LA ee Bellefonte, Pa., November 12, 1926. INSTRUCTION IN RED CROSS FIRST AID SAFETY FAGTOR {ts Industrial and Educational Service Spreads Throughout the United States. Signs that the United States 1s awake to the menace of its increasing accident toll are apparent in the grow- ing interest in first aid instruction af offered by experts of the Americar Red Cross. Approximately 20,000 juniors and seniors completed the First Aid course during the fiscal year, passed rigid examinations and received Red Cross First Aid certificates. This repre- sents an increase of 2,500 over the preceding year, and this gain is at- “tributed to the emphasis on health education by various public bodies in- -cluding not alone the American Red Cross and Government agencies, but life and accident insurance companies, .and athletic and recreational groups. In Dallas, Texas, playground super- risors are required to hold First Aid ~certificates. In many high schools the subject is included In the regular -curriculum. In order to assist in ‘training instructors for this phase of the work, special courses nave been -conducted in the sum aer schools of such leading institutions as the Uni- versity of Maryland and the Univer- +8ity of Virginia. Instruction was con- tinued during the year at Loyola Uni- versity, New Orleans; University of “California, San Francisco; University of Kentucky; Temple University, Philadelphia; Peabody Teachers’ Col- lege and similar educational centers. Work with the public utilities group xmas shown an exceptional increase «during the year. Classes conducted ‘by fourteen of the associated Bell “Telephone companies were continued with increased interest and a number of the companies sponsored intensive courses in First Aid for instructors. The First Aid Instruction Car of the Red Cross was busy throughout the year. In the 125 cities visited by the car 900 meetings were held with an aggregate attendance of 94,000 per- SORS. Membership of the people in the American Red Cross makes such services possible, the annual opportu- nity of pledging support through mem- bership being offered in the Roll Call from November 11 to 25 this year. Educators Give Junior Red Cross High Praise ‘Growing recognition by leading ed: ucators all over the world has been an achievement of the Junior Red Cross in the last fiscal year. Included in those which have taken especially favorable cognizance of Junior Red Cross efforts are the World Federation of Education Asso- «ciations at Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1925, the Department of Superinten- dence of the National Education As- sociation, at Washington, 1526, and the National Education Association in Philadelphia, June, 1926. Various State educational bodies have con. firmed this approval, the report adds. As a phase of their work, the Jun: iors have developed contacts through exchange of correspondence, with similar Junior organizations in vir tually every part of the world, and through the development of this me- dium many leaders see a better chance for world peace in future. An especially notable developmeni of Junior organization has occurred in Porto Rico, with an enrollment of 137,000, and the Philippines, with $12,000. More than 5,000,000 American Jun: iors are at work in this organization of the American Red Cross. Their example is held owt by the American Red Cross during the Tenth Annual Roll Call for membership, as one for all Americans to endorse by joining the parent organization during the period November 11 to 25 this year. Red Cross Volunteer Workers Ever on Duty * Claim for the oldest volunteer knit- wier in the country is advanced by the “Lincoln County Chapter of the Amer- 7ican Red Cross at Wiscasset, Maine. .She is Mrs. L. A. W. Jackson, who "keeps busy knitting stockings for the ‘Red Cross to send to destitute chil dren abroad. The San Pedro, Calif. Chapter has a close second in a volur teer knitter 85 years old. The annual report of the American Red Cross stresses the service of vol- unteers. In more than 3,000 Red Cross Chapters the officers and workers are volunteers. They will act as solicitors in the Tenth Annual Roll Call for members, which the Red Cross will conduct from November 11 to 25. ——The Red Cross reports a high death rate among service men. It is probably the natural result of bad management of the curative service. FARM NOTES. —Failure to dock and castrate ram lambs cost sheep raisers millions of dollars every year. —Many cattle feeders value silage for fattening older cattle, but have doubled its value for calves. —A plentiful water supply is as necessary as any other item of food in the ration of either cow or pig. —1If one wishes to grow hogs of the best size and quality, some special preparation must be made for doing the work. —Red clover and alfalfa are the very best of pasture for hogs and they are ready for very early use. Rye is still earlier, but has less grazing value. . —High dressing percentages of hogs holding membership in ton lit- ters are being reported this fall by butchers. Evidently ton litters pay both ways. —Potato growers who sprayed ef- ficiently and systematically this year report that there is no indication of late blight rot in their potatoes. This