Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 18, 1927, Image 5

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    ED: ——
J A —————————————— Mm — wr,
® N . : 9 S ] part described in (a) and (b) of this item.
otice of Receiver S Dale.| TERMS OF SALE AS DIRECTED BY
THE COURT being as follows: Ten per
wee—— cent. of the purchase price on the day of
Notice is hereby given that the under- sale. The remainder of one-third of the
THEATRE Signed, appointed by the Federal District Seid puireliace arjce Ou confirmation by Ihe oh Y !
‘ourt in and for the Middle strict o: stric ourt o e sale or sales. e
Pennsylvania Receivers of the Central Re- Jemaining INO-thiras 3 he secured by we oD ’ es: Call Bellefonte 432
ractories Company, by virtue of a decree |! onds, one-third payable in one year w
Where the Better-Class Photoplays are Shown | (51C0TCC PRIEST (0 0 to public sale or | interest, and the remaining third payable WwW R Sho Lumber Co
Each Evening at 6.15 o'clock. outery at Orviston, Centre County, Pa. on in two years with interest; said bonds to 7] ® ® °
Mon. Wed. and Sat SATURDAY, APRIL THE 9TH, 1927 he Secured hy a Woriage ¥hon ile Premises: TET04 Lumber, Sash, D Mill % and Roofin
i i y y 1 sonal proper sold separate -16- Uuim
Matinee i 2 on = an aL. | at ten o'clock a. m., all the real estate of | from pers Be pe be TF for in » Vash, Joors, WOIK an 00 g
1s the Spid Coma) Hefracroties Compal Se cash.
1 uated in the Counties of Centre, Clinton 0. S. KELSEY,
Miss Crouse at the RobertMorton | I54 Lycoming, together With he Con Qf Kus
pany’s Brick Plant, ce, Sheds, Kilns, | =o a o ;
Dwerting Houses, Railroad Sidings, Ses 72-6-4t Federal Receivers.
eing known as the Centre Brick an ay —— u
Week--Ahead Program | it
interests of the defendant — — ee ———
Friday and *Satyrday
“Paradise for Two”
Here is a sparkling Comedy—Drama,
with Dix as the young American Bachelor
who inherited a fortune but had to get
married to get it. Laughs? Yes. ‘Ro-
mance,’ Yes sir! And listen! That's not all
They don’t come much better.
Also a great two reel comedy right out of
the can, “Hello Lafayette’.
Matinee at Scemic Saturday at 2
Only 10 and 25 cents.
Monday and Tuesday
Affair of the Follies
Here is positively the last word in en-
tertainment. “Can a Follies girl marry for
love?” With the chorus of one of Broad-
way's greatest shows dancing around and
such extravagant stage settings and scen-
ery and with such a cast of well known
stars you could only expect to see one of
the sweetest pictures screened in many a
moon. Story adapted from Dixie Willson’s
play “Here Y'are Brothers.” You can’t go
wrong on this attraction.
Also a first run Mack Sennett twe reel
Comedy “Hesitating Horses.”
Only 10 and 25 cents.
Matinee Monday at 2 p. m.
Wednesday and Thursday
6 | >
Well, here is at last Clara Bow as only
Paramount can screen her and the screen
favorite “Antonio Morino” in one of the
year's greatest photoplays. This is Miss
Bow’s latest attraction and one that will
sweep you from your feet. We personally
recomend it to give 100% satisfaction as
«17 is a knockout. Taken from Elinor
Glyn's story of the same name. Yes it
will be 33cts but what is that when you
see the last word in screen entertainment
which is our only policy.
Also Fox News and “Hair Cartoon.”
Admission 15 and 35 cts.
Matinee Wednesday at 2
Friday and Saturday
“The Gay Deceiver”
The lovely ladies fluttering about him
like moth around a flame. Then an amaz-
ing event brought back into his life the
wife and daughter he had forsaken in the
pursuit of pleasure. Gay, daring, full of
snap and sparkle here is uncorked a vin-
tage of film entertainment you'll call great.
One of Metro-Goldwyn’s new 1926-27 at-
tractions which we have under contract.
Also a first run two reel Comedy “Old
Matinee Saturday at 2
Think of it, 10 and 25c.
Moose Theatre
Where You Always See Good Shows.
Country Store Every Wednesday Night
This Friday “and Satnrday
“Uoing Crooked”
Also a Mack Sennett two reel Comedy
«45 Minutes from Hollywood.”
