The Scenic THEATRE Where the Better-Class Photoplays are Shown Each Evening at 6.15 o'clock. Matinee Every Mon. Wed. and Sat. at 2 p. m. Miss Crouse at the Robert Morton Week--Ahead Program This Friday and Saturday WM. FOX PRESENTS “The Music Master” WITH ALEC B. FRANCIS NEIL HAMILTON LOIS MORAN NORMA TREVOR A picture to stir the heart of the world as the play stirred the emotions of two continents. We personally guarantee this attraction as advertised and it has a won- derful cast to top it off. Also a great, two-reel Comedy “One Hour Married.” Admission, 15 and 35 cents. Matinee Daily at 2 called 0 Monday and Tuesday FIRST NATIONAL PRESENTS CORINNE GRIFFITH IN “Three Hours” Once the pet of all society, now branded as a common thief, a mother’s heart cried for the only happiness she ever knew—-her baby. To kiss it. To hug it. To hold it tec her breast just for three hours. Supporting Corinne are John Bowers, Hobart Bosworth and Paul Ellis. Also a great two-reel Comedy “Smith's New House.” Only 10 and 25 cents. Matinee Monday at 2 0 Wednesday and Thursday PARAMOUNT PRESENTS “RENEE ADOREE -..:, EVELYN BRENT i The hero, a sea captain) marries the heroine, a Spanish senorita, and returns. to New York~ for the “hgheymoon. : ‘While: out purchasing presents for hist bride be is struck by an automobile and seriously injured. He is taken to a hospital and when he fails to return to the hotel the heroine starts to search for him and the picture is on. It is a great drama. One of the - best Thomas Meighan has played in for a long time. A great show and a great show and a great cast. Ase Fox News and Screen fSnapshets. Admission 15 and 85¢ Matinee Wednesday at 2 «+ - re (tenn Friday and Saturday FIRST NATIONAL PRESENTS rg a all. BEN LYON: MARY BRIAN and SAM HARDY i Tr IN : “High Hat” He'd never been outside of New York. He thought Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a night club and alfalfa a Greek Jetter- fratermity. And then they put him in the Movies. One of Ben Lyon's: greatest comedies. It's a scream all the way. - Usual admission, 10 and 25c. Moose Theatre Where You Always See Good Shows. Country Store Every Wednesday Night This Friday and Saturday “The Third Degree” WITH LOUISE DRESSER DOLORES COSTELLO RODCLIFF FELLOWS Positively one of the greatest dramas ever presented and we personally guar- antee it to give 1009, satisfaction. Also a Special Musical Prologue. The World's Greatest Accordion Players MINERVINI and IZETTA BAKER Instrumentalists Supreme Coming here highly recommended For entertainment “what am” Dont think of missing this. Admission 15 and 35 cts. Gap; : 296 Men Escape Death in Terrific Mine Blast. Just 296 men out of a total of 300 escaped death and serious injury in a terrific explosion in the mines of the Pennsylvania Coal and Coke company, at Ehrenfeld, Cambria county, at noon on Tuesday, and only four deaths re- sulted. The explosion ripped through mine No. 3 of the Pennsylvania Coal and Coke company, shortly after nocn, when the entire day shift was at work in the headings leading from the main drift. The force of the blast was felt 10 miles away, rocking this mining village of 200 houses as if it were the centre of an earthquake. Hundreds of miners and members of the families of the men in the work- ings rushed to the mine mouth. They held little hope for their fellow work- ers and loved ones, believing that a blast of such force would surely claim the life of every man in the under- ground tunnels. As they watched rescuers trying to push their way into the main in- cline, they saw a miner, besmirched with coal dust, walk erect from a near- by undamaged entry. And still others followed. The watchers at last realized these were survivors, stepping from what was believed to have been their tomb. A shout of joy went up as wives and children of the survivors pushed forward. Later, through two other entries the air shafts, came other survivors. Mine officials, checking oft the living, finally found ail account- ed for except four. Mining men at the scene marvelled at the speed with which rescue work- ers were gathered. The United States bureau of mines rescue car “Holmes” with a trained crew was rushed in from Derry, Pa. Doctors, nurses, ambulances and undertakers came from Johnstown and other points in Cambria. Of the three hundred survivors, only six needed aid to get from the mine, these were affected by after damp but recovered quickly. Damage within the mine was not great, company officials said and it will be shut down only for a few days. JACKSONVILLE. Harry Hoy purchased a Ford road- ster last week. Miss Evelyn Neff is visiting at the Joseph Neff home. Samuel Vonada, of Bellefonte, visit- ed in our midst on Sunday. Mrs. Earl Yearick visited at the G. E. Ertley home last Thursday. John Condo, of Lock Haven, visiting at the A. A. Garrett home. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Bartley and daughter were in town over the week- end. - : Many of our folks attended the High school play at Howard and reported a fine prgram. Stanford Hoy, of Blanchard, visited at the Harry Hoy and Joseph Neff homes last week. - Mrs. - George -Hoy and family, of is Mill Hall, were Sunday visitors at the Luther Fisher home. Mrs. Walter Daily is helping her mother, Mrs. George Ertley, prepare for their sale and moving. James Bartley’s farm sale was well: attended and stock brought fair prices. The total proceeds amounted to $4700. The Ladies’ Aid society will meet at the R. H. Bennison home on April 7th for an all day sewing bee and business meeting. Mrs. Mabel Peck, of Bellwood, spent the week-end at the Harry Hoy home, and also visited at the Joseph Neff and ‘Luther Fisher homes. Mrs. William Weaver, Miss Pearl Weaver, Mrs.’ Mary Dietz and daugh- ter Josephine were Sunday evening callers at the G. E. Ertley home. Mrs. Lynn Ertley and children, Isabelle, - Violet and Rosella, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Yearick were Sunday visitors at the J. J. Vonada home. Visitors at the Joseph Neff home on Sunday were Misses Ella, Evelyn aud Ruth Neff, Chester Neff, of Shingle- | town; and Ray Ishler, of Pleasant ‘Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy, Mrs. Mabel ~ Peck, of ~ Bellwood; Willard Wegver, Conrad Miller, of Bellefonte; Stanford Hoy and “Dick” Heverly, of Blanchard. ih | New officers were elected in the Re- formed Sunday school as follows: Su- | perintendent, Homer Yearick; assist- : ant superintendents, W. E. Weight | and E. E. Vonada; secretary, George Weight; treasurer, George Rogers; | teachers, class 1, Mr. Yearick; class 2, ! Geo. Rogers; class 3, Elnora Weight; | class 4, Teddy Dixson; class 5, Mrs. Joseph Neff; class 6, Mrs. Wm. Dix- | son. ————————— i ——————— CENTRE HALL. | ame. G. Fred Stover, a tenant on Harry Harper's farm, moved to the Slack farm on Wednesday. | Mrs. C. F. Emery, an operative pa- | tient in the Centre County hospital, is | improving gradually. C. W. Slack, who recently purchased the Spangler home on Church street, | moved into it on Wednesday. i A number of members of the local | W. C. T. U. attended the convention at Pleasant Gap on Wednesday. Howard Spangler is now a tenant in the Pennsvalley Banking company’s | building, occupying two rooms on {he | second floor. Franklin Ruble, who underwent an operation recently, is at the home of his mother while he is regaining his former health. Miss Elsie Kramer spent the week at { home reading out her house which will be rented by Mr. Mac. Moran, the new | creamery man. Mrs. S. P. Hennigh, who suffered a | stroke of paralysis last week, is some | improved. Mrs. Philip Leister cared for her for several days. | J. S. Boozer, Miss Verna Rowe and | Mr. and Mrs. J. William Bradford mo- | | tored to Sunbury, on Sunday, to visit _—_——_——— All the household goods of decendent will 4, May Term, 1927. whose hands or possession the said goods and tenements and lots of ground situate and being in Cassanova Rush Twp. tre county, Pa. bounded and described as follows: the intersection of deg. E. 100 ft. to a post; thence S. 9 deg. E. 150 ft. to an alley; thence by said Alley the village of Cassanova. 72-13-6t Howard, were ‘Sunday callers af'the | ‘Luther Fisher home. « Elmer Swope and family, of near |: Mrs. J. S. Boozer and daughter Pattie. Several of them drove down again on | Wednesday. The Centre Hall High school will give several plays in the near future. Friends of the school are invited to patronize them liberally. Little Pattie Boozer, who underwent an operation for double mastoids, in the Sunbury hospital last week, is im- proving as rapidly as can be expected. The cafe and pool room in the Bar- tholomew building are now conducted by D. C. Mitterling, who closed the pool room in the Odd Fellows bui‘ding. W. A. Homan is giving his entire at- tention to his garage work and car sales. Mrs. C. A. Smith, who attended the Y. W. C. T. U. convention at Pleasant Gap, on Wednesday, went on to State College in the afternoon where she met Miss Grace Smith. Friends took them to Hollidaysburg to visit Miss Florence W. Love. ———— A — Well, Senator King of Utah won’t lose much by being excluded from Haiti. —Subscribe for the “Watchman.” NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—Closed H bids for the house and lot of the late William A. Peters, at Union- ville, will be received until May 1st next. be sold at public sale on the premises on Saturday April 16th, at 1 o'clock p. m. a i = Forms Cush, Address, © °C First 25 kilowatt hours.......oeeeeecreereeersmnrennees 10c net per kilowatt hr. 72-13-1% §11 Breadway, Juniata, Pa. Next 20 ‘ «“ 6c 6“ “@ «“ OTICE.