Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 29, 1926, Image 1

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—1It looks very much as if the
clergymen of Pennsylvania intend to
vote as they talk this year.
——The climate of California may
be all that is claimed for it but it is a
trifle too much given to shakes.
—Vote for Thompson for the Legis-
lature and help send a man to Harris-
burg who will not be Vare’s plaything.
——=Senator Norris may be “an out-
side wanderer in Pennsylvania” but he
is giving the people a valuable service.
—Of course we'll all survive it, but
the passing of Hallowe’en without the
Eks carnival is something to be re-
—Democrats of Pennsylvania, go to
the polls next Tuesday. Go and vote
your convictions. It’s your duty as
citizens. 3
——Queen Marie promptly served
notice on the New York bankers that
she isn’t after money. That will help
to get her a good time.
——The State Prison Site Commis-
sion has selected a site for the East-
ern penitentiary and all that is needed
now is money to put up the buildings.
—Holmes was elected by the drys in
Centre county and then went to Har-
risburg and voted for Bluett, Vare’s
wet candidate for Speaker. Holmes
fooled the Temperance folks two years
ago. Is he going to do it again, next
—If Queen Marie really wants to
get a glimpse into the kitchen of the
American house-wife there are lots of
them in this broad land in which she
could find the answer to her inquiry
as to why the American people look
so happy.
—Andrew Curtin Thompson is the
candidate of the people. He has no
political bosses to serve nor political
debts to pay. If we elect him our
Representative in Harrisburg next
Tuesday we’ll be sure of having a man
there who will represent us instead of
the machine.
—Poor “Dixie” Freeman is gone
and he’s probably better off. He had
been the town’s “night hawk” for
‘many years. Harmless, inoffensive
and peculiar in that he preferred the
streets and hallways of public build-
ings to’ a home in which he might
have had physical comforts. He was
a town character, a type that is fast
passing in Bellefonte.
—The Clearfield hospital received
the largest appropriation from the
State, the last biennium, that it has
ever gotten. Senator Betts looked
after that. And when Senator Bet
volunteered ET :
‘appropriation to the Bellefonte hospi-
tal that worthy told him to keep his
hands off. The result was that Belle-
fonte got the least it has ever gotten.
—If the rains don’t soon stop we
are going to be the modern Noah and
start building an ark. And lets’ tell
7om Fight here: When the floods come
start marching them in, two
vo, we're going to pull in the
iz plank before any Republicans
ABEL oboard. It’s a heartless, cruel at-
Titude to take, but if we build the ark
and save something for after the
deluge we are not going to have the
G. 0. P. stepping in and taking all
the offices.
—If the Democrats of Penns Val-
ley go to the polls next Tuesday
‘Centre county will give a thousand or
more majority to every candidate on
our ticket. Republicans are with us
in every part of the county. Not be-
cause they are traitors to their party,
but because they have refused to gulp
down the hokum of standing by the
President by putting a lot of men in
office whom they know would be a dis-
‘grace to their party. Let us help
them, while they are so eager to help
—Every twenty-third person in the
United States is on a public payr-~
of some sort. That means that -
group of twenty-two men wor _
children is paying the entire. «ary of
someone holding public office. The
next session of the Pennsylvania Leg-
islature is going to be maced into
passing several bills that will make
a lot more officials in this State. That
is, it will be maced into it if machine
candidates are elected to represent us
in Harrisburg. We have enough nui-
sance laws. We are carrying enough
public officials on our shoulders. Let
us send Betts and Thompson to Har-
risburg. They are not of the machine.
They are for us and its time that we
should be getting something more out
of government than the creation of
new offices which we have to pay to
keep going.
—Senator Betts has a record in
Harrisburg that any one might be
proud of. There was no guessing as
to where he stood on legislation. If
the measure that was up for consider-
ation was a good one, in his judgment,
he was for it. If he saw a snake in
it, something that was against the
best interests of we people of the
VOL. 71.
Fraud Plan Will be Stopped.
