Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 18, 1927, Image 6

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    Bewnai it
Bellefonte, Pa., February 18, 1927.
Nation’s Faith in God
Expressed on Coinage
“In God We Trust” first appeared on
the coins of this country in 1864, and
owes its presence very largely to the
increased religious sentiment in the
dreaded crisis of the Civil war. 8. P.
Chase, then secretary of the treasury,
having received a number of appeals
from devout persons throughout the
country suggesting and urging that the
deity be recognized suitably on our
coins in a manner similar to that com-
monly found on the coins of other na-
tions, addressed a letter to the direc-
tor of the mint, at Philadelphia, stat-
ing that “no nation would be strong
except in the strength of God or safe
except In His defense. The trust of
our people in God should be declared
on our national coins.” He ordered
that a device be prepared without un-
necessary delay, with a motto ex-
pressing in the fewest words possible
Because It is an integral part of the foundation of the nation’s
entire business structure,
the Public Utility Industry’s progress |
trend is marked by business men throughout the country.
Therefore it is essential for the public utility executive to |
pulse of business generally. If a change ig | Mdernization.
keep his finger on the
indicated in the heart
act accordingly.
The Pennsylvania Public Service Information Committee has |
action of the workshops of America, he must
obtained an expression of views on the 1927 outlook from men
nationally foremost in the Public Utilities Industry, as well ag
from representative executives
branches in the Commonwealth.
of the various Public Utility
These opinions are from authorities in the public service fields
of Electric
Telephones and Water Supply.
this national recognition. Various mot- |
toes were placed on coins in 1862 and !
1863. The first ones bearing “In God
We Trust,” however, were coined in
Seemed Something of |
. an Odd Combination
fe didn’t really want to bring the
vo cats home from Colorado, but
what good Is the argument of a mere
man against those of a wife, three |
children, and a mother-in-law? So |
the family started home last week |
with the cats enthroned in a box on
the back seat of the car.
He was somewhat ashamed of the
ugly yellow pets anyway, and his mor-
tification was complete when he was
forced to ask a garage owner, in the
town where they spent the first night,
for cellar space in which to park his
“1 suppose,” he said to the garage
man, “I suppose you don’t see many
tourists crazy enough to be taking
eommon alley cats with them, do you?”
“Oh, yes I do,” replied the garage
man. “They come in here every day
with all sorts of pets. But,” he added
as an afterthought, “by George, you're
the first feller I've seen that was totin’
eats and a mother-in-law both.”"—Los
Angeles Times.
Rattlesnake’s Rings
Fhe rings on a rattlesnake do not
ll exactly the age of the snake. The
biological survey says that the rattle-
snake acquires from two to four rings
& year, usually three. Under normal
conditions one ring is added each time
the snake sheds its skin. The young
rattler is provided with a single but-
ton at birth, and within a few days it
sheds its skin and commences feeding.
In about two months it sheds its skin
for the second time and then the first
ring of the rattle Is uncovered or
added. This has been growing under
the old skin, and its pressure was ap-
parent in the swollen appearance of
the tail at the base of the original
button. The last seven or eight ver-
tebrae fuse together shortly after birth
and form a composite bone known as |
the “shaker,” and it is around this
bone that each cap or ring of the rattle
I'he Admoriion of Age
Dick possessed a tennis racquet,
which, though it had been classed as
“junk” by an older sister, was the’
envy of. the youngsters of the neigh-
borhood. The neighborhood gang was
assembled in the back yard one day
and little Mary, five, grabbed the ten-
nis racquet and said: “Throw the
ball, Richard, and I'll bat it.”
Nancy, her sister, and the senior by
three years, felt it necessary to cor-
rect little Mary, so she yelled: “You
don’t say bat it, silly; say tennis it!”
. Motor on Roller Skates
A: motor small enough to run roller
4kates has been perfected by a Ger-
man engineer. It uses acetylene gas
for fuel, and is oiled automatically,
is water cooled and has a unique
ventilating system. Power for six
hours. with a speed of from 18 to 22
miles an hour. costs only about two
Embroidering Long Known
The girl who uses an embroidery
needle today Is practicing an art that
was highly developed in Egypt 3,000
years ago
The accomplishment was brought
from Egypt to Europe, and was also
liighly developed in early Greece and
Rome. The women of medieval days
in Europe were excellent at it, and
many splendid ornaments were made
for churches and monasteries. At the
present time the Orient leads in the
art, with the work of the Chinese
probably being the most elaborate.
