Bellefonte, Pa., April 1, 1927. —— Government Advocates Cutting of Chestnut to Save Them From Blight. For the last few years the chest- nut blight has been making rapid chestnut timber. Some six or seven years ago if one knew chestnut blight, it could be found in isolated places here and there; but in very few places to the extent that it would attract at- tention. Today it has so spread that there is hardly a group of chestnut trees anywhere that does not show some signs of chestnut blight infec- tion. In some places where the chest- nut is common, the disease spreads rapidly; fully 50 per cent. of the trees are infected and in many places 50 per cent. of the trees are already dead with the greater part of the remain- der in various stages of infection. Where the infection is present, it is only a question of two or three years until it takes its toll of affected trees and spreads to others until eventually practically all of our com- mercial chestnut is doomed to destruc- tion. This is simply a repetition of what has happened until today in the east- ern and central part of the State and some of the regions of the Appala- chian States 80 to 100 per cent. of the commercial chestnut is entirely wiped out. There is absolutely no way of stop- ping the spread. of the disease and at the present time attention is di- rected largely to salvaging the chest- nut timber as it is killed or immedi- ately ahead of the advancing disease, in order that the damage done may : be lessened to considerable extent. Already, in some places the timber has been dead so long that its use is being restricted for such purposes which will mean that such salvaging operations will be greatly lessened. The U. S. government has closely followed the spread of the disease south through the Appalachian moun- tains in the hopes that by studying its progress they could forecast its spread to other regions and in the meantime through proper education bring about a closer and faster utiliza- tion of the chestnut timber, so that much of it could be operated and salvaged before it was entirely lost. They estimate that north of the Mason and Dixon line as high as 40 per cent. of the infected timber was lost through deterioration after be- ing blighted because of the rapid spread of the disease and lack of prop- er education and organization to bring about its complete utilization. Tak- ing advantage of this experience, they hope that they can prevent a large part of a similar loss in the southern chestnut regions, advocating that wherever possible the chestnut be cut and utilized as its eventual destruc- tion is only a question of time and the rapidity of the disease southward. It would seem good business for woodlot owners of chestnut timber to profit by the experience of other re- gions and lose no opportunity to cut and utilize such chestnut timber as they have available and can find use and market for. Whatever chestnut timber is used now either during the disease or shortly after is so much saved from total loss, if such cutting is not too long delayed. It seems from all experience that it is only a ques- tion of a few years until practically all the chestnut is killed and whatever timber in the meantime can be cut and put to some profitable use goes a little way toward making the best of every bad situation. The Worst is Yet to Come. Old fogies of forty years and more find it increasingly difficult to keep up with the ideas of the rising genera- tion. To jazz, bobbed hair, short skirts and cosmetics the back num- bers who have the two-score mark have managed to accommodate them- selves. They realize that times change; that youth will have its fling; that sound sense does not necessarily abide with grazheards; that, wisdom is often wa ‘by. the flight of time. They recall, by a great effort of mem- ory, that..their own ways in thei youth, - were. not the ways of their parents, and that they entertained, in the days of their young manhood and girlhood, the notion that father and mother “did not understand.” So they try to make allowances, and to at- tribute innovations which at first grate upon them to the inexorable march of progress. It is a little hard to us doddering old folks who once upon a time brought into the world children now in their late teens to assimilate the idea of the hip pocket flash circulat- ing at parties which in the days of yore were enlivened by such deviltry as charades, post office and stage coach; to account for the amazing self-sufficiency of the young folks, and to accept without misgivings their appalling frankness and sophistica- tion. But perhaps other eye-openers are in store for us. In Texas not leng ago a young girl of respectable connections walked in- to a country bank, held up the officials at the point of a gun and sauntered out with the day’s deposits. In South Dakota on Saturday last another young woman, a college student, broke into a bank at night and was found preparing to drill the safe. She want- 2 $24 with which to pay her tuition ees. City youths in astonishingly large numbers are trying to make a living by holding up pedestrians, taxi drivers, store cashiers and collectors. If the country girls are to turn to bank rob- bery, what are we to expect of the next generation? Our children shock us. Let us cheer up—perhaps the worst is yet to come. Let us wait un- til we see our grandchildréen.