Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 18, 1927, Image 8
EE .—._....r ———————————————————————— A ———————————— A a ———— ot" —————————_———————————— ] eee Bemaraliatcan, Bellefonte, Pa.,, March 18, 1927. —— NEWS ‘ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. —C. E. Robb, assistant cashier of the First National bank, has joined the army of automobile owners having purchased a Studebaker “Big Six” sedan. ——The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Centre County hospital asks the ladies to keep in mind the annual rummage sale when doing their spring house- cleaning. ——Landlord M. A. Landsy has in- vested in a new Buick sedan, and he has already warned his friends to keep out of the way when he starts driving it. Word has been received in Bellefonte of the death of John Loch- rie, a former student at the Bellefonte Aeademy, at his home in Windber, Somerset county. ——A nine pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. David A. Barlett, at the Centre County hospital, last Thurs- day night. Both mother and son are getting along splendidly. ——We have a very useful Auto- Strop. Safety razor all done up in a neat little velvet lined metallic case, to give to everyone who sends or brings a new subscription to the Watchman. ——Sunday was a veritable May day, the temperature going up to seventy. Automobilists were out in force and south Water street was crowded with strangers watching the big, trout. ——DMiss Jane Miller, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, of north Spring street, has accepted a position in comptroller R. F. Smith’s office, at State College, reporting for duty last week. ——1It appears from the auditor’s statement of the expenses of Centre County for 1926 that $13,363.05 was paid for bridges and $18,427.93 for right of way damage claims; making a total of $31,790.98. ——-Billy Rine, who now represents an cut-door advertising agency, is soliciting the patronage of all those wanting their bills posted, heralds dis- tributed or any advertising placed in or about Bellefonte. Call him at the Y. MC. A, Sn! The room in the Bush house block formerly occupied by the drug store is being repaired and put in shape to serve as a dining room for the hotel while the regular dining room is being thoroughly overhauled. One of the improvements will be a new hardwood floor. ——The deal by which Walter C. €ohen and Max Kalin sought to ac- quire the entire stock of the G. F. Musser Co. wholesale grocery was de- elared off last week, and the commit- tee in charge of closing out the busi- ness of the company will seek some other means of disposing of the stock on hand. ».* . °} ——More than one hundred garage owners and gasoline supply station proprietors in Pennsylvania are faec- ing prosecution on the charge of mak- ing false returns of gasoline tax to the State. To the credit of Centre county dealers not a name is included .en the list. Blair county has four men .on the list, Clinton county one and Glearfield county two. . —If you feel tired and depressed, out of jspirits and over-worried, don’t ‘try “pink pills for pale people” but go to the Scenic and watch the motion picturés. The interesting programs shown there will put a different view- point en your outlook and you'll go home ready for a good night of re- ““frogivie sleep. The pictures are not . only interesting but educational, as well. Be a regular and see them all. At a bridge dinner given Thurs- day evening by Mr. and Mrs. F. J. .Smith, of Bayonne, N. J., announce- ment; was made of the marriage of their daughter, Pauline M. and John A. Decker Jr. only son of Mr. and ‘Murs. Jack Decker, of Bellefonte, the wedding having taken place at St. Vincent de Pauls church, December 31, 1925. Jack is a graduate of Penn State, class of 1924, and is now metal- turgist for the Babcock and Wilcox Boiler Co., of Bayonne, while Miss Smit is private secretary to Mr. Pat- rick, of the same company. ——Mrs. Mary K. Bowers, who was transferred to Bellefonte from Ridg- way a year ago as chief clerk in the Keystone Power corporation office, has been transferred to Pittsburgh as a .clerk in the auditing department of the West Penn company, and Miss * Winifred M. Gates has been promoted to, chief clerk in the Bellefonte office of the Keystone corporation. Mrs. Bowers, it will be recalled, had a fall on the ice on New: Year’s day, break- ing her right ankle, and it was not until last week that she was able to report for work at Pittsburgh. ~——The Keystone Power club held its: annual banquet in the P. O. S. of A. hall, in the Potter-Hoy block, on Monday evening, and though the at- tendance was not as large as anticipat- ed the sixty or more men, women and children who were there enjoyed the feed and the few hours spent together very much. The committee in charge included Paul E. Miller, Gilbert S. Morgan and' E. Roy Scull, of Belle- fonte; and Francis A. Miller, of State Qollege. The first named was the professional cook in charge and his skill; was never better demonstrated than it was at Monday evening's feed. ESCAPED CONVICT TRIES TO STEAL CAR. Punches Driver in Face but Fails to Make a Getaway. An escaped convict from the Hunt- inzdon reformatory created cousider- able excitement in Centre county, on Sunday, before he was finally captur- ed and landed in the Centre county jail. During the afternoon motorists driving from Centre Hail to Potters Mills were attracted by a young man lying alongside the road near Old Fort. Most of them kelieved him in- toxicated and passed on, but quite a number stopped and endeavored to ascertain if he were sick but could get but little satisfaction out of him. Along about six o'clock a motor party stopped and the men in the car found the young man apparently un- conscious and Dr. Morrow was sum- moned from Centre Hall. In the mean- time quite a crowd had gathered and the doctor made a test that quickly brought the young man to action and the physician declared that he was all right physically but might be hungry. On being questioned as to where he was going he stated that he wanted to go to Philadelphia. As it happened among the crowd who had stopped was a man who gave his name as Fred Coleman, a news- paper man, who was on his way home to Williamsport from a trip to Lewis- town, and he volunteered to take the wayfarer along to that place. The man crawled into the car and Mr. Cole- man drove over Nittany mountain and down the back road to Zion. Near that place the stranger asked Coleman to stop a minute as he wanted to get out, and when he got back into the car Coleman recalls that he had something in his hand but paid no attention to what it was. After they passed Hublersburg, just opposite the L. H. Swartz farm, he again asked the driver to stop, saying he believed he would go back to Hub- lershurg, get something to eat and spend -the night. Coleman stopped the car and the young man fussed with the door and finally turned to Coleman to open it. As the latter leaned over to do so the stranger struck him a hard blow in the face, at the same’ time ordering him to get out of the car. Somewhat dazed Coleman obeyed when the young man attempted to start the car and drive away. When Coleman realized that the man was going to make off with his car he jumped on the running ‘board and grabbed the stranger. The car was already in motion and’in the struggle it ran through the fence and down into a swamp in the field. The young man beat it across the field. Coleman went to the Swartz home and telephoned sheriff Taylor of the attempted theft of his car and the news quickly spread through Nittany valley, with the result that John Zel- lers, of Hecla; Earl Vonada; of Hub- lersburg, and Elmer Weaver, of near Bellefonte, started down the Nittany valley road in a car. About a mile below Hublersburg.they. overtook the young man walking on the road and stopping asked if he wanted a lift. He promptly accepted, at the time re- marking that the soles of his shoes were a little thin and his feet pretty tired. The three men told him they’d soon fix that by geing back home and getting him another pair of shoes. Turning around they drove back and reached the place of the holdup just as the sheriff arrived on the scene, it being then about eight o’clock. Th sheriff brought the stranger to Bellefonte and placed him in jail. On Monday morning when interrogated by the sheriff he gave his name as Joe Cooper and his home Harrisburg. But on being searched papers were found or: him indicating that he had been in the Huntingdon reformatory. Officials of that institution were communicated with and they identified the yitng man as Mike Mansky, who escaped from the reformatory on Saturday | morning. He had evidently made his way to Lewistown then crossed the Seven mountains to Pennsvalley, where he first came into the limelight in Centre county. Mansky is seven- teen years old and, according to re- port, was sent to the reformatory irom Philadelphia after having been con- victed of manslaughter. On establish- ing beyond doubt the