Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 01, 1927, Image 2

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Receipts and Expenditures of Centre Co.
Bal. in Treas. Jan. 4th, 1926....
Amt. from Tax Collectors.......
Amt. from Commissioners........
Amt. from Unseated Land Tax..
Amt. from Seated Land Tax....
$ 40566 89
124027 41
68031 77
3414 48
265 42
$237205 97
Bal. in hands of Treas. Jan. 3rd,
3027 2ivcnnnvrrnusinvreiianneans sy 49937 OF
Appropriation Account
W. C. Smeltzer, Treasurer, Centre
cultural Assn..........$§ 2000 00
Memorial Appropriations......... 367 63
Pomona Grange, Centre Hall.... 750 00
Centre Co. Teachers Institute.... 200 00
$ 3317 63
Assessors Account
Sundry Assessors Account.......$ 7238 50
Asylum Account
Maintaining Inmates (Polk).....$ 150 00
taining Inmates (Danville)... 2207 14
daintaining Inmates (Warren).. 352 29
Maintaining Inmates (Fairview). 312 86
‘ $ 30222
Eastern Penitentiary
Maintaining Inmates.............$ 216 63
Laurelton State Village
Clothing for Sundry Inmates....$ 217.79
Western State Penitentiary
Maintaining Sundry Inmates.....$ 4534 49
Loan Account
Notes and Interest Paid.........$ 23208 76
County Auditors Account
Robt. D. Musser Services and
MICAEL «.vvvererrociesrsrcreses 272 60
Saml. B. Holter Services and
MICRAEE u.v.vvsecersssvsrsissssse 227 96
Herbert H. Stover Services and
Milenge .....0 cirri icine 266 04
$ 766 00
Board of Road View Acct.
Services and Mileage........... ..$ 193 00
Helen M. Shaffer, Stenographer.. 11 60
$ 201 00
Bridge Account
Corin Bridfe..scssesivisnnisnese sd 30 12
Port Matilda Bridge.........ov000 6 35
Coburn Bridge.......cvvvieennnns 101 24
Munson Bridge.........ccoeeneees 0 7
2 Mills Bridge......ccccev-. 10
‘ork on Bridge Neo. 107........ 103 40
Beech Creek Bridge........ceee.. 414 00
‘Work on Various Bridges........ 165 30
Material for BridgeS.....oceceeee 921 30
Miscellaneous EXpenses.......... 44 55
Expenses, Bridge Contracts...... 11570 06
$ 13363 05
Childrens Ald Boclety of Western Penna.
Maintaining Supdry Inmates.....$ 461 62
Commonwealth of Penna. Acct.
C. F. Harrison, Auditor for Reg-
ister and Recorder............. 5 00
County Read Acceunt
Road No. 1 Port Matilda........$ 19 00
Road No. 2 Boaisburg and Oak
Hall. ........ ttsssven sis sneey 2000 26
Road No. 3 Howard and Jackson-
ville LL... conidia sini. 1833.08
Road No. 4 Nittany and Brush
Valley. ...... est anstevsinsseavee: I550 03
Road No. 5 Julian and Philips-
BUPBic cv rnriesveesTnresvenpuans 2870 95
Road No. 6 Unionville and Phil-
IPRDUPE ...cocecrrcrciinseeer-an 681 01
Road No. 7 Gillentown and Kar-
EE I I 428 63
Road No. 8 Bald Eagle, Nittany
and Brush Valley.............. 118823
Road No. 9 Millheim and Coburn. 4572 34
Boad Machinery and Iron Pipes.. 3162 11
$ 19047 79
Ceurt Expense Account
Gilburt Burrowes, Court Stenog..$ 1066 20
Mauvis Furey, Court Stenog..... 1200 00
