EE BO RS Demon; Wald Bellefonte, Pa, March 18, 1927. P. GRAY MEEK, - Editor “Te Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real : samq Of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further motice at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50 Paid before expiration of year - 19 Paid after expiration of year - 2.00 Published weekly, every Friday morning. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class matter. In ordering change of address always given the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the paper discontinued. In all such cases the sub- scribtion must be paid up to date of can- cellation. A sample copy of the ‘Watchman’ will be sent without eost to applicants. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce that Harry E. (Dep.) Dunlap, of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for the nomination on the Demo- cratic ticket for the office Sheriff of Centre | county, subject to the decision of the Cen- tre county voters as expressed at the pri- maries to be held on Tuesday, September 20, 1927. FOR PROTHONOTARY. We are authorized to announce that Claude Herr, of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for the nomination on the Demo- | cratic ticket for the office of Prothonotary | of Centre county, subject to the decision of | the Democratic voters as expressed at the | Primary tc be held Tuesday, September 20, i 927. FOR TREASURER. We are authorized to announce that Ly- man L. Smith, of Centre Hall, will be a candidate for the nomination for County Treasurer subject to the decision of the Democratic voters of the county as ex- pressed at the primary to be held Septem- ber 20, 1927. FOR RECORDER. We are authorized to announce that Sinie H. Hoy, of Bellefonte, is a candidate for nomination on the Democratic ticket for the office of Recorder of Centre county, subject to the decision of the voters of the county as expressed at the primary to be held Tuesday, September 20, 1927. COUNTY COMMISSIONER We are authorized to announce that John S. Spearly will be a candidate for the nomination for County Commissioner on the Democratic ticket subject to the decis- ion of the voters of the party as expressed at the primaries on September 20th, 1927. We are authorized to announce that John W. Yearick, of Marion township, will be a candidate for the nomination of Coun- ty Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters as expressed at the primaries to be held September 20, 1927. ——————— eee. Republican Ticket. PRESIDENT JUDGE We are authorized to announce that M. Ward Fleming, of Philipsburg, Pa. Js a candidate for nomination for President Judge of the Courts of Centre county sub- ject to the decision of the Republican voters of the county as expressed at the primary to be held September, 20, 1927. We are authorized to announce that James C. Furst, of Bellefonte, Pa., it a candidate for nomination on the Republi: can ticket for the office of President Judge of the Courts of Centre county; subject to the decision of the Republican voters of the county as expressed at the primary to be held September 20, 1927. Coach Snavely Starts Spring Practice at Bucknell. i i Football fundamentals are being studied carefully by the Bucknell Uni- versity foctball squad in spring prac- | tices under coach Carl Snavely, form- | erly of the Bellefonte Academy. Tackling, charging, blocking, coming | out of the line in interference, and handling the ball are among the things | being emphasized by the Bison mentor. The new football rules are not worrying Snavely. He recently stated that he thinks all the changes will henefit the game. Snavely has never used the shift, and therefore has noth- ing to lose by that change. Snavely | also says that 15 seconds is more time than is needed for the huddle. When asked whether he will use the huddle next year he said, “Not if I follow my present plans. In my opin- ion, the huddle is not necessary or beneficial if your team has a quarter- back of commanding presence.” Fewer games will be won or lost by the point after touchdown, Snavely says. The drop kick or placement kick will necessarily have to be about 20 yards long to clear the bars, and this will cause many kicks to be miss- | ed. The Bisons will hold drills four days each week until the week follow- ing the Easter vacation, when the spring session will be brought to a close by a full week of drill. There are thirty men out for the practices. reree——— eee Miss Lulu B. Gingery, of Pine street, Bellefonte, widow of the late A. C. Gingery, who died about a year ago, has been granted a pension un- der the act of May 1st, 1926, at the rate