Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 18, 1927, Image 3

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emo aca
Bellefonte, Pa., March 18, 1927.
Paris and It’s Wonders
By Rev. L. M. Colfelt D. D.
Human thought, notwithstanding
its intensity, wants to follow all the
marvellous advances of physical
science. The changes wrought by
steam, magnetism, electricity, the dis-
covery of new gases and the composi-
tion of chemical substances. Priest-
ly discovered oxygen, Lavoisier ana-
lyzed the atmosphere, detected vor-
ties concealed in different minerals
helpful to agriculture and found a
great number of alkaloids, till then,
unknown which gave new acids to
medicine. Electricity came to add to
these wonders. From the mysteries
of Cagliostro, we come to the experi-
ments of Galvani, who lent movement
and apparent animation by his elec-
tric sparks to the limbs of dead ani-
mals. From the rudimentary experi-
ments of Galvani, we arrived at the
knowledge of the laws of the electric
fluid, thanks to Volta and in perfect-
ing his discoveries he arrived at the
great fountain of electricity by means
of the voltic combination. Morse,
proudly be it said, am— American be-
longing to the race of Franklin, the
first whom the Almighty thought
worthy to hold the lightning in his
hand, Morse invented the telegraph
and put the electro-magnetic fluid, the
soul of fearful tempests under the do-
minion of man.
But in 1881 for the first time in
the history of humanity were all the
applications of electricity collected
under one roof, that of the Electrical
Exposition of Paris, signalizing the
fact that the race had just entered
upon a new cycle of advance and that
the marvels of the era of electricity
would far surpass the wonders of that
of steam. The epoch of electricity as
a communication had been astounding,
reaching its climax in the submarine
cables which bound the world together.
The cycle of electricity as an illumina-
tor was just opening the storehouse
of its mysteries and its glories, This
first Exposition expedited this and
furnished a meeting ground for elec-
tric engineers and scientific men from
all parts of the globe as well as
brought the utility of electricity to
the knowledge of that great public
upon whose acceptance or rejection,
every great invention so much de-
pends. Indeed, the invention may
come but the discovery will die still-
‘born unless humanity is ready to ac-
cept. This is perhaps the reason that
the age of invention had to wait the
arrival of the age of democracy, and
a race emancipated from the tyranny
of custom, on the Qui Vive to wel-
come nothing that would hasten pro-
duction and economize labor. Fore-
ible illustrations of the necessity of
‘a public to welcome the production of
the inventor abounded in the Exposi-
tion. “Verily, there is nothing new
under the sun” as scientific men had
to confess when they examined with
wonder the Palacaennotii electro mo-
tors which resembled so closely the
Gramme and the Brush machines, and
so long antedated them. The three-
‘needle telegraph of Antoine Magnini
of the University of Padua was made
in 1838. The five-needled instrument
of Wheatstone was perfected in 1837.
The Italian instrument however, was
the apparatus in which the signals
were made by notes on a keyboard
representing the letters of the alpha-
“bet. The depression of any one letter
made the prcper contact on the three
‘circuits so as to move the three nee-
dles in the right direction.
We witnessed the first practical
use of the electric light on the Rue
-de 1 Opera and from our window in
the Hotel Grand could observe the
performance of the Jablakoff light
every night. There was a steely,
sepulchral tinge that characterized it.
‘In the Place as well as the Grand din-
ing salon, the same light was used
and apart from a brilliance too splen-
did for the space lighted was not ob-
jectionable. It is to be remembered
that the subdivision of the electric
‘light and ‘its adaptation to small
areas had not as yet been worked out.
It remained for Edison to conquer
‘this difficulty which, at that time,
caused the workmen in the Royal
Arsenal at Woolwich to complain that
the brightness of the light affected
the nerves of the eye and they could
not see well when using ordinary
lights in their own homes.
Strolling through the building one
saw but in embryo the multitudinous
applications of electricity which have
since become universal necessities.