—Phila- delphia Record. ——The “Watchman” is the most readable paper published. Try it. progress and heavy inroads into the : i FARM NOTES. —Give breeding poultry liberal amounts of green feed. is better than dope for poultry flocks. | —In pruning fruit trees, limbs that droop too much may be remedied by cutting them back to an upturning branch and removing the low-hanging secondary branches. — Concentrate on the money-mak- ers. Prune the best apple trees first. Then if there is time, go over the poorer varieties. Regular annual pruning is best in avoiding the accumn- ulation of weak wood. —In tiling, dig the ditches after the tile have been spread. Start at the outlet and work uphill. Have a depth of not less than two feet. Do not use tile as a culvert from a pond, but lay them below the bottom of the pond. | —Proper feeding and management | —Cool the milk regularly now as warm weather approaches. Change- able weather is uncertain and milk may sour if it is not properly cooled. Use a cooler if you have it but if not, put the milk in a clean can, set it in running water, and stir it every five minutes for a half hour. — Skimmilk powder is proving al- most a perfect substitute for skim- ‘milk in raising dairy calves. It can now be purchased generally through feed dealers and is prepared by mix- |ing one part of powder with nine ' parts of warm water. Calf-raising thus becomes easier in communities where whole milk is sold. —Using cotton disc strainers is advisable in the production of clean milk. They do not need scalding every day as the strainer cloth does, since the disc is used once and then discard- ed. If strainer cloths are now being used, the change to cotton dises will make the work of the housewife,— who in most cases takes care of the dairy dishes,—much easier. — Spraying grapes is a paying prop- osition, demonstrations in Erie coun- ty prove. Records on five years of spraying in demonstration vineyards indicate an average yield of 3.83 tons per acre, an increase of two tons, or over 100 per cent more than the average yield of the Erie county grape belt. The sugar content of grapes from the de- monstration plots averages 16.88 per cent., an increase of 2.95 per cent. over the average for the belt as a whole. —The importance of using a liberal quantity of seed potatoes is not gen- erally recognized by commercial po- tato growers. The recent accomplish- ment of a firm of California potato growers in producing 1,038.3 bushels of potatoes on a measured acre and an average yield of 1,001 on nine acres would not have been possible if only the usual quantity of seed had been planted. These growers consider the In the production of their phenomenal vield seed potatoes were planted at the rate of. 40 bushels per acre or more than twice the quantity used by our most progressive potato growers. Experimental results indicate there is a close correlation between the quantity of seed used and the yield per acre. Planting large-size sets in- sures a better germination and a larg- er set of tubers, therefore it is a desirable practice provided the re- sultant plants have an abundant sup- ply of plant food and moisture. Large- size sets mean more stems and tubers per set, consequently more nourish- ment is needed to develop these tub- ers to market size. United States Department of Agri- culture Bulletin 1248-D discusses size of potato sets and also compares the relative value of whole and cut seed. 1t should prove valuable to potato growers interested in the production of maximum yields. Copies may be obtained, as long as the supply lasts, by writing the department at Wash- ington, D. C. —When using a cream separator on the farm the following precepts should be observed: ; ..1. Put the separator in a bright dairy room that can be easily cleaned and that is always free from odors of all kinds. 2. Set the machine perfectly level and bolt it to a solid foundation, pref- erably concrete. 8. Oil thoroughly each time it is used. 4. Be sure that the parts are prop- erly assembled, then start the ma- chine gently and slowly. 5. Maintain the proper speed and keep an even pressure on the handle at all times. 6. When separation is completed flush the bowl with a quart of skim milk or warm water, but do not let skim milk or water into the cream. 7. Having set the cream into cold water and disposed of the skim milk, take the bowl apart and rinse with lukewarm water. 