Sowiisiom INK SLINGS. ——If Mussolini is a real dictator he will declare a “closed season” for Premiers. —Anyway, we'll have to admit that Mr. Fisher will make a very good looking Governor. —If territory instead of populaticn counted in election we certainly would have whaled Vare. He carried only sixteen of the sixty-seven counties in the State. —It does seem strange that at the very first election after Rebecca ‘Naomi had withdrawn from participa- tion in Centre county politics the Hon. Harry Scott should run wild in the county. —Now that the election is over we feel that it is time to crack that old chestnut of ours by reminding you that there will be only fifty days until Christmas and it’s none too early to be looking in at the shops for such presents as you will need. —This doesn’t seem to have been a good year for women Governors. Only a few weeks ago Texans told “Ma” Ferguson that they were tired of step- in rule and, on Tuesday, Wyoming sent Governor Nellie Ress back to the daily grind of an ordinary house-wife. Temple University, Philadel- phia, is about to increase its capacity with the veiw of “building up an in- stitution worthy of the traditions of Philadelphia.” That may easily be ac- complished. To create an institution worthy of the founder of Temple Uni- versity would be a greater achieve- ment. —Whatevar others may think we hold to the opinion that Tuesday’s re- sults proved, beyond question, that Centre county is still over-whelmingly dry. While there were other reasons that probably actuated some to cut Vare and Bonniwell the fact that they were both avowed “wets” was the one that really brought about their crush- ing defeats in the county. .—The most serious blow that befell the enemy on Tuesday was the defeat of Senator Butler, in Massachusetts. All the big guns in the Republican battery were trained on Walsh in order to save Butler, who is the Re- publican national chairman, and so close to the President that he and Mrs. Coolidge journeyed clear up to the Bay State to vote for him. Butler was to have been put over at all cost, but he wasn’t. —The Hon. Harry B. Scott’s ambi- tion has been gratified. We suppose he’s very happy. He ought to be, for he has carried his district by an im- pressive majority. Impressive enough to notify the leaders with whom he has been “sitting up front” that there is now something more behind him than mere regularity in attend- ance at party councils. Mr. Scott has a wonderful opportunity. The probfem of making or breaking himself with the people who have so signally hon- ored him is his to solve. Some years ago Bill Hollenbach surprised us when he blurted out an epigram to the effect that “it’s a damned poor carcass that can’t take a good beatin’ once in a while.” Bill’s philosophy has comforted us after many a losing battle. We have leaned on it heavily many a time, but, to- night, as we sit thinking of what hap- pens in Pennsylvania every Tuesday after the first Monday in November we see the joker in Bill’s idea of it. He said “once in a while.” And we're takin it every time we get into a fight. —Last week we were preparing to build an ark. We’ve given up that idea because the weather has cleared up and there isn’t going to be another deluge. Now we are at work on the usual old flat-bottomed scow that we Pennslyvania Democrats annually have to pole up Salt river. We have looked many years to the Salt river trip as inevitable, but less happy, than the annual one to Fishing, creek, but this time we really wanted to do that ark stunt, because a gentleman whom we helped get the office he holds ex- pressed the wish that if we set sail asa modern Noah, the boat would go down. We're goin’ up the river, but we’ll be back and, as Tom Harter said, two weeks ago: “Barkin at the same old hole.” Maybe, next time, the bite will be worse than the bark. —By the way, Andrew Curtin Thompson has nothing to be ashamed of because of Tuesday’s results. Going into the contest at the eleventh hour and without any organized effort in his behalf, except what he could build up for himself, he cut his opponent’s majority more than a thousand votes under the lowest candidate on the Republican ticket, with the exception of Vare. The Hon. Holmes just can’t understand it. He thinks part of it was because he had to take orders io work for the straight Republican ticket, instead of just himself. And probably that had something to do with it, but it reveals the vacillating gentleman in a rather discreditable light. Evidently he, the “dry” pet of two years ago, went out and worked for Vare, the avowed “wet,” in order to save his own political hide. The fact that he took the orders proves the Watchman’s pre-election state- ments that Laird is such a dandy at community picnics that it would be a crime to take him out of his element and send him back to Harrisburg to be preyed upon by a new set of wolves. VOL. Pl. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION, BELLEFONTE, PA.. NOVEMBER 5. 1926. NO. 44, An Excellent Appointment. In naming Chris J. Golden to fill a vacancy on the Public Service Com- mission Governor Pinchot “proves his faith by works.” The Governor has always contended that the labor ele- ment was entitled to membership on that board for the reason that “the working people of this State ride in the trolley cars and they are entitled to have a representative on the body that determines the amount of fare they must pay.” Mr. Golden is a resident of Shamokin, President of District No. 9 of the United Mine Workers, Chair- man of the Tri-District board and the anthracite scale committee and a member of the International scale committee. These activities have abundantly qualified him for the ser- vice to which he is assigned. In announcing the appointment Governor Pinchot said: “The domina- tion of the majority of the present commission by the public service cor- porations makes it especially import- ant that every vacancy should be filled by a man who will be actively on the side of the people.” This implied ar- raignment of the present members of the board is literally justified by the records. Since the dropping of the late John S. Rilling from the board the people have had little voice in its deliberations. It seems to be an im- portant cog in the political machine which grinds out big contributions for the Republican party. The public service corporations are a prolific source of “slush funds.” Governor Pinchot tried to remedy this evil zealously. His recent ap- pointments are particularly commend- able. Richard J. Beamish who was named a couple of weeks ago is admir- ably suited to the work. For many years he has been employed as a news- paper reporter and investigator and his environment as well as his work commend him to popular confidence. The appointment of Mr. Golden will strengthen his purpose and increase his opportunities to reform the policies of the board and though they may not be able to accomplish much in the way of improvement they will certainly exéreise a restraining in- fluence on the majority still joined to the public service corporation idols. ——The protest against the “bus” service of the Pennsylvania and Read- ing railroads has been carried to Washington. The complainants have taken the measure of the Pennsylva- nia Public Service Commission. Important Notice to Bootleggers. The decision of the Supreme court of the United States, handed down on Monday, to the effect that a violation of the “dry laws” may be prosecuted in both the Federal and State courts is likely to prove a great help to law enforcement. It has been the custom throughout the country to hold that a prosecution in one court precludes an indictment in another on the ground of “double jeopardy.” The Supreme court declares that a violater of the Volstead law commits two crimes, one against the United States and the other against the State in which it is perpetrated and may be subject to prosecution and punishment in both “without infraction of the constitu- tional rule against double jeopardy.” The Eighteenth amendment to the constitution declares “the manufaec- ture, sale or transportation of intoxi- cating liquors within, the importation thereof into or the exportation thereof from the United States and all terri- tory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes, is hereby pro- hibited. Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.” The rule has been, how- ever, that a prosecution by either the United States or the State courts ex- hausted the power of investigation and an acquittal in either court dis- charged the offender entirely. This view was based, of course, on the rule that no one may be put in jeopardy twice for the same offense. There have been cases in this State where the culprit has been allowed to select the jurisdiction before which he must answer. In some counties, for example, the local courts are greatly inclined to leniency against offenders of this type and a conviction brings a light sentence the serving of which, usually a fine, is accepted as full atonement to the law and the public. But under this decision of the Su- preme court a different course is like- ly to be pursued. The offender will be called to answer in the other of the dual jurisdictions and get “all that is coming to him,” in one or the other. It is hard to frighten a bootlegger but here is an admonition to him to “watch his step.” ——l lL An esteemed contemporary thinks the style and quality of ladies’ hats don’t matter if their kneecaps are in proper form. Our Supreme Court Reversed. of the United States affirming the right of the President to remove offi- cials he had previously appointed “by and with the advice and consent of the Senate” has a local as