Always Polite
The manager of the isolated factory
had received a letter from a woman
stating that her husband, who worked
in the factory, had sent her no money
for weeks and weeks.
So the. manager, a kindly man, sent
for the delinquent there and then.
“Jackson,” he said, when the man
made his appearance, “do you ever
gend your wife anything when you
write?” ;
“Oh, yes, sir,” answered the other,
brightly, “always my kindest re-
A.B. MacBeTH
President American Gas Association
Vice-President and Ewxecutive Man-
ager Southern California Gas
Los Angeles.—The inauguration of
special consumer rates for large scale
use of gas in both the domestic and
industrial fields is fast accelerating
the change from solid fuel to gas and
is building for the industry an en-
during load of large proportions. The
gas industry, in all of its departments,
faces 1927 with an overwhelming
array of factors in its favor.
We estimate that sales of gas for
1926 will run about eight per cent
ahead of the record-breaking figure
of 421,400,000,000 cubic feet estab-
lished in 1925. Even allowing for a
minor retardation of general business
in 1927, which appears to be pretty
generally conceded by business lead-
ers, we not only expect the gas indus-
try at least to equal its 1926 sales,
but are hopeful that it may show a
definite increase over that figure.
Present favorable factors of an
outstanding nature include a notice-
able improvement in public relations,
widespread development of the cus-
tomer ownership movement, a grow-
ing appreciation of the inherent
safety and stability of gas securities,
fair and impartial regulation, and
the development within the industry
of several new sales forces of na-
tional significances, such as the $500,-
000 fund for industrial gas research,
the appliance testing laboratory at
Cleveland, refrigeration by gas and
house heating by gas.
President Pennsylvania Electric
Philadzlphia.—The outlook for the
electric light and power industry in
Pennsylvania for 1927 promises a
continuation of the healthy growth
experienced in 1926. Financial and
business conditions remain stable,
thus affording a sound basis for
optimism for the coming year.
It has been stated that the potential
residential business is many times
greater than that now being done, due
to the many possible applications of
electricity in the home which have
not yet been realized. The increasing
appreciation of the utility and con-
venience of the various appliances in
the home, it is expected, will result in
an unprecedented demand for those
appliances with the consequent im-
provement in kilowatt-hour sales. The
continued development of convenient,
reliable utilization devices in greater
quantities and at lower prices will ac-
centuate that trend. :
The electric light and power indus-
try has never been better prepared
to keep pace with increasing de-
mands than at the present time. Ex-
tensive additions to generation, trans-
mission and distribution plant have
been made, new interconnection lines
put into service, and the areas served
have been extended. Service reliabil-
ity has been improved and operation
remains at high efficiency. Frequent
for new
projects and for system additions for
the coming year are definite evidence
of confidence in the {uture on the part
announcements of plans
of the industry itself.
ight and Power, Manufactured Gas,
Street Railways,
President National Electric Light
Association. Vice-President Northern
States Power Company
Minneapolis.—With an increase in
output of 11.6%, an increase in the
total number of customers of 10.8%,
and an increase in capitalization of
12%, the electric light and power in-
dustry of the country has just closed
a very successful year. These per-
centages are based upon actual
figures for the eleven months of the
year, and an estimate for December,
and, therefore, may be subject to
slight revision.
Every indication points to con-
tinued prosperity for the electric light
and power industry for 1927, al-
though the general consensus is that
the trend of so-called industrial or
business barometers appears to be
downward. ;
It is extremely difficult to make a
definite estimate for the succeeding
(twelve months, but present indications
peint to a slightly less than normal
growth in per cent of capitalization,
although the amount of new capital
needed during 1927 probably will be
about $900,000,000, or approximately
the same as the increase during 1926.
The percentage of increase, however,
instead of being 12% would be only
10.7%. In the matter of electricity"
generated, it is estimated that the
total will reach 74 billion kilowatt.
hours, or 8.8% over 1926.