identification of the young man sheriff Taylor took him back to the reformatory on Monday. Keep Your Eye Open for the Dog Catcher. One of the provisions of the present dog Jaw is that owners must not per- mit them to run around loose and de- stroy or damage gardens and flower beds. Dogs must always be kept at home or in leash while out. Dog li- censes are also necessary. Just at present there are a large number of dogs running at large in Bellefonte. Some of them wear tags and others don’t. State College has been infested with a lot of stray dogs and a professional dog catcher is now in the town gathering up the stray canines. We have it on good author- ity that when he completes his work there he will come to Bellefonte and make a cleanup here. Therefore, if you have a dog that is not licensed better get a tag at once, or if your pup is permitted to roam at large, keep him at home or have him in leash when on the street. ——We have a very useful Auto- Strop Safety razor all done up in a neat little velvet lined metallic case, to give to everyone who sends or brings a new subscription to the Watchman. W. C. T. U. Institute. A W. C. T. U. institute will be held at Pleasant Gap, Wednesday, March 30th. Departmental work will be a feature, with a short address on “How to do the Work.” At one of the ses- sions the Centre Hall Y. P. B. will present a playlet. Box luncheon at noon. All members are urged to be present. ————————————— ——We have a very useful Auto- Strop Safety razor all done up in a neat little velvet lined metallic case, to give to everyone who sends or brings a new subscription to the Watchman. We're Going to See a Comet. Rare as are days in June, a night in June this year will be rarer, for about midnight, on or about June 26, mortal eye will see unaided what it never saw before except through tele- scopes, the Winnecke or Pons-Win- necke comet. The comet at present can be dis- cerned only through the most power- ful instruments of astronomers, ac- cording to Prof. George Van Bies- broeck, of Yerkes’ observatory of the University of Chicago. ——>50 Ib. roll edge, 2 piece cotton mattresses in fancy art ticking at $6.50. For one week only, at W. R. Brachbill’s furniture store. 11-1t mere pee eeemee. Bellefonte: Academy Boxers Defeated by Penn State Fresh Mittmen. The Bellefonte Academy boxing team went up to State College, on Saturday, and put on the mitts with the State Freshmen, losing the tour- ney 4 to 3. Mutzel, of the Academy, and Strubel, of State, furnished the headliner bout, each knocking the oth- er down in the third period. Mutzel won in the extra period. The sum- maries follow: 115-pound class—Christopher, Penn State, won decision over Bresm, Bellefonte. 25-pound class—Iby, State, won from Adams, Bellefonte, by 2 technical knock- out; third. 135-pound class—Cordoni, State won de- cision over Johnson, Bellefonte. 145-pound class-—Hedges, Bellefonte, won decision over Lewis, State. 160-pound class—Mutzel, Bellefonte, won decision over Strubel, State, in extra round. > 175-pound class—Decision for Miller, State, over Dukanis, Bellefonte (disquali- fication). Heavyweight—Dreshar, Bellefonte, decision over Gitterman, State. won ——We have a very useful Aute- Strop Safety razor all done up in a neat little velvet lined metallic case, to give to everyone who sends or brings a new subscription to the Watchman. Poor Seed Corn. . - The seed corn situation in Centre county is very bad. A number of men have tested their seed grown last year and found it germinated anywhere from 10 to:80%. Reports have been received from: other counties which show that similar conditions exist in other sections of the State. A test just completed by R. C. Blaney, county agent, on a sample of 1926 corn, shows a germination of 35.8%. Several cribs ef 1925 corn have been located and samples from these cribs are on test. The results made on cribs so far show they are all right for planting, however, the Agri- cultural Extension Association wishes to issue the following warning: “Test all seed corn before planting. If the sample tests over 90% it is safe to plant, but if not, either test every ear or secure seed from a source that you are sure-will grow.” A list of names of men who have seed corn that has been tested and found safe to plant will be published next week. ee eer. ——>501lb. roll edge, 2 piece cotton mattresses in fancy art ticking at $6.50. For one week only, at W, R. Brachbill’s furniture store. 