well as general interest for the people of Pennsylvania. One of the dissenting judges protests that it is revolution- ary in that it reverses a policy which has prevailed from the beginning of the government. This doesn’t seem to be the fact, however. The right of the President to remove appears to have been acknowledged until the ad- ministration of Andrew Johnson alarmed the Republican leaders and they enacted the “tenure of office” act restraining the right of removal, which Judge Taft declares uncon- stitutional. In 1920 President Wilson removed from office the postmaster of Portland, Oregon. The removed official made no resistance at the time and his succes- sor entered upon the duties. Subse- quently the removed postmaster made claim upon the Treasury for salary and finally entered suit in the court of claims. After a hearing and argu- ment that court decided against him and he appealed to the Supreme court. Solicitor General Beck represented the government and the court appointed George Wharton Pepper as “a friend of the court” to represent Congress. The briefs were presented in April, 1925, so that the court has had the matter under consideration for a year and a half, The decision has local interest be- cause of the similarity of its features to those in the cases of Governor Pin- chot against the Public Service Com- mission decided by the Common pleas of Dauphin county and the Supreme court of Pennsylvania in the opposite way. The language of the constitu- tion of Pennsylvania is precisely the same as that of the Federal constitu- tion on the subject. Yet the Pennsyl- vania courts decided against the right of removal while the Supreme court of the United States declares “the as a necessity, the power of removal.” It is small wonder that the late Sena- tor Quay imagined our judges were catapulted into office. —————— ret—————— ——It was perfectly all right for Charles E. Hughes, of New York, to speak in Massachusetts in favor of Senator Butler and all wrong for Sen- ator Norris, of Nebraska, to speak in Pennsylvania in favor of Wilson. As in other things it makes a vast differ- i ence “whose ox is gored.” Sunday Base Ball Settled. It may be assumed that the deci- sion handed down by the Dauphin county court last week, declaring that playing base ball on Sunday, within this Commonwealth, is unlawful, will settle that question finally, or until new legislation is enacted on the sub- ject. The Act of April 22, 1794, de- clares that “if any person shall do or perform any worldly employment or business whatsoever on the Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday: shall use or practice any unlawful game, hunting, shooting, sport or diversion,” he shall pay the prescribed penalty. The only avenue of escape lies in the technicality’ that base ball is not “an unlawful game, sport or diversion.” The case got before the court under quo warranto proceedings instituted by Attorney General Woodruff. Some time during the summer the Philadel- phia Athletics played a game with a Chicago team in Philadelphia after protest had been entered by several religious bodies against what they termed “desecration” of Sunday. New York, New Jersey and other States permitted Sunday base ball and the adventurous Connie Mack concluded to “take a chance,” notwithstanding the Blue Law inhibition. The game was played according to schedule and the prosecution followed according to promise. It is said there will be an appeal from the decision but upon what basis is not revealed. The answer of the Club was based on the Fourteenth amendment to the Federal constitution which after de- claring that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States” and that “no State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the priv- ileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.” Because playing ball in New York, Illinois and Missou- ri is legal it is not discriminatory even against citizens of those States that it is not legal in Pennsylvania. The case may be taken to the Supreme court but it would be difficult for a layman to see a ground on which to base an appeal. e———— eh Now that the elections are over Proper attention may be given to foot all. The decision of the Supreme court powers of appointment. carry. with iby . Coolidge Eulogizes Advertising and Trusts. The President may still be called “cautious Cal,” but he is no longer silent. On the contrary he is prepared with appropriate platitudes for any event that may give him opportunity to speak. The last occasion upon which he availed himself was the an- nual convention of the American As- sociation of Advertising agencies held in Washington last week. He was in his happiest mood on that occasion because it enabled him to flatter those present by declaring “advertising is the life of trade” and say a good word for trusts and laud the tariff at the