of $20 2 month from March 2nd, 1926, to June 4th, 1926, and $30 a month thereafter, with an allowance of $4 a month for each of three minor children from March 2nd, 1926, to June 4th, 1926, and $6 a month for each of the children thereafter, to gether with payment of invalid accru- ed pension to date of her husband’s | death. | According to figures issued by the State Highway Department Cen- tre countians during 1926 owned 7,- 659 passenger automobiles and 1238 commerical cars and trucks for which “they paid license fees totaling $139, 910.33. During the year Centre coun- ty gas dealers sold gasoline to a total value of $69,713.48, according to the two cent tax returns made to the State, one-fourth of the above amount, or $17,428.37 being returned to Centre county. BELLEFONTE’S PATRIARCH GONE. THADDEUS R. HAMILTON. In the passing away of Thaddeus R. Hamilton, at his home on north Alle- gheny street at four o'clock on Mon- day morning, Bellefonte is bereft of one of its most substantial and best known citizens, a man who had been a land-mark through successive genera- tions and one with an historic past rivaling that of any other Centre coun- tian. =A representative of the old- time families of Bellefonte he was a son of William and Mary Curtin Brew Hamilton. while his mother was there tempoz- arily, on February 16th, 1836, and the day before he celebrated his 91st anniversary he walked down street and spent a brief time in the Watch man office. A sufferer for some time past with arterio sclerosis he develop- ed asthmatic complications several weeks ago and this, no doubt, hasten- ed his death. . When his mother returned from Clearfield with her baby boy to her home in the old stone house standing where the Landsy Annex is now locat- ed she had only a mother’s concern for the future of her first baby. When only a few years old his father died and his mother went to Curtin whepe ‘his boyhood life was spent and it was there he got his education in the pu lic schools. When a lad in his teens he went to Philipsburg and entered the planing mill of Irish & McCann to learn the trade of a wood werking mechanic. He finished his trade when twenty years of age and at the solici- tation of Mr. Irish accompanied him to Nebraska where the latter estab- lished a planing mill at Nebraska City. The trip was made by rail to Pittsburgh, down the Ohio river to the Mississippi thence up that river and the Missouri to St. Louis and from there overland to Nebraska. The Kansas war was just about closing and affairs in that section wer: in an unsettled and dangerous condi- tion, so that Mr. Hamilton’s first year in the west was marked with several thrilling adventures. He spent two years Nebraska City and early in 1858 word reached there of the find- ing of gold in Colorado and a party of twenty men, including Mr. Hamil- ton, left at once for the Pike’s Peak district. It took them five months to make the trip, having encountered various bands of Indians on the way. On arrival in Colorado Mr. Hamilton pre-empted a large tract of land at the junction of Cherry creek with the Platte river, on which to-day stands about one-half the city of Denver, and this he later traded for a mule to be used in his prospecting trips into the raountains. All told Mr. Hamilton spent ten years in the west, staked out quite a number of claims some of which prov- ed worthless and others being in lo- cations that would have made him fabulously wealthy had he held on to them and could have obtained the fa- cilties to develop them as they were developed in after years. His pros- pecting trips took him north, south and west of Denver and he saw that city grow from a mining camp into the beginning of what it is today. When the Civil war broke out a reg- | iment of infantrymen was promptly organized at Denver and later they came in conflict with a body of Texas Rangers sent up to capture the town. The Rangers were overwhelmingly defeated. In 1866 Mr. Hamilton re- turned east and going to New York and Boston succeeded in selling some of his claims for what in those days seemed a fair sum of money. He then went to Wilkes-Barre where he pur- chased a planing mill but the wan- derlust was still in his veins and dis- posing of his plant he went to New York and set sail for South America. He spent some time on the south- ern continent then rounded Cape Horn and sailed up the Pacific to California. Going ashore in the southern part of the State he was on the point of pur- chasing a six hundred acre plantation in the San Bernardino wvalley when word came there of a gold strike in Nevada and he joined the first caval- He was born in Clearfield, | | cade