11-1t Annual Meeting - of County Wool Grower’s Association. The annual meeting of the Centre county Wool Grower’s association was held in the court house last Friday afternoon. President R. P. Compbell, of Penn's Cave, presided and a favor- able report of the 1926 pool was made by W. C. Smeltzer, secretary and treasurer. He stated that the wool sold through the 1926 pool was in bet- ter condition than in any )revious year, there being only five per cent. rejections compared to twenty per cent. in 1925. A summary of the lamb feeding club was given by W. B. Connell, sheep extension specialist of State College. He stated that all of the ten members exhibited their lambs at the State farm products show, at Harrisburg, in Janu- ary, and members of the association were in favor of supporting another club this year. P. C. McKenzie, of State Coliege, gave a talk on sheep management, after which the association re-elected R. P. Campbell president, and W. C. Smeltzer secretary and treasurer. ———We have a very useful Auto- Strop Safety razor all done up in a neat little velvet lined metallic case, to give to everyone who sends or brings a new subscription to the Watchman. —————— A eee s— ——>50 1b. roll edge, 2 piece cotton mattresses in fancy art ticking at $6.50. For one week only, at W. R. Brachbill’s furniture store. 11-1t Centre County Hospital Renders Ef- ficient Service at Small Cost. | The business management of the Centre County hospital has just made public a most interesting report of the activities of the hospital for the month of February. A total of sev- enty six patients received treatment during the month, and forty seven were released from the hospital entire- ly sound, or well on the way to re- covery. The new cases numbered thirty three, and in fact the reports for several years past show that con- siderably more than an average of one citizen of Centre county every day finds it necessary to partake of the advantages of this splendid little in- stitution, where he is assured that his malady will be given the most care- ful surveilance and masterly treat- ment until he regains his normal health. At this rate of turnover, it is easy to see, that in the course of ten years the hospital will reach in its beneficent service a portion of our population equivalent to the people living in a borough the size of Belle- fonte or State College, and sooner or later, will touch directly or indirectly practically every home in the section of county to which it administers. No individual ean know when this insti- tution will be the chief agency in sav- ing his own life or the life of one of his loved ones. These actual contacts dispensed in such an efficiznt manner, are swiftly building up a large circle of admirers who will bend every ef- fort to aid the good people who are back of the movement when they thus | learn, first hand, about its spelndid | equipment and ability to serve the! public. The report for February shows that out of the large number treated dur- ing the month, there were only five deaths, which is a remarkably low mortality for a hospital; and one is led to wonder how many more of the seventy six patients would have suc- cumbed if they had not gone to the hospital. There are many ardent home lovers who will not go to a hos- pital until every facility for a cure at home has been exhausted, and it is then often too late for the hospital to effect a cure. The constant, unremit- ting attention of trained nurses and skilled physicians together with ab- solutely sanitary surroundirigs and a studied dietary, usually enhances the prospects of recovery in the hospital rather than in the home. Another feature worthy of special mention in this report is the nominal expense for such efficient treatment. The average cost for a private room in a large hospital is from six to ten dol- lars per day, but we are shown in this report that the total cost for each pa- tient was only $3.66 per day. It must be remembered that this cost covers the laundry, food, heat, care of nurse, necessary medication and many other expenses. Room and board in the average hotel would probably cost at least $4.50 per day; but here we have the services of an efficient group of nurses, operating room “expense, lab- oratory fees, for eighty .four cents less than you would have to pay for food and lodging in a commercially operated hotel. The explanation is, of course, that the hospital is not con- ducted for a profit, but for the con- | venience and welfare of the unfor- tunate sick, and all the management wants in the way of remuneration is enough to