8. Using hot water, washing powder and brushes, scrub all parts that come in contact with the milk. _ 9. Rinse with hot water, then place in boiling water or steam sterlizer for a few minutes and hang up to dry. 10. Wipe frame of separator. _ The necessity for thoroughly clean- ing and scalding the separator every time it is used cannot be too greatly emphasized. Cream from an unclean separator has very poor keeping quali- ties, soon developes a decided “off fla- vor” and becomes second grade. Cream of this kind brings financial loss to the purchaser whether he is selling it on a quality basis or not. Poor cream makes poor butter and poor butter returns a low price to the producer, whether creamery is co-op- erative or otherwise. The financial loss caused by unclean separators is frequently not fully ap- preciated because it is indirect; it is, however, none the less real. Good business management of the dairy, therefore, demands that the separator be thoroughly cleaned each time it is used.—W. H. Woodley, College of Ag- riculture, University of Arkansas, liberal use of seed a good investment. HOW TO SOLVE A CROSS.-WORD PUZZLE When the correct letiers are placed in the white spaces this pussie will spell words beth vertically and horizontally. The first letter in each word is indieated by a mumber, which refers to the definition listed below the pussle. Thus No. 1 under the column headed fll the white spaces up to the first black square te the under “vertical” defines a word which will fll the white No letters go in the black spaces. All words black ome below. tionary words, except proper names. “horizontal” defines a word which will right, and a number squares to the mext used are dic- Abbreviations, slang, initials, technieal terms and obsolete forms are indicated im the definitions. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 1. To Holders of the Second Liberty Loan The entire issue of the Second Liberty 2 [3 [4 5 [6 [7 7 | ; ; Loan 414 % converted bonds has been called ? 10 u for payment November 15, 1927. (12 1 14 Owners of these bonds may exchange now for 3% % five year Treasury Notes, re- pe / I 19 ceiving interest to May 15, 1927 on the old mo ] 22 T bonds, and interest from March 15, 1927 on pi the new issue. A 5 If not exchanged now the old bonds may Aq 3 30 be held, bearing interest, until November 15, I 1927 when they are called for payment. We 31 32 33 shall be glad to arrange for holders of this 35 [se Me? 33 59 0 loan. The First National Bank 41 42 4 I 44 BELLEFONTE, PA 45 46 47 43 9 50 51 : mm mm— en 52 =. A TTT NE TCO & SSIS) " ' (©, 1926, Western Newspaper Union.) Sg NY : : Horizontal. Vertical, Zz —Lengthwise b—Pieces 1—It pays to put it in this paper . 9—Idiot 2—From $ 1 2 00,000,000.00 {1—Possessive pronoun 2—Against (abbr.) .3—Newspapers issued every day 5—A degree 6—Always (poetic form) 8—Sorrows {9—A contraction 20—A bar of timber or metal }2—A boy's name t3—A kind of powder 4—To stroke lightly 16—Held a session $7—Part of the verb “to be” 8—Private hint £9—Style of wearing the hair 30—A note of the scale 81—A receptacle 83—Turt 87—A serpent ¢1—A fingerless glove 42—A lofty headdress 43-—A biblical character 46—The head of a paper (abbr.) 46—A formal document bestowing rights 48—Accomplish 49—A . girl's name 50—In the near future 62—Sounds. 85—1Ireland 89—Uproar B3—Wanite 3—To incline the head 4—A domesticated animal 5—Pastries 6—Reply (abbr.) 7—In reference to (abbr.) 8—What a newspaper is always glad to receive 10—Represented falsely 11—A middle western state (abbr.) 14—A metal 16—Not well 17—Tear 19—To make lace 21—A dead _anguage 23—A small drum 25-—A metal 26—A call for help $1—Part of a harness 32—To fly aloft 84—Decease 86—To set free 37—Incline to ene side 38—Skills 40—Aged 42—A pronoun 43—An age 46—A bed 47—Fish eggs 49—Behold 50—A point of the compass Qalution will appear In next issue. 1,931 Bakeries in Pennsylvania. That home bread-making is be- coming a lost art in Pennsylvania is indicated by 2 report recently made by the department: of commerce that there are in. this State 1,931 com- mercial baking establishments doing a gross business of more than $150,- 000,000 annually. . This is at the rate of one bakery for something less than 4,500 citizens of the State. It represents an increase of about 12% per cent. over last year, in the number of establishments as well as in the value of their products. The enormous growth ef baking is further disclosed by the depart- ment’s showing that there are in the United States 17,681 establishments, with a combined business of $1,267, 857,169. These figures de not in- clude the value of bread, rolls, pas- try, etc, baked by hotels, restau- rants and boarding houses. The total output of bread, rolls and coffee cakes, according to the partment, 1f equally distributed, would mean an annual consumption by every man, woman and child of about 75 pounds. There is also a per capita production of biscuits of about 12 pounds. The advent of prohibition appar- ently has had an adverse effect upon the consumption of pretzels, the per capita output having decreased to less than a quarter of a pound. A