Give your nerves some exercise and your
funny-bone a stimulant by seeing this
* thrilling, chilling, killing, laugh provoking
- As ususl, 10 and 206c.
ALSO, the
Company in and to a Tram or Lateral Rail-
road connecting the plant aforesaid with
the Company's clay and coal mines.
ALSO, a certain additional piece of land,
thereon erectad six of the kilns end dwell-
ing houses.
AND ALSO, all the stock of Brick, Tools,
Horses, Supplies, and all other tangible
personal assets belonging to the said de-
fendant Cmpany.
The real estate being more particularly
described as follows, to wit:
All the following messuages and pieces
of ground situated in the State of Penn-
sylvania, bounded and described as fol-
1st. All that piece of land situated in
the Township of Curtin, County of Ceutre,
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point on division line be-
tween the lands in the warantee name of
Robert Gray and John McCaulay, and 1782
feet North-east from the common corner of
said Robert Gray, William Gray and John
McCauley tracts, thence along said division
line between the Robert Gray and John
McCaulay tracts North 57 degrees 45
minutes Bast 1452 feet to a post: thence
North 28 degrees east 693 feet to the place
of beginning. Containing 23.25 acres; and
being part of the Robert Gray tract of
land. Thereon erected the Main Plant,
office, blacksmith shop, Kilns, and some of
the tenement houses of the Centre Brick
and Clay Company.
2nd. All that lot of land situate in Cur-
tin Township aforesaid, beginning at a
point 160 perches W st of the Northeast
corner of the Jesse Brooks survey, thence
South 23Q perches to a post; thence West
320 perches to a post; thence North 230
perches to a post; thence East 320 perches
to the place of beginning. Containing 460
acres, and being part of the Rebecca Kelso
tract of land.
3rd. All that tract of land situate in
the Township of Curtin aforesaid, begin-
ning at a stone pile near the North Bank
of the Three Rogk Run, being the official
corner of three tracts of land. namely, the
William Gilbert, the Susanna Hahn and
William Gray, thence North 27 degrees
West 320 perches to stone; thence South
63 degrees and 30 minutes West 220 perches
to stones; thence South 27 degrees East 222
perches to stones; thence North 63 degrees
East 220 perches to stone, the place of be-
ginning. Containing 440 acres, and being
that tract ot land surveyed in the warrau-
tee name of William Gilbert.
4th. All that certain tract of land situate
in the Township of Curtin aforesaid, con-
taining 175 acres, and being the Southern
half of a tract of land surveyed in the
warrantee name of Jonathan Willing.
5th. All that lot of ground situate in
the Township of Curtin aforesaid, bounded
and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a post on the North side
of the right of way of the New York Cen-
tral Railroad at the intersection of the
said right of way with the property line
of the Centre Brick and Clay Company,
thence by said right of way South 67 de-
grees 30 minutes East 200 feet; thence
North 57 degrees 45 minutes East 265 feet
to the South Bank of Beech Creek: thence
by said Beech Creek in a Westerly direc-
tion about 250 feet to the line of the said
Centre Brick and Clay Company South 57
degrees and 45 minutes West 365 feet to
the place of beginning. (‘ontaining 1%
acres more or less, and being part of a
certain piece of land containing S acres
mere or less, of which the above deseribed
part is the nearest to and immediately ad-
jacent to the main manufacturing plant of
{ the Centre Brick, and Clay Company.
All that lot of greund situate in the
Orviston, Township of Curtin
bounded and described as fol-
Town of
Beginning at a post on the South Dank
of Beech Creek, thence by property line of
Centre Brick and Clay Company Souti ov
degrees 45 minutes East 365 feet to post on
right of way by the following courses and
distances; South 67 degrees 30 minutes
Bast 400 feet; South 56 degrees 15 minutes
Jast GUO feet; South 43 degrees Bast 20
feot ; South 22 degrees 30 minutes East 1100
feet to a stone; thence North 69 degrees.
thence by land of the Hayes Run Fire
Brick Company North 69 degrees bast 100
feet to the South Bank of Beech Creek:
thence by the several courses and distances
along the South side of Beech Creek, to
the place of beginning, Containing 8 acres
more or less.
Excepting and Reserving therefrom six
lots situate on Clinton and Lycoming
streets, thereon erected six single, two-
story houses, with slate roofs; being ihe
came lots which J. Ellis Harvey et ux
conveyed to S. M. Smith by Deed of In-
denture dated November 24th, 1913, and
recorded in Centre County in Deed Book
116, page 619.
