Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 07, 1927, Image 6

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    Peworraly Wa
Bellefonte, Pa. January 7, 1927.
Baltimore, Md.—Maryland’s agricul-
turally rich eastern shore, with its
canneries and oyster packing plants
nearly fifty miles nearer Baltimore by
highway and hence nearer the mar-
kets of the world, would be one of the
outstanding results of a proposed
elght-mile bridge span across Chesa-
peake bay.
The span, which would be perhaps
the longest of its kind in the world,
also would make the highway distance
from the southern half of Delaware
less to Baltimore than to Philadelphia,
its present normal market.
Provided War department, congres-
sional and other sanctions are forth-
coming, the bridge will be started next
spring by the Chesapeake Bay Bridge
company, just chartered.
The company, the first of many
predecessors which have toyed with
the dream of a bay span to distill a
thirty-year bridge romance into hard
facts, is prepared to spend $10,000,000
in construction work. The bridge
would be operated on a toll basis.
Previous groups, with the same ena
in view, have dreamed dreams of
tubes’ under the bay, rapid ferry and
barge fleets and trolley car bridges at
costs estimated from $1,000,000 to
The projected eight-mile span would
oe from 20 to 27 feet wide, set on con-
crete piling. It would be so placed
that it would not interfere with ma-
rine traffic to the capes, and two
draws would permit passage of ves-
sels to the Susquehanna river and the
Delaware and Chesapeake canal.
Erection of the bridge represents a
difficult engineering feat.
Ancient Clock Governs
All Bank’s Activities
Asbury Park, N. J.—The Merchants
National bank here opens its doors in
the morning, regulates all its activities
and closes at night by a tall, mahogany
clock brought from England 311 years
ago, and acquired by the bank's pres-
ident, Samuel Reeves, in 1913 for $21.
Mr. Reeves sald he believed the
cimepiece was at least 500 years old.
It has no markings to Indicate Its
age and birthplace. The clock was
brought from London by Isaac Wood-
ard in 1615 to Monmouth county, New
. When Charles Woodard, a descend:
ant, died at the age of seventy in
1912, he willed the clock to a nephew,
Dare Switchin of Aspury Park.
-Switchin owed Mr. Reeves some
money for some articles worth $21 and
after keeping the clock for a year or
so, decided to turn it over to his
creditor in payment.
tHohenzollern Name
Still Frequently Seen
Berlin.—Under the German repub-
tlcan regime the Hohenzollerns have
been in the discard nearly eight years,
but the family name and the names
of its members are still the most fse-
quently encountered of any in Ger-
They stare at one from the street
corners and shop windows and are em-
blazoned on the facades of ‘innumer-
able buildings.
That the German republican mind is
pecoming impressed by this fact is in-
dicated by a statistical exhibit which
shows that of the 300 high schools of
Prussia conducted under state author-
ity 126 bear the name of one member
or another of the Hohenzollern family.
William I and William [I appear 25
times. Queen Victoria Louise 2¢ times
and &mpress Augusta Victorian 19
times. .
Eskimos Tune in Radio
to Learn Day of Month
New York.—Radio operators who
keep two sets of batteries, one in the
cook stove oven thawing out, while
the ‘other, in use, is freezing, were de-
scribed by Dr. William H. Easton, New
York chief of the Westinghouse broad-
casting system, in a talk on radio
problems north of the Arctic circle,
‘Many Eskimos are radio funs,” he
said, “and among them {is Pan-il-Pah,
who was with Peary when Peary dis-
.eovered the North pole.” Virtually
the entire white population of North
_Ameriea north of the Arctic circle is
receiving personal messages regularly
© by radio, he said.
One of the uses of the radio, he said,
is to inform inhabitants of sub-Polar
,zegions of the day of the month. The
days being all “nights” in winter, the
population sometimes gets as much as
«wight days behind the calendar.
Girls of Today Leave
Lap Dogs to Old Maids
Croydon, England. —Up-to-date girls
favor larger dogs, like the Alsatian,
believing they harmonize with fashion,
but the old maids and elderly women
still cling to lap dogs and the toy
poodles, say judges of the Croydon
dog show.