Here were street cars and railway
carriages beginning to be propelled
by electricity, there sewing machines,
instruments for cutting steel and
manufacture of an astonishing num-
ber and variety of the smallest arti-
cles. Over yonder mighty machinery
was whirled round with lightning let
down from Heaven while by my side
the telephone whispered the low tones
of the human voice. Perhaps that
which attracted our curiosity most
was the Induction Balance used to
‘locate the bullet in the body of Presi-
dent Garfield. It was afterwards
stated that the post mortem examina-
tion proved that the diagnosis by
‘Professor Béll proved inadequate. But
after experiments carried out correct-
ly justified the claims of the inven-
tion. An illustation of the accuracy
of the machine occurred during my
visit. Mr. Elisha Gray, an American
well known ‘in connection with the
telephone was a disbeliever in the in-
duction balance as a means of diag-
nosis. He said to Professor Hughes,
“Thirty years ago when working at
some metal work, a filing of iron en-
tered my finger. The more I tried to
extract it the deeper it went in. I be-
lieve it is still there and if your instru-
ment is of any value you ought to be
able to tell me which ‘finger it is.”
Professor Hughes ‘tested Mr. Gray's
fingers but none gave any sound un-
til he came to the forefinger of the
right hand when the balance of the
«coils was. quite destroyed.and & noise
| was given out. This was the very
finger in which the filing was buried
thirty years before. The doubter was
There has always been a fear on
the part of the religionists that science
may prove a menace to its central
truths but no one observing its trend
especially in our century can escape
the conviction that whether con-
sciously or unconsciously to its vo-
taries, science is ascending from the
material nearer and nearer to the
ideal and the spiritual. In the pro-
gress from steam to electricity,
science is leading humanity away from
the idolatry of brute matter and the
excess of materialism. With the
brain of man evolving these marvels
and the discovery of such etherial
force in the universe it is impossible
to forget the soul we bear within us
and deny the spirit who animates the
universe. No part of human labor is
lost. The Divinity is no more absent
from the world’s material progress,
its science, its art, than from its relig-
ion. If we divide into divine and no:
divine, we deliver up the world to
Mancheism and the Devil with reason
would dispute with God a part of crea-
tion. The thunders which let loose
from the heavens their electric floods,
the Prometheau fires man draws down
to illuminate his abode and drive his
machinery with swift movement
proves a spirit of power and light just
as truly as the wonders of revelation.
i The prophet of old declared he saw “A
Spirit in the wheels,” and the modern
miracles clasp hands with the Judean
revelation and proclaim together tle
sublime dogma, God is a Spirit. To
form this supreme idea all the mater-
ial universe, all science, and all the
human race are bringing their con-
tingents. To form it the ancient Jews
and modern art have alike contributed.
This idea as the sap, as the blood, as
the electric fluid of the planet, more
and more distinctly, is projecting it-
self everywhere. Men are uncon-
sciously forging it with their hammers,
painting it with their brushes, striv-
ing toward it in their progress. Nev-
er now can this bright etherial vision
of a Spiritual Deity be blotted out of
the human imagination and the race
sink back and down to bow before
material idols. The recollections of
material gods are forever scattered
to the winds and the heart of human-
ity is raised, to the loving Jehovah,
the Absolute Being, the Eternal Es-
sence, the God of Nature and of
Spirit, elevated above the transforma-
tions of history and who communi-
cates to man the knowledge of Him-
self and the hope of immortality.
Paris was astounding enough under
the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte. In
the short space of twelve years, that
collected more works of art, added
more embellishment than the three
preceding reigns combined. Bona-
varte indemnified the Parisians for
the loss of liberty by improving their
city. No man ever more perfectly
guaged the French character. To
soothe the horror of Paris at the mur-
der of the Duc d’ Enghien, he ordered
that a new opera should be brought
out. During his rule fine streets were
opened, quays were constructed, the
Seine bridges were successively erect-
ed and the canal of Ourcq was opened
to facilitate the conveyance of goods.
