Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 28, 1927, Image 5

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    The Scenic
Where the Better-Class Photoplays are Shown
Each Evening at 6.15 o’clock.
Matinee Every Mon. Wed. and Sat.
at 2 p. m.
Miss Crouse at the RobertMorton
Week--Ahead Program
Friday and Saturday
“Blond or Brunet”
Imagine any man having to chose be-
tween the ravishing blonde beauty Gretta
Nissen and the bewitching French brunette
Arlette Marchal! No wonder he preferred
them both. Some show.
Also a great Comedy “Motor Boat
Matinee Friday at 2 p. m.
As usual, 10 and 25c.
Monday and Tuesday
The Lunatic at Large
“Happy Hobo Sam.” Just because he fell
off a horse-cart he thought he was the
Prince of Wales. You'll think him the fun-
niest fellow who ever came eut of Broad-
way. It'll take a bunion or a broken leg
to make you stop laughing. A whole
week’s fun packed in one evening. What
could be sweeter.
Also Mack Sennett Comedy “Should Hus-
bands Marry 2?”
Matinee Monday at 2
Only 10 and 25 cents.
Wednesday and Thursday
“The Potters”
For laughs what are laughs this one
comes first. IYield’s greatest picture and
one riot of laughs. A comedy of middle
class American life whose chief character
is Pa Potter, a pompously ineffectual man;
solid citizen, husband and father; with an
alpaca office coat and a patch on the seat
of his trousers. A hero every day but
pay day.
Also Fox News and Screen Snap Shots.
Admissien 15 and 35¢
Matinee Wednesday at 2
Friday and Saturday
“Woman Power”
Taken from Harold MacGrath’'s story
“You Can’t Always Tell.” Horse power
drives machinery. Man power drives the
world. Women power drives man.
Moose Theatre
Where You Always See Good Shows.
Country Store Every Wednesday Night
This Friday and Saturday
“While London Sleeps”
With the Screen’s Greatest Dog Star.
Matinee at Scenic Saturday
Only 10 and 25 cents.
at 2
Soetial for Next Week...
This Year’s Greatest Vaudeville Act.
Novelty Song Presentations
Comedy singing, talking, dancing,
whistling, harmonica and concertina.
In a novelty number with special scenery
The famous Rube Comedian in singing,
talking and accordion playing.
5—Big Real Time Vaudeville Acts—5
—— FOE rm
“Don’t Tell the Wife”
Next Friday and Saturday
“The Overland Stage”
With Ken Maynard the screen's greatest
western star and “Tarzan’ the great horse.
Admission 25 and 50.
Great English Actor
Vagrant by Instinct
Miss Tidswell, the kindly benefactor
of the youthful Edmund Kean, taught
him to recite, and read Shakespeare
to him. But even kindness and com-
fort could not ease his hectic spirit.
Occasionally he would break his bonds
and run away to sleep In barns, to
haunt wayside Inns—imitating imps
and apes, tumbling, dancing, reciting,
and singing for his bread ‘and butter.
That Miss Tidswell locked him in
his bedroom with his schoolbooks
made but little difference; he would
wriggle down the water pipe at his
window to wander for days, restless
and uncontrollable as an alley cat.
Even the device of welding on his
neck a brass collar inscribed “This
boy belongs to Number 9 Leicester
square, Please send him home,” had
no effect; covering the fetter with his
kerchief he defied detection and was
The poor little devil was used to
shackles; when he was scarce more
than a baby his reprobate father, de-
ciding that Edmund's scandalously
bowed legs should be straightened.
clamped them into iron braces and in
this state of torture sent him to lodge
with some humble acquaintance in
. Soho—a Mr. and Mrs. Duncan.
Playing the grand Inquisitor did not
greatly appeal to Mr. Duncan. It dis
turbed his slumbers after his ‘four
ale” at the neighborhood pub. He
complained: “He used to sleep with
me and my wife in his irons, and
they hurt us.”