Printing Court Proclamation..... 92
Court Officers Pay¥....ccee00000.. 1801 00
Grand and Traverse Jurors Pay.. 6995 66
Special Stenographic Work...... 270 29
Jurors, Special Court............ 492 20
Transportation for Prisoners..... 93 95
W. C. Cassidy, Printing Court
CRIENAAr \, suis ravinncrsivvis 74 00
Megls. FOr JUrOISceacssnssesssvses 26 50
$ 12212 20
County Officers Salaries
John 8. Spearly Com. Sal.......$ 1000 00
James W. Swabb, Com. Sal...... 1000 00
Harry P. Austin, Com. Sal...... 798 00
Howard E. Holtzworth, Com. Sal. 118 00
J. O. Heverly, Treas. Sal....... 2000 00
John G. Love, Dist. Atty. Salary
Rent and Stenographer........ 1850 00
$ 6766 00
County Appointees Salaries
8. Claude Herr, Chief Clerk to
Commissioners ................$ 1800 00
Marie Doll, Asst. Clerk to Com... 1200 00
8. D. Gettig, County Solicitor.... 600 00
$ 3600 00
Printing Account
Keystone Printing House........$ 18 25
Centre CPA, sneeraneceessss 323 00
Democratic Watchman...,........ 328 60
Bellefonte Republican............ 310 75
Keystone Gazett@...eeoeveeresns.. 722 15
Centre Reporter.......c..ccoeeuvs. 11 20
H. C Duanmiyer................. 38 25
Nittany Printing C0......v.00.... 6 60
Philipsburg Ledger......ccove... 315
$ 1761 95
Janiters Account
Turnpike Account, Miles and Penn Twp.
J. ORVIS HEVERLY, Treasurer,
In account with Road, School, Poor, and Interest
Funds Arising from Seated and Unseated Lands.
John Benner, Salary............$ 880 00 Attorney Fees, Witness Fees, and
John Finkbinder, Salary......... 960 : Expenses on Brush Valley,
| Millheim Turnpike Cases......$ 33 82 ROAD
$ 1810 00 a Mg for Brush Valley 030 40
Juvenile Ceurt Account lamar Paid for Millheim Turn- sy > 3 > 52
Reed O. Steely, Juvenile Officer | PIEE s.uvesesevensnrnvnrsvens.s. $400°00 35 3 = 8 oO LA
BEIOTY &..2oiceevssronateriesiad 200.00 ee 53 52 2 2 3 55
Reed O. Steely, Traveling Ex- | $ 11164 22 38 ah o a 3 38
PONSES ...cocisennerrssrscsnonce 537 49 DISTRICTS 50 © Se =
Mrs. Edna Billeit, Care of Wil- E. R. Taylor, Sheriff, in Account with the 23 39 a 3 8 ©s
liamson Children............... 258 46 County of Centre F $ 8 e s a
Mrs. Emma Jones, Care of E. 4700 Days Boarding Prisoners at 25 3 s = = ub
Nyman sreercesereceiiiieiaaaes 27210 50 cents Per A8Y...............$ 2350 00 LH 2 2 ° IF
= [| Mis Mary J. Kane, Care of Sun- oss gs 35, Days Fogdog Insane Pris- A = 3=
sereectiarcacaena. 2 oners a , oF d8Y..... vu. 76 00
EXPENDITURES Mrs, Emma B.' Steely, Juvenile Ena Juni Th Bellefonte Boro... |$ 14 20)$ 1 163 15 36 $ 15 36
Appropriation Account...........§ 3317 88 | pr UGH OF LL He 48 38 omers at $1.00 per day.......... 9 00 Benner TWD. ooo 12 10 60 16 72 26 72 26
Assessors ACCOURt....ueuevenanen, 7288 50 | 7 pong i Late of Tey . o» 350 commitments and discharges oggs Twp. 104 771 504 20] 608 97 608 97
