Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 07, 1927, Image 7

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Bellefonte, Pa., January 7, 1927.
Chungking China, Sept. 25.
Dear Home Folks: ,
To anyone who has taken a “hike”
there is no need of pointing out the
advantages of this sort of vacation—
or its disadvantages. But a hike in
China is a bit different from what one
experiences in the West. For this
reason, among others, I am setting
down a brief summary of some of our
more interesting experiences. .
There were five of us—two Canadi-
ans and three Americans; or, to make
another classification, two doctors, two
school men, and a Y. M. C. A. secre-
tary. The school men were light-
weights. The rest heavyweights. It
goes without saying that the light-
weights came back a bit more fit than
the rest—but perhaps the heavy-
weights would deny such a statement.
Yes, there were five of “us,” but be-
sides there were four load carriers,
six “hwagan” carriers, and a gener-
ally useful servant. A hwagan? All
right, just a word of explanation. The
word means “slippery poles,” and the
object is a seat slung between two
bamboo poles. It is much lighter
than a sedan chair, and is therefore
more desirable than the chair for fast
hiking. We took two of these hwgans
along to rest ourselves in by turns,
and to take care of any casualties.
If such an array of men and bag-
gage seems a bit bewildering to you,
try to imagine yourselves crossing
Pennsylvania’s mountains or the Adi-
rondacks with food, clothing and bed-
ding for a ten-day trip with no rail-
roads, no highways, no waterways to
make travel easy. Nothing but foot-
paths along which to move. If you
get this conception you will be able to
understand why this great caravan for
a ten-day hike of some 300 miles.
Our start was not promising. The
night before we started it rained
steadily. In the morning it was still
at it. We—that is, Dr. Gentry and I,
went down the hill toward our meet-
ing place with some misgivings as to
the rest of the crowd. At Lao Chang
(Old Shed) we found the Y. M. C. A.
secretary, Mr. Smith, waiting for us,
but the two Canadians were not to be
found. After a wait of an hour and
a half, during which time the rain
stopped, the two appeared. Their
carriers had not appeared until it was
very late.
We went on from here in good
spirits, climbing slowly up the ridge
out of the valley. We passed rushing
streams leaping from one rice terrace
to the next lower, joining other
streamlets, and at last flowing into
a good-sized brook that roared away
into a hole in the ground, and went off
in some subterranean watercourse.
This region is limestone country, and
this valley is higher at either end than
it is in the middle. All the drainage
is by underground passages.
After topping the ridge we began
a hasty descent to the foot of the slope
in the next valley, leaving behind us
a little hamlet perched in the pass,
called the “Chwen Shan Ya”, or
Spring Mountain Pass. We soon
crossed a large arched bridge, where
Dr. Sheridan recalled the bloody fight
several years previous that had oc-
curred at this spot between two op-:
posing forces of Chinese soldiery. This
was made more vivid to us by the fact
that there had passed us on the road
a company of soldiers belonging to
General Wang, the military director
of Chungking, on their way to Lan-
chwan, the city near which was our
Passing along through fields upon
fields of rice, giving promise of an
abundant harvest a few weeks hence,
and through occasional patches of
corn and sweet potatoes, we arrived
next at the village of Lu Go Chang
(Deer’s Horn Market), perched on the
top of a low hill in the midst of a
broad valley. The town consisted
principally of a single long street, like
many another medium-sized market
town. After going through the little
hamlets of Lao Wa Shu (Crow Tree)
and Shen Juin Dien (Holy Nobleman
Inn), we came to the town of Jiai Sih
(Boundary Stone), where we ate a
much-longed-for dinner of rice, zwei-
back, bread, jam, milk (made from
Klim), cocoa or coffee, etc., most of
which we had taken along with us.
The usual crowd of idle villagers,
mostly men and boys, gathered to see
the animals feed, and only with diffi-
culty were they induced to remain far
enough away from the table to give
us air. For you must know that a
Chinese inn opens directly on to the
street, and he who wishes may enter
or leave as the spirit moves him.