As the campaign approaches its end
the chances of a complete Democratic
victory are greatly improved. In every
section of the State there are evi-
dences of opposition to Mr. Vare
among the better element of the
voters of his own party and in many
localities Mr. Fisher, the Grundy can-
didate for Governor, is losing ground.
Alarmed at these signs of disaster it
is said the party managers have put |
upon Vare the obligation of carrying
the election by fraululent votes in
Philadelphia. In response to this
criminal command the Vare lieuten-
ants in the city “are boasting that the
Congressman’s majority in the Forty-
eight wards will be as large as it is
necessary to make it.”
The only interpretation of this
boast that is possible to conceive is
that the ballot fraud mill will be
operated in full force on elec-
tion day, and that however strong
the State goes against the Mel-
len-Grundy machine in the up-
State sections the fraudulent vote in
Philadelphia will overcome it. This
would be a sad situation if it were
possible of fulfillment. Beyond doubt
there will be many fraudulent votes
cast for the Republican ticket both in
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Mellon
and Max Leslie are as dangerous in
Pittsburgh as Vare and Cunningham
are in Philadelphia. But fortunately
wholesale frauds will not be possible
this year in either end of the State.
Cornelius Haggerty, Jr., chairman
of the Democratic State committee,
having obtained information of the
plans has made public a warning to
those who would undertake the das-
tardly work “that a strict wateh will
be maintained in every one of the 1500
election divisions in that city on No-
vember 2. There will be Democratic
watchers in every polling place and
the Independent Republicans will
have representatives in the divisions
to guard against debauchery of the
election,” while Senator Reed, of Mis-
souri, chairman of the slush fund in-
organization is net per-
take advantage of its con-
trol of the election machinery.”
—It is not easy to see how women
voters can be fooled into supporting
the tariff. It makes everything they
their income.
Planning Fraud for Tuesday.
Mr. Frederick William Wile, widely
known Washington correspondent, has
of political conditions with respect to
the Senatorial elections to be held
next Tuesday. Last week he reached
Pittsburgh and after a careful
scrutiny of that fountain of polit-
ical activity and iniquity wrote con-
cerning the Republican party man-
agers there that “they are genuinely
anxious over the dimensions of the
silent pro t vote piling up against
Vare on thé slush fund issue.” The
plan that has been agreed upon to
overcome this unmeasured tide of
popular opposition is the time worn
expedient of employing “watchers.”
It is the Pittsburgh “strip” form of
b*bing voters.
~ It will be recalled that at the pri-
mary last May there were nearly as
many watchers at the polls as there
were voters in that section of Pitts-
burgh controlled by Max Leslie.
for Fisher under orders from Mellon.
Each of the candidates had from
thirty to a hundred watchers and all
that was required of the watchers
was that they vote for the candidate
whose friends employed them. It was
a great old day in the “strip” and the
payment of the forces was a specta-
cle, resembling, as the news dispatches
The recompense was generous too.
In planning to repeat that orgie of
crime next Tuesday the Vare mana-
gers in Pittsburgh are “riding for a
fall.” The Act of Assembly author-
izing the appointment of watchers for
general election limits the number
which each party may have at each
polling place to three and no party
“shall be represented by more than
one watcher in the same voting room
at any one time.” It is the intention
of the Democrats and
committee, will have rep-
in Philadelphia “to Sée
use cost more and adds nothing to |.
| “Civil ‘war, has been completely” &
What Leading Republicans and
Their Newspapers Said of Vare
On April 30th, last, John S. Fisher now the Republican candidate
for Governor, said:
“You must determine as to whether . , . you are going to send into
the Senate representing your State one whose statesman ship is not
above that of the mere mob. Can you imagine anything more ridiculous
or more shameful than a man who makes a complete platform out of a
beer mug?” y
On May 16th, last, The Philadelphia Inquirer said:
“Mr. Vare is without qualifications for this great office. His educa-
tion has been that of the division and ward leader in the departments of
practical politics which eventually landed him the Boss, or Supreme Dic-
tator, of a sinister machine. He has nothing else to commend him.
