Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 15, 1927, Image 7

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    ht lly and horizontally. The first letter in eneh word is y C
Pemorealic: acon Ren L Wingsion, Ne bE Yn number, which refers. to the achnition linted below fie: buarlg,
: m n N. nder th zontal nes a
pas i 27 the United States to the other as the bi Ro pets Leb — rage pin black square to the right, and a number
Bellefonte, Pa, April 15, 1927. . | most skilled vagabond traveler in all | under “vertical” defines a word which will fill the white squares to the mext
the world. He traveled 600,000 miles | black one below. No letters go in the black spaces. All words used are diss
ta t tal t for legal fares of $7.61 tionary words, except proper names. Abbreviations, slang, Initials, techmieal ° .
A CHANCE TO JOIN 9 Lr re om 2 a ond a real artist. terms and obsolete forms are Indicated im the definitions. e a ng 0 a 1
TR |e state Tine Eo CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 1
Hon. J. Mitchell Chase, Member of gialist of vagabondage! Wile Sisals oe
? 2s Verrly trol _ | ing rides he wore, over a clean, but : ’ ’
Congress from fis dinteles, vides 0 well worn business suit, a suit of over- 2 I3 M4 6 7 IS on é t hin pe
er cout pad wilt. hold a com: | 205 With sanjay Sloves on his hands :
A Ds . and a heavy derby ha pro is :
JSHliYe SXiminetien for by 1 Intent head from So sparks, tines and 9 10 11
An exceptional opportunity is offer- | SUE SOE CSL WLS TRE | | 514 II The The assurance that your wishes will be
ed young men of fle Nene callin looked, for all the world, like an or- 12 1 ed t Sroverly. ig ancther
complete their educa Jon 2 iin dinary trainman, and it was thus L carried out properly, er.
ment expense and 2 on ed States that he often escaped the arrest so 17 2 19 20
at one Ts ser. | frequently the portion of his fellow
° 3 . .
vices of the United States, which in- ba away from the railroad yards 21 23 24 To insure this, as well as a prompt set-
cludes Service 20nd and BO al of | he made a lightning change. The tlerment of 'Vour estate’ have voli Ives
The age 23 ven apoli- | overalls were taken off and hidden. y : wy
cadets are 18 an Yeats: Au, > o. | He shined his shoes, took a bath in 6 27 hic Bank 4 E os
cant who has De blo £ yo the nearest stream, cleaned his teeth, name this Bank as your Executor.
ond birthday is ineligible for app shaved and washed his rubber collar. 29 . -—r
mM Cadets are trained and educated ot He Sai) Salad back die Jo |
the coast guard academy, at New Lon- h avy i) L eon TE a I : i
don, Conn., and each Summer are talon et Pen it or He was 32 33 34 35 36 — , y B A
on an tended practice Sra io a railroad man out of work. Because The First Nation 3 an
dets Yorerve oe Same ay navy $790 he was clean, polite, and because he 37 39 30
ances a3 mids npmen om doy looked what he professed to be, he BELLEFONTE
for aan ana one ration per day seldom had trouble i sequin fod, 4 Ee a
=. : Tin .. | He never used alcohol in any form an ;
at the. asademy, a cadet is eligible to | he does not yet know the taste of 41 If ll | | |
be commissioned an ensign. Com- OC vir Be Went’. Ho carded on A —-_ 46 a7 0
ip oieers 2 he sonst gone) buildings, bridges, posts, his “‘moni- 45
and marine corps, and receive corres- be i Jomendlatury: 2 49 50
di ay and allowances, grade for | 7 ie »amber® with the date and an
ponding pay > arrow pointing the direction in which | - -
Educational examination for ca-
dets precedes the physical and takes
two days. Applicants for cadetships
he was going at the time. Hundreds
of thousands of these signs may be
seen today on water-tanks, fences,
When the correct letters are placed in the white spaces this pussle will
(©, 1926, Western Newspaper Union.)