bound for that State. It was on | this trip that he crossed the Mohave i and the great desert in Arizona, en- ! during all the hardships of the early | pioneers and escaping death on var- i ious occasions by narrow margins. He | | iia in the far { for home, so returned east to Belle- | fonte. Unlike his first trip west the last {rip home was made by railroad, { the Union Pacific railroad having been | built through to the coast. Almost forty years of age, he had had enough of roving so decided to settle down in Bellefonte and work at his trade as a wood working mechanic. For many years he was foreman in the old Ardeil Lumber company plan- ing mill and later the Bellefonte Lum- ber company, eventually building a ‘small mill of his own on his property on east Howard street, where he work- ed every day until about six years ago when he decided to retire from active work. Mr. Hamilton was a lifelong mem- ber of St. John’s Catholic church and a charter member of the Logan fire company. He was a man of sterling character and integrity and a citizen whose passing away is a loss to the town. : : : On December 23rd, 1875, while on a business trip to Philadelphia, he mar- ried Miss Anna Quinn who passed away on March 26th, 1922. He is sur- vived. however. by two sons and one daughter, J. Clarence and Thomas Hamilton, of Jersey City, and Mrs. E. M. Broderick, of State College. He also leaves one brother, Thomas Ham- ilton, who celebrated his 89th anni- versary on January 13th. Funeral mass was held in the Cath- olic church at ten o’cleck yesterday morning by Rev. Father Downes, after interment was made in the: which Catholic cemetery. il i RINE.—Edward Edwin Rine died at his home at Coleville, last Thursday evening, following an illness of some months with a complication of dis- eases. : He was a son of Charles and Sarah Scullin Rine and was born in Belle- fonte a little over fifty-two years ago. As a young man he worked in the Adams express office in Bellefonte for a number of years but of late had been employed by the American Lime and Stone company, his last job being that of warehouse foreman. He married Miss Sarah Gessner on August 12th, 1900, who survives with four children, Joseph, at home; An- drew, Louise, at home. He was a member of St. John’s Catholic church and fun- | eral services were held in the church at ten o’clock on Saturday morning by Rev. Father Downes, burial being made in the Catholic Saleen wsme | RUPP.—Philip R. Rupp, a well known carpenter and contractor of State College, died on Tuesday fol- lowing an illness of two months. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rupp and was born in Altoona 52 years ago. He had been a resident of State College for seventeen years. He married Miss Bertha Riggle who sur- ‘vives with three children, Chester R., ' of State College; Mrs. J. G. Rigby, of Pine Grove Mills, and Mildred, at home. He also leaves his father and five sisters. Funeral services will be held at ten o’clock this (Friday) morn- ing by Rev. Mackey, burial to be made in the Pine Hall cemetery. ! I [i TIPTON.—Mrs. Mary Ann Tipton, March 4th at the home of her son, John Tipton, in Howard township, as the result of gall stones, aged 77 vears and 11 months. She is surviv- ed by her husband, the son above named and one daughter, Mrs. Her- bert Fleck, of Altoona; also one sis- ter, Mrs. Elizabeth Haines, of Howard township. Funeral services were held in the Fairview Evangelical church on Monday morning of last week, by Rev. L. F. Sheetz, burial being made in the Schenck cemetery. "i west until 1875 | when ke cculd not resist the longing of Pittsburgh; Francis and wife of Washington Tipton, died on | | DOUGHERTY.—Harry L. Dough- {erty died last Thursday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. i Dougherty, in Tyrone, following a prolonged illness. | A son of William O. and Sarah J. | Lauck Dougherty, he was born in Fer- | guson township, Centre county, on | September 17th, 1886, hence was past forty years of age. When a boy his parents moved to Altoona and he was educated in the public schools of that place, later taking a coufse in civil engineering at State College where he graduated in 1911. His first job was as a civil engineer in Lock Haven, later going with the State Highway Department in Tioga county. From there he was transferred to Washing- ton county as superintendent of high- ways and it was while holding thal position that he contracted a heavy cold which developed into lung trou- ble. On the advice of his physician he went to New Mexico and improving somewhat accepted the position of professor of civil engineering in the | University of