Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 18, 1927, Image 6
“Bellefonte, Pa, March 18, 1927. somo Fire Prevention Clean-Up Campaign. The committee on Fire Prevention Week for the National Fire Protection Association, has taken over the spon- sorship for an international fire pre- vention clean-up campaign to be con- ducted throughout the United States and Canada during the third week in April. T. Alfred Fleming, of the Con- servation Department of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, is chair- man of the N. F. P. A. Committee on Fire Prevention Week. This campaign will be conducted in a whole-hearted manner, with concert- ed action in every part of the country, so that the lesson of fire prevention will be carried home to as great a part of the public as possible. Insurance men, company officials, field represen- tatives and agents in every town are urged to communicate with commerce chambers, city officials and civic clubs and te impress them with the neces- sity of starting such a campaign now. Not only to minimize the fire loss but for the general benefit of public health sanitation, beautification and the elim- ination of dangers that are constantly imminent is this movement being con- ducted. Spring clean-ups have been carried on in many towns for years, frequent- ly under the auspices of civic organi- zation, with the assistance of the mu- picipal authorities. They have been conducted partly for reduction in fire waste, but principally to make the communities more healthful and at- tractive places in which to live. The committee on Fire Prevention Week is not endeavoring to change the na- ture of these local observances, but rather to induce other communities to inaugurate similar movements and by suggesting a uniform date to create greater interest and lead to an annual clean-up throughout the United States and Canada. JACKSONVILLE. Mrs. E. R. Lucas is visiting friends at Blue Ball. Mrs. George Ertley was a Sunday caller at the E. R. Lucas home. Miss Mary Weight, of Lock Haven, visited at her home here on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Lucas, of Howard, was a Sunday visitor at the G. E. Ertley home. Mrs. Mervin Hoy has returned home after spending a week with friends at Curtin. Roy Oyler and family moved on the farm last week, which the Oyler brothers purchased from Mrs. Hoy, of Howard. Misses Ella and Evelyn Neff, of Shingletown, and Ray Ishler, of Pleas- ant Gap, visited at the Joseph Neff home last week. Ja Dr. Stork left two new babies in our valley recently. The first was a seven pound boy with Mr. and Mrs. Hogan | Long, named George Hogan; the sec- ond with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fisher, an eight pound girl, number five. Miss Charity Yearick, of Howard, visited friends here over Sunday. The Ladies Aid society met at the John Condo home, Saturday even- ing, with the following present: Mrs. C. N. Yearick, Mrs. N. H. Year- ick, Mrs. George Ertley, Mrs. Edward Bartley and three sons, Mrs. George Rogers and daughter, Miss Alta Year- ick, Miss Nora Wright, Mrs. Mabel Bennison and children, Mrs. W. E. Weight, DIMrs. Nevin Yearick and daughter Norma, Mrs. James Bartley, Mrs. Harry Hoy, Ms. Joseph Neff and son, Joseph Jr., Mrs. Cleon Philips and children, Mrs. Willard Yearick and children, Willard Harter, Mrs. Fern Dunkle and daughter, Mrs. Con- do, Mrs. Callahan and son. The new officers elected were Mrs. Mable Ben- nison, president; Mrs. Willard. Yeariek, vice-president; Miss Nora Weight, secretary; Miss Alta Yearick, assist- ant secretary; Mrs. Willard Harter, treasurer. Fh OAK HALL. John Wagner returnad to Clevel: nd, Ohio, recently where he has secured employment. Mrs. Mattie Tressler, of Stata Col- lege, was a guest at the J. J. Tressler home over the week-end. Mrs. Margaret Sunday, of Tacpole, is spending some time assisting her daughter, Mrs. Waldo Homan. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lowder and family spent Friday visiting with friends and relatives at Altoona. William Tressler departed for Buf- falo, N. Y., last Thursday, to undergo surgical treatment at that place. Paul, a young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Homan, is recovering nicely from a slight operation on the neck. Mrs. Nannie Gilliland and family motored to Unionville, Sunday, and spent’ the day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alexander: Mrs. Exftward Houtz is serving as Red’ Cross: nurse at State College and vicinity during the absence of the regular -nurse. John Gilliland and sister, Miss Eliza, motored to Annville, Tuesday, and spent several days visiting their uncle and aunt; Mr. and