7th. All that messuage or lot of land
situate in the town of Orviston, Township
of Curtin aforesaid, bounded and described
as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a post on the South Bank
of Hayes Run, thence South 27 degrees
West 230 feet; thence South 63 degrees
East 100 feet along the public road leading
from Orviston to Monument; thence North
27 degrees East 200 feet to a chestnut on
the Bank of Hayes Run; thence North 49
degrees and 30 minutes West 103 feet to
the place of beginning. Thereon erected a
brick Bungalow, now used and occupied by
the Supermtendent of the Centre Brick and
Clay Company.
Sth. All the messuage
or lot of land
‘| situate in the Township of Curtin, County
of Centre and being all that portion of a
tract of land surveyed in the warrantee
name of Rebecca Kelso lying and being
within the county of Centre, and being all
that portion of said warrantee tract lying
West of the Clinton County line.
9th. All those three separate messuages,
tenements and parcels of land and inter-
est therein described as follows:
(a) One thereof, in the Township of
Gallagher, County of Clinton, and State of
Pennsylvania, lying on the West side of
the Jersey Shore and Coudersport Turn-
pike, beginning at the Northeast corner of
the Robert Morris warrant No. 4046 on the
said old Turnpike; thence West along the
line between said warrant and the lands
of Fredericks, to a line marker by the
Tanning Company for hemlock bark and
wide enough along the said Jersey Shore
and Coudersport Turnpike to make fifty
acres with lines parallel to and with the
said Fredericks line. Containing 50 acres
be the same more or less.
(b) All the minerals, coal, oil, ore, gas
and fire brick clay on all those portions
of two tracts of land situate in Gallagher
Township, County of Clinton and State of
Pennsylvania, surveyed in the warrantee
name of Robert Morris,- No. 4046 and of
Robert Morris No. 4058, said two pieces of
land containing an aggregate of 819%
(¢) The third purpart being a certain
messuage or tract of land situate in the
Township of Cummings, County of Ly-
coming, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a stone the Southwest
corner, thence by tract No. 4025 surveyed
in the warrantee name of John Nicholson,
North 46 degrees Bast 118.8 perches to
hemlock ; thence by warrant No. 4025 North
46 degrees Bast 118.8 perches to a hemlock ;
thence by warrant No. 4025 and by the Wil-
liam Morris South 46 degrees Bast 40
perches to hemlock; thence by land form-
erly of Samuel Sinck South 46 degrees.
West 116 perches to stone; thence by the
Jersey Shore and Coudersport Turnpike in
said place the division line between the
Counties of Clinton and Lycoming North
50 degrees West 40 perches to the place of
beginning. Containing 29 acres and 56
perches, be the same more or less, and
being the Northeast end of the tract in
the warrantee name of Robert Morris No.
4046, and immediately adjacent to the pur-
The Auman flouring mill is under-
going some repairs.
John M. Dale, of State College, spent
Thursday in our town.
Philip Roop, who has been seriously
ill, is slowly improving.
G. B. Fry and wife motored to State
College on Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Hoy, of Bellefonte, spent
last week with friends in the valley.
John C. Dunlap spent the early part
of the week on a motor trip to Indiana,
John Bowersox and wife spent sev-
eral days last week with friends in
Mrs. Donald Ewing and Mrs. Zimni
spent Tuesday in the Mountain city
Mrs. W. E. Reed visited Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Krebs, at State College, last
Mrs. J. W. Meyers and daughter
Helen spent last week with relatives
in Tyrone.
Mrs. Claude Meyers spent last week
with her mother, who is seriously ill in
Lock Haven.
Marshall Barto is out and around
again, having recovered from a two
week’s illness.
Mrs. Linn Woomer is in the Blair
Memorial hospital, Huntingdon, as a
surgical patient.
Dr. R. M. Krebs returned home from
the Johns Hopkins hospital, last week,
much improved in health.
Henry L. Dale, of Mifflinburg, spent
the latter end of the week at his par-
ental home on the Branch.
J. A. Reed, of Greensburg, was
called here owing to the death of his
uncle, the late J. E. Reed.
Charles Stuck and wife and James
Kline and wife motored to McClure, on
Saturday, to visit friends.’
George Porter, wife and daughter
Doris, of State College, spent Thurs-
day with old neighbors in town.
George Osman and wife, of Mill-
brook, and N. C. Neidigh, of State Col-
lege, were Monday visitors in town.
