Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 24, 1926, Image 6

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    Deworaii Waldman,
“Bellefonte, Pa., December 24, 1926.
Every man swells up after uttering
a big word.
If we did everything we were told
‘to do—we couldn't.
The man who works hard to think
‘thinks hard to work,
Among the drugs that are not habit-
forming is castor oil.
He who lives for self and self alone
is a successful failure.
A dear girl is apt to make a poor
young man feel cheap.
Contentious people will even argue
with you about the weather.
Books must follow sciences,
not sciences books.—Bacon.
It is often difficult to get even with
people who owe you money.
A woman likes to move to another
locality so that people won't know
her age.
Never judge a man’s knowledge ot
‘human nature by the opinion he has
‘of himself,
Riches ‘have wings, but they don’t
seem to have any tail that you can
put salt on.
He gains wisdom in a happy way
‘who gains it by another's experi-
Half the people are worrying about
‘being found out—the other half about
‘being taken in,
The average man hasn't enough
“courage to applaud until some other
fellow starts it.
A good doctor has to know almost
-a8 much about medicine as he knows
-about human nature.
Everybody wants to boss somebody .
and there is always somebody who
wants to boss everybody.
‘Good Hauls of Fish
Thrown Up on Beach
An unusual sight was reported in
the vicinity of Hoodsport, near Shel-
‘ton, Wash., when residents observed
hundreds of fish from the deeper wa-
ters ‘thrown up on the beach for a
mile or more and captured what they
wanted by merely picking up the
squirming fish. There were rock cod,
mackerel, flounders, sole, eels, crabs
and shrimp, and even a wolf fish
nearly five feet long, says the Seattle
As a school of black fish was notea
‘In the canal during the week before
‘it was thought they might have chased
‘the smaller fish ashore, although the
‘black fish are not uncommon, and the
show of so many small fish ashore
‘has never been known before. An-
‘other suggestion is that the recent
storm, although mild in this section,
might have created some underwater
disturbance which drove the fish to
commit suicide.” At any rate it was
easy fishing while it lasted.
Planted a Great Forest
Boy scouts played an important
part in the New York state tree-plant-
ing program during the last spring
and summer, according to a report of
the conservation commission of that
state recently made public. New York
is one:of the states which has adopt-
ed a broad reforestation program and
bas invited private individuals
agencies to assist. The boy scouts,
according to the report, planted 70,-
G00 trees, an increase of 100 per cent
over the year previous. The scouts in
their increased planting kept pace
proportionately with the increase in
tree planting activities throughout the
state. :
Inquiry and Reply
“Here, there!” yelled Constable
Slackputter, the faithful guardian of
the peace and dignity of Petunia.
“What in tunkett d've mean—dod
blast ye!—by tearing around the pub-
lic square like forty dogs after a cat?
What d’ye expect to accomplish by
“Thought I might be able to bust
through the front window of the bank,
run over a prominent citizen, or some-
thing of the sort,” returned the of-
fending motorist, cheerily.—Kansas
City Star.
Second-Hand Radio Sets
A recent survey carrying a Washing-
ton date line states that the problem
of merchandising second-hand radio
sets is becoming as important a busi-
ness as that of selling second-hand
automobiles. The survey claims that
the great majority of radio fans start
- with small sets and gradually work
i up to the many tubed receivers, pro-
viding a continual and every-creasing
supply of “trade-in” sets. It is pre-
+ dicted that the coming winter will
: See many used radio sales.”—The Outs
Those Dear Girls
‘Madge—Are you going to return
the poor fellow’s ring?
Marie (who has just broken her en-
gagement)—I haven't decided. I sup-
pose he’ll propose to you now, and I
thought I'd just hand it over to you
to save the bother.
Nothing Like That
Judge—Then the two women had an
epistolary dispute.
Witness—No pistols at all about it,
sah. Dey Jes’ writ a lot 0 mean
things to one anothah.
Getting Perfect
“Well,” sighed the fellow whose
horse hadn't shown, “at least I am
a good loser.”
“You ought te be,” snarled his wife.
“You have had plenty of practice.”
eastward to Monterey,
and |
Only River Outside Amer-
ica Guarded by U. S.
Washington.—The only river outside
American territory on which United
States gunboats are constantly on
guard; the busiest river waterway in
the world; and the stream whose
basin holds a greater population than
any other.