Live Comfortably in
Canadian Sod Houses
Ihe traveler in the Canadian prov-
inces of Saskatchewan and Alberta is
astonished at the great number of
sod houses scattered throughout the
prairie farming district. These do not
occur in the vicinity of the towns, bul
are out about ten miles or more. One
might suppose that such rude struc-
tures were the result of poverty. On
the contrary, the sod houses denote
advancing prosperity.
When the homesteader takes up a
section of wheat land in western Can-
ada he plants his crop at the earliest
possible moment In order that he may
not miss a harvest. Often he is occu-
pled to such an extent with these ag-
ricultural operations that he neglects
his dwelling house and hurriedly
throws together a rude makeshift of
sod. Even though it were desired to
erect a frame house, this could be
done only with great difficulty because
of the scarcity of lumber. It Is far
better to live In temporary quarters
until the railroad pushes out into that
territory and brings the cowmfcrts of
civilization. However, these god
houses are by no means uncomfort-
able, for they are wonderfully cool in
summer and correspondingly warm ir
St. Dznis
St. Denis, the patron saint of
France, especially during the cen
turies of the old monarchy, is known
in history as Dionysius, the first bish-
op of Paris. In the year 270 he and
his companions suffered martyrdom.
The bishop’s body was buried at a
spot about five miles north of Paris
Somewhat later a chapel was built
over the grave and it was a place for
pilgrimages during the Fifth and Sixth
centuries. In the year 630 King Da-
gobert built an abbey there, and later
buildings of like kind still stand there.
One is occupied by a school for daugh-
ters of members of the Legion of
Honor, founded by Napoleon I. A
town grew up about the spot, known
then as now as St. Denis. Once It
was held to be the military key of
Paris. Today it is an industrial place
with a population of 65,000.
Character in Making
Some writers assert that character
is formed in the days of childhood.
says the Los Angeles Times. They ai-
lege that in infancy the habits of age
are formed. If the kid throws mud
he is going to be a politician. If he
likes to play with dolls he is going
to be a movie actor. If he fights with
all the other boys in the block he will
be a lawyer. If he robs birds’ nests
he is going to be a promoter. So the
argument might go. As a matter of
fact very little character is formed in
the kindergarten stage. It does not
develop until the contacts of life in
school, college and business begin to
be felt.’
Far From Perfect
“Why don’t you call me a donkey
4nd have done with it? You've hinted
at it long enough,” said the henpeckea
“Jt wouldn't be quite true,” Mrs.
Meek replied.
“I suppose not. I haven’t ears long
enough for that animal,” he retorted,
“Oh, yes, you have,” she returned.
sweetly. “You don’t need longer
“What do I need, then?”
“Two more legs and a better voice.
Spread of Leprosy
America was discovered about the
time that leprosy was widespread in
Europe and there is evidence that the
earliest emigrants from Portugal and
Spain carried leprosy with them. Mon.
tava states that the first cases in Co:
lumbia were all in Spaniards as early
as 1543. The African slave trade was
a more important factor, however, ir
spreading leprosy in the western hem
isphere, 1,300,000 slaves having bees
carried to Central America by the en¢
of the Sixteenth century.
Uselessness of War
~ Proved by Voltaire
Ore of Voltaire’s most popular
books, his history of Charles XII, I3
devoted to a practical proof of the
utter folly of war. The life of Charles
XII of Sweden is an example without
equal of the colossal futility of war.
Charles, one of the world’s most ine
spiring examples of a capable, inde-
fatigable ruler, in a life of self-denial,
had but one fault. He spent his entire
life making war. Starting his career
at the age of eighteen with the suc-
cessful defense of his kingdom against
the combined forces of several of the
greatest countries of Europe, within
a comparatively short time he was
complete dictator of eastern Europe.