The first public sale in this section
will be that of W. S. Reish, of Rock
Sings It will take place on March
Word has been received that Bobbie
Bloom has recovered from an attack
of pneumonia at his home in Detroit,
W. R. Port, of the State College
Times force, was off duty the early
part of the week with bronchial
trouble. °° ‘
J. Milo Campbell spent Monday ‘in
town and was accompanied to his
homs= on Fairbrook by his uncle, War-
ren Bailey.
We are under obligations to S. M.
Hess for a donation of delicious honey
stored by his bees from his neighbors
buckwheat blossoms.
Guests at the E. E. Royer home, at
Bloomsdorf, last Thursday, were Miss
Bessie Bloom, of State College, and
Wilson Cummings, of Tyrone.
The venerable Philip Dale and
daughter, Mrs. Mary Miller, of State
College, were guests at the R. M.
Krebs home, last Thursday. :
The community social held at the
W. H. Weaver home on the Branch,
last Thursday evening was well at-
tended, 160 people beinz present.
M. C. Weiland has been carrying
the mail between State College and
our town, the past few days, as a
substitute for the regular carrier.
Miss Marjorie Campbell, of Harris-
burg, was here over the latter
end of the week visiting her par-
Sais, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Camp-
The men’s Bible class of the Pres-
byterian church were entertained at a
social at Bill’s Inn last Thursday
evening. Mrs. Thompson was the hos-
Having recovered from an opera-
tion he underwent at the University
hospital, Philadelphia, postmaster
George Glenn, of State College, is
again on duty.
Cards have been received announc-
ing the safe arrival of the Holmes-
Struble-Diehl party at Palm Beach,
Fla., where they will spend two
months sight-seeing.
Charles Simpson, of Baileyville, was
thrown from a horse, on Sunday, sus-
taining a broken left arm. A. W.
Tressler took him to a physician who
reduced the fracture.
A hearty invitation has been extend-
ed the public to come to the Lutheran
church this (Friday) evening and see
Martha Washington pour tea. A silver
offering will be lifted.
Following the resignation of Ray-
mond G. Bressler to accept a position
in Harrisburg, M. S. McDowell has
been appointed as assistant to Dean
Watts, in the agricultural department,
at State College.
Charles M. Dale motored to Mifflin-
burg and spent the latter end of the
week with his son Henry. Returning
home he brought with him his grand-
son Jack, who will spend a few days on
the farm on the Branch.
Ralph E. Musser has sold his coal
and fertilizer business to Keller &
Koch. Mr. Musser has not been in
good health for some time and expects
to go south in the hope that the
change will prove beneficial.
The date for the Kiwanis dinner to
the farmers of west Ferguson has
been changed from Wednesday, Feb-
ruary 23rd, to Monday, the 21st, in the
I. O. O. F. hall. Covers will be laid
for 180. Dr. Hetzel, president of the
the Penna. State College, will be one
of the speakers.
—Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
Next Wednes. & Thursday
——The Watchman publishes news
when it is news. Read it.
At a Reduced Rate 20%
m.28.6m J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent
——— een
Hugh M. Quigley
Successor to H. E. FENLON
Temple Court,
The Last Word in Screen Entertain-
A Bellefonte, Penna.
The Washer that Won
at the
Philadelphia, 1926
On View
at This Store
Keystone Power Corporation
The logical place to buy
Electrical Supplies.......
po tnd
Mon., Tues., Wed., FEB.
The 4
Kid" | &
d by the
Produce y CORP.
A ROLD LO Release
7 NY
a 7
x, ANA
Strickland Properties for Sale
Private bids will be received to March
1st, 1927, for the stone house on Bishop
street, Bellefonte, Pa., and frame house on
Logan street, known as the Strickland
property. This property is for sale. For
further information write A. Lester Shef=-
fer, Milroy, Pa. or M. I. Gardner, Clear-
field, Pa. 72-6-3t
Are you making less per annum? it
so we have a sale opening for you.
to farming trade. Write for particulars
Dept. Sales Cleveland, Ohio.
Ol RENT.—Dwelling house at No. 9
north Spring St., Bellefonte. In-
quire of FRANK P. BLAIR. 72-6-tf
OUSE FOR RENT.—The Noll home oh
H east Bishop street is for rent. It
is a very desirable property. In-
quire of Mrs. Charles Noll, Howard St.
Bellefonte, Pa. 72-6-tf.
