Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 05, 1926, Image 8
Deore Watcin, Bellefonte, Pa., November 5, 1926. ES EE NEWS FROM TOWN AND COUNTY. — Remember that the stores in Bellefonte will be closed next Thurs- day, Armistice day. — The ladies Volunteer Bible class of the Bellefonte Methodist church will hold a bake sale at the Bellefonte Hardware Co., tomorrow, November 6. ——The Bellefonte Kiwanis club will give two home talent entertain- ments of the musical revue, “Cheer Up,” in the Richelieu theatre Novem- ber 18th and 19th, for the benefit of the under privileged child movement. ——The Holz sale of household furniture was so large that it was im- possible to dispose of all of it on Thurs- day and it was continued until Fri- day afternoon when everything was sold. The sale amounted to approxi- mately $1400. — Rev. Knox received a pointer pup, Wednesday night, and an hour or so after its arrival in Bellefonte it es- caped. It is black and white and the minister would be very grateful if it should be returned by the finder to his home on Howard St. —— Between four and five o’clock, on Monday morning, robbers broke into the P. R. R. station at Howard and attempted to blow the safe, but their efforts proved fruitless and they were evidently frightened away be- fore they could get hold of anything of value. ——On Sunday night some un- known individual entered the James Fox garage, on east Bishop street, and stole the automobile of Francis Deckman. On Monday the car was found in Jersey Shore where it had evidently been abandoned by the thief when he ran out of gas. ——R. Russell Blair, chairman of the Red Cross, would like if some good hearted, public spirited person or per- sons, club, lodge, church or associa- tion will kindly donate a typewriter to the Red Cross nursing headquar- ters. It is greatly needed, and he adds, don’t send an old, worn out ma- chine, a new one is needed. ——The donation for the Presby- terian home at Holiidaysburg, held at the chapel on Spring street, Belle- fonte, recently, netted $89 in cash and almost one hundred dollars’ worth of fruit, fresh and canned, vegetables, Ete. It was taken to the home the latter part of the week by one of the Bellefonte Hardware company trucks. ——The thirty thousand dollar bond issue voted on by residents of State College, on Tuesday, passed by a vote of 612 to 225. The most of the money will be used to pay off an indebtedness incurred in street paving and the balance for new fire fighting appa- ratus. The increase will make the town’s bonded indebtedness $122,500. ——Kiyanis is going to go in a body to root for the local Hi team when it plays Lock Haven Hi, the annual game on Thanksgiving day. Members are now learning the Hi yells and have engaged both Wetzler’s and the I. 0. 0. F. bands to accompany the crowd and help with the pep. Of course Bellefonte is going to win this year. The dope is all that way. H. A. Hartling, of State Col- lege, who has been doing such satis- factory work on some of the trees of Bellefonte during the summer, is con- tinuing his work here this month. As fall is the most propticus time for tree pruning. Mr. Hartling is solie- iting work from those where trees are in great need of attention. Ad- dress Mr. Hartling in care of this office, The G. F. Musser Co., whole- sale grocers, got in fifteen crates of turkeys, last Saturday, but as there was only one turkey in a crate there were but fifteen of the birds, all told. But they were fine, large turkeys and would make a splendid appearance on a Thanksgiving table. But they are not for sale. They were furnished the company by a syrup concern and will be given away as prizes to retail merchants who invest in a certain number of cases of the company’s syrup. ——The Brooks--Doll post of the American Legion has perfected plans for the proper celebration of Armis- tice day next Thursday. They pro- vide for the blowing of whistles and ringing of bells at two minutes of eleven o'clock. At eleven o’clock, the zero hour, there will be one minute of :silence and immediately following ap- propriate exercises will be held in the Diamond. All the stores will be closed during the entire day. In the after- noon the Bellefonte High school foot- ball team will play the Huntingdon High on Hughes field. ——At noontime, on Monday, George Williams, a negro prisoner at the Rockview penitentiary, left the prison grounds