Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 08, 1927, Image 5

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    A CR ER _— wi peat —— ay
° ' PINE GROVE MENTION. appeal very strongly to the fathers
’ . 1and mothers of the boys and girls of
cénic ed re Mrs. C. L. Goodling spent Friday in | today. Not only temperance is stress-
the Mountain city. ed but the promotion of world peace.
Presenting the Better Class Photoplays | The E. C. Martz store is now illu- | The Centre Hall Y. P. B., under the Oh, Yes! Call Bellefonte 432
minated with electric light. efficient leadership of Mrs. Frank Lr J
Mrs. Clyde Corman spent Sunday Doodiath bls Dreseniad 2a o WwW. R. Shope Lumber Co.
Each Evening at 6:15 P. M. with her parents in Bellefonte. hay ke he. ie ns oo B® o
April 1st was an ideal day for mov- | who’ lunch was prepared. All join 71-16-12 Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing
ings, but the next day it snowed. :
Matinees Monday, Wednesday, Satur-
day at 2 P
MISS CROUSE ............ Organist
Friday and Saturday
(This Week)
“Private Izzy Murphy”
“George Jessel” with “Patsy Ruth
Miller,” “Vera Gordon”, “Nat Carr”.
A comedy drama of Izzy's Irish
Woes as he climbed from Ghetto to
Glory in a fighting Irish Regiment. A
story to make your sides shake and
your heart ache. It's more than a
great laugh show—much more! You'll
laugh until you ery—and cry until you
laugh. It’s a genuine natural. By all
means see it.
Also a great Our Gang Comedy call-
ed “Thundering Flees”.
Matinee Saturday 2 P. M.
Admission 15 and 35c.
Monday and Tuesday
This Venus has two good arms—and
how she uses them! If they aren't
around some fellow’s neck, they're in
this pocket—and when she makes her
gondola getaway, she has all the
traffic cops of Venice swimming
around in circles. A great comedy
drama. We know you would not
think of missing it. ]
Also: a great two reel Mack Sennett
comedy called “ A Small Town Prin-
Matinee Monday at 2 P. M.
Admission 15 and 35c.
You'll love it.
Wednesday & Thursday
“One Increasing
“Lila Lee”, “May Allison”, “Holmes
Herbert,” Huntley Gordon”, “Jane
The theme of this mighty screen
entertainment answers one of the
most vital problems in life—the ob-
ject of one daily ambition; :what we
are seeking in the mad scramble to
reach the top of the ladder. Story by
A. S. M. Hutchinson, who wrote “If
Winter Comes”. It's a guaranteed at-
traction, so be sure and see it.
Matinee Wednesday at 2 P. M.
Admission 15 and 35c.
Friday & Saturday
“Betty Bronson”, “James Hall”. A
wonderful story from one of the
screen's greatest writers. Made by
Paramount in their own special way.
Two great well known stars make it
one sweet photoplay. Be sure and take
it in.
Matinee Saturday 2 P. M.
Only 10 and 25c.
Moose Theatre
Where You Always See a Good Show
This Saturday Only
“High Hat”
“Ben Lyon”, “Mary Bryan”. Ex-
posing the inner workings of Holly-
wood’'s biggest movie studio. It's the
comedy that High Hats ‘em all
g The inte
‘ehuich is”
Miss Mary Cook, of Altoona, spent
last week at the C. W. Stoddard home.
Mrs. Mary Lockard spent last week
with her daughter, Mrs. Walker, near
Miss Louise McDowell, a Senior at
Wilson college, is at home on a brief
Earl L. Moffet and son John spent
Sunday at the Joe Gilliland home, at
Mrs. Maude Fry, of Rock Springs,
spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs.
Albert Corl.
Albert Wilson Fry, of Rock Springs,
spent Saturday morning at the M. C.
Wieland home.
H. L. Dale, of Mifflinburg, spent the
latter end of the week among Centre
county friends.
Rev. C. C. Shuey, of Bellefonte, was
here on Wednesday looking after his
insurance interests.
George C. Burwell is now the agent
for the Atlantic and Pacific Tea com-
pany in this section.
Dr. E. C. Meyers, of Harrisburg,
spent the latter end of the week with
friends in the valley.
Rev. C. W. Rishell, our new Metho-
dist minister, was gréeted with a ca-
pacity congregation on Sunday.
J. B. Gallagher has moved onto the
Gordon E. Harper farm, at White
Hall, which he recently purchased.