same time. He left to his hearers the task of determining which of these three agencies of prosperity is the leader. It is not easy to follow the Presi- dents’ line of reasoning in handing out tributes of admiration to the ad- vertising agents, the tariff and the trusts. For example in the outset of his address he says “that advertising has taken a commanding hand in bringing about ‘our American scale of wages.” the maintenance of which is paramount to the support of the home market.” Hitherto all these benefits have been credited to the tariff and in recent speeches the President has em- phasized that view of the subject while his party in all sections of the country asserted it as an established fact and made it the basis of all campaign propaganda. It is gratifying to learn that advertising has some part in it. The strength of a wasp is in its tail and the pet proposition of the Cool- idge speech to the advertising men lies in the concluding statements. “From a recent fear of being ex- | ploited by large aggregations of wealth,” he declared, “the people of America are learning to make such great concerns their most faithful servants.” He admits there are ex- ceptions, that a trust here and there may “slip one over” on the public, if opportunity presents itself, but the average trust Mr. Coolidge believes is simply an instrument in the hands of ovidence to hand out benefits to those willing to receive them. This is the lesson which the President is trying to convey in all his speeches. ————————————e ener e— ——Queen Marie has determined to extend her sojourn in the United States in order to pay a visit to | Florida. Maybe she had a land speculation. ——————— ee ——— What a Corporation Pay Could Do. mind to try Twenty-five years ago the Supreme court of Illinois handed down a deci- sien that the capital stock of corpora- tions in that State should be taxed. That decision, according to the rec- ords cf the time, added the vast sum of $100,000,000 to the taxable proper- ty of the city of Chicago. The action was brought by the Chicago teachers’ federation under a law providing that part of the proceeds of the levy should go to the federation. The fund thus acquired gave the teacher body a nu- cleus about which has been erected a splendid philanthropy. With little help from other sources the Chicago teachers’ federation is now able to take care of its aged and infirm mem- bers. For nearly twenty-five years the people of Pennsylvania have been futilely striving to secure legislation to authorize a tax on manufacturing corporations in this State. At the last session of the Legislature a bill provid- ing for a tax of four per cent. on such property was introduced and though it failed of passage it “threw a scare” into those concerned in its defeat. It is estimated that such a tax would yield to the treasury of the State ap- proximately $10,000,000 a year, thus relieving other subjects of taxation to that extent. Mr. Joseph R. Grundy, president of the Manufacturers’ as- sociation, managed the opposition and it is charged the lavish use of money was the instrument of achievement. In his testimony before the Senate slush fund committee Mr. Grundy de- clared under oath that he had contri- buted to, or become responsible for, $400,000 of the money used to pro- cure the nomination of John S. Fisher for Governor of Pennsylvania and that the reason of his interest in the con- test was a belief that Mr. Fisher's principal opponent favored a tax on corporate stock and that Fisher, in the event of his election, would oppose such a levy. For these reasons Mr. Grundy invested $400,000 in order to save $10,000,000 a year for four years. It was a wise investment from a mer- cenary standpoint but a hard perform- ance on the people who are compell- ed to provide revenue for the State. eA a ——The political managers of all parties were confident to the last minute but the Prohibition Chairman was too modest to boast about it. —Subscribe for the Watchman. REPUBLICANS SWEEP STATE DEMOCRATS GAIN IN NATION Democratic Successes in Many States Make the U. S. Senate a Tie and Cut Republican Ma- jority in Congress. The election passed off without a | notable disorder in Pennsylvania. : John S. Fisher was elected Governor by a majority approximating 689677 ! over Eugene C. Bonniwell, the Demo- cratic nominee. Mr. Fisher carried with him all of the rest of the Re- publican State ticket. In the race between Wilson and Vare, Mr. Wilson carried every coun- ty in the State but sixteen and went to Philadelphia with a majority of i 48,774 votes. That city gave Vare enough to overcome the Wilson lead by 235,142 votes. Throughout the State there was little change to effect either the Demo- cratic representation in the Legisla- ture or in Congress. The Democrats have gained seven seats in the United States Senate and fourteen in Congress, with