and invaded the or- chard on the Green Heaton farm to get some apples. Miss Annie Noll spied him and going out with a double- barreled shot gun ordered the man from the premises. He made no effort to leave and Miss Noll gave him the contents of one barrel then went closer and threatened to shoot again if he didn’t leave. The man beat a hesiy retreat and returning to the prison reported at the hospital where the prison physician picked forty- eight small shot from the man’s body. He is not seriously hurt, however. MUCH GAME KILLED ON OPENING DAY. Squirrels, Rabbits and Pheasants Made Up the Game Bags. The wet woodlands did not deter hunters from taking advantage of the opening day of the small game season, on Monday, and the result was hun- dreds of them went out to try their luck. While the luck of some may not have been what they anticipated, others had enough success to justify the assertion that small game is more plentiful in the county this season than it has been for several years, and hunting was not very good on Mon- day, at that, because of the rain- soaked leaves and underbrush which kept the game pretty much under cover. From the following list of lucky hunters, however, it will be seen that there is still game in the woods of Centre county: Mrs. Harry Zimmerman, 2 squirrels. Edward Dukeman, 6 squirrels. Hugh Taylor Jr., 1 squirrel. Charles Coder, 1 squirrel and 2 rab- bits. Robert Conder, 2 rabbits. Jack Taylor, 1 rabbit. George Tanner, 5 rabbits and 3 pheasants. Joe Bauer, 1 squirrel, 5 rabbits and 3 pheasants. . Vincent Bauer, 3 squirrel, 2 rabbits and 1 pheasant. Charles Long, 2 rabbits and a red fox (a red fox pelt now is worth about $12.00.) Charles Martin, pheasant. : Pete Lyons, 4 squirrels and 5 rab- bits. Richard Taylor, ringneck pheasant. Charles Williams, 6 squirrels. Ben Beezer and Collins Shoemaker, 5 squirrels and 2 rabbits. Charles Mong, 5 rabbits. I. R. Baumgardner, 5 rabbits. Robert Fry, 1 rabbit. Paul McGarvey, 1 pheasant. Harry Dukeman, 4 squirrels. Harry Kelly, 1 squirrel and 1 pheas- ant. Earl Schreckengast, 5 rabbits and 3 pheasants. Charles E. Gates, 1 rabbit. Toner Aikey, 1 ringneck. BELLEFONTE CROWD BAG MANY RABBITS. W. F. Lucas, Curt Taylor, Walter and LeRoy Scull and Chas. Kellerman, of this place, and Dean and Raymond Koons, of Eagleville, comprised a party that spent the morning hunting near Fillmore and the afternoon along Muncy mountain near Milesburg. They bagged forty rabbits and three pheasants. Game must be plentiful up in Fer- guson. township, according to the Watchman’s Pine Grove Mills corres- pondent, who writes that quite a num- ber of hunters returned home by noon- time, on Monday, with the limit of rabbits and squirrels. Among the suc- cessful ones mentioned were the Kep- ler crowd, who brought home 22 rab- bits, the Tate Crowd with 21 rab- bits and a bunch of squirrel, Dr. Krebs, who killed two rabbits with ore shot, and Royal Kline, who bagged a nice, fat ring-neck. DEAD DOL FOUND ON PUBLIC ROAD. On Monday morning a number of High school students of Ferguson township enroute to State College found a dead doe lying by the side of the state highway at the Kepler faim. The animal had evidently broken its neck by running into a wire fence. The carcass was taken to Pine Grove Mills and turned over to game warden G. W. Reed. 3 rabbits and 1 3 rabbits and a Rumor Has the Bush House Biock Sold The announcement that M. B. Runkle will move his drug store from its present location in the Bush house block to the room in the Arcade, form- erly occupied by Finklestine’s pool room, was made the fore part of the week. The change will be made some time this month. Since the Bush house was built the Runkle room has be2n occupied by a drug store, so that the ending of what has been almest a traditional business stand in that location has given rise to many rumors as to the cause of the change. One has it that the building is to be sold and that the purchaser’s plans for remodeling it contemplate throwing the Runkle room into the lobby of the replanned hotel. We know that T. S. Strawn, some time ago, expressed a desire to own a hotel property in Bellefonte. Not to manage it himself, but to convert it into a modern hostelry. In fact he made an offer for the Bush house. Whether this means that his proposal is still under consideration and is like- ly to go through we are not prepared to say. The Runkle