On April 20th, last, W. L. Mellon, chairmen of the Republican State
Committee for Pennsylvania, said: =
“The issue is extremely important, for the result of the election on
May 18 will determine if Mr. Vare or the people are to run the State
of Pennsylvania.” 3
On May 18th, last, The Philadelphia Public Ledger said:
“If you choose Vare you get an arrogant ward hoss who is now driv-
ing he bogus issue of his beer-cart across Pennsylvania Republican
“Vareism with its election trickery and its ‘zero divisions’ is the
lowest known form of political life
“It twists a ballot ‘sticker’ into a knife and stabs a dying friend.
“Nominate Vare and you smear Vareism all over the State and force
it into national councils of the Republican party.”
Are You for Yourself or the Machine?
On November 2, next Tuesday, the voters of Centre county will have
opportunity to select both a Senator and a Member to represent them in
the General Assembly of Pennsylvania.
Waiving discussion of the fitness or the personality of any of the
aspirants in the field for these offices we want to suggest a thought that
should have thorough consideration in the mind of the voter before cast-
ing his ballot. :
Pennsylvania is a Republican State. Overwhelmingly so. Every
; ] ‘by Regpublicgrs. Up to:
eighteen years ago the Democrats had enough representation in the
body to constitute a check ‘on legislation. ‘In other words there was a
minority representation of sufficient voting strength to constitute a
threat to those who undertook to exploi: the Republican majority for
selfish, personal ends. It was a wholesome condition. §
Of late years minority representation has dwindled until it is ‘almost
negligible and the consequence has been correspondingly disastrous to
the best interests of the tax payers. The Republican party in Pennsyl-
vania has fallen into the hands of a machine that is shameless in what
it does and permits to be done in the name of Republicanism: Laws are
just completed a nation wide survey
est independent
District, he was against it, no matter
v'hose bill it was or how much friends
among his fellow Senators urged him
to support it. Senator Betts went
there to represent the people of the
Thirty-fourth district and he did it
splendidly, without fear or favor. His
ability was recognized on the floor of
the Senate and his watchfulness
scotched many a bill that would have
added to the burdens of the tax payers
by creating more offices for machine
Republicans to carefully scrutinize
the casting and counting of the votes
in the “strip” district and every
violater of the law will be justly
punished for his crime. If Mr. Vare
expects to win by that method he will
be sadly disappointed.
Senator Watson of Indiana
denies that he had “dealings” with the
Ku Klux Klan but the Klan leaders
were all for him and they tisually vote
for “a consideration.”
Leslie was@not for Vare but had a
friendly feeling toward him as he
had also Beidleman while he voted |
stated at the time, “a run on a bank.”
flagrantly flouted, taxes are piled on those least able to pay them, ballot
boxes are stuffed and armies of place holders are built up so that they
can be stood up against the wall and made to deliver votes and mongy A
with which to keep the machine in power. And its all done in the namie
ashamed of it. 98 oARa lL
They have voted the ticket because of regularity, but on all sides
there are indications that they are beginning to see the situation in an-
other light. They are face to face with the alternative of apologizing
for their party or getting rid of the machine that is prostituting it.
It will take years to break up the tentacles that the gang has thrown
about Harrisburg, but the time to start is next Tuesday. And the be-
ginning can be made then by sending a strong minority party represen-
tation there. rh : eri :
Mr. Scott and Mr. Holmes are both of and by the machine. No
matter what manner of gentlemen they may be, personally, they will be
for what the machine wants in Harrisburg first and for whatever you
might need afterward. Read Mr. Scott’s own advertisement in another
column of this issue. iq
He hints at what we mean when he says: “You want your State
Senator to sit up front with the men who plan and direct and execute.”
Whe are these men who plan and execute for Pennsylvania ? They are
Joe Grundy, Bill Vare and their ilk. Men who raise millions to debauch
your elections and then get it back in legislation favoring their interests
at your expense and creating offices for their henchmen the expenses of
which you pay in‘taxes. That's what “sitting up front” means in Penn-
Sylvania today. And both Mr. Scott and Mr. Holmes know, that, no
matter what ability they might have, they couldn’t “sit up front” for a
minute if they showed the least sign of refusing to “go along” on every-
thing the machine wants. : :
The time has come for the voter to look out for himself. You can’t
do it all next Tuesday, but you can do a lot by voting to send William I.
