Sr a INK SLINGS. ——TIt must be encouraging to the Prince of Wales to learn from Ramsey McDonald that his job is safe. With his seat in the saddle it’s different. It is charged that Mrs. Miller, of Pittsburgh, chairman of the Woman Vaters’ League, has been ad- mitted into the Mellon-Vare partner- ship. ——The foreign radicals may “shout their heads off” for the pardon of Sacco and Vanzetti, convicted of murder in Massachusetts, but the au- thorities are deaf. —Our most consuming curiosity right now is to know how a lot of folks manage to live within their incomes. The landlord, the grocer, the clothier the beauty parlor, the milliner and the filling station might gratify it, but they won't. They’ll all wait until they get stuck before they join us in the contention that everybody is liv- ing beyond his or her means. “Lord, how the times are changing. At this time, forty years ago, High street, from Heverly’s corner on the Diamond up to Peter McMahon’s cob- bler shop—now the back end of Hever- 1y’s building, and the road-way in front of the Episcopal church were smoother than any modern highway engineer could make them. Boys were playing marbles then. They did the leveling and surfacing with their hands in those days. They gambled with the “commies,” the “white-allies” and the “agates,” while their mothers worried as to whether they were “playing for keeps.” How many mothers of today have a concern as to what their kids are doing? —Seventy thousand fans turned out in New York, on Tuesday, to see the opener between the Yankees and the White Elephants. Think of what seventy thousand clicks on the tuin- stiles meant to Col. Jake Ruppert. It meant all of the Bambino’s new salary for the season. And think of the fact that the King of Swat gets within five grand of the President of the United States, except Ruth works only seven months to get it and Cal. has to toil twelve. Isn’t ours a whale of a coun- try! Gosh, we’re a devilmaycare lot. Seventy thousand turn out in one day to see a baseball game and Presi- dent Coolidge won’t draw that many ‘in the months he expects to vacate in the McNary-Haughten belt. —The Hon. Carter Glass thinks that Al Smith’s candidsey for Presi- dent would be effected not nearly so much by reason of his being a Catholic as it would because he is wet. If Gov- ernor Smith is qualified for the office of President of the United States it _seems to us that the fact that he is a Catholic and wet ought not to enter into the consideration of any broad minded voter, for there is no possible official way in which the President can advance or retard either the in- terests of a church or the association for the repeal of the Volstead act. But are there enough broad-minded voters in this country to elect anyone Presi- dent who happens to be out of har- mony with the fanaticism-—whatever it may be—of the day. —While you are reading this we will probably be blundering over the slippy rocks in Fishing creek, not knowing what moment we are to be immersed in the icy waters of that notoriously cold stream. Long before those gray and jade green ribbons that come streaming over the top of Long mountain to herald the rise of the sun _somewhere in the east have dissolv- .ed into the opals and reds that pro- -claim its nearer approach we’ll be up for the great day. Numbed by the night in a cold camp, nervous with fear lest someone beats us to it, we’ll light the fire, shove the coffee pot on- “to the griddle and don our fishing clothes—tackle was arranged last night. While the coffee was getting to the boil we made a fried egg sand- wich and that was all. What more .could one want or sacrifice the time to prepare when trout were actually sticking their noses out on the banks to look for the food they knew we had ‘brought for them.—This is as of 4.30 a. m. this Friday morning. It is now eleven o’clock and we are back in camp. It is a cold, cheerless place. The other fellows in the party never thought of having a fire on the hearth or cleaning up the smear we made when we thumbed that first egg shell to deep and the yolk broke and ran all over the stove. We didn’t fall ‘in, but we dipped one boot and it’s ‘half full of water. At home, if we were as miserable and mad and dis- couraged as we are right now there’d be a divorce proceeding begun at once because we couldn’t be tolerated by any sane person. And we haven't a ..d trout. Nearly everybody we 2x on the stream had at least one. Some had a dozen. They all told us what they “caught ’em on,” but, as usual, they lied, for we instantly changed to their bait and continued making water hauls. It is now twelve thirty. We've got- ten into dry clothes. There is a grand fire crackling on the hearth, the camp companions are out at the foot-log cleaning the trout they caught for din- ner, a friend who can’t be made under- stand that there is no danger of snake bites so early in the season and ai- ways carries the antidote has just left and we are sitting in a rocker paring potatoes and thinking—thinkin’ that home ain’t nothing like this. VOL. 72. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION, BELLEFONTE, PA.. APRIL 135. 1927. __No. 15. End of the Legislative Session. The 1927 session of the General As- | sembly of Pennsylvania has gone into | history and we are constrained to ex- press the hope that one of its kind will never again convene. It enacted a few fairly good bills, passed a good many very bad measures and scrapped worthy legislation that came before it | ever, it is impossible to accurately or fairly appraise the value of its work, A vast proportion of it was left on the Governor’s desk and until the ex- piration of the thirty jecture. But good or bad in the bulk there is little reason to hopé for im- provement by the veto process. At the opening of the session The Watchman predicted that little if any improvement would be made in the atrocious ballot laws of the State. There were men in both chambers willing and some anxious to create such a system of conducting elections as would give every voter and every political organization at least the semblance of a guarantee that the votes would be fairly cast and honest- ly counted. The Governor even made a reluctant gesture in that direction by having prepared and introduced four measures which contained some virtues. But the bills offered by Sena- tors and Representatives who were sincere in the action as well as those sponsored by the Governor were so emasculated that they are practically worthless for the purpose they were intended to achieve, or killed out- right, murdered in cold blood. Take the Governor’s bill for com- pulsory opening of ballot boxes, for example. As passed finally it requires the petitioner to reside in the ward in which the alleged fraud was commit- ted. Most of the cause of complaint lies in the River wards of Philadelphia and the “Strip” in Pittsburgh. Every- body knows that it would be almost “worth a man’s life” to petition for the opening of a ballot box in those districts. If he were a business man he would be boycotted by orders of the bosses and if an employe he would be discharged. - The system of espion- age in Phil: almost perfect and the cruelties with which the penalty for offending the bosses are enforced are almost unbe- lievable. Picking pockets, bootlegg- ing and other forms of crime are pro- tected if not encouraged but voting against the bosses, never. The Governor is as much to blame for this interests of the people as the Senators and Representatives of the General Assembly and the political organiza- tion they represent. As The Watch- man said in the beginning he could have obtained from the Legislature any legislation he desired during the session. If he had asserted his au- thority and employed his prerogatives as he might the Legislators would have failen over each other in expressing servility. But he adopted the oppo- site course. Possibly mindful of the service rendered to him in the “Strip” at the primary election and the help given him by Mellon and Grundy be- fore and after that event his mind was influenced to serve them rather than the people and their hope lies in corrupt elections. In the apparent split over the old age pension proposition between Vare and Mellon the cloud reveals a silver lining. The break-up of this “unholy alliance” may vastly change the polit- ical outlook in Pennsylvania. Of course the Governor “lined up” against the measure because of his obligations to Grundy. An old age pension would probably not cost any- thing like the figures named by the Governor but it would cost a good deal and might compel the taxation of cor- poration capital and the Governor is under implied pledge to Mr. Grundy, who contributed $400,000 to his slush- fund, to prevent that. But neither of the partners is much interested in moral obligations. —Max Leslie, boss of the strip district in Pittsburgh, looks back ever his many years of political endeavor and concludes that there’s been noth- ing in it. At the age of sixty-two and armoring himself for a fight with Mellon for a share of the Allegheny County offices the Senator looks with gloom on the past and foreboding of the future. No, he’s not slipping. He's just beginning to see that poli- tics ought to be something better in Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, than he and his kind have made it. rs fy A ———— ——That Doctors disagree is pro- verbial and it’s small wonder that the audience was divided in opinion as to which won in the debate between Sen- ator Borah and Dr. Butler on the booze question. ag iim srt ~~Subseribe for the Watchman. altBiphia and Pittsburgh is miscarriage of opportunity | § Causes That Led Us Into World War. | pittsbureh Reed Fights the Inevitable. THE CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL | | constitution allows him to examine needed our h the bills the question is left to con- | Not a moment’s thought was given {o' | the rescuing of any nation’s cause. The anniversary of the entrance of the United States into the World war It