room is said to be rent- ed, temporarily, to a dry cleaning business that will locate there after his removal. ————— A ———————— — Just 391 tickets were sold at the Bellefonte depot for the four dol- lar excursion to Philadelphia, on Sat- urday night, to see the Sesqui. Tick- ets were also sold at every station east on the Bald Eagle Valley road to and including Mill Hall, so that the special train of nine coaches was well filled. The weather in Philadelphia, on Sun- day, was similar to that in Bellefonte raining most of the time, and while 1t was not very pleasant the crowd managed to take in most of the big exposition. The return train reached Bellefonte shortly after three o’clock on Monday morning. Lock Haven Lodge of Moose Raided Friday Night. Federal prohibition agents from the western part of the State raided the lodge of Moose, at Lock Haven, last Friday night, and unearthed a regu- lar wildcat brewery. They found five 20-gallon and one 10-gallon vats of beer in course of brewing; thirty cases of brewed product, two and a half barrels of real beer that was not made at the plant, and a small quan- tity of whiskey. The home brewed beer ran about four per cent. alcohol. All the stuff was confiscated and Ira Nestterode, Ward Shank and Peter Johnson placed under arrest. Two of the men are officers of the ‘lodge and the other was acting bar- tender. en all ese——— — Florence Vidor and Ricardo Cortez in “The Eagle of the Sea,” at the Scenic next Friday and Saturday. 44-1t a ————— A —— Some Fall Movings. Ralph Mallory and family moved, on Monday, of last week, from one of the Schad houses, on north Spring street, to the one side of the Misses Parker house, on the same street, re- radi. Mrs. Julia Hines and family have moved from east Linn street to the Louis Hill house, on east Bishop Hockman family. Mrs. Margaret Kane and family moved recently from one of the Al- bert Schad houses on Lamb street to a house on east Logan street, while the place they vacated has been taken by Andrew Engle and family, who moved there from the Powers house, on north Lamb street. The Thomas Cairns moved last week, from the Decker garage build- ing to Mrs. Frank Weaver's home on Bishop street. The two families will live together, Mrs. Cairns being Mrs. Weaver’s niece. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hoy have taken the apartment vacated by the Cairns. ——Richard Barthelmess in “The Amateur Gentleman,” at the Scenic next Monday and Tuesday. 44-1t All Bellefonte Children to Have Diph- theria Immunization. All Bellefonte children are to be given the opportunity of being inocu- lated against diphtheria. Arrange- ments have been completed for giving the treatment to those of school age at the schools and children of pre- school age will be immunized at the well baby clinics, in Petriken hall on Wednesday afternoons, November 10, 17 and 24. It is not compulsory. Parents must give their written consent before it will be done in the schools and they must voluntarily take their small children to the well baby clinic to have it done. The treatment is practically pain- less, leaves no bad effects and per- manently protects the child against that dread disease, diphtheria. Surely, every parent should take advantage of such an opportunity. ——1It didn’t exactly snow the next day, but it was almost cold enough to. Picking Huckleberries in October. John H. Jacobs, of Boalsburg, erst- while school teacher who has prob- ably played a cornet and paraded with more loeal bands than any other musician in Centre county, got hun- gry for huckleberry pie the other day and what do you suppose happened. John didn’t want pie made from canned huckleberries. He wanted a pie baked with berries fresh from the bush and wheever heard of fresh huck- leberries om October 25? Few ever heard of such an abnormality, but Joh. knows that strange things hap- pen these days, so with a four quart bucket on his arm he hied away to Tussey mountains and in a very short time had the pail filled with luscious, big berries and came home with the “makins” of fresh huckleberry pie in October. That’s something to remember when freakishness. Cash Burned when Home was De- stroyed by Fire. The frame dwelling house owned and occupied by Harry Janet and fam- ily, a mile and a half west of Snow Shoe Intersection, in Bald Eagle val- ley, was entirely destroyed by fire about four o’clock last