Many times he overwhelmed forces
outnumbering his own five or ten to
one. Crowning and dethroning kings
almost at will, his aims were usually
altruistic. He sought always to be
impartial and just. He undertook no
offensive war with the iptention of bet-
tering himself or his country. Yet
when he died he had done no lasting
good. He had irreparably impover-
ished his own and other countries, and
bad wasted his great life, which might
have been so productive of good to th2
world. In telling this most signifi-
cant story Voltaire impressed upon the
world the terrifying uselessness of the
thing he so hated—war.—From “The
Young Voltaire,” by C. B. Chase,
Small Change of No
Interest to Royalty
wouls Philippe of Bourbon. the
French pretender, had a royal way of
shopping. When the World war was
tt its height, he stalked into an ex-
rensive boot shop in London and or-
jered a dozen pairs of boots and shoes.
The bootmaker wanted to suggest
:omething on account, as the man
vas a stranger, but his remark that
‘he bill would run to about $250 met
vith no response. So his wife tact-
fully asked for some money toward
the cost of buying leather. The
stranger pulled out a thick roll of
ireasury notes and handed it over.
A week later he returned and “t ied
mn,” The result was satisfactory and
‘he bootmaker inquired as to where
‘0 send the order.
“You may consign it to the king ot
srance,” he replied, and named his
aotel. The order was delivered by
nessenger with a flowery letter in
french, in which was enclosed $22.50,
representing the amount overpaid. A
fey or two later a secretary appeared
it the shop with the news that the
ing was incensed at the refund, add-
mg affably that it would have been
ill the same if the balance had been
»n the other side.—Manchester Guard-
The Blue Danube
Near Vienna on the Danube at the
[ron Gates the speed of the current is
from 12 to 16 feet per second—and the
British monitor the Glowworm got
styinied haifway up it, couldn't go
sither forward or astern, and had to
nold down her valves to get a high
snough head of steam to struggle out
of it. It was a question whether she
would go up or blew up.
It takes a special towing steamer,
oulling itself up on a cable from one
and one-half to two hours, to go up
this two-kilometer stretch. The Ger-
mans used locomotives to flow ships
through it during the war. Down
velow Orsova these dreaded Iron Gates
are not one-half so sticky as the sixty-
tive miles of rapids and submerged
tedges below Drencova., As a matter
af fact, the “Schachlet” by Vilshofen
Is one of the nastiest parts of the
river,—Negley Farson in Adventure
Pure Air on Market
im Amsterdam, Holland, the munici- |
pal electric light works sell air to eiti-
gens. This seems an odd by-product
of the electric industry until it is con-
sidered that the electric ozonation
process is one of the most effective |
means of purifying air just as light-
ning “freshens” a dank and humid at-
mosphere, stimulating those who
breathe it. The Dutch air is drawn
down through a chimney 100 feet high,
purified and dried by electricity and
compressed into cylinders like those
used for soda fountain gas in Ameriea.
These are sold to homes in the city
on an annual contract basis, for about
$24 a year. Slow release of the air
fn bedrooms of people afflicted with
psthma is said to bring relief to the
Slitting Parrot’s Tongue
“It is a widespread superstition that
to enable a parrot to talk (in imita-
tion of human speech) it is necessary
to split the tongue,” says Alexander
Wetmore in the Scientific Magazine.
“This, however, has no foundation in
fact, and when practiced only inflicts
an unnecessary cruelty. Birds make
sounds in a little organ known as the
syrinx at the lower end of the trachea
or windpipe, and as the tongue has
little to do with the process, splitting
it has no connection whatever with
the ability to imitate sounds.”
A “Show Me” Boy
Bobby had his mother’s best bread
knife out in the yard, where he had
been trying to cut bricks. His moth-
er found him at the job and asked
“How in the world do you expect
mother to cut bread with that knife
when you get through?”
*7 don’t know, mother. Show me
now,” came back Bobby, who handed
the knife back to the fond parent.—
Columbus Dispatch.
casos RA ————
a Oh, Yes! Call Bellefonte 432
LUIVIBER ? w.r.shope Lumber Co.