Asylum Account Polk, Pa........ 150 00 | ds Quick. ........ccooiii.. 4700 at 50 Cemts..................... 175 00 | Burnside Twp. ____ 304 491 431 82( 736 31/$ 485 50{$ 25 55| 225 26
AUQItOrs ACCOUBL................ 760 00 | B- R. Taylor Transporting Juv- Drawing Jurers.................. 1500 College Twp... 3 82 3 62 6 94 6 94
H. P. Austin, salary, Com....... 798 00 Mo OS Lunes eines 8 60 Notifying Jurors................. 174 00 | Curtin Twp.______. 93 56 206 10 299 66 188 16 9 91 101 59
H. E. Holtzworth, salary, Com 118 oo | Medical Services for Juveniles... 8 00 118 days attending Court, self Ferguson Twp_.__- 4 95 17 98 23 93 iaea 22 93
John S. Spearly, salary, Com.... 1000 00 | Clothing for Juveniles........... 78 ‘and deputieS................... 351 00 | Gresg Two. 52 04 74 42 21 2 113 52 04
James W. Swabb, salary, Com.... 1000 00 - Advertising Court Proclamation.. 55 00 Twp 36 29 44 49 42 21 222
Board of Road View Acct........ 204 00 $ 1790 90 County share of coal............. 65 00 27 94 49 90 417 40 2 50 eee
Bridge AcCCOUDt,....ceeesevern... 13363 05 | Report to Welfare Dept.......... 40 00 2) 5 33 04 ood 4 50
C. A. E. Training School Acct... 461 62 Jury Commissioners Account | Notifying Jury Commissioners to 47 95 98 04 47 59 2 50 95
Commonwealth Costs Account.... 8596 11 {John D. Decker, Services and draw JUry....cococccesenennenes 14 10 UB 32 5 22 0¢ 11$ Bs
Commonwealth of Penna. Acct... 75 00 | MileAZe ........0e0eenennn.n...$ 145 10 Telephone service................ 5233 2 94 64 44 Bu
Court Expense Account.......... 12212 20 {James C. Condo, Services and Washing towels for prisoners.... 15 00 R 3 te 3 $5¢ 25 25
Court House Expense Acct..... 4154 08| Mileage ......... saveseteeierer, 103 Election Proclamation............ 11 00 50 49 65 31 1 8 35 Ne
Election Expense Account........ 9693 25 | Rachael Lambert, Clerk. ..... cee. 172 00 Night Watchman at jail......... 50 00 8 08 21 63 5» a pu
Inspector of Weights and Meas... 1371 53 Work at Court House and Jail 28 89 32 49] 2565 135 nx
Inquest Account... .......s.ev 6 75 $ 51540 by Prisomers................... 100 00 1645 06] 2599 18 $ 135 > 3
Insurance ACCOUNt............e... 684 12 Dental Services for Prisoners.... 8 00 | Spring Twp... .... 0 99 32 53 50 es 18
ntpres on Bonds Scesunt ERE 2593 oo Commonwealth Costs Account (hpundry sepplies Sdddadddasl Anni os 2 Snow Shoe Twp.-- 2 6 59 888 68 895 27 850 51 44 76) mee
Tg 1840 oo | Sundry Wirnesses, Justices and ' Cottveying Prisoners "fo various Union Twos | 120 05 183 46 308 81 36 ee 2a 1b
Juvenile Court ACCOUNt........... 1790 90 a Cooni® SH 11 Institutions ................... 1038 30 | Walker Twp. .-.ix 3262 8396) 11508 76 3 Qo BN
Jury Commissioners Account. .... 515 40 | ° Lire, St y r Sundry Indictments and costs... 2082 66; Worth Twp._______
S. Na Herr, Coms. Clerk dad 1800 0) Oder) ......................... 52 00 LL E. R. Taylor, Jan. S383 WD. 4 38 232 66 237 05 223 08 11 74 2 2