Twenty-four new fountains and eight
covered markets were added. The
Colonnades of the Louvre were em-
bellished and the works by which the
same palace was united to the Tulleries
were begun. A triumphal arch, load-
ed with ornaments, equal in dimension
to that erected to Septimus Serveras
at Rome arose on the Carousel to
commemorate the Austrian campaign
of 1805. A similar monument of col-
lossal size crowns the entrance to the
Champs Elysee. The Church of the
Magdalen was enlarged and the pres-
ent pericstyle was built around the
Chamber of Deputies. A pillar after
the model of the one raised to An-
tonine in Rome, covered with basso-
relievos and surmounted by the statue
of its founder adorned Vendome Place.
Lastly, the Exchange, the most sump-
tuous building in Paris was founded
on a site previously encumbered with
old houses, But even after the fall
of Napoleon the First, the embellish-
ment of Paris has never been arrested
by invasions, defeats and the exhaus-
tion of finances. Under the King and
Chamber of Deputies, under Bourbon
and Bonapartist regime, Paris has
been so entirely rebuilt as to change
utterly its whole aspect. The trav-
eler who expects a historical and
hoary city will find a jeune metropo-
lis with an air of modern glitter which
deprives it of almost everything in the
way of the picturesque for which it
was once remarkable. One would nev-
er dream that Caesar visited Paris
(then Lutecia) fifty-five years before
the Christian era, that Clovis selected
it. for his residence, that it was pill-
aged by the Normans and fortified by
the successors of Charlemagne. Gaz-
ing at the squares of white buildings
lining the boulevards, much alike and
rather monotonous, we would imagine
that the city was built last week.
Ruskin, sighing for the ancient and
worshipping the picturesque, would
scoff at Paris as much as he did at
young America. Under the magic
wand of Napoleon 111 and Baron
Hausseman, it emerged like a butter-
fly from its chrysalis, so bright and
gay and elegant that it has almost for-
gotten its antecedents. One would
have imagined that Paris could never
again be what it was under the Sec-
ond Empire when it never ceased to
present a succession of marvels. That
was a gala display of fireworks, a
shower of golden rain, that could
hardly be repeated. But the debacle
with its windup of September, 1870,
was terrible, setting the Empire an
all France in a blaze. Yet the Paris
of my visit in 1881, in all its aspect,
manners and humors was more as-
tounding than at any previous date
in its history. At no time was there
a richer display of wealth and taste
in the shops, more gaiety and live-
liness among all the inhabitants and
a wider repertoire of all those inex-
haustible resources of the theatres and
operas that cater to the amusements
and pleasures of civilized society.
Driving along the great boulevards,
marking the magnificence of the
street architecture and the public
monuments we tired of the massive
grandeur and we asked our Cocher to
show us the private residences. He
points to the upper stories of the
shops. It is said the French language
has no word for “Home.” It certain-
ly has no place for it. The greater
part of the two million of inhabitants
live in apartments with nothing of
the privacy of domesticity. This is
probably at the bottom of the whole
Laizzez Faire philosophy of Paris for
it would be a likel to accuse all France
of the vices of Paris, much of which
is an exotic and not a native product.
The apartment system is eminently
suitable to the Parisian woman’s ideal
of the marital state. She prefers to
live abroad. She scouts at the idea
of marriage as a condition in which
two people are to be tied up by them-
selves. She regards it as an associa-
tion for the purpose of larger liberty
for both parties. There are examples.
She says with a shrug, of married peo-
ple who live at home “Oui vivent en
sauvages” but she does not desire the
honor of so small a company. It is
easy to see what peril such a philoso-
phy is to home peace and what oppor-
tunities for discontent and laxity are
presented in the lives of the crowds
of Parisiens who never stop at home
and whose lives are almost exclusive-
ly passed with others.
The last Revolution seems to have
borne the most substantial fruits of
all the political upheavals of France.
The Republic is firmly established and
[all the Legitimists, Orleanists, Bona-
partists, have ceased to be live politi-
cal factors. The Republic has not
only called into existence thirty-five
million of men to whom liberty and
an intelligent voice in the nation’s gov-
ernment are not a purple dream but
a splendid possession, but it will in-
evitably change the political system
of all Europe. Ideas cannot be quar-
antined, they are more contagious
than disease and more dangerous than
armies. The Republic of France can-
not live in the heart of Europe with-
out sounding the death-knell of every
tyrant, be he petty prince or imperial
lord. It will speak the language of
hope to all who have been borne down
by political servitude and to all who
have dispaired of seeing the rule of
absolutism everywhere overthrown.