Mrs. Sallie Kemp, with her son and
wife, of Lock Haven, were Sunday
visitors at the Mrs. Charles Smith
Ephriam Dodd, who recently moved
to our town, has leased the Everts
shop and will follow his trade as a
Recent rains have stopped spring
ploughing and farmers are wondering
if this season will be a repetition of
last spring.
The installation of the new officers
of Pennsvalley lodge, I. O. O. F., will
take place next Monday evening, at
7.30 o’clock.
Rev. J. O. C. McCracken and wife
motored down from Juniata and spent
Friday at the old McCracken home in
the Glades.
Walter Woods, wife and daughter
Virginia, motored up from Washing-
ton and are guests at the Dr. G. H.
Woods home.
J. W. Kepler Jr.,, and sister, Mrs.
Mary Coombs, motored in from Johns-
town and spent Sunday at their par-
ental home here.
Miss Sarah Wieland is at Birming-
ham assisting Rev. and Mrs. J. G.
Rigby in getting comfortably settled
in their new home.
erior of the Presbyterian
)eing freshened up with new
paint, new carpet, ‘ete. It will be
completed in time to reopen on Easter
James Holmes and wife and H. C.
Holmes and wife motored to Tyrone,
on Wednesday, to look after some
business matters and do a little shop-
The new arrival at the Roy Wieland
home, on Sunday, was a twelve pound
boy, but unfortunately it died on Wed-
nesday and was buried in the Seven
Stars cemetery.
Rev. J. F. Harkins was a Harris-
burg visitor last week and attended a
meeting in the interest of the Luther-
an Boy Scouts camp to be held at
Selinsgrove in June.
Mrs. I. M. Harvey gave a farewell
party, last Friday evening, in honor
of Mr. and “Mrs. Cook Leathers and
family, who departed on Monday for
their new home in Kentucky.
W. S. Ward, wife and daughter
Anna motored to Hollidaysburg, on
Sunday, and visited Miss Mary Me-
Williams at the Presbyterian home.
They also visited their former pastor,
‘Rey. R. M. Canipbell, in Altoona.
* The J. M. Corl public sale, last Wed-
nesday, was the last one in this sec-
tion and naturally was attended by a
large crowd. [The best team of horses
brought $595, and the high priced cow
was knocked down at $177. The sale
amounted to $6000.
Mrs. Ed. Dugan, who has been in
the hospital for over a week, is report-
ed as improving slowly.
The Sam Weaver family moved
from. the Noll Bros. double house to
a double house on Bishop street, Belie-
fonte, owned by A. C. Mingle.
Mrs. Jack Noll entertained with
500, on Friday evening. Miss Helen
Noll, of this place, and Blaine Mabus,
of Bellefonte, were the prize winners.
The Civic club met on Tuesday ev-
ening, April 5th, in the Sunday school
room of the Methodist church. Miss
McCauley, Bellefonte’s community
nurse, spoke on health and nursing.
The Mowery family, of Centre
Hall, who operate the gas station and
restaurant near the Pleasant Gap
station, have moved into the W. I.
Dunklebarger house, recently vacated
| by Blair Rice.
The people of the Methodist church,
who have been putting on the play,
elated over their success. On Friday
evening they presented it to a large
audience in the Methodist church in
Bellefonte. Receipts of the evening
were almost seventy-four dollars.
The county W. C. T. U. convention
held in the Methodist church, on Wed-
nesday last, was attended by over one
hundred members of the different Un-
ions. It surely was a very inspiring
meeting and should have been better
attended by the fathers and mothers
of our own town. What the people
need is a more thorough knowledge of
the good the W. C. T. U. is doing. The
temperance question is one that should
4 and appear before our Court of Common
| “The School at Blueberry Corner,” are |
in the verdict that this was one of the
most inspiring conventions held in a
long while.
Willard Weaver spent
Beech Creek.
Miss Josephine Dietz visited
Howard last Saturday.
Walter Daily, of Altoona, spent over
Sunday at the George Ertley home.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hoy and Wil-
lard Hoy visited at Curtin on Satur-
day. *
Misses Helen and Sarah Vonada
were Sunday callers at the E. R. Lucas
Miles Bartley and Philip Neff were
Saturday callers at the Joseph Neff
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Swope, of near
Mill Hall, visited among friends here
last Wednesday.
