Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 05, 1926, Image 6

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Bruna Wald.
“Bellefonte, Pa, November 5, 1926.
Quail and Grouse are Pentiful in State.
The best hunting in a quarter of a
century in Pennsylvania during the
coming months was predicted by
sportsmen who met in Philadelphia
at the convention of the 1zaak Walton
League, Pennsylvania Division.
There are more quail in Pennsyl-
vania than at any time within the
memory of the middle-aged hunter,
they reported. Two hatchings were
noted in the southern part of the
State, and both came thru in fine
shape. Even in the northern tier of
counties quail are plentiful.
In the grouse belt extending across
the State from Elk county to Pike
county, hunters predict a most favor-
able season, though last year was
most unsatisfactory. English phea-
sants, too, they said, have increased
rapidly during the last few years.
The rabbit season, which this year
has been shortened by two weeks,
finds so many rabbits at large that
no hardship will result from the limit-
ed period, sportsmen said. Deer are
very numerous, so much so that a rec-
ord killing of legal bucks was fore-
seen. :
Changes in the hunting season will
work to advantage, such as the short-
ening of the rabbit season to end on
November 30, as to big-game hunting
and overlapping of the rabbit season
on their hunting season has always
been a source of annoyance. It will
also conserve the stock and the Izaak
Walton League, thru its membership,
has issued requests to hunters not to
overkill and always leave some rab-
bits in the fields.
The grouse season was reduced to
two weeks instead of continuing thru
November, because a canvas made of
the grouse hunting districts revealed
a decline in their numbers. Some
sportsmen proposed closing the State
entirely to grouse hunting for one or
two years, but it is hoped that this
can be avoided.
However, the Izaak Walton League,
which was the medium for dissemin-
ating the results of its’ members sur-
veys, view with alarm a decrease in
the number of bear this season.
They are not plentiful, and members
fear for a closing of bear hunting in
the State if preliminary reports prove
correct. The third of the important
changes to be made this year was the
decision to close the State as a whole
on certain varieties of game, instead
of allowing certain counties to remain
open. If the State is closed to bear
shooting no exceptions will be made.
For the first time in years quail,
ringneck and other game may be
hunted in every county in Pennsyl-
vania. The Hungarian partridge and
the wild turkey, however, are protect-
ed this year, a measure intended to
allow a natural increase in the stock.
“Kill every fox and wildcat you run
across,” the league has instructed its
members. “They do more harm to
the grouse than the guns.”
‘Use dogs to hunt and retrieve
English pheasants, for they can carry
a heavy load of shot and may be lost
and die; and don’t forget, killing hen
Dirds is illegal. Don’t overkill the rab-
“The law against shooting baby
bear will be strictly enforced, and
since any bear under knee high is al-
most certain to be a cub, the simplest
rule to follow will be “Don’t shoot at
any bear knee-high.” Larger bear are
vearlings or full grown.
“It is unlikely that there will be
this year an extra season on doe deer,
as in 1925.”
eee fA emt.
Mysteries Feund in Dead Letter Office.
No place in the world, perhaps,
holds as many unsolved mysteries in
as many odd forms as does Uncle
Sam's dead letter office in Washing-
ton, says Popular Science Monthly.
Not only is this mail morgue the
final resting place for letters and par-
cels that go astray because of faulty
addresses, but it is also the repository
for contraband goods, such as fire
arms, alcohol and narcotics, as well as
deadly bombs and infernal machines.
There an ordinary package has been
found to conceal enough dynamite to
wreck a building. There, too, inno-
cent-looking parcels have given up
everything from a live snake or a
poisonous tarantula to a flock of fleas.
More than 60,000 carelessly ad-
dressed letters arrive every day in this
government morgue, which received
21,000,000 letters and 803,000 parcels
‘last year. In this number are 100,000
letters which have been mailed in en-
-tirely blank envelopes, many contain-
ing large sums of money.
The cash found in misdirected mail
- amounts to about $55,000 annually.
: State Expenses Increase 200 Per Cent.
The United States Department of
‘Commerce has just made public a
report showing that the cost of State
government in this country has in-
«creased more than a billion dollars in
the ten years since the United States
entered the World War.
In 1917 the 48 States expended
$517,5038,220 for public purposes. In
1925 these States expended three
times as much, $1,614,562,230.