M. 11 tant Clerk...... 2 i 36... i ie 1
Marie Do Assistant Clerk. 1... 1200 00 greed $ 2123 50|$ 4824 51 $ 6948 01s 2582 83) 135 94]$ 4229 24
Law Library Account........... 481 80 | § 8855 61 SCHOOL, SEATED AND UNSEATED
Loan Account... .. i... ....... 23298 75 Constables Pay 3v Amt. ef :
Laurelton State Village Acct..... 217 10 i Returns to Court.............. cen 20 44 Coms, bal. due Jan Mileotume ES 5 i a a % P HE
Mothers Assistance Fund Acct... 2362 00 Interest and Sinking Fund Acct. 4 1926.............. $ 1838 93 Philipsburg Boro. 3 178 3 178 3 5
Miscellaneous Account........ 2041 33 | pojlefonte Trust Co. Interest on By Amt. rec. from S.Philipsburg Boro. 23 62 Bel Bua 11s »
J. O. Heverly, Treas. Salary.. 200000 | “Bends... 4000 00 | Coms. at various Benner Twp..._.__. 22 24 13474 7 WEE TET
Printing Account. oo.ooooo Tio % Bellefonte Trust Co.” Sinking a 3500 00 Boggs Twp. -._._ 154 08 833 49] 524 54] 27 61] 281 34
a. Industrial School Acct. 55 3 BORG aE 2900 00 By Voucher Sundry Burnside Twp. —___ 21 84 539 27 425 55 22 40 9 32
A ues . Tie > Indictments and College TWD. eeeue-. 9 66 181 18 12
Ss y hg... 472 GOStS LL .uen tl 2082 66 Curtin Twp,....... 243 94 684 85 449 19 23
Soldiers and Widows Burial..... 3781 50 § 6200 00 — i Ferguson Tw oy nde
; 1 ¢ ee P----- 52 95 $3 23 ere 83 28.
De Ivy Pome ght WEB Inquest Account 3am | ia) WH 5 HER uss
Sinking Fund Account 2 0 E. T. Jamison, Inquest, Body of Bal, que E. BR, Tay- Halfime Se ETE 3
Stationary and Supplies Acct... 222312 | Wy ©: Lingle..." 00g gag) lor Jan. 3 1020s 148402 Harris Twp. oo | 18 36 160 2/7 re) IE
rand z 2. T. Jamison, Inquest, Body of D, IDE 1 EIR
Roy! Wilkinson, Frofhono(ery. ” 0 Dean W. gen et rnaeey y ces 3 50 $ 8855 61 $ 885% 61 Howard ie 13 i 2s 2 ey Sue3 be a
estern Penitentiary, Acct...... 4531 49 — | Roy Wilkinson, Prothonotary in Account f Liberty Twp. - 210 99 SG
ER. Taylor, Sheriff, Acct...... 0338 93 $§ 67m with the Coms, of Centre County Marion Twp. 60 62 89 9°75 hl. =
Eastern Penitentiary, Yr. ole. 216 63 Court House Expense Account ADS, paid Coms. bal, gue from, 4451 23 Patton Ly -— 34 76 1% 78 ny 30 7 3%
Danville State Hospital, Acct.... 2207 14 Light rssesirsensranravenssesnve$ 52122 Viedger Account... eerie” 301 03 Penn: TWO eee. X 20 40 35 70 35 70
Warren State Hospital, Acct..... 352 29 Yue Hog ttirrmrensrrerasans cess. 2311 61 | Sundry Indictments and costs.... 1715 00 | Lotter Twp._______ 60 08 94 59 94 59
S. D. Gettig, County Solicitor.... 600 00 | Supplies ..............ccccuvvee.. 259 97 >| Rush Twp,...t._._ 738 5665 11] 4681 87] 246 41 736 83
Fairview State Hospital Acct.... 312 86 | General Repairs. ........oooeoo... 388 71 $ 8150 26 § 8150 26 | Spring Twp... 73 14 157 1 157 16
Turnpike Acct, Miles and Penn Water Rent.................. 140 16 | Amt. due Coms. Jan. Snow Shoe Twp.-- 43 09 2920 12] 2774 12 148 00I.........-..