Mrs. Stine. Mr. and Mrs. George Lohr and fam- ily, of Penn Hall, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frazier, of Bellefonte, were antertained, Sunday, at the Jacob Zong home. Mr. and Mrs. Merril Houser are the proud parents of a young son born last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Green are likewise receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, recently. —Th United States has more than 90,000 miles of oil-pipe line. Okla- homa alona has 19,180 miles, while California; though the leading State in produetion is only seventh in pipe line» mileage, because most of the California wells are near or on the sea coast. Fete Days Dependent on Church Sun Dicl In 1743 a meridian column was set up in the old Church of St. Sulpice, Paris, for determining the date on which Easter and other church fetes would fall. The column bears a long vertical mark extending down its cen- ter; this mark is prolonged on the floor. Together these two lines de- termine a vertical plane in space, which if sufficiently produced would include the earth’s axis and through which the sun would pass at noontime as the earth rotated. In order to make this event visible a small slit was cut through the roof of the church in the same meridian plane. Through it the sunlight pene- trated, slanting downward toward the line below, and swept across it at noontime. As Easter approached, the sun’s altitude in the heavens increased until the spot of sunlight finally crossed the line at the marked point. Since the other fetes followed Easter by an arbitrary lapse of time, the old meridian column, installed by Maurice de Sully, determined them ali.—Scienr- tific American. Character Is Shaped by Means of Thought Every day we are becoming more like our thoughts. If they are mean and selfish, we cannot prevent our- selves from becoming so. If they are unclean and evil, our character and conduct will inevitably be shaped by them. It is true that as a man “thir* eth in his heart, so he is.” As Charles Kingsley says: “Think about yourself; about what you want, what you like, what respect people ought to pay you, and then to you nothing will be pure. You will spoil everything you touch; you will make sin and misery for yourself out of everything which God sends you; yon will be as wretched as you choose, or earth or in heaven either.” And on the other hand, loving thoughts will produce loving acts, and a generous, kindly way of regarding others in our own minds will bring us to a generous, kindly treatment of them in daily life.—Pentecost Herald. Manners and Breeding I make a difference between good €qanners and good breeding; although, in order to vary my expression, I am sometimes forced to confound them. By the first I only understand the art of remembering and applying certain settled forms of behavior. But good breeding is of a much larger extent; for "besides an uncommon degree of literature sufficient to qualify a gen- tleman for reading a play, or a politi- cal pamphlet, it takes in a great com- pass of knowledge; no less than that of fighting, dancing, gaming, making the circle of Italy, riding the great horse, and speaking French, not to mention some other secondary or sub- altern accomplishments, which are more easily acquired.—Jonathan Swift. , Post-Facto Postcards fhe acme of preparation was at calned by a woman whom the Boston Herald tells about. She had gone to a hospital to undergo an operation. Be- fore the surgeon arrived she asked for two postal cards, wrote a short mes- sage on each, addressed them both to her husband and asked the murse to mail the one It was best to mail the next day. The nurse glanced at the cards ana saw that one of them read as follows: “My dear husband: [I have had the operation and am doing nicely. Will be at home in a week or two.” On the other card was written: “My dear husband: I have had the operation and am sorry to tell you that 1 did not survive.” Cassowary’s Vengeance A cassowary in New Guinea, after a lormal magistrate's inquiry, was con- victed of murdering two human be- ings. The criminal had been tethered in a native village as a pet, and, no doubt, had been thoroughly teased. Breaking away, it nursed its griev- ances in the bush until full grown. Then it came back and made war on the natives. A man named Tauno was killed in his own' garden, and his mother, who went to look for him, was also murdered. Such was the terrorism caused by the cassowary that people in the vil- lage were ordered not to go out alone. Soft Bed Saves Sleep if you earn your living mainly by orain work, you cam save at least two hours of rest every might by sleeping on a good, soft