Saturday morn- ing, and with the house went practic- ally all the furniture and $83.00 in cash which Mr. Janet had placed un- der his bed pillow for safe keeping and forgot it until it was too late to save the money. The entire family was asleep when the house caught fire on the attic, presumably from a defective flue. They were awakened by the stifling smoke and had barely time to put on some clothing and make their escape from the burning building. Neighbors formed a bucket brigade and made an attempt to fight the flames but it proved a fruitless effort. The only things saved were a few pieces of kitchen furniture. The house and con- tents were mostly covered by insur- ance. ————————— et ——————— ——John Gilbert and Lillian Gish in “La Boheme,” at the Scenic next Wednesday and Thursday. 44-1t cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Con- street, recently vacated by the J. C. you are old and recalling natures’. What’s Going to Happen to the Potato | Crop? , i Several weeks ago the potato spec- ‘jalist of Pennsylvania State College, | Mr, E. L. Nixon, spread broad cast the fact that several farmers in Fer- guson township had graduated into the 400 bushels an acre class as potato growers this year. In fact one farm- er’s yield was placed at 510 bushels an acre. From various parts of the State records have been sent to the College of 400 bushels to the acre and from that up to over 600. : Out in Illinois and Minnesota and up in Maine shipments have exceeded those of last .year by hundreds of car- loads, and yet the price this year is higher than it has been any fall in many years. Hereabouts the tubers are retailing at $1.80 a bushel, and the cheapest they have been at any time this fall is $1.50. Of course this is good for the potato grower but it seems like a stiff price to those who have to buy them. Up to this time very few farmers in Centre county have raised their en- tire crop, and it is probably the fear of potato rot because of so much wet weather that is keeping the price up. Some of the small growers have their crop out of the ground and found no unusual number of rotting or spotted ones. Others assert that they have found quite a number with brown spots on them, although they have not yet started to rot. But if the i rainy weather continues it is highly | probable that some of the potatoes will rot in the ground, although even i then, there should not be any pro- ' nounced shortage in the tuber crop. In Society. Ex-Judge and Mrs. Dale were at Harrisburg, Tuesday, guests at a din- ner given by Governor and Mrs. Pin- chot. Mrs. E. E. Widdowson was hostess for the Tuesday afternoon bridge club, ! which she entertained at the Nittany Country club. Miss Alice Waite entertained a Hal- low-een card party, Thursday night of last week, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Waite, on east High street, five hundred being in play. A Hallow-een barn dance was given by the Misses Elizabeth Kline, Sara Carson and Eleanor Hill, in the barn on the Kline property on Bishop St., which was elaborately decorated for the occasion. The guests were all in costume. Mr. and Mys. Widdowson, Mr. and Mrs. West, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Wil- liams, Mr. and Mrs. Murtoff and Mr. and Mrs. Herr were the grown-ups who joined the young people at the Sycamore club, Monday night, for a Hallow-een celebration. The origina- tors of the party were Martha and Kathryn Johnston, Eleanor Barnhart, Pearl Shope, Lucile Smith, Margaret and Katherine Barnhart and Grace Carson. Bae Mrs. Charles McClellan Jr. enter- tained with a surprise: party for her husband, Friday night, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Welty, on east Howard street. ——*“La Boheme,” with John Gil- | bert and Lillian Gish, at the Scenic next Wednesday and Thursday. A great holiday treat. 