The girl of today believes that her
preference for the larger breed of
dogs is an indication of independence
and strength, the judges decreed after
looking over the exhibits and their
One woman judge said: “Alsatians
look, and semetimes are, fierce, but
they harmonize with the present-day
fads and styles and therefore are pop-
Beau Brummel Safe Cracker
and Outlaw Among Out
laws, Slain in Revenge.
San Francisco.—Clyde Hilliard, Beau
Brummel safe-cracker, outlaw among
outlaws, and feared for his trigger-
finger, lived by a strangely cynical
“Never accept any man as your
friend !”
Forsaking that code Hilliard died
recently, a bullet in his brain, fired
by an unknown hand.
With his death, San Francisco's
underworld chortled. In the dank,
smelly places where criminals planned
and plied their trade there were
smirks that bespoke a grim jest,
For the underworld had won a long
and cunning race with the police to
“deal justice” to this self-styled lead-
er of its realm.
It had evened the score with Clyde
Hilliard’s too-well-known automatic.
Long ago the dapper “lady’s-man-
crook” had set cold lead as the pen-
alty for those who should seek to
cross his path, and he paid the same
They found his body, face down,
in the dirt alongside the Skyline boule-
vard, south of San Francisco, early
on the morning of September 20. A
bullet wound was in the back of his
head. Clyde Hilliard had never had a
Half a mile distant, crawling on her
hands and knees through the brush,
blood streaming from a bullet wound
in her temple, they found Gladys
Hilliard, disbeliever in men, was
never without his “woman.”
Identification of the two was not
immediately established on the morn-
ing of the crime, but when police had
wiped aside the shroud of mystery
they nodded knowingly.
“Well, boys, the score’s tied!” sald
one of them.
Hilliard had gone the way he had
sent Gene Bowen, ex-convict and
member of the former's gang of mas-
ter cracksmen, in a Green street apart-
ment on the night of August 3.
Gladys Fleming, by chance of fate,
had taken the same medicine that
Hilliard meted out to the dashing Dor-
othy Wilson on the same night he
killed Bowen—a bullet in the temple.
Both women lived.
Score Is Tied.
So the score, in the main at least,
was tied, so far as the underworld
went. But this same underworld was
now a good jump ahead of the police.
True, long ago the police had cor-
nered Jim Fleming, second husband
of the wounded Gladys, and sent him
away to the “big house” at San
Quentin for the killing of a “copper,”
but in this race to “get” Clyde Hil-
liard the “element” had won—hands
With a combination of hair dye, an
alias and native cunning, Hilliard had
slipped through the police net when
it seemed that naught could save
him. He had moved for a time in the
circle that knew him best, undetect-
He had played his game with the
aifections of women, and well.
3ut Clyde Hilliard discounted fate,
and once placed on the defensive, he
forgot the code by which he had
“Never accept any man as your
Then they “got him.”
The murder of Gene Bowen and the
shooting of Dorothy Wilson in the
(ireen street apartment, police said,
had been “plain slaughter.” The vie-
tims never had a chance. [It was a,
“falling out of thieves,” the detectives
held, and later Mrs. Wilson bore them
Hilliard, she said, had net liked
Eugene Bowen's division of the spoils
in a recent gem robbery. So he took
his long-avowed method of settling
‘such disputes. Knocking at the door
of the apartment in which Bowen and
his sweetheart lived, he had spoken
his greeting to the two within with a
fusilade of pistol shots.
Bowen fell dead. Dorothy Wilson,
lapsing into a state of coma from the
effects of her three wounds, was de-
termined to ‘“get” Hilliard if it took
her dying effort.
Reaching a pencil and a piece of
paper and dropping to the floor she
“Clyde done it—330 Post stre—"
When the pelice came she was un-
conscious. But they knew the rest
of the unwritten story. Clyde Hilliard
had “dene it.”
Drag-Net Thrown Out.
The drag-net was quickly thrown
about the city and a systematic
search of the underworld haunts was
begun by the homicide squad.