Betts back to the Senate and Andrew Curtin Thompson to the Assembly.
They are both Democrats, but God save the country if it is worse, in the
eyes of an honest Republican, to be a Democrat than it is to be a cog in
the machinery of the gang that is ruling Pennsylvania in the name of
Republicanism. % :
Let us have at least enough Democrats down there to keep them
from stealing the- whole works. Let Centre county do her part toward
beginning the work of wresting Pennsylvania from the ‘machine and re-
storing it to the people. : rel
Vote for Betts and Thompson.
— The fact that Hallow-een this —Five convicted Scranton election
year falls officially on Sunday is not | ¢rooks were set free on payment of
session of its Legislature, with the exception of two, since before the. 7 further with hundreds of th ol
.~ many others. This year, as emphasized, |
of Republicenism, yet the real, honest Republicans of the State are -rLuzerne and Lackakanna, {nthe an-
NO. 43.
| I have a little garden—
(In a corner of my mind)
And often—when—I'm lonely—
Wond’ring through it—I can find—
A-straying bit of gladness
Like an Alpine fiower—rare—
And—often—bits—of wisdom—
That—I didn’t know were there.
Wilson Can Be Elected.
From the Pittsburgh Post.
The opinion expressed by William
Green, head of the American Federa-
tion of Labor, that William B. Wil-
son can be elected to the United States
Senate over William S. Vare, the Re-
publican nominee, has substantial
To begin with, it has been demon-
strated that when the people of the
State are stirred the Republican ma-
chine can be defeated. Robert E.
Pattison, Democrat, was twice elected
to the Governorship. In 1905 William
H. Berry, Democrat, was elected to
the State Treasurership. The Repub-
lican party ran third in the State in
the Presidental contest of 1912.
Today the Republican party in
Pennsylvania again is split, with lead-
ing members of it out working for the
election of the candidate of the Demo-
crats, Independents and Laborites for
the United States Senate. Outside
Philadelphia, Mr. Vare, in the sena-
torial contest, made one of the poor-
est showings in the history of his
party. In a three-cornered fight, he
carried only one of the sixty-six coun-
ties = outside Philadelphia. He was
ulled through in Dauphin county only
y the strength of his running mate
of the primary, Beidleman, who lives
there. But the combined Pinchot-Pep-
per vote in Dauphin was 3,488 greater
than that of Vare.
Thus the record stands that in the
three-cornered fight, the sentiment
was overwhelmingly against Mr. Vare
in every county in the State outside
Philadelphia. The Pinchot-Pepper
vote in Allegheny county was 57,136
‘1 beyond that of Vare. The combined
Pinchot-Pepper vote in the State as
a whole outside Philadelphia was 454-
| 209 greater than that of the Quaker
City contractor boss.
Since the primary came the “slush
fund” scandal that weakened Vare
delphia and #Allegheny counties the
nd party 5 fairly evenly
matched with the Republican, who
could be surprised, under the condi-
tions, if Wilson should carry every
county outside the two mentioned?
Whe will dare to say that Vare is as
E ofa,
Sigong as Pinchot wasin 1922? The
ocrats that year carried thirty-one
of the sixty-five counties outside of |
Philadelphia and Allegheny counties |
.-and ran close with the Republicans in !
the feeling against Vare should give |
i every one of those sixty-five counties
‘to Wilson, The Vare supporters who ,
italk of carrying such great counties as
thracite region, but draw attention to ,
i where Wilson, with his record of lead- |
ership of the miners, should be particu-
larly strong. The officers of the miners |
and some of the operators are now out
working for Wilson. Besides, the
Democrats are strong there ordinarily.
Wilson can be elected. Sure he can. |
-—For the fourth time in as many years
Charles M. Feathers, Blair county farmer,
lost his barn by fire on Sunday night. The
loss was placed at $10,000. 3
—Jacob Snyder, of Aspers, in the morth-
ern part of Adams county, has a squash
vine in his truck patch, which is of fm-
mense length. The vine measures 726 feet.