is another proof that work well done brings a good reward. —The ewes that are to lamb soon should be separated from the rest of the flock and, if it can be convenient- ly done, each ewe should be kept in a small pen by herself. After the lambs are a few days old the ewes with small lambs may be allowed to run together. The ewes should be given a small al- lowance of grain, which may be in- creased up to about a pound apiece a day after the lambs become large enough to consume the milk. —Tuberculosis is a chronic infec- tious disease of domestic and wild birds. It is generally brought into the poultry yards with fowls that are pur- chased from infected flocks or with the eggs of diseased birds that are ob- tained for hatching. If the disease exists in neighboring flocks the con- tagion may be carried by small birds or animals passing from one yard to another. A peculiarity of tuberculosis of birds is that the liver and intestines are always severely affected. —It almost always is possible to grow enough corn for silage, and this is important in days of hay failure. A number of agricultural colleges have carried out tests to find out the advisability of substituting silage for hay and the results have been satis- factory. Silage not only is an excel- lent substitute for hay, but it is more economical to feed it, and there is an increase in the production. It is not possible to tell exactly the amount saved by feeding silage, but it is around 25 per cent. on the feed bill. Silage also could be substituted for pasture, and it is profitable to feed it in summer. Where land is high priced farmers are feeding silage instead of keeping the cows on pasture. —With well-bred sows to farrow next spring, if large and well develop- ed pies are expected, the sows must be fed “om such foods as will make a well balanced ration. If hog cholera breaks out in the neighborhood, farmers whose hogs are not affected should maintain a strict quarantine against the infected herds. It is important that they refrain from visiting farms where the diseased hogs are located. They should also in- sist that their neighbors stay out of their hog lots, since the hog-cholera virus may be carried on the shoes of humans. The infection may be car: ried from farm to farm by moving an- mals such as dogs or by movable ob- jects such as farm implements. There- fore, the spreading of the disease should be guarded against as far as possible. The most dependable pre- cautionary measure against the dis- ease, however, is immunization of the herd with anti-hog-cholera serum. —Why and how salt should be used for grazing animals is told in a new publication, “The Use of Salt in Range Management,” just issued by the United States Department of Agriculture. The authors, W. R. Chapline and M. W. Talbot of the forest service have brought together the results of ex- perimental work, careful observationa, and studies of existing practices in the salting of live stock on western ranges. “With an adequate quantity of salt,” they say, “grazing animals de- velop better than they would other- wise, are more contented, and are more easily handled. Also, proper quantity and distribution of salt on the range go a long way toward con- trolling the grazing of live stock and obtaining satisfactory use and main- tenance of the forage.” In addition to describing the re- sults of actual experiments, the book- let gives many details regarding the proper salt allowances, kinds and grades of salt to use, kind and con- struction of salt containers, and the principles of adequate range salting methods for cattle, horses, sheep and goats. The use of proper salting in the control, distribution and range management of cattle is given special attention. The circular, numbered 379-D, iz now available free, as long as the sup- ply lasts, upon application to the United States Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C., or upon application to any district of the for- est service. Following the exhaustion of the free supply the pamphlet can be pur- chased from the superintendent of public documents, Washington, D. C., for 10 cents a copy. Tattooing of hogs has been found to be an inexpensive and practical method of tracing live-stock diseases and protecting the public against im- pure meats, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. The hogs are tattooed by tapping them on the back with an instrument containing a marker made of phono- graph needles which leaves an indel- ible impress. When the hogs reach the market it is easy to identify own- ers of tubercular stock. Ar———— Ap —Subsecribe for the “Watchman.” Raising Muskrats. The raiser of muskrats is faced with the danger of cholera through im- proper feeding as well as with the usual danger of fur troubles, such as mange. If the animals have access to an old pond with plenty of grasses and flags in and about it, they will provide most of their own food, and be better for it. Their efforts can be supplemented with any kind of fresh vegetables, apples, etc. If these are strictly fresh there will be no cholera danger. The American fur markets can ab- sorb in bulk large quantities of farm- ed ‘rats. In fact for the past ten years the demand for muskrat pelts has far exceeded the supply, and there seems to be no reason why this condi- tion should not continue. Muskrats for breeding can be bought from advertisers in the fur- riers’ journals, and the animals stand shipping in their specially built crate models. Fur farmers seem to do better when they do not attempt to raise chickens, skunks, minks or anything else as a subsidiary. It is the best judgment to “put all your eggs in one basket” and then watch the basket. The carcasses are an unsolved prob- lem. It seems a dreadful waste to de- stroy the animal completely for the sake of one pelt, but it has to be done, and what is more, no use can be made of the carcasses.