“There has been an inspiring re-
sponse to this call of the Church,”
continued the statement. “Some East-
ern sections still are short of their
quotas, but we are confident that the
thousands of gifts from the rank and
file of Presbyterians will inspire the
very wealthy to even more generous
giving and that before the final report ;
is made every Presbytery will have
met its obligation.
“We have received a number of
large gifts in addition to those men-
tioned. Among them are three for
$200,000 each, one for $150,000,
four for $100,000 each. one for $60,-
000, four for $50,000 each, two for |
$50,000 each, two for $37,500 each,
two for $30,000 each and nine for
$25,000 each, Many of these gifts
have come as memorials to the dead
of the doners.
“An unprecedented spirit of unity
has been created in our Church
. through this campaign. Individual
| differences of theology have been for-
gotten, Presbyteries that were disor-
ganized have become solidified,
Churches that were weak have become
strong as a result of the joining of
‘all of our sinews in one common
cause, and this unity and response at-
tests that, after all, the spirit of
Christianity still predominates in this
{ country and rises above all theories of
' theology.
{ “Such a condition should prove in-
| spirational to those able to give large-
«ly through showing that the causes of
| Christianity furnish the most satisfy- |
, ing opportunity today for generous
‘giving by the very wealthy. With
the knowledge that in helping this
cause, the case of the ministry itself
and of Christianity itself, is being
helped, and that those with none-too
full pockets have reached deeply in
making their gifts, a feeling of satis-
other giving comes to the man who
contributes largely of his worldy pos-
sessions to this cause.”
i While Mr. Hayes himself has never
discussed the subject, it became known
recently through his associates that
he had had his entire worldly posses-
sions appraised and had pledged 10
per cent. of the total to the fund.
Few Have Ever Found Humming
Birds’ Nests.
Comparatively few people ever have
the pleasure ot peeping into a hum-
ming bird’s nest, to behold two tiny |
eggs like round white beans, or to
see two birdlets which somewhat re-
semble little beetles.
i In the first place, the nest is so
‘small and so resembles the surround-
ing shrubbery that it is easily over-
looked. Then too it is so cleverly
hidden by its wise builders and so
| disguised in its constructien as to
| require an experienced eye to dis-
: cover it.
Built of soft, pliant hairs and
‘adorned with bits of moss and feath-
ers, it forms a downy, cuplike, se- |
cluded home. The fairy hummer of
Cuba, the smallest of all the hum-
ming birds, builds a nest so tiny that
it can be covered completely with a
‘copper cent. Its eggs look like two
little pearls. -
" species of which have been classified,
iis distinctly American. In the main,
'it is a tropical bird, as fewer than 20
species are found in the United States.
The one known to residents of
| States east of the Mississippi is the
beautiful ruby throat. Audubon called
humming birds “glittering fragments
of the rainbow,” so gorgeous are they
in color.
70 Rockview Inmates Complete Stud-
ies in College Course.
Seventy inmates at Rockview pen-
itentiary, on Tuesday night, received
special certificates from the engi-
neering estension department of the
Pennsylvania State College at exer-
cises marking the close of the night
school educational classes conducted
for them by the college. Most of the
seven hundred prisoners attended the
exercises. The principal address was
given by Mrs. E. Grace McCauley,
secretary of the State Department of
Welfare, Certificates were presented
by Professor J. O. Keller, head of the
extension department.
ed classes two nights a week during
the winter months at Rockview for
the past four years. Upwards of 100
prisoners have enrolled each year for
courses ranging from reading and
writing to automobile mechanics, busi-
ness English and blueprint reading.
Ten different courses were given this
year. Professor Keller has many let-
ters from former inmates who have
obtained good positions following their
release, and they attribute their suc-
cess to the Penn State course. Pro-
fessor F. L. Hendrick has had charge
‘of the instruction for the past three
A ——— pr ——
——The “Watchman” is the most
readable paper published. Try it.
ee u
faction not likely to be found in any
, y ? |
The humming bird, more than 500
The college department has conduct-
“A hair of the dog that bit you” is
in many parts of the country some-
thing more than a handy metaphor
signifying that that which caused the
evil will work the cure. If one will
take the trouble to investigate he will
be surprised how widespread is still
the belie? That the 7 effects of a
og bite may be cure y applying to
the wound “a hair of the do Rnd
this superstition exists not only in this
country but in many others, being as
widespread in locality as it is ancient
in origin. It has its genesis in the old
old belief in sympathetic magic—the
close connection which the ancients
conceived to exist between a person
and anything closely related to him
or constructed in a resemblance of
him and still more closely, naturally,
between a man and any part of him
which might become severed from his
person—such as the hair or nails es-
pecially, living and growing parts of
his bodily structure.