actually pay expenses, and to imerease the facilities of the hos- pital from time to time for better ser- vice. ’ The report shows that the receipts do not cover the expenses by quite a figure. The seventy six patients spent. a total of 872 days in the hos- pital, or an average of eleven days each, and they paid for this service a total of $2258.85. But the total ex- pense of caring for them amounted to $3,200.00, making a net loss to the hospital of $958.85 or an average of $12.63 per patient. In other words it cost. an average of $3.66 to care fer each patient per day and he paid for this service only $2.59 with a loss to the management of $1.09 on each pa- tient every day he spent at the hos- pital. It is understood that this is a common experience in the manage- ment of hospitals of this character, and were it not for the financial as- sistance given by the State and the 1ib- erality of some ef our public mind- ed citizens the institution could not centinue its service. A fact often averlooked by the casual observer is that a hospital is a school of vital importance to the! community in general. A patient who spends a peried of time under the care of trained nurses and scientific physicians, ever afterwards has a bet- ter knowledge of health measures of various kinds than he had before. This knowledge is gradually becoming general information and increases the health of the people. Our hospital is also a training school for nurses. Eighteen wide awake and energetic young ladies are in constant attend- ance at this school, learning the art of sanitation by becoming acquainted with the bacteriologocal origin of sup- perition, erysipelas, and septicaemia, with their practical applications in the details of antiseptic and aseptic surgery, and obstetrics. They also learn the technique and utility of dietetics and practical nursing. Upon graduation from this school these young ladies go out into the commun- ity well equipped to continue the art of nursing or to establish homes of their own where the practical knowl- edge thus acquired is of the utmost importance in rearing children and caing for the household. : ARK NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —George Austin came up from Lancaster and spent Sunday with his wife and little son, Richard. —MTrs. A. Wilson Norris, of Linn street, is making her annual Lenten visit with friends at her former home in Harrisburg. —Miss Bess Rhinesmith has sold her household goods and gone to Clearfield to make her home with her brother Daniel and his family. —Mrs. M. A. Kirk went to Harrisburg, yesterday, to spend a week with her daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Young, and the three grand-children. —Miss Cecelia Moerschbacher went out to Pittsburgh yesterday, to be a guest of friends, while there to attend some mid- winter social functions. —Rev. Nicholls, of Lock Haven, was a visitor in Bellefonte ,last Friday, having come up to take charge of the evening service in St. John’s Episcopal church. —Judge and Mrs. Arthur C. Dale and their son, Arthur Jr., drove to Johnstown, Saturday, for a week-end visit at Mrs. Dale's former home, as guests of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. O'Neal. —DMrs. Frank Warfield and her grand- son, Billy Craig Jr., are in Pittsburgh hav- ing gone out Wednesday to have the child's tonsils removed, expecting to visit there with relatives during his convalescence. —Twenty or twenty-five members of the Foreign and Home Missionary societies of the Methodist church will drive to Lock Haven, today, to attend the conference missionary meeting to be held there this afternoon. —Following a week’s visit at his home in this place Mahlon Robb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Robb, returned to Phila- delphia, on Sunday, where he has accepted a position in a branch bank of the Phila- delphia Fidelity and Trust company. —Mrs. Jack Decker went to New Jersey, Saturday, to attend the bridge dinner last night given by Mr and Mrs. F. J. Smith, of Bayonne, at which announcement wus made of the marriage of their daughter Pauline and Jack Decker Jr.. of Belle- fonte. —Miss Marilla Williams, with two motor guests, drove here from Harrisburg, Sun- day, in her car, took dinner at the Brock- erhoff house and spent several hours with friends in Bellefonte. Miss Williams is at the head of one of the departments of the State Highway work. —Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas Hamilton and Clarence