Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 05, 1926, Image 4
——————————— Bellefonte, Pa., November 5, 1926. Editor GRAY MEEK, - . > commas P. To Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. sagan Terms of Subscription.—Until further notice at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50 Paid before expiration of year - 17 Paid after expiration of year - =2.00 Published weekly, every Friday morning. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class matter. In ordering change of address always given the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the paper discontinued. In all such cases the sub- scribtion must be paid up to date of can- cellation. A sample copy of the “Watchman” will be sent without cost to applicants. Borough Council Held Brief Session Monday Evening. Borough council had only a brief session on Monday evening. There were no verbal nor written communi- caticns. The Street committee reported progress on the east Bishop street sewer extension as well as the col- lection of $5.00 for cutting weeds, $20 for a broken lamp post, $10 for a sewer permit and $87 from the High- way Department for the use of the road roller. The Water committee reported some minor repairs at the Phoenix pumping station and the collection of $6.00 on the 1923 water duplicate, $37.25 on the 1924 duplicate and $888.19 on the 1925, a total of 931.44. The committee presented a written request of G. Edward Haupt for an adjustment of water rates on several buildings he owns on north Thomas street, and the matter was referred back to the committee. The Finance committee reported that the borough treasurer had paid off six thousand dollars in floating notes and had a balance on hand of $4,591. He also asked for the renewal of notes for $18,000 and $7,000, which was authorized. The Fire and Police committee re- ported receipt of a check for $100 from the Rebersburg water company as a voluntary contribution for the services of the Undine fire company at the fire in that village on October 15th. Two-thirds of the money will go into the borough treasury and one- third to the fire company. The Sanitary committee reported that one more resident of Pine street had tapped the sanitary sewer put down on Stony Batter. Regarding the request of C. F. Tate for sewer connection to the apart- ment he is constructing over his gar- age on Pike alley, Mr. Brouse, chair- man of the Street committee, recom- mended that the borough extend the sewer on Spring street from a point above the Centre County bank build- ing to Pike alley, a distance of 184 feet, and Mr. Tate will put down the sewer on Pike alley, a distance of 65 feet, at his own expense. The com- mittee was authorized to have the work done. Mr. Brouse stated that Charles Schad would like to have a pavement put down along the east side of north Allegheny street from Curtin street to Beaver street, and the matter was referred to the Street committee. Borough manager James D. Seibert informd council that an extension should be made to the culvert under the new extension of north Water street, and that a sanitary sewer should be laid at the same time. The matter was referred to the Street committee and borough manager. Bills to the amount of $1742.56 were approved for payment, after which council adjourned. Postoffice Force Enjoys Good Feed. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Belle- fonte postoffice served a sumptuous supper to the office employees, at the Masonic camp on Tuesday evening of last week and anyone knowing the force of employees will realize that every one enjoyed the feed. Follow- ing the supper several delightful so- cial hours were spent before they all returned home. = Those present were as follows: : Postmaster John L. Knisely ana wife; Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Morton Smith; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hartswick; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and little son; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bilger; John M. Hartswick; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ardery; Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Showalt- er; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Garthoff, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Woodring; Mr. and Mrs. John Spearly; Mr. and Mrs. George Showers; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Corman; Mr. and Mrs. Wagner Geiss; Mrs. A. R. Everett, W. H. Geisinger, with Mrs. Hilda Leathers, of Howard; Carl Deitrick and Samuel Barnhart, of Bellefonte, as guests. ——————————e—a— Church Bazaar. The annual bazaar of St. John’s Episcopal church will be held in the parish house, Thursday, Dec. 2nd, doors open at 12 noon. Luncheon will be served. The public is invited to buy their gifts for Christmas. The bazaar will open promptly at noon. Fresh ‘pies, cakes, candies, fancy work, aprons, dolls, grab bag for children and many appropriate gifts for Christmas. e————————t———— —Subscribe for the Watchman. - — — s—————————— ————rr UNOFFICIAL RESULT OF ELECTION TUESDAY, NOV. 2, 1926 U. 8. Gover- Lieut. Sec. Con- | State Gen. Semator mor Gov. In. Af. gress Senate || Assem. Ce Si E|7F 5 EEE EID EIE|E 3 = 5 3 |e o og =| 0 *18a|2|¢g|2z |2|2|3 (E|* [33 5 <3 : ~~ => = oT DISTRICTS PE Eiaif Eis] 2983 Jol? 2le|d|e|alp|ale|=|? (lel ol®ii Imil rll fnirdr|® i la rod : i | i i ili iid il ie} Vi | Di i |® fff Ud iq Pog Pdi ti qi iri di rll di bd Lif» i i i i i i i i i a : i i | I] | | % eee Mt 232) 29711 430] 117) 385 137) 371| 138 372] 151) 373| 169( 377] 183 Delletonte: 3 ————— 202] 224 270] 163] 249] 163] 255| 149| 264] 162] 264| 176] 232] 200 Bellefonte, W. W...ioi eanas 66] 106) 131] 33] 108] 64) 112| 58) 115] 58] 104] 74) 97] 80 Centre Hall BoIO. oe eee]. 43{ 1851] 122; 1001 . 73{ 15871) 75] 146] 75] 164] 62] 169) 72] 154 HOWATrA BOT, -eciciocsomsonstommrarsss saooasmsnns 73| 165] 172 64] 148] 71] 155 68) 160] 68] 97] 151] 146] 97 MileSburg BOro. .eeereeeeeeeeesemmseeemeeenne|] 102] 7711 156] 2711 152 30] 153| 27) 147] 33] 143] 41) 147] 37 Millhelm BOTO. oie |} 46y 1570 113] 750 70| 118) 75! 112) 80 115] 88] 117] 63] 140 Philipsburg Boro. 1st. W.....ccomereeemenre 141] 209] 305] 47] 264| 65] 265 65] 282] 67 307] 53] 178| 185 Philipsburg Boro., 2nd W...«ccmm- 266| 278] 432] 100] 411| 94| 422| 80] 440| 95] 502] 58] 288] 253 Philipsburg Boro., 3rd W..... 173| 254 318 102] 295] 99] 90| 101] 317| 102] 388] 54| 189] 234 S. Philipsburg Boro........ 35 69) 72| 24i 68 20) 67 21) 76/ 17) 100] TI 14] 92 Port Matilda Boro...... | 47] 721 90] 24) 78 28) 78 27] 89 26] 89] 29) 66 52 Snow Shoe Boro................. 41] 56] 65| 300 64] 271 67 23) 66] 28} 59] 38 44] 53 State College Boro., E. D... 176] 341] 476] 55| 405] 98 403] 95| 389] 130] 359] 172] 421| 106 i State College Boro., W. D. | 252] 305] 511| 51} 439] 98] 438] 95] 432] 122] 398] 163|| 475] 96 Unionville. Boro... 32| 69) 95 12) 61] 21) 67 21 78 28) 58 471 59] B50 | Benner Twp.,, N. P.. 13] 251 a7 ae 17 184 21) 3154 16, 204-15 21) 19] 19 i Benner Twp. S. P.. | 24) 184. 231) 220 3230 124 29] 134 20{ 334 29 13) 27 15 1 Boggs Twp, N. P. . 71 281 30 4 24] 120 24] 100 24] T4i. 24] 15) 238] 17 | Boggs Twp, E. P.... | 16] 24] 98! 11 28 144 231 124 21] 150 22; 16) 22] 15 i Boggs Twp, W. P. 49] 62 175] 271 76] 290 71] 290 U5] 421 62] 56/ 67 47 ; Burnside Twp. ...... {16] 214 24] 11) 323 134 22 134 18] 19) 31 9 19] 20 : College Twp. ..... 100] 124] 179] 44] 166| 47| 164| 49] 162] 59] 161] 65] 172] 54 i Curtin Twp, N. P. of 48) 47 114 36] 154 36] 144 33] 208 51] 11} 23] 38 | Curtin Twp, S. P..... 17] 214 :20/ ‘isi -18| 294. 19) 18) 17] 194 21 19) 18 22 | Ferguson Twp.,, N. P.. a7l 67 57 431% 40[ 531 40f 53) 38] 56H 37] 571 43] 51 Ferguson Twp., E. P..... 29! 