Privacy is about as rare in China as
the proverbial hen’s tooth. To make
the crowd larger, it was market day,
when all the farmers from the sur-
Tonnding country came in to buy and
About half past one we left Jiai Sih
and followed along the road to the
left, beside a small river. When we
asked the name of the river we were
told, as is generally the case, that it
was the “Hsiao Ho” (Small River).
It is doubtful if one man in a hun-
dred knows it by any other name.
And there are hundreds of “Hsiao
Ho’s” throughout the province. Of
course the “Da Ho”, the Yangtse, or
“Large River,” so far outshadows 2ll
others that they must be satisfied that
they are honored with even so in-
significant a name as the Small River.
Pen Chia Chang (The Pen Family
Market) we reached about four in the
afternoon. The carriers became un-
ruly, and wanted to go no further, al-
though they had agreed on 100 li a
day (33 miles), and we had gone only
some 50 or more li. By means of
persuasion, threats, and various other
weapons of the tongue, we managed
‘to get them as far as Gwan Yin Chiao
(Goddess of Mercy Bridge), and then
to Sih Gang Chang (Stone Ridge Mar-
ket), where we found our friends the
soldiers in all the inns. We went on
to a little “yao dien dzih” (wayside
tavern) a mile or two beyond, where
we put up for the night. Some of the
caravan did not arrive until long after
dark. After a good supper—almost
any kind of supper is good on the first
day out—we prepared for bed. Those
who had cots unfolded them, and hung
the absolutely necessary mosquito net.
Those without cots found beds on the
dining tables. The latter are a bit
hard, but are infinitely preferable to
the Chinese bed, which, although soft-
er, is less desirable from the stand-
point of single occupancy. There is a
very real danger from typhus in the
Chinese inn beds.
Chinese inns seem built for rest—
of a sort—but not for sleep. Of
course, if one sleeps in the inn rooms,
one has a degree of quiet, but most
of us prefer to sleep in the court, or
what roughly corresponds to the lobby
or main room of a hotel at home,
where there are fewer vermin, and
more fresh air. Here the greater
sanitary advantage is obtained at the
cost of quiet. The “yaosifu,” or bell
hop, is one of the noisiest of a noisy
race, and keeps up his calls far into
the night. None of the innkeepers or
their families seem to think of retir-
ing before midnight, or thereabut.
In this first inn, things were fairly
quiet, as compared with our later ex-
periences. The person who made most
noise was the young woman, who
didn’t seem satisfied with the way the
carriers paid her, and aired her griev-
ances so that all might hear.
Penn State Livestock Sets New Prec-
This was a Penn State year at the
International Livestock Exposition in
Chicago, November 27 to December 4.
Stockmen and spectators alike talked
of the supremacy of this eastern col-
lege’s exhibits.
It was in sheep that the Nittany in-
stitution ranked head and shoulders
above its friendly rivals from other
States and, in doing so, established a
reputation that no exhibitor or college
ever had before. Both the reserve
grand championship and the grand
championship on wether came to Penn
State. A purebred Southdown lamb,
bred by the College, won the premier
honors, and a grade Southdown year-
ling was runner-up.
Other winnings in the sheep classes
uneluded first and third on Shropshire
yearling ewe, champion Shropshire
ewe, first on pen of three American-
bred Shropshire yearling ewes, first
on grade and crossbred yearling weth-
er, champion yearling wether, first on
purebred Southdown wether lamb, and
champion Southdown wether. In com-
petition for the John Clay Special
prizes to colleges and experiment sta-
tions, Penn State won first on year-
ling wether, first on wether lamb,
championship on wether, 1eserve
championship on wether, and first on
five head of wethers under 18 months
of age. The college also won third
prize on sheep carcass.
“Jack” Coyne, college shepherd, won
the shepherds’ first prize for the best
fitted pen of three American-bred
Shropshires and a gold medal for fit-
ting the grand champion wether.
In the swine classes, the College
captured first and second on 250-350
pound individual barrows and first on
pen of three barrows of the same
weight; third, fifth, and seventh on in-
dividual barrows weighing 350 to 450
pounds and first on pen of three bar-
rows of the same weight; champion-
ship on pen of Berkshire barrows and
reserve grand championship on pen of
three barrows. In the John Clay
Special classes the swine duplicated
the sheep winnings when five barrows
won the special prize awarded to the
best five barrows shown by’ colleges,
all weights and breeds competing.