Across the Elbe, over the vineyards of
the Rhine, they have need to fear
something else than the tread of
French troops, that something is the
impalpable invasion of the free ideas
of France. As well try to confine
light, air, electricity, the magnetic
fluid. They are above human power
and need but to permeate the nation to
effect the conquest of Europe. May
I modestly add that this prophecy,
made nearly fifty years ago, has been
signally fulfilled and the contagion of
French Democracy with its watch-
words of “Liberte Egalite, Frat-
ernite” has spread to every nation and
almost discrowned every King in Eu-
Tt ttt m— ec ce t——————
The President’s Choice.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Something more than an economic
question confronted President Cool-
idge when the Mc-Nary-Haugen farm
relief bill was laid on his doorstep by
Congress. He had a politieal decision
to make. To sign the bill would be
to incur the displeasure of the indus-
trial and manufacturing interests of
the East. To veto it would be to
alienate the powerful agricultural in-
terests of the West. The farmers of
the South could be ignored; they
would be hostile to the President and
his party by tradition in either event.
If the President had allowed ex-
pediency to govern his action, the
farm relief bill would probably have
been approved. Powerful as are the
interests which oppose it, so long as
they have their protective tariff this
price-fixing measure is not vital to
them. They would have regarded its
enactment into law as a bit of econom-
ic folly, but they would have forgiven
the President’s part in it before Ne-
Wi of 1928. Not so easily placat-
cry for relief and recognition, their
demand for an equivalent of the tariff
advantages enjoyed by industry, is in-
sistent. * After each repulse they have
reformed their disorderd ranks and
marched again toward their set objec-
tive. The President must have clear-
ly foreseen that a decision contrary
to the wishes of the farmers would be
provocative of a declaration of war
which has, indeed, already come from
the embattled agriculturists of Illinois
and will doubtless be speedily echoed
in other States in the corn and wheat
Under the circumstances it cannot
be doubted that President Coolidge’s
veto was dictated by honest regard
for the country’s welfare as he sees
it. He did not choose the path of
least resistance. Let that be set down
to his credit. He invoked a spirit of
sectional hostility which is bound to
be a serious, if not a governing, fac-
tor in next year’s campaign.
The Democratic party, beset by the
pitfalls into which it fell in the Madi-
son Square Garden convention, should
avoid the new one which now yawns
temptingly. It behooves it to champ-
ion the cause of the farmer, but not
wildly, not unreasoningly, and not on
the specific issue which the President’s
veto of the MecNary-Haugen bill
raises. That a Republican President
killed that bill is not a testimonial to
its intrinsic merit or to the principle
on which it was based. The duty of
the Democratic party in the prem-
ises is to point out the way to farm
relief without inflicting economic in-
jury on those who make a living with-
out tilling the soil. The farmer's
grievance is that he is the prey of a
privileged class, and the proposed
remedy is to put him in a privileged
class by himself. That is not a Dem-
ocratic remedy. The farmer’s prob-
lem can be solved only by an applica-
tion of the good old Democratic prin-
ciple of equal rights for all and spe-
cial privilege for none.
—The United States has invest-
ments totalling $350,000,000 in Chile.
Most of these have been made since
1908, when the Chilean copper boom
began to spread. Some American
money has gone into the nitrate busi-
ness; but most of it is in copper.
will be the Western farmers. Their,
Touchiness, when it becomes chronic, is
a morbid condition of the inward disposi-
tion. It is self-love inflamed to the acute
—The lines are straight in my new
gowns, just as they were last season,
and simplicity is their distinguishing
characteristic. My ideal has always
been, in making gowns, to create
wholly Parisian things, and I hold
firmly to this desire now and always
shall. I should prefer having people
say of a gown of mine, “It is Paris-
ian” than “It is beautiful.” For
beauty, we know, is a superficial at-
tribute, whereas the quality of being
Parisian is deep and enduring. This
is distinguished and characterful.