104] 60] 72) 53| 76ll 53] 78 54 80|I 45 89] 60] 75 Ferguson Twp, W. P..__.. 24| 68] 88 71 60] 28] 64] 25| 72| 24] 58] 36] 86/ 10 ’ Ferguson Twp., N. W. P. 31 13) 38 6] 33 9) 33 8 34 3 31 3) 43 2 Gregg Twp, N. P. 10] 294 15] 181 13) 244 14] 264 17] 244 13" 284 12| 29 i Gregg Twp, E. P. 20! 63) 34] 471 26 55 24] 57) 26] 591 24] 63] 27] 60 ; Gregg Twp.,, W. P. 41| 125] 75| 84] 55| 102] 56] 99] 54| 105] 48] 118] 52| 110 Haines Twp. E. P.... i 45) B21 55] 431 53] 431 52| 4401 52] 474 53] 46] 51] 48 i Haines Twp., W. P tl 40] 82% 77] 421 68] 57 67] b6ll 71] 56] 63] 65 63] 64 Half Moon Twp........ 47] 54) 81] 21) 178 181 7e6| 17I 84] 171 81 22) T2| 32 ! Harris Twp, E. P. 17 300 23] 1B 27) 194 28) 184 2% 184 22) 25§ 25 21 i Harris Twp., W. P.. 43] 92/1 85 53] 68] 65] 65 69] 65 73) 61] 78] T70| 69 i Howard Twp. ..... Al 33] 531 72 20) 56] 291 60 23] 59] 30 45 48 57 35 Huston Twp. ....... 45] 34] 64| 18) 59 200 62| 18) 60 21) 63] 22) 60] 22 i Liberty Twp., E. P.. 57| 81| 122] 26] 106] 29] 111| 26] 114] 30] 95| 54] 108] 39 | Liberty Twp, W. P. S10) 22) 18 8 17 114 16] 1a 23) 10§: 231 10) 17 12 | Marion Twp. .......... 32| 54 53 1 45] 371 44] 36] 50 38) 52| 36j| 51] 34 | Miles Twp, E. P.. ve 4a ‘31% 150 224 11) 254 12} 2540 11} 26H 211; 268) 12) 23 t Miles Twp, M. P... | 30] 124) 70] 60] 42] 98] 40| 103] 45) 105] 44] 108] 44] 107 { Miles Twp.,, W. P. 14] 50) 36] 26) 26] 39 25| 391 25] 42) 25; 43) 26] 41 Patton Twp. .... “4 43{ 274 53] 164 53; 154 52] 74 52] 17 56, 144 55] 16 Penn Twp. .... Ab 14] 13911 69] 731 35 1081 34| 110] 34] 112] 27] 124) 24] 127 Potter Twp., N. P. II 24 67) 34 51 30] 55) 29] 531. 31] 551 28] 58) 31] 56 ! Potter Twp, S. P.... 32] 431 48 271 85 3884 35] 34i 37] 39) 36| 41) 321 47 Potter Twp., W. P.. 9] 544 331 334 18| 36 17] 83 27 41) 22| 49) 19] 12 Rush Twp, N. P... 90| 143] 160] 65] 144| 63] 146] 61] 156] 64] 188] 50] 107| 107 Rush Twp, E. P.. 35! 16] 380| 18|| 33] 15] 36 8 40] 10Jf 37 5) 31] 18 Rush Twp, S. P.. 71] 57] 101] 22) 100 23] 102] 19) 111] 18] 114 15] 90| 37 Rush Twp, W. P... 42| 116] 94| 60] 88 48) 87 46] 92| 59|f 113] 43) 73] TT Snow Shoe Twp, E. P... 115 33) 120| 29] 120] 28] 120] 28] 120{ 29] 115] 34|| 115| 33 Snow Shoe Twp.,, W. P.. 12] 98§i 25] 14) 20f 174 21] 174 20] 219) 15) 25). 16] 23 Spring Twp, N. P....... 39] 61) 57 40) 51] 471 51| 471 51 46) 55 49) 47 55 Spring Twp., S. P.... 92| 168] 168 79] 155] 99 161 97] 159] 102] 149] 114] 141] 129 Spring Twp, W. P. 28] 35] 45! 21) 43] 200 42] 200 41] 23) 32| ‘31) 39] 27 Taylor Twp. ...... 8] 194 22 6] 22 6ll 23 5] 20 8) 19) 10) 16 10 Union Twp. --.... 28] 48) 51) 26] 43] 271 47 23|| 54] 28] 43] 43] 44] 37 Walker Twp., E. P. 28 40 38 27 36] 29II 387 26] 34] 291 35] 31|| 40] 28 Walker Twp, M. P... 25] 76] 49| 52| 44| 55] 49] 50 44] 56] 58] 45] 52 48 Walker Twp, W. P... 32| 441 46] 30] 37| 36|| 37| 37] 38] 38|| 40| 38] 44] 34 Worth TWh, ta 34| 16] 38] 3 35 3 36 8ll 37 101 38 1 34 14 I] i Hu 1 Totals 5693//6648/2509(/5763/3074/|5606|2974(/5944|3259(15921(3552(15287(4069 Majorities. o.oo oc Ns 2115114139]... [12689|........ 12632]........ 126751........ ¥2369}....11218]........ i = i NOTE—For United States Senator, Snyder, Socialist, received 2 votes; Elisha Kane, Prohibition 187; Macauley, ! Com. Land 10, and Carey Workers, 6. For Governor Slagton, Soc., 17; Rennock, Pro. 208; Hickok, Com. Land, 11, and Wicks, Workers, 9. For Lieut. Gov. Close, Soc., 22; McGrew, Pro. 291; Ryan, Com. Land, 19, and Parthena Hills, Workers, 6. For Sec. of Internal Affairs, Van Essen, Soc. 27; Sherman, Pro, 314; Sarah Dix, Com. Land, 8, and Jenkins, Workers, 13. HAZEL.