Sunday at
Bartley’s sale netted $1700.60. J
Miss Geraldine Shope, of Howard,
was a guest of her friend, Miss Mil-
dred Aley, on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Emily Hull and Kate Bitner,
of Beech Creek, were the guests of
Mrs. Mary Dietz on Wednesday after-
noon. >
Mrs. Joseph Neff and son, Joseph
Jr.,, Miss Evelyn Neff and Stanford
Hoy, of Blanchard, were Sunday even-
ing callers at the Harry Hoy home.
Visitors at the Joseph Neff home, on
Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Bartley and daughter Rebecca, of
Howard, and Stanford Hey, of Blanch-
Walter Dunklebarger sold his milk-
route here to Ward Markle.
Mrs. Fink, of Altoona, is visiting
here among friends and relatives.
Miss Grace Confer, our efficient
post-mistress, spent Sunday in Lewis-
Mrs. John Weaver had been quite 11
the past week but is improving at this
Mrs. Rachael Noll spent Sunday
afternoon at Howard, with Mr. ‘and
Mrs. Beck.
Joe Faruzza has taken over the
barber shop formerly occupied. by J.
H. Halstead.
Mrs. Knowlton, of Williamsport, is
visiting with her parents, Rev. Mr. and |
Mrs. C. A. Metzger. |
Mrs. Ward Hile entertained the:
members of her Sunday school class
last Thursday evening. . 2 wri |}
-- The ‘Ladies Aid Society: of the:M. E. |
church will hold a bake sale this Sat- |
urday in Gettig’s meat market.
Pine Grove Mills—Hecly Communion,
10.30 a. m. Preparatory service, Fri- -
day, 7.30 p. m. !
Pine Hall—church scheol, 1.30 p. m.
Public Worship, 2.30 p. m.
Holy Week Services will be held at
Boalsburg beginning Tuesday and
ending Good Friday night, each even-
ing at 7.45 p. m. The pastor will ex-
change pulpits with neighboring min-
isters on the 13th and 14th. Prepara-
tory Service on Friday night.
Rev. W. W. MOYER, Pastor.
eh ——
OTICE.—Jacob Smutzinger vs. John
N Lawrence. In the Court of Com-
mon Pleas of Centre County. No.
4, May Term, 1927. Centre county, SS. The
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the
Sheriff of said county, Greeting: We com-
mand you that you attach John Lawrence,
late of your county by all and singular
his goods and chattels, lands and tene-
ments, in whose hands or possession
soever the same may be so that he be :
Pleas to be holden at Bellefonte in and for ,
said County on the 3rd Monday of May
1927, next, there to answer Jacob Smutz-
inger of a pea of Assumpsit for goods
sold and delivered and also that you
summon as garnishees all persons in
whose hands or possession the said goods
and chattels, lands and tenements, or any
of them, may be attached, so that they
and every of them be and appear before
our said Court at the day and place
aforesaid, to aliswer what shall be objected
against them, and abide the judgment of
the Court therein. That in pursuance of
the above order I have attached the fol-
lowing lands and tenements, to-wit: All
the surface of those two certain messuages
and tenements and lots of ground situate
and being in Cassanova Rush Twp. Cen-
tre county, Pa., bounded and described as
Beginning at a post, Southeast corner of
: the intersection of Chester and Maple
streets thence by said Maple street N, 81
deg. B. 100 ft. to a post; thence 8.9 deg.
BE. 150 ft. to an alley; thence by said Alley |
S. 81 deg. 'W. 100 ft. to Chester street; |
thence N. 9 deg. W. 150 ft. to a place of
beginning . Being otherwise known as
lots No. 93 and 95 in the general plan of |
the village of Cassanova. |
E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff,
re County, Pa. |
Girls Wantec
16 to 25 Years of Age
Good Wages Good Working Con-
ditions. Excellent Boarding
Accommodations for out !
of town Girls.
' Employment for Entire Families
with Girls of working age.
further particulars write
P. 0. BOX 49
+ 72-13-tf,
Read his Advertisement!
a meet
Cut it Out—It is Worth 25c. in Cash
Prices Less than the Mail Order House
YEAGERS TINY BOOT SHOP can truthfully guarantee to the shoe buyers of Centre County that they
are in position to sell good quality shoes at prices less than any Shoe Store or Mail Order House in the United
This is a very broad assertion and if it were not true it would be very foolish on our part to make such a
statement. Fraudulent advertising never pays as the public will soon find it out and brand you as a fraud. Our
prices are made possible by the fact that the cost of operating our store is just about one cent on the dollar
and it will cost the large shoe store twenty five times that much.