Such, according to a bulletin from
the Washington (D. C.) headquarters
of the National Geographic society,
is the Yangtze river of China, where,
because of looting expeditions by Chi-
nese faetional troops, the United
States naval authorities have warned
American ships to curtail sailings on
part of the stream.
“The Yangtze Kiang cannot quite
claim to be either the greatest or the
longest river in the world,” says the
bulletin. “Its length is about 3,000
miles and it is therefore exceeded by
the Mississippi-Missouri, the Amazon,
the Nile and one or two others. In
volume it probably ranks third: after
the Amazon and the Congo. But the
Yangtze can lay claim to a much more
important factor than mere bigness
or length. With its tributary rivers,
lakes and canals, it constitutes the
inland water system most used by
man as a carrier of his commerce.
“The Yangtze rises in central Tibet
at an altitude of 15,000 feet or more
among the tangled mass of mountains
and plateaus that also give birth to
three other huge Asiatic streams: the
Yellow, the Mekong and the Salween.
In its journey to the sea it cuts
through several distinct mountain
ranges, forming some of the deepest:
river gorges in the world. At one
point in Yunnan, the gorge of the riv-
er is 13,000 feet deep. In 1923 and
1924 these far western gorges of the
Yangtze were explored and for the
first time photographed by an expe-
dition of the National Geographic SO-
ciety, headed by Joseph F. Rock.
Not Yangtze to Chinese.
“As a whole, the river is known as
the Yangtze only to the western
world. It has perhaps a dozen names
to the Chinese at different points along
its course. Only the two or three
hundred miles nearest the ocean go
by the name ‘Yangtze Kiang’ to the
natives. The most popular names
farther up are the Chinese equlva-
lents of ‘The Long River’ and ‘The
Great River.
“The Yangtze is a west-east river
fdowing in the lower temperate zone.
Placed in the same latitude in Amer-
lca, the stream would rise in south-
western Arizona not far north of
Yuma. It would cross into Texas
Just east of El Paso and zigzag south-
v Mexico, its
southernmost point. Turning north-
eastward it would then parallel the
Gulf coast a few miles inland, pass-
ing near Houston, New Orleans, and
Pensacola, to flow into the ocean at
Savannah. To duplicate actual con-
ditions this imaginary American Yang-
tze should, of course, have a solid
block of rich territory to the south
where the Gulf of Mexico lies.
“On this relocated river, ocean-go-
ing ships would sail 640 miles to New
Orleans, the relative position of Han-
kow, China’s greatest distributing cen-
ter. Smaller river steamers would
ascend more than 300 miles farther to
Houston, the relative position of
Chungking, head of steam navigation.
passing en route through the famous
mid-Yangtze gorges. Junks would as-
cend as far as the Texas-Mexiean bor-
der and beyond.
“The Yangtze is the life artery of
China. It drains an area of 770,000
square miles, equal to one-quarter the
total area of the United States; and
in this basin live approximately 175.
000,000 people—once and a half the
population of our 48 states. :
Natural Commercial Advantages.
“At no other place in the world are
three all-important economic * factors
making for trade so happily asseci-
ated: a broad, deep-natural waterway
for ships and a teeming, civilized pop-
ulation living om fertile, cultivated
soil. The Yangtze, from 30 to 40 miles
wide at its mouth, is a broad open
door to the sea inviting the ships of the
world to enter. And enter they do.
Trans-shipping is unnecessary for 640
miles, ocean-going steamers ascending
easily that distance te Hankow. But
broad as the Yangtze is, it is crowded
with traffic. The traveler finds ne
break in the unending stream of steam-
ers, barges, junks and sampans. And
frequently he encounters one of the
huge rafts of logs on each of which the
crew and their families have built a
little village. On these floating is-
lands, pigs and chickens wander about,
children play, and women hang out
their wash and carry on other do-
mestic duties exactly as in some Ilit-
tle Chinese hamlet on dry ground.
“When China was forced after the
raiddle of the past century te open
up interior ports to the commerce of
the West, the ships of the United
States, Great Britain. France, and oth-
er powers entered the Yangtze. This
shipping was often in danger because
of uprisings and looted towns. The
powers, including the United States,
therefore stationed gunboats on the
Yangtze to protect their interests,
This is the only place in the world
where the United States navy main-
tains such a force on a foreign river.