The lingerie frock will reappear,
worked with lace, embroidery and
open-work. There is a marked tendency
toward the delicate hand-made French
dress, which has become increasingly
popular since the war. The handwork
which is the basis of these creations
is French, and so this type of dress,
more perhaps than any other, is a
French monopoly.
The demands for this kind of dress
are becoming more and more appar-
ent, and this is another proof of the
continued note of extreme simplicity.
The informal dinner frock of black
silk mousseline will demand a place in
the wardrobe of every well-dressed
woman. It may be trimmed with lit-
tle pin tucks or insertions or open-
work. And instead of silk mousseline
it may be of georgette crepe. The
foundation—usually of pink silk mous-
seline—shows up the dainty work.
This gown is usually finished with a
flowsr of the same shade as the foun-
dation, which is worn somewhere on
the dress.
The popularity of black is one of
the sensations of this season’s styles
that will not quickly be forgotten, for
in the fashionable places black is seen
in the ascendant. Never has black
been more esteemed than it is today,
and apart from its practical advan-
tages, it is extremely youthful and
generally becoming.
Though the lines have not changed
to any considerable degree, there is in-
finite variety in the details that, after
all, constitute the distinction of a wo-
man’s dress, and it is generally agreed
that the clothes are as lovely this
spring as they have ever been. The
sentiment of various couturiers is
summed up in some pointed remarks
of Lucien Lelong, who declares with
his characteristic fervor:
“The silhouette this season is emi-
nently youthful and girlish with its
straight line and short skirt, The in-
terior treatment of it is optical. For
instance, when I use gathering on both
sides of a dress, I arrange it so that
it is in front of one hip and behind
the other, Thus, when the wearer is
approaching you, you only see one
gathering. It is a highly effective de-
vice in slenderization. I also fit my
dresses snugly in at the hips and ab-
sorb the fullness which is necessary
in the skirt in pleats.
Paris, March 5—(AP)—Trousers
constitute the latest problem confront-
ing the well-dressed woman of Paris.
The questions which the good
dressers are pondering are: Shall
they adopt trousers? Or shall they
scorn the new culotteskirt offered by
the Paris dressmakers for spring
wear ? If the latter, on what
grounds? As too feminine in an area
of shingled hair and shin-length
skirts? Or too masculine in a wo-
man’s era? :
Such dressmaking houses as Lanvin,
Patou and Poiret say women may
wear trousers and be right up in front
row of fashion. They offer in many
versions a new trouser-skirt which has
characteristics of both of the gar-
ments for which it is named. Some
are wide and some are narrow, but all
are really trousers of skirt length with
the division so cleverly concealed by
pleats for and aft that when the wear-
er is motionless there is nothing to
indicate that they are trousers.
Even the staid old house of Worth,
dean of Paris dressmaking establish-
ment, is showing trouser-skirts this
A few persons—ready to try any-
thing once—have said “yes” and plac-
ed orders. Some fashion designers be-
live the trouser style is established by
that gesture.
But French women point out that
the swallow does not make a summer,
and a few pairs of trouser-skirts at
Auteuil, the fashionable racetrack of
Paris, do not make a style. French
women, as a whole, seem to be hang-
ing back.
Even the French feminists manifest
little interest in the new style beyond
a: few comments that public opinion,
which gives them the right to wear
trousers, has not yet given women the
right to vote.
Manufacturers appear to be taking
the new style seriously. They have
started making underwear to go with
trouser-skirts. The new piece is call-
ed a culotte combination, and is just
one jump more modern than the
Charleston step-in, which is now be-
ing sold here.
—The ability to make good fudge is
supposed to be developed during the
four years of high school, along with
a knowledge of Latin, algebra, history
and other school subjects. A liking
for fudge, however, is not limited to
the high school student. A plateful
of this delectable and easily-made con-
fection helps out any informal party.
At fairs and bazaars purchasers can
always be found for homemade fudge.
Gift boxes of fudge for birthdays or
unexpected requirements can be pro-
duced on short notice, usually from
materials on hand in the pantry.