literally breaks the heart of Senator Dave Reed, of Pittsburgh, to MEMBERSHIP DRIVE. May 12th has been designated for brought out many expressions, some | think that the ballot boxes of Pitts- | the past six years as National Hos- interesting, some enlightening and burgh and Philadelphia for the election pital day, and the occasion is now gen- some amusing, as to the reasons which l'of last year may be opened and the erally observed not only through the influenced the administration and the corruption of the Republican machine length and breadth of the United people to take that vital step. Among exposed. Having heen “signed” as , States, but is officially recognized in those who spoke on the subject was the Messenger Boy for the Mellon- | | Canada, Alaska, Australia, New Zea- War, and his address before the United Press, at a meeting held in for consideration. At this time, how- | Newton S. Baker, then Secretary of , Vare partnership he feels it his duty | to ghield his masters, in so far as "possible, from popular execration, on land, Hawaii, Egypt, the Philipines, China, and other countries. Appro- priately May 12th commemorates the ! Washington, was both interesting and the eve of the impending Presidential | birthday of Florence Nightingale, informing. “It was not,” Mr. Baker ' campaign and the Senatorial contest in | BAe as the ploneer of médcin days which the ! said, whether Great Britain or France Pennsylvania, at which he hopes to ing. Emphasizing the importance of elp or ought to nave it. "be re-elected. Influenced by the fear the occasion, President Coolidge has was purely to maintain the honor of the country. “On January 31, 1917,” Mr. Baker" the | continued, “Germany notified United States a new war zone had been established around the British Isles, the coast of France and all ports of the Mediterranean which led to France or Italy. Any ship, enemy or neutral, within this zone was to be sunk without regard to life or proper- ty, the German Ambassador informed our State Department. The German envoy further told our Government that one American ship would be al- lowed to pass through this zone each week provided it arrived on Sunday and departed on Wednesday, sailed on | a certain parallel of latitude and was painted on both sides with red, white and blue stripes.” This usurpation of authority over the commercial = life of the United States and the face of the common seas was too much for the thoroughly American and sturdy administration of Woodrow Wilson. It was equiva- lent to blockading our ports with war vessels while we were still at peace. “The German Imperial government was attempting,” Mr. Baker added, “to dictate to the United States and impose grotesque humiliations upon us.” The war was immensely expen- sive. It cost 122,900 American lives, 326,524 casualities and billions of dol- lars. But the result was worth the price, for it measured a long distance in the direction of permanent world peace and improved conditions gener: y ally. rn ———— Aimee. —Bill Feather says “never hesitate to ask for advice because everybody loves to give it.” And that’s just the reason that so many get into trouble, because, Dumas said: “One never asks for advice unless he wants some- ‘body to blame his mistakes on.” to secure justice and serve the best ; Of course Governor Fisher will ap- prove the bills increasing the tax on gasoline to three cents a gallon. They are among his “pet” measures. The Republican organization of the State was inclined to oppose them. State chairman Mellon was rather averse to putting the additional burden on the consumers of gasoline. State Treas- urer Sam Lewis issued a statement of monwealth which left the advocates without a leg to stand on. But the Governor, presumably under the im- pression that only the users of auto- mobiles for pleasure, were concerned, insisted on the passage of the bills and will promptly complete the operation of making them laws. In view of the assertion of the prin- cipal fiscal officer of the State that the present tax levies will yield revenues biennium just beginning, it is not easy to imagine why the Governor insisted upon the passage of these bills. Prob- ably he correctly estimates the auto- mobile drivers as “easy marks.” They and other consumers patiently submit- ted to first one cent tax and then a two cent emergency tax, though what the emergency was has never been re- vealed. But the consumers of gaso- line have multiplied in recent years and the automobile users are only a fraction of the whole. The farmers, the merchants and hordes of others are now concerned, But the strangest thing about this affair lies in the fact that the Gover- nor was able to force the Requblican consent to the passage of the bills. In the matter of Ballot reforin he couldn’t do a thing with his obdurate party leaders. He professed to be deeply interested in the subject and in his inaugural speech made some glitter- ing promises of legislation that would guarantee clean elections.: But the party organization