Belefonte, Pa., November 19, 1926. County Correspondence PLEASANT GAP. Walter Houtz had a radio installed in his home recently. There is some talk of a second bar- ber shop for our growing village. Mrs. Jack Mulfinger, of Spring ‘Mills, was a visitor in our town last week. Mr. Adams, of Uniontown, was a ‘week-end visitor at the H. V. Hile home. Miss Josephine Paul, of Lock Haven, spent the week-end with Miss Mary Hile. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Milton, spent Sunday at the Harry Griffith home. Stephen Zelezenick, who is employ- -ed in Altoona, visited here a few days ‘this week. Mrs. Kate Hunter, of Pittsburgh, was a visitor here last week, at the John Larimer home. John Griffith returned home on Sun- day, after a week’s visit with reia- tives in Williamsport. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zong moved into ‘their newly furnished apartment, at State College, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Showers motor- ed to. Sunbury, last Thursday, and spent the day among relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Kreamer, of Jersey Shore, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Noll. Mrs. Harry Armstrong and daugh- ter are visiting this week in Lewis- town, at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Gettig were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Page, at their bungalow along Cherry Run. As usual Pleasant Gap is having a turkey raffle. The winners, no doubt, will be elated, as turkeys are very scarce. Mrs. Powell and baby daughter, of Harrisburg, are spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knoffsinger. Henry Noll’s handsome new house is nearing completion. It is a beauty, possessed of all conveniences. Henry has nearly a dozen of rent applications awaiting his decision. Levi A. Miller’s public sale on Ne- vember 6th was very liberally patron- ized. Most every article offered brought the limit in price, hence it is that Levi is delighted with the re- sults. Contractor Otis Hile has completed the brick house under course of erec- tion by the Whiterock corporation. It is a brick building and will make a very comfortable home for Mr. Baird, who recently lost both eyes by a pre- mature explosion. It must be said that Whiterock keeps in close touch with its unfortunate victims. J. Claude Showers is very busily engaged in getting things in shape preparatory to moving into his new home here recently purchased by him. Oscar Lonebarger expects to move into his new home within ten days. He sold the old structure to a peniten- tiary guard, who will occupy the same when Oscar moves into his new prem- ises. Harry Atcherson and wife have moved into the new William Kerstet- ter home, which by the way is one of the most complete and up-to-date resi- dences at Pleasant Gap. The model structure is equipped with a furnace, bath-room and electric light, being first-class in every detail. L. A. Miller makes his home with the Atcherson family for the time being. AARONSBURG. Mrs. William Haffley and children, of Coburn, spent Sunday as a guest of her father, Benjamin Stover. Mrs. Jacob Harter and daughter, Miss Lydian, and Mr. and Mrs. George Stover motored to Woodward Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith spent Monday in Bellefonte, Mr. Smith transacting business and Mrs. Smith visiting the shops. Charles Summers, of Williamsport, has returned to his employment after a visit with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf. Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Haney of ‘Grover Pa., came down last week and have been guests of their son, J. R. Haney and wife, on Main street. Ammon Stiffen came in from Belle- vue, Ohio, to remain for an indefinite time with his brother-in-law and sis- ‘ter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armagast. Mrs. H. S. Winkleblech was brought home from the Williamsport hospital, Saturday, where she was a surgical patient. Her condition is very en- «couraging and her friends wish her a speedy and full recovery to health. Mrs. Geo. E. Stover was called to Woodward, on Monday, by the illness of her aged uncle, Andrew Moyer, who figured in an automobile accident Saturday, having been struck by a passing car while crossing the road. From late reports he is in a serious «condition. The accident was seeming- ly unavoidable. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hull were C. Earl Bell, Mrs. C. C. Bell and Mrs. Frank B. Patton, all of Huntingdon. They were accompanied by Miss Jennie Hull, who had been their guest for three weeks. Walter Scott was along to accompany Mr. Bell while hunting for a few days. Mrs. C. W. Wolf returned to her home in this place from a short visit with her son, Earl Cummings, and Ms. Leslie Miller, of Woodlawn, and har elder son. Lester Cummings, in Pitisburgh. Mrs. Wolf will close her house in the near future and spend the winter with her children in the western part of the State. BOALSBURG. A son was born to Prof. and Mrs. Knott recently. Rev. and Mrs. Hall, Friday morn- ing, returned to their home in Wil- mington, Del. Miss Anna Sweeny spent several days with her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs, in Centre Hall. Wm. Sweet, of C. S. N. S., spent the week-end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meyer. Mrs. Thomas Glenn, of Bradford, visited her mother, Mrs. M. A. Woods, from Friday until Sunday. Esther Reitz celebrated her fourth birthday anniversary, Monday, by en- tertaining a number of her little friends with a party. A surprise birthday party was given E. W. Hess, at his Main street home, on Thursday evening. About forty friends and neighbors were present. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Homan and daugh- ters, Mayone and Jean, motored to Northumberland, Saturday, for a week-end visit with Rufus Raymond and family. Dr. L. E. Kidder was in town, Tues- day. The doctor and Mrs. Kidder left on Wednesday morning to drive to St. Augustine, Fla., to visit their daughter, Mrs. Stewart. The Women’s Missionary society of the Lutheran church will appreciate the patronage of the public at their annual Thanksgiving bake sale at the parsonage, Wednesday afternoon, No- vember 24th. Misses Mildred and Margaret Ging- rich and Miss Elizabeth Mothers- baugh were appointed to represent the Reformed Sunday school at the Sun- day School Conference to be held in Bellefonte Saturday, November 20th. JACKSONVILLE. Mrs. George Ertley friends at Altoona. Conrad Miller, of Bellefonte, called on friends here on Sunday. G. G. Ertley spent the week-end with friends at Rochester, N. Y. Hogan Long and Harold Betz made a business trip to Harrisburg last week. Miss Kathryn Hoy and friend were week-end callers at the Luther Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy visited at the John Hoy home, at Blanchard, on Sunday. Eggs are fifty cents a dozen and chickens twenty cents a pound in this vicinity. Clyde Yearick and Harry Hoy, of this township, are on the list of jurors for December court. Home mission services will be held in the Reformed church next Sunday, November 21st, at 10.30. Oyler brothers moved part of the barn timbers to their farm last week and will start building soon. Mr. and Mrs. John Beck and daugh- ter, of Lock Haven, and Miss Jane Yearick spent Sunday at the C. N. Yearick home. The tractor Hogan Long used for threshing caught fire and burned. up last week. He has now ordered a whole new: outfit. The Ladies Aid society met at the home of Mrs. Fern Dunkle, last Thursday, and sewed all day. They will have a stand of eats, etc., at the sale of Mrs. Matilda Ertley today. Miss Florence Garrett, while work- ing in the shirt factory at Howard, had the misfortune to run a machine needle through her finger which, al- though very painful, is not serious. a —————————— i tenet ce. RUNVILLE Mrs. John Furl spent the week-end at Williamsport visiting her son, Toner Furl. Thanksgiving services will be held in the U. B. church here on Thanks- giving evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wagner and Walter Lucas, of Altoona, motored down on Sunday and spent the day at the L. J. Heaton home, Kauffman.—Boyd Kauffman, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kauffman, died last Tuesday evening, aged 9 months and 13 days. Rev. Barnett had charge of the funeral services which were held on Sunday afternoon, burial being made in the Advent ceme- tery. Those who were here for the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. William Kauffman, son and two daughters, and Melvin, George and Elmer Kauff- man, of Newton Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marks and family, of Huntingdon; Roy Kauffman, of Ryde; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Poorman, Mrs. E. E. Walker and son, of Mineral Point; Mrs. Alice Young, of Williamsport; Willis Poorman and son John and wife, of State College, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Poorman, of Bellefonte. Mr. and Mrs. Kauffman extend is visiting thanks to those who so kindly aided |$ them during their bereavement. CENTRE HALL. The annual Thank Offering services were held in the Centre Hall Presby- terian church on Sabbath evening at 7.30. The program consisted of five instrumental numbers, three of which were soles, one duet, and one trio. Those taking part in the instrumental part of the program were Misses Luella and Florence Rearick, Myla Spyker, and Mrs. Kirkpatrick. The vocal music consisted of hymns by the choir and a duet by Mrs. F. V. Goodhart and Mrs. Harry Potter. Two plays were presented, “The Honor Roll,” by Misses Loraine and Thelma Brungart, Kathrine Goodhart, and Grace Weible. The second play was given by Misses Evelyn Bradford, Margaret Delaney, Helen Odenkirk, Isobel Bradford, and Sara, Florence and Luella Rearick. The girls all knew their parts well and are to be commended for their presentation of two such vital factors of Christianity, “Thanksgiving and Missions.” Both scenes were touching and. the climax was reached as Isobel - Bradford marched to the stage singing, “I Am Coming to the