staggering volume of materials enter into the production of the na- tion’s supply of bread and pastries. Commercial establishments last year accounted for 32,432,694 bushels of wheat, 1,000,000 bushels of rye and 1,416,000 bushels of other grains; 40,847,000 pounds of malt extract, 674,763,976 pounds of sugar, 50,000- 000 dozen. eggs, 30,000,000 pounds of butter and butter substitutes, 358,- 000,000 pounds of lard and other shortening, 77,000,000 pounds of fluid milk, 131,000,000 pounds of condensed milk and 36,693,000 pounds of pow- dered milk and 81, 218,279 pounds of yeast. The total value of these pro- ducts was $492,368,587. em—— re—————— The Alamo. The Alamo, a Franciscan mission— the most noted in all Texas, was or- iginally established in the Rio Grande valley and moved to a point now with- in the limits of the city of San Antonio about 1720 because of annoying dis- turbances. The church and its yard, covering some two and one-half acres, sur- rounded by a protecting wall eight feet high and almost three feet thick, was repeatedly the subject of disturb- ing outrages by the Mexicans who fin- ally captured it. In 1886, during the war for the in- dependence of Texas, a small garrison of some 180 determined Texans and Americans held on overwhelming num- ber of Mexicans at bay during a bom- bardment which lasted almost contin- uously for twelve bloody days. Al- though driven back repeatedly and with appalling losses, the Mexicans finally succeeded in making a breech in the wall, clambered over the par- apet and by desperate hand-to-hand fighting gained possession only after all but five of the Texans were kill- ed. These were taken prisoners and later executed. Later on, the name Alamo was | $1 e- Solution to Last Week’s Puzzle. A[R[I]AlS E[T[C[H M[O[O/RIEMAIG! I| LIE] E/DIUICIA[T] 1 |OIN]A[L INIE 1 |DlO[ElS AS PS AlTILET C|A|N ElS|TB : Y Oo HABE A|SHE[R AIRIE[NIA O|OS[E! NEED] YEESINE[EIR adopted. “Remember the Alamo” be- came a war cry. The determined Tex- ans captured the Mexican general and won independence. Today. this aged, battle-scarred mis- sion which stands much as it appear- ed at the close of the final struggle, is used as a museum of house early-day relics and records of Texas and has been referred to as the Thermopolae of America and stands out as one of the monuments of American history. Through Tail of Comet Earth to Pass : in June. ~The Pons-Winnecke comet, which caused a furore in 1921 because of its proximity to the earth, will make. a closer:visit next June, when'it again will appear at a distance of 4,500,000 miles from the earth. This is the closest approach to the earth by a comet ever recorded. When the Pons- Winnecke traveler was visible in 1921 many people prepared for the end be- cause of reports that gases from the comet’s tail’ would wipe out all life on earth. : Prof. Harvey B. Lemon of the Uni- versity of Chicago announced yester- day, that after three years of research he finds traces of a deadly gas in the tails of two comets, the Daniels and Morehouse, which made their appear- ances two decades ago. ~The Pons-Winnecke comet will come so close to the earth next June that the earth will pass through its tail, according to the announcement to as- tronomers. Whether carbon monox- ide gas is present in the tail of this comet is not known, but Prof. Lemon says there is no danger. “Don’t worry,” said Prof. Lemon, contact with the earth, there would be ence of a poisonous gas. me ——— A ———————— Real Estate Transfers. P. E. Womelsdorf, et al, to Stephen Rusnak, et ux, tract in Rush Twp.; $6000. Philip R. Rupp, et ux, to Charles C. Cochran, tract in State College; $10,- Reuben Jaffee, et ux, to Louis Gran- opilous, et al, tract in Philipsburg; $6,500. Paul H. McGarvey, et ux, to Guy W. Lyons, et al, tract in Bellefonte; $1.00. Martha McKnight, et al, to Alex- ander Morrison, tract in Benner Twp.; “Even if the comet's tail does come in | no harmful results due to the pres- | s the sum which private individuals in America loaned to foreign countries last year. Some of these investments were wise and some were otherwise. But every one who invests his money in this Bank makes a wise investment — both | safe and profitable. ELAAACIASSANEI ANN NT IAN MANES) NNN 8 per cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA. Q MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM sa aa a aS EES Sa oT NESS AEA AM EIA ANDAMAN ERAN) ARR CRS RCCL CURBERA RN NANA AN AA A A AMA RA Spring Goods ~ Sale! With April already here we have made very drastic reductions on all our Spring Merchandise] #: $169 75c¢. values in Voilles, Rayons and Flaxons 49¢ B ++. mow per yardat-: . - . . $2.25 value Crepe de Chene, Georgettes Messalines and Taffetas, per yd. now A Watch our windows for week end Specials few of them are Men's dress and work Shoes $5,00 and $6.00 values now $1.48 per pair. Curtain Scrims, 60c. values, now .39¢c per yd. A few of our wonderful Axminster 9x12 Rugs {if left at $25.00. | i