New Mexico. Eyentu- : ally, however, he was compelled to re- | linquish the work owing to his im- { paired health, and in due time return- j ed east to the home of his parents, ‘ who had moved from Altoona to Ty- | rone. i He was a member of the Lutheran | church, the Wellsboro Lodge of Ma- sons and the Phi Kappa Phi fraterni- ity of the University of New Mexico. He is survived by his parents and | three brothers, Earl, of Williamsport; i Charles, of Altoona, and Theodore M., | of Tyrone. ! Funeral services were held at the Dougherty home, in Tyrone, at one o’clock on Sunday afternoon, by Rev. . Walter K. Harnish, after which the remains were taken to Pine Hall for interment in the cemetery at that place. Il I GILLILAND.—Miss Hannah C. Gil- land, an aged and highly respected , maiden lady of Karthaus, passed away rat her home in that place, on Wed- i nesday, March 2nd, as the result of | general infirmities due to her advanc- red age. | She was the daughter and eldest {child of John and Lydia Smith Gil- { liland, and was born in Potter town- ship, Centre county, on December 15th, 1838, hence had reached the age of 88 years, 2 months and 15 days. When a girl her parents moved to Karthaus township, Clearfield county, and she had been a resident of that | vicinity ever since. In spite of the { fact that she was always frail and in 1 delicate health she outlived her c¢n- - tire family with the exception of a . younger sister, Mary, with whom she lived. Four brothers, Dr. William S. land Joseph Gilliland, of Karthaus; { Edward I., of Clearfield, and Robert C., of Snow Shoe, all passed away { within the past few years. Miss Gilliland was a great reader, !a keen observer of men and evenis and blessed with a remarkable mem- ory even through her declining years, making her an interesting personal- ity. She was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian church and in her home exemplified the traditional family hospitality. Funeral services were held at her late home at Karthaus on March 5th, by Rev. H. A. Croyle, burial being in the Dunnstown cemetery. I i WESTON.—Mrs. Emma Weston . died last Saturday at the home of her | daughter, Mrs. Frank Barnes, at Pleasant Gap, as the result of gen- eral debility, aged 85 years. Mrs. Weston was one of the oldest school teachers in Pennsylvania, having taught for more than fifty years, prin: cipally in Huntingdon and Blair coun- ties. As a young woman she chose teaching as a profession but gave it up during the few years of her mar- ried life. Her ‘husband died shortly after the Civil war and she again re- go ba sumed ‘teaching and continued at the work for half a century. Following her retirement she spent. a few years at Tyrone but five years ago went to the home of her daughter, Mrs. i Barnes, at Pleasant Gap, where her declining years were spent. Rev. M. . C. Piper had charge of the funeral ‘ which was held on Tuesday, the re- ‘mains being taken to Warriorsmark for burial. | | ! POLE re Malissa ; Folk, wid- l ow of Joshua T. Folk, at one time a i member of the Bellefonte police force, | died at the home of her son John, in | Renovo, last Friday morning, follow- ing an illness of some weeks. She { was 69 years old and the greater part of her life was spent in Bellefonte. i Following the death of her husband ‘twenty or more years ago the family ‘moved to Lock Haven and later to Renovo. In addition to her son named | above she is survived by two daugh- { ters, Mrs. Smead, of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. Harriet Funk, of Cleveland, | Ohio. The remains were taken to | Lock Haven where funeral services [were held in the First Methodist | church, on Monday, burial being made | in the Dennstown cemetery. | I} BARTLEY Alvin Wesley Bartley, ia native of Bellefonte, died at his ! home in Lock Haven, last Saturday morning, following a year’s illness. | He was a son of Henry and Magdaline | Bartley and was born in Bellefonte i 66 years ago. He went to Lock Hav- i en when a young man and for thirty- | five years had been employed at the Hipple planing mill. He was a mem- ber of the Lutheran church, of that city, and the Lock Haven lodge of Maccabees. Surviving him are his wife and three sons, Harry E., Charles F., and Thomas R., all of Lock Haven. He also leaves two sisters and a brother, Mrs. Charles Heisler and Mrs. Robert Gentzel, of Beaver Falls, and Austin Bartley, of Altoona. Funeral services were held at his late home at three o'clock on Wednesday afternoon by Rev. C. H. Stein, burial being made in the Dunnstown cemetery. -——DMen’s King”—$4.50. Bellefonte, Pa. fishing boots—“Storm Nittany Shoe Store, 11-1t Bellefonte Business