44-1t | Scenic Management Boosts Local High School Athletics. In giving the proceeds of one of the best drawing pictures on the screen to the Bellefonte High school athletic association T. Clayton Brown, lessee of the Scenic and Moose theatres, has shown a spirit of liberality that is certainly to be commended. J The Hi athletic association is not self supporting by long odds. About the only time it makes a drive for publie aid is when its “Red and Blue” contest is staged each fall. It is now considerably in debt and Mr. Brown’s action is both timely and acceptable. “The Quarterback” will have its last showing at the Moose tonight and if you want to see a good picture and at the same time help the Hi boys a bit you should go. State College Girls Have Nine Rifle Matches. Rifle shooting is the only sport the Penn State women students engage in intercollegiate competition and for the past several years the co-ed sharp- shooters have been establishing a most enviable record by their victor- ies over the girls of other institutions. A schedule of nine matches is being arranged for this year. Girls who make the rifle team are awarded five points toward the varsity letter grant- ed by the women’s athletic associa- tion. It is also proposed to recognize their success in intercollegiate com- petition by the award of some special insignia. ——————e——————— ——Now that the election is a thing of the past many people who have heratofore been busy during the even- ing will naturally look for some other diversion. In Bellefonte the one place where you can go and enjoy yourself is the Scenic. There you will always find a big program of motion pictures which cannot help but enter- tain and amuse you. And bear in mind the fact that it is only the regulars who see all the good ones. rm r———— A ————————— For Rent.—Two or three rooms for light housekeeping. Light, heat and privilege of bath. No children. In- quire at this office. 43-tf EE ERT SETI TSE, NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Mr. and Mrs. George A. Miller had as week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hark- ness, of Ventnor, N. J. —Mr. and Mrs. George A. Beezer were over Sunday guests of relatives of Mrs. Beezer in Williamsport. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker are among those who will go to Philadelphia to see the Penn State--University game to- morrow. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Kryder have moved from their home in Centre Hall to Wil- liamsport, where they will reside at 432 W. Edwin St. —Mrs. M. A. McGinnis was here from Pottsville, Sunday, for an over-night visit with her father, the Hon. James Schofield, who is now ill at his home on south Thomas street. —Merle M. Wetzel, of this place, who had been working for the U. G. I. Co. of Philadelphia, for some time has been trans- ferred to ‘Waterbury, Conn., where he is with the Conn. Light and Power Co., one of the U. G. I1., properties. —Mrs. Murdock Claney, who brought her mother, Mrs. William McClure, back to Bellefonte, Wednesday of last week, fol- lowing her two weeks visit at the Claney home at Narberth, visiting here until Sat- urday. Mrs. Claney drove up and returned alone. —Mr. and Mrs. Karl W. Berberich are expected here from Washington, D. C., to- morrow to be in Bellefonte for two weeks with Mrs. Berberich’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McGinley. Mrs. Berberich is better known here as Miss Margery Mec- Ginley. . —Mrs. Charles Amann, who came in from her home at Warren, Pa., two weeks ago, to attend the funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. Cyrus Strickland, and remained for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Paul Fortney, on Bishop street, return- ed to Warren, on Tuesday. —Mrs. Earl Tuten, of Harrisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cole and their two children, of Lewistown, were Bellefonte visitors Sunday, driving here to spend the day with Mrs. Harold Kirk. During their stay they were all guests at Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Kirk's, on west High street. —Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Harper are home from Philadelphia, where Mr. Harper was under the care of Dr. Webster Fox, the noted eye specialist, for two weeks. While anticipating an operation Dr. Fox found it not necessary, Mr. Harper's eyes re- sponding to his treatment without it. —Miss Josephine White is expected in Bellefonte today for a visit with her aunt, Miss Charlotte J. Powell. She is on her way east from Oklahoma where she spent most of the summer with her sister, Mrs. Peabody, and from here will go on to West Chester to visit her other sister, Mrs. William Hoopes. —'Squire Edward Jamison, one of the leading Democrats of Gregg township, made a short election day visit to Bellefonte, in the interest of the work done down there Tuesday. With him was James Krape a former well known resident of Bellefonte, who