It has produced sixty large squashes and
many small ones.
—Twenty-five black eyes in 11 years of
married life is the record held by Mrs.
Thomas Craggs, Jr, appearing in the
Blair county court on Monday, charging
assault and battery and infidelity on the
part of her husband. She appeared in
court with a black eye. Judge T. J. Bald-
ridge made a decree for the wife.
—Lloyd W. Snyder, a mechanic in the
Pennsylvania railroad shops at Altoona,
was burned to death last Thursday morn-
ing when a can of oil with which he was
starting the kitchen fire exploded, cover
ing him with flames and setting fire to the
house. A brother was burned to death
four years ago when a can of gasoline ex.
ploded in his garage at Port Matilda.
—Walking back to Clearfield county,
from Reading, Pa. without funds looked
better than jail to Herman Lenhart, aged
18, of Coaiport, who pleaded guilty to a
charge of carrying concealed deadly weap-
ons, at Reading last Friday. He said he
spent his last cent to buy bullets for tar-
get practice. The Court decided to give
the lad a chance and he immediately start-
ed on his hike home.
—Frank Aikens, 26 years old of Van
Ormer, Cambria county, convicted slayer
of his step-sister, Mrs. Verna Beers, of
Fallen Timber, and sentenced to life in the
western penitentiary, was married on
Wednesday of last week to Mrs. Myrtle
Bates, of Fallen Timber, who figured
prominently in Aikens’ murder trial. The
marriage was performed in the jail by
justice of the peace Charles P. Rowland.
—Nurses at the Geisinger hospital, at
Danville, greeted lifting of the ban on
bobbed hair with a rush to the barbers,
with the result that the shops were kept
open later than usual to accommodate the
desire of the student nurses to have their
tresses shorn. There are about sixty
students at the institution, and Danville
barbers declared that apparently mest of
them had been in the first day’s rush to th
—When his wife told him she wouldn't
live with him any longer, Albert Wachos-
kie, 24, of Shamokin, secured an axe, a
miner's pick and a razor and broke prac-
tically everything in the home. The dam-.
age is placed at $1500. Dining room and
parlor suites, dishes, carpets gd rugs
were rendered worthless #4
wielded the axe and pick
rugs with the razor. Hé
Sunbury jail in default of’$ bail
—In a casket he selected fifteen years
ago, while in health and with a funeral ar-
ranged according to plans made at the
same time, Ira Saylor, for thirty years a
teller in the First National Bank of Con-
shohocken, was buried in the lot he had
chosen. Even the flowers that surround-
ed the bier had been ordered fifteen years
ago by Saylor, who gave detailed instruc-
s to Thomas J. Carrell, of Consho-
of Pittsburgh, was sentenced to one
yearand a half in Atlantic prison on Tues-
day by Federal Judge Johnson after enter-
ing a plea of guilty to forging United
States mail orders and attempting to pass
them at Chambersburg, Pa. The money
order blanks had been stolen from a post
office at Crittenden, Ky. Finch had previ-
ously served time in Leavenworth prison
for larceny, Federal officers informed the
—The late Senator T. Larry Eyre, Re-
publican politician and widely known con-
tractor, of West Chester, probably died
intestate, since no will has been found,
and letters of administration have been
applied for at the Chester register of wills
office. No estimate of the amount of his
estate has yet been made. There were
rumors a month or two previous to the
Senator’s death that he had lost heavily on
a contract for building a large dam in Can-
ada, but this has not been confirmed.
—Suffering a broken leg for the seventh
time in his lifetime, William S. Peterson,
Look at the indorsements he is re- ' aged 43 years, of Franklin, one of the four
ceiving daily while Vare gets none. !men injured in an automobile accident
Party lines have been broken down. near Springville Saturday night, has been
Allegheny county Republican leaders : taken to the Allegheny General hospital,
would only injure themselves should ; Pittsburgh, for treatment by a specialist.
they attempt further to stem that tide | Francis Hepner, aged 27, another victim of
of sentiment. The people showed , the accident, also has been taken to the
overwhelmingly in the primary that Allegheny General hospital. In the seven
they do not want Vare. He barely , times Peterson's right leg has been frac-
deterring a number of children from
celebrating.. In fact, some of them
have been at it for a week, and not
only making nuisances of themselves
but actually destroying property.