They found that Hilliard and a girl
named “Gladys” had hastily left their
apartment at No. 1635 Polk street,
where they lived in luxury as Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Bronson.
Two days later Dorothy Wilson had
sufficiently regained her strength to
identify positively rogue’s gallery ple-
tures of Hilliard as the slayer of
“And if you don't get him, we will!"
she told the police.
But Clyde Hilliard had not played
his game so long for nothing, and he
tocled both the police and the under
world, Fooled thew anti the game
Bd Man enev Uoand che threw caution
On the night of September 186,
Charles Brown, dapper but gray of
hair, and somewhat sour of disposi-
tion, gave a “party” in a Sacramento
street apartment. Liquor flowed free-
ly and the general hilarity became ob-
noxious to other tenants in the build-
ing. The police were called when
Brown’s nervous trigger finger let
loose three shots through a door
Charles Brown and his six compan-
fons—four of them women — were
jailed. One of the women was named
“Gladys Grayson.”
“What's the charge?” Brown asked
the desk sergeant.
“Disturbing the peace,” was the an-
swer, :
“What’s the bail?” asked Brown.
“Two hundred dollars apiece,” an-
swered the sergeant.
Charles Brown planked down $1,400
in currency on the sergeant’s desk.
Five minutes later he and his com-
panions walked out of the hall of jus-
tice and disappeared into the right.
That was the beginning of the end
of Clyde Hilliard. Twelve hours later
the police fingerprint system hs@ re-
vealed that Charles Brown, released
on bail for disturbing the peace, wes
none other than Hilliard, long sought
as the murderer of Bowen.
It was the first clue the police had
been given, but also it was the first
clue that had come to the un-erweorld
friends of Eugene Bowen and Dorothy
Knew “Water Was Hot.”
Ailliard’s hand had been “tipped.”
His new haunts, his new “make-up,”
his new aliases—all had been bared.
And the hunted slayer knew that “the
water was hot.”
Scarcely forty-eight hours later and
his body had been found by the Sky-
line boulevard, his wounded girl com-
panion nearby.
Two hastily filled suitcases found
500 yards away added to the story.
The victim had been shot and
hurled for dead from a speeding au-
tomobile. Identification of Hilliard
satisfied the police of the motive for
the killing. It was revenge. But how
did the underworld “get” the wary
Hilliard? J
Gladys Fleming, recovering from
her wounds in the San Francisco hos-
pital, reluctantly gave the answer
days later, after hours of grilling.
“Clyde forgot his code,” she said.
“We knew we were in a dangerous
position after our arrest in the Sac-
ramento street apartment,” she told
the officers. “Clyde knew he hadn't
a minute to spare. So we planned a
quick getaway to Los Angeles.
“Just how to make the grade was
‘a tough one to figure out and Clyde
seemed worried.
“We were living in an apartment
in the downtown district. Well, about
two o'clock on the morning of Sep-
tember 20 there came a rapping at the
door. With his gun in his hand Clyde
“A man who seemed to be our
friend declared the ‘bulls’ were on
our trail and that we'd better sneak
fast. He had a machine, he said, and
would see that we got to Los An-
geles. It was a stolen car, he said.
“Clyde always maintained that no:
man in the world was his friend. but
this time he forgot his code. So we
packed our grips and jumped into
the man's car. We were headed for
Los Angeles and when he took the
Skyline boulevard it seemed reason-
able enough. It was as we were rid-
ing along that he made some pretense
about engine trouble, stopped the car,
whipped out a revolver and opened
Clyde fell first. Then he got me.
He threw us out and disappeared.”
Gene Bowen had been avenged.
Refuses to Tell.
Gladys Fleming, wife of a murderer,
vonsort of another, has steadfastly re-
fused to bare the identity of the man
who killed Hilliard and shot her, al-
though they are satisfied that she is
aware of his identity.
“Underworld ethics?
fear!” said the officers.