In only seventeen of the forty eight
States was there sufficient revenue to
meet all payments during the year,
although the receipts were greatly in-
Receipts from gasoline tax were
$87,353,194, and motor vehicle licenses
amounted to $198,710,310, a total of
$286,063,504. The expenditures for
construction and maintenance of high-
ways were approximately $625,700-
The assessed valuation of property
in the forty-eight States amounted to
$13%,184,483, The amount of general
property taxes levied for State pur-
poses was $369,368,631.
ee——— ese.
—Get your job work dome here.
Wallenstein One of Great
est Military Leaders
The man who probably came near-
er to making himself a Napoleon
than any other in Europe, from the
assassination of Caesar to the appear-
ance of the Corsican, was Wallen-
stein, whose tremendous influence
made him an outstanding figure in his-
Just three centuries ago, in 1626,
Wallensteln raised an army for the
Holy Roman empire to oppose the
Bohemians, after the latter had been
augmented by the Danes and other
northern Protestants. He smashed
the forces opposed to him and drove
them through Hungary. Then he
drove north, clearing great sections
of Germany, but was repulsed in an
attempt to capture Stralsund on the
Baltic. He had, however, been so
tlroroughly victorious that his foes
seemed conquered. But as so often
happens, the triumph had been too
complete. Wallenstein had been ar-
rogant in his treatment of the princes
for whom he was fighting and they
suspected he planned to overthrow
them and make himself a dictator
over central and eastern Europe.
They brought about his dismissal by
Emperor Ferdinand.
Gustavus Adolphus, who had made
Sweden the master power of the
North, then entered the arena and
France was backing him with sub-
sidies. The victors were suddenly put
on the defensive by the march of the
Swedes through Germany, while thelr
allies, the Saxons, occupied Bohemia.
The princes who had brought about
Wallenstein’s fall had to implore him
to rescue them. At first he declined.
then consented when offered not only
command over all the imperial armies
but power over conquered territory
greater than had ever been bestowed
by a monarch.
Wallenstein quickly pushed the
Saxons out of Bohemia and overraa
Saxony, Gustavus Adolphus had te
march north to meet him and at Lut-
zen, in 1632, the great armies met.
The Swedes won the day, but the de-
feat did not lessen Wallenstein's
dreams. Plots and counter-plots thick-
ened, until eight or nine of his offi-
cers were bought and agreed to as-
sassinate their leader. On a February
night in 1834, at a banquet in one of
Wallenstein’s castles, three of his fol-
lowers were slain. The conspirators
hurried to Wallenstein’s quarters and
found him in bed. With his customary
courage, he threw his arms outward,
inviting the sword thrusts. The blade
of an assassin went through his
breast.—Boston Post.
Posthumous Letters to Son
When J. S. Stevenson, of Vineland,
N. J., died recently he left in the
custody of an unknown person a col-
lection of letters to be mailed one
each year to his son who will receive
it on his birthday. The little bav
is now five years old and it is planned
that he will receive these letters writ-
ten by his father until the year he
marries, Each letter contains ad-
vice suitable to the age of the boy
the vear he receives it. In the first
letter the boy is told that his father
has gone to see “Sissie Ann,” a bahy
sister who died some time ago. “Some
day.” the father wrote, “you wiil
come to see both of us.” “Daddy is
proud of his Dickie boy,” the letter
continued. “and knows that he will be
good to his mother and take care of
her always.”—Exchange.
Treat Diseases of Aged
hat the ills of the old need as
much attention as those of the very
voung Is the contention of the Czech
medical faculty at Prague, where 2
clinic that treats exclusively the dis-
eases of old age has recently been
opened, according to advices received
by the American Medical association.
Prof. B. Tiselt of the medical faculty
of the University of Prague, who is
in charge of the clinic, stated im his
introductory lecture that two groups
of diseases would be studied, these
that are peculiar to the old and those
that present a different aspect when
they occur during old age. This clinic
is of particular interest to the repub-
lic of Czechoslovakia on account of
the system of old-age and invalidity
insurance in effect July 1.
To Get Data on Whales
With the aid of an instrument }ate-
ly devised, experts expect to learn
more about whales and their habits.
The contrivance is designed for firing
darts, to which are attached silver-
plated disks. These disks are four
inches long and the darts two inches.