This is especially true of a gang that
holds forth on Lamb and north Spring
streets, who do not confine themselves
to harmless sport but steal and de-
stroy property. The names ofsome of
them are known, and if the police
would visit that locality most any
evening they could catch the gang in
some of its unlawful acts.
costs the other day which would indi-
cate that debauching the ballot is a
“protected industry” in Lackawanna
——The Vare machine must .be
hard up for money. Joe Grundy has
been forced into the collecting work
and he is always the “last resort.”
ase —— A ————
——The radio appears to lend itself
to every need. A Pottertown family
has appealed to it in search of a miss-
ing child.
pulled through with the opposition to |
him divided.
—— ei
It Makes Quite a Difference.
From the Philadelphia Record.
When Woodrow Wilson appealed to
| the country in 1918 for the election of
a Congress which would be in sympa-
thy with the course pursued by him
during the world war the Republican
press and spellbinders denounced this
as an unfair effort to influence the
‘electorate, and by false and mislead-
ing arguments persuaded the people
to return a Congress hostile to the
President, vastly to the detriment of
the United States in all its subsequent
relations as a world power. Now
President Coolidge appeals to Massa-
chuseétts to elect his friend, Senator
Butler, whom he eulogizes as a great
‘statésman, “admired for his wisdom.
respected for his integrity—a bene-
factor to his State and nation—able
and conscientious—his presence there
is of great importance to me in my
efforts to discharge the duties of my
office.” This is not the usual estimate
held of Senator Butler, especially in
his own State, and it is quite clear
that the President is using the influ-
ence of his great post in behalf of a
candidate threatened with defeat.
This is far more than Mr. Wilson did
in his plea of 1918.
Will the Republicans now criticize
Mr. Coolidge for employing much the
‘same tactics as those of his distin-
guished predecessor? They certainly
will not. That is not the Republican
way of doing things. What is wrong
if done by a Democrat becomes sancti-
fied when done for the noble G. O. P.
—————— ts —
——H. G. Wells, the English novel-
est, has turned King George against
him, and that about makes it unani-
tured the injury has been sustained at the
same place in the bones, but he suffered
seven different varieties of accidents.
—Charles Hendrickson, thirteen-year-
old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hendrick-
son, of Port Allegheny, died after suffer-
ing for a short time with tetanus. A few
weeks ago he fell while playing football
with some other boys. He injured his
side but paid no attention to it, as he
thought it was nothing serious. Later he
complained of his jaws feeling tight, but
not until he was in bed was the trouble
discovered. The doctors then operated
and found a small piece of wood embedded
in his side, but the discovery was made
too late, and the boy passed away soon
after the operation. 2
—The quick action of a trainer prevent-
ed a lion from obtaining more than a
moment's freedom at
Friday. The animal, one of a number with
a carnival company, is wintering on the
fair grounds at Bloomsburg, leaped through
the top of its cage when a team of horses
came near. Another spring took the beast
to the back of one of the horses, which it
clawed severely before the trainer crashed
a chair over the animal's head with such
force that the chair was broken to splint-
ers and the lion knocked unconscious. Be-
fore it recovered the trainer had tied its
feet and put it back in the cage.
—Forty-eight hours, after being impaled
on a tree stump while cutting down trees
in the mountains near his home, Harry
Hess, aged 50 years, a woodsman of Gratz,
Dauphin county, died in the Marrisburg
hospital on Monday from internal injuries.
Fellow workmen told authorities that Hess
lost his balance while swinging an ax and
fell backward on the stump of a sapling
:which he had cut off about a foot and a
half from the ground a short time before.
Part of the sapling stump went through
his body. The workmen said they heard
Hess scream and went to his rescue and
then took him to the hospital in Harris.
Bloomsburg, last’