bed. Such is the con- clusion reached by Dr. Donald A. Laird of the department of psychology. Colgate university, following a series of experiments with students. By measurements of mental reactions in terms of calories, says Popular Sci- ence Monthly, he found that a soft bed will build as much mental energy in six hours as a hard bed will build in eight. China’s Olympic Games More than 3,000 years ago China aad gladiators who met in a contest somewhat like the modern Olympic games. These gladiators amused and thrilled the crowds not only ‘with fancy juggling, but with real en- counters between champions, one de- fending himself with a scimitar while the challenger tried to plunge a long spear into his body. Their skill would hold the audience breathless. There is an effort on to revive these feats of skill and strength. Objects of Aversion Hard to Understand Even fruit and flowers have affected people curiously. The secretary of Francis I used to stop his nostrils with bread if he saw a dish of apples to prevent an otherwise inevitable bleeding at the nose. A king of Po- land had an antipathy both to the smell and sight of this wholesome fruit, and a family of Aquitaine had a hereditary hatred of it. Gretry, the composer, could not endure the scent of the rose; neither could Anne of Austria. The mere sight of the rose was too much for Lady Heneage, bed- chamber woman to Queen Elizabeth; indeed, Kenelm Digby records that her cheek became blistered when some one laid a white rose upon it as she slept. A violet was a thing of horror to the Princess de Lamballe, while tansy was amobinable to an earl of Barrymore, and Scaliger grew pale be- fore watercress. The harmless cat has frequently been an object of aversion. Henry III of France had so great a dislike to cats that he fainted at sight of one, and it was said of the duke of Schom- berg, as it was said of another fa- mous soldier of our time, that he could not sit in the same room with 1 cat.—John o’ London’s Weekly. Woman Accorded High Rank in Intelligence That Anatole France had a high re- gard for women may be gathered from the conversation which took place be- tween himself and his secretary, Sandor Kemeri, and which is reported in her book, “Rambles With Anatole France.” “ “The intelligence of the woman is very high and she Is ready to go to all extremes in asserting herself,’ he says. ‘More than the man she is aware of the age in which she lives, because she carries it within herself. In our search for the history of the past it fs the woman who shows us the way. It isshe who makes us fore- see the future, it is the woman, heroic, sentimental, romantic, emancipated. independent. She was taken from Adam’s breast, near his heart, brought to life "by his ardent desire. How could she be anything else but his image? Therefore the woman's des- tiny depends on the man.” Traders Made Own Coins Mincing lane, London, the cente: of the wholesale tea trade, derives its name from certain tenements there once owned by the “minchuns” or nuns, of St. Helen's. There in the time of the Plantagenets lived a col- ony of Genoese traders called galley- men, because they brought their wines and other merchandise to Galley wharf. They were a wealthy and powerfui ~eople and one time issued a silver coinage of their own. These coins, known as “galley half-pence,” were broader than the ordinary English sil- ver half-pennies, but not so thick and strong. Their use was prohibited by an act of parliament @ ‘the reign of Henry IV. : Shopping in China 2'inding one’s way in Chinese cities nas its difficulties Capt. Robert Dol- lar, well known American steamship man, once set out to visit a wholesale store in Chefoo. He describes his ex- perience as follows: . Wirst we went through a grocer, score into a courtyard containing beds of flowers and shrubs; from there we followed a crooked alley three feet wide into another courtyard, then through another three-foot alley into a small open square. Bordering this square was the wholesale establish- ment we were in search of. There fs, however, nothing unusual in finding important stores ig such obscure lo- calities in that country, . Pupils Taught Poisoning doth boys and girls are taught the poison arts in the jungle schools, and at the conclusion of each school it is customary to experiment on some member of the class. At the boys’ school the victim usually is some un- ruly member of the class. At the girls’ school, it is some iconoclastic maiden who has dared voice criticism of the tribal marriage customs. In case a child dies at either school, its: parents are not apprised of the fact until after the close of the school, when