TWDS. .veecureensessessesenesses 11164 22 | Mary Yorks, Stenog. for Co. Supt 350 00] 4 1926... ov. "Me 4454 93 Taylor Twp......._ g2 50 172 89] 145 43 7 66 9 80
Glenn Mills School, Account..... 20562 89 |DIaYage ...............cceererrsns 84 8 | Fines and costs col- Union TWD... 441 21 964 711 563 05 29 63] 372 03
————— | Clock Repair Work.. 48 00 | lected 1926..... al TIRE Walker Twp... 285 06 seg 82... 50935
Total Expenditures, $189268 03 | Postage .............. 20 00 | Indictments and costs Worth TWP. ooo | oom 500 58 500 58
LL Loundsy i iricrseres i ’ » by Voucker......... 1715 00 $ 2464 02{$ 12756 71]$ 15220 73|$ 9846 01)$ 518 19|$ 4856 53
Insurance Account $ 4151 08 | Bal. due Roy wiki} 453 78 POOR, SEATED AND UNSEATED.
H. E. Fenlon, Fire Insurance.... 119 62 0 «31927. ....
W. B. Rankin, Fire i rEugee df 333 20 Roy Wilkinson, Prothonotary POR Jam, © um ts an 4 : 5 8 : 3 3 84 3 se
John F. Gray and Son Insurance 72 00 | 756 Judgment Cards.............$ 75 60 $ 8150 26 § 8150 26 | Philipsburg Boro... 48 38
v Miles Walker Compensation Yi 8 S. Philipsburg Bort 8 27 8 2
nshrance o.oo RRR 0, Benner Twp..._._.. 56 18 56 18
Boggs ar TTI 1868s
re Eh TITEL]
err 2 41
Yoilnits. 1 Librarian Account Statement of Taxes Outstanding on the Duplicates of 1919 to 1925. tn I apr: 7a ai
ohn G. Love, Librarian, 8al.....§ 60 00 | yeap Collector Di Ferguson ries 1 87 1.87
Law Library Account 1919—Orin Heaton Milesb he. ¢ p) Tor He TWP er: EH 2% 3 : oe
aw C ill HOA0N ence cc ee ——— urg TOs aewwmm—— aines he ———— 2 4
Books for law Library........... 481 80 1919—Roy Wilkinson oo... ____ —eeme---Philipsburg BOro, ...... 47 82 Harris TWD........ a 2 3
y $ 24 26
1919—John A. Mann... ...Curtin TWp. .. 113 $120 19 | Howard Twp 45 52 :
Registrars. Account ose—tnn Harnish ...-..---....—.-—Eozgs Twp. amma 71 54 Huston Twp.___._ i 5 3%
Registering 1285 Births and 605 | 1921—Roy Wilkinson ————--o-omooreereoe-Philiosbure Bore. oo 204 03 22 72 | Marion Two S55. aw 23 ni
Deaths. ...... eee § 41200) 1991 - B. "Hoffman —-Z§; Philipsburg Boro. ___ 16 41 Miles Twp. __. 97 83 758) 110 15 85
Gal Cl ----Halfmoon ema. D8 atton miei or Senso lL
__- Fairview- State Hospital 1922—Herbert Auman --Bellefonte op: rma B40 1 Penn ERE 3 § 5 0
Maintu«ining Sundry Inmates....$ 312 8¢| 1922—J. B. Hoffman --S. Philipsburg Boro, ... 118 31 Potter Twp.
1922—L. M, Kelly .... -.Snow Shoe Boro. ush Twp...
Election Expense Account 1922—Geo. E. Myer... --Harris Twp. .. Spring Twp...
T. H. Harter, Election Ballot and 32 8 By Slogariner --Howard Twp. -.. Show Shoe Twp...
Gen. Election Printing........§ 336 30 2—Charles Freeman .. --Philipsburg Boro. - 1507 26 | Taylor Twp.
TT. H. Harter, Printing Hiection 1923—Herbert Auman ...___.___ -Bellefonte Boro. .. Union Twp..