President American Water Works
Association. President Passaic Con-
solidated Water Company. Vice-
President Federal Water Service
New York.—Nineteen hundred ang
twenty-seven promises a continued
prosperity in the utility field.
capacity of the financial market
seems to have an unlimited ability
and inclination to absorb utility
securities. This indicates a confidence
of the investing public ‘in the secur-
ities that is very gratifying to the
utility management.
That confidence has undoubtedly
been brought about in part by the
efforts of utility officials to inform
the public on utility matters, and in
part by the more liberal treatment
of these important public servants by
the various state commissions. The
recent decision of the United States
Supreme Court in the Indianapolis
Water Company case should give en-
couragement to utility corporations
and confidence to the investing public
in sound utility securities.
In the water works field the recent
| tendency to unite or consolidate iso-
lated water properties should effect
economies of operation and better
service which will eventually work
‘| for the benefit of both the customer
and the owners of their securities—
in many cases the same people.
President Pennsylvania Water Works
Association. President Williamsport
Water Company
Williamsport.—General business
conditions usually have but a moder-
ate effect upon water supply com-
panies, the expansion and develop-
ment of the communities served by
these companies being the barometer
upon which their growth is forecast.
have been, and will continue to be
for some time, busily engaged in in-
creasing their water supplies, and
extending their facilities to meet the
increasing demand due to the expan-
sion and growth of their communi-
ties, and this condition more clearly
indicates the general prosperity of
their companies than could an opinion
of the business outlook.
Recent activity in the purchasing
of water supply companies by the
large holding companies, as well ag
the volume of water company secur-
ities offered for public investment,
and the satisfactory prices obtained
for these securities, reflects the pub-
lic confidence in the ‘stability and
prosperity of water supply companies
and the desirability of their secur.
ties as a permanent investment,
The |
Water supply companies generally '
President American Electric Railway
Association. President East St. Loudr
and Suburban Raflway Company
East St. Louis, IIl.—The prospects
i seem good for a steady growth of
' electric service during 1927, There
are indications that the highly con-
gested conditions of the streets of ous
| cities has caused an increase in street
| railway traffic,
In addition to establishing bug
| routes, the railway companies have
| begun a very important program of
st Important of
| all, however, is the very evident real-
| ization of the public that electri
railway service is absolutely Sogerisial
to the growth and prosperity o
American communities,
The public has acquired a much
better understanding of the problems
that transportation companies must
solve in order to render the servic
demanded and fs showing a spirit of
co-operation that augurs well for the
. The best brains in the business arg
devoted to developing transportation
that will please the public, and publi
officials are almost universally recog.
nizing the fact that such service ean
be rendered only by companies thaf
| are permitted to earn a reasonable
| return.
President Pennsylvania Gas Associa
tion. Superintendent Consumers Gas
Reading.—We are now on the
threshold of a wonderful developmen!
in house heating by gas. Vast stride;
have been made in the past few years
in the uge of water heating appliances
for domestic purposes, and there is
every reason to expect greatly in.
creased business in new fields as well
8s a norma! growth in channels al.
| ready developed.
rm |
The sale of gas for industrial pur.
poses has increased so rapidly in tha
past few years that many manufac-
turers now depend wholly upon gag
as an industrial fuel. The sale of
gas for domestic purposes, however,
continues to form the greater part of
the gas companies’ business, as has
been the case in former years.
Gas sales in Pennsylvania during
1926 were exceedingly satisfactory.
There is every indication that 1927
gas sales will be even better.
outlook for the first six months, at
least, of the coming year is very
promising and no diminution of the
‘ present general business prosperity is
. expected.
Vice-President Bell Telephone
Company of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia.—The telephone traffic
of a community or a commonwealth is,
quick to register any positive change
in general business conditions. The
beginning of 1927 finds this barom-
eter holding to a comfortable level.
There is ample evidence that the
people of Pennsylvania are going con-
fidently about their affairs, in the ex-
pectation that 1927 will show good:
business for those who go after it.
After thorough study of the situ-
ation and prospect throughout the
state, our engineers have estimated
and are preparing to handle a daily
average of 4,800,000 local calls im
Pennsylvania in 1927, as compared
with 4,600,000 this last year. They
alse anticipate a still continued wider
use of the toll and long distance tele-
phone service, which has for some
time been on a rising curve.
. Our confidence that these growths |
will be realized is, again, based om
|a steady demand for service—a de-
mand which is more brisk im certain :
sections than in others, but which may
be said to overlay the state generally.