These five barrows defeated the five
exhibited by the Iowa State College
which included the indivdual grand
champion pen of the show.
Beef awards, while not as spectacu-
lar, were nevertheless high enough to
make a well-rounded college exhibit.
They included second on group of
three steers, fourth on senior steer
calf, fourth and seveneth on junior
steer calf, and seventh on get of sire,
three steers sired by the same buil.
Four championships, two reserve
grand championships, and one grand
championship are enough to make the
smile of a jovial stackman like “Pete”
MacKenzie broader even than usual.
Horn and Hardart, Philadelphix,
bought the grand champion wether
lamb and reserve grand champion
wether yearling, paying $3.65 a pound
for the purple winner and 22} cents
a pound for his competitor. Milton
Fritsche, a senior in the school of
agriculture at Penn State, did the bid-
ding for the restaurant concern. The
wethers have been returned to the
College where they will remain until
the State Farm Products Show at
Harrisburg in January. There they
will be exhibited and probably resold.
—— le ee.
Institutional Week at State College
Plans Made Public.
Programs of the first Institutional
Farmers’ Week ever held in the State,
which is slated for January 10 to 14
at the Pennsylvania State College,
have been distributed from the office
of Vice-Dean R. G. Bressler, School of
Agriculture, State College.
This is the first time that a week
of this kind has been attempted, al-
though the College long has had
Farmers’ Winter Short Courses, and
Poultry Courses, Horticulture Weeks,
and Sawmill Weeks. Managers and
farm operators of various Pennsyl-
vania institutions, including char-
itable, penal and educational organi-
zations, have been invited to attend
this course designed especially for
On the first day the plans and pro-
gram of the week will be presented.
Tuesday will be devoted to potato cul-
ture, fertilizers, and orchard practices.
Wednesday is vegetable and livestock
day. Poultry will occupy Thursday
forenoon, and in the afternoon the
Transportation for fish is now an
established fact. By means of “fish
railroads” and the longest ‘fish lad-
ders” in the world, millions of salmon
have been enabled to climb upstream
past a 265-foot dam to reach their
spawning grounds in the spring, says
the Pennsylvania Public Service In-
formation Commitee.
These same fish, together with mil-
lions of young salmon, later leap
safely down that same dam on their
way to the sea. The electric power
companies in the American North-
west have made this possible. The
Northwest needed the eiectric power
produced by the falling water, so the
dams were necessary. The salmon
fishing industry, however, would have
been dealt a severe blow if the fish
had been unable to reach their usual
safe spawning grounds.
The plan was worked out success-
fully on the Baker River, one of the
two main salmon rivers in the state
of Washington, where engineers con-
structed a series of flumes and fish
ladders with low jumps and resting
pools, each with a gate to prevent the
fish turning back from their trip up-
stream. The last stage of the journey
is a tram railroad with a tank car
pulled by a cable.
Nobody knew certainly that the
new system would work until this
year’s run of salmon began, but fit
soon proved successful. When the
downward run of young salmon start-
ed, five and six-inch fish went over
the dam at the rate of about 10,000
an hour, dropping with the falling
water into the deep pools below and
swimming off in good condition.
—_— A
EE ——
When the correct letters nre placed Iu the white spaces this puszie will
spell words both vertically and horizontally,
The first letter In each word is
indicated by a number, which refers to the definition listed below the puzzle.
Thus No. 1 under the column headed “horizontal” defines a word which will
fill the white spaces up to the first black square to the right, and a number
under “vertical” defines a word which will fill the white squares to the mext
black one below.
tlomary words, except proper names.
No letters go in the black spaces.
Abbreviations, slang, Initials, technical
All words used are die-
terms and obsolete forms are indicated In the definitions.