‘Proclamation 145 ¢ 23—Anna Hall eee _______________Milesburg Boro. -. Walker Twp -
Election Supplies. ...oemeneneone. 656 99 | 1923—J. B. Hoffman —_._____________"_’S, Philipsburg Boro. ... 1 09 Worth Twp...
J. C. Hosterman, Printing Ballots 19231, M, Kelyoeeeeo ooo _________Snow Shoe BOrO,—e...... 28 46 | |
) Election Proclamation... 297 20 es F. Tr yom ===-=---Burnside TWD, oem 12 80 $ 1630 55/3 2364 16/$ 3994 71|$ 2439 548 128 39]$ 1426 78
cue Denecrte Pathe sit 0 | HE Sm me De Som Ep I Ten
John Spenrly Delivering Ballots. 81 50 | 135i procs, Auman "TIT Bellefonte Boro. 618 £4 "| Boistonte Boros Tens sp Tg. 7g
James Swabb, Delivering Ballots. 87 30 | 1924 Charles Freeman rE Bee a Philipsburg Boro. ri detain 1 43
U.P 4 ig 32, el Ye g Ballots. 35 0 1924—J. B. Hof! S. Philipsburg Boro. .. 32 3 S.Philipsburg Boro. | --eceoo___ 315 315... 315
enone Whacstiod Gyticers U3:: $000 13 | 10841, Kelly T—show shoe Boro, -. I § Snow Shoe Bore. | “TTR oom im
C.F, Cookt Compiling Nov. Vole.. 2000 | [ottin Ti Ma remem ee 0 80 Bre] 33 hue 2 8
Dol Yorenum, Compiling Nov. 0 00 | 1924—F B- McCartney ————__________Howard Twp. _.________ 142 9 — i }
Special $iecion Gifiers (Eiliipa: | MER 2 Berne IIIT I Re vb: So 488 I a ernlineend, BH
5 “esses ssetssesinnnn sseveee ‘ yy, . Pm ee ak a ch ee ran mest oe Sera oo
Bdward Jeusip, Return Judged | 188K 7 Han ms) Sh 25% 8a TTL ri A WATER re
Fastest vers imei aine 22 + R. nkle __ S ili 3
Hugh M; Quigics, Rein Judge: 2190 | 1090. A MoDoweli Ey rn i 3 Miles Twpors more |¥ 33 Raf Sr 4%
ME S, ) .e - THESE SPOOLS. cent aaa Alsat, JOrth TWh. ein | oo nileaiee 3 Tr —_
care’ of Ballot Fa a p Worth Twp, 428 23 5961 13 | Worth Twp 2 SOG reo we ®
NOtICeS, CIC. scvavirerecvinenes v.22 i
pens Seen TLIOL TOS) wossnsesonvnsnmmmennnns IEEE £8 $ 49 54is wy owl... is aw
$ 9693 25 3 Gk
3 Milesburg Borg..... § 12 91i$ 1 16{$ 34 0%) foes $ 14 07
Scaler of Weights and Measures Statement of T Bellefonte Boro... | 210. noah
W. A. Bowes, Salary............§ 1000 00 of Taxes outstanding on the Duplicate for the Year 1925. Philipsburg Boro.__ ! CAT SR 8
w. 5 Doves, Mileage abd Hol © © - Cp were rege [Balance due Jan. | amount due Jan. 3 8, Philipsburg Bort... 15 76 15 76) oom ee 15 76
) sesesseiive rss rnrness 27 LRTI! 1 1926, inciudin :
W. A. Bowes Automobile Tires.. 99 60 Districts Collectors per cent added Li $ 1864s 16 92)5 35 56 $ 3566
$ 137153 County | State County | State SCHOOL BUILDING.