the fetish doctor breaks a white bowl in front of their hut. 1. W. L. and the Telephone it seems that Henry Wadsworth Longfellow inaugurated the veiee with-a-smile campaign in conneetion with telephone operators. No better proof can be had than the line im “A Psalm of Life,” in which we read, “Tell me not in mournful numbers.” And as for waiting for a number, the following is given in “The Courtship of Miles Standish”: “Till some ques- tioning voice dissolves the spell of silence.” Does it not speak for ft- self? Old-Fashioned Mothers she looks to the affairs of her house- onold and she cherishes her babies. She sings, and her songs are the joy-hymns of the mother heart; she cuddies her pabies as mothers have done since the beginning; and she is proud of her kicking, crowing “latest” though she loves them all alike. She doesn’t mind the pitying jeers of the unfortunate class of her sisters who fail to see in the home the divinest temple of peace and happiness that has been ordained by God.—Jackson (Texas) News. This Year’s Training Camps. Sufficient funds have been appro- priated by Congress at its current session to provide food, clothing transportation to and from camps, training, etc., of 4,300 young men from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Vir- ginia and District of Columbia at Cit- izens’ Military Training Camps this coming summer. Announcement to this effect was made by Major Gen- eral Douglas MacArthur, U. S. A, Headquarters Third Corps Area, Bal- timore, Maryland. Since the original encampment in 1921, this annual period of one month’s physical training and citizenship in- creasingly popular. Applications to attend these encampments invariably exceed the number provided for and are gradually increasing with the de- velopment of new features. It has therefore become necessary to assign population quotas to the various coun- ties, and to follow the “First come, first served” rule in approval of ap- plications. A large number of appli- cations to attend this year’s encamp- ment have already been received. In past years, Camp Meade, Mary- land, has been one of the largest camps for this purpose but will be supplanted this year by other mili- tary stations in the Third Corps Area, to be announced in the near future. Yeung men desiring to attend camp this year should make early appli- cation to the local representative of the Military Training Camps Associa- tion, or to the C. M. T. C. Officer, Headquarters Third Corps Area, Bal- tiimore, Maryland, from whom the necessary information and application blanks may be obtained. The Watchman publishes news when it is news. Read it. It Sounds Like the Truth. Dr. John A. Hutton says: ‘We recall the fine story of the Methodist lay preacher who took as his New Testament lesson the 21st chapter of the Revelation of St. John. Once he had entered upon the list of the twelve gates he made heavy work of it, with the beryls, and the jacinths, and the chrysoprasuses, but there was a moment when his eye lit up as though now hz saw his way. Finally he announced with a beatific counte- nance which was probably a mingling of physical relief that his task was over and also a genuine rapture over the assured prospects of his church throughout eternity: “And the twelfth a Methodist!” —Subseribe for the Watchman, NOTICE OF RECEIVERS’ SALE. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed, appointed by the Federal District Court im amd for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Receivers of the Central Refractories Company, by virtue of a de- cree of said Court, will expose to public sale or outery at Orviston, Centre Coun- ty, Pa., on Saturday, April the 9th, 1927, at ten A. BM. all the real estate of the said Central Refractories Company situ- ated in the Counties of Centre, Clinton and Lycoming Counties, together with the Company”s Brick Plant, Office, Sheds, Kilns, Dwelling Houses, Railroad Sidings, Nine knewn as the Centre Brick & Clay ant. ALSO the interests of the defendant Company in and to a Term of Lateral Railroad connecting the plant aforesaid with the Company’s clay and coal mines. ALSO a certain additions piece of land, thereon erected six of the kilns and dwelling houses. : AND ALSO all the stock of Brick, Tools, Horses, Supplies ,and all other tangible persomal assets belonging tc the said defendant Company. The real estate being more particular- ly described as follows, to wit: All the following messuages and pieces of ground situate in the State of Penn- Sylvania, bounded and described as fol- ows: 1st. All that piece of land situate in the Township ef Curtin, County of Cen- tre, and State eof Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on division line between the lamds in the warantee name of Robert Gray and John McCauley, and 1782 feet Northeast from the common corner of said Robert Gray, William Gray and John MeCaulay tracts, thence along said division line between the Robert Gray and John McCaulay North 57 de- grees 45 minutes East 1452 feet to a post, thence North 28 degrees east 693 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 23.25 acres; and being part of the Robert Gray tract of land; thereon erected the Main Plant, office, blacksmith shop, kilns, and some of the tenement houses of the Centre Brick and Clay Company. 