some con- tests still in doubt. This will make the Senate tie and give the Republi- cans a majority of only twenty-two in Congress. Six out of eight States that voted on the Prohibition question returned heavy wet majorities. Democrats elected Governors in New York, where Al Smith for the | fourth time carried the entire State ticket with him on a landslide, Color- ado, Georgia, Maryland, Ohio, South Carolina, Oklahoma, South Dakota, | Tennessee, and Texas. We won Senatorial seats in Massa- , chusetts, New York, Maryland, Mis- souri, Oklahoma, Arizona and Ken- tucky. The contests have been so close in many of the western States that some are still in doubt. Returns are coming in slow so that it is impossible, at , this time, to make absolutely accurate - reports of just what did happen in the | country on TuedMay. BNE | Next week we will be able to give ‘the official results all over the coun- dry, 1 aril: : Republicans Win at Quiet Election in | Centre County. Tuesday’s election was a very quiet one in Centre county, and the vote 1 cast was one of the smallest since the | Women have had the right of fran- i chise. The principal local contests , were those between Harry B. Scott and William I. Betts, for State Sena- tor, and J. Laird Holmes and Andrew Curtin Thompson, for the Legislature. Four years ago Mr. Betts carried Centre county over Mr. Scott by 450 majority, but the result of Tuesday’s { electon gives Mr. Scott a majority of 2369 over Mr. Betts in the county. | Mr. Scott also carried Clearfield coun- i ty and will be the next State Senator | from this district. The contest between Mr. Holmes and Mr. Thompson was more closely | contested, but the former was re- | elected by 1218 of a majority. The highest vote polled in the coun- ty was by John S. Fisher, for Gov- ernor. His total was 6648, and his majority over Bonniwell is 4139. But the Republicans did not stick to Vare, the Philadelphia boss, as William B. Wilson carried the county by a ma- jority of 2115. The Scott-Betts vote was the largest for any two candi- dates, totaling 9473, while four years ago the total vote for the two men was 11026. Two years ago the total vote cast for President was 12167, so it is quite evident that there were many stay-at-homes this year. Tabulated returns of the county on page four Kylertown to Snow Shoe Road Will Not be Completed This Year. The eight mile stretch of State highway from Kylerstown to Snow i Shoe will not be completed this year. The contractor in charge of the grad- ing and drainage ran up against a { proposition he had not figured on. Go- . ing up the mountain from Moshannon { Creek towards Kylertown is a deep cut and instead of being clay and loose mountain stone the contractor found a deposit of solid rock that he was compelled to blast a way through. However the work is now so far ad- vanced that the road is completed from Gillintown to the bridge across the Moshannon, and all of the road will be graded this fall so that it can be trown open to travel during the i winter. The uncompleted portion of | the road will be stoned as early next spring as it is possible to do the work. When this stretch of road is complet- ed it will materially shorten the dis- tance between Bellefonte and Clear- , field, DuBois and other points west, i { i —If you read it in the Watchman it is always true. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —The West Hickory tannery, near Tionesta, Forest county, closed for two and a half years, has just resumed opera- tins. Employes are placing the first ear- load of hides in the soaking vats. Some workers, who moved away, are planning to return. —The Pennsylania repair shops at Hunt- ingdon, which have been operated for 70 years, were closed on Monday and the en- tire force, about 70, will be taken to the Altoona shops. This is in line with the policy of the company to concentrate shop activities in Altoona. —A fire at the Lock Haven silk mill, North Fairview street, early Friday morn- ing, entailed a loss on building and silk estimated at $18,000 to $20,000. The fire was confined to the inspection room 40x60 feet in dimensions, at the north-east sec- tin of the mill. The big plant is in opera- tion as usual. The loss is fully covered by insurance. : —Gordon Nelson, of Beech Creek, was severely injured while at work in the coal mines near there, last Thursday afternoon, when a premature explosion of dynamite ready to tamp, when the accident happen- ed. The left side of his body and the left hand were badly lacerated and his arm was injured. He is now a patient at the Lock Haven hospital. Eugene F. McClaren, 50, prominent War- ren newspaper man was found dead in the old Mirror building today, a few hours after testimony was heard in his wife's suit for divorce. McClaren had not heen seen since Friday. Coroner Ed. C. Lowery pronounced death due to heart