Cross.” She finished singing as she reached the cross. The program committee and the trainers, Miss Boal and Mrs. Kirkpatrick, wish to thank all who were so kind in ing assistance on this program. The thank offering amounted to $34, with other envelopes still not yet returned. nit Sn fp i —_— Route of the Franklin Highway. The Benjamin Franklin Highway is made by linking together the State Highways that have already been es- tablished in the several States; thus forming a great transcontinental high- way which will relieve the other high- ways that have been established of their congestion enabling the travel- ing public, whether commercial or tourist, to travel with ease and com- fort, as the Benjamin Franklin High- way avoids the congestion of the f lareg cities, and follows the water grade, especially avoiding the moun- tain hindrances in the east, by cross- ing the Allegheny mountains at Sum- mit, Pa.; and with a steady grade up and down, and without its dangerous curves. The numbers now are as fol- lows: No. 1. from Atlantic City across the State of New Jersey to Philadelphia; No. 13 from Philadelphia to Harris- burg, Pa.; No. 3 from Harrisburg to Ebensburg, Pa.; No. 33 from Ebens- burg through Indiana, Kittanning, and Butler to Newcastle, Pa.; west from Newcastle through to the State line of Ohio, where you take Ohio’s No. 17 to Tiffin, Ohio; from Tiffin to Findlay, Ohio, No. 106; from Findlay to Otta- wa, Ohio, No. 22; from Ottawa through Van Wert to the State line of Indiana No. 109. The State Highway Commission of Ohio, has given this route its entire distance through Ohio the Ohio State Route No. 17, but the changes will not be made in the numbers on the high- ways until next year. At the State line of Indiana you take an unnumbered highway through Decatur to Huntington. It is marked on the telephone poles MCH. This strip of road has not been numbered on the State Highway System of In- diana, but it is understood that it will be soon put on that system. From Huntington you take No. 7 through Wabash, Peru, Logansport, Monticello and Kentland to the State line of Illinois. Here you take Illinois State route No. 8 through Wetseka, Gilman, Fairbury, Gridley, El Paso, Washington, : Peoria, Elmwood and Gibson to Burlington, Iowa; there you take No. 8 across that State to Oma- ha, Nebraska, where you meet a U. S. numbered highway known as No. 30 to Salt Lake City, and from there you take U. S. numbered highway known as No. 40 to San Francisco. This road as outlined above is a Federal Aid road its entire distance except a few miles between Van Wert and Ottawa, Ohio, and the few miles between Findlay and Tiffin, Ohio, and a short distance in Indiana County, Pa. Ttis the hope that this will be put on the Federal Aid system so that its entire distance will be aided in con- struction by the Federal Government. Real Estate Transfers. Levi R.-Miller to James C. Show-/ 5% et ux, tract in Spring Twp.; $2- Thomas J. Fleisher, et al, to Mt. Carmel Gun Club, tract in Potter Twp.; $1,000. . Merle Conley, et ux, to Joseph Shields, et ux, tract in Philipsburg; $2,500. J. L Shaffer, et ux, tc Rhoda Dillon, tract in State College; $9,000. Carrie S. Wallace, et ux, to Ella E.. Wagner, tract in Boggs Twp.; $1. May Harter, et al, to Ella E. Wag- ner, tract in Boggs Twp.; $1. John C. Wagner, et al, to Ella E. Wagner, tract in Boggs Twp.; $1. Mark W. Williams, et al, to Ella E. Wagner, tract in Boggs Twp.: ST. J. Fred Weaver, et al, to Ella E. Wagner, tract in Boggs Twp.; $1. Sarah L. Keichline, et al, to Ella E. Wagner, tract in Boggs Twp.; $1. Jennie S. Keichline, et al, to Ella E. Wagner, tract in Boggs Twp.; $1. Charles A. Faulkner, et al, to Carl Erickson, tract in Philipsburg; $3,250. George R. Meek, et al, Exec., to William B. Beck, tract in Patton Twp.; $3,000. H. D. Meek, et al, to William B. Beck, tract in Patton Twp.; $3,000. Thomas B. Beaver, et ux, to Edward R. Owens, tract in Spring Twp.; $1,200. H. C. Robinson, et ux, to Harry D. Weaver, tract in Milesburg; $100. George L. Baumgardner, et al, to Mary C. Baumgardner, tract in Spring Twp.; $1,875. Claude G. Aikens, et ux, to Alvin J. Zimmerman, tract in State College; $4,750. ‘W. H. Noll, et al, to Pleasant Gap Vis Company, tract in Spring Twp.; Bellefonte Trust company, Adm. to Jacob Behrer, tract in Patton Twp.; $600. Harry D. Weaver, et ux, to Samuel Estright, et al, tract in Milesburg; $1,200. : ar Marriage Licenses. Lloyd R. Vonada and Catherine S. Confer, both of Spring Mills. William C. Wkitehead, of Osceola Mills, and Violet Susan Voyzey, of Philipsburg. Harry W. Barner and Mary E. Baldwin, both of Bellefonte. RHEUMATISM While in France with the American Army I obtained a French prescription for the treatment of Rheumatism and Neuritis. I have given this to thous- ands with wonderful results. The pre scription cost me nothing. I ask noth- ing for it. I will mail it if you will send me your address. A postal will bring it. Write today. PAUL CASE, Dept. C-844, Brockton, Mass. giv- | PILGRIMS DID NOT _LIKE_THE TT PURKEY. CE In spite