Men Lose in De- tective Agency. Bellefonte business men who re- cently took out a protective member- ship in the J. Leidy Tatem Secret Service Detective Agency are now wondering just where they are at. The agency had headquarters in Phila- delphia and because of charges of fraudulently collecting fees without rendering promised private detective service in return, the detective license of the poprietor, J. Leidy Tatem, was revocated in quarter sessions court at Philadelphia last Friday. On February 23rd three strangers made their appearance in Bellefonte and put up at the Brockerhoff house. One of the men registered as J. Leidy Tatem and the other two were his as- sistants. They spent three days here and canvassed the town in the inter- est of their detective and collection agency. In addition to offering secret service detective work to any who would become members they purport- ed to be a collection agency and would collect bad bills for an average of ten per cent. fee. The price for a membership in the agency was ten dollars and quite a number of Bellefonte business men bit. Most of them were influenced in doing so because of the collection de- | partment of the agency. So far as can be ascertained none of the Bellefonte members have re- ceived any benefit so far from their investment in the Tatem scheme, and ' now that the agency’s license has been revoked they are not likely to. ——Men’s King”—$4.50. Bellefonte, Pa. fishing boots—“Storm Nittany Shoe Store, 11-1t Sathre—Pletcher.—Louis Sathre, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Miss Hazel Pletcher, a daughter of the late F. Milford and Mrs. Pletcher, were mar- ried on March 2nd by justice of the peace A. A. Pletcher, at his home in Howard. During the past six years the bride has been one of Howard’s successful school teachers. The bride- groom is a marine engineer by occupa- tion and is employed on the vessels sailing the Great Lakes. ——Boy’s. “Storm King”. fishing boots, $8.75. Nittany "Shoe Store, Bellefonte, Pa. An Apology. The following members of the As- sociated Business Men through an er- ror were not advertised on the large golden opportunity bills, but they will have in their stores many bargains that will pay you to investigate: Ly- on & Co., A. Fauble, A. C. Mingle and Carpeneto. THE ASSOCIATED BUSINESS MEN OF BELLEFONTE. —-~A new covered porch is being built around two sides of the Brant house in this place. Miss Nina Lamb entertained at a bridge luncheon, on ' Wednesday evening, most of the ests being members of her bridge club. St. Pat- rick’s day favors and decorations pre- dominated. The affair was in honor of Miss Mary Shelton, whose marriage to Charles Cruse will take place short- ly after Easter. ——The total receipts at the Frank Donovan sale, on Monday, amounted to $6124.80. tl i, a ——The Methodist Brotherhood will go to Lock Haven tonight, in a body, to attend the conference district meet- ing of the organization, i ——— A ————— ——The venerable Aaron Fahr and his son Roland have left the vicinity of Julian and moved onto the William Groh Runkle farm below Bellefonte. ——C. A. Ferguson, who came home from Pittsburgh a month ago on ac- count of illness, is still confined to his home on High street. He is now showing some improvement and has hopes of getting out shortly. Keystone Power Corporation. NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. The Board of Directors has declared quarterly dividend No. 20 of one and three-quarters (1-34) per cent. upon the 7 per cent Preferred Stock of Keystone Power Corporation, for the quarter ending March 31, 1927, payable April 1, 1927 to stock-holders of record at the close of busi- ness on March 21, 1827. 72-11-1t G. E. MURRIE, Secretary. GETTING UP NIGHTS Tells You of “Danger Ahead.” A Normal Bladder Does Not Act at Nights. A. C. Smith, 41 W. Broad St. Bethlehem, Pa., says: I am willing to tell or write of the benefits received from Lithiated Buchu (Keller Formula). I now rise in the morn- ing refreshed and feeling fine.” It cleanses the bladder as epsom salts do the bowels, thercby neutralizing excess acids and driving cut foreign matter which are causes of abnormal bladder action. Keller Laboratory, Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Sold by all drug stores. Locally at C. M. Parrish’'s Drug Store. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, OR RENT.—Home with all modern conveniences, apply to Mrs. John P. Lyon, 103 West Curtin St. 11-2¢ URNISHED APARTMENT, 4 rooms, F with all conveniences, in Petrikin hall, is for rent. Apply to Tan- ner's Cut Rate Drug Store. Bellefonte. 72-11 F can be divided into three apart- ments for light housekeeping. Call 304J, Bellefonte. 