The latter will be aimed at the blub-
ber of the whale and will neither
cause pain nor inconvenience. These
identity disks will be carried on the
steamer William Scoresby, the chief
mission of which is to study whales.
The date and circumstances under
which each disk is used will be on
the disk, and it will remain for those
who kill the whales to make a report
of the whales so marked.
Belgian Sugar Guard
Belgium, which protects her sugar
industry by law, forbids the importa-
tion, the manufacture and the trans-
portation of saccharin and like prod-
ucts. No dentifrices that contain sac-
charin may be imported. Attempts
have been made to induce the govern-
ment to change the interpretation of
the law so that tooth pastes, creams
und lotions may be regarded as medl-
cal articles. Dentifrices are now
classed under the head of perfumery
Politics in America
Got Napoleon's “Goat”
Napoleon had an unusually deep in-
terest in world politics, extending
pven to the internal politics of a re-
mote section of the United States, it
was revealed when Col. Duncan K,
MacRae of North Carolina went to
Paris as consul general more than a
century ago. Napoleon was puzzled
as to why the people in one part of a
country embraced one party, while
their neighbors held opposing views.
In some manner he had learned that
Edgecombe county, in North Carolina,
was Democratic, while Pitt county
embraced the Whig faith. Informed
that Colonel MacRae was from ths*
state, he said to his courtiers:
. “Now, I will find out the riddle of
North Carolina politics.” So he gave
Colonel MacRae an extraordinary
welcome and said to him:
“I understand that the same river
flows through the counties of Edge-
combe and Pitt in North Carolina, that
the people of both counties till the soil
and own slaves. I am told that prac-
tically all the people in Edgecombe
county belong to the Democratic
party, while most of the people of
Pitt are Whigs. Why is it?”
Any other person than Colonel Mac-
Rae would have been flabbergasted,
remarks the Raleigh News and Ob-
server, but not so the eloquent colonel,
known as North Carolina’s first ora-
tor. Nobody knows the answer he
made, but he was quick to give a rea-
son that satisfied the monarch.
Asbestos Long Known
but Little Employed
People of modern time are engaged
.in a ceaseless search for ways to im-
prove living conditions. Safety, com-
fort and reduction of expense rank
among the principal things to be con-
sidered. Asbestos, a material known
for centuries but put to use only a
comparatively short time ago, has
done as much or more toward the
realization of these three fundamen-
tals than any other one thing in its
class. Traces of ‘its use have been
found in ancient China, in Persia, by
the early Greeks and Romans, and
later, in about the sixteenth century,
in the island of Guam, now a posses-
sion of the United States. The sud-
den emergence of asbestos, from the
long period in which it was almost
‘entirely the subject of myths and leg-
ends, or treated merely as a costly
curio, into one of the world’s most im-
portant minerals and industry's most
important alds, is remarkable. Even
electricity did not have quite so sud-
‘den a transformation,
British Army Club
the Union Jack club is a national
institution of Great Britain where sol-
diers, sailors and airmen can go when
on leave or passing through London,
a place where they may deposit their
kits and valuables, where they may
obtain at moderate charges good meals
and comfortable bedrooms to them-
Selves and where they find the usual
amenities of a club, including library
and writing room, billiard room, baths,
barber shop and also & club shop In
which articles of everyday use and
almost everything that service men
require may be purchased. The Union
Jack club was erected by public sub-
scription as a national memorial to
those who had fallen in the South
African war and other campaigns,
and was opened on July 1, 1907, by his
tate majesty, King Edward VIL
Trust to Pictures
in these days of hustle and bustle,
nyper-activity and constant ‘*go,”
there is one thing that every one can
do to neutralize to some extent the
restlessness that has invaded our life.
That one thing is to surround oneself
with beautiful and restful pictures.
Pictures take the mind off the wor-
risome, petty details that are so ir-
ritating to the nervous system. A
good-natured jolly Cavalier to look
down on us understandingly from the
wall, or a lovely Madonna to fill us
with peace and contentment are like
real companions and friends, and
have an advantage that even the best
friends do net have; they make no
demands and expeet no favors; they
are always equally dependable and
ever ready te serve.