of the statements of popu- lar historians roasted turkey with giblet gravy and with cranberry or apple sauce was a very popular Sun- day and holiday dish in many places many years before turkey ‘became standardized as the central dish of the Thanksgiving day dinner in Plymouth colony and among the Puritans and their descendants settled along Boston bay and the north shore of Massa- chusetts. The story that turkey was the main- stay of the Thanksgiving day dinner of the early colonists of New England seems to have come from the pen of a visiting Englishman at Plymouth, who described his travels in a book pub- lished in London just after the great re. He also told the absurd story of the starving condition of the pilgrims and of their being reduced at one time to a dinner of three grains of corn. The fact was that none of the early or late colonists could have starved at Plym- outh or elsewhere along the north or the south shore, as the sea teemed with fish and shelfish and the woods were alive with game. As late as thir- ty years ago Brant Rock and Marsh- field, near Plymouth, Mass., were re- sorted to by hundreds of hunters of wild birds, and to this hour deer and wild bird shooting is good in Plymouth county. . What the pilgrims and the Puritans craved in the early years of their settlements were roast beef and mut- ton, pork, wheaten, oaten and barley bread, venison pasties made from the red deer stock, native to England; jams and jellies from English fruits preserved with brown sugar from the orient and English mead, ales and Holland spirits. Most of them disliked Indian corn in all forms of products for human consumption, and they dis- liked oysters, clams, lobsters, mussels, scallops, turkeys and native venison. It was only when marriages of the early English settlers and their de- scendants in New England with In- dians brought about many persons of mixed blood that the English preju- dices against certain native American food products passed away. To this day English travelers find some of our foods which we consider delicious strange to their palates. Matthew Ar- nold, traveling in America, was asked to taste griddlecakes. “Try them, my dear,” he said to his wife; “they're not nearly so nasty as they look!” As lately as fifty years ago many families in New England of undoubted descent from the pilgrims and Puri- tans regarded roasted or baked turkey as an Indian dish and would have none of it at any time, preferring for Thanksgiving day dinner roast beef, a saddle of mutton, pork spareribs, roast goose with apple sauce or farm raised ducks with barberry sauce. The wild turkey was saved from extinction in New England only because the farmers noticed that those birds and the partridges served well in ridding the farm lands of insects and weeds. BE —— —Subsecribe for the “Watchman.” ————————————————— Winter, With Cold Summer in 1927, is Forecast. Late spring frosts, a snow storm in June and frost during July. Pre- vious to that one of the most severe winters ever experienced. These are the forecasts for the com- ing winter and summer as made by Herbert J. Brown, long range weather Severe forecaster, of Washington, D. C., in! speaking before a session of the Lan- caster Chamber of Commerce recerit- ly. They apply, according to Brown, to the United States as a whole, but es- pecially to this section of the country. The year 1927, he declared, will be a repetition of the summerless year of 1816. a —Foolscap was originally so called because the watermark in the paper was a jester’s cap and bells. Disturbed Sleep. Caused From Bladder Irritation is Nature's Signal of “Danger Ahead.” Joseph Dow, R. 55, Trenton, N. J. says: “My rest at night was disturbed 10 to 20 times. Lithiated Buchu has reduced this and entirely relieved me of that terrible burning and smarting. I was told there was no help for me. I want others to know and will tell or write my experience.” Lithiated Buchu is not a patent medi- cine. The formula is on the package. It acts on the bladder as epson salts do on the bowels. Drives out abnormal deposits, lessens excessive acids, thereby relieving the irritation which causes ‘disturbed sleep.” Keller Laboratory, Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Sold at all drug stores. What Is a Diuretic? People Are Letra ying HieValug of Occa- VERYONE knows that a lax- ative stimulates the bowels. A diuretic performs a similar function to the kidneys. Under the strain of our modern life, our organs are apt to become sluggish and require assist- ance. More and more people are learning to use Doan’s Pills, oc- casionally, to insure good elimina- tion which is so essential to good health. More than 50,000 grateful users have given Doan’s signed rec- ommendations. Scarcely a commu- nity but has its representation. Ask your neighbor! ’ PILLS DOAN’S PLL Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys BF oster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. ¥. CHICHESTER S PILLS THI DIAMOND CRs Tour : Mon: fils in Kod tod Gold metalic - THANKSGIVING. m—— One day