72-11-1t S of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on Saturday, April 9th, 1927. The following property: All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in the Township of Worth, County of Centre and State of Penna, bounded and described as follows, owit : Beginning at a hemlock, thence South 64 degrees East 80 perches to a Hemleck; thence South 70 degrees East 119 perches %0 | a Chestnut Oak; thence South 43 degrees East 126 perches to stones; thence North 4734 degrees West 52 perches to a White | Oak; thence North 60 degrees West 38 | perches to a post; thence North 80 degrees West 120 perches to a Pine Stump; thence N. 31 degrees East 30 perches to a Chestnut; thence North 70 degrees East 56 perches to. stones; thence North 26 degrees East 54 perches to the place of beginning. Con-- taining 114 acres net. As found recorded in the Recorders office of Centre county in. Deed Book 120 page 609 Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mrs. Fred Wenzel and Fred Wenzel. Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock p. m. of’ said day. E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, Bellefonte, i Pa., March 12th 1927. ! HERIFF’'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ y of Plu. Fieri Facias issued out of i the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, to. me directed, will be ex- ‘posed to public sale at the Court House in the borough of Bellefonte on | SATURDAY, ‘APRIL 9th, 1927, | The following property: TE | All that certain farm and tract of land { situate partly in Huston Township and partly in Worth Township, Centre County, Penna., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a Post, corner of lands of John P. Stevens, thence by land surveyed in Warrantee name of Short Delaney, 8. 32 deg. W. 224 per. to stones, corner of’ George Williams improvements, S. 39 deg. E. 81 per. to 2 Chestnut oak; thence S. 29 deg. E. Jiper. to stones; thence N. 32 deg. E. 163 perches more or less, to small Black Oak, corner of land sold by Hugh Glenn to John P. Stiver; thence by same N. 22 deg. W. 156 perches to place of beginning. Containing 123 acres more or less . Being the same premises which were conveyed unto Hugh Glenn, grantor. hereto, by John P. Condo, Sheriff of Centre Coun- . ty, by deed dated the 27th of August, 1896, . which said deed is recorded in the office of the Prothonotary of Centre County in . Book “G” of acknowledgement of Sheriff's: : deeds. : i ALSO, All that certain messuage, tene- ment and tract of land situate in the ; Township of Worth, County of Centre and i State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des- i eribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a Post at the base of the Allegheny Mountains, thence by land of George Williams, Sr. S. 28 deg. E. 120% per. to stones; thence by lands of George Williams Jr., N. 491 deg. E. 85 perches to stones; thenze by land of Joseph F. Wil- liams N. 28 deg. E. 171 per. to Chestnut oak; thence by land of Joseph F. Williams and Hugh Glenn N, 39 deg. W. 123 per. to ‘Poplar; thence along base of Allegheny’ Mountains. 8; 43% deg. W, 70 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 055 acres and 32 perches. ' The above described tract was ‘surveyed from 'a larger tract which was held by Geo. Williams Sr., by virtue of an Improvement, and the same tract which George Williams Sr., and Mary, his wife, by their deed dated January 30th, 1880, and conveyed to Wilson Williams, grantor hereto. Together with whatever buildings or improvements there are there- on erccted. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold OR RENT.—3 story house, 10 rooms,. HERIFI'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ 72-11-3t ‘| as the property of A. C. Williams. Sale to commence at 1.30 o’clock p. m. of | said day. E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Bellefonte, Pa., March 12th 1927. 72-11-3t 0 Make People Happier to sive them the full use vision—is a worthy work. lieves the discomfort and inconvenience of defective vision To be able to help folks get more out of life, socially, and to help them to greater financial gains, is a real contribution to human welfare. satisfaction because we are performing such service every day. Any member of your family, any friend, or any employe will re- ceive the utmost courtesy and scrupulous professional attention is well worth while. if recommended to our care. Casebeer Registered Established 1906 Broken Lens Matched of the priceless faculty of To perform a service that re- Qur work gives us joy and Optometrist BELLEFONTE sae Frames Repaired