failure. McClaren had been editor of various War- ren newspapers for the last 30 years. —A $1,000 Pennsylvania Railroad bond, stolen from the First National bank at Claysburg, Blair county, when it was rob- bed December 31, 1924, was recovered on Saturday in Beverly, Mass., where it had been posted as security for a loan. The bandits obtained $17,400, but the bulk of the loot never has been recovered, although four men are serving time for the crime. —An order for 1,500,000 brick, which will keep the plant busy until the middle of January, was announced last Friday by the Mifflinville Brick company. The com- pany then will start work on an order for 250,000 brick for a Scranton firm. The brick now being made are for use in New York apartment houses. Five additional employes have been added recently, bring- ing the number of men on the payroll to thirty-five. —Alfred Miller, Mt. Carmel, world war veteran, was sentenced to pay a fine of $500, costs of prosecution and to serve from five to twelve years in the Eastern penitentiary, by Judge Strouse in Nor- thumberland county court at Sunbury last Friday. He was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in shooting William Kling- erman to death during an argument as to who should pay for $2 worth of gasoline for a fishing trip. —Albert Briggs, aged 20, of Benton township, Columbia county, convicted in September of horse stealing, was sentenced on Monday to from eight and a half to 17 years in the eastern penitentiary. He was given from five. to 10 years for horse steal- ing, and three and a half to seven years for felonious assault, the second sentence to begin at the expiration of the first. The sentence was the first on a horse stealing charge in Columbia county in about 15 years, —Frank Smith, 45 years old, familiarly known as “Yugger”’ was burned to death, and John Taylor, 69 years old, of Rocky Grove, Venango county, is in the hospital with serious burns about face and hands, the result of the burning of a pumphouse near Big Rock bridge, early on Sunday. Taylor, despite severe burns, walked four miles to his home, crept into bed and was found in a serious condition Sunday morn- ing, when search started for Smith. His body, burned to a crisp, was found at noon in the ruins of the shed. —Making good a boast made when he taunted the police that they could not hold him, and that he would escape on Saturday night, Frank X. Hinden, 22 vears old, of Lancaster, broke two strong locks on the police station and escaped. Hinden was arrested after he jumped through a window in a store he was said to have been looting in that city and ran to cover under gun fire from three police- men. He was released from Huntingdon Reformatory last Friday, he told police, after serving two years for robberies in Lancaster. —A jury in the Mifflin county court at Lewistown on Saturday rendered a ver- dict of not guilty on account of tempor- ary insanity in the case of Mrs. Mary Jane Hess, aged 23, charged with involuntary manslaughter of shooting Melvin Miller, aged 19, who proved to be the innocent bystander when Mrs. Hess entered a pool room the night of May 24, “gunning” for her husband. She alleged he was staying out late, gamblin~ and drinking, and one of the five bullee she fired struck Mil- ler in the body. Fe died in a hospital sev- eral days later. —When their home was almost blown to pieces by the ignition of gas, Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Ryan, of Republic, Fayette county, and their maid had a narrow es- cape from death early last Thursday morn- ing. Dr. and Mrs. Ryan were tossed from their bed, which went partly through the ceiling of the room below. The three oc- cupants of the house escaped with minor hurts. The first reports were to the effect that a bomb had been placed under the Ryan home, but this was denied by offi- cers who went there to investigate. It was apparent the escaping gas had been ignit- ed by the furnace fire. The eight-room house was almost destroyed at a loss of about $15,000. —The old-fashioned cop with his red neck, gallusses and chewing tobacco will soon be as out-of-date as the Congress gaiter. Orders issued by Superintendent of Police P. P. Walsh, of Pittsburgh, on Monday banished the cops’ celluloid collars to the limbo of helmets and long tailed police uniform coats. Instead of the inflammable neckbands which have been the last word in police attire for lo these many years, the well dressed cop donning his winter uniform must wear a linen collar attached to his uniform by five mether-of-pearl but- tons and extending one quarter of an inch above the coat collar. If any cop per- sists in maintaining a fire risk under his chin and ears the penalty will be a rep- rimand and suspension for disobedience of orders. They will not be required either to carry their hankys in their sleeves or wear white spats, yet.