71-16-t¢ Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing
Ira Harpster is recovering from an
attack of pneumonia.
Alexander B. Tanyer
relatives in Huntingdon.
Mrs. C. B. McCormick and Jennie
Guelick are grippe victims.
C. A. Meyers is making a prolonged
visit in the Lone Star State.
Mrs. J. C. Corl is ill, suffering
with a severe attack of tonsilitis.
Mrs. W. O. Mitchell, of Clearfield,
Sen last week visiting in the val-
H. H. Goss and wife, of State Col-
lege, visited friends in town on Satur-
Charles Krebs spent last week visit-
ing at Beaver and in the Mountain
J. H. McCracken and J. T. Fleming,
Glades farmers, spent Friday with
friends in town.
William A. Fye is serving his coun-
try doing jury duty in the federal
court at Lewisburg.
Mrs. William Kennedy, who has
been suffering with complications,
is now convalescing.
Miss Ollie Walker and O. K. Krape
spent Monday at the H. N. Walker
home on Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stephens, of Al-
toona, are spending the week at the
Oliver P. Bloom home.
Melvin Nearhood, well known gar-
age man, spent last week at the auto
show at New York city.
Mrs. Mary Combs, of Johnstown,
was an over Sunday visitor at her
parental home on West Main St.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Parsons, of Tad-
pole, spent Saturday afte noon mixing
shopping with busmess in town.
John B. Holter, a well known Grand
Army man, who has been seriously ill,
is now on a fair way to recovery.
Master Willie Close entertained a
bunch of his special friends at a social
at his home on Thursday evening.
Walter O’Bryan, of State College,
spent the Sabbath with his grand-
mother O’Bryan on Church street.
Our grain merchant, J. D. Neidigh,
is loading three cars with $1.30 wheat
at Struble for the southern market.
Dr. W. H. Tomhave, of the Windy
city, spent several days last week
among his old friends at State Col-
“J. H. Bailey and wife motored to
Huntingdon where they spent Satur-
day visiting Newton Titus Krebs and
! family.
Jesse Pennington, of State College,
accompanied by his wife and daughter
Ruth, spent Sunday at the J. A. Fort-
ney home, on Main St.
Murs. Agnes Dunlap, who spent the
Yuletide season with her home folks
iat Indiana, joined her husband here
i last week for the winter.
Elmer E. Royer, one of the foremost
farmers of the Bloomsdorf region,
spent Friday afternoon in town, mix-
ing business with pleasure.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. R. Porter are re-
ceiving congratulations over the new
arrival, nuinber three. The little chap
has been christened Joseph.
Murs. Minnie Wieland, of Franklin-
ville, accompanied by her son Guy and
daughter Ruth, were callers at the M.
C. Wieland home Sunday afternoon.
is visiting
of the week at the home of his brother-
tin-law, H. M. Walker, on Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kustaborder,
‘retired farmers of Lemont, spent Moun-
day in town, making short calls, and
tarried awhile with his tenant farmer
on the Branch.
Walter Woods, wife and daughter
Woods, on Main street.
Mrs. I. L. Foster is spending the
week with her brother, Hon. Hairy
| Patterson, at the Maryland Agricul-
tural College, sight-seeing in and
about the National capital.
Geo. Bell and wife and son-in-law
improving from their recent illness.
Frank Krumrine, a Ferguson town-
ship farmer, who submitted to an
operation for appendicitis, in the Wil-
liamsport hospital, has been dis-
charged. He is convalkescing at his
Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Brennan and daughter Helen motored
to the county capital and visited
brother William, a patient at the Cen-
tre County hospital, where he is get-
ting along splendidly.
| in Lake Worth, Florida.
| Miss Helen Kepler was given a
| birthday party by her mother, at her
i home on west Main street, on Friday
| evening, when sixteen
i friends enjoyed the splendid chicken
| dinner with all accompaniments and
| the birthday cake decorated with six-
teen candles, which were snuffed by
little Junior. The evening was spent
in games and music and some nice
gifts changed hands.