—Jacob Smutzinge s. Job N eo amy Tn En All over 45 0 a 3c 4 « “ ‘ mon Pleas of Centre-County. - No. Centre county, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of said county, Greeting: We com- mand you that you attach John Lawrence, late of your county by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and tene- ments, in whose hands or possession soever the same may be so that he be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Bellefonte in and for said County on the 3rd Monday of May 1927, next, there to answer Jacob Smutz- inger of a pea of Assumpsit for goods sold and delivered and also that you summon as garnishees ail persons in and chattels, lands and tenements, or any of them, may be attached, so that they and every of them be and appear before, our said Court at the day and place aforesaid, to answer what shall be objected against them, ana abide the judgment of the Court therein. That in pursuance of the above order I have attached the fol- lowing lands and tenements, to-wit: All the surface of those two certain messuages Cen- Beginning at a post, Southeast corner of Chester and Maple streets thence by said Maple street N. 81 S. 81 deg. W. 100 ft. to Chester street; thence N. 9 deg. W. 150 ft. to a place of beginning . Being otherwise known 88 lots No. 93 and 95 in the general plan of E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff, Centre County, Pa. oma— HOME-MADE no ~ Frit Nut 2 oz. to 5lbs. 5 cts. to $4.00 mmm We solicit your order for -| of NAMED EGGS No extra Charge. DAVISON'S High St. ashington| 16--Day Excursion Friday, April 15 $12.60 Round Trip from BELLEFONTE Proportionate Fares from Other Points For details as to leaving time of trains, fares in parlor or sleeping cars, stop-over privileges, or other in- formation, consult Ticket Agents, or David Todd, Division Passenger Agent, Williamsport, Pa. Similar Excursions June 24, October 14. Pennsylvania Railroad Fishermen Attention Yeager’s Tiny Boot. Shop has Hip and Sporting | | Fishing Boots at $4.85 per Pair They are the HOOD brand, and guaran- | teed to be the best. We save you $1.65 on | these boots. This price beats any shoe store or Mail Order House in the United States. Please remember these are full | length and not the Storm King heighth. | Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop | 72-12tf Bellefonte, Pa. - wl, fH Oh, Yes! Call Bellefonte 432 LUMBER ? w.r.shope Lumber Co. 71-16-t¢ Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing - LEU EUEUElSUeLURLUEUSUEL EULER USLELZEL IL Ue lei le lem) U2 lie Ue The EELS Snr UE] =i 3 3 RRR RRR Easter Eggs © Cocoanut Phone 137-7 |B ISSR Ue MeN Ue eM el Us Ul led Ue Led New Electric Rates ES We are pleased to announce that Reduced Electric Rates will become effective on May First Lie The following will be the new net rates—assuming payment of bills within the discount period. : DOMESTIC RATE % . \ This rate is for domestic purposes including Ranges and Refrigerators on the same meter. House of 12 rooms or more slightly higher. il COMMERCIAL RATE First 100 kilowatt hours... ore 91 net per kilowatt hr. Next 100 [3 £6 & & 6 All over 200 This rate is for offices, stores and other places of business, and also to Churches, Lodge Rooms, Hospitals, Fraternity Houses, etc. where the measured load does not exceed 5 kilowatts. &§ £6 € o Commercial-Sign and Window Lighting Rate First 1000 watts connected eer 80€ DEE per 100 watts per month i I | bh - All over 1000 watts connected rh eidhrent aia 60c net per 100 watts per month This rate is for lighting display windows and electric signs from dusk to 11:00 P. M. 3 | a =~ 4 Li — 21 The new Domestic and Commercial Ratés. have been made in order that three-cent (3c) electric energy will be more readily available to our consumers. : - we Copies of rate schedules can be obtained at our local office. Keystone Power Corporation Light, Heat, Power and Cold by Electricity ARR Ee el ASRS 5 Ley Ue le=] U SHS Smartness Distinguishes Our Easter ootwear Only quality leather and fabrics are used in the making of these SMART SHOES---each pair carefully fashion- ed over the latest and most perfect lasts. Each pair a special value at our low prices. NITTANY SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE, PA