TI EB 4 [5 [6
r 2
9 10
17 [23 3 13 as 16 iF 28 [I
20 1 22 23 I 4+
26 8 29
Id Fe I
30 |312 32 133
34 35
36 7 38 39
40 [41 [42 4 4 G [47 [48 [49
{50 51 52 53
54 55 |56 | MM 57 58
q 60 67
2 3
ie 65
(©, 1926, Western Newspaper Union,)
Horizontal. Vertical
{ hen 4 3—Consider
7—Form of verb ‘to be”
8— Writing fluid
9—Nodule of earth
10—To grow old
11—Segment of a circle
14—Form of verb “to be”
16—Behold 17—A toy
20—Part of a hilt of a sword
22—A disorderly crowd
24—7T0 rise high in the air
26—A giant of fairy tales
27—Wasted away
29—Small, flat-bottomed boat
32-——-Regret 34—A tree
35—To make lace with a hand shut-
36—Suffix 38—For each
40—Requited 43—Evade
46—Norse chief of the gods (myth.)
52—Bustle 53—A supply
E4—A vegetable 55—A preposition
E7—A preposition 58-—Secure
68—ILarge New Zealand bird now
extinct 60—Clear
€2—Request 63—Cunning
64—Born 65—Dined
4—TFace of a watch or clock
5—Mass of unwrought metal
6—Make barely enough by addition
11—Past 12—A soft, wooly mat
13—A vehicle with wheels
15—A ballad 17—A number
18—Over (poet.)
19—Search with impertinent curi-
osity 21—Brazilian cofn
22—Note of the musical scale
23—Exist 25—~Poem
27—A flat dish
28—Arrange folds of cloth
31—To cut off
33—Name of an Indian tribe
36—An American humorist
37—Impolite 39—Decay
40—A sharp, quick sound
41—Liquor made from mal
42—A girl's name
44—A note of the musical scale
45—Accomplish 47-—Domestic animal
48—Anger 49—Openwork fabric
51—Loop formed with a running
53—Wasted by being turned out
56—Hoax 57—A constellation
59—A piece used in playing chess
Solution will appear in next issue.
The public utility industry in-
dorses and follows the views of Presi-
dent Coolidge on America’s indus-
trial supremacy, according to P. H.
Gadsden, vice-president of the United
Gas Improvement Company, of Phila-
Vice-president of the United Gas Im-
proyement Company and president
Phila. Chamber of Commerce
“We in the public utility business,”
said Mr. Gadsden, “are industriously.
following out the theory of mass
production. We follow it even in our
advertising. Throughout the coun-
try, in thirty-seven states, we have
public utility information bureaus,
specifically designed to carry through
to its most scientific degree the busi-
ness of ‘advertising the great indus-
try of public ‘service, snd, as the
President has said, ereating develop-
Solution te Last Week’s Puzzle.
Always on Duty.
ras the romantic picture of the Red
Cross Nurse faded with the war days?
It has been more than 12 years since
| that first contingent of brave women
‘to go to the war zone sailed from
America to make an undying record
of service behind every battle front.
group will visit the College farms. ' ment through advertising.”
Friday will be dairy day.
For an answer to their whereabouts
today, it is only necessary to refer to
any large disaster of recent years in
which the Red Cross rendered relief.
Wherever there was injury and suf-
fering the Red Cross nurse will be
found to have been on active duty.
These nurses are enrolled under the
American Red Cross as a reserve of
the Army, Navy and U. S. Publie
Health Service, at all times ready to
serve in war or peace. This reserve
of Red Cross nurses aggregates 43,608
women who have met the highest
standard in the nursing profession.
The Roll Call for membership in the
Red Cross this year is November 11
to 25, when the American people
identify themselves with the broad
services of the organization by joining
its ranks,
Great bargains in all departments at the
greatest savings we have ever offered.
E New Year will begin with
prospects for continued good bus-
iness. We hope all our friends will
have a full share of whatever good for-
tune the coming months have in store.
The First National Bank
Bellefonte, Penna.
In the year that
is at hand
uropean Bankers wish to lower
the tariff walls which divide the
Nations from each other. The
man who has a growing account] in
“ this bank has no wall between him
and prosperity.
3 per cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co.
All Winter Merchandise must go now at
cost and less.
Everything reduced.
Winter Coats as low as $4.95 in Ladies,
Misses’ and Children’s. : \
See our racks of
Banded Dress Goods, all colors, LESS
THAN WHOLESALE. Some have one dress
pattern in piece.