tore his’ pledges into tatters and chairman Mellon threw them out of the window. We are likely to get three or four tooth- less measures in favor of ballot re- form, but they will have no influence in the “neck” or the “strip.” Assistant Secretary of War Davison predicts the government will have 2000 airplanes in 1932 and 1650 flying’ officers. Going some. Governor Fisher Wins on Tax Laws, | the financial conditions of the Com- far in excess of requirements for the | of political oblivion he “sees red” | ‘complete investigation of election : frauds in Pennsylvania appears in! view. The recent decision of Vice Presi- dent Dawes affirming the claim of the advocates of honest elections that the Slush Fund committee of the Senate is still alive with full author- ity to function, caused Senator Dave : He not only vehe- as the beginning of the annual drive to “throw a fit.” ' mently denies the fact but declares the , Vice President had no right to fill a vacancy on the committee and has nothing to do with the activities of the Senate except while it is in session. It appears to make no difference to {him that not long ago the Supreme court of the United States expressed the same view of the subject as that contained in the Vice President’s opin- ion and that the Senator appointed to fill the vacancy is opposed to investi- gating. As a matter of fact eighty per cent of the people of the United States are in favor of honest elections and fair returns of the votes and cordially wel- come this opportunity to restore that virtue to our political system. Sena- tor Dave who is in politics for person- al glory, and Chairman Mellon and Mr. Vare who are in the game for plunder may prefer the corrupt meth- ods of the Mellon-Vare partnership. But the better condition will prevail. The administration at Washington and Senator Dave may entice or by favors, buy or dragoon, a few Senators of the type of the late Senator Lodge, who er power to principle, to strive for. vice instead of virtue in polities and resist the tide, but they will = not change the current of opinion. Dr. Butler in his Boston debate with Senator Borah said of the evils of the Eighteenth amendment, of which he thinks there are many, “the only hope and the only cure is the re- peal.” That settles the question for so long as one-fourth of the States have veto power there can be no re- peal. em dpe Slush Fund Investigation Goes On. Vice President Dawes has finally settled the moot question of the right of the Slush Fund committee of the Senate to continue its investigation in the affirmative. In appointing Senator Fess, of Ohio, to fill the vacancy in the committee, caused by the resignation of Senator Goff, of West Virginia, the Vice President expressed the opinion that the Supreme court, in the case of John J. McGrain vs. Mal. S. Daugh- erty, “conclusively disposes of the question in the affirmative.” This de- cision renders futile the strenuous fight made by Senator Dave Reed, of Pittsburgh, at the instance of the Mellons, in behalf of W. S. Vare and others who have attempted to buy seats in the United States Senate. The resolution creating the com- mittee to investigate the charges against Attorney General Daugherty, accused of the fraudulent disposal of certain alien property, was couched in much the same language as was em- ployed in that creating the Slush Fund committee. Mr. Daugherty’s brother, an Ohio banker, refused to answer cer- tain pertinent questions and was cited to answer a charge of contempt in the Supreme court of the District of Columbia and was pronounced guilty. He appealed to the Supreme court of the United States where the Judgment of the lower court was affirmed in an elaborate opinion. Mr. Dawes holds that the conditions are parallel and in this view he is supported by able law- organization and chairman Mellon to | vers. The movenieiit to choke off the in- vestigation of ballot frauds at the primary and general elections of 1926 is a Pennsylvania conspiracy in the interest of the Vare-Mellon partnér- ship. If it had succeeded the ballot boxes of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, now in possession of the Senate in Washington, never could have been opened and the frauds committed in the interest of Vare never would have: been exposed. In that event Mr. Vare might have been able, as Senator-elect for Pennsylvania, to participate in the organization of the" Senate at the’ opening of the Seventieth Congress on the First Monday of December, if an extra session is not called. His fail- ure in this may make a vast differ- ence. nurs- said: “The observance of May 12th ” It every time a sign favorable to the as National Hospital day throughout i the country, with the aim of directing | attention to the fine humanitarian effort of these institutions of merey, is worthy of co-operation and sup- port.” The management and trustees of the Centre County hospital, in keeping with the spirit of National Hospital day, have chosen this memorial date to acquaint the people of Centre