INK SLINGS. " —Poor old Ed. Browning. He has discovered, too late, that all “Peaches” are not of the cling-stone variety. ~ —They certainly had a hot election «down in Mexico. And the hottest part of it was in the State of Tabasco. —Senator Simpson, the peppery prosecutor in the Halls-Mills murder trial at New Brunswick, is springing plenty of sensations, but the character .of the witnesses who are furnishing them seems to be something else again. —The new moon is lying further to the south than we recall ever having seen it. That is supposed to be a sign ©of warm weather and if the moon had anything to do with Monday and Tues- «day’s temperature it would seem that the sign is holding good. —They fired Ford’s representative on Queen Marie's train because he said that Henry was financing part -of the trip. Evidently the fellow told the truth, for what other reason could there have been for his being on the ‘train at all? —The late Eugene V. Debs, Social- ist agitator, left an estate valued at seventy-thousand dollars. That’s ‘Deb’s answer to the non-believers in Socialism. It’s proof that somebody ‘was willing to divide with him, for he «certainly didn’t get it by work. —Nobody will hail the advance in ‘bituminous coal with greater earnest- mess than the operators in the Central Pennsylvania field. They've had ‘mighty lean years since 1921 and many of them are down and nearer cout than the public understands. —That stuff, four paragraphs up, :about the moon being so far around ‘to the south was written Tuesday night and it was so warm that we had «our coat off. This is written Wednes- day night and we have an overcoat on. We're off Moon signs now, for ‘keeps. —A Cleveland young man answered a.questionnaire, sent by his pastor, to the effect that womanhood “should be something to be looked up to, not «down at.” Evidently here is a young «