Since the World war this flotilla, now
consisting of seven boats, has been
known officially as the American
‘Yangtze patrol.’ Their cruising itin-
erary takes them far up the Yangtze
Jefferson Bible One
of Nation’s Treasures
The so-called Jefferson Bible is a
fompilation made by Thomas Jeffer-
son, consisting of passages from the
four Gospels cut out and pasted in a
volume according to a scheme of his
own. He began the work about 1804,
during his Presidency, when he bought
two English Testaments and compiled
a work of 46 pages. Two evenings
were spent at this interesting task,
at the conclusion of which the Presi-
dent remarked: “A more precious mor-
sel of ethics was never seen.” He
intended this first abridgment for the
use of the Indians, From a letter
which he wrote to a friend it is learned
that he was in the habit of reading
from the volume every night before
going to bed. About 1819 Jefferson
completed the work by doing the same
thing with Testaments in Greek, Latin
and French. He entitled the work,
“The Life and Morals of Jesus of Naz-
areth.” The book contains no notes
except the section of the Roman law
under which Jesus was supposed to
have been brought to trial. The list
of passages, the title pages and the
references to passages are in the hand-
writing of Jefferson. Two maps, one
of Palestine and another of the an-
cient world, are pasted in front. The
original work is in the National mu-
seum, Washington.—Pathfinder Maga-
Thoughts of Worth
Call for Expression
These two forms of silence—the
silence of communion and the silence
of repression—spring from beautiful
and sterling foundations. ‘But in them-
selves they are incomplete, and indi-
vidual lives, though enriched. are
never fulfilled through them. Mysti-
¢ism and martyrdom must be related
te living issues through expression,
or they degenerate the one into in-
trospective solitude, the other into
narrowness of judgment, says a writer
in the North American. Lives become
sterile which might have been rich,
had experience been translated inte
The ministration of words is indeed
a blessed ministry. Because there are
so many idle words, so many harmful
words, so many insincere and bitter
and malicious ones, we must not
stumble into the mistake of believing
that silence of itself has golden merit.
There is the silence of indifference or
self-consciousness, of carelessness or
weariness; there is the lazy silence,
the silence which grows from a sense
of futility, or from contempt and
pride. Silence, no less than inaction,
may be a form of selfishness, As the
laws of harmony exist without music,
so may all that is fundamentally
beautiful in human life exist with-
out words.
Birds That Live Long
There is yet no reliable method by
which to determine the length of nat-
ural life among the wild animals and
birds, says Pathfinder Magazine.
Most estimates of bird longevity are
based entirely on birds kept in. cap-
tivity. It is supposed that vultures,
eagles, hawks, crows and parrots live
the longest among birds. There are
many records of parrots which lived
over 80 years, and a few lived over
100. There is doubtful evidence of
one macaw parrot in Italy living to
he 200 years old. A white-headed
vulture in the zoological gardens at
Vienna, Austria, lived 118 years.
‘Eagles, hawks, and crows are popu-
arly supposed to live a century, but
there is no substantial evidence to
prove the supposition. Eider ducks
are also believed to pass the century
Like ’Em and Tease ’Em
At twenty-one a man is a musical
instrument given to the other sex, but
it is not as ipstruments learned at
sehooul, for when she sits down to it
~he cannot tell what tune she is about
to play. That Is because she has no
notion of what the instrument is ea-
pable. Babbie’s kind-heartedness, her
gaiety, her coguetry, her moments
of sadness, had been a witch's fin-
gers, and Gavin was still trembling
under their touch. Even in being
taken to task by her there was a
charm, for every peut of her mouth,
every shake of her head, said: “You
like me, and therefore you have given
nme the right te tease you.” Men sign
these agreements without reading
them. But indeed, man is a stupid
animal at the best, and thinks all his
tife that he did net propose until he
blurted out : ‘I love you.”—J. M. Barrie.
The Wedding Fee
Nedding fees are to a minister's '
ramily what peanuts are to a monkey.
Only the monkey translates the pea- '
nuts into energy, while the rector’s
family translates wedding fees into
the most joyous and exciting things!
Curtains for the parlor, porch swings,
ice cream for Sunday dinner, a real
new hat for mother and a pair of silk
stockings for the family jointly, a new
tire for the auto, and on one occasion
false teeth, so long needed, for the
rector himself.