coun- ty with the aims and benefits of the hospital and to enlist the support and co-operation of every citizen in the county in the beneficent work being accomplished by that splendid institu- tion. The drive beginning May 12th will be conducted by the Women’s Auxil iary to enroll every citizen in the county as members of the Hospital corporation. The captains and assist- ants, selected from the Women’s Aux- iliary for the various precincts in the county, have been appointed and a thorough organization effected to reach every man, woman and child in the county with a cordial invitation to become members and thus to unite their efforts in this very commendable community enterprise. Mr. Herbert Hoover has said: “The American hospital is constantly mak- ing large contributions te that most valuable of conservations, the saving of human life.” Inasmuch as our hospital is highly essential to the wel- fare of the people of this county, the public will, no doubt, be glad to. ayall itself of this itty oto dend such an institution its whole-hearted sup- port and encouragement by the pay- ment of at least one dollar each, which amount is designated in the charter as the minimum annual fee for mem- bership. There are more than 8000 hospitals in the United States and they repre- sent an investment of more than a billion dollars. In the main this vast outlay has been provided by public spirited citizens who are convinced of the hospital’s advantage to the community. Hospitals, with few ex- ceptions, are not run for profit. The hospital does not turn away a patient who cannot pay the full cost of ser- vice, and this group alone precludes the possibility of profit in the average institution. During the past year the Centre County hospital treated and carved for 890 patients, representing a total of 8669 hospital days, averaging 9 7-10 days each, at.&h e¥pense of $34,082.60. The "total colleetions for this service, includiiig moteys received from appropriation, amounted to $29,- 339.21, with a net deficit of $5643.29. This has been the common experience in the management of the hospital each year since it was organized, and the same thing is true of thousands of other hospitals the world over. Such deficits must be taken care of through the benevolence of philanthropic citi- zens who recognize that the presence of a hospital in a community is the very best insurance for saving the lives of the people. The management is also cognizant of the inadequacy of the equipment and appliances of our hospital, at the present, to meet the growing demands for the modern scientific treatment it is called upon to administer. Some of the equipment now in use is out of date and should be replaced by more modern apparatus, and some has been worn out by long and constant use. The income from this membership drive, therefore, will not be used for building purposes, but rather to en- hance the usefulness, comfort and ef- fectiveness of the space already avail- able. The ministers of all the churches in the county are requested to address théir congregations upon the import- anéé of this great movement on May 8th, the Sunday preceding the Flor- ence Nightingale anniversary, and to distribute literature in their congrega- tions appropriate to National Hospital day, as well as to promote the mem- bership drive for the Centre County hospital. Thus will be built up a larger and more general interest in our hospital and the people who contribute their annual dues of $1.00 will be kept in closer harmony and co-operation with the excellent work it is doing. A neat and attractive membership certificate (Continued on page 5, Col. 1.) 'SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —When an automobile crashed into a culvert, last Friday, a spoke of the steer- ing wheel was jammed down the throat of William Stackhouse, 40. of York, Pa., which resulted in his death. : —Thirty-four engineers on the Pitts- burgh division of the Pennsylvania rail- road were demoted to firemen during the past week and it is said further reductions will be made. Many regular fifemen are en the extra list, others turloughed. Richmond township, Berks county, and connected with the firm of Heffner, Dietrich and company, grain merchants, was killed when a tractor which he was driving up a steep grade on his farm, upset backward and crushed him underneath. —George W. Rockwell, of Sunbury, on Saturday was awarded the contract to build a concrete bridge across the Susque- hanna River between Watsontown and White Deer at his bid of $394,523. Nor- thumberland county will pay 8S per cent. of the cost and Union county the rest. —Kite flying came near resulting fatally for Wallace McNeal, aged 11 years, of Ty- rone, on Saturday. and fell into the waters of Bald Eagle creek, being unconscious when rescued by companions. He is in the hospital With skull and left wrist frastyres and many body and head cuts. : L —~Glenn Dunlap, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Dunlap, of Beech Creek town- ship, Clinton