2nd. All that lot of land situate in Curtin Township aforesaid, beginning at a point 160" perches West of the North- east corner of the Jesse Brooks survey; thence South: 230 perches to a post, thence West 320 perches to a post, thence North 230 perches to a post, thence East 320 perches to the place of beginning, Containing 460 acres; and being part of the Rebecca Kelso tract of land. 3rd. All that tract of land situate in the Township of Curtin aforesaid, be- ginning at a stone pile near the North Bank of the Three Rock Run, being the officail corner of three tracts of land, namely the William Gilbert, the Susanna Hahn and William Gray, thence North 27 degrees West 320 perches to stones, thence South 63 degrees and 30 minutes West 220 perches to stones, thence South 27 degrees East 322 perches to stones, thence North 63 degrees East 220 perches to stone, the place of beginning, Con- taining 449 acres; and being that tract of land surveyed in the warantee name of William Gilbert. 4th. All that certain tract of land situ- ate in the Township of Curtin aforesaid, containimg 175 acres; and being the Southern half of a tract of land survey- ed in tie warantee name of Jonathan Willing. 5th. All that lot of ground situate in the Township of Curtin aforesaid, bound- ed and described as follows, to wit: Begimning at a post on the North side of the right of way of the New York Central Railroad at the intersection of the said right of way with the property line of the Centre Brick and Clay Company, thence by said right of way South 67 de- grees 30 minutes East 200 feet, thence North 57 degrees 46 minutes East 265 feet to the South Bank of Beech Creek, thence by said Beech Creek in a Westerly di- rection about 250 feet to the line of the said Centre Brick and Clay Company South 57 degrees and 45 minutes West 365 feet to the place of beginning, Con- taining 13; acres more or less; and being part of a certain piece of land containing 8 acres more or less, of which the above described part is the nearest to and im- mediately adjacent to the main manu- facturing plant of the Centre Brick and Clay Company. 6th. All that lot of ground situate in the Town of Orviston, Township of Curtin {ioresald, bounded and described as fol- ows: Beginning at a post on the South Bank of Beech Creek, thence by property line of the Centre Brick and Clay Company South 57 degrees 45 minutes East 365 feet to post on right of way by the fol- lowing courses and distances; South 67 degrees 30 minutes East 400 feet; South 56 degrees 15 minutes Hast 500 feet; South 48 degrees East 720 feet; South 22 degrees 30° minutes East 1100 feet to a stone; thence North 69 degrees, thence by land of the Hayes Run Fire Brick Company North 69 degrees East 100 feet to the South Bank of Beech Creek; ee rm thence by the several courses and dis- tances along the South side of Beech Creek, to the place of beginning, Con- taining 8 acres more or less. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING therefrom six lots situate on Clinton and Lycoming streets, thereon erected 6 single 2-story houses, with slate roofs; being the same lots which J. Ellis Harvey et ux conveyed to S. M. Smith by Deed of In- denture dated November 24, 1913, and re- corded in Centre County in Deed Book 116, page 619. 7th. All that messuage or lot of land situate in the Town of Orviston, Town- ship of Curtin aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post on the South Bank of Hayes Run, thence South 27 degrees west 230 feet, thence South 63 degrees East 100 feet along the public road lead- ing from Orviston to Monument, thence North 27 degrees East 200 feet to a chest- nut on the Bank of Hayes Run, thence North 49 degrees and 30 minutes West 103 feet to the place of beginning; thereon erected a brick Bungalow, now used and occupied by the Superintendent of the Centre Brick and Clay Company. 