The community social held at the
proved to be a very pleasant event
last Tuesday evening. All points of the
compass led to the Walker residence,
James Franks, of the United States |
navy at Panama, spent the early part | Columbus, Ohio says: “My wife was trou-
Virginia motored up from Washing- |
ton, D. C., and spent the early part of !
the week at the parental home, Dr.
Marshall, of Spruce Creek, visited Mr. |
and Mrs. Frank Krebs, at State Col- |
lege on Sunday and found them both ,
W. R. Dale, after spending a week |
among Centre county friends, depart- |
ed on Monday morning, accompanied !
by his aunt Anna Dale and his mother- |
lin-law, Mrs. Reynolds, for his home |
of her girl!
| ——— a
Ralph Walker home on the Branch |
cars laden with jolly folks, baskets
packed with good eats. The mansion
was filled notwithstanding the bad
weather and standing room was at a
premium. The festive board was
laden with the choicest viands the
farm and market could produce, top-
ped out with ice cream and cake. It
was eleven o'clock when the tip toe
and swing your partner around the
circle started. George Reed handled
the bow to the wee, wee hours of the
Real Estate Transfers.
I. G. Gordon Foster, et al, to School
District of State Cellege, tract in
State College; $4,700. /
John A. Baney, et ux, to Samuel G.
Fry, et ux, tract in Boggs Twp.; $250.
Mrs. Nancy M. Sheckler, et bar, to
0. Newton Aikey, tract in Boggs
Twp.; $2,250. ;
Philipsburg Coal and Land com-
pany to Joseph F. Gray, et ux, tract
in Rush Twp.; $176.40
David Burd, et ux, to Cedon H.
Burd, tract in Haines Twp.; $3,000.
I. B. Showers, et ux, to George L.
Newman, tract in Milesburg; $2,000.
James W. Swabb, et ux, to John B.
Reish, et ux, tract in Milesburg; $3,-
Anna T. H. Henszey, et bar, to State
College Alpha Gamma Rho Alumni
Association, tract in State College;
$2,500. -
Raymond F. Baird, et ux, to Paul
Weaver, tract in Milesburg borough;
Bellefonte Cemetery Association to
Paul Emerick, et al, tract in Belle-
fonte; $50.
James O. Heverly, et ux, to T. H.
Harter, et al, tract in Bellefonte boro.;
Marion R. Kunes, et al, to Edward
N. Noll, et ux, tract in Spring Twp.;
William Peters, et al, to Edward N.
Noll, et ux, tract in Spring Twp.; $1,-
William H. Hines, et ux, to Edward
Noll, et ux, tract in Spring Twp.;
Edward Craft, et ux, to Nellie M.
Paden: tract in South Philipsburg;
Harry S. Moyer, et ux, to Ora B.
Moyer, tract in Spring Twp.; $2,700.
Irvin Buris, et ux, to James W.
Swahb, tract in Harris Twp.; $5,500.
Mary Houser, et al, to Jacob Zong,
tract in College Twp.; $200.
Carrie Hull, et al, to George A.
Bezilla, tract in Philipsburg; $4,500.
William K. Harshberger, et ux, to
Harry S. Hoy, J1., et’ ux, tract in
Walker Twp.; $5,500.
William F. Snyder to Lester R.
Condo, tract in Gregg Twp.; $1,700.
Christian B. Schenck, et ux, to
Christian B. Schenck, et ux, tract iu
Howard; $1.
Samuel E. Martz to M. B. Musser,
tract in Ferguson Twp.; $100.
Franklin Auman to Wilmer C. Kei-
stetter, tract in Gregg Twp.; $1.
Keystone Power corporation to
Edward B. Meyer, tract in State Col-
lege; $1.
For Bladder Relief is Nature's Danger
Signal. Columbus Minister's Wife Re-
lates Experience.