is now located near Spring Mills on the farm of Gross Shook. —Mr. and Mrs. Abel Sass and Mr. and Mrs. James Sharp drove in from Trafford, Pa,, Saturday, spending the week-end here with Mrs. George. Waite and; Mrs. Harold Kirk, at the Dr. Kirk home on west High street. Mrs. Waite accompanied them on their return trip home, expeeting to be their guest for a week or ten days. —Mrs. J. A. Dunkle, who had spent the summer in Bellefonte with her brother, James R. Hughes and the family at the Academy, left Monday to go to Chicago, where she will be with her daughter, Mrs. E. T. Prince until after Christmas. Mrs. Dunkle expects to return to Bellefonte the early part of January to continue her work with her music class, whieh had grown to quite considerable size owing to her efficiency as a teacher. —Mrs. Morris Furey went over te Centre Hall, Tuesday, for a visit with her sister, Mrs. King, expecting to go from there to State College for a short stay with her daughter, Mrs. Hiram Lee. Mrs. Furey will them return to Bellefonte to prepare to go te Pittsburgh for the tea to be given by Mr. and Mrs. William Furey at the Century Club, on Nov. 17th, fer their daughter, Miss Virginia Furey, whe will be one of the debutantes of the winter. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hunter drove to Catawissa, a week ago, for a visit of several days with their daughter, Mrs. E. D. Foye, returning on Sunday with their elder gramdson, Edward Jr, Mrs. Foye and her other two children following them to Bellefonte Tuesday. The three ehildren are te be left here with their grandmether while Mr. Hunter and their mother are on a motor trip to Philadelphia, where Mrs. Foye will spend a week with her aunts, the Misses Mary and Henrietta Butts. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Heman, of State College, were in Bellefonte spending the day on Monday. Monday, yeu will re- call, was the opening day ef the hunting season and when we expressed surprise that a Homan was looking after business instead of being out with his trusty gun Charley laughed and said: “The game that is in today isn’t my kind.” That meant that big game is his specialty and we might have known it for the “Homan hunt- ing crowd” up in Ferguson township have been mighty nimrods for years and years and if all the deer his forebears have brouzzht down were strung up today they would make an impressive line. —Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Dale, of DuBois, were in Bellefonte, on election day, having cast their votes first and then started for a motor trip which will take them to Wash- ington, D. C., where they expect to visit for several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Edna Corkhill, who lives in one of the suburbs of that city. Being election day Mr. Dale recalled that it was just forty- six years ago that he cast his first ballot. He was then a resident of Benner Twp. this county, and in those days both Ben- ner and Spring townships and all the wards of Bellefonte voted at the court house here. Elections were elections then and if the weather was celd bonfires were built on the court house grounds so that the workers, who had vest pockets full of little ballots tied with white, or pink, or green cord, could keep warm. Some didn’t depend on the fires as much as others for they wore great coats, bulging at the pockets in such a way that a blind pro- hibition officer of today would have ar- rested them on sight. Mr. Dale was cele- brating also his retirement from the postal service which happened on Tuesday. With twenty-six years of service behind him he is now on the pension list. — —Miss Mary McQuistion will leave, Tues- day, for the Pacific coast, where she ex- pects to spend the winter. —Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Walker and their daughter Mary are spending the week in Philadelphia, having driven down on Tues= day. —Mr. and Mrs. William Doll returned to Bellefonte, Wednesday, from a visit with friends at Vandergrift, having gone out Sunday. —Miss Nellie Smith is here from Wilkins- burg with her father, J. Frank Smith and Mrs. Smith, convalescing from an opera- tion for appendicitis. —Miss Martha Beezer left, Sunday, to locate for the present in Pittsburgh, where she will continue her work as a professional nurse during the winter. —Mrs. John J. Bower is with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Albert