county, was kicked in the jaw by a horse which he was leading to water on his father s farm Sunday after- noon. The boy suffered the loss of four teeth in his lower jaw and a compound fracture of the upper jaw, While his in- juries are quite painful id are not necessarily dangerous. —Slowly sinking to his achih in a huge ditch of tar, John Chipper, 8 of Chester, was rescued just in tiffié last Thursday night by a playmate, Johesp ILobedinsk, 12 years of age. Joseph, hearing the cries of Chipper, leaped in the ditch, held the younger boy's head 2bove the surface and cried for help. Railroad workers from the Reading company obtained poles and dragged the two boys to safety. - “Here's a nickel to call the cops,” an- swered one of six bandits who carly on Sunday robbed Fred R. Heinz, of New Kensington, as he walked in the Washing- ton, street subway, beneath the Washing- ton boulevard, Pittsburgh. Heinz had ex- plained that the watch and chain taken by the thugs, together with $144, had been left him by his brother, Walter, who died recently in St. Joseph's Hospital, and had asked that the watch be returned. : —Investigation of thefts of merchandise from trains of the Renovo-Buffalo division of the Pennsylvania railroad, covering six to eight years, have resulted in the dis- missal of five freight conductors. It is al- leged that they stopped trains at a place where the car to be looted was concealed from the engine crew, hid the plunder and returned for it later. All the men dis- charged have been in the employ of the railroad company from fifteen to thirty years. —Thomas Renner, aged 835, was fatally burned in his home at Seagertown, Craw- ford county, about noon on Monday. With im sleeping in the house was his nephew, Horton Sherman, and Ilenner is said to have ignited his bed while smoking. Sher- man got out of the house and called neigh- bors, but Renner was fatally burned be¢fore he could be carried out. He died two hours later in a Meadville hospital. Len- ner was formerly a hotel proprietor in Saegertown, owner of the tenner house. —Fearing to jump from a trestle over Mahoning creek, at Danville on Monday, when she was trapped on it by a locomo- tive while taking a short cut to her home, eight-year-old Lucille Roberts saved her life by lying flat on her stomach on the ties while the engine and fendaf passed over her, She Sad with several trifling scratches. The engineer tried in vain to stop the engine before r»aching the child, but failed and when it was stopped and the crew ran back, they were amazed to find the girl almost unhurt, i —Averring that the wiles of Rev. U. §. Bartz have deprived him of the love of his wife, A. M. Whitacre has entered suit in the Armstrong county courts to recov- er $10,000 damages. All three live at Rur- al Valley, the clergyman being pastor of the Presbyterian church, of which Mrs: Whitacre is a member. Tn his complaint, Whitacre alleges that since February 26, 1926, his wife has been meeting the minis- ter in the post office at Rural Valley in the parsonage of ihe church during the absence of his wife and in various other places. ‘ —-Charles Sattler, in the search for whom a fortune has been spent since he disap- peared from his home at Quakertown, Pa., more than 13 years ago, returaed on Sun- day with his wife, whom he married in Florida, and their 7-year-eld son. Sattler, now 34, is the son of Herman Ssttler, a wealthy Quakertown silk manufacturer. He left home October 11, 1913, after a dis- pute with his father. Believing that he had met with foul play, after he failed to return within a few days the family started a nation wide search for rhe young man, 1 —Attacking the night nurse-as she made her rounds, binding and gagging her to prevent an alarm, Jessie Leonard and Mrs. Sarah Mowrey, patients at the Blair coun- ty hospital, Holldaysburg, stole her keys and fled from the institution early on Sun- day. The escape had previously been plan- ned, according to authorities. 1t is said an automoible, which had been waiting oiit- side, aided them in theip getaway. Both women were at the hospital by order of the Blair county court, Jessia Leonard having been there for more than a year while Mrs. Mowrey was sent there about two months ago. Both were captured on Monday. ~—Changes in the rules of the Bachelor- ette Club of Oil City have been found nec- essary after an existence of three weeks. Discovery was made that penalties of five cents for each ‘date’ have brought such unexpected income that the weekly dues may be reduced from 50 cents to 10 cents and still keep the finances on a sound basis. The last meeting of the organiza- tion resulted in a regular shower of the five-cent pieces imposed for the “sweet penalty.” With this indication of fre- quent orring on the part of the bachelor- ettes it was decided that the dues werd excessive for the needs of the club and the wholesale reduction followed. # "i —~Calvin J. Dietrich, 54, retired farmer of : 7 In raising a kite near , his home he toppled over a 45-foot cliff * & i