Miscellaneous Account Bellefonte Boro... |Herbert Auman__._—_.[§ 3426 17]--......._I$ 1508 57]—-ooo.. | Miles Twp.________ $ 92 49i8 YO4S een Co 04 43
Sundry Bills... 3 srg] SOE FE Bore. 10D Badcomew. [Taig HA wT TED SINKING FUN ’
Cy AR iihitdaill: 782 88 | Milesburg Boro._ "| Anna L, Hall.________| 336 98 nN seo P
Commissioners Convention #15 gp 5 Mpinelh Boro....| J. W. O. Houseman... 395 96 12 56 Snow Shoe Boro. | $ 4298 42 fee |S 429
School Directors Assn..... os “60 66 Poilipshure Boro: Chae om am 4s a % i 2
Disinfestants and Disinfecting 170 75 | S:Philipsburg Boro. | J. B. Hoffman_______| 389 24/__________| 212 60|---__._. LIABILITIES
3. 0. Heverly, Unseated and | pate Collete Horo(B, J. Willipms.... 4504 06 84 211 8160. | mo outstanding Bonds at 4 per cent :
Ey: a se5 54 | Benner, Twp... HismB Grove... HOO I8L ct Ghali oo Re TaVior Shor —-——=—=—=—-~-§100004 08
J. G. Love, Expenses Dist. Atty. BoE hy [Harry Curtin. ...| 3259521 = 2089) 1181 ._____ | mg estimated CommonWealth cost. mn mmm meres 4584 93
ods . . 7 Burnside s peeel B. Bo-BOTBer oo. ot, T3440 10 92 "355000 7 10 92 | To estimated Exonerations " 1051 16
BK. Taylor, Sundry Aects. 11. 20 00| Gems T BC Walker] 108 38 A 08) 568 10) | Ko estimated: Commissions, 30s
————— | Haines y Eo. ; Than BOIDY Riofes 68100
$ 2003 | Harrls Twp Sores Mere 1377 36 3 34 4932 | To Balance due Roy Wilkinson "696 48
Soldiers and Widews Burlsl Account | Howard Twp, S. R. MeCartney Bs ive ETE Ta 3179350 47
Burial of 20 Soldiers............$ 1500 00 | Huston Twp | H, K. Mattern. 540 48 5 46] 146 80 54 ASSETS.
Laverty Twp 0. J. Stover 802 40 81 381 35 8 71 | By Cash in hands of Treasurer, Jan. 3rd, 1927 _ i ___.. $ 47937 94
Ma n Twp... C. A. Dolan. 1153 42. cca eeme 468 eeee=-e= | By Cash in Sinking Fund 46508 00
ws iles TWD.wwurw----| S. A. Bierly.. 201 31 119 52 201 31 119 52 | By Outstanding Taxes on Duplicates, 1919 to 1925 _ __________ 24654 44
$ 3781 59 Peston Twp. —-- 5 . 3 ney 109% 2 4 21 303 62 421 by Quistanaing Taxes on Duplicates, 1926... euiiecmcenmcernr= 45423 19
nwa | ai M 4 ‘ax Liens
: Statienary and Supplies Potter Twp........ J. B. Fortney. -] 2117 88 18 46) 1174 19 7 66 | By Tax Liens Entered 1197 02
Wiiien \.- Jonge C0. $ 856 49 Snow She els & Tope 210.58 ol NB 153 | BY 4mm vir Ui gr grr 1016 85
ODDHES. ones ccnmonin mens . 5 ) -S. H. Lohr. _____....| 445 85|__________| 145 76|oeceee-- — y onvict Accoun erent Counties. coe 1
Baltimore Office-Supply Co. . 433 40 | Spring Twp... D, A, McDowell_......| 2266 51 128 22] 1606 20 123 0¢ | By Outstanding Land Unseated Land TaX ocoee—____ 1392 or
Elliot Fisher CO....cover... 334 56 | Taylor Twp..._____|E. B. Gulich_._....... 441 14 14 47 47 07 | By amt. due County, from W. A. BOWES. wooo 99 6
J. A. Thompson Co.,............ 136 00 | Union Two. E. T. Hall 607 48 | 354 85 _____ —— ee a
TYDOWEItOrS O1C.. «sons snnns rns 141.75 |. Walker Twp......- |W, R, Dunkle.......---J" 1395 86}. __._._{ ‘185 §6|- ~~" $170467 64