Hamilton, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Broderick and their two chil- dren, of State College, and Col. James A. McClain, of Spangler, have heen in Belle- fonte this week, called here by the death of the late Thaddeus R. Hamilton. —Richard Bossart, a former Academy student, and Jack Naylor, both of Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland county, were ameng the week-end visitors in Bellefonte. The young men motored in on Saturday for a visit with Miss Jean Knox and were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Homer C. Knox, at the parsonage, during their stay. —Mr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Laurie, of Houtzdale, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gala- gher as driving guests, motored to State College Sunday, drove on to Belefomte for evening service in the Presbyterian church and then en home, after spending a short time with seme of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie were former residenis of Belle- fonte. —Richard 8. Brouse left for New York, yesterday, te join his brother-in-law, F. W. Topelt and a party of men, for a trip to the Bermudas. The party, all employees of the New York Stock exchange, expeets to sail tomorrow to spend a two week’s va- cation, given them in recognition of their work during the exchange’s very trying winter. —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shields and their two children arrived in Bellefonte from Mississippi, a week ago, stopping here for a short visit with the Shields and Gal- braith families, enroute to their new home in Reading. Mr. Shields will continue his work with the White Motor Co., in Read- ing, where he will be located for the pres- ent. —DMrs. John Little, of Rutherford, NJ, who had been ealled to Centre Hall owing to the illness of her uncle, Henry Potter, drove to Bellefante, Thursday of last week, to spend the day with triends here. Mrs. Little will be remembered here by mary as Miss Mary Potter, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John . Potter, who were for many years residents of the town. —Mrs. D. I. Willard returned to Belle- fonte, Thursday of last week, after spend- ing the winter with her brother and seme of her childrem Upon leaving here im the fall Mrs. Willard went to Union City and from there to €anada, then came baek to Pennsylvania te her daughter, Mrs. D. G. ‘Whalley, at Erie, and from there visited with other members of her family. —N. A. Staples and Miss Anne Straub, Charles Cruse and Miss Mary Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Storch and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kline, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Regenold and Mr and Mrs. John Smith, Paul Dubbs, Miss Angeline, Miss Rose and James Car- peneto wera among the Bellefonters who motored to Altoona, on Monday evening, to see the play, “Rose Marie,” at the Mishler theatre. —Mr. and Mrs. David Washburn went to Youngstown, Ohio, Saturday, where they spent Sunday and the early part of this week. Mr. Washburn was there on busi- ness for the American Lime and Stone Co., while Mrs. Washburn visited during their stay with the former Miss Swope and Miss Gerginski, the three women having been associates at the Bellefonte hospital, when taking their nurses training. —The bottom having dropped out of the contracting as well as real estate business in Florida Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. John Harnish returned to Bellefonte last Thursday evening after spending eighteen months in that State. They are all through with Florida and on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Bradley motored to Buffalo, N. Y., to look over the prospects of making that city their permanent home. — A nse. $9:90 buys a 50lb, 2 piece layer cotton-felt mattress, roll edge, fancy art ticking. One week only, at W. R. Brachbill’s furniture store. 