we might forget our cares, The selfish needs that fill our prayers, And turn our pleading into praise, Acknowledging God’s gracious ways. We have had home and daily bread, And thank Thee for full tables spread. If death has claimed our very best, We thank Thee for a loved one’s rest; And praise that Providence can bring Sweet water from each bitter spring. For things.we have not understood We thank Thee, Giver of all good. For leading nations through their strife Into a larger, better life ‘We thank Thee, knowing war will cease Before the coming Prince of peace; And for the care that broods above Each soul we thank Thee, God of love. —By Myra Goodwin Plantz. — Subscribe for the Watchman. Twenty-Three Accidents Every Min- ute in the Day. One person in every nine in the United States meets with an accident every year, and one out of every ten deaths is chargeable to accidental causes, according to a newly complet- ed survey just made public. The sur- vey figures show that there are up- wards of 12,000,000 accidents every year in this country, 23 every minute and 1,380 every hour. Annually more than 100,000 persons lose arms, feet or hands as the result of accidents. In New York City alone there are some 36,000 cripples—half of them under sixteen years of age. The annual economic loss to the United States is estimated at more than five billions of dollars. Tomorrow Alright Mm A vegetable aperient, adds tone and vigor to the digestive and eliminative system, improves the appe- tite, relieves Sick Headache and Bil- fousness, corrects _Conatipation, a, La NR JUNIORS—Little Nis One-third the regular dose. Made of same ingredients, then candy coated. For children and adults. SOLD BY YOUR DRUGGIST RUNKLE’S DRUG STORE. Cut Flowers... and..... Potted Plants... Artistic Funeral Work fll Kinds of Fruit Trees Strawberry Flants Berries and Vines HALF MOON GARDENS Charles Tabel, Proprietor Bellefonte Pa Phone 139-J 71-39-3t We Deliver IN Our Meats whether they be Beef, Pork or Fowl, is always assured, because we buy only the best and have our own refrigeration plant in which we season without freezing the flavor out of our products. Orders by telephone always receive prompt attention. Telephone 450 P. L. Beezer Estate Market on the Diamond BELLEFONTE, PA. 34-34 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW KLINE WOODRING. — Attorney-at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in all courts. Office, room 18 Crider's Exchange, ~ b1-1y KENNEDY JOHNSTON — Attorney-at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at tention given all legal business en- trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5, East High street. 57-44 M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention. Offices on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE. — Attorney-at-Law. Sonsultetion = nln Sia Ger- man. ce in Bellefonte, Pa. oy 558 PHYSICIANS R. R. L. CAPERS, Bellefont OSTEOPATH. § nte tate Colle Crider’s Ex. 66-11 Holmes ne 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at bis eal. D dence. D. CASEBEER, tered and Optometrist, Regis- licensed by the State. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Frames repaired and lenses matched. Casebeer Bldg. High St. Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-tf VA B. ROAN, Optometrist. Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday. Belle- fonte, in the Garbrick building opposite the Court House, Wednesday - afternoons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Bell Phone. 68-40 Feeds We Keep a Full Line of Feeds in Stock Try Our Dairy Mixtures —22% protein; made of all Clean, Pure Feeds— $44.00 per Ton We manufacture a: Poultry Mash good as any that you can buy, $2.90 per hundred. Wagner's Dairy ............ $44.00 per ton Purina Cow Chow.. .........50.00 * 0il Meal, 84 per cent. protein, 54.00 “ « Cotton Seed, 48 pr. ct. prot., 44.00 “ « Gluten, 23 per cent protein, 45.00 « « Alfalfa Meal .....co000000000s 45.00 « « BEAR veer riisnvsnrvris ones 8400 « # MIAAUNES voor irre aren: svons 86.00 ¢ © (These Prices are at the Mill) $2.00 per Ton Extra for Delivery. We are discontinuing the storage of wheat. After July 1st, 1926, all wheat must be sold when delivered to our mill. b. 1. Wagner & Go., Ine 66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA. Caldwell & Son ~ Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces ENS NSAI A SS Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully ana Promptly Furnished 66-15-tf. Fine Job Printing A SPECIALTY at the WATCHMAN OFFICE There is no style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK ‘that we can not do in the most sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this office Employers This Interests You The Workman's Compensation Law went info effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes insurance compul- sory. We specialize in placing such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. It will be to your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON. Bellefonte 43-18-1yr. State College