—Thomas S. Hazel, a well known business man of Bellefonte, passed away at his home on east Logan street, about four o’clock yes- terday morning, following an illness of almost two years with a complica- tion of diseases. : He was 3 son of Jared and Jane Hazel and was born at Madisonburg on October 1st, 1868, hence was 5& years, 1 month and 3 days old. When quite a young man he came to Belle- fonts and went to work as a clerk in the grocery store of C. C. Shuey. Later he accepted a position with the Harper Bros., in their store in Crider’s Exchange, and after working there some years he and his brother George bought the store and conducted it under the name of Hazel Bros. In due course of time he purchased his brother’s interest and had since been sole owner of the store. He ‘was elected a member of Belle- fonte borough council in 1921 and re- elected in 1925, hence was serving his second term, being one of three Democrats in council. He married Elizabeth O’Bryan who survives with two children, Mrs. Edward Garbrick and Herman, both of Bellefonte. He also leaves two brothers and a sister, George H. Hazel, of Bellefonte; Charles and Mrs. Ida Furey, both of Williamsport. He was a member of the Lutheran church and Rev. C. E. Arnold will have charge of the funeral services which will probably be held at 2.30 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, burial to be made in the Union cemetery. IRWIN Tones P. froin died at his home in Snow Shoe on Thursday, October 21st, following four months illness. He was a son of Wiliam and Sarah Irwin and was born in Clear- field on May bth, 1854, hence was in his 73rd year. When a boy he stud- ied telegraphy and at the age of sev- enteen years was placed in charge of the railroad office at Sandy Ridge. A few years later he came to Bellefonte as manager of the Western Union, but later accepted a position as clerk with the Berwind-White Coal company. In 1885 he went to Snow Shoe as of- fice manager for the Lehigh Valley Coal company, a position he held up to a year or so ago. In 1875 he married Miss Sarah Knopf, of Oak Hall, who survives with the following children: Edwin Irwin, of Somerset; Paul, of Wiliamsport; Claude, of Snow Shoe; Mrs. Howard Grunber, of Bethlehem, and Miss Faye Irwin, of Independence. Iowa. Funeral services were held at the Irwin home on Sunday afternoon, Oc- tober 24th, by Rev. A. A. Price after which the remains were brought to Bellefonte for burial in the Union cemetery. —Get your job work done here. MARKLE.—James T. Markle, a na- tive of Centre county, died very sud- denly at his home in Chester, Pa., at six o'clock on Sunday evening, of heart failure. He had been in appai- ently good health during the day and was found dead sitting at the steering wheel of his automobile in a garage adjoining his home. The motor of the car was still running and the indica- tions were that Mr. Markle had not been dead many minutes when found. He was a son of Elias and Hannah Noll Markle and was born at Hublers- burg on March 18th, 1869, hence was 57 years, 7 months and 13 days old. As a young man he came to Bellefonte and learned the machinists trade with the old firm of Jenkins & Lingle. Later he went to Altoona and after. working there a few years went to Pitcairn and accepted a position with the Westinghouse Electric and Manu- facturing company. At the beginning of the world war he was sent to Ches- ter by the Westinghouse company as a foreman in their Essington plant, and of late years had been general fore- man of the Lester works of the same company. While living in Altoona he married Miss Amanda Snow who survives with three children, John and Emanuel, of Chester, and Mrs. Earl D. Stavely, of State College. He also leaves the fol- lowing brothers and sisters: William H. and E. L. Markle, of Hublersburg; rs. James D. Seibert, of Bellefonte; Mrs. Charles Trevillyan, of Valiey Junction, Towa, and Mrs. A. P. Wea- ver, of St. Croix Falls, Wis. Mr. Markle was a member of the Knights of the Mystic Chain. The remains were taken to Altoona where funeral services were held in the Stevens Memorial chapel at 3.30 o’clock on Wednesday afternoon, bur- ial being made in the Oak Ridge ceme- tery. fl Il HESS.