W. H. Mitchell, 824 No. Park St.,
! bled seriously with bladder irritation until
| we used lithiated buchu (Keller Fornula.)
| She would have to get up 6 to 8 times each
[night. Will gladly answer any letter.”
Lithiated Buchu acis on the bladder as
{ epson salts on the bowels. Drives out for-
feign matter and decreases excessive
{acidity, thereby relieving irritation. The
| tablets cost Ze each at all drug stores.
! Keller Laboratory, Mechanicsburg, Ohio.
Locally at C. M. Parrish’s Drug Store.
Socks Underwear Gloves
FROM 10cts UP,
We have the weight, the quality
and the price most reasonable
! OST.—State Highway patrol badge, be-
4: tween Bellefonte and Tyrone via.
Buffalo Run or Bald Eagle trail.
lteward if returned to S. IH. P. 326 Bishop
St. Bellefonte. T2-4-2t%
'E ed executrix of the last will and
! testment of Ralph W. Noll, late of
of Spring township, Centre County, Pa.,
deceased, hereby notifies all persons know-
ing themselves indebted to said estate to
make immediate payment thereof and those
having claims to present them, properly
| authenticated, for settlement.
i EDNA K. NOLL, Executrix.
' 72-3-6t* Pleasant Gap, Pa.
XECUTRIX NOTICE.—The undersign-
of administration c¢. t. a. having
been granted the undersigned on
the estate of James I. Yarnell, late of the
borough of Snow Shoe Centre County, Pa.,
deceased, all presons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate are hereby notified
to make immediate payment thereof and
those having claims should present them,
properly authenticated, for settlementfi to
Administrator c. t. a.
Bellefonte, Pa.
| A Pot saministrat NOTICE.—Letters
Valentines - 1 to 50c.
Teachers should not wait nntil
the last for quantity purchases.
Another shipment of Red Lion
Tablets—Blair line—the best
—Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
OUSE FOR RENT.——With all modera
H conveniences, 109 W. Curtin
Mrs. H. C. Valentine. 72-1-4¢.
OST.—Bunch of keys, between the Me-
Clain building and Last Resort Tea
room on High St. Bellefonte. Find-
er will please leave same at this office and
ebilge Miss Mary Derstine. 72-3-2¢
G Guernsey cow, a heifer and a bull
calf, all eligible to registry. These
animals are all in good condition and of
A 1 blood that might improve tbat of any
grade herd. Inquire of Cross and Meek,
Bellefonte, Pa., or phone Bellefonte 520-J
A of administration, ¢. t. a. havin
been granted to the undersign
on the estate of James Schofield, late of
the borough of Bellefonte, Centre county,
Penna., deceased, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estaté are
hereby notified to make immediate pay-
ment thereof and those having claims
should present them, properly authenticat-
ed, for settlement, to 3
W. Harrison Walker, Administréfors c. t. a.
72-1-6¢ Attorney Bellefonte, Pa.
Late Arrivals
Outing Night Gowns, and Bloomers. A
new cut in Black Sateen Bloomers that
will Wear. Early styles im English
Prints. New styles in Step-ins, Prin-
cess Slips and colored Bloomers. ...
At a Reduced Rate 20%
71286m J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent
ws ae 31.95
Nittany Shoe Store
High Street
Bellefonte, Pa.
Men’s All-Rubber
Children’s Gum Boots
4-Buckle Artics
Sizes from 5 to 10;
Another Shipment of the
Likely the last for this season—Slop
Jars, oblong Dish Pans, a nickle
Alarm Clock at an unusual price
A special sale of Mayer's
Dairy Feed—a Ready-
Mixed Ration, 22% protein
$40.00 per Ton
Delivery Charge $2.00 per Load
Frank M. Mayer
101 Seuth Eleventh St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum
Hugh M. Quigley
Successor to H. E. FENLON
Temple Court,
Bellefonte, Penna.