Genius and Freedom
Jenius can only breathe freely in an
atmosphere of freedom. Persons of
genius are more individual than other
people, less capable, consequently, of
fitting themselves, without hurtful
compression, inte any of the small
number of melds society provides in
order to save its members the trouble
of forming their own character. If,
from timidity, they consent to be
forced inte ome of these molds, society
will be little the better for their gen-
ius. If they are of strong character
and break their fetters, they become a
mark for the society which has not
succeeded in reducing them to com-
monplace, to be pointed out as erratic,
much as if one should complain of the
Niagara for not flowing smoothly like
a Dutch canal.—John Stuart Mill,
Trees Live Long
fhomas Parr, who lived to be one
aundred and fifty-two years old, Is
credited with a record, but this lon-
gevity, as well as that of all other
members of the animal kingdom, is
easily surpassed by those of the vege-
table kingdom. The life of the great
forest trees varies from 100 to as much
as 5,000 years, says London Tit-Bits.
Cypress trees are said to live for 350
vears, Ivy 450, chestnut 600, cedar 800,
oak 1,000 to 1,500 years, yew 2,500 and
the baobab tree 5,00) years.
Proud Conquistadores Left?
Record of Deeds.
Abruptly ending a low mountain
range and jutting out into a wind-
swept valley like a bold promontory
in a gray-green sea El Morro rock
guards a vast, silent region in western
New Mexico. Although it is the most
precious cliff historically in the Unit-
ed States and as a national monument
is valued by the government, few
people who make overland trips ever
turn aside from the main highway in
order to view its grandeur or to pon-
der upon its significance. The rock’s
perpendicular walls, like huge escarp-
ments, tower 215 feet sheer from the
valley’s floor and extend wedgelike
for hundreds of feet back until they
merge into the mountain chain. Their
smooth, hard surface, pinkish-yellow
in color, is ideal for inscriptions.
Charles F. Lummis calls the rock the
“stone autograph album.” Upon (ft,
more than 200 years ago, the invading
Spanish conquistadores carved their
names and the dates of their visits.
They called it El Morro, which means
the castle, but the name by which it is
known now is Inscription rock. With
their sword points the Spaniards
carved their names, not in fun, bu#
as a record of their advent.
Inscription rock is situated 35 miles
east of the Indian pueblo of Zuni,
about 50 miles southwest of Grants,
N. M., which is on the transcontinen-
tal highway, and is near the Mormon
settlement of Ramah, The trail to it
leads over the vast lava flow which
es like a huge snake through that
region, making difficult driving for au-
tomobiles. The rock is on the historic
trafl which extended from Zuni to the
pueblos of the Rio Grande and the
route which the conquistadores fol-
towed in their quest for the seven
cities of Cibola, the fabled story of
which led to the discovery of New
Mexico by the Spaniards in 1539. A
few hundred feet back of the wedge-
shaped front of the rock a prehistoric
trail, with its separate footholds worn
deep in the stone, leads to the top,
where the remains of two pueblos may
be seen. :
The autographs, inscribed in quaint
Spanish difficult to decipher, are
found near the base of the rock. They
eover many decades in time, from the
invasion by Coronado’s men, the
leader himself passing to the south of
its location, down to the advent on
September 17, 1849, of J. H. Simpson
and R. H. Kern, an artist, who were
probably the first Americans to visit
the rock. One of the most important
of the names is that of Juan de Onate,
the founder of New Mexico. On a re-
turn trip from San Gabriel, N. M,, to
the Gulf of California he stopped at
the rock and wrote these words in
Spanish: “Passed by here to Com-
mander Don Juan de Onate from the
discovery of the sea of the south on
the 16th of April, 1605." This was
two years before the English settler
on the east coast. Onate’s army con-
sisted of two missionaries and thirty
Just Like a Man
Frank L. Dame, president of the
North American company, described
what he considered the first case on
record of a customer's paying a gas
bill and immediately asking for a
second one. The case was reported
by the management of a North Amer-
jean subsidiary, says a news story im
the New York Times.
“The bill I have just paid is rather
iarge, and I would like a smaller
one to take home to my wife,” ex-
plained the customer. “The reason the
bill T paid is so large is because while
my wife was away last week I cooked
a breakfast for myself. Then I went
away for a business trip that lasted
four days and when I returned I found
the gas still burning. Now I must
have a small bill to show her.”