: ite anties $ : pH i 1—Causes high spirits
of the required moral character who SWiieh Shani fale chnios, onl 2 j-bubliel = auses |
present satisfactory certificates that |7o%5 | ¥ parc o 9 Unattended 3—A state (abbr.) «
they have completed the equivalent United States. He has experienced | I= /naris 4—Pair of horses
of a four year High school course and | 2 thousand thrills. More than once | |, \western city (abbr) 5—Strip of wood
have received fourteen credits in sub- | Some enterprising officer of the law | 13_City in Texas §-=Possessds 3 » ; e
Jan voscribed bv. coast guard head- | has chased him. Not infrequently he | i6—Suffix meaning more i—Form of the verb “to be 5
ets p vy Re a written | Was caught and forced to serve an | 17—Consumed $—Faise : P
quarters are required to take a written 2% 19—To come together 9—Exclamation of regret E
examination in mathematics, (algebra | Unhappy period in jail or workhouse | J3—70 ome (o&¢ 11—Spherical bodies : . 2
v). Hist d English. | 25.2 vagrant, but still he kept on. 21 Forwarded 14-—Guided ’ aster 1 e
and Geometry), History and English. H pi C —Fo guide F
A High school graduate should be able | . e tramped from Coast to Coast | 3 infantile name for father 15—Meadow Z
t ih the examination with such characters as Jack London. | 24—Invites 18—Comes in g 2
Se amination ix strietly competi- This was in the days when London was 33-Bton Belviats ‘tenor sid nitrinG 20 -=Nobie, Sr tive Fi
2 : i i i —Voice en . .
tive and is open to all young men who | 2 boy, a wild, irrepressible youth Porore 29—Sun 24—A stain aster brings new life to the
possess the qualifications with respect Surned Sin a ind of echo), and | 30" Neither hot mor cold 26—Personal pronoun id 4
: } _ | trou wi reams 0 atness. 27—Like :
to age, Cg Roig ging pa They had interesting SE A (pl) 30—To bequeath : world. This Bank frequent-
25, 1917, at such places throughout | 2nd more than once the two vaga- ye Eoususyvt choun A i ve 5 ly brings new life to the RE
? : eis pitin; , —Rea ps ’ ‘1.
the nit Staves Where it is found honds Sneed death.—From Everybody’s 10-Thpiement for Cutting Patterns 33—Elongated fish ! |
racticable to have the examining . 41—Lieutenant (abbr. 35— . ]
as and the number of candidates HOUDINI'S SECRETS 42—Decorated, as leather 32 Joriune Jaijer 7 business entrusted to it. 9
warrant. : 44—PEISonil Proncus Sh Rind ot atiory (van) |
The successful candidates who are REVEALED BY AID An infected with an 42—A metal a 3
tendered appointments will be order- : - incurable disease 43—Supreme being (Latin) C
ed to report to the superintendent New York.—The late Harry Hou-| 49—Rain spout (Scot.) 46—Preposition 2
of the coast guard academy on or (ifs sreciaesiop “telepathy” was dis- | 50—Sustenance pepo: office (abbr.) : R T 2
about September 1, 1927. They will | closed as a telephone system, for Solution will appear in next issue. | )
be allowed five cents per mile to cover | which his whole house was wired, the I 2 STATE COLLE GE, PA. 4
travel expenses from the place of ap- | New York World says. ems— a sn ——— m——— © 5
pointment to the academy. Upon ar-
rival at the academy 2a cadet will be
quired to deposit the sum of $200.00 to
be applied to the purchase of neces-
sary uniforms and equipment, pay
and allowances recevied are adequate
to cover all expenses while at the
For further particulars write to the
commandant, U. S. coast guard, Wash-
ington, D. C.
The brown rat, prebably brought
to the United States from England in
1775, spread until it now infests every
State in the union, say the biologi-
cal survey of the United States De-
partment of Agriculture. The last
State to become infested with this
pest is Montana.
Economic mammalogists in 1924
failed to find a single occurrence of
house rats in Montana, and on June
J aren CT ON TT
1, 1926, O. E. Stahl, leader of rol | Louis C. Kraus, who worked with y=
ent control in that State, stated that | Houdini in developing the telepathy SEN 3 5
he had received no such records, but idea, said Houdini’s whole house was Send Postal Tor Dates 13 TB p gg Silks
on August 28 he reported finding a | wired. Two years ago, when experi- W. JOHNSON QUINN, Presi NTH | i
few rats at Lewistown and Fort Ben- | ments in telepathy in London were : i by Our Table of Silks, Taffetas,
ton. It was learned, however, that | reported, Houdini said that there was
the initial infestation at Lewistown
took place about three years ago.
Rats weve first reported from Den-
ver, Colo., in 1886 and by 1907 had
entrenched themselves in most of the
large cities of that State. No rats
were known in Utah prior to 1838,
but in that year they were reported
abundant at Albuquerque, N. Mex.,
and were known to occur in Arizona. | had in his employment as a spy John 20 c. per yd.
It has been only in more recent years | Wilkes Booth, He had employed a |
that the rat has Visited A man named Lomas as a spy, but sus- |
the exception of Montana an yom- oc : : : . .
ing has been the last States invaded, pected he was dealing with each of 20% reduction on all Cur
the first rats there apparently cross-
ing the border from Nebraska about
seven years ago.