Woche, in West New York. Mrs. Bower went over, Saturday, the present attraction being her new little grand-son. —Mrs. Charles R. Kurtz and her son Frederick will go over to Lewisburg for the Bucknell game to-morrow, expecting to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kurtz while there. —R. C. Blaney, farm agent of Centre county, and Mrs. Blaney, who had been visiting for several days at Mr. Blaney’s former home at Uniontown, returned to Bellefonte on Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rush, of State College, and Miss Jean Knox, of Belle fonte, motored to Mt. Pleasant on Satur- day to spend Sunday with Dick Bossart, returning home Sunday evening. —Misses Mabel Allison and Louise Mec- Mullen returned, a week ago, from their trip to the Pacific coast. Having gone out with the bankers excursion by way of the Canal the return trip east was made by rail. —While in Bellefonte for a weeks visit Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Fisher, of Philadel phia, have been guests of Mrs. S. E. Showers, at her home on Spring street. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher will go from here to Centre Hall. —Mr. and Mrs. William Manning left Bellefonte, Wednesday, to make their home in Mount Carmel, vacating the third floor apartment in the Gus Heverly home. Mr. Manning has been an employee of the P.R. BR. Co. Hoffman—Mayes.— Announcement was made last week of the marriage of Milo Banks Hoffman, of Pitcairn, and Miss Mary Elizabeth Mayes, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Will Mayes, of Howard. The ceremony took place in the study of the Great Island Presbyterian church, in Lock Haven, on October 10th, and was per- formed by the pastor, Rev. Elliott D. Parkhill. The young folks kept their marriage a secret until last week. Mrs. Hoffman is a teacher in the schools at Beech Cre¢k and plans to complete her term. Mr. Hoffman is a graduate of State College and now holds a good position as a chemist at Pitcairn. ‘Wood—Wian—Herman M. Wood, of Altoona, and Miss Edna Louise Wian, daughter of Mrs. L. H, Wian, of Belle- fonte, were married on Sunday at the parsonage of the Lutheran church in Lock Haven, by the pastor, Rev. Cur- vin R. Stein. The bride has for the past year or more been one cf the operators in the Bell telephone ex- change, in Bellefonte, while the bride- groom is a graduate of State College, class of 1926, and now holds a good position with the Pennsylvania rail- road company in Altoona. No definite plans for going to housekeeping have yet been made. ee ROU I Haupt—Aikey.—Lewis Blanchard Haupt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Haupt, and Anna LaRue Aikey, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Aikey, both of Bellefonte, were married in Cumberland, Md., last Friday. They returned home on Saturday and this week have been receiving the congrat- ulations of their young friends. Scenic Attractions for the Week. The following is the greatest line of pictures ever offered the theatre going public for any week, and as our slogan says, “Presenting the better class photoplays,” we are proud to an- nounce the following: Friday and Saturday—“The Show- off,” Ford Sterling, Lois Wilson and Louise Brocks, a comedy natural just as sure as you're born. Monday and Tuesday—“The Ama- teur Gentleman,” with none other than Richard Barthelmess and Dorothy Dunbar. It’s a First National show and it’s a hummer. Wednesday and Thursday—“La Boheme,” with 10 big stars headed by John Gilbert and Lillian Gish. One of the year’s few big super special film hits. Great entertainment. Friday and Saturday—“The Eagle of the Sea,” with Florence Vidor and Ricardo Cortez. A Paramount picture as only Frank Lloyd can make, for he made the “Sea Hawk.” These pictures are all new, right out of the can and the kind that the theatre patrons like to see. And don’t forget there are some great ones in the making which we will run right on release foryou. 44-1t resents pee s— Missionary Meeting. The Woman’s Missionary Union of Bellefonte will meet on Friday even- ing, at 7.30 in the Lutheran church. All members are requested to be pres- ent, and the public is invited. Mrs. REED O. STEELY, Secretary. ‘Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat - - - - - - $1.30 Bye ». = = = a ae 90 Oats - - = «= = = a9 Corn women Tw te 85 Barley iw he mse. 70 Buckwheat « « = «= = 90