—George D. Hess, for over a century identified with the business interests of Beech Creek, died at that place Tuesday, October 21st, as the result of general debility. He was born at Easton and was 83 years of age. When but nineteen years old he located at Beech Creek where he started work as a clerk in a store but a few years later embarked in busi- ness for himself and continued in the mercantile line until his death. He was a charter member of the Beech Creek Presbyterian church and sup- erintendent of the Sunday school for forty-six years. He served during the Civil war as a member of the Fifth Pennsylvania militia. In 1867 he married Miss Anne Frances Furst, who died in 1902, but surviving him are one son and three daughters, George F. Hess, Misses Laura E. Hess and Mary S. Hess, and Mrs. H. F. Fearon, all of Beech Creek. Funeral services were held at his late home on Saturday afternoon, October 23rd, and on Sunday the re- mains were taken to Easton for bur- ial. Il i KELLEY.—Mrs. Katherine Ray- mond Kelley, wife of H. P. Kelley, passed away at her home on east Linn street, Bellefonte, at eight ¢’clock on Monday evening, as the re- sult of an attack of acute dilatation of the heart. She was a daughter of Robert and Mary Steinkerchner Rosenhoover and : was born in Benner township forty- one years ago. All her girlhood life was spent in the home of her birth. She was twice married, her first hus- ; band having been Leonard Raymond, by whom she had two daughters, one . of whom preceded her to the grave | and the other, Miss Mary Raymond, ! is now a student at the Lock Haven Normal school. In 1921 she married Harry P. Kelley, who survives with three children, Anne, Patricia and Harry P. Jr.,, the latter only four weeks old. She also leaves the follow- ing brothers and sisters: Daniel | Rosenhoover, of Altoona; Mrs. W. J. Carroll, of Bellefonte; Mrs. W. J. Meyers, of Altoona; Frank, of Sun- bury; Miss Mary, in Covington, Ky.; Mrs. George Kelley and John, of Belle- fonte. | She was a member of the Catholic church all her life and funeral services ° were held in the church at 10 o’clock | yesterday morning by Rev. Father | Downes, burial being made in the | Catholic cemetery. : i il | BARNER.—Mrs. Chestie A. Barn- | er, widow of George W. Barner, died at her home in Lock Haven on Sun- | day, October 24th, following a linger- | ing illness with heart trouble, aged 62 years. She is survived by five children, Charles F. Barner, of Belle- fonte; Orvis E., of Milwaukee, Wis.; Harvey J., of Lock Haven; Mrs. El- mer Rossman, of Bellefonte, and Mrs. Deemer Nyhart, of Dover, Minn. She also leaves two brothers and two sis- ters. Burial was made in the Cedar | Hill cemetery on Wednesday of last week. ef eee. Quite a number of Hallow-een ! parties and gatherings of various kinds were held in Bellefonte, one of ! the biggest being the masked dance held in the armory on Monday even- ing. Music was furnished by the “Col- lege Crew,” of State College. Prizes were awarded for costumes, ete., in | the grand march, Miss Edna Kilpat- | rick winning the prize for the most | original costume; Miss Sarah Uzzle | was awarded the prize for the best | dressed young lady and Mrs. Theodore i Rush, of State College, and Miss Jean Knox, of Bellefonte, won the prize for . the best dressed couple. through penalties. { which will probably be one of the : hardest games of the season. i of its best players, who were kept out ! of the game because of injuries, suc- i ceeded \ Freshmen by the score of 28 to 0. { Among the injured men who could {not even start the game were Capt. { Hood and Kozicki. Williams, another | star player, was in the game for only i a short time, so that a number of sec- fond string “men assisted materially in the Academy’s victory { feat the Washington University team F Bellefonte High School Triumphs | Over Jersey Shore. The Bellefonte High school football team journeyed to Jersey Shore, last Friday, and although they were out- weighed ten to fifteen pounds to the man they brought home another slab of bacon, winning the game by the score of 16 to 6. While they chalked up an- other victory their goal line was cross- ed for the first time this year. Jer- sey Shore put up a stubborn game and Bellefonte’s first score was made in the initial period when Garbrick kicked a field goal. In the second quarter Katz made an end run for 22 yards, the longest of the game, and Heverly crashed through the line for the first touchdown. In the third quarter Bellefonte made its second touchdown through a series of hard line plunges. The touchdown made by Jersey Shore was in the fourth per- iod and was the result of a completed pass and an end run. Bellefonte made 10 first downs and lost 40 yards through penalties. Jersey Shore had 4 first downs and lost 45 yards Tomorrow the Bellefonte High will play the Tyrone High at Tyrone, BELLEFONTE ACADEMY DEFEATS BUCKNELL FRESHMEN, The Bellefonte Academy eleven went to Lewisburg, on Saturday, and in defeating the Bucknell PENN STATE WINS 20 TO 12. Up on Beaver field, State College, the Penn State eleven managd to de- by the score of 20 to 12.© It was not a very decisive victory but it gave the team’s supporters hope that the Nit- tany lions may be in shape to make a good showing against Penn, on Frank- lin field, Philadelphia, tomorrow. This is one of the games the Penn State rooters would like to see won, and a large number of the student body will go down to see the battle. The Penn State cadet band will also go to Phila- delphia for the game. Legion Auxiliary Officers. At the annual meeting of the Amer- ican Legion Auxiliary the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. J. H. Rider; vice president, Mrs. Frank Shillings; Secretary, Mrs. C. A. Eckenroth; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Jack Deck- er; treasurer, Mrs. H. J. Walkey; historian, Miss Marguérite Lambert; chaplain, Mrs. Thomas ‘Shaughnessy; sergeant at arms, Mrs. Harrison Kline. The Hallow-een party at the Legion home was a complete success. Prizes were awarded and refreshments serv- ed. Anyone wanting good eats,” home- made bread and everything, are re- minded that the Auxiliary will far- nish it at the Legion home on Satur- day, November 13th. Auxiliary card parties are being held every Tuesday evening at the Legion home. Admission, 25 cents. ——The Catholic Daughters of America will hold a bazaar and food sale in their rooms, in Bellefonte, on December 4th. ei gi The Millionaire’s Secret. To be a millionaire, a man must not only get rich; he must be able to stay rich. A certain well-known millionaire, when asked how he stayed rich, said: “I invest money only in sound, established companies.” That man has learned a valuable secret. But a2 man’s money, however much he has, is never worth so much te him as his mind, his intelligence. Has it ever occurred to you that you should invest your intelligence just as carefully as you invest your money? Why not invest your intelligence in a sound conpany- by subscribing to the Youth’s Companion? It is the oldest maga- zine for young people in the world—and nearly the oldest of all the American maga- zines. It is also one of the most interest- ing. Practically every famous author of the past hundred years has written at one time or another for the Companion. Only this fall, for example, the Companion pub- lished a new story by Jack London. Do vou like stories of adventure? Mystery? They are all in the Youth’s Companion. Here are the terms of an investment guaranteed to be profitable: 1. The Youth's Companion—52 issues in 1927, and 2. The remaining issues of 1026, All for only $2. 