The spread of rats has been more
rapid in temperate climates, although
they are abundant in most northern
States and are reported common in
Alaska, Canada and Newfoundland.
rem ef ee eee
1 Strange Signs of Ships.
Strange signs which frequently
hang from ships puzzle even dwellers
in seaport towns. A basket slung
from the mainmast head is a sailors’
sign to notify that the cargo has been
loaded or discharged, as the case may
be, and that the ship is ready to start
on her next trip. A generally mys-
terious emblem is a broom lashed to
a mainmast or bridge railing. This is
to signify that the vessel is for sale.
Houdini employed the ideas of
Thomas A. Edison in developing a
contraption which would fake the seni-
blance of thought transference.
The secret was that Houdini wore
an electric belt which established an
invisible connection, by electro mag-
netic induction, with loops of wire
concealed under a carpet. When these
loops were “energized, by the current
of a telephone circuit, invisible lines
of magnetism, cutting across the
turns of wire in the electric belt, gen-
erated a minute electric current. This
currant was the exact counterpart of
the one which energized the wires be-
neath the carpet.
It was the sum total of this induced
electrical energy which vibrated the
diaphragm of a miniature telephone
receiver and reproduced speech.
The trick was to pick up utterances
of “thought transmitters” by means
of “
peat these utterances on a strong tele-
phone circuit terminating in the loops
under the carpet where Houdini stood.
nothing supernatural about them and
that he could do as well himself by
“natural means.”
John Wilkes Booth a Confederate
Gen. Phil Sheridan always believed
that at one time in the Civil war he
the opposing armies. One day Lomas
brought a man to Sheridan and intio-
duced him as Mr. Renfrew, who also
wished to serve as a spy. Just then
Sheridan wished to have some bridges
destroyed and sent the two men out
on this mission. He secretly assigned
a scout to watch them. Their attempt
failed, but they had plausible explana-
tions. They were sent out again after
Sheridan had taken pains to let them
know there was to be a big fox chase
on a certain date in which many of
the officers were to take part. It was
a ruse to throw the Confederates off
their guard when the spies should
carry the report to them. At the time
mentioned Sheridan had planned to
strike hard. The men were shadowed
and found to have gone to Confeder-
ate headquarters. They were arrested
on their way back but escaped. When
Sheridan saw pictures of Booth after
planted” dictaphones and then re- |.
Much E
traveling ocd
AT 109713 WEST 45» ST.
ed by wo
ng without aah [)
——— .
2 a eS a A A A A AN NR ERA SARA)
mean an end to
“pull” and mis-
treated skin. You
get a super-keen
blade for every
shaveif you usea
for the month of April
Messalines, Pongees and Moi-
Sale price 89e¢. per yd.
Curtain Scrims and Marques-
ettes 50c. and 60c. values at
tains, Draperies and Cretons.
A wonderful assortment. Just
the things to help brighten up
the home at spring houseclean-
ing time.
Closing Out Our Entire Shoe Stock
high Shoes, per pr. -
Ladies and Childrens low Shoes - $1.00
Mens and Boys dress and
Occasionally a dark blue stripe may | Lincoln’s death, he recognized him as al rk Shoes = 1.48
be Sgen running fore, ad aft on a | the spy Renfrew.—Kansas City Times. € wo $
vessel. As a matter of fact, this iS 2 | m———— mse om i = i .
sign of recent bereavement. Blue is One lot, broken sizes 29c
the sailors’ mourning, and the stripe
of this color takes the place of the
Solution to Last Week’s Puzzle.
Auto Strop
margin or band used by the landsman | |A|L|O|N|G ARTIS .
as a notification of death.—Exchange.| [DENF|O[O|L 1 INIEERU Razor Week-end Specials
———————— el rere — ) "
VISEEDA| 1 || ESE AB = 5 ;
Politeness for Children. E EIRIRTIE EINI Ils Sharpens Itself One lot of Rugs, different sizes - 79c.
Courtesy is as “catching” as pro-| [RIALIIL A TIAILIC 3 { to . . 5 >
fanity. Say “Excuse me,” “Thank | [TERP|A|IT SIA TERR $1 up $25 Window Shades 79c.
you” and “If you please” to your child 1 ISERT 1 BIOBERT] |
every time there is occasion for it, NBs so DEP
and x wa have no Sroble teach- E BL BIOIA 1olT
ing him good manners. The same is
true of good grammar. We are crea- 1 TERT | |AIRIA Lit LYON and COMP ANY
Res of Snyone, an the essies, EIDE CHAIRITIE D
way. to teach a child is by example, to | }
fill the atmosphere with the kind of | |NMRLIO| | S|0/0|N
things we want him to take on. TOOTS E