Famous Cattle Herd
Only one herd now exists of the
wild white cattle which roamed over
Britain in Caesar’s days. There are
only sixty of these beautiful beasts
left, and their once vast range is the
park of an earl's estate. They have
been made familiar to most of wus
through Landseer’s paintings, but “to
goologists they are known as Bos pri-
migenius, the most important of the
three otherwise extinct breeds from
which our domesticated cattle have
gradually developed.”
The “range” is now in Chillingham
park, “away up in the north of Eng-
land,” we learn.—Literary Digest.
Advancement in Peru
The minister of public works has
been authorized to build in Lima,
Peru, quarters for laborers and to ex-
propriate the necessary land. The
project involves the erection of 1,000
houses, to be turned over, upon com-
pletion, to the poorer class of labor-
ers with families. The hoyses are to
be provided with the latest sanitary
and plumbing arrangements. The proj-
ect also includes the building of
schools, a church, plazas and play
grounds for the children.
American Idea in Germany
In Germany the American idea ou
establishing summer schools in the
universities and colleges is taking
hold, with the result that a German
institute for foreigners has been es-
tablished at the University of Berlin
The courses will be given in the sum:
mer months and will embrace the con
ventional academic studies, and in ad
dition sociology, economy and social
history. Graduates may work for
their higher degrees at the Institute.
Wet Weather Will Retard Woods
Harrisburg, Pa.—Although the
worst season for forest fires in the
fall of the year has not been reached, |
officials of the State Department of ,
Forests and Waters believe that the !
wet season will enable them to set a |
low record for forest fire destruction
during this season.
Statisticians of the department re-
cently worked out a five-year average
by months to show the probable oc-
curence of fires. The average for
September is sixty-three. Last year
forty-four were reported for that
Tonih. This year there were only
October, as a rule, a bad month for
forest firse, yet so far this year none
has been reported. Although only
ten were reported last October, the
five-year average, because of the large
number in former years, was 228.
November records were higher than
October’s and if the rainy weather
does not continue, the fire fighting
forces will be instructed to concen-
trate their efforts to prevent blazes
during next month. The five-year
average for November was 274. Last
year only seventy-seven reported, but
in November, 1924, there were 639.
April is the worst month of the year
for forest fires, the five-year average
being 1187. January is at the bottom
of the list with an average of only
eee ee fp eee.
The Watchman publishes news
when it is news. Read it.
Keep Fit!
Good HealthRequires Good Elimination
O be well, you must keep the
blood stream free from impur-
ities, If the kidneys lag, allowing
body poisons to accumulate, a toxic
condition is created. One is apt to
feel dull, languid, tired and achy.
A nagging backache is sometimes a
symptom, with drowsy headaches
and dizzy spells. That the kidneys
are not functioning properly is often
shown by burning or scanty passage
of secretions. If you have reason to
suspect improper kidney function-
ing, try Doan’s Pills—a tested
stimulant diuretic. Users praise them
throughout the United States. Ask
your neighbor!
DOAN'’S “&
Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys
Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. ¥.
Ladles! Ask your Druggist for
Chl.ches-ter 8 Diamond Bran
lls in Red and Gold metallic
5, ch 18 Sh Be
ND) no 1.)
ot. "Ask for OIL. OER.
known as Best, Safest, Always Rellable
years as
pTosossas amos
Your Suit Should Say
Clothes will
to perfection. Better ones up to $37.50.
All Sold with Our Guarantee
you money at the same time.
as low as $25, that are All-Wool.
A special sale of Mayer's
Dairy Feed—a Ready-
Mixed Ration, 22% protein
$40.00 per Ton
Delivery Charge $2.00 per Load
Frank M. Mayer
fil Kinds of Fruit Trees
Strawberry Plants
Berries and Vines
Cut Flowers, Potted Plants
15,000 Perennials in 45 different va-
rieties ready to plant now. Come
out and see our green houses on
Half-Moon Hill
Artistic Funeral Work
10,000 BULBS
Direct from the Growers in
Holland. Just arrived. Big
Bulbs for indoor forcing and
Charles Tabel, Proprietor
Bellefonte Pa
Phone 139-J 71-39-3t We Deliver
Fire... Automobile
Bonds of All Kinds
Hugh M. Quigley
Successor to H. E. FENLON
Temple Court BELLEFONTE, PA.
these Things for You
do all of these for you and save
2-Pants Suits