3. Or include McCall's Magazine, monthly authority on fashions. publications, only $2.50. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION S N Dept., Boston, Mass. Subscriptions Received at this Office. the Both NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARMER WANTED.—To rent a farm fully stocked, and equipped, or to farm by the day. This farm is in Snow Shoe Township Centre Co., Pa. and is under a good state of cultivation. Or will sell on easy payments. Inquire of W. F. Holt, Philipsburg, Pa. 71-44-8t XECUTOR’'S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary upon the estate of De- linda H. Benner, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- quested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANTED—to buy a carload of white WwW pine Christmas Trees from one or more persons. For further infor- mation write or call 319, Bellefonte. T1-44-2t KOFMAN & CO. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—Notice is here- A by given that the undersigned, ap- pointed by the Orphans’ Court of Centre County, to make distribution of the funds in the hands of the Executor to and among those entitled to receive the same, in the Estate of Harry Baum, late of Belle- fonte Borough, deceased, will hold a meet- ing in his office, on High Street, Bellefonte Borough, Pa., on Tuesday, November 23rd., 1926, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at which time and place all persons in interest may appear J. K. JOHNTSON, 71-44-3t Auditor. OTICE IN DIVORCE.—Helen Marchie Harter, vs. Paul Weaver Harter. In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county to No. 188 September term, 1926. Libel in Divorce. To Paul Weaver Harter, Respondent, WHEREAS Helen Marchie Harter , your wife, has filed a libel in the Court of Common Pleas of’ Centre county praying a divorce from you. Now you are hereby notified and required to appear in said Court on or before the First Monday of December, 1926, to answer: the complaint of the said Helen Marchie Harter, and in default of such appearance you will be liable to have a divorce granted in your absence. E. R. TAYLOR Sheriff. .and be heard. 71-44-4t OTICE IN DIVORCE.—Mrs. Olive A. N Little vs. Frank R. Little. In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre: county to No. 236 September Term, 1926. Libel in Divorce. To Frank R. Little, Respondent: WHEREAS Mrs. Olive A. Little, your wife, has filed a Libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county praying a Libel in Divorce from you. Now you are hereby notified and required to appear in said Court on or before the First Monday, of December next, to answer the complaint of Mrs. Olive A. Little, and in default of such appearance you will be liable to have a divorce granted in your absence. E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff. T1-44-4t OTICE OF DISSOLUTION.—Notice is hereby given that the co-partner- ship heretofore existing between John J. Snyder and Boyd E. Miller, trad- ing and doing business under the fictitious name of “STATE COLLEGE MOTOR COMPANY,” dealers in automobiles, trac. tors, parts and service, at State College, Pa., was on the 1st day of September A. D. 1926 dissolved under and by virtue of a mutual agreement duly executed by the parties in interest, whereby The First National Bank of State College, State Col- lege, Pa., Administrator of etc., of the estate of John J. Snyder, who during his life was one of the Copartners in said “State College Motor Company,” withdrew from the said firm, and the business of the said firm under said fictitious name of “State College Motor Company,” will be continued by Boyd E. Miller, surviving co- partner, who has all of the books and will make settlement of all accounts, either for or against the ‘State College Motor Com- pany.” All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the “State College Motor Company,” or those having claims against the said “State College Motor Company” will kindly call at the place of business of said Company at State College, Pa., and make settlement. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATE COLLEGE, State College, Pa. By DAVID F. KAPP, Cashier. Administrator of the estate of John J. Sny- der, deceased. . BOYD E. MILLER. T1-44-4t HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a S writ of Fieri Facias issued out of’ the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tre county, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1926, ‘the following property : All those two certain tracts of land situ- | ate in the township of Miles, County of ' Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bound- ed and described as follows, to-wit: Tract No. 1. BEGINNING at a point in Public Road opposite the South West corn- er of the present Garden of Daniel B. Weav- er, or stone: (It:being the North West corner of the described property;) thence along said Public Road 32%; perches, more or less, to a point in said road: Thence along lands of William B. Haines 20 per ches to a point; thence along land of Dan- iel B. Weaver 8 perches to Mill Dam; thence toward the Kast along High Water mark of said Mill Dam to land owned by W. E. Minnig, (this being bounded on the South by land of Daniel B. Weaver.) BEGINNING at the North West corner of tract No. 1. herinabove referred to; thence toward the East in straight line passing five feet South of the present site of the hog stable to the Mill Dam, or a stone; thence along the high water mark of said Mill Dam toward the East to land owned by W. KE. Minnig, (this being bounded on the North by land of Daniel B. Weaver.) Containing Seven Acres more or less. Tract No. 1. is a portion of land upon which is erected a dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings, and Tract No. “2 has been erected a Grist Mill and contains a Mill Dam site and Mill Yard. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Harvey E. KLINGER. Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock p. m. of said day. E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Bellefonte, Pa., October 25th, 1926. We Called Their Bluff: Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop adver- tised in this paper that they can sell shoes and heavy rubber foot wear equal in quality and cheaper in price than any Shoe Store or Mail Order House in United States. We were challenged by some skeptical persons who doubt- ed our advertisement and we proved to them our assertions by producing the shoes and the prices from the so called cheapest Mail Order catalogue. These skeptical persons were convinced that which we advertised was true and they purchased from us and not the Mail Order House. Our prices are made possible by the fact that we are selling shoes from a hole in the wall and our daily expense is only 63c which is less than twenty dollars a month, and this is not much more than the cost of operating a large shoe store for one day. You the shee purchaser must pay the op- erating expense of any store, but not at Yeager’s. PLEASE NOTICE.—Yeager's Tiny Boot Shop is located off the Diamond in Bellefonte between Beezers Meat Market and the Richelieu Theater. The public are creatures of habit and we have been told many of our customers that when they read the adver- tisements of Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop they thought it was still at the old Yeagers Shoe Store room in the Bush Arcade building. We wish to inform our customers that there is an other store located in the old Yeager Shoe Store room but it is not in any way connected with Yeagers Tiny Boot Shop up at the top of the street. Yeager's Ting Bool Shop tlement. W. HARRISON WALKER, 71-39-6t Executor. © 71-85tf BELLEFONTE, PA.