Like any other cooked product, good
fudge depends on a good recipe, and
if the results are to be the same each
time, the recipe must be followed ac-
curately. The United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture sponsors the fol-
lowing directions for making fudge.
2 cupfuls sugar
2 to 4 squares of chocolate.
4 cupful milk or cream.
2 to 4 tablespoonfuls butter.
1 teaspoonful vanilla.
3 teaspoonful salt.
——— pen t——————
Real Estate Transfers.
Eva I. Zimmerman, et al, to Harold
G. Zimmerman, et ux, tract in Spring
Twp.; $300.
S. W. Gramley, et ux, to Sarah Wil-
son, tract in Millheim; $650.
John R. Williams, et ux, to Paul S.
Green, et ux, tract in Huston Twp.;
T. B. Haupt, et ux, to Lewis B.
Haupt, tract in Spring Twp.; $2,000.
Mrs. E. E. Fahr, et bar, to Rosa
May Handscomb, tract in Huston
Twp.; $300.
E. R. Taylor, sheriff, to Bertha E.
Wion, tract in Bellefonte; $505.
E. R. Taylor, sheriff, to C. M. Dale,
tract in Harris Twp.; $1,500.
John L. Holmes, et al, to William
H. Breon, tract in Ferguson Twp.;
D. M. Ellis, et ux, to Banner Coal
company, tract in Rush Twp.; $35.
Bellefonte Cemetery Association, to
Lg A. Garbrick, tract in Bellefonte;
T. M. Gramley, et al, to S. B. Brown,
tract in Gregg Twp.; $1.
Peter W. Cowher to Robert McDiv-
itt, tract in Worth Twp.; $400.
Nellie M. Fyre, et bar, to Laura P.
Zeek, tract in Patton Twp.; $300.
Bellefonte Cemetery Association to
Catherine B. Hamilton, tract in Belle-
fonte; $50.
William L. Foster, et bar, to Phi
Kappa Association, tract in State Col-
lege; $1.00.
with a super-keen
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arpens Itself
trusted to his care. Offices—No.
KLINE WOODRING, — Attorney-at
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices fm
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider's
Exchange, b1-1y
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business en-
5, Hast
High street.
M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Offices on second floor
of Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE. — Attorney-at-Law.
Consultation a Solis a Ger-
man. ce er xchan,
Bellefonte, Pa. 3 58.8
Bellefont OSTEDPATH. State Coll
e onte ate olle,
Crider’s Ex. 66-11 Holmes Ee
8S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his resi-
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist, Regls-
tered and licensed by the State.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Frames repaired and
lenses matched. Casebeer Bldg., High S8t.,
Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-t
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist. Licensed
by the State Board. State Coll
every day except Saturday. Belle,
fonte, in the
the Court House,
Garbrick building opposite
Wednesday afternoons
from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a. m. to
4.30 p. m. Bell Phone. 68-40
We keep a full stock of Feeds on
hand all the time
$50.00 per Ton
Try our 22% Dairy Feed
$45.00 per Ton
We can make you a 30 to 32%
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Meal, Oil Meal, Gluten and Bran at
$47.00 per Ton
Why pay more for something not so
We Have Taken on the 32 per cent
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Our Poultry Feeds Can’t be Better
Scratch grains........... $2.40 per H.
Wagner’s poultry Mash... 2.90 per H,
Cotton seed meal 439;......... $45.00 per ton
Oil meal 849................. 56.00 per ton
Gluten feed 23%.............. 42.00 per ton
Alfalfa fine grade......... 45.00 per tom
BPR .... 00000 Sl GT 86.00 per tom
Middlings ............... 88.00 per tom
Mixed Chop....,,,...,,., 38.00 per ton
— id
(These Prices are at the Mill) 4
$2.00 per Ton Extra for Delivery.
b. Y. Wagner & Go., Ine
66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA.
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit- -
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfilly a Promptiy Frenishod
Fine Job Printing
at the 3
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Call on or communicate with this
This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes insurance compul-
sory. We specialize in placing
such insurance. © We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Bellefonte 43-18-1yr. State College