Guersmsey cow, a heifer and a bull
calf, all eligible to registry. These
animals are all in good condition and of
A 1 blood that might improve that of any
grade herd. Inquire of Cross and Meek,
Bellefonte, Pa., or phone Bellefonte 520-J
E ed executrix of the last will and
testment of Ralph W. Noll, late of
of Spring township, Centre County, Pa.
deceased. hereby notifies all persons know=
ing themselves indebted to said estate to
make immediate payment thereof and those
having claims to present them, properly
authenticated, for settlement.
EDNA K. NOLL, Executrix.
72-3-6t* Pleasant Gap, Pa.
XECUTRIX NOTICE.—The undersign=
N CHARTER.—Notice is hereby given
that an application will be made to
the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania
on Monday, February 28th, A, D. 1927, at
10 o'clock A. M. by William 8. Kats,
Nelle Flack and Blanche Poorman, under
the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, entitled ‘“An Act to pro-
vide for the Incorporation and Regulation
of certain Corporations,” approved April
29, 1874, and the supplements and Amend-
ments thereto, for the charter of an in-
tended corporation to be called “WILLIAM
S. KATZ, INCORPORATED?” the character
and object of which is to conduct a Gen-
eral Mercantile Business, consisting of the
purchasing and selling at Retail of all
' kinds of merchandise generally kept in a
Retail Mercantile Establishment, and for
these purposes to have and possess and
enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges
of the said Act of Assembly, its supple-
ments and amendments.
HERIFI®S SALE.—By virtue of a writ
S of Venditiona Exponas issued out
| of the Court of Common Pleas of
Centre county, to me directed, will be ex-
posed to public sale at the Court House
in the borough of Bellefonte on
| SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1927,
The following property:
All that certain vacant lot situate on the
North side of Bast Howard Street, in the
Borough of Bellefonte, county of Centre
and State of Penna., bounded on the South
by said Howard Street; on the East by Jot
now occupied by Willis Wion; on the
West by lot now or formerly Mary L.
Orvis, and on the North by Burrows Alley,
fronting on Howard Street fifty feet and
extending back therefrom to Burrows
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Isabel Zerby, lixecutrix
of Gertrude A. Taylor, deceased,
Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock p. m. of
said day.
E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Oftice, Bellefonte, Pa.,
January 28th, 1927.
HERIFI'S SALE.—By virtue of a
S writ of Fieri Facias issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of
Centre County, to me directed, will be ex-
posed to public sale at The Court House,
in Bellefonte Borough, on
The following property:
All the certain house and lot sitnate in
Harris Township, Centre county, Pennsyl-
vania, bounded and described as follows,
to-wit: Beginning at an iron pin at the
intersection of State Road and a private
lane; thence along the North side of saide
private lane and land of Susan Ishler South
88 degrees Kast 148 feet to an iron pin;
thence by land of John F. Kimport North
61, degrees West 140 feet to an iron pin;
thence along same North 88 degrees West
148 feet to the State Road; thence along
the Kast side of said State Road South
61% degrees West 128 feet to the place of
beginning. Containing 72 square rods.
Being the property of I. J. Witmer and
Charlotte Witmer.
Seized, taken in execution and te be sold
as the property of R. J. Witmer and Char-
lotte Witmer.
Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock p. m. of
said day.
E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte,
Pa., January 28th 1927.
HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ
S of Alias Fieri Facias issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Cen-
tre county, to me directed, will be exposed
to public sale at the Court House in Belle~
fonte, on
the following property: : »
All that certain messuage, tenement and
tract of land situate in the township of
Worth, County of Centre, and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post at
the base of the Allegheny mountains;
thence by land of George Williams Sr.
South 28 degrees Rast 12014 perches td
stones; thence by land of George W. Wil:
liams, Jr., North 491% degrees Hast 83
perches to stones; thence by land o
Joseph F. Williams North 28 degrees Kus
1714 perches to a Chestnut Oak; thence by
land of Joseph IF. Williams and Hugh
Glenn, North 39 degrees West 103 perches
to Poplar; thence along base of Allegheny
Mountains South 431% degrees West 70
perches to the place of beginning. Con-
taining 55 acres and 32 perches. The above
described tract was surveyed from a larger
tract which was held by George Williams
Sr., by virtue of an improvement, and the
same tract which George Williams Sr. and
Mary, his wife, by their deed dated the
30th’ day of January, A. D. 1880, and econ-
veyed to Wilson Williams grantor hereto,
together with whatever buildings or im-
provement there are thereon erected.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of A. C. Williams.
Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock p. m, of
said day.
E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte,
Pa., February 1st, 1927. 72-5-3¢