Thus the hair came to be regarded,
| even when cut off, as still, in reality
‘a fragment of its former wearer and,
logically what a man’s hair was to a
{man a dog’s hair was to a dog. Now
the spital of a man, or of any other
, animal belongs peculiarly to, in one
sense is a part of, the man or other
animal which secretes it. Therefore,
if bitten by a dog apply to the wound
a hair of the said dog and the spital
‘of the dog, with all its properties for
evil, will be attracted, naturally, to
its homogenous part, the hair, and not
(injure the alien body into which it has
| been injected. That's the way the an-
‘cients reasoned it out. Modern man
| does not reason it out at all, but still
‘practices his sympathetic magic with
a hair of the dog that bit him,
| Electric Power on Farm Displacing
Muscle as Rural Service Expands.
| Two years ago no orthodox electri-
: cal man would have dared to prophesy
ithe general electrification of Ameri-
can farms. So rapidly is power devel-
opment progressing, however, that an
authority on farm electrification re-
cently stated that within ten years
1,000,000 American farms will be sup-
plied with service from central power
Systems, according to Guy E. Tripp,
chairman of the board of the Westing-
house Electric and Manufacturing
“Give the farmer electric power at
a reasonable cost and he can relieve
himself and his family of a large part
of their burden of labor, increase his
productiveness and improve his stand-
lard of living,” declares Mr. Tripp, who
is quoted by the Pennsylvania Public
Service Information Committee.
“This is of foremost importance be-
cause people will be loath to leave the
city so long as it offers superior liv-
ing conditions. But interconnection,
the automobile, radio and other devel-
ments are gradually reducing the dis-
parity between city and rural life.
“The farmer of yesterday was a
, muscle, a swinger of the scythe. The
farmer of today is becoming compe-
| tent to carry on one of the most high-
ly technical professions in the world.
The farmer of tomorrow will have at
his disposal the same facilities and
resources as the industrial worker;
and if he is equally progressive he will
bring agriculture back into step with
One Ear te be Seen this Season.
Ears of the lady of fashion in 1927
again will retreat into obscurity with
tre passing of the boyish bob.
So, at least, has decreed the Ameri-
i can Master Hair Dressers’ Association
.in convention assemblad.
| Further hints to a beauty a la 1927
, mode were given by Miss Alice F. Ry-
‘an, vice president of the American
i Beauty Schools’ Association.
| The bob will be cut longer, she said.
i The newest is the “arf and oi” in
| Which the hair is drawn back severely
lon one side of the head so as to ex-
' pose one ear, and on the oiher side is.
arranged so that the ear is covered
and the hair curves out of the eyes.
For evening dress women will wear
long hair made of hair pieces the
| construction of which is said to have
‘reached such a stage of development
that they cannot be detected from reak
Rouge will ‘be deep orange hue, eye-
| brows will not be so thin, and finger
| nails will be polished with peal finish.
{ Charles Nessler, president of the
| Hairdressers’ Association, gave some
| statistics in beauty upkeep. There are
, 30,000 hair dressing and beauty par-
‘lors in the United States he said, and
i last year 60,000,000 women spent a
| total "of $300,000,000 for beauty culo
| ture.
Recovering Lost Radium.
Six thousand dollars worth of ra-
dium, a few specks in a tiny tube,
were lost in a hospital. It was recov-
ered by means of an electroscope. If
an electroscope is brought near a bit
of radium, the pieces of gold-leaf will
instantly disclose the fact by coming
together. When the electroscope was
set up in the hospital mentioned, in
the room where the radium was used
on the patient, the instrument failell
to register. The radium was not in
the room. Perhaps the nurse had mix-
ed the tiny tube in the bandages, and
thrown it into the furnace. The ashes.
from the furnace were examined and
sure enough’ the electroscope vespond-
ed instantly. ' The fused tube which
contained the radium was found; but
radium will not burn. The ashes were
taken to a laboratory, and by careful
treatment every possible milligam of
the precious substance was recovered.
Out of $6,000 werth only $210 was fin-
ally lost.—Reformatory Record.
The No Furs League.
Register your protest aginst the
further use of the non-killing steel
trap, by subscrbing to the following
and sending, your name to Our Dumb
Animals, Boston, Mass.:
Henceforth, as a protest against the
crueity involved in the capture of fur.
bearing animals by the steel trap, ¥
will wear no furs,