8th. All the messuage or lot of land situate in the Township of Curtin, Coun- ty of Centre and being all that portion of a tract of land surveyed in the war- rantee name of Rebecca Kelso lying and being within the county of Centre, and being all that portion of said warantee fact lying West of the Clinton County ne. 9th. All those three separate messu- ages, tenements and parcels of land and interest therein described as follows: (a) One thereof, in the Township of Gallagher, County of Clinton, and State of Pennsylvania, lying on the West side of the Jersey Shore and Coudersport Turnpike, beginning at the Northeast corner of the Robert Morris warrant No. 4046 on the said old Turnpike; thence West along the line between said war- rant and the lands of Fredericks, to a line marker by the Tanning Company for hemlock bark and wide enough along the said Jersey Shore and Coudersport Turn- pike to make fifty acres with lines par- allel to and with the said Fredericks line. Oontaining 50 acres be the same more or ess. (b) All the minerals, coal, oil, ore, gas and fire brick clay on all those portions of two tracts of land situate in Gallagher Township, County of Clinton and State of Pennsylvania, surveyed in the war- ntee name of Robert Morris, No. 4046 and of Robert Morris No. 4058, said two pieces of land containing an aggregate of 819% acres. (c) The third purpart being a certain massuage or tract of land situate in the Township of Cu ngs, County of Ly- goming, bounded and described as fol- ows: Beginning at a stone the Southwest corner, thence by tract No. 4025 survey- ed in the warrantee name of John Nichol- son, North 46 depress East 118.8 perches to a hemlock, thence by warrant No. 4025 North 46 degrees ¥ast 118.8 perches to a hemlock, thence by warrant No. 4025 and by the William Morris South 46 degrees East 40 perches to hemlock, thence by land formerly of Samuel Sinck South 46 degrees West 116 perches to stone; thence by the Jersey Shore and Coudersport Turnpike in said place the division line between the Counties of Clinton and Lycoming North 50 degrees West 40 perches to the place of begin- ning, Containing 29 acres and 56 perches, be the same more or less, and being the Northeast end of the tract in the war- rantee name of Robert Morris No. 4046, and immediately adjacent to the purpart described in (a) and (b) of this item. TERMS OF SALE AS DIRECTED BY THE COURT being as follows: Ten per cent. of the purchase price on the day of sale. The remainder of one- third of the said purchase price on con- firmation by the District Court of the sale or sales. The remaining two-thirds to be secured by two bonds, one-third payable in ene year with interest, and the remaining third payable in two years with interest; said bonds to be secured by a mortgage upon the premises. The personal property if sold separately from the real estate to be paid for in cash. 0. S. KELSEY, W. D. ZERBY, Federal Receivers. no ) co i 3D + SESS SS SE The 4 Big oo) | [Li RSRoo CU l=] |= = eh - | 5 hn SMT @ All Winter Overcoats —- Price 65 Pair SRE | Sa Sm = ik od Fe ENS e aaa Opportunity Days at Fauble’s will surpass in Genuine Bargains anything we have ever attempt- ed in our entire forty years of merchandising- All Mens Work Shoes — Price WALKOVER Dress Shoes Odd lots of Hats, Underwear, Shirts, Neck- wear and Gloves will be displayed on the cen- ter tables of our furnishing department at give away prices In addition a general reduction of 10% on everything in the Store, including our New Spring Suits, Top Coats, and Stetson Hats, just received this week. FAUBLES Overdoing? Hurry, Worry and Overwork Bring Heavy Strain. ODERN life throws a heavy burden on our bodily ma- chinery. The eliminative organs, es- pecially the kidneys, are apt to be- come sluggish. Retention of excess uric acid and other poisonous waste often gives rise to a dull, languid feeling and, sometimes, toxic back- aches and headaches. That the kid- neys are not functioning perfectly is often shown by burning or scanty passage of secretions. More and more people are learning to assist their kidneys by the occasional use of Doan’s Pills—a stimulant diu- retic. Ask your neighbor! DOAN’S "4s 60c Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. ¥. Meats, Whether they be fresh, smoked or the cold-ready to serve—products, are always the choicest when they are purchased at our Market. We buy nothing but prime stock on the hoof, kill and re- frigerate it ourselves and we know it is good because we have had years of experience in handling meat products. Orders by telephone always receive prompt attention. Telephone 450 P. L. Beezer Estate Market on the Diamond BELLEFONTE, PA. 34-34 CHICHESTER S PILLS £18 A Ladies! your 23 nl Chi REA Sf sm SASHES I SASH Ll at - RR - $3.85 Lo) Le SASS tate Ue = HR SE = ed Ue Hh