We are very anxious to know if you read honest advertisements and give them thought. This advertise-
ment is worth 25 c. in cash. Read it and cut it out and bring it to our store any time up until Saturday April
16th and we will give you credit for it of 25c. on the purchase of any pair of shoes.
Note, just one credit to
each pair of shoes.
Worth 25¢.---Cut it Out
Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop
Bellefonte, Penna.
Worth 25¢.---Cut it Qut
George Ertley’s farm sale proceeds i
netted three thousand dollars. James = &
OR RENT.—After April 1st 9 room
brick house, No. 13 north Spring
street. Equipped with bath and
steam heat. Inquire of F. P. Blair, 76-5-if
Guernsey cow, a heifer and a bull
calf, all eligible to registry. These
animals are all in good condition and of
A 1 blood that might improve that of any
grade herd. Inquire of Cross and Meek,
Bellefonte, Pa., or phone Bellefonte 520-J
N K. Johnston, of Bellefonte, Pa., am
an applicant for admission to the
Bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
at an examination to be held in Philadel-
phia, Pa., on June 30th and July 1st, 1927,
Say it With Flowers
...and Say it With Ours
On Haster
We have Thousands of the Choicest Blooming Plants
Lilies, Hydrangeas, Hyacinths, Tulips, Cinerarias
at Prices so Low it will Surprise you---also
OTICE is hereby given that I, Hugh
Easter Eggs
Cocoanut Fruit Nut
2 oz. to 5lbs.
Scts. to $4.00
CutFlowers Strictly Fresh
Roses, Lilies, Carnations, Sweet Peas,
Tulips, Hyacinths, Lily of the Valley.
We solicit your order for
No extra Charge.
High St. Phone 137-J
Come out to our Greenhouses any
day now, and see the three houses full
of Flowers.
Halfmoon Gardens
: ets An a i aby thr a
We Deliver Flowers by Wire all over the World. .: .. ; New Phone 531
| & pa 72-142 ree, ys
A gp! Ag
Round Trip
OUSE FOR RENT.—Phone Mrs. H. C.
Valentine, 113 W. Curtin St., Belle-
fonte. Phone 337-0 2-13-tf
TATE FOR SALE.—AIl the house-
suite, 2 floor lamps, 2 chairs, re- = hd : Tie: : Aval
he : remises in Unionville on Saturday, April Island City, Anglesea, Avalen,
frigerator. All in splendid condition. Tn- Is 1 ar oy i tTEaYy Apnl A cTons Stone Harher.
quire Mrs. R. R. BLAIR, Linn St. 72-14-if. ”
. TO i
H hold goods of the late William A.
Wildwood, Ocean City, Cape May, Sea
Peters will be sold at public sale on the
OR SALE.—Mahogany davenport table,
oval mahogany table, dining room
Also at the same time and place the
FRIDAY, April 15
72 February term, 1927.
To Robert Allen,
Grace Allen, your wife, has filed a Libel
in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre
. County, praying a divorce from you.
you are notified and required to appear, in
the Court on or before the Third Monday
; of May, 1927 to answer the complaint of
{ Grace Allen, and in default of such ap-
pearance you will be liabel to have a di-
vorce granted in your absence. i
bouse and lot will be offered for sale,
811 Broadway, Juniata, I'a.
Tickets good returning within 16 days
Valid in parlor or sleeping cars on
payment of usual charges for spdce
occupied, including surcharge. Tick-
ets to Atlantic City via Delaware
River Bridge 36 cents extra, neo
change of stations.
dl allowed at Philadelphia
in either direction.
See Flyers Consult Ticket Agents
Proportionate Fares from Other Points
Pennsylvania Railroad
OTICE IN DIVORCE.—Grace Allen vs.
Robert Allen. In the court of Com-
mon Pleas of Centre County, No.
Libel in Divorce.
XECUTRIX’S NOTICE.—Letters test-
amentary upon the estate of Thad-
deus B. Hamilton, late of Belle-
fonte borough, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es-
tate are requested to make prompt pay-
ment, and those having claims against the
same must present them, duly authenticat-
ed, for settlement.
72-12-6t State College, Pa.
Sheriff of Centre County.
Smartness Distinguishes
Our Easter
Only quality leather and
fabrics are used in the making of these
SMART SHOES--each pair carefully fashion-
ed over the latest and most perfect lasts. Each pair a special
value at our low prices.