Hilliard’s death revealed the strange
complexities of his nature. In the
suitcase into which he had hurriedly
thrown his belongings the peliee
found mute evidence that the man he
had been accused of killing was none
the less his friend. In a double:
backed picture frame they found twe
No! Just
pictures. One was of Hilliard, the
other was of Eugene Bowen. Baek te
Big Jim Fleming, second husband
of Hilliard’s wounded consort, ap-
praised of the shooting, in his cell at
San Quentin, enjoyed his own inward
chuckle at the gunman's fate, and
bared his reasons for it.
“Hilliard was a crook ameng
crooks,” he said. “He was a robber
of robbers, and he plied a rotten trade
with a high hand.”
Who fired the bullet that wrote
*“finis” on the last chapter of Clyde
Hilliard's life even the police do not
expect to discover.
The underworld will never tell.
Gladvs Fleming will never tell, Dor-
othy Wilson received the news of the
slaying of Clyde Hilliard with an un-
suppressed smile,
“Well, Gene still has his friends,
I see!” she sald.
The Wilson woman has declared,
however, that she is “going straight.”
The law never did have much suec-
cess with Clyde Hilllard. Seven
times between 1913 and 1925 he had
heen jailed in connection with as many
robberies, burglaries and safe crack-
‘ngs. But the underworld “king” al-
caves had uncanny luck. His record
hows nothing more than a scatterlag
amber of county jall sentences.
Hunter Rides Deer
Two Miles in Bush
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.—To
ride two miles through the bush
on a deer’s back is the thrill-
ing experience narrated by Eu-
gene Guzzo, 582 Albert street,
West, who has just returned
from a hunt at Goulais bay.
“We were walking along a
trail not far from Goulais bay,
Guzzo said, “when we saw a
deer lying under a tree. At first
we thought it was dead. On
going close to it, it did not stir,
and then we decided to roll it
“I got hold of it by the horns.
Immediately the deer jumped
up, with me on top as though I
was riding horseback. The deer
gave me a merry ride for two
in His Mammoth Collection Is the
First in Which the Discoveries
of Columbus Appear.
Winnipeg, Man.—Not to be outdone
py St. John’s college here, which
boasts of a collection of ancient books,
many of them dating back to 1500, Dr.
Charles N. Bell claims to have the
most complete set of ancient maps
outside the walls of a historical mu-
Doctor Bell's collection of maps has
a continent-wide distinction, ore of
Labrador having been consulted by
authorities In connection with the
privy council hearing in London con-
cerning the ownership of that bleak
country. :
Perhaps the most curious map in
the collection is a reproduction of the
first map of the world in which Amer-
ica is represented. This map, drafted
by the old Spanish cartographer, Juan
de la Cosa, in 1500, eight years after
Columbus discovered the New world,
is a remarkable reproduction. It {is
in sections, upon which an attempt
was made to represent forests, beasts,
birds, boats, etc., in order that It
might be a compendium of general
description as well as a chart of dis-
tance and locality.
The oldest original map in the col-
lection is an Ortelius of 1570, repre-
senting the earth. The existence of
the north and south continents of
America was then known, of course,
but cartographers were a little vague
about the shape of South America.
In the old Ortelius map it is shaped
and tinted like an orange. Dolphins
sport in mid-Atlantic, with here and
there a caravel; all the physical fea-
tures are named in Latin.
Coming down the centuries, there
are, to mention only a few: An origi:
nal map illustrating Capt. John
Monck’s voyage to the Hudson bay
in 1619-20; a “Map or General Carte
of the World,” drafted in 1669 and
dedicated to King Charles II; a “Map
of the North Pole and Parts Adjoin-
ing,” drawn In 1680, dedicated to the
Earl of Plymouth; maps of the Great
lakes and Michilimackinac forts, 1744.
Doctor Preferred Sleep
to Treating Snake Bite
Jalcutta.—A Parsi doctor, whose al-
leged negligence resulted in the death
of a nine-year-old Hindu boy from the
effects of snake bite, was severely cen-
sured by a Bombay jury.
Evidence was given to the effeet
that the boy was bitten by a black
cobra and was taken at night to the
Haftkine institute, Parel, where a Par-
si doetor said it was not a case of
snake bite, despite the protests of the
bey’s relatives, who said they had
seen the cobra near the boy and had
killed it. The doctor then asked them
why they had not brought the snake.