All They Wanted
in an Edinburgh shop two young
women asked to be shown a selection
of tartan cloths, and the assistant
turned out bale after bale, naming
each tartan as he went along.
*0f course we don’t want to buy
«ny tartan,” they explained honestly
enough, in the end, “but we're going
to buy a pack of playing cards with
tartan backs, and we're just wanting
to find out which was the prettiest!” '
Famous Hostelry to Become
Office Building.
Berlin. — The German government:
has decided to purchase the historie,
Kaiserhof hotel on Wilhelmstrasse and:
to convert it into an office building. |
Berlin society thereby is greatly:
disturbed, and from every quarter:
protests are descending upon the min-
istry of finance. Parliament is being’
bombarded with pleas to veto the ar-,
rangement. Many Berliners feel that’
one of the chief connecting links be-!
tween the old and the new Germany:
would thus be destroyed.
The Kaiserhof during the fifty years
of its existence has been the scenei
of some of the most brilliant functions:
under the imperial regime. Here the
weddings of the smart set were held.
Whenever a large festival took place!
at court, to which potentates came!
from foreign countries, some of the
guests were lodged in the Kaiserhof,!
as the acommodations at the royal!
palaces were limited. For mé#ny'
years Prince von Bulow, former chan-
cellor, was its star guest.
The emperor's brother, Prince Hen-'
ry, the grand duke of Hesse and many’
other royal personages lived at the
Kaiserhof, and among those who paid:
them formal visits were Czar Nicholas
of Russia and King George and Queer
Mary of England,
Among historic occasions were the
arrival of the Boer generals, De Wet,.
Botha and Delare, after the defeat of
the Boer armies in South Africa in
1901; the dinner arranged in honor of
Count Waldersee and the other officers
who served against the Boxers in
China, in 1900, and the benefit bazaar,
held under the protectorate of Em-
press Auguste Victoria in 1900.
The Kaiserhof, the first really mod-'
ern and luxurious hotel to be erected.
in Berlin, so impressed the aged first
German emperor, William I, that he
remarked to his brother, Prince Karl,
“That’s better than anything we can
' Miss Fannie Dia!, daughter of the,
former senator from South Carolina.
and Mrs. Nathaniel B. Dial, will
make her debut to society in Wash-
ington this winter.
Teras Banker Plans
Gulf Bird Paradise
Corpus Christi, Texas.—St. Joseph's
island, in the bay off Corpus Christi,
is to become the home of one of the
greatest private bird preserves in the
Thousands of the winged creatures
are to be nested on the island under
a plan promulgated by T. O. Frost
San Antonio banker and sportsman.
Frost and associates have pur-
chased the island outright. - A large
number of quail already have been
stocked on the preserve, and other
: members of the game winged family’
are to be placed thereon for conserve
tion purposes.
Under the Frost plan, St. Joseph's
island will outrival in bird tenantry
the qualities of Bird island, about
which much has been written. No ex-
pense is to be spared in making the
preserve complete for the future care
of the feathered guests. The island
will be a mecca for students of bird
“Plug in” Telephone
Flirts on Police Board
Boston.—Many of the tele
phone calls answered by the
Fields Corner station of the Bos-
ton police department recently
have been inquiries for “Gladys,”
or “Ida” or “Helen.”
For a long time Officer Wil-
liamson, who handles the out-
side calls in addition to his du-
ties at the police box tape, was
nonplussed by the frequent
queries for the girls and called
in vain on his thirty-odd years
of sleuthing to solve the mys-
Then one of the Dorchester
telephone operators volunteered
an answer. To rid themselves
of persistent flirts, who insist
on securing their home tele-
phone number, the flappers,
Gladys, or Ida or Helen and
others . give . the inquisitive
Johnny the police station num-
ber and have the last laugh.
Members paying 25 cents a week for fifty weeks
will receive.....
ee sev ses ess scsesssssose
Members paying 50 cents a week for fifty weeks
will receive......
Members paying $1.00 a week for fifty weeks
will receive....
Members paying $2.00 a week for fifty weeks
will recelve...............
Members paying $5.00 a week for fifty weeks
will receive.....
Pees secssesssensose
with three per cent. interest. added if all payments are made
regularly or in advance
Bellefonte Trust. Co.
Bellefont.e, Pa.
MS 2
The Fayble Stores
Merry, Merry Christmas
Happy and Prosperous
New Year