11-3t rr — A —————— ——We have a very useful Auto- Strap Saftey razor all done up in a neat little velvet lined metallic case, to give to everyone who sends or brings a new subscription to the Watchman. How the Telephone Service Has Been Improved. A total of about $23,800 has been and is being spent by the Bell Tele- phone company of Pennsylvania in re- building the old Penn State Telephone company’s lines, which were taken ov- er by the Bell not long ago. Other parts of the total have gone into the building of additional toll lines and into the expanding of the telephone plant in Bellefonte. Five miles of line have been rebuilt from Bellefonte to Zion at a cost of about $1,500; 16 miles have been re- built between Bellefonte and Snow Shoz at a cost of $3,000; rebuilding of five miles from Snow Shoe to Moshan- non and of seven miles from Moshan- non to Karthaus cost $1,700. In Bellefonte proper, the following aerial cable has been added to the telephone plant at a cost of about $2,- 000: 960 feet in Decatur alley; over 800 feet on east Logan street; 1,200 feet on south Spring street; 800 feet on High street to Thomas; about 2,- 000 feet from Bellefonte to Coleville; 1,200 feet on east Bishop street; 1,000 feet from Bellefonte to Milesburg. These additions, Mr. Richards says, will care for the growth which is mak- ing itself shown at the present time, and provide the needed facilities for future development. Three multi-party lines from Belle- fonte to Nigh Bank have been rebuilt at a cost of $1,500. These will give telephone users in that vicinity more facilities for telephone service. One of the most expensive jobs of the pro- gram has just been started, and is a new toll telephone circuit extending from Bellefonte through Howard and Lock Haven to Jersey Shore, which will cost about $9,700 when it is com- pleted. This will give residents of towns and country districts through which it passes a more direct and speedier telephone service to out-of- town pcints. Additional toll circuits in the territory will cost approxi- mately $3000. The dismantling of the former Penn State Telephone company equipment in and around Bellefonte has been go- ing on sinee October 1st. In some sec- tions there is still some of the old ca- ble to be removed, while other sections have been cared for and only one set of cables now feed the telephone lines of subscribers. One of the largest jobs of dismantling the old plant was the taking down of the Penn State line between Bellefonte and State College, a distance of thirteen miles. Two construction crews of five men each were required for this job. With the activity which has been going on recently P. I. Young, plant wire chief at Bellefonte, has kept his crews of men very busy. The build- ing of the new circuit from Bellefonte to Jersey Shore is one of the biggest jobs under way at present. : Work "in the State College and Bellefonte central offices accounts for nearly $1,400, completing the total amount of $23,800. Boy’s boots, $3.75. Bellefonte, Pa. “Storm King” fishing Nittany Shoe Store, ——$9.90 buys a 501b, 2 piece layer cotton-felt mattress, roll edge, fancy art ticking. One week only, at W. R. Brachbill’s furniture store. 11-1t —————ere— ——A certain Bellefonter who sticks pretty close to the business sec- tion of the town was considerably sur- prised, a few days ago, to count twelve new houses, most of them.of the bungalow type, on east Bishop street, all of them having been erect- ed within the past eighteen months. Boy’s “Storm Xing” fishing boots, $3.75. Nittany Shoe Store, Bellefonte, Pa. i ——————— et t————— ——3$9.90 buys a 50lb, 2 piece layer cotton-felt mattress, roll edge, fancy art ticking. One week only, at W. R. Brachbill’s furniture store. 11-1t reese pe eee ——The home of Mrs. Harry Jack- son on Pine street, was quarantined Wednesday for diphtheria, her nephew, Michael Shields Jr., who makes his home with his aunt, being the victim. Michael is eighteen years old and a student at Penn State. ——DMen’s King”—$4.50. Bellefonte, Pa. fishing boats—“Storm Nittany Shoe Store, 11-1t Sale Register. March 21—Monday—on the Dr. L. E. Kidder farm, 2 miles east of Boalsburg, W. E. Kline will sell farm implements, 6 horses, 1 colt, 17 cows, 18 head cattle, 22 sheep, 30 hogs, chickens, house hold goods, etc. A clean up sale. Cattle are t. b. tested. Sale starts at 10 a. m. L. F. Mayes, auctioneer. Saturday, March 26.—At residence of Elmet BE. Rider, Gatesburg, 8 miles east of Warriorsmark, 2 horses, 3 mules, 9 cows, 3 sows, 11 shoats and full line of farm im- Dlsments. Sale at 10 a. m. Lester Harpster, uc. PUBLIC SALE Saturday, March 26, Mrs. Frank Mayer, will offer the following household goods at public sale at her residence, 221 east Bishop street, Bellefonte: Bedroom sets, 3 single beds, dining room suit, Davenport suit, Sellers Kitchen cabinet, large Othollo range, with hot water reservoir, phonograph, rugs, chairs, sewing machine, ete. Sale at 10 o'clock, a. m. 72-11-2t Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat - - - - - - - $1.25 Bye. vw. = = ww .« wi = 50 Oats - - - - - - - 40 Corn - - - - - - - 0 Barley - - = - wile 10 Buckwheat - =~ = = = 90