They promised to do so the next day.
The doctor, it is alleged, then asked
the party to go to sleep and himself
set the example. The relatives, how-
ever, being frightened, took the boy to
another hospital, where, although he
was attended to at once, he died. Med-
ical evidence showed that death was
due to poisoning by snake bite.
The jury, returning’ a verdict ac-
cording, was unanimously of the opin-
ion that the doctor had been grossly
negligent in the discharge of his duty
and desired that his conduct should be
brought to the notice of the govern-
Sisters Wed Brothers;
Two Pastors for Service
New York.—Cupid worked over-
¢ime at his knot-tying job at six
o'clock in Essex Fells, N. J. In St.
Peter's church two clergymen simul-
taneously married two daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lee Stuart to
two sons of Mrs. William Sayre, all
of Essex Fells. Everything about the
weddings was in duplicate; there were
two sets of bridesmaids, two best men,
two maids of honor and two tables at
the postnuptial supper.
The brides, the Misses Anne Morson
and Lee Stuart, are daughters of
Francis Lee Stuart, formerly chief en-
gineer of the Erie rallread and a con-
sulting engineer of the Hudson river
bridge. The Stuarts are Southerners
by descent, but have lived in Essex
Fells many years.
have been close friends of the Stuarts
many years. William Sayre, the
grandfather of the bridegrooms, was
president of the Lehigh Valley rail-
The Sayre family
Good Indication
“Do you think Alice likes me?”
“Sure her folks are knocking you all
the. time.”
Taking No Chances
“Hazel is so jealous.”
“Yes, she won’t introduce Harold to
her own sister.”
“I fee! dizzy, John.”
“I told you not to. get those water
waves in your hair.”
Love’s Argument
“But I told you I don’t love you.”
“Well, experience is the best teach-
Too Much
“Do you play golf?”
“Just enough to explain the game
to those who wish to learn.”
Harold—So you went swimming. Got
wet, eh?
Mae—Yes, it rained.
Needs It
Hub—What on earth do you want
a larger allowance for?
Wife—I'm saving up for a divorce.
A Good Lead
Kitty—And you let him kiss you?
Betty—Let him? Great heavens, I
had to help him!
Keen Observer
Country Youth—Yep, my father
raises mules.
City Girl—So I notice.
A Hint
“Does your sister swim, Harold?”
“Depends on who's with her, Mr.
Outside the Pale
“Why do you snub Mrs. Soandso?”’
“She doesn’t move in our radio set.”
—Louisville Courier-Journal.
“Does your daughter help any with
the housework?”
“She washes her dog.”
Phyllis—I'm too nervous to dance.
Jack—Well, then let's charleston.
Easy to End
“But, doctor, I can’t give up smok-
ing.” “All right. Give up $5 and I'll
call it square.”
; rte CO JN] rere
Suits & Overcoats
Ever Offered in Bellefonte
All Suits All Overcoats i
} in our entire store are offered for
quick selling at
on the block.
Don’t miss it.
None reserved. Our entire stock
Watch our windows
Hurry, Worry and Overwork Bring
Heavy Strain.
ODERN life throws a heavy
burden on our bodily ma-
chinery. The eliminative organs, es-
pecially the kidneys, are apt to be-
come sluggish. Retention of excess
uric acid and other poisonous waste
often gives rise to a dull, languid
feeling and, sometimes, toxic back-
aches and headaches. That the kid-
neys are not functioning perfectly is
often shown by burning or scanty
passage of secretions. More and
more people are learning to assist
their kidneys by the occasional use
of Doan’s Pills—a stimulant diu-
retic. Ask your neighbor!
Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys
Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. ¥.
Whether they be fresh,
smoked or the cold-ready to
serve—products, are always
the choicest when they are
purchased at our Market.
We buy nothing but prime
stock on the hoof, kill and re-
frigerate it ourselves and we
know it is good because we
have had years of experience
in handling meat products.
Orders by telephone always receive
prompt attention.
Telephone 450
P. L. Beezer Estate
Market on the Diamond
Ask for