It is the best ground for propheey
-which the telephone business presents.
President Pennsylvania Street Rail-
way Association. Viee-President and
General Manager Scranton Railway
Scranton.—The progress made by
the street railway business this year
has been very gratifying. While the
increase in earnings has not been
large, it shows that the companies
are coming back into their own. The
outlook for 1927 as far as general
business is concerned could not be
brighter as indicated by the general
business throughout the country,
especially the steam railroads and the
steel industry.
| The large capital expenditures
made by street railway companies in-
dicates confidence and will enable us
to compete better with the privately
owned automobile, which has been the
main cause for our reduced earnings
the past five years. So 1927 should
| be a great year for the street railway
| (ndustry. :
The |
Sportsmen Are Interested in New Fish
Harbor on Black Moshannon
With ali game hunting ended until
next autumn, the thoughts of the
sportsmen of the Centre-Clearfield
region are turning to the big fish
harbor constructed late in the fall
on Black Moshannen creek, Centre
county, in one of the wildest and most
picturesque regions in central Penn-
Famous as a trout stream nearly a
century and a quarter ago, when the
Philips family of England founded
Philipsburg, Black Moshannon had
been the mecca for anglers for native
brook trout, the daintiest and most
appetizing of all game fish, until con-
tinuous fishing and lack of suitable
spawning beds all but depleted their
The big dam is expected to afford
ample opportunity for breeding, and
with frequent replenishing from the
State hatcheries, Black Moshannon
will regain some of its former glory
as a paradise for anglers. Traversing
a region far from towns and sparsely
settled, the stream is 100 per cent.
free from pollution.
There are no coal mines nearby to
empty their sulphur waters, so dead-
ly to trout, into the stream. No lum-
ber mills with killing sawdust. There
are no industrial plants of any kind
in the Black Moshannon country,
which is now, with its second-growth
Too Much
Excess Uric Acid Gives Rise to Many
Unpleasant Troubles.
UTHORITIES agree that an ex-
cess of uric acid is primarily
due to faulty kidney action. Reten-
tion of this toxic material often
makes its presence felt by sore, pain-
ful joints, a tired, languid feeling
and, sometimes, toxic backache and
headache. That the kidneys are not
functioning right is often shown by
scanty or burning passage of secre-
tions. Thousands assist their kidneys
at such timeseby the use of Doan’s
Pills—a stimulant diuretic. Doan’s
are recommended by many local peo-
ple. Ask your neighbor!
Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys
Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. Y.
timber well developed, much the same
as when the first settlers came, and |
later when the lJumbermen invaded the |
region. |
Construction of the dam, believed |
to be *he largest in the eastern States |
[if not the entire United States, to
be used exclusively as a fish and |
pleasure resort, was sponsored and fi-
nanced by the State Centre Game,
Fish and Forestry Association, an or-
ganization of 1200 sportsmen, all res-
idents of Centre and Clearfield coun-
Preliminary work was started ear-
ly last year. The ground was leased
for a long term of years, and after
State Fish Commissioner Buller and
a representative of the department
of forests and waters had visited the
site, actual work began in midsum-
mer, under a building committee con-
sisting of the board of directors of the
association, J. Frank Kephart serving
as chairman.
There are 216% feet of lineal mason-
ry in the wall, with an average height
of twelve feet from the bottom of the
foundation to the top. The wall is thir-
ty inches thick, containing 6496 cubic
feet of masonry. Fifty truck loads
of sand and 400 sacks of cement had
to be hauled over an unimproved
mountain road from Philipsburg, a
distance of about nine miles. One:
hundred and fifty sticks of dynamite
were used for blasting purposes:
There were 900 yards of earth filling.
The dam will impound 250,000,000
gallows of water, and has a shore line:
of six and one-half miles. The water
width at the breast is 400 feet. The
(Comtinued on page 7, Col. 3.)
Whether they be fresh,
smoked or the cold-ready to
serve—products, are always
the choicest when they are
purchased at our Market.
We buy nothing but prime
stock on the hoof, kill and re-
frigerate it ourselves and we
know it is good because we
have had years of experience
in handling meat products.
Orders by telephone always receive
prompt attention.
Telephone 450
P. L. Beezer Estate
Market on the Diamond
Broken lots.
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