—Adventure Maga- zine for October. Japan Now Second-Rate. Brussels, Oct. 28—Japan’s posi- tion as a first rate power has been world’s leading nations, according to authoritative sources. Many British and continental diplo- mats believe that Japan has reverted to a second-rate status and point, in support of their contention, to the dis- cussion of the British imperial confer- ence, where less attention than usuzl has been accorded the question of Pa- cific Ocean defenses. Only through penetration of China can Japan once more attain the front rank of nations, these authorities be- lieve, and say that years must elapse before such an eventuality. is that Japan has been unable to keep 7 AZ ’ od t A) pt i questioned of late by many of the | The underlying tenet of such views : Pre in step with the world’s commercial progress. Trade depression and finan- cial crises followed a period of over- expansion in industry, the critics said and the great earthquake of Septem- ber, 1923, was another blow. i ————— fp —————— Trapping Muskrats in Michigan. The best place to trap muskrats in Michigan is at Shingleton, on Lake Superior. There are many trappers in the field, however, and the new- comer will find plenty of competition, and can rest assured that he will not make very big catches. It would be well to go at least a month or so in advance of the open season and look the ground over. It is not hard to find a vacant cabin for use, one twelve by fourteen is big enough. Most of the time snowshoes are necessary, and for general going shoepacks are necessary. A hundred traps would be a big out- fit, fifty should be enough. And one who is a good hand at making dead- falls will get along like a regular trapper with a heap less to pack in.— Adventure Magazine for October. rr ——— A en ————— 103,894 Inspect Battle Ground. Guides have conducted 103,894 tour- ists over the historical battlefield at Gettysburg, Pa., in the months, according to estimations made public on Tuesday. Only in the past six months have the guides been re- quired to keep a record of the visitors to the field. The figures were for the period ending October 1. Actual figures showed that the guides conducted one out of every six tourists who visited the field, as it is estimated that 727,258 tourists visit- ed the battlefield during the six months. —————— MT ———— pss, Driving in Future. According to highway engineers, | roads 25 years hence will be a mini- mum of 120 feet in width. They will | be well lighted at night and policed ; | by stop-and-go signals. | All railroad grade crossings will be { eliminated by a separation of grades. i The highways will be beautified by the ! planting of trees and shrubbery in the | parkway. Speed limits will be fixed at a min- imum rather than a maximum. 7 4 7 But the telephone scientist has taken all those wires, com- pletely insulated each, grouped them together, and covered them with a protective lead sheath. Then either buried them underground, or placed them on short, sturdy poles. And made them “talk,” without interference—which only open wires could previously do. Huge cables now reach the length of the state, and beyond. They are constantly being extended. And this extension pre- sents new and continuously more complex transmission problems. But new discoveries, new inventions, new equipment are keeping pace—are making possible a storm-proof, trouble-free .- service, continuously more extensive and efficient. past six! line of poles 400 feet high supporting 2.400 Separate wires! — It’s A smaLL cry that would not have such a pole line—or several of them—had the telephone cable not been perfected. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA What is Old Age? What is it that brings about old age? Is it the passage of days and years? Not necessarily. For we find old men at 50, and young men at 60. A man begins to grow old when he be- gins to look backward instead of for- ward, when he begins to review in- stead of to plan, when he begins to re- count what he has achieved instead of seeking still to achieve, when he sees his greatest task already done, his best thoughts already felt, his aspira- tions already realized. He is still a voung man if he retains the essence of youth—the power of looking forward. —Exchange. Insurance Fire...Automobile ALL OTHER LINES Bonds of All Kinds Hugh M. Quigley Successor to H. E. FENLON Temple Court BELLEFONTE, PA. 71-33-t£ A Real Diamond for cA ‘Real Christmas F. P. BLAIR and SON JEWELRY JEMS a SILVERWARE PO VOI OVI IVI VIVO IIIT OPI IIIT VOT VV VIN & COTW GWG OGG WOO PIII IG RII