Repairs and Supplies... o.oo... 99 39 | Worth Twp._______| Ernest Spotts_______.__ 668 93... ..... = 208 91}....we-- |. Liabilities in excess Of ASSelS.....ooeeemoemc cacao LS 8383 83
International Chemical Co........ 19 60 Cray: Ta Se—————————
Ere pee
Runners O8seeincisse $B a $ 37559 71i$ 706 26|$ 15036 2818 369 54 of oe the undersigned, Auditors of Centre Counts, having examined Hie Bccounts
vessescsssceses e ommissioners, reasurer, ner al rothonota Of entire ounty, do
Do iaseatant : Say arn ®% = Seren gertity that die foregoing is a true upd Sopect Statement of the ad
sesesas a Xpe J (4) Spectiv X%
Fuderhangn Greist Co...00000se 5 2 Statement of Taxes Outstanding on the Duplicate for the Year 1926. Bellefonte, hdd re ¥$ 8ccoun oF the, year 1028,
i De aaa Amount Levied Amount due Jan. 3 March 9, 1927. ROBERT D. MUSSER
: Districts Collectors 1927 SAM’L B. HOLTER,
oom County | Stare County State HERB RY Ye ire County.
State Aid Highway Account !
Rush Twp. State Aid Road...... Bellefonte Boro.-.... | Herbert Auman... |$ 16162 72|$ 4638 78/$ 4060 65 69 50 EE —————————————
ete Merny Danae hams | Semis al Boro oD Besticme | ig HF HU CRBS Fg oh rol
3 ; SHR. : : : sia : :
Damage Claims Route No. 219...$ 2062 54 Milesburg Bor Anna L. H. Finch- 948 32 110 92 397 69 21 20 What Children ould Know. dere ood Bs ihe Drncinal ye oa
Damage Claims Route No. 107..." 13900 31 | Millheim Boro. J.W.O. Houseman ( 2219 00] 526 28 435 09 260 48 Colton, the soft ficeey, harmless ap- | oo 1. manuiacturing dynamite. In
Damage Claims Route No. 245... 1251 30 | Ehilipsburg Boro Chas. BE. 3002 68 12 62 ) ? Ys P- | some kinds of dynamite the wood is
Work on Different Routes........ 149 45 | Snow Shoe Boro... L. M. Kelley... 102 49(_....___.. | pearing product of the South, from |ysed in the shape of charcoal.
Tiling for Different Roads...... 453 20 | S. Philipsburg Boro.. J. B. Hoffman 430 05 421 | which we make our baby’s dresses is ie :
Freight on Tile........oec.noen.. 438 00 | State College Boro.—.|B, J. 5567 53] 278 456 | 4), incipal ingredient § Varnish is made of oil and the gum
Expenses of Com. on Different Unionville Boro. ...--{ Ruth Parsons... 141 18... mm tie principa. ingredient mm cannon of trees. Most of the gum comes from
ORE. «secennshsves liiavininoae T7338 an oo Do Maney. LR ee) powder used in the largest calibre p04 "5 pe tropics and is gathered
WD. iia rin... ;
3 18107 v3 | Burnside Twp. _____|Ira Viehdorfer— | 419 28 700] 419 i. |Suns . by natives who make their living by
Glenn’ Mills School | Account Solis ED reer Jas Schreck... i666 68) o07 19) 2101 28 31 60 So-called celluloid collars are made | selling it. It is this gum that gives
Maintaining Sundry Inmates....$ 2552 89 | Ferguson Twp..-----|J. E. Elder —...| 5910 34] 999 80| 2039 s0| 208 go | °F cotton the same way as any starch- | varnish its